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MA Contract with GTL Complete Proposal 2005

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The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Corrections
Request for Responses (RFR)
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related
DOC File No. lOOO-Phone2006
Submitted by:
Global Tel*Unk


Mobile, Ala~~tJ1a 36607


September 14,2005
Jim Beamer


. .,

,. Rae Pearson
RFP Director



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GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 14, 2005


Table of Contents
Transmittal Letter
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
page numbers
Section I

Description of Procurement.. ........................................... .


Section 2

RFR General Information ................................ .


Section 3

Background and DOC Information .................................... .


Section 4

General Bidder Requirements ............................................. .


Section 5

General System Requirements ............................................ .


Section 6

Bidder History and References ........................................... .


Required Forms
Attachment A - Required Forms Checklist
Standard Contract Form
Commonwealth Terms & Conditions
Request for Taxpayer Identification and Verification (W9)
Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing
Affirmative Action Plan Form
Affirmative Market Program Plan
Northern Ireland Notice and Certification
Certification of Tax Compliance
Attachment B - Inmate Telephone Requirements
Attachment C - Current Call Volume & Commission History
Attachment E - Sample Inmate Telephone Number Request Form
Attachment F - Business Reference Forms
Responses to Bidder Inquiries and RFR Amendments
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. l{)OO-Phone2006
September 14, 2005


A - Subcontractor Agreement Letter
B - Resumes for Key Personnel
C - Implementation Plan and Installation Checklist
D - Sample Commission Reports
E - Proof of Time in Business
F - Confidential List ofInstailed Sites
G - Sample LazerPhone Workstation Reports
H - Escalation Procedures
I - MA LEC/CLEC listing
J -- List of Countries

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO~Phone2006
September 14,2005


Section 1
Description of Procurement
The Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC) requests qualified Bidders to submit
proposals for furnishing, installing and maintaining a Secure Inmate Calling System (ICS) for use
in its correctional institutions. The DOC has special security requirements and has a prime
objective of controlling inmate telephone usage and limiting the use of the telephone system for
fraudulent activity.
The Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC) is responsible for managing the operation of
18 correctional institutions located within the Commonwealth. These institutions vary in level of
security and house approximately 10,500 inmates.
Inmates are defined as all persons, male and female, adult and minor, residing in facilities or
admitted or committed to the care and custody of the Department of Correction. This term
encompasses all sentenced prisoners including, but not limited to, civil commitments, federal
detainees and any other individual under the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts DOC.
This RFR addresses the needs of the DOC in regards to the Secure Inmate Calling System and
Related Services. It is the intention of the DQC to have the Secure Inmate Calling System and
Related Services provide the following:
0/ U 0.

Inmate Telephone Instruments (Ail Facilities)
Coin Operated Pay Telephones for Public Areas within Facilities
All Station Cabling for Inmate Telephone Instruments & Pay Telephones
SitelLocation Processor (Each Facility)
Centralized Bidder Maintained Data Base
Digital Call Recording Functionality or System
Bidder Provided Site Administratots (Each Facility)
Local Exchange Service (Collect and Debit)
Intra and Inter-LATA Toll Service (Collect and Debit)
System Training (DOC Site Administrators)
System Training (DOC Investigators)
Remote Password Protected Access to System (Milford HQ)

GTL Response:

GTL understands.

GTL's Response to the
CorrunonweaIth ofMassachusefts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005

Global Tel'Link (GTL) has read and understands the

Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC) inmate facility needs and we propose our
secure LazerPhone Inmate Calling System and Related Services, as well as coin operated pay
telephones for public areas within inmate facilities, to meet those needs. As a certified
telephone service provider in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, GTL will provide collect
and debit Local, Intra and InterLATA calling services. At no cost to the DOC GTL provides all
telephone equipment, system software and hardware equipment, cabling, installation, on-going
maintenance and support, Site Administrators at each facility, and system training for site
administrators and DOC investigators.
LazerPhone's centralized database is maintained by GTL system experts. Access to
LazerPhone's call data and controls are password protected. Only authorized local or remote
personnel with proper security clearance from the DOC will be able to access the system. GTL
will provide a trained LazerPhone system administrator at each facility.
The DOC intends to have DOC personnel, located at each DOC facility, monitor and control all
inmate calling. These DOC personnel must have the ability to access the IeS' data base at any
time locally within the facility via a secure, password protected method. The IeS proposed for
each location of the DOC will be used for IeS system administration, inmate call recording and
for reporting capabilities of the inmate call records.
GTL Response: GTL agrees. LazerPhone is a full-scale, state-of-the-art inmate telephone,
control, monitoring, and recording system with virtually unlimited expansion capabilities.
Completely turnkey, LazerPhone's integrated _
components are designed to be operational 24
hours a day, 365 days a year without facility personnel intervention. At the time of installation
the system is configured with facility-wide settings and call restrictions dictated by facility
administrators. After installation, at a LazerPhone workstation, the System Administrator or
other authorized personnel have options to ?dd/change restrictions, monitor, and report inmate
telephone usage. Telephone restrictions may be defined for an entire facility, a particular cell
block, individual inmate PINs (if applicable), and/or individual telephone units.
DOC personnel at each DOC facility will be able to access the LazerPhone ICS, any time day
or night, thr~ the local workstation interface,
Using simple point
and click selections and commands, DOC personnel will- perform system administration,
access and replay call recordings, and generate detailed or summary reports of inmate call

: :


Frequently used workstation functions include:
Live-Monitor Inmate Calls: At the LazerPhone workstation, authorized users can visually
and/or audibly monitor inmate calis-in-progress.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of MassacllUsetts DOC
Request for Responses

Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


Block Destination Numbers: At the system workstation, authorized users can block calls
facility wide, or calls by individual inmate PINs, to specific destination numbers.
Assign User Passwords and Authorize LazerPhone Feature Access: At the workstation, an
authorized system administrator is able to assign, update, and change passwords and feature
accessibility for other system users.
Authorized individuals can
that may include
numbers or inmate PINs (if applicable). If a call is made using
will automatically dial to up to three preprogrammed numbers to


Generate Investigative and Administrative Reports: Authorized individuals can view, print,
and/or save standard or custom reports as necessary. All reports will be in real time and can
be generated at any time.
Schedule Telephone ON/OFF Periods: LazerPhone's Scheduler feature allows authorized
users to program ON/OFF periods for inmate telephones system wide, or assign special
ON/OFF schedules to individual PINs or telephones.
Set Call Durations: At the workstation, authorized users can limit call durations facility wide,
by inmate PIN, by inmate telephone, or by groups of telephones, such as all phones in a
particular cellblock.
Set PIN Call Velocities: When LazerPhone's PIN system is in use, authorized personnel can
limit the number of calls individual inmates can make during a specified time period.

'- -






Shut Down the Inmate Phone System in Emergencies: In addition to manual cut off
switches located throughout the facility, in an emergency Situation, an authorized user may
shut down the entire LazerPhone Inmate Telephone system, preventing all inmate calls,
through software controls at the workstation or through codes entered on the keypad of any
inmate telephone.
Add, Modify, or Deactivate PIN Accounts: Authorized system users are able to create,
modify, or deactivate inmate Personalldentificationl/llumber (PIN) accounts. Whe!\ an il'1mate:
:enters- the cGlrreciion'1:1I facility, a LazerPhohe'PIN account can be created either through a
Simple PIN Auto Enrollment procedure performed by the inmate or by an authorized person
typing and selecting options at the workstation. When an inmate leaves the facility, his/her PIN
account can be deactivated. Later, if the same inmate re-enters the facility, the account can be
Modify or Suspend an Inmate's Calling Privileges: The assignment of PINs allows call
restrictions to be applied to individual inmates without affecting the call restrictions or privileges
of other inmates.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request f{)f Responses
Secure rnmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005




installed in each DOC facility must allow for





Remote access must allow DOC investigative personnel to perform all
functions available to the on-site DOC user

GTL Response: GTL will comply: GTL provides a unique frame relay network that allows the
LazerPho~lsysterns:;at'~OC facilities to pe networked $g.,tkJer vi?~ secure closed
network: Authorized remote access to LazerPhone records and controls, whether from ~Q;
tHe:ad~~rters or from a different DOC facility, is accomplished though a secure network thll.,tis,i'
ir<stallel}, :manc!Qed, monitored, and maintained by GTL The DOC's LazerPhone Inmate
Telephone System can permit authorized users at multiple locations to access the system's
login screen of the LazerPhone Web Management System control program: Authorized users
have access to inmate information such as calling activities, recorded conversations, allowed
numbers, blocked numbers and comprehensive PIN information all bas:ed on the permissions
granted b the
administrator(s): The system allows various
the ability to share information about a case,

System: This information is available
aspropriate permiSSion levels: Through
person at a
&: can perform any LazerPhone administrative or investigative functions permitted by the
were sitting at the LazerPhone
person's security clearance level,
workstation at the facility:
The Bidder is required to provide a centralized data base for the storage of inmate call records
and inmate call recordings from all DOC facilities: This centralized data base must allow
authorized DOC personnel to access call data, pertaining to an inmate, regardless of which DOC
facility is presently housing the inmate:
GTL Response: GTL will comply: All inmate call records and call recordings from all DOC
facilities will be stored in GTL's centralized MA DOC database: Authorized DOC personnel at
any DOC facility or authorized
will have access to the centralized database of
DOC call records and recordings for any and (ali inmates, regardless of which DOC facility
presently houses the inmate(s):
The Bidder must also provide off-site storage of each rcs' s programming to ensure business
continuity and system replacement while retaining the unique programming of each DOC facility
including all inmate PIN and call restriction informatioR
GTL Response: GTL will comply: GTL'sc<lDtrwi?:E?d platform provides off-site storage of each
GTL's Response to the

Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September l5, 2005


LazerPhone ICS's programming, including inmate Pli'is,and assigned restrictions. GTL has.,
.gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure the safe keeping .of the unique programming and ca,l)
records for each ,DOC facility.
LazerPhone's centralized design provides redundancy of critical operational components and
allows automatic backup of ALL call detail records.
Redundant Record Data Storage: Both call detail records and system settings are saved and
automatically backed-up in
At the time of an inmate's call, a call detail record is
saved to the DOC facility's active hard drive array, backed-up to the facility's backup storage
array, and transmitted to GTL's off-site central storage facility. Any changes made to
LazerPhone system settings are also saved in
2 to the facility's active hard drive array,
backed-up to the facility's backup storage array, and transmitted to GTL's remote central
storage facility through the secure network provided by GTL.
At the time of an inmate's call, the call's recorded conversation is saved i n _ t o the
facility's hard drive. Once every 24 hours, LazerPhone automatically c~esrecordings tathe;'
f~cility's b~k\:tP stfirage array and transmits a copy to GTL's off-site central storage facil~y
throughthe"1;ecure network provided by GTL.
...... .

Redundant Control Computers: ~t-J;l{IkQ l.:azerPhone Control Center, LazerPhone system'
cO;l<ltro~ for every site are housed in two identically configured computers. If the first computer
fails the second automatically takes ij;\lct?., In.. the liRlikely event that both computers at one
LazerPhone Center fail, the computers at the alternate Center automatically take over all
LazerPhone operations. Each backup computer is independently capable of performing all
Management Control Center functions. Massive generators back up the electrical systems at
both the primary (Mobile) and secondary (Houston) Control Center locations.
Tested by Force Majeure The effectiveness of GTL Control Center's backup system was
conclusively demonstrated when Mobile, Alabama took a devastating hit from Hurricane
Katrina in August 2005. Flanked on all sides by the crippled city, the LazerPhone Control
Center continued to operate normally. Redundant processing, telecommunications
infrastructure, facilities, and trained staff at the Houston Data Center backed up this effort and
stood ready to take over if Mobile had taken a catastrophic hit.

; '"

DOC personnel at each DOC facility must have the ability to change or modity any privileges or
restrictions pertaining to inmates at their institution. DOC personnel must have the ability to
enter, modity or view the res data base for inmates located at their facility.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. At the LazerPhone workstation of each DOC facility,
authorized DOC personnel have access to and complete control over inmate calls. Frequently
used workstation functions include:
Live-Monitor Inmate Calls: At the LazerPhone· workstation, authorized users can visually
Omunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Uunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006


andlor audibly monitor inmate cal/s-in-progress.

Block Destination Numbers: At the system workstation, authorized users can block calls
facility wide, or calls by individual inmate PINs, to specific destinatiorliHYIiPQE;lcs.
Assign User Passwords and Authorize l.:aieiPl'ione Feature Access: At the workstation, an
authorized system administrator is able to assign,update, and change passwords and feature
accessibility for other system~!'1e~&'i.!.r",
Authorized individuals can enter
[i lumbers that may include
destination telephone
or inmate PINs. If a cal/ is made using a
system will automatical/y dial to up to three preprogrammed numbers
Generate Investigative and Administrative Reports: Authorized individuals can view, print,
and/or save standard or custom reports as necessary. All reports will be in
I and can
be generated at any time.
Schedule Telephone ON/OFF Periods: LazerPhone's Scheduler feature allows authorized
users to program ONIOFF periods for inmate telephones system wide, or assign special
ONIOFF schedules to individual PINs or telephones.
Set Call Durations: At the workstation, authorized users can limit call durations facility wide,
by inmate PIN, by inmate telephone, or by groups of telephones, such as all phones in a
particular cel/block.
Set PIN Call Velocities: When LazerPhone's PIN system is in use, authorized personnel can
limit the number of calls individual inmates can make during a specified time period.
Shut Down the Inmate Phone System in Emergencies: In addition to manual cut off
switches located throughout the facility, in an emergency situation, an authorized user may
shut down the entire LazerPhone Inmate Telephone system, preventing all inmate calls,
through software controls at the workstation or through codes entered on the keypad of any
inmate telephone.
Add, Modify, or Deactivate PIN Accounts: Authorized system users are able to create,
modify, or deactivate inmate Personal Iden\i,fiC<jtion Number (PIN) accounts. When an inmate
enters the correctional facility, a LazerPhone PIN account can be created either through a
Simple PIN Auto Enrollment procedure performed by the inmate or by an authorized person
typing and selecting options at the workstation. When an inmate leaves the facility, his/her PIN
account can be deactivated. Later, if the same inmate re-enters the facility, the account can be
Modify or Suspend an Inmate's Calling Privileges: The assignment of PINs al/ows call
restrictions to be applied to individual inmates without affecting the call restrictions or privileges
'!-',J 1C A , .
of other inmates.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealtlt of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phonc2006
September 15, 2005


Currently the DOC is under contract with Verizon for its present Secure Inmate Calling System.
Verizon, serving as the Prime Contractor, provides all local exchange service, intra and interLATA collect call services, all inmate telephone hardware, site/location processors, a centralized
database of all locations, as well as aU call recording devices.
GTL Response: GTL understands. As Prime Contractor Global Tel'Link will provide all local
exchange service, intra and inter-LATA collect call services, all inmate telephone hardware,
site/loi;:a'tlbrl'processors,' and a centralized database of all DOC locations,,?s well as'integrated
digital recording modules.
All inmate calls are currently placed as collect call only and identified to the recip'ient as a call
from an inmate at a Massachusetts Correctional. Institute (MCI). Inmates a/Jpres~ritly required
to use PINs to place these collect calls. All calls are recorded by the DOC with the exception of
telephone calls to attorneys, designated and pre-approved ordained clergyman, and pre-approved
and licensed psychotherapists, physicians, social workers and/or mental health and human service
GTL Response: GTL understands. GTL's LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System can be
configured to provide collect calls only and, if desired by the DOC. LazerPhone can also
provide pre-paid debit calling for inmates, as well as pre-paid options for the families and
friends of inmates.
LazerPhone's Inmate PIN system allows authorized DOC personnel to fully control the calling
activities of individual inmates. By default, LazerPhone records all inmate phone conversations
except those to pre-approved attorneys and other pre-approved numbers.
It is the DOC's intention via this RFR, to have a Bidder also provide coin-operated, public
telephones in DOC institutions, as required. These telephones will be located in areas such as
public lobbies, visiting areas and pre-release facilities.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL proposes to replace the existing coin telephone sets
with the Elcotel Series 5 "smart" coin public terminal' (or similar eqUipment). The Elcotel Series
5 "smart" coin public terminal is a fully remote programmable and downloadable, coin-pay
station that is completely line powered for maximum protection from electrical outages. Its
state-of-the-art features include:
• Self diagnostics detect and
transmit them to
the host system for analysis and
as required. The include, but are not
limited to, coin jam, coin box full, coin box removed, inactivity, and handset failure.

,L:; .. ,~i:';:;
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services

DOC file No. 1OOO~Phone2906
September 15, 2005



• Call Type Counters are updated with each call and downloaded daily to the host
• A self-resetting volume control button.
• Full, stored-memory rating functionality.
• A 50-number programmable speed dial memory function.
• An ADA compliant handset with full acoustic coupling capability.
Housing dimensions:

21 x 7-518 x 6 inches

Payphone weight:



Hearing aid compatible (HAC)

Coin Acceptance:

Nickel, dime, quarter


Telephone line powered, 48 VDC (on hook), 23
mA loop current (off hook)
Internal rechargeable lead-acid gel cell, 6V, 500

Operating Temperature Range:

-4 to +140 Degrees Fahrenheit

Telco line type:

COCOT (PAL), 6-1, Loop Start

Loop Current Range:

23 mA to 80 or 100 mA

Ringer Equivalency Number (REN):


FCC Registration Number:

E2DUSA-61027 -CX-E

Telco line Interface:

Internal to payphone, terminal strip with standard
US RJ11C connector terminated cable and RJ11C
jack on printed circuit board.

Coin Relay Driver:

internally provided +1- 80 VDC

Voice Prompts:

High quality digitally recorded female voice in

The DOC requires that the Bidder agree to provide the following compensation to DOC:
" .....




~_ .~",,_. "''''''~:')i.v,;~ .. ~

a commission based on a percent factoi"o'fall revenue receiVed from calls placed via
the Secure Inmate Calling System operating in collect only mode;
a commission based on a percent factor of all revenue received from calls placed via

GTVs Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachuseti"l DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO*Phone2006
September 15, 2005


the Secure Inmate Calling System operating in pre-paid debit based mode;
All commission percentages must be stated in the Cost Tables (Attachment D). Payments to the
DOC and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts must be paid monthly.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's proposed commission percentages are stated in the
Cost Tables in attachment D. GTL pays commissions on a monthly basis.
There shall be no cost to the DOC for the installation or maintenance of the ICS at each DOC
facility. The Bidder is responsible for replacement of the rcs in its entirety or its individual
components regardless of cause including, but not limited to, normal wear/use, inmate abuse,
natural disaster, or inmate unrest. This system or component replacement will be performed at no
cost to the DOC and will occur immediately upon notification to the Contractor of the system
problem by tbe DOC facility.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. At no cost to the DOC, GTL proposes to install and
maintain the LazerPhone Inmate Telephone Systems at each DOC facility, replacing the entire
ICS or individual components as needed regardless of the cause that precipitates the need for
replacement. As needed, GTL will begin replacement of damaged or defective components
immediately upon notification of the system problem.
The current contract with Verizon will expire in March, 2006. The selected Contractor will be
responsible for implementing the proposed ICS i~ DOC facilities to coincide with this contract
expiration date. The Bidder must address all aspects of Section 5.7 regarding the transition to and
the installation of the proposed ICS.


GTl Response:
GTL will comply.
Global Tel'Link understand the goals of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Department of Corrections. GTL has created a
response that provides the economical, technical, and operational benefits the State needs to
meet its goals - today and in the future. GTL's offer to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
and the Department of Corrections is a'uniqlie "Clne Solution" proposal.
GTL proposes a no cost turnkey solution to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the
Department of Corrections. GTL will be responsible for all costs, acquisitions, installation,
operation, service, and maintenance of all aspects of the inmate and coin telephone system.

This solicitation (and RFR document) contains
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


which, pursuant to

MGL cA, § 7, cis. 26(n), is generally exempt from public disclosure under the Commonwealth's
public records laws and must, for public safety purposes, be safeguarded from widespread public
This security-sensitive information is in the form of blueprints, plans, policies, procedures,
schematic drawings, which relate to internal layout and structural elements, security measures,
emergency preparedness, threat or vulnerability assessments, and/or any other records relating to
the security or safety of persons or buildings, structures, facilities, utilities, transportation,
information technology or other infrastructure located within the Commonwealth.
Qualified prospective Bidders that are interested in accessing this information for the purposes of
preparing a bid response must, before being allowed to access the information, sign a
confidentiality agreement, thereby agreeing to:
1. a restriction on the use of these sensitive records for any other purpose than as authorized
and for the purpose of putting together a bid proposal; and
2. safeguard the information while it is in their possession.
GTl Response: GTL and will comply.
confidentiality forms as requested.

GTL has provided the Commonwealth with required

The following information is provided for the Bidder's information only. All contact with the
Massachusetts DOC regarding this RFR document must be conducted according to the
requirements outlined in Section 2.0 of this RFR.
Comm-PASS Site Address:
,:·"1 C-. j

'il'l .'

Purchasing Department:

Department of Correction
50 Maple Street, Suite 3
Milford, MA 01757

Contact Person:

Peter Macchi

Telephone #:
GTL's Re.<;ponsetothe
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006

September 15,2005

E-Mail or Internet Address:
Procurement Category:

Equipment, Software and Services Telecommunications Systems Standard, Single-Purpose

RFR File Nameffitle:
RFR File Number:

Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services

GTl Response: GTL understands.


'110- ,.

GTL's ReSpOllsetotbe
Conunonwealth ofMassachusetls DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. toOO~Phone2006

September 15,2005




This page is intentionally left blank

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetl'l DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Irnnate CaUing System & Related Services
DOC file No, lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Section 2
RFR General Information

The terms of 801 .CMR 21.00: Procurement of Commodities and Services are
incorporated by reference into this RFR. Words used in this RFR shall have the meanings
defined in 801 CMR 21.00. Additional definitions may also be identified in this RFR.
Unless otherwise specified in this RFR, all communications, responses, and documentation
must be in English, all measurements must be provided in feet, inches, and pounds and all
cost proposals or figures in US. currency. All responses must be submitted in accordance
with the specific terms of this RFR. No electronic only responses may be submitted in
response to this RFR. (See Section 2.24)

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL has provided all responses in accordance with the
specific terms of this RFR.

Affirmative Market Program AMP. Massachusetts Executive Order 390 established a
policy to promote the award of state contracts in a manner that develops and strengthens
Minority and Women Business Enterprises (MlWBEs) and resulted in the Affirmative
Market Program in Public Contracting.' As a result, MlWBEs are strongly encouraged to
submit responses to this RFR, either' as 'Prime Bidders, subcontractors, joint venture
partners or other type of business partnerships.
Non-certifled Bidders are strongly encouraged to develop creative initiatives to help foster
new business relationships with MlWBEs within the primary industries affected by this
RFR. In order to satisfY the compliance of this section and encourage Bidder's
participation of AMP objectives, the' Affirmative Market Program Plan for large
procurements greater than $50,000mu.~t, be evaluated at 10% or more of the total
evaluation. Once an AMP Plan is submitted, negotiated and approved, the DOC will then
monitor the contractor's performance, and use actual expenditures with SOMWBA
certifled contractors to fulfill their own AMP expenditure benchmarks. MlWBE
participation must be incorporated into and monitored for all types of procurements
regardless of size, however, submission of an AMP Plan is mandated only for large
procurements over $50,000.
The DOC requires some or all of the following components as part of the Affirmative

GTL'g Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lnmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006
September l5, 2005



. . - .',_._.'_.


Market Program Plan submitted by Bidders: Sub-contracting with certified MlWBE firms,
Growth and Development activities to increase MlWBE capacity, Ancillary use of
certified MlWBE firms, Past Performance or information of past expenditures with
certified MlWBEs. The DOC encourages Bidders to commit to at least one certified MBE
and WBE in the submission of AMP plans.
A Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Woman Business Enterprise (WBE), MINonProfit, or WlNon-Profit, is defined as such by SOMWBA. All certified businesses are
required to submit an up to date copy of their State Office of Minority and Women
Business Assistance (SOMWBA) certification letter. The purpose for this certification is
to participate in the Commonwealth's Affirmative Market Program for public contracting.
Minority- and Women-Owned firms that are not currently certified but would like to be
considered as an MlWBE for the purpose of this RFR should submit their application at
least two weeks prior to the RFR closing date. For further information on SOMWBA
certification, contact their office at 1-617-727-8692 or via the Internet at
Affirmative Market Program Subcontracting Policies: Prior approval of the DOC is
required for any subcontracted service of the contract resulting from this procurement.
The DOC defines required deliverables as including, but not limited to, documentation
necessary to verify subcoutractor commitments and expenditures with Minority- or
Women-Owned Business Euterprises, (MlWBEs) forlhe purpose of monitoring and
enforcing compliance of subcontracting commitments made in a Bidder's Affirmative
Market Program (AMP) Plan. Contractors are responsible for the satisfactory
performance and adequate oversight of its subcontractors. Subcontractors are required to
meet the same state and federal financial and program reporting requirements and are held
to the same reimbursable cost standards as contractors.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.


Best Value Selection and Negotiation. The DOC may select tbe response(s) which
demonstrates the best value overall, including proposed alternatives, that will achieve the
procurement goals of the DOC. The PMT and a selected Bidder, or a contractor, may
negotiate a change in any element of contract performance or cost identified in the original
RFR or the selected Bidder's or contractor's response which results in lower costs or a
more cost effective or better value than was presented in the selected Bidder's or
contractor's original response.
.1''' , , • i '

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachuseHs DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


GTl Response: GTl understands.


Bidder Communication. Bidders are prohibited fTOm communicating directly with any
employee of Massachusetts DOC except as specified in this RFR, and no other individual
Commonwealth employee or representative is authorized to provide any information or
respond to any question or inquiry concerning this RFR. Bidders may contact the contact
person for this RFR in the event this RFR is incomplete or the Bidder is having trouble
obtaining any required attachments electronically through the Comm-P ASS website at


GTl Response: GTL will comply.


Comm-PASS. Due to the security sensItive nature of this procurement, this RFR
document is not being distributed electronically using the Comm-P ASS system. However,
the Comm-PASS system is used for the distribution of all RFR required forms that are
referenced in Attachment A of this RFR document, other standard attachments, the
response to Bidder written inquiries as well as to communicate timely information
regarding this procurement including any possible changes in the procurement calendar.
Bidders are solely responsible for obtaining and completing the required forms that are
identified in this RFR and for checking Comm-PASS for any addenda or modifications
that are subsequently made to tbis RFR or ·attachments.
The Commonwealth and its subdivisions accept no liability and will provide no
accommodation to Bidders who fail to check Comm-PASS for RFR amendments and
other pertinent information and submit inadequate or incorrect responses.
Bidders are advised to check the "last change" field on the summary page of RFRs for
which they intend to submit a response to ensure that they have the most recent RFR files.
Bidders may not alter (manually or electronically) the RFR language or any RFR
component files. Modifications to the body of the RFR, specifications,' terms and
conditions, or which change the intent of this RFR are prohibited and may disqualifY a

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
',-~ ,.1



Access to Security Sensitive Information: This solicitation contains security-sensitive

GTL's Response to the
Corrunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


information which, pursuant to MGL cA, § 7, cls. 26(n), is generally exempt from public
disclosure under the Commonwealth's public records laws and must, for public safety
purposes, be safeguarded from widespread public disclosure. This security-sensitive
information is in the form of blueprints, plans, policies, procedures, schematic drawings,
which relate to internal layout and structural elements, security measures, emergency
preparedness, threat or vulnerability assessments, and/or any other records relating to the
security or safety of persons or buildings, structures, facilities, utilities, transportation,
information technology or other infrastructure located within the Commonwealth.
Qualified prospective Bidders that are interested in accessing this information for the
purposes of preparing a bid response must, before being allowed to access the
information, sign a confidentiality agreement, thereby agreeing to:
1. a restriction on the use of these sensitive records for any other purpose than as

authorized and for the purpose of putting together a bid proposal; and
2. safeguard the information while it is in their possession.
GTl Response: GTL will comply.
confidentiality forms as requested.


GTL has provided the Commonwealth with required

Reasonable Accommodation. Bidders with disabilities or hardships that seek reasonable
accommodation, which may include the receipt of RFR information in an alternative
format, must communicate such requests in writing to the contact person. Requests for
accommodation will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. A Bidder requesting
accommodation must submit a written statement which describes the Bidder's disability
and the requested accommodation to the contact person for the RFR. The PMT reserves
the right to reject unreasonable requests.

GTl Response: GTL understands.


Public Records: All Responses and information submitted in response to this RFR are
subject to the Massachusetts Freedom of Information Law, M.G.L., Chapter 66, Section
10, and to Chapter 4, Section 7, Subsection 26, regarding public access to such
documents. Any statements reserving any confidentiality or privacy rights in submitted
Bidder Responses or otherwise inconsistent with these statutes shall be void and

arL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006

September 15,2005


GTL Response: GTL understands.


Guarantee of Purchase: The Commonwealth makes no guarantee that any commodities
or services will be purchased from any Contract resulting from this RFR Any estimates
or past procurement volumes referenced in this RFR are included only for the convenience
of Bidders, and are not to be relied upon as any indication of future purchase levels.

GTL Response: GTL understands.


Costs. Costs which are not specifically identified in the Bidder's response, and accepted
by the DOC as part of a contract, will not be compensated under any contract awarded
pursuant to this RFR.
The DOC will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by Bidders responding
to this RFR.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's proposal is for a no cost turnkey solution.


Information Technology. All IT systems and applications developed by, or for Executive
Department agencies or operating within the Massachusetts Access to Government
Network (MAGNet), must conform with the Enterprise Information Technology Policies,
Standards and Procedures promulgated by the Commonwealth's CIO. Non-conforming
IT systems cannot be deployed unless the purchasing agency and their contractor have
jointly applied for and received in writing from the Commonwealth's CIO or his designee,
notice that a specified deviation will be permitted. The Enterprise Information Technology
Policies", Standards and Procedures, with the exception of the Commonwealth's Public
Access Architecture, is available at The Commonwealth's Public Access
Architecture is available in hard copy from the purchasiog agency ..' Purchasing agencies
may also obtain a current copy of. the.Public .Access Architecture, on behalf of their
contractor, by contacting the Infoimation Technology Division (ITO) Customer
Coordination Group (CCG: 617-626-4600).
Please Note: Given the pace of information technology innovation, purchasing agencies
and their contractors are encouraged to contact the Information Technology Division
(ITO) Customer Coordination Group (CCG: 617-626-4600) to signal a system or
application design and development initiative. Such advance notice helps to ensure
conformance with the relevant Enterprise Technology Policies, Standards and Procedures.

GTL's Response to the

Conunonwealth of Massachusett., DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
Septembcz' 15, 2005



Contractor delivery of IT systems and applications that fail to conform to the
Commonwealth's Enterprise Information Technology Policies, Standards and Procedures,
absent the Commonwealth CIO's grant of written permission for a deviation, shall
constitute breach of any contract entered as a result of this Request for Response and any
subsequent Request for Quotes. The Commonwealth may choose to require the
contractor, at his own cost, to re-engineer the non-conforming system for the purpose of
bringing it into compliance with Commonwealth Enterprise Information Technology
Policies, Standards and Procedures.
GTL Response: GTL agrees.


Pursuant to Section 11. Indemnification of the Commonwealth Terms and Conditions, the
term "other damages" shall include, but shall not be limited to, the reasonable costs the
Commonwealth incurs to repair, return, replace or seek cover (purchase of comparable
substitute commodities and services) under a contract. "Other damages" shall not include
damages to the Commonwealth as a result of third party claims, provided, however, that
the foregoing in no way limits the Connnonwealth's right of recovery for personal injury
or property damages or patent and copyright infringement under Section 11 nor the
Commonwealth's ability to join the contractor as a third party defendant. Further, the
term "other damages" shall not include, and in no event shall the Contractor be liable for,
damages for the Commonwealth's use of contractor provided products or services, loss of
Commonwealth records,. or data (or other iritangible property), loss of use of equipment,
lost revenue, lost savings or lost profits of the Commonwealth. In no event shall "other
damages" exceed the greater of$1 00,000, or two times the value of the product or service
(as defined in the contract scope of work) that is the snbject of the claim. Section 11 sets
forth the contractor's entire liability under a contract. Nothing in this section shall limit
the Commonwealth's ability to negotiate higher limitations of liability in a particular
contract, provided that any such limitation must specifically reference Section 11 of the
Commonwealth Terms and Conditions.

GTL Response: GTL agrees.


Northern Ireland Notice and Certification. All Bidders must complete the Northern
Ireland Notice and Certification fonn to satisi}r M.G.L. c.7 section 22C, which states that
no state agency may procure commodities or services from any Bidder employing ten (10)
or more employees in an office or other facility located in Northern Ireland unless the
Bidder certifies through the notice andyertification form that if it employs ten or more
employees in Northern Ireland, a) the Bidder does not discriminate in employment,

GTL's Resp()J1Sctoilie
Commonwealth ofMassachusefts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOQ·Phone2006
September IS, 2005


compensation or the terms, conditions and privileges of employment on account of
religious or political belief, b) the Bidder promotes religious tolerance within the
workplace and the eradication of any manifestations of religious and other illegal
discrimination and, c) the Bidder is not engaged in the manufacture, distribution or sale of
firearms, munitions, including rubber or plastic bullets, tear gas, armored vehicles or
military aircraft for use or deployment in any activity in Northern Ireland.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL has included a signed copy of the Northern Ireland
Notice and Certification in the Required Forms section of the RFR.

Pricing: Federal Government Services Administration (GSA) or Veteran's Administration
Supply. The Commonwealth reserves the right to request from the successful Bidder(s)
initial pricing schedules and periodic updates available under their GSA or other federal
pricing contracts.
In the absence of proprietary information being part of such contracts, compliance for
submission of requested pricing information is expected within 30 days of any request. If
the contractor receives a GSA or Veteran's Administration Supply contract at any time
during this contract peri.od, it must notify the Commonwealth contract manager.

GTL Response: GTL understands. GTL maintains a GSA schedule which contains pricing for
our LazerVoice Recording system product: As we are proposing the LazerPhone system with
integrated call recording for the State, our GSA product is not part of this proposal.

Brand Name or Equal: Unless otherwise clearly stated in this RFR, any reference to a
particular trademark, trade name, patent, design, type, specification, producer, or supplier
is not intended to restrict this RFR to any manufacturer or proprietor or to constitute an
endorsement of any good or service,and the Procurement Management Team may
consider clearly identified offers of substantially equivalent goods and services submitted
in response to such reference.

GTL Response: GTL understands.

Emergency Standby Commodities and/of Services: Due to a declaration of a state of
emergency where the safety and well-being of the Commonwealth citizens are at risk, the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts may request specific commodities and/or services from
its Contractors. Contractors may, g,~. S~ij.lled upon ,t<;1 ~upply and/or deliver to the
Commonwealth on a priority basis such commodities and/or services currently under

GTL's Respome to the

Commonwealth ofMassachusett." DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


Such accommodations may be requested from a Contractor during an actual emergency.
To accommodate such requests, Contractors may be requested and must make every
effort to service these requests from regular sources of supply at the rates set forth in any
standard contract resulting from this RFR.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.


Subcontracting PolicieslPrime Bidder. The DOC requires a single point of contact for
any contract resulting from this RFR. Subcontractors may be used but the Prime
Contractor must accept full responsibility for any subcontractor's performance.
The Bidder, as Prime Contractor, will serve as the single-point-of-contact for the DOC
during the course of this contract and shall be responsible for meeting all of the terms of
any contract resulting from this RFR.
The Bidder must provide a list of all subcontractors, as description of each subcontractor's
responsibilities and signed letters of agreement between the Bidder, as Prime Contractor,
and its subcontractors identitying their responsibilities and their relationship to the Prime

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Global Tel'Link will serve as the Prime Contractor and will
be TOTALLY responsible and accountable for all aspects of the program, including overseeing
subcontractors. GTL will also be responsible for the provisioning and support of the network
and communications facilities (both local and long distance) to support the inmate phones at all
locations. GTL will use Publicall Telecommunications as its subcontractor and MBE for this
Publicall Telecommunications (Publicall) ci'certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) will be
GTL's Tier One Subcontractor on this project 'and 'will provide installation work, systems
rAe>",j,·" and back office support. Publicall is headquartered a t ' "
Publicall's point of contact for inmate operations is Mr.
Ricardo Cumberbatch who can be reached at telephone

Publicall presently provides all installation and on-site administration and related maintenance
services for over 2,000 of GTL's inmate .Wiltq •.<;I.nd .1,400 pljblic coin telephones located at
various correctional facilities and in the states of: Pennsylvania and, Indiana,. Publicall has
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Resp{lnses

Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lQOO-Phone2006
September IS, 2005


been providing field services to GTL inmate account locations since 2003.
Subcontracting agreement letters can be found Exhibit A.


Single ProcurementlMultiple Department Use of Contract: The DOC reserves the
right to include an option for other correctional departments to purchase services or
commodities under the same terms of the contract. Should correctional departments
exercise this option, Bidders will be required to specifY their ability to extend. services to
other correctional departments and the rates to be used. Other correctional departments
may execute separate contracts with awarded Bidders.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.


Anticipated Expenditnres, Funding or Compensation: This initial contract will result
in a commission fee being paid to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. At no time shall
this contract result in a fee being paid by the DOC or the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts to the awarded Bidder.
No Federal Funds will be used to fund any part of this contract.
This Request for Response (RFR) is being procured in compliance with the World Trade
Organization (WTO) for procurements inwhich the value over the entire duration of the
procurement may exceed $477,000.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.


Expected Duration of Contract
Initial Duration:
Renewal Options:
Anticipated Start Date:

J'ouc(4) Years
Three (3) Options up to One (I) Year Each
March 3, 2006


GTL Response: GTL understands.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1OOO~Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Mon., July 11, 2005
9:30 am EDT

RFR Docmnent Available

Mon., Ang. 8, 2005
9:30 am EDT

Bidder's Conference at DOC HQ, Milford, MA

Fri., Aug. 19, 2005
3:00 pm EDT

Deadliue fDr Bidder Written Inquiries

Fri., Aug. 26, 2005

Answers to WritteIllnquiries Posted to Comm-PASS

Thur., Sept. 14,2005
2:00 pm EDT

Bidder Responses to RFR Due to DOC

Sept. - Oct., 2005

]jOC Evaluation of Responses

October, 2005

Bidder Finalist Presentations

November, 2005

Award Contract Pending Negotiations

November, 2005

Contract Negotiations

GTL Response: GTL understands.


Bidder's Conference: A pre-response Bidder's conference will be conducted by the DOC
and the Procurement Management Teap:! (PMT). During the Bidders' conference, Bidders
may ask questions regarding any part or attachment of this RFR. Questions received will
be responded to orally to the extent possible at the conference by members of the PMT.
The PMT, however, may request that questions or inquiries be made in writing to the
PMT to ensure a proper and thorough reply.
The Bidder should be advised that oral responses provided during the Bidders' conference
are not binding on the Commonwealth or the DOC. As only written responses from the
PMT will be binding on the Commonwealth or the DOC, the PMT encourages the Bidder
to submit written inquiries (by the required due date) in cases where a clear and binding
response may be required.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


( ~.".:~.'.~.~:~ ".~" "'."."'."


.•. ...•.

Bidders are responsible for any and all costs associated with attending the Bidders
The Bidders' Conference will take place on the date and time listed in the Procurement
Calendar and on Comm-P ASS at the following location:
Massachusetts Department of Correction
50 Maple Street
Milford, Massachusetts 01757
Bidders must be aware that the Mass DOC is located within the headquarters of the
Massachusetts National Guard. Bidders will be required to produce a photo identification
to National Guard personnel at the security gate of the facility prior to entering the
parking lot. Bidder personnel will also be required to surrender a photo identification to
the main desk for a visitors pass to the building. Upon leaving the building, Bidder
personnel must surrender the visitors pass and reacquire their photo identification. Failure
to comply with or any attempt to circumvent these security measures will result in nonadmittance to the National Guard property and prosecution according to all applicable




Any change to this Bidders' Conference date andlor time will be published electronically
on the Comm-PASS system. (:\y'\yw.,Y_Qllli!l:PilS.~•.Q.Qm)
Although attendance at the Bidders' Conference is not mandatory, Bidders are strongly
encouraged to attend in order to gain a full understanding of the RFR document and the
ICS requirements of the DOC.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.

GTL's'fepresentative attended the Bidder's Conference.

Written Inquiries

Bidders may submit Written Inquiries concerning any part or attachment of this RFR to
the Procurement Team Leader (PTL). Written Inquiries regarding issues outside of the
scope of this RFR will not be considered by the PMT. The deadline for the Submission of
Written Inqniries is listed in the ProCllrement Calendar as well as on Comm-PASS. Any
change to this deadline will be posted on 'the Comm-PASS site.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO·Phone2006
September i5, 2005


All inquiries must be submitted, by the required date and time, to:
Mr. Peter V. Macchi
Director, Administration Services

All written inquiries must be submitted via electronic mail (e-mail) only. No other manner
of submission will be accepted. Questions must be entered in the body of the e-mail rather
than in an attachment. The subject of the e-mail should include the words "1000Phone2006 Question." The Bidder is responsible for confirming receipt of its written
inquiries with the Procurement Team Leader (PTL).
The PMT will provide written responses to all written inquiries received by the required
due date. Responses will be available via the Comm-PASS system. Responses will not
identify the inquiry by Bidder. Only those responses to the Bidder's inquiries posted on
Comm-P ASS will be binding on the DOC.
It is the responsibility of the Bidder to keep the e-mail address of its RFR contact
person/prospective contract manager current for monitoring its e-mail inbox for
communications from the DOC PMT, including requests for clarification. The DOC PMT
and the Commonwealth assume no responsibility if a Bidder's e-mail address is not current
or if technical problems, including those with the Bidder's computer, network or internet
service provider (ISP), causes e-mail communications sent to/from the Bidder and the
DOC PMT to be lost or spammed.

GTl Response: GTL will comply.


GTl has submitted questions to the DOC PMT.

Instructions For Submission of RFR Responses
Each RFR Response must be sealed, labeled, and submitted to the DOC at the following
Department of Correction
50 Maple Street, Suite 3
Milford, MA 01757
Attention: RFR # 1000-Phone2006

GTl Response: GTL will comply.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth -of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate" Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


2.24.1 Paper Submission: The Bidder must submit one (1) original Response to the RFR
marked "ORIGINAL" and nine (9) copies marked "COPY" on 8 ';2" x 11" paper.
The PMT requests that the original RFR and copies be printed double-sided.


GTL Response: GTL will comply.


GTL has submitted the required number of copies.

2.24.2 Electronic Submission: The Bidder must submit one (1) copy of the RFR
Response on CD ROM. The Bidder must submit the RFR Response in Microsoft
Word® or Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format. All copies' of the electronic submission
must be identical to information provided by the Bidder on the corresponding
paper submission. In the event of a discrepancy between the original paper
submission copy and the electronic submission, the original paper submission will
prevail. The Bidder is requested to label the CD with the following information:
Bidder Name; RFR# IOOO-Phone2006; Date
The Bidder's response to the RFR document must not include extraneous information not
directly peltaining to the requirements outlined in the RFR. The Bidder must not simply
include various company brochures, whitepapers, customer testimonials, case studies that
are not required under the RFR specifIcations nor having any effect on the evaluation of
the Bidder's response by the DOC.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.


GTL has provided one copy of the RFR on CD ROM.

Deadline for Submission of Responses
Bidders must follow the requirements of Section 2.23 above in regards to submission of a
response to this RFR. All Responses to this RFR are due at the address listed in Section
2.23 above no later than the date and time listed in the Procurement Calendar and on
No responses to this RFR will be accepted after this published due date and time
regardless of the reason for the deliver delay.
Any changes to this due date will be published electronically on the Comm-P ASS system.
Bidders must be aware that the Mass DOC is

Conuuonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. toOO Phone2006
September 15,2005


within the headquarters of the

Massachusetts National Guard. Bidders will be required to produce a photo identification
to National Guard personnel at the security gate of the facility prior to entering the
parking lot. Bidder personnel will also be required to surrender a photo identification to
the main desk for a visitors pass to the building. Upon leaving the building, Bidder
personnel must surrender the visitors pass and reacquire their photo identification. Failure
to comply with or any attempt to circumvent these security measures will result in nonadmittance to the National Guard property and prosecution according to all applicable
Please keep these security requirements in mind when considering the "hand delivery" of
your response to DOC HQ.
GTl Response: GTL will comply.
submission deadline.


GTL has submitted its response to the RFR prior to the

Response to RFR Specifications

The Bidder is required to follow the same sectional format of this RFR and
provide an individual response to each RFR specification in its Response. All
Responses must be presented using the same numbering sequence and order used
in this RFR document or as otherwise specified by the PMT. A response to each
specification is required regardless if the specification is providing information
only or requiring information from the Bidder. The Bidder must not provide a
"blanket statement" stating compliance to an entire RFR section.

GTl Response: GTL will comply.


GTL has followed the guideline for submission.

To each mandatory RFR specification, the Bidder must clearly state in the
affirmative that the Bidder will "comply" with, "agree" to or "understand" the
RFR mandatory requirement. The Commonwealth has defined a response of
"comply" or "agrees" or "understands" as one in which the Bidder accepts the
terms and conditions of the mandatory RFR specification.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.


To each desirable (optional) specification, the Bidder must clearly state in the
affirmative that the Bidder will "comply" With, "agree" to or "understand" the
RFR desirable requirement. The Commonwealth has defined a response of

GTL'g Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request tor Responses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file N<l. 1OOO~Phone2006
September 15, 2005





"comply" or "agrees" or "understands" as one in which the Bidder accepts the
terms and conditions of the desirable RFR specification. The Bidder is also
required to provide all necessary information requested in the particular desirable
specification demonstrating how it will meet this optional specification. Failure
to provide this necessary information may result in the award of no evaluation
points or a lesser amount of evaluation points to the Bidder's response.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.
After a thorough review of the specifications of this RFR,
GTL has provided the required information as requested.

To each mandatory or desirable RFR specification that requires that the Bidder
"list", "describe", "state". "provide" a subject matter, the Bidder must provide
the list, description, statement, etc. dearly in that section of its RFR response.
The Bidder must not simply reply with "Comply" or other similar response.
References, by the Bidder, to review attachments containing brochures, white
papers or other standard "boilerplate" material as a response to a particular RFR
specification will not be accepted. The Bidder is, however, allowed to provide
such attachments in support of its response to the particular specification.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

If a Bidder is unable to meet any of the specifications required in this RFR, the
Bidder's Response must include an alternative method for meeting such
specification by identifYing the specification, the proposed alternative, and
thoroughly describing how the alternative achieves substantially equivalent or
better performance than the performance required in the RFR specification.
The PMT will determine if a proposed alternative method of performance
achieves substantially equivalent or better performance. The determination of
the PMT on the Bidder's proposed alternative method will be final.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The goal ofthia RFR is toprovid., the best value of commodities and services for
the Commonwealth. Bidder's· proposing alternatives which provide substantially
better or more cost· effective performance than achievable under a stated RFR
specification or Bidders that propose discounts, uncharged commodities and
services or other benefits in addition to the RFR specifications may receive a

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Itunafe Calling System & Related Services
DOC file NQ. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15.2005




preference under this RFR as specified.
GTL Response: GTL understands.


Required Forms

Bidders must complete, execute and return the following forms, which are found under the
"Forms & Terms" tab of this solicitation on the Comm-PASS system:
GTL Response: GTL will comply.


GTL has submitted all of the required forms.

Standard Coutract Form

Failure to return a completed and executed Standard Contract Form may
disqualify the Bidder's Response. The appropriate version of this form is found
under the "Forms & Terms" tab of this solicitation.
By executing this document, the. Bidder certifies, under the pains and penalties of
perjury, that it has submitted a Response to this RFR that is the Bidder's Offer as
evidenced by the execution of its authorized signatory, and that the Bidder's
Response may be subject to negotiation by the DOC. Also, the terms of the
RFR, the Bidder's Response and any negotiated terms shall be deemed accepted
by the DOC and included as part of the Contract upon execution of this
document by the DOC Purchasing Agent or his designee.
Signature and date MUST be handwritten in blue ink, and the signature must be
that of one of the people authorized to execute contracts on behalf of the
Contractor on the Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.


GTL has provided a completed Standard Contract Form.

Commonwealth Terms and, Conditions

" '

Bidders must complete, execute and return a copy of the Commonwealth Terms
and Conditions form. If the Bidder has already executed and filed the
Commonwealth Terms and Conditions form pursuant to another RFR or

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone20Q6
September 15,2005

•. r


Contract, please include a copy of the completed Commonwealth Terms and
Conditions Form in the Response. If the Bidder's name, address or Tax ID
Number have changed since the Commonwealth Terms and Conditions form was
executed, a new Commonwealth Terms and Conditkms form is required. The
Commonwealth Terms and Conditions are hereby incorporated into any Contract
executed pursuant to this RFR.
This form must be unconditionally signed by one of the authorized signatories
(see Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing, below), and submitted without
alteration. If the provisions in this document are not accepted in their entirety
without modification, the entire Proposal offered in response to this solicitation
may be deemed non-responsive.
The company's correct legal name and legal address must appear on this form,
and must be identical to the legal name and legal address on the Verification of
Taxation Reporting Information (W9).
Note that the Commonwealth Terms and Conditions have been "clarified"
relative to liability; clarification language is included within this RFR, see
"Required Specifications for Statewide Information Technology Contracts,"
under the "Forms & Terms" tab of this solicitation.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.
Conditions form with its response.




GTL has included the Commonwealth

Terms and

Taxpayer Identification and Verification (Mass. Snbstitute W9

If a Bidder has already submitted a Request for Taxpayer Identification and
Verification (Mass. Substitute W9 Form) and has received a valid Massachusetts
Bidder Code, an original W-9 form is not required. A copy of the form as filed
may be included in place of an original. The information on this form will be
used to record the Bidder's legal address and where payments under a State
contract will be sent.
. "" k,~?j".
The company's correct legal name and legal address must appear on this form,
and must be identical to the legal name and legal address on the Commonwealth
Terms and Conditions.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachuset1s DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOQ·Phone2006
September 15,2005


Do not use the U.S Treasury's version of the W9 Form. Use the W9 form found
under the "Forms & Terms" tab of this RFR.
GTL Response:


GTL will comply.

GTL has included a completed W-9 form with its

Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing
Bidders are advised to pay particular attention to the instructions below.
on this form could result in significant delays in proposal review.


Download the form and in the table entitled "Authorized Signatory Name" and
"Title," type the names and titles of those individuals authorized to execute
contracts and other legally binding documents on behalf of the Bidder. Bidders
are advised to keep this list as small as possible, as Contractors will be required
to notity the DOC of any changes. If the person signing in the signature block
below will also serve as an._~Authorized Signatory," that person's name should
be included in the typed table. .~
With regard to the next paragraph, which begins "I certity that I am the
President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Fiscal Officer, Corporate Clerk or
Legal Counsel for the Contractor. .. ," if your organization does not have these
titles, cross them out and handwrite the appropriate title above the paragraph.
The signature and date should be handwritten in blue ink. Title, telephone, fax
and eMail should be typed or handwritten legibly.
The second page of the form states that the page is optional. However, for the
purpose of this procurement this page is REQUIRED, not optional. The person
signing this page must be the same person signing the Standard Contract Form,
the Commonwealth Terms and Conditions, and the RFR Checklist.
Please note that in two places ·where the form says' "in the presence of a notary,"
this should be interpreted to mean "in the presence of a notary or corporate
clerk/secretaly." Either a notary or corporate clerk/secretary can authenticate
the form; only one is required.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMa~sachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Irunate Calling System & Related Servi-ces
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Organizations whose corporate clerks/secretaries authenticate this form are not
required to obtain a Corporate Seal to complete this document.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.
authorized Signatory Listing.

GTL has provided a signed copy of the Contractor

Affirmative Action Plan
The Commonwealth requires that Bidders responding to this RFR include
EITHER an Affirmative Action Plan for non-discrimination in hiring and
employment with their Response OR a completed Affirmative Action Plan Form.
In completing this form, note that the "Bidder" is the name of the company
submitting a Response to this RFR, the "RFR Name/Title" is "Secure Inmate
Calling System RFR" and the "RFR Number" is I 000-Phone2006

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

GTL has provided a completed Affirmative Action Plan

Affirmative Market Program Plan
This is NOT the same as the Affirmative Action Plan Form, or SOMBWA
certification of the Bidder's company. Please see the RFR Required
Specifications for a description of the Affirmative Market Program. Bidders do
not need to be SOMBWA-certified to participate. Note that copies of the
SOMBWA certifications for any company listed on the Affirmative Market
Program Plan must be included with your Proposal.
It is highly desirable that Bidders commit to subcontracting a specific dollar
amount, or a minimum percentage of dollars earned through lOOO-Phone2006,
with a SOMBWA-certified company or company that has applied for SOMBWA
certification. Although this is .. only one of several options to meet the
requirements for participation in the Affirmative Market Program, it is the option
which is weightedmostheavily'in the evaluation criteria. Affirmative Market
Program participation accounts for 10% of the total points in the evaluation.
Please note that SOMBWA-certified Bidders wi!! be evaluated on their
Aftirmative Market Programs just as nOll-SOMBWA-certified Bidders are

GTL's Response to the
Commonwea/:fu of Ma.-machusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1000~Phone2006
September 15, 2005



evaluated. A SOMBWA-certified Bidder may not list itself as being an
Affirmative Market Program Partner to its own company.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.
GTL has provided the required Affirmative Market
Program Plan for the MBE proposed for this contract GTL has included its SOMBWA certified
companies on-line application acceptance for certification dated 9/1/05. The certification was
applied for within two weeks of the RFR due date, as recommended in section 2.2 of this RFR,
however the certification letter has not been received.


Northern Ireland Notice and Certification

All Bidders must complete the Northern Ireland Notice And Certification Form
to satisfy M. G.L. c. 7 section 22C, which states that no State agency may
procure commodities or services from any Bidder employing ten (10) or more
employees in an office or other facility located in Northern Ireland unless the
Bidder certifies through the notice and certification form that if it employs ten or
more employees in Northern Ireland, a) the Bidder does not discriminate in
employment, compensation.... or -'" the. tenns,- - conditions and privileges of
.". .
employment on account of religious or political belief, b) the Bidder promotes
religious tolerance within the workplace and the eradication of any
manifestations of religious and other illegal discrimination and, c) the Bidder is
not engaged in the manufacture, distribution or sale of firearms, munitions,
including rubber or plastic bullets, tear gas, armored vehicles or military aircraft
for use or deployment in any activity in Northern Ireland.
~- "-~~


Note that Bidders must check one of the two spaces at the beginning of the form
to indicate whether they do, or do not, employ ten or more employees in
Northern Ireland.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.
and Certification form.


GTL has submitted the required Northern Ireland Notice

Certification of Tax Compliance .
. ;j \ ,,- ,-

All Bidders must certify compliance with all Federal and Commonwealth tax
laws, including M.G.L. Chapter 62C Paragraphs 49A. A Bidder may "self
certify" on the appropriate Response Form. Bidders based in Massachusetts or
deriving all income in Massachusetts are encouraged to apply for a Certificate of
GTL's Respol1se to the
Commonwealth of :Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No: lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Good Standing from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue.
DOR's Certificate Unit of the Taxpayer Service Division, which issues these
certificates, is located at:
Massachusetts Department of Revenue, Certificate Unit
P.O. Box 7066, Boston, MA 02204
Bidders can apply for a Certificate of Good Standing from DOR in one of 2
ways: I) apply online - visit DOR's "Certificate of Good Standing Website" or
see for instructions if the previous link is no longer valid 2)
complete a paper application (fax to DOR'
DOR will notity
the requestor if there are any remaining liabilities or tax requirements.
Certificates will be issued only if the organization is in full compliance. Since all
applications require extensive research, the Bidder should allow sufficient time to
process. For more information on the certificate contact the Certificate Unit at

GTl Response: GTl will comply.
Compliance form.


GTl has submitted the required Certification of Tax

Cooperation in Litigation: The Commonwealth, including the DOC or any other
division, agency or office, shall not be responsible for representing or defending, or for any
costs incurred by the Contractor or Contractor's personnel, agents or subcontractors, in
connection with any lawsuit or claim, including, but .not limited to any claim brought
pursuant to the Massachusetts Tort Claims Act, G.L. c. 258.
The Contractor agrees to make all reasonable efforts to cooperate with the DOC in the
defense of any litigation brought by any person not party to this Agreement, including
suits that concern Services, the Program or this Contract.

GTl Response: GTl agrees.
,: U:ll,' II



Penalty Waivers: Upon timely written request by the Contractor, and upon good cause
shown by supporting documentation, the DOC, in its discretion, may waive the imposition
of a penalty outlined in this RFR document for substandard or non-performance. The
determination of the DOC with respect to any waiver request shall be final and not subject
to appeal.

GTL's Response to the
COnUllQnwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September l5, 2005


GTL Response: GTL agrees.


Performance Bond Requirement: Simultaneously with the execution of the contract, the
Contractor shall provide to the DOC a performance bond with a surety company qualified
to do business in Massachusetts and in a form satisfactory to the DOC to guarantee the
faithful performance of the contract. The penal sum of such bond shall be in the amount of
$500,000.00. The bond shall remain in effect for the duration of this contract plus two
years from the date of contract completion.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
execution of the contract.

GTL will provide the required performance bond upon


Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE): The Contractor must pay the
annual cost (approximately $50,000) each year of the contract resulting from this
procurement. The first payment must be made in March, 2006. Actual payment terms will
be negotiated with the awarded Contractor at the time of contract negotiations.
Information with regard to VINE may be found at I• • • •

GTL Response: GTL agrees. GTL will pay the annual cost of the Victim Information and
Notification Everyday (VINE) system.


Response Preparation Cost: Neither the Commonwealth nor the DOC will be
responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by Bidders responding to tins RFR.




GTL Response: GTL agrees. GTL will be responsible for all costs associated with the
preparation of this response.


Cancellation of this Procurement: The DOC may cancel this RFR procurement project
at any time.

GTL Response: GTL agrees.









Oral Prescntationffiemonstrations: If requested, Bidders will be required to provide the
DOC with a functional demonstration of the proposed ICS exhibiting the required and
desired features. Such requests will. be made prior to the award of the contract. All
expenses related to this demonstration including any required travel expenses for the DOC
PMT members will be borne by the Bidder according to Commonwealth policies and

GTL's Response to the

Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request foe Responses
Secure lrunate Caning Sy.,1em & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO·Phone2006
September 15,2005


GTL Response: GTL agrees. GTL will provide the required demonstration at the request of
the DOC PMT.


of Responses: Bidders must submit responses that meet all the submission requirements
of the RFR as defined in the section herein. Only responsive proposals that meet the
submission requirements will be evaluated, scored and ranked by the PMT according to
the evaluation criteria. Additional information may be requested from the Bidder by the
PMT for evaluation purposes.
Any submission which fails to meet the submission requirements of the RFR will be found
non-responsive without further evaluation unless the DOC PMT, at its discretion,
determines that the non-compliance is insubstantial and can be corrected. In these cases,
the evaluation team may allow the Bidder to make minor corrections to the submission.
Below are the criteria and maximum points available:

Mandatory Requirements Met
All Required Forms Provided
Desirable Requirements Met
Bidders' References Satisfactory
Bidders' DemonstrationlPresentation
Bidders' Proposed Commission Schedule
Affirmative Market Program (AMP)


No Points Awarded
No Points Awarded
Up to 300 Points Awarded
Up to 100 Points Awarded
Up to 350 Points Awarded
Up to 150 Points Awarded
Up to 100 Points Awarded


GTL Response: GTL will comply.
After a thorough review of the specifications of this RFR,
GTL has provided the required information as requested.

2.36 Best and Final Offer: After the deadline for response submission, the DOC reserves the
right to extend a Best and Final Offer opportunity to all oLa select number of Bidders. Bidders
may be asked to submit additional information specific to program specifications and cost.

GTL Response: GTl will comply.
the DOC.



GTl wili"provide additional information as requested by

2.37 Best Valne Selection and Negotiation: The PMT may select the Response which
demonstrates the "Best Value" overall, including proposed alternatives, that will achieve the
GTL's Response to the

Commonwealth ofMassachuse11s DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006

September 15,2005


procurement goals of the DOC. The PMT and a Selected Bidder, or a Contractor, may negotiate
a change in any element of Contract performance or cost identified in the original RFR or the
Selected Bidder's or Contractor's response which results in lower costs or in a more cost
effective or better value than was presented in the Selected Bidder's or Contractor's original
GTL Response: GTL understands.


Definitions: For the purposes of this RFR, the following definitions shall be used. These
definitions are based on industry standard terminology as well as internal DOC terms.
These definitions are not meant to indicate a preference to any manufacturer or provider
but to provide clarification and continuity with regard to terms used in this RFR.
Biddel': An individual, corporation or other entity engaged in the business of
supplying Secure Inmate Calling Systems and Related Services who is submitting a
Response to this RFR solicitation.
Contractor: An individual, corporation or other entity that is awarded a contract as a
result of this procurement.
Contract: The word "contract" refers to any contract resulting from this RFR.
CMR: Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Department: The Massachusetts Department of Correction.
DOC: The Massachusetts Department of Correction
DOC FacilitylFacilities: The institutions of the Department of Correction including
all prisons, correctional centers, pre-release centers, the Bridgewater State Hospital,
MASAC and the Treatment Center for Sexually Dangerous Persons.
DOC Personnel/Staff: Employees' of the Massachusetts Department of Correction.
Fiscal Year: The year beginning with July 1st and ending with the following June 30th
as defined in M.G.L. Chapter 4, Section 7. This may also be referred to as the "State
Fiscal Year."

GTL's Resp<:lnse to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006

September 15,2005


Inmates: All persons, male and female, adult and minor, residing in facilities or
admitted or committed to the care and custody of the Massachusetts Department of
M.G.L.: Massachusetts General Laws
MMARS: The Massachusetts Management Accounting and Reporting System
established by the Office of the Comptroller pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 7 A, Section
7. All payments to Contractors are processed and recorded in MMARS. Contractors
are listed in a Bidder file in MMARS by their tax identification number.
PMT: Procurement Management Team. Personnel assigned to this specific
procurement including development of the RFR document and evaluation of Bidder
responses to the RFR
Program: The goods and services provided by the Contractor under this contract
GTL Response: GTL understands. GTL understands the definitions found above.

GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for RespolL'jes
Secure Inm* Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phonc2006
September 15, 2005






This page is intentionally left blank

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of MassachuseUs DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmat~ Calling System & Related Services

DOC file No. 1000HPhone200G
September 15, 2005


Section 3
Background and DOC Information
The Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC) is responsible for managing the operation of
18 correctional institutions located within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. These
institutions vary in level of security and house approximately 10,500 inmates.
Inmates are defined as all persons, male and female, adult and minor, residing in Facilities or
admitted or committed to the care and custody of the Department of Correction. This term
encompasses all sentenced prisoners including, but not limited to, civil commitments, federal
detainees and any other individual under the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts DOC.
GTL Response: GTL understands the scope of this project.


Current Secure Inmate Calling System
Currently the DOC is under contract with Verizon for its Secure Inmate Calling System.
Verizon, serving as the Prime Contractor, provides all local exchange service, intra and
inter-LATA collect call services, all inmate telephone hardware, site/location processors, a
centralized database of all locations, as well as all call recording devices.
All inmate calls are currently placed M collect call only (with the exception of international
calls) and identified to the recipient as a call from an inmate at a Massachusetts
Correctional Institute (MCr). Inmates are presently required to use PINs to place these
collect calls.
All calls are recorded by the DOC with. the exception of telephone calls to attorneys,
designated and pre-approved ordained clergyman, and pre-approved and licensed
psychotherapists, physicians, social workers and/or mental health and human service
It is the DOC's intention via this RFR, to have a Bidder also provide coin-operated, public
telephones in DOC institutions, as required. These telephones will be located in areas such
as public lobbies, visiting areas and pre-release facilities.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMa<;sachusetts DOC
Request foe Responses
Secure Iruuate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO·Phone2006

September 15,2005


GTL Response: GTL understands.

List of Current Institutions
The following is a listing of all DOC Massachusetts Correction Institutions (MCI)
including current inmate population (as of June 14, 2005). Please refer to Attachment B
for a breakdown of collect and coin-operated telephones. Presently, the DOC has 18
Secure Inmate Calling Systems in operation.


Bay State Correctional Center
Boston Pre-Release Center
Bridgewater State Hospital
Lemuel Shattuck Hospital Correctional Center [
Mass Alcohol & Substance Abuse Center (MASAC) .
Massachusetts Treatment Center
MCI - Cedar Junction
MCl - Concord
MCI - Framingham
MCl - Norfolk
MCr - Plymouth
.. ,
MCI - Shirley
North Central Correctional Institution at Gardner
Northeastern Correctional Center
Old Colony Correctional Center
Pondville Correctional Center
South Middlesex Correctional Center
Sauza Baranowski Correctional Center ( Shirley)

Jamaica Plain






Presently not on Secure Inmate Calling System

GTL's'Response to the
ConunonweaIth ofMassachusetis DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inma4l Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September i5, 2005


Further information regarding the Massachusetts Department of Correction can be found on the
Department's website at
GTL Response: GTL understands.

Description of the DOC Inmate Management "System
The Department's current Inmate Management
inmate data.





The system is used to track all inmate movement during their incarceration within the state
system. In instances where a state inmate is transferred to a non-Massachusetts' state
facility (county, federal, out of state) that inmate's movement is tracked based on
institutional movement (one facility to another). The computer system keeps a history of
an inmate's housing
within each institution.








Facilities are only permitted to move inmates
cannot transfer a MCl Concord inmate to court.



. 3d 5 t2C]
( lAg 9C2%

GTL's Response to the
Connnonwealth ofMassa.chusefu DOC
Request for Responses
Secure itunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15;-"2005



their custody. MCr Cedar Junction

lid g
I' 1").



The Contractor is required to meet with the DOe to establish an interface/mechanism
between the DOC IMS and the proposed res for daily inmate admissions, inmate
transfers, inmate releases for PIN administration.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will meet with the DOC to decide and establish
efficient interfaces and mechanisms between the DOC's IMS and our LazerPhone's PIN
system to track and update daily inmate admissions, transfers, and releases. GTL can make
use of established mechanisms such as our LazerPhone system's Portable PIN feature with
Transfer Reports, GTL's platform-independent PIN Port (lMS) interface program, and on-site
system administrators, as well as any additional interfaces or mechanisms that may need to be
developed to meet the DOC's needs.
LazerPhone's Current Interface and PIN Update Capabilities
Inmate Management System Interface: GTL's current IMS interface program allows
LazerPhone to receive in near _
any changes made to existing individual inmate IMS
accounts that are also appropriate to existing LazerPhone PIN accounts. Additionally, our IMS
interface program is capable of fully updating each DOC facility's PIN database once every
twenty-four hours, to add new PIN accounts.


GTL's Validation system recognizes it and transfers the inmate PIN
information from one facility to the either. This transfer is accomplished within the GTL's Data.
Center. The Portable PIN function allows
• • • • • • • • When a transfer is
LazerPhone system
an Inmate
Transfer record that shows Inmate PIN, Old Facility, New Facility, who logged the change (by
an authorized person at the workstation or by automatic detection of the LazerPhone system),
and the date and time the transfer was logged.

GTL's RespofL"c to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No~ lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Section 4
General Bidder Requirements
This Section lists all mandatory and desirable specifications of this solicitation for a Secure Inmate
Calling System & Related Services. Please refer to Section 2 for instructions and definitions of
mandatory and desirable specifications.


The Bidder must establish an internal "Account Team" to interface with the DOC for the
Secure Inmate Calling System (ICS) and Related Services. This Account Team will serve
as the single-point-of-contact (SPOC) for the DOC and must provide system and network
design services, system programming services, system transition and implementation
services, post installation pr.ogr{lll,Jming, npdates and maintenance services and commission
and rate schedule services.
The Bidder must list, in its respouse, the names of the Account Team members, their titles
and their role/function during this contract.






GTl Response: GTL understands. Please see GTL's Account Team information below.

.'fill' .' .


The~dder must provide acces;t~ the Account Team in the following manners:

Voice Telephone (Toll Free Number)
Facsimile (Toll Free Number)
Electronic Mail (E-Mail)
Key Project Personnel List
For MA DOC.Project


GTl Response: GTL will comply. James Beamer, Sales Account Manager, will interface with
the DOC for all matters covered by the contract that results from this proposal. GTL's intemal
account team for the DOC's Project will consist of the following people.

GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate CalIing System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005




Executive Vice
& Marketing

Tim Miller

Area Sales Director------tp;:;;;;;;;:;:.iiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Jim Beamer

Bill Reynolds

Project Manager

Danny Cravey


President of Customer

Laura Florey

Technical Support Manager/Quality
Control Manager

Adrian Holifield

John Canny

MBE - Publicall
Telecommunications Inc.

DOC Specific Local

Phone: -

Will be selected upqn contract

____ ..... •




To ensure access to key Bidder personnel during emergency situations, the Bidder
must provide access to the Account Team or specific members of the Account

GTL's Resporue to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lnmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No, lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Team 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week by providing home, cellular and other
appropriate contact numbers for the specific Account Team members .




GTL Response: GTLwill comply.
Upon contract award, GTL will provide all requested
information for Project Team members who can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
during emergency situations.




The DOC reserves the right of rejection for personnel assigned to the Accobnt
Team including personnel from the Prime Bidder and ;personnel froih, any
subcontractors utilized by the Prime Bidder during the life of t~e contract. .

GTL Response: GTL agrees.



The DOC reserves the right to request the re-assignment oean; Bidder personnel ';
they believe are not performing in a proper or professional manner within the
DOC's facilities causing disruption, security issues or emb!jJTassment to DOC
personnel or visitors. ShOuld such reassignment of personnel be requested by the
DOC, the Bidder must provide replacement personnel immediately in order to
meet assigned installation dates or facilitate necessary repairs or service.

GTL Response: GTL agrees.




Upon contract award, thee Contractor shall furnish a list of,all installation and
service employees who will have access to the secure areas of the DOC institution
to the DOC. Such list shall include:
a) .

first name, middle initial, and last name;
date and place of birth;
current residential address;
driver's license state and number; and,
social security numbeu

All Contractor personnel must receive security and background clearance by the
DOC prior to provision of services. This includes a probation check and FBI
background check. The DOC will not unreasonably withhold or delay such
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate CaHing System & Related Services
DOC file No. IGOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


GTL Response: GTLwili comply. Upon contract award GTL will identify those employees
and subcontractors (if any) that will be associated with the contract. For those that will require
admission to secure areas of the DOC institutions, GTL will provide ample information to
perform background searches to ensure security procedures are followed.


Security clearance by the DOC will be mandatory before any employee of the
Bidder will be allowed to enter the DOC institution. Admittance to the DOC
institution will be denied to any Bidder employee who, in the opinion of the DOC
Official, compromises the security of the DOC institution.

GTL Response: GTL agrees.


A current list of the Bidder's employees with security clearance will be maintained
at the DOC Institution. The Bidder shall notifY the DOC whenever an employee on
this list is no longer employed by the Bidder, and the employee's name shall be
removed from this list.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will notify the DOC of any employee to be removed
form the security clearance list.


All decisions of tbe DOC relating to a security consideration of any kind are final
and are not subject to arbitration.

GTL Response: GTL understands.


Should any employee of the Bidder be terminated from his/her position for any
reason which may affect the security of the DOC institution (i. e. stealing drugs,
improperly distributing drugs to inmates or staff, improper fi'aternization with
inmates, etc.) the DOC must be notified in writing immediately. If necessary, the
Bidder must cooperate with the DOC in investigating the potential effect on DOC

GTL Response: GTL will comply.


The actual security of supplies, tools, systems and equipment in the DOC's
designated telecommunications areas are the responsibility of the Bidder, and the
Bidder shall adhere to all DOC appropriate written tool security policies and

GTL'g Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Respomcs
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005 .


GTL Response: GTL will comply.


The Bidder must ensure that all installation personnel assigned to the res installed
at the DOC appear at the DOC site fully equipped to perform the installation
duties required. "Fully Equipped" is described as possessing all tools, cable,
connectors, ladders, test equipment, termination equipment, etc. needed to
complete the required installation or repair without requiring the DOC to supply
such items.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's installation personnel with be fully .equipped to
perform the installation duties without requiring the DOC to supply such items.

4.3.10 The Bidder must ensure that all installation and repair personnel assigned to the
leS at the DOC appear at the DOC site dressed in a professional manner and
possessing some type of company photo identification.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.

4.3.U The Bidder must agree, in its response, that it's personnel will comply with the
DOC policy that no jeans of any color may be worn by an personnel within a
DOC facility.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's'personnel will comply with the DOC policy of no
jeans to be worn within a DOC facility.

4.3.12 All Bidder personnel must comply with all security requirements of the DOC
facility (including any necessary background checks, tool inventory, etc.) at which
they are performing system installation or repair services under this contract.
GTL Response: GTL agrees.

4.3.13 All DOC facilities are considered "tobacco free". The Bidder must agree to inform
its installation and repair personnel of such non-tobacco regulations and enforce
such at the DOe's premises.
GTL Response: GTL agrees.
GTL's Response to the

Conunonwealth ofMa'>sachUsetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone20{)6
September 15,2005

GTL will inform its installation and repair personnel that the

DOC facilities are considered "tobacco free."


The Bidder must be an authorized distributor of the rcs proposed for the DOC.
The Bidder must be certified to provide installation and maintenance services on all
aspects of the rcs including hardware and software.
The Bidder must provide confirmation of this manufacturer authorization by
providing, as an attachment to its response, a letter from the system's
manufacturer stating such.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL is the designer, manufacturer, and sole distributor of
the LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System that we propose to the Massachusetts Department
of Corrections. Our installation and maintenance personnel are factory trained and fully
certified by GTL.


The Bidder must agree to provide only personnel that have been trained by the
manufacturer on the installation and use of the Secure Inmate Calling System
proposed for the DOC. The Bidder shall provide to the DOC upon request written
verification from the manufacturer of such training completed by the Bidder's

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL is the designer, manufacturer, and sale distributor of
the LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System ~ha\w~ propose tothe Massachusetts Department
of Corrections. All installation and maintenance personnel are factory trained and fully certified
by GTL.


The Bidder must provide, in its proposal, qualifications statements for all personnel
assigned to service the rcs proposed for the DOC. These qualifications statements
may include descriptions of formal technical training, certificates received, formal
education or degrees consistent with the inmate calling system or engineering field,
membership in technical associations,fi?l~experience, etc.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
Key Project Personnel Ust
For MA DOC Project

GTL's intemal account team for the DOC's Project will consist of the following people.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Set-l.lre Inmate CaUing System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Tom Sweeney
Executive VP of Sales
& Marketing

Tim Miller
Area Sales Director

Tom Sweeney is responsible for providing executive leadership and
sponsorship for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and this
project. Tom has over 25 years of experience specifically in the
inmate market, including 10 years of experience with
communications providers and 7 years as Executive Vice President
of Operations with an exclusive Inmate Telephone System (ITS)
provider. Tom has managed the implementation and transition of
over 500 inmate facilities nationwide, including systems for the
Department of Corrections in West Virginia, Mississippi, and
Over 23 years of experience with AT&T and the sales, management,
and support of Operator Services, public payphone services, and
solutions for the corrections market. Tim has over 22 years
experience working directly with public payphone and inmate
Jim Beamer has been Global Tel'link's Northeast regional Sales
Manager since October 2004. Prior to becoming the Regional Sales
Manager Mr. Beamer was a private contractor providing technical
support to Global Tel'link for almost 2 years. He has been working
in the computer and telecommunications industry for over 15 years.
Jim brings a high level of project management, technical knowledge,
and network design to the project. He is responsible for the "frontline" interface with customers, overall account management making
customer satisfaction' priority.

Jim Beamer
Sales Account


Bill Reynolds
Project Manager

Bill Reynolds, the ProjecUlmplementation Manager, has over 30
years of experience in telecommunications, including 23 years
managing operations of inmate phones and systems with a
communications provider and three years with an ITS supplier.
, t·, •.

Danny Cravey
Installation Manager


Danny Cravey has managed the organization of installation teams
and overseen the production of equipment for Global Tel*link's
Inmate Telephone System Projects since 1994. Mr. Cravey has
extensive management experience, as well as experience in the
telecommunications industry and with GTL's products.

GTL's Response to tlle
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1000~Phone2006
September 15,2005


Tom Hearn
Vice President of
Customer Service

Laura Florey
Technical Support
Control Manager

Adrian Holifield
Client Systems Trainer

After college graduation, Mr. Hearn served our nation for 5 years in
the nuclear-powered submarines division of the U.S. Navy, and held
the rank of lieutenant Commander in the Naval Reserves. Before
joining Global Tel*link, he worked for 10 years in the commercial
nuclear field in engineering, testing and management.
arriving at GTL in 1990, Mr. Hearn has managed teams in the
design of software and hardware products, including inmate
telephone systems, public cellular payphones and line powered coin
phone products. Mr. Hearn has also directed product development
and engineering management, He served as Vice President of
Sales and Marketing for 5 years and was instrumental in forging the
SBC business relationship. With an extensive staff of. Customer
Service Representatives, Mr. Hearn is now responsible for all
Customer Service activities.
Laura Florey joined Global Tel*link's Technical Support Team in
1999 and served two years as a Technical Support Team Leader,
before becoming the company's Quality Coordinator in 2001. In
2004, she accepted the Technical Support Management position. At
the time of contract award, Ms. Florey will assign and oversee a
Technical Support Team Leader and a DOC Dedicated Technician
that will be personally responsible for ensuring that all questions and
issues related to the Inmate Telephone System are answered or
resolved satisfactorily in a timely manner. With her extensive
LazerPhone experience, Laura Florey is well qualified to oversee the
on-going support of Massachusetts DOC's system.

Adrian Holifield has been with Global Tel*link since October of
1999. He has more than 6 years experience in Training and Adult
Education. Mr. Holifield serves as Systems Trainer for all
installations and is responsible for coordinating and executing all
formalized on site tr?ining. Mr. Holifield is also responsible for the
design and development of the training program, which includes
training curriculum, goals, and material.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for ~esponses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


Ricardo Cumberbatch
Telecommunications Inc.
John Canny

Mr. Cumberbatch is the President/Founder of Publical
Telecommunications, Inc. Publical will provide site
administrators/technicians for this project.

Mr. Canny has the overall responsibility for account management for
Publicall Telecommunications, Inc.

Telecommunications Inc.
GTL has provided resumes for all account and service personnel in Exhibit B.



The Bidder must agree to adhere to any current municipal, state or federal
requirements for installation and operation of the Secure Inmate Calling System.
Failure to comply with present municipal, state or federal requirements will result
in termination of any contract with the Bidder and the Bidder rendering payment of
any applicable fines, etc. incurred by the DOC for violation of such requirements.

GTL Response: GTL agrees. GTL agrees to adhere to all municipal, state, or federal
requirements for installation and operation of a Secure Inmate Calling System.

The Bidder shall be responsible for compliance with all regulatory requirements
imposed by local, state and federal regulatory agencies for all systems and services
provided throughout the duration of this contract.

GTl Response: GTL agrees. GTL will comply with all local, state, and federal regulatory
agencies rules and regulations

The Bidder shall be responsible for complying with and updating the Secure
Inmate Calling System for any regulatory changes and requirements during the life
of the contract. These regulatory changes include federal, state or local municipal
modifications. These changes must be made in a timely manner and at no cost to

GTL '5 Response to the
Conunonwea1th of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Imna1e Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOQ-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


the DOC. The Bidder is responsible for paying all applicable fines levied should
compliance with future regulatory requirements not be performed by required
GTL Response: GTL agrees. GTL will update the Inmate Calling system with any regulatory
changes or requirements throughout the life of the contract at no cost to the DOC.


The Bidder must ensure that all of its installation work and materials comply with
all local, state and federal laws, ordinances and regulations as well as the direction
of any inspectors appointed by proper authorities having jurisdiction over this type
of network and equipment installation.
The Bidder is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits. Should violation of
codes occur relating to this ICS installation project because necessary permits
were not identified and obtained by the Bidder, the Bidder will cease all work at
that specific location and correct the situation, immediately, at no cost to the DOC
prior to continuation of system installation.

GTL Response: GTL agrees. GTL will obtain all applicable permits or licenses required to
install the Inmate Calling System.


The Bidder shall be responsible for making all system modifications, at no cost to the
DOC, necessary to allow inmates to pl~ce. calls as industry dialing requirements change
(e.g., new area code implementation, new NNXs, etc.) Such modifications must be made
in a timely manner to ensure proper use of the system by inmates and DOC personnel.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL subscribes to a monitoring service which provides daily
updates to area code changes and additions as well as new exchanges. This service allows
GTL's Billing Department to upload these changes and additions into the LazerPhone rating
and routing files so that inmates may place c?lIs to new or changed area codes and
. . ,
'~.; !l :...; i: t',


The Bidder's Account Team must accept system programming and maintenance orders
from authorized personnel within the DOC only. The Account Team must determine
authorized personnel during the initial contracting prQcess and prOvide
GTL's Response to the
Corrnnonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005




"Authorization Fonus" for DOC personnel signatures. The Bidder will be responsible for
all charges associated with "unauthorized" service repairs, additions, or changes
performed by the Bidder.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.
authorized DOC personnel.

GTL's Account Team will only accept orders from


The Bidder is required to adhere to all prevailing wage rate specifications and schedules as
determined by the Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of
Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Occupational Safety and the United
States Department of Labor when required.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Imnate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006
September 15, 2005


This page is intentionally left blank

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of1f.assachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure [runate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No: lOOQ-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Section 5
General System Requirements
The Secure Inmate Calling System and Related Services proposed for the DOC must meet or
exceed the technical requirements outlined in this Section of the RFR document. The Secure
Inmate Calling System (rCS) proposed to meet these technical requirements must be provided for
all DOC facilities at no cost to the DOC including system installation, training, operation and
maintenance of the system and its components.
The Bidder is responsible for replacement ofthe Secure Inmate Calling System in its entirety or its
individual components regardless of cause including, but not limited to, normal wear/use, inmate
abuse, natural disaster, or inmate unrest. This system or component replacement will be
performed at no cost to the DOC and will occur immediately upon notification to the Bidder of
the system problem by the DOC facility.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL isete.§s~d to submit a proposal for a secure Inmate
Calling system and related services. GTL is interested and qualified to instaJl, operate,
maintain and provided public coin and inmate telephones, Local, Intralata, and Intertata, calling
services at the various facilities at NO cost to the DOC.

The Secure Inmate Calling System (ICS) proposed for the DOC must include the
following components:
5.1.l.1 An on-site ICS located at each facility (See .Section 3. I) of the DOC. Each
system must contain one (I) PC and laser printer (22 ppm minimum);

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will provide a LazerPhone system at each DOC facility
that includes a PC workstation with laser printer. GTL's standard workstation is described

Dell Optiplex Computer with:
Windows XP Professional Operating System

40 GB (or larger) Hard Drive
GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth ofMassachWletfs DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No.' lOOQ-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


17" Flat Screen LCD Monitor
Microphone and Speaker

Plus: HP Desktop Printer & UPS Unit




GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will providlEl,• • • • •II£pss required for the facilities
listed above.


GTL Response: GTL will comply.


)r 1

GTL will provide thetl. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. It is desirable


GTL's Respon.'le to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1QOO-I.lhone2006

September 15,2005

., A Centralized System Database located outside of the DOC facilities and
maintained by the Bidder. The Bidder must state, in its response, the physical
location (City/State) where the centralized system database is location.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. TL provides and maintains a centralized LazerPhone
Database at our Call Center in Houston, Texas. Redundant backup storage of all MA DOC
facilities' system settings, call detail records, and call recordings will be maintained at this site.

Use of or integration with the existing DOC LAN is not permitted unless specified by
the DOC.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL provides


fleL The DOC's LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System can permit authorized users at
multiple locations to access the system's login screen of the control program. Authorized
to LazerPhone records and controls, whether from
or from
facility, is accomplished though a secure frame relay or MPLS network that is
installed, managed, monitored, and maintained by GTL. Through this network, the authorized
person at a _ _ _ can perform any LazerPhone administrative or investigative
functions per~son's security clearance level, just as if he or she were sitting at
the LazerPhone workstation at the facility.

The proposed ICS must allow for all DOC locations to be networked together thus
allowing the sharing of inmate information, inmate PINs and call records between
system. This network between DOClocations must allow for remote access of the res
. at one DOC facility by an authorized user at anothe~ DOC facility.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL provides a unique frame relay or MPLS network that
allows the LazerPhone systems at all DOC facilities to be networked together via a secure
closed network. Authorized remote access to LazerPhone records and controls, whether from
from a different DOC facility, is accomplished thoLigh a secure network
that is installed, managed, monitored, and maintained .by GTL. The DOC's LazerPhone
Inmate Telephone System can permit authorized. users at multiple locations to access the
system's login screen of the LazerPhOnEL~eb Management System. control program.
Authorized users have access to inmate information such as calling activities, recorded
conversations, allowed numbers, blocked numbers. and comprehensive PIN information all
based on
the system administrator(s). The system allows various
staff the ability to share information about a case, an
GTL '$ Response to the
Commonwealtll of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure [runate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005

inmate or investigation through the use of the intergraded
feature of the
LazerPhone Web Management System. This information is
online in near $
to all with a n i i i ithe a propriate perm, ission levels. Through t,hiS
and e d
the authorized
person at a
can perform any LazerPhone
functions permitted by e person's security clearance level,
~erPhone workstation at the facility. This network allows for
~sing the VPN.


The proposed res must allow for administrator password levels that restrict DOC
personnel to the res within their particular DOC facility as well as allow certain DOC
persOimel to access multiple systems, if required.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. Access to the LazerPhone control program is restricted by a
password protected User Security Profile system. A User Login screen that requires a valid
password ensures that only authorized personnel are permitted to monitor and control inmate
telephone usage.
A 'User Security Profile is associated with each valid password. The>oSecurity Profile record for
each user specifies which LazerPhone functions will be accessible by that individual. This
allows multiple correctional personnel to access only those functions corresponding to their
security levels!. .. ",.". " T
Only a system administrator with full security clearance may access LazerPhone's User
Management screen, from which other User Security Profiles may be created or modified.
Any time a user logs into the system, LazerPhone notes the event and the user's identity in the
system's electronic Log Book. An Audit Log Report is available to track user access and all
system changes and activities that take place while users are logged into the LazerPhone



The Bidder must propose one type of Secure Inmate Calling System for all DOC
locations. All system hardware, software, software level and support systems must be
. the same in each DOC facility.

":o!_;~·~-f{,,~, _,~~-

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL proposes our secure LazerPhone Inmate Telephone
System for all DOC locations. All system hardware, software, software level, and support
systems will be the same at each DOC location.
Automatic Software Version Updates: LazerPhone software updates are provided
perio,(Jically to all LazerPhone sites through GTL's secure Web Server. The latest version of
LazeIfJDtT6ne's managements'<iftware~l'containing any new features or enhancements that were
developed tested and incorporated joto the pmrl! ,et sinCA the last! 'pdate B',tornafieaHy
GTL's Respon.<;c to the

Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for R~ponses
Secure Irunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


downloads to the DOC workstation when an authorized perso~;:a't.·th4laertity logs into the
system. These software updates are provided at no cost the DOC throughout the Ii~of the';;
Continuous Sy~teth~"Watch.IfAt installation, the DOC's LazerPh(frie System is pGt on-lin~ witR
the LazerPhone Support Center in Mobile, Alabama, and remains so, ~efll¥<fourJ:lours~~ay,
._'?Mlundred sixty-five days a year, throughout the life of the contract.' Techniciansm the
ServiCE! Center, as well as the system's continuous self-diagnostic routines keep a vigilant
watch to ensure that any problems are detected and addressed immediately. The underlying
architecture of LazerPhone's software control system allows Technical Support personnel to
provide diagnostic, programming, polling, and system reporting services remotely. Global
Tel*Link's core value of RESPONSivENESS includes knowing about problems before you do.


The IeS at each DOC facility must provide for all telecommunications capabilities for
inmate services as well as administrative capabilities for DOC personnel.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The LazerPhone ICS that we install at each DOC facility will
provide all telecommunications capabilities for inmates as well as all administrative capabilities
for DOC personnel.
For inmates, LazerPhone provides Local, InterLATA , IntraLATA, Interstate, and Intemational
service as desired by the DOC, facilitated entirely by an automated operator. The system can
provide collect, prepaid, and (when appropriate) free call options.
Authorized DOC personnel at the LazerPhone workstation have access to and control over
inmate calls. Frequently used workstation functions include:
Live-Monitor Inmate Calls: At the LazerPhone workstation, authorized users can visually
and/or audibly monitor inmate calls-in-progress"
Block Destination Numbers: At the systemWQrkstation, authorized users can block calls
facility wide, or calls by individual inmate PINs, to specific destination numbers.
Assign User Passwords and Authorize LazerPhone Feature Access: At the workstation, an
authorized system administrator is able to assign, update, and change passwords and feature
accessibility for other system users.
lumbers that may include
Authorized individuals can enter?
number the
destination telephone numbers or inmate PINs. If a call is made
system will automatically dial to up to three 'prep'rbgrammed numbers
Generate Investigative and Administrative Reports: Authorized individuals can view, print,
and/or save standard or custom reports as necessary. All reports will be in real time and can
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachuset1s DOC
Request for Responses
Secure inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


be generated at any time.
Schedule Telephone ON/OFF Periods: LazerPhone's Scheduler feature allows authorized
users to program ON/OFF periods for inmate telephones system wide, or assign special
ON/OFF schedules to individual PINs or telephones.
Set Call Durations: At the workstation, authorized users can limit call durations facility wide,
by inmate PIN, by inmate telephone, or by groups of telephones, such as all phones in a
particular cellblock.
Set PIN Call Velocities: When LazerPhone's PIN system is in use, authorized personnel can
limit the number of calls individual inmates can make during a specified time period.
Shut Down the Inmate Phone System in Emergencies: In addition to manual cut off
switches located throughout the facility, in an emergency Situation, an authorized user may
shut down the entire LazerPhone Inmate Telephone system, preventing all inmate calls,
through software controls at the workstation or through codes entered on the keypad of any
inmate telephone.
Add, Modify, or Deactivate PIN Accounts: Authorized system users are able to create,
modify, or deactivate inmate Personal Identific§ltion Number (PIN) accounts. When an inmate
enters the correctional facility, a LazerPhone PIN account can be created either through a
simple PIN Auto Enrollment procedure performed by the inmate or by an authorized person
typing and selecting options at the workstation. When an inmate leaves the facility, his/her PIN
account can be deactivated. Later, if the same inmate re-enters the facility, the account can be
Modify or Suspend an Inmate's Calling Privileges: The assignment of PINs allows call
restrictions to be applied to individual inmates without affecting the call restrictions or privileges
of other inmates.


The Bidder must provide a Centralized System Database that is located at a Bidder
provided site and provide full database redundancy for the rcs at each DOC facility.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL provides a Centralized System Database in Houston,
Texas, that ensures full database redundancy for the LazerPhone ICS at each DOC facility.
Additionally, to ensure that LazerPhone records are stored sec;urely and that all system data
are fully 'recoverable\from'tlny type of emergency shutdovin, "Global Tel'Link has built
redundancy into every critical aspect of the syst!"m,
Twin UPS Backup Power: In the event of a power failure at the correctional facility, twin
un interruptible power supply (UPS) units provide temporary power for the entire system, UPS

GTL's Response to the
Conmwnwealth ofMassaohusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006

September 15,2005



units also protect against power fluctuations and surges. GTL will provide UPS units at each
DOC facility capable of powering the entire LazerPhone system for a minimum of one hour. In
the absence of an emergency generator, upon expiration of the UPS, the system performs a
safe shutdown to protect data. Once power is restored the system will reboot without
human intervention and resume normal operations.
Redundant Record Data Storage: Both call detail records and system settings are saved and
automatically backed-up in real time. At the time of an inmate's call, a call detail record is
saved to the DOC facility's active hard drive array, backed-up to the facility's backup storage
array, and transmitted to GTL's off-site central storage facility. Any changes made to
LazerPhone system settings are also saved in real time to the facility's active hard drive array,
backed-up to the facility's backup storage array, and transmitted to GTL's remote central
storage facility through the secure network provided by GTL.
to the
At the time of an inmate's call, the Call's recorded conversation is
facility's hard drive. Once every 24 hours, LazerPhone automatically copies recordings to the
facility's backup storage array and transmits a copy to GTL's off-site central storage facility
through the secure network provided by GTL.
Redundant Control Computers: At each LazerPhone Control Center, LazerPhone system
controls are housed in two identically configured computers. If the first computer fails the
second automatically takes over. In the unlikely 'event that both computers at one LazerPhone
Center fail, the computers at the altemate Center automatically take over all LazerPhone
operations. Each backup computer is independently capable of performing all Management
Control Center functions. Massive generators back up the electrical systems at both the
primary (Mobile) and secondary (Houston) Control Center locations.
Tested by a Force Majeure The effectiveness of GTL Control Center's backup systems was
condusively demonstrated when Mobile, Alabama took a devastating hit from Hurricane
Katrina in August 2005. Flanked on all sides by the crippled city, the LazerPhone Control
Center continued to operate normally.C·/Redundant processing, telecommunications
infrastructure, facilities, and trained staff at the Houston Data Center backed up this effort and
stood ready to take over if Mobile had taken a catastrophic hit.


The Bidder must propose an

full design, programming and installation;
programming of all inmate PINs and call lists;
post installation maintenance; .
all network services (local, IntraLATA, InterLATA);
all network services for administration of the IeS.

GTL's Response to the

Cormnonwealth ofMassach~setfs DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Irunaie Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO¥Phone2006


res at no cost to the DOe and include:


GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL proposes a comprehensive solution for all of
Massachusetts DOC inmate telephone system needs without cost to the DOC. Our Secure
LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System and Services includes:
Full design, programming, and installation
Programming of all inmate PINs and Call Lists
Post installation maintenance
All network services for local, IntraLATA, and interLATA calling
All Network services for administration of the LazerPhone ICS


The Bidder must propose an res for the DOC that has the capability of processing
inmate calls in a pre-paid debit mode; collect call mode or a combination of the two
depending on the DOC facility and unique needs of the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's LazerPhone ICS has the capability of processing
inmate calls in pre-paid debit mode, collect call mode, or a combination of these.

LazerPhone Prepaid Debit Accounts
LazerPhone offers two prepay options through its integrated Debit Account system: direct
deposit, which is managed through the LazerPhone workstation, and pre-paid Vouchers that
inmates may purchase from the facility, or the facility's commissary, and "cash" at inmate
telephones. To use either pre-pay option, an inmate must have a LazerPhone PIN account
(Note: A facility may choose to assign PINs to all inmates for better control over phone usage
or may assign PINs only to inmates wishing 10 make prepaid calls.)
When LazerPhone's Debit system is active, at the beginning of each call attempt, if the inmate
chooses the prepaid call type, the system's automated operator reports the current balance in
the inmate's prepaid account. If the balance is sufficient, the cost of the current call can be
automatically deducted from the account. Inmate debit accounts can be added, updated,
deleted, or closed at the LazerPhone workstation.
To save administrative time required to manage inmate Debit accounts, GTL developed a
unique way for inmates to self-deposit money;dnto their accounts through the purchase of
Prepaid Vouchers from the facility's Commissary, which are then "cashed" at an inmate
telephone to transfer the entire value of the voucher to the inmate's LazerPhone Debit
account. Unlike prepaid calling cards that retain value and are subject to being lost or stolen,
once "cashed" the voucher is useless and can be discarded.
How Prepaid Vouchers Work
GTL's ResponSe to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005

",' ,

The facility or the facility's commissary orders Prepaid Vouchers from Global Tel*link and sells
them to inmates wishing to make prepaid calls. Once in the inmate's possession, 'the voucher
is taken to any inmate phone. After choosing a language and entering a destination number,
the inmate selects menu option 5 to begin the "cashing" process. Following automated
prompts, the inmate enters his PIN, the voucher number, and the voucher value. If the PIN is
valid and the voucher has not been previously used, the value of the voucher is transferred to
the PIN account. The inmate may now place prepaid calls by simply choosing the prepaid call
type and entering his/her PIN during call setup - the voucher number is no longer needed.
If inmate friends and family members wish to purchase prepaid vouchers for an inmate, they
can do so by depositing money into the inmate's commissary account. The inmate can then
purchase a voucher using the money deposited in his commissary account.
When an inmate leaves the facility with funds still in a debit account, the facility or commissary
may request a refund, or the inmate's LazerPhone PIN, with its associated Debit Account, may
Simply be deactivated. If the inmate is re-booked in the future, he or she can use the same PIN
for making prepaid calls.
Call Control
Because this prepaid option operates on Global Tel*link's platform, prepaid calls are subject
to the same call controls as collect calls. Prepaid calls must be validated before the system
will connect the call. Once connected, the call is subject to the facility's call duration
restrictions, time of day restrictions, blocked number restrictions, and all other call restrictions.
Refunds will only be made upon an inmate's release from jail. To obtain a refund, the facility
and/or the commissary company must make a written refund request on the inmate's behalf.
The request must include the PIN, the inmate's name, the mailing address, and the facility
name. A refund will only be made if requested by the facility and/or the commissary company.
Inmate requests for refunds will be denied. As Global Tel*link is pricing the prepaid calls on a
surcharge and per minute basis, the amount of money leftover should be minimal.
Benefits of Prepaid Vouchers

» Friends & Family Friendly:
Prepaid vouchers can be sold via the facility commissary system. Therefore, inmate friends
and family can deposit money into the commissary account for the purchase of prepaid

» Less Manpower Required:
A system administrator will no! have to enter debit account deposit amounts at the workstation.
By having the inmate "cash" the voucher, thisT~sponsibility is shifted to the inmate.
GTL's.Rcsponse to the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1000~Phone2006
September 15, 2005



No Third Party:

The system rurs on Global Tel link's platform with no third party involvement necessary. As a
result, Global Tel*Link does not need to rely on a third party for any aspect of the program including the printing of prepaid vouchers.


Prepaid vouchers can be thrown away after being cashed at an inmate phone. Unlike
similar programs, inmates do not have to retain actual cards that can be stolen.

Reconciliation Reports:

Since the prepaid voucher or debit method programs runs on the Global Tel*link's platform,
LazerPhone provides detailed, accurate reporting capabilities through the reconciliation reports
to manage the Prepaid Debit and the Prepaid Voucher programs. These types of reports can
be printed via the facility LazerPhone workstation.

5.1. 7

The Bidder must propose an Ies that allows for all inmate telephones to be in use
simultaneously. The Bidder must describe, in its response, how this will be accomplished
with the proposed ICS.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The LazerPhone architecture we propose for MA DOC has
virtually no line concentration. All inmate telephones can be used Simultaneously.



The Bidder must propose an rcs that can be shut down quickly and selectively. The
DOC must be able to shutdown the system globally and restrict all PIN access within an
entire facility and/or within a particular housing unit.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Our LazerPhone ICS provides several different methods to
quickly shutdown individual telephones, a group of phones, or the total inmate telephone
system. Each method is described below.
Manual Cut Off Switches
Global Tel*link installs manual cut off switches for each of the facility's logical groups of
phones. Manual switches are placed at locations specified by facility administrators allowing
correctional officers or authorized administrative staff the ability to selectively disable a single
phone, bank of phones or all phones within the institution.

Workstation Menu Options
Single phones, groups of phones, or all inmate tEllephones can be turned off using menu
options at the system workstation.
Telephone Keypad Code
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetfs DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calfu,g System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005



The Bidder must propose an rcs solution that allows the DOC to completely restrict
inmate access to outside network services/facilities should the rcs control unit of the
ICS fail for any purpose. The Bidder must describe, in its response, how this restriction
is accomplished with the proposed rcs (e.g., toggle "kill" switches, etc.).

GTL Response: GTL will comply. In the unlikely event that the entire LazerPhone ICS control
program failed, all inmate telephones would immediately go out of service, making it
impossible for inmates to access outside network services or facilities. If a local workstation PC
computer fails for any reason, the system would continue to function normally, controlling
inmate calls according to predefined DOC parameters and would remain accessible from other
workstations. However, if it were deemed necessary to shut down inmate telephones quickly
without accessing the workstation, DOC personnel would have two methods to shutdown
individual telephones, a group of phones, or the total inmate telephone system. Each method
is described below.
Manual Cut Off Switches
Global Tel*Link installs manual cut off switches for each of the facility's logical groups of
phones. Manual switches are placed at locations specified by.facility administrators allowing
correctional officers or authorized administrative staff the ability to selectively disable a single
phone, bank of phones or all phones within the institution.
the entire inmate lel<"nrlOnle


The proposed rcs must be restricted to outgoing calls only. The system must not
process incoming calls at any time!"'l'he ·Bidder must agree, in its response, that no
inmate telephone shall be capable of receiving an incoming call.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone does hot permit incoming calls to inmate
telephones. LazerPhone's outgoing services can be configured to allow Local, InterLATA,
IntraLATA, Interstate, and International service as desired by the DOC.


The Bidder must agree, in its response, that it will keep all call processing and call rating
. infonnation current. This information includes, but is not limited to, local exchanges,
area codes, country codes, vertical & horizontal coordinates and any other information
necessary to accurately process and rate calls. The Bidder must provide the DOC with

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMa.'lsachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006



any and all rate information for all calls upon request by If~ DOCat any tjme during~the
term of this contract.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL agrees to keep all call processing and call rating
information current. GTL will provide the DOC with any and all call rate information upon


The res must block all calls made to any of the following services whether the system is
used in direct dial, debit-based or collect call mode. The Bidder shall be responsible for
ensuring that the system is programmed for such blocking.

900, 972, 976, 550, telephone numbers incurring excess charges;
long distance carrier access codes (e.g., 101-XXXX);
local toll free numbers (e.g., 950-XXXX);
directory assistance numbers (e.g., 411,555-1212, etc.);
toll free numbers (e.g., 800, 888, 877, 866, 855, etc.)

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Regardless of the current calling mode, LazerPhone's
computerized call control system is pre-programmed to block known disallowed numbers.
Prefixes such as 900, 950, 8XX, 976, 411, and 911 are automatically blocked and require no
action by facility personnel. Additionally, calls to the operator through 0, 00, 10xxx, 950xxx,
etc. are disallowed without requiring action by facility personnel. At the DOC's request, the
system can be configured to allow or disallow international calls. All incoming calls are
~Ioc;ked. Inmate telephgnes are automatically blocked from other inmate phones within the
same facility of within other facilities with LazerPhone systems.
Global Tel'Link's call processing and blocking systems are external to the telephone units and
can be operated either remotely from Glob~l, T1r~ink',~ Management Control Center or directly
.... , . ,.
from thefacility's on-site workstation.


The proposed IeS must not provide a second dial tone to an inmate telephone without
the inmate hanging up the telephone receiver after the first call is completed and the PIN
re-entered to place the second call.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone limits calls to one per connection. At the
termination of every call, LazerPhoneprevents, hook-switch dialing by automatically returning
the line to a pre-call state, the equivalent of a primary dial tone, in which the inmate must
begin with the first step of the system-controlled call process (entering language choice), in
order to place a second call.
GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth ofMassachusefts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure lIuuate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006
September 15, 2005




."._-" ..

The proposed rcs must allow for a maximum "ring time" prior to disconnecting the
inmate call. This "ring time" parameter must be programmable by the DOC but must be
consistent among DOC facilities.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. By default LazerPhone allows six (6) rings before
terminating an inmate's call attempt. This "ring time" is programmable to meet the DOC's

The proposed rcs must provide notification to an inmate of the call status (e.g., ringing,
busy, etc.). This notification may either be in the form of ringing, busy tones, SIT tones,
or appropriate recorded messages. This requirement must be implemented for both
direct dial (debit) or collect call mode of operation.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone has the capability to allow inmates on hold
during the call setup to audibly monitor the progress through hearing as a muted party.
Alternately, the DOC may choose to have the inmate placed on hold while the system plays
prompts for call acceptance. With this option the inmate receives the prompt that advises the
If the called party wishes to
inmate to please hold while the called party is contacted.
establish an AdvancePay account in order to accept the call, the inmate will be placed on hold
until the AdvancePay setup is completed.

The proposed rcs shall not allow the inmate to speak to tbe called party until tbe call
bas been positively accepted. Tbis requirement must be implemented for both direct dial
(debit) or collect call mode of operation.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. For both debit and collect calls, LazerPhone splits calls
such that an inmate has no audible contact with the called party until the called party has
positively accepted the call. Because LazerPhone's automated operator announces the
inmate's name and provides all other information needed by the called party, there is
absolutely no opportunity for the inmate to pass or leave a message prior to call acceptance.


The proposed rcs must not allow the inmate to hear the called party prior to the actual
positive acceptance (via touch tone entry) of the call.


GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone splits .calls such that an inmate has no audible
contact with the called party until the called party has positively accepted the call. Because
LazerPhone's automated operator announces the inmate's name and provides all other
information needed by the called party, there is absolutely no opportunity for the inmate to
pass or leave a message prior to call acceptance.
GTL's Response to the

Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Requc:;.'t for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Pbone2006
September 15, 2005



The proposed res must allow for the DOe to program times when the system will be
available or unavailable to inmate calling.

GTl Response: GTL will comply. The LazerPhone system includes a Call Scheduler that can
restrict inmate telephone usage to particular hours of the day. Phone ON/OFF times may be
scheduled for all inmate phones, an individual phone, a group of phones (e.g. all phones in a
cell blOCk), or assigned to an inmate PIN, Telephone usage time for each day of the week is
setup using a twenty-four hour clock. A separate schedule may be set up for each day and for


The proposed res must allow DOe personnel to temporarily restrict or disconnect
service to an individual inmate telephop.e or,station,
. ;."".'<;',,,

,~~,~";:';j$t1"~:;- ,,*~".,

GTl Response: GTL will comply. DOC personnel may temporarily restrict or disconnect
service to an individual inmate telephone using options on LazerPhone's Telephone Monitoring
screen at the system workstation.

As one of the major problems associated with inmate calling, the initiation oD -Way or

CommonwealthofMassachusett'l DOC
Request for Responses
Secure &unate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No: IOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005



The proposed rcs must provide
a 3-Way or Conference Call with a
Tbird Party and provide the ability to immediately terminate the call. The Bidder must
describe, in its response, how this technology operates with regard to the proposed rcs
and tbe options available to the DOC.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. Three way calls are deterred by an exclusive LazerPhone
hardware and software deSign' that includes the utilization of several patented processes that
Global Tel*Link is fully licensed by the legal owners of the
patented processes that we use, so there will never be a service or functionality loss due to
patent issues. Upon detection of a three-way call attempt, LazerPhone provides the following
Disconnect the call
Flag the call for further investigation
Playa voice prompt waming
Any combination of the above options
With current telephony technology there remain challenges to three-way call detection: (1) call
waiting may mimic the sound of a three-way call; (2) call forwarding may not yield a detectable
sound; and (3) noise or conversation on the line may mask sounds and signals normally
present during a three-way call attempt. LazerPhone engineers continuously strive to meet
these challenges in more and more effective ways. As fraud prevention strategies evolve and
are incorporated into the LazerPhone system, new versions of the software will be
automatically uploaded to the DOC's system,

,\.. ",

Three-way call attempts will be noted on call detail reports by a red highlight. Using the filter
options on the LazerPhone Call Search screen, facility personnel can request reports listing
only 3-way call attempts. LazerPhone also detects when extra digits are dialed, and displays
such calls in orange on Call Detail Reports.


It is a desirable that the proposedICS provide a function that prevents 3-Way or
The Bidder
Conference Calling
. must explain, in its response, how this will be accomplished

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Three way calls are deterred by an exclusive LazerPhone
hardware ~ that includes the utilization of several patented processes that
minimize ~ Global Tel*Link is fully licensed by the legal owners of the
patented processes that we use, so there will never be a service or functionality loss due to
patent issues. Upon detection of a three-way call attempt, LazerPhone provides the following
GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth ofM.assachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure IIUnate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006

September 15,2005


Disconnect the call
Flag the call for further investigation
Playa voice prompt warning
Any combing~i;o~.. of th~<;b?ve options






With current telephony technology there remain challenges to three-way call detection: (1) call
waiting may mimic the sound of a three-way call; (2) call forwarding may not yield a detectable
sound; and (3) noise or conversation on the line may mask sounds and signals normally
present during a three-way call attempt. LazerPhone engineers continuously strive to meet
these challenges in more and more effective ways. As fraud prevention strategies evolve and
are incorporated into the LazerPhone system, new versions of the software will be
automatically uploaded to the DOC's system.
Three-way call attempts will be noted on call detail reports by a red highlight. Using the filter
options on the LazerPhone Call Search screen, facility personnel can request reports listing
only 3-way call attempts. LazerPhone also detects when extra digits are dialed, and displays
such calls in orange on Call Detail Reports.


As one of the major problems associated with inmate calling, the use of call forwarding
at the. destination telephone number is a constant issue with the DOC. The proposed ICS
must p~l'vid~chD<llogyJJ!l:at deters the use of call forwarding by the party being called
by the inmate and provide the ability to immediately terminate the call. The Bidder must
describe, in its response, how this technology operates with regard to the proposed ICS
and the options available to the DOC.

Department monitors called numbers and we have successfully detected forwarded numbers
and prevented these numbers from being called again by inmates. Our Fraud Team works
hand in hand with our customers to monitor forwarded calls. As a result of the merger of
Global Tel-Link and AT&T Inmate
was the first
in the market to offer
call forwarding.

While some inmate telephone providers may claim
remote call
through SS7 technology,


detect and
detect call

identified the local telephone number to send this call to,
GTL's Response to the
CQOUllonwealth ofMassachuseti.s DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Irunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file NQ. lOOO-Phonc2006
September 15, 2005



The signal that indicates that the local number has call forwarding on the ohclne
occurs after the call has
routed to the local phone number.


Additionally, there is currently a Petition before the Federal Communications Commission
("FCC") regarding remote call forwarding in correctional facilities. Global Tel*Link Corporation
has submitted comments on this petition in support of the right of inmate telephone providers
to block remotely forwarded numbers due to security and toll fraud reasons. A decision on this
action is pending before the FCC and we are
that the FCC will rule against the


It is a desirable that the proposed


provide a function that prevents call forwarding
. • 2 i -: T
£,'. The Bidder must explain, in its
response, how this will be accomplished with the proposed rcs.


GTL will r.onmlv

our Fraud Control
Department monitors called numbers and we have successfully detected forwarded numbers
and prevented these numbers from being called again by inmates. Our Fraud Team works
hand in hand with our customers to monitor forwarded calls. As a result of the merger of
Global Tel*Link and AT&T Inmate Markets, GTL was the first company in the
call forwarding.


While some inmate telephone providers may claim that theY..Ylclaln • •;~"I'~"11ialn~d~Plrlevleln~t
remote call forwarding through SS7 tar'hn,,,ln,n\
SS7 will accurately detect


identified the local telephone number to
cali to,
The signal that indicates thatthe local number has call
occurS after the call has been routed to the local nhrlnA



. Additionally, there is currently a Petition before C'the .Federal Communicatjons ComJ11ission
("FCC") regarding remote call forwan:Ung in correctional facilities. Global Tel'Link Corpor~tion
has submitted comments on this petition in support dfthe right of inmate telephone providers
to block remotely forwarded numbers due to security and toll fraud reasons .. A' .
decision on this

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMa~sachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005




are hopeful that the FCC will rule



GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone iJllows facil\ty personnel to designilte . .
£at'ihe'workstation . • • • • • . " rl1aY b~~"i3'destination telephone number or an
inmate PIN.


A call-in-progress detected
directed to up to three ;~;;:~

If the need arises, at the workstation or from a


The system's
workstatig.n, ~!!~
inmates and ~

, an authorized officer may
call. If logged into the system, the officer
9Ption'.on the Call Monitoring screen. From a

frequency and patterns of
:=:=~~I~~ both available at the



The Bidder must describe, in its,resPQf'se, how the proposed res operates when the
, irunate cal
. This'description must iiiclude how collect calls are
placed tl
b: how billing of the collect call is processed and how the
DOC is notified when an inmate call is place~


the growing need for inmates to place calls
and knowing
providers do not permit collect calls,
this capability in LazerPhone's automated AdvancePay system.

GTL's Response to the
CounIlonwealth ofMassachusctls DOC
Request for Responses
Secure [runate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Automated AdvancePay Setup: When an inmate attempts to dial a ~he system's
AdvancePa,.ILfundion is activated. If the
owner does not currently have an
AdvancePay account, the inmate is
while the system contacts the. party and
provides an option to set up an AdvancePay account, which will allow inmate calls, up to a
specified amount ($25 or $50), to be charged to the party's VISA or Mastercard. Automated
prompts walk the party through the ~ple steps to setting up an account. Once the called
party provides the appropriate information, the inmate's call is connected.
After the pre-pay account is established, collect calls to the telephone number may be placed
up to the prepaid amount. After the prepaid d.epleted, the system will inform the
user that a prepayment must be made before additional calls can be r€l.ceived. Customers are
also given the option at that time to increase their amPYrt from a $25.00 limit to a $50.00 limit.



Non-Automated AdvancePay Setup: For people who do not have or ~oose 'not to use a
VISA or Mastercard, AdvancePay's automated operator also provides a telephone number to
Global Tel'link's live AdvancePay operators, that the call recipient may dial to setup an
AdvancePay account using other methods of1: payment.,1'i
-', '

5.1.2' .. The prOposed ICSrlbst Rave the ability to allow for a called party to activate a code
,(;(via the touell.tone pad 0.t~heil\;telephone) that automatically notifies the DOC that the
number should be deleted from the calling inmate's "Authorized Telephone Number



'; ,~~



GTL Response: GTL understands. Prior (ocall·acceptance, LazerPhone's automated
operator gives called parties an option to request that calls from the correctional facility be
blocked.&>ypr0'tding our toll free custom!"r service f1umber. Having the party contact GTL adminis,lfative time and eliminates the need for DOC personnel to be involved .
.. '



During a call attempt, the ~i..tto'irtllted dperator informs the called party at a touch tone phone:
"If you wish to block any future calls of this nature, press '7' to receive further information," or
at a rotary dialed phone, "If you wish to. block any future calls of this nature, clearly say the
word 'block' to receive further informatiorl."fJUpon .dialing the provided 800 number, GTL's
customer service department will place a "Customer Requested Block" on the line. This block
will prevent the delivery of any future inmate calls to the number from any GTL managed
correctional facility. At the time the block is requested the customer is asked to provide a
password. To have the block removed at a future date, the customer must provide the
~. :.!\t.ipas,$~~d in order to haveithe block,.removed. When the 800 number is called during nonbusineSS hours, they will get a get' a message that states that business is closed, and to
contact during the business hours.

GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses

Inmate Calling System & Related Services

DOC rue NQ, IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005



Each call placed (direct dialed or collect) through the ICS must be electronically
identified by the system as being a call originating from a.....
DOC.'faeility in 100% of the
cases with or without the accompan.ying in,mate PIN.



GTl Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone,is programmed to brand all inmate calls, direct
dialed or collect, with the name of the correctional facility and the name of the inmate making
the call. Call branding operates whether or not inmate PINs are used. For example, when an
inmate's collect, station-to-station call is answered,LazerPhone's automated operator will
deliver to the called party a message such as:
"You have a collect call from [INMATE NAME] an inmate at [FACILITY NAME]. This call may
be monitored and/or recorded. If you wish to accept this call, press '0' and hold; to deny the
call, press '5' and hang up; if you wish to block any future calls of this nature, press 7' for
further instructions; to hear costs for this call, press '9' and hold for rate information".
The exact wording of automated messages will varY slightly depending on call type and can be
altered to exactly suit the facility's need. The DOC's LazerPhone System can also be
configured to play periodic overlay announcements throughout inmate calls at any intervals
requested by the DOC.


If a call is not accepted by the called party, or if no one answers the call, the
inform the inmate of the situation rather' than simply disconnecting the call.

rcs must

GTl Response: GTL will comply. When an inmate's call cannot be completed, the
automated operator will notify the inmate using a message similar to one of the following:



number was busy, please trY your call later."
party did not answer, please trY your<.:alliater.".
party did not accept your call."
party has placed a block on this number."

The rcs must have the capability to accept the called party's response via DTMF
(Touch Tone Pad) input from the telephone. Calls shall not be billed until positive
acceptance by the called party is indicated by the input of a specific Touch Tone digit.

GTl Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone' requires that the called party positively
accepts an inmate's call before the final connection is made. The acceptance prompt to a
called party at a Touch Tone phone is similar'iCF'''lf you wish to accept this call, press 0 and
GTL's Response to the
Corrunonwealth ofMassacbusctts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure fnmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 20{)5



The res must have the capability of "passive acceptance" for rotary telephone users and
particular called numbers such as an automate attendant at an attorney's office, etc.
Passive acceptance is defined as the system interpreting the non entty of digits after the
playing of the initial collect call message twice as acceptance of the call by the called

GTL Response: GTL will comply.


The res, whether in pre-paid debit or collect call mode, shall be capable of announcing
to the called party the name of the calling inmate. Bidders must provide a mechanism to
record an inmate's name a single time to be used each time this announcement is
required. The activation or deactivation of this feature must be controlled by institution
by the DOe.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone is programmed to brand all calls, prepaid debit
or collect, with the name of the correctional facility and the name of the inmate making the call.
When PINs are used, an inmate's name is recorded once and stored in the individual's PIN
file, for automatic retrieval at the time of each call ....
At the time of a call, if PINs are in use, the automated operator instructs the inmate to enter his
or her PIN, then the inmate's pre-recorded name is retrieved from the individual's PIN file.
At the time of a call, if PINs are not in use, the automated operator says, "At the tone, state
your name." The name is stored in temporary memory. By default, the inmate has a two (2)
second window in which to state his/her name. The time window is programmable for longer or
shorter periods.



res shall be capable of announcingJo the called party how to accept calls.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone instructs the called party how to accept or
reject the call. The automated operator will say to the called party: "If you wish to accept this
call, press zero and hold. If you wish to deny this call, press five and hang up." If the called
party fails to give an appropriate response, LazerPhone will repeat the instruction up to three
times. If there is no response for 30 seconds after the third repeat, the call is terminated.


The proposed leS must be(;apa9,1Yo()f.li1?!l0~ncing t() th() called party the collect call
rate, prior to acceptance, when a collect call is placed. The Bidder must describe how
this is accomplished by the called party.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetfs DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Iilluate Calling System & Related Services

DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone's automated operator's pre-recorded opening
message to a called party includes a prompt to obtain information about the cost of the call:
"To hear costs for this call, press 9 and hold for rate information." The called party will hear the
cost of the first period (e.g. minute) and the cost for any additional period (e.g. minute), prior to
call acceptance.

The system must provide a manner for all calls (debit based or collect) to be "branded"
with the standard DOC message as well as the statement that "All Calls are Recorded".

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone is programmed to brand all calls, debit based
or collect, with the name of the correctional facility, the name of the inmate making the call,
and any other standard message the DOC wishes to be delivered. By default, the system's
opening message during a collect call is as follows, but can be altered to exactly suit DOC
"You have a collect call from [INMATE NAME] an inmate at [FACILITY NAME]. This call may
be monitored and/or recorded. If you wish to accept this call, press '0' and hold; to deny to call,
press '5' and hang up; if you wish to block any future calls of this nature, press 7' for further
instructions; to hear costs for this call, press '9' and hold for rate information".
The exact wording of automated messages will vary slightly depending on call type and can be
altered to exactly suit the facility's need.c, The DOC's LazerPhone System can also be
configured to play periodic overlay announcements throughout inmate calls at any intervals
requested by the DOC.

The Bidder ,must propose and implement an rcs that provides telephone reception
quality meeting all industry standards for service quality as defined by Massachusetts
Department of Telecommunications & Energy and by the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC). The Bidder. ,must accept the DOC's decision regarding such
, determination.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The LazerPhone platform represents the latest in
advanced calling and recording technology. Being a fully digital system, LazerPhone delivers
calls of the highest audio quality. GTL's installation team performs three (3) tests during
installation to ensure that audio quality meets or exceeds industry standards for transmitted
and received levels, noise, cross talk, and freq\Jency range: :,

First, stations are tested at the demarcation"po,in(,' The technician will initiate a telephone call
to our Technical Support staff. During the call, each party will note any problems with the
quality of the audio. If problems are detected, gain settings are adjusted and the process
begins again until satisfactory results are achieved.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassadmsett<; DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


[,; .. il

Second, test calls are made from a percentage of the actual inmate telephones. Again, if
audio levels are unsatisfactory, adjustments to the gain settings are made.
Finally, recorded calls are downloaded and the. quality of the audio is again tested . .If found to
be unsatisfactory, the recording gain controls are adjusted and the process repeated.


The Bidder must provide and install adequate surge protection for the proposed rcs and
its components. The use of traditional "power strips" for surge protection is not
acceptable for this requirement.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL provides Uninterupted Power Supply (UPS) units to
protect the LazerPhone system components as well as PC workstations from power spikes
and surges.


The Bidder must provide and install adequate lightning protection equipment on all
network services supplied for the proposed rcs.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL installers follow strict check lists to ensure that the
LazerPhone network services are adequately protected from lightening.
GTL Surge Suppression and Grounding Plan
All LazerPhone facilities are required to have proper protection on the Telco side. The site
survey will include a checklist to ascertain if the proper equipment is in place. The local
service provider is normally resPQnsible for that equipment.
All facilities will receive station side prot~c.ti(m.\ . Fo~ facilities that have station wire going
outside the primary building, Global Tel'Link will install additional protection. The protection
blocks used in single building installs will be mounted and punched next to the connector
The LazerPhone controller and all protection blocks will be connected directly to a local earth
ground in the equipment room. This is a list of site survey questions that can help us determine
what will be needed when our phone tech arrives and what equipment to send.

Is adequate Telco protection in place?d!f 1],9t, call the Telephone company)
Does the facility, which houses the phones, have multiple buildings with outside cabling?
If yes, what type of protection is in place for station wiring coming in from other buildings?


In the room where the LazerPhone system will reside, is there adequate space to mount
two 66 blocks per every 24 stations, and one 66 block for every 24 analog trunks? If not,

Commollwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Irunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC tile No. IOOO-Phone2006






we may need to add more plywood or clean out old equipment.
Is there a good earth ground in the room where the LazerPhone system will reside? If not,
get one.

In single-building situations it is normal for the station side of a telephone system not to provide
lightning protection, since there is little opportunity for lightning to enter the system through the
telephones. However, when an inmate telephone system includes remote buildings, lightning
can enter the system and may cause the destruction of the station card and/or other hardware.
As this destruction will cause service interruptions and subsequent loss of revenue, GTL will
verify that the telephone company grounding systems meet certain minimum requirements.
The following check list is used to ensure that the system is properly grounded.



All Telco facilities must be protected with gas or solid-state carbons only.
a. Minimum - 5 pin AT&T/Lucent 4B or 5B modules or equivalent.
b. BEST - 58 or 7B solid state modules, (3-5 NS)
All computer cards must be screwed down tightly to the processor using "star" washers.
All station (telephone) facilities should have 75V protection.
a. Same building locations need fast acting primary protection.
b. Inter building locations must have gas or solid state protection.
RECOMMEND - Model UP-1-75 (2:5 NSrAll processors should be grounded to the ground "BUSS" using a #12 (stranded) ground
wire secured to the chassis with a "star" washer.
Protector units can be ordered from Graybar:
a. 581P2 - Protector pack w/o protector modules (25 pair stub in 66 block).
b. 15SCN-75 - Single pin heat coil 75 V solid-state modules. (Porta Systems)


The Bidder must provide a sufficient number ofuninterruptible power supply (UPS)
systems that also have surge protecJ:lol). at each DOC facility capable of supporting all
.res components including recording'devices for a minimum of one (1) hour.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. In the event of a power failure at the correctional facility,
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units provide temporary power for the entire system. UPS
units also protect against power fluctuations and surges. GTL will provide UPS units at each
DOC facility capable of powering the entire LazerPhone system for a minimum of one hour. In
the absence of an emergency generator, upon expiration of the UPS, the system shuts down.
Once power is restored the system will re!l0~,~ Yi',imout.huma'lintervention and resume normal


The Bidder must provide, install and maintain (according to manufacturer's
specifications) all res UPS equipment at each of the DOe facilities. The Bidder must

GTL's ResporuJe to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Imnate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No, lOOO~Phone2006
September IS, 2005


replace all UPS equipment upon expiration of the manufacturer's life cycle of the
installed product.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.


In the unlikely case of the loss of commercial power and the failure of the UPS, the res
must automatically restrict or "shut off"
inmate telephones so that no inmate calls can
be made until commercial power is restored and access is once again provided by the


GTL Response: GTL will comply. In the absence of both commercial power and UPS backup
power, the LazerPhone system would shut down all inmate telephones until power was
restored. Once power was restored the system would reboot without human intervention and
resume normal operations.


The Bidder must describe, in its response, what component redundancy is provided to
limit or virtually eliminate system downtime due to hardware component failure.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. To ensure that LazerPhone records are stored securely
and that all system data are fully recoverable from any type of emergency shutdown, GTL has
built redundancy into every critical aspect of the system.
Twin UPS Backup Power: In the event of a power failure at the correctional facility,
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units provide temporary power for the entire system. UPS
units also protect against power fluctuations and surges. GTL will provide UPS units at each
DOC facility capable of powering the entire LazerPhone system for a minimum of one hour. In
the absence of an emergency generator, upon expiration of the UPS, the system shuts down.
Once power is restored the system will reboot without human intervention and resume normal
Redundant DOC Data Storage: Both call detail records and system settings are saved and
automatically backed-up in
At the time of an inmate's cali, a call detail record is
automatically saved to the DOC facility'sfactive hard drive array, backed-up to the facility's
backup storage array, and transmitted to GTL's off-site central storage facility. Any changes
made to LazerPhone system settings are also saved in
to the facility's active hard
drive array, backed-up to the facility's backup storage array, and transmitted to GIL's remote
central storage facility through the secure network.provided by GTL.
At the time of an inmate's call, the call's recorded conversation is saved in • • • • to the
GTL's Response to the

Commonwealth ofMl4'ffiachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Imnate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006

September 15,2005


facility's active hard drive array. Once every 24 hours, LazerPhone automatically copies
recordings to the facility's backup storage array and transmits a copy to GTL's off-site central
storage facility through the secure network provided by GTl.
Redundant Control Computers: At each LazerPhone Control Center, LazerPhone system
controls are housed in two identically configured computers. If the first computer fails the
second automatically takes over. In the unlikely event that both computers at one LazerPhone
Center fail, the computers at the alternate Center automatically take over all LazerPhone
operations. Each backup computer is independently capable of performing all Management
Control Center functions. Massive generators back up the electrical systems at both the
primary (Mobile) and secondary (Houston) Control Center locations.
Tested by a Force Redundant processing, telecommunications infrastructure, facilities, and
trained staff at the Houston Data Center backed up this EjffOrt and stood ready to take over if
Mobile had taken a catastrophic hit.
The effectiveness of GTL's Control Center's backup systems was conclusively demonstrated
when the city of Mobile, Alabama took a devastating hit from Hurricane Katrina in August 2005.
Flanked on all sides by the crippled city, the LazerPhone Control Center continued to operate
While any electronic equipment, especially that which operates continuously 24 hours a day,
365 days a year, is subject to occasional downtimes, GTL's internal evaluations of
LazerPhone's system performance show that we have consistently delivered 99.9995%
system uptime to our sitt's. '.


In all cases, whether a downtime is due to normal equipment wearing or to causes outside of
our control (e.g. inmate vandalism), GTL strives diligently to meet expected response times for
all of our customers. Aspects of this diligence are evidenced in our implementation of a
Continuous System Watch: At installation, the DOC facility's inmatelllelephone system is put
on-line with the LazerPhone Service Center in Mobile, Alabama, and remains so, twenty-four
hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year, throughout the life of the contract. Highly
trained support personnel stand by, watching for any negative feedback from LazerPhone's
continuous self-diagnostic tests. GTL's cor~valueof RESPONSIVENESS includes knowing about
' ~'"
." .
problems before you do.


It is desirable that the Bidder provide an rcs in which the Central Processor Unit (CPU)
and other critical components are redundant. The Bidder must describe, in its response,
those critical components that are redundant with the proposed rcs.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. To ensure that LazerPhone records are stored securely
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure fnmate Caning System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOQO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005




and that all system data are fully recoverable from any type of emergency shutdown, Global
Tel·Link has built redundancy into every critical aspect of the system.
Twin UPS Backup Power: In the event of a power failure at the correctional facility, twin
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units provide temporary power for the entire system. UPS
units also protect against power fluctuations and surges. GTL will provide UPS units at each
DOC facility capable of powering the entire LazerPhone system for a minimum of one hour. In
the absence of an emergency generator, upon expiration of the UPS, the system shuts down.
Once power is restored the system will reboot without human intervention and resume normal
Redundant Control Computers: GTL's primary LazerPhone Control Center is at our
headquarters in Mobile, Alabama. Operations here are backed-up by redundant controls and
call record storage at our secondary Validation site in Houston, Texas. At each LazerPhone
Control Center, system controls are housed in two identically configured computers. If the first
computer failS the second automatically takes over. In the unlikely event that both computers
at one LazerPhone Center fail, the computers at the alternate Center automatically take over
all LazerPhone operations. Each backup computer is independently capable of performing all
Management Control Center functions. Massive generators back up the electrical systems at
both the primary (Mobile) and secondary (Houston) Control Center locations.
Tested by Force Majeure: The effectiveness of the GTL Control Center's backup system was
devastating hit from Hurricane
conclusively demonstrated when Mobile, Alabama took
Katrina in August 2005. Flanked on all sides by the crippled city, the LazerPhone Control
Center continued to operate normally.)! Redundant processing, telecommunications
infrastructure, facilities, and trained staff at the Houston Data Center backed up this effort and
stood ready to take over if Mobile had taken a catastrophic hit.


Redundant Record Data Storage: 80th call detail records and system settings are saved and
automatically backed-up in
. At the time of an inmate's call, a call detail record is
saved to the DOC facility's active hard drive array, backed-up to the facility's backup storage
array, and transmitted to GTL's off-site central storage facility. Any changes made to
lazerPhone system settings are also saved in _ _ _ to the facility's active hard drive array,
backed-up to the facility's backup storage· array; arid transmitted to GTL's remote central
storage facility through the secure network provided by GTL.
to the
At the time of an inmate's call, the call's recorded conversation is saved in _
facility's hard drive. Once every 24 hours, LazerPhone automatically copies recordings to the
facility's backup storage array and transmits a copy to GTL's off-site central storage facility
through the secure network provided by GTL.

(TTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure liunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO*Phone2006
September 15,2005



The Bidder must provide standard hardware and software enhancements/upgrades to the
proposed rcs at no cost to the DOC during the term of this contract. The installed rcs
at each DOC facility must always be at the latest general release of tHe system's
available hardware and software including operating systems for the system
administration and system reporting function. Beta and field tested hardware and
software must not be provided unless specifically approved by the DOC. Prior to any
hardware and/or software upgrades or enhancements; the Bidder shall discuss the
software benefits with the DOC and proceed only after DOC approval.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone software updates are provided periodically to
all LazerPhone sites throughGTL's secure Web Server. The latest version of LazerPhone's
management software, containing any new features or enhancements that were developed,
tested, and incorporated into the product since the last update, automatically downloads to the
DOC's workstation when an authorized person at the facility logs into the system. These
software updates are provided at no cost the DOC. Should the release of an updated version
of the LazerPhone control program require an upgrade in hardware to ensure proper
functionality, the DOC will be notified and the hardware upgrade will be provided at no cost to
the DOC, prior to the upload of the new release to GTL's server.
LazerPhone has an almost unlimited capacity for hardware expansion. New telephones and
whole new facilities can be added with minimal or no disruption to the functionality of an
eXisting system. When new facilities are planned, Global Tel-Link reviews costs and expected
revenues from the new facility's inmate determineif·an adjustment to the DOC's
current commission is appropriate.

Telephone network services provided by the Bidder shall not be capable of being
detected by the called party for calling number identification (Caller ID).

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Caller 10 will be suppressed on all lines that service inmate
telephones. Called parties will not have the capability to identify the number from which an
inmate's call originates.

The Bidder shall provide local exchange service for pre-paid debit-based ·calling and
collect calling use at each DOC institution. The local calling area shall ~e, equal to or
greater than the local calling area defined in the Verizon Massachusettsoif>lpahment of
Telecommunications and Energy (DTE) Tariff (MA DPU #10) for each of the DOC's

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005



The proposed res must allow
; by DOe personnel. This monitoring must be allowed by specific inmate
telephone, specific inmate P1N or by called telephone number. Any and all
equipment and software required to perform this function must be provided with the
proposed system.





"-"' _ _ "

_ _ _ _ _ _" " H _ .


Bidder must describe, in its response, how this will be
accomplished with the proposed system.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone has built-in state-of-the-art monitoring and
recording capabilities with no interference to current recording operations. By default, all
inmate conversations are recorded and can be monitored, except those to approved legal
counselor those for which monitoring and recording have selectively turned off by authorized
facility personnel.
Current inmate call activity may be visually monitored on a Call Monitoring screen at the
LazerPhone workstation and/or audibly monitored by directing a live conversation to the
Because both visual
and audio monitoring are seamlessly integrated into LazerPhone's
monitoring does not interfere with recordirlg a'~'d 'is not detectable by either the caller or the
recipient of the call.


Authorized personnel may watch the status of phones and
at the local
workstation or a workstation a
LazerPhone provides a visual display of
all call activity in real time on the Call Monitoring screen .
. :, .. j rj,,_.-

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetfs DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOCfUe No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005

:'p~ I"






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A call-in-progress detected by the Lazel'Pfl0~le'~~• • • • •
£:0 up to three pre-designated phonE) nUlmnAr,:;
alerted official's telephone rings,
When the alert goes to

If the need arises'I:::::::;
chooses the

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachuse«s DOC
Request for Respon'les
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone20Q6
September 15, 2005

_."'51""" is

• • • , an authorized officer may
If logged into the system, the officer
option on the Call




<-••--" ..

t:l············~it~. .

The collect call automated announcement function of the Secure Inmate Calling System
must be capable of processing calls on a selective bi-lingual basis: English and Spanish.
The inmate must be able to select the preferred language using no more than a two digit

GTL Response: GTl will comply. By default, lazerPhone's automated operator's prerec:or(ied mess,3gE~s are available in English and Spanish.
prompts in up
the facility has a
for an
Modifications to pre-recorded messages are also provided at no cost.

It is desirable that the ICS be capable of processing calls in additional languages than

those required in 5.1.47. The Bidder must list, in its response, the languages available
with the proposed IeS.
GTL Response: GTl will comply. By default, lazerPhone's automated operator's prerecorded messages are available in English and Spanish. Lazerphone'~;.1 p.;~_~
If the
has a
for an
recorded messages are also provided at no cost. .

The proposed Secure Inmate Calling System must allow for the DOC to program times
when the systern will be availablei·or unaJlmfble to inmat~calliilg"The Bidder must'
describe, in its response, how this is accomplished.

., GTL Response: GTL will comply. The lazerPhont:j system ilJf.illdes a Call Sche(juler that can
.restrict inmate telephone usage to particular hours oUhe day. Phone ON/OFF'times may be
scheduled for all inmate phones, an individdal 'phorw:',~group of phones (e.g. all phones in a
. cell block), or assigned to an inmate PIN. Telephone usage time for each day of the week is
". setup using a twenty-four hour clock. A sep<'!rate schedule may b'll set up for each day of the
week and for holidays.

GTL) Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassadlUsctts DOC
Request for Resport'>es
Secure fuma.te Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


kHf:$rPhone's Scheql,ller

Personal Identification Nnmbers (PINs)
It is the intention of the DOe to implement the proposed res in a collect call mode with the use
of inmate Personal Identification Numbers (PINs). The proposed res must operate in pre-paid
debit mode for international calling outside of the North American Dialing Plan. Whether in
collect call mode or pre-paid debit mode, the proposed res must adhere to the following
requirements for PIN operation.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The IeS must restrict use through authorized Personal Identification Numbers (pINs)
assigned to each inmate. The length of these PINs must be determined by the DOC and
remain consistent throughout DOe facilities.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerRhoHe's integrated PIN system is used to control,
monitor," and report telephone useage by individual inmates. A LazerPhone Personal
Identification Number (PIN) can be 4 to 15 digits long, as determined by the DOC and will be
consistant throughout DOC facilities.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth QfMassachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure huna:te Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Control: Custom calling restrictions may be added to any inmate's LazerPhone PIN
account. An inmate's PIN account helps govern his/her calling privileges, which may be
restricted by a Call Allow list (personal allowed numbers), a custom Block List (personal
disallowed numbers), and/or a Call Schedule (times of day, week, etc. that calls can be
allow facility personnel to be. aware,


visual monitoring of

via LazerPhone's

Report: Call Activity reports can be printed from the LazerPhone workstation for a
particular PIN, a group of PINs, or all PINs.
Debit Accounts for Prepaid Calls: When PINs are operative, the facility may elect to allow
inmate the use of LazerPhone's Debit system for prepaid calls.
Interface To The DOC's Inmate Management System
GTL will meet with the DOC to decide and establish efficient interfaces and mechanisms
between the DOC's IMS and our LazerPhone~s,J?IN system Jo track and updifte daily inmate
admissions, transfers, and releases. GTL can make use of established mechanisms such as
LazerPhone's Portable PIN Feature with Transfer Reports, GTL's existing platformindependent IMS interface, on-site system administrators, as well as any additional interfaces
or mechanisms that may need to be developed to meet the DOC's needs.
LazerPhone's Current Interface Capabilities
Inmate Management System Interface: <3ILc!,lrrently has. a platform-independent interface
any changes made to individual
program can allow LazerPhone to receive in
inmate accounts within inmate management systems, assuming those changes are also
appropriate to LazerPhone PIN accounts. Additionally, our existing interface program is
capable of fully updating each DOC facility's PIN database once every twentY-four hours, to
add new PIN accounts.
LazerPhone's Portable PIN Feature with Transfer Reports: LazerPhone has always
provided easy PIN administration by allowing inmates to move freely between networked
aninmate'ilitemptsto make a
LazerPhone facilities. The first


. This
transfer is accomplished within the GTL's Data Center. The Portable PIN function allows a
newly transferred inmate to
When a transfer is
made, the LazerPhone system generates an Inmate Transfer record that shows Inmate

GTL's Response to the

Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No: lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005



PIN, Old Facility, New Facility, who logged the change (by an authorized person at the
workstation or by automatic detection of the LazerPhone system), and the date and time the
transfer was logged.
Standard Pin Account Setup
For. the. POC's information, below we explain LazerPhone's other standard 'PIN system'
capabilities, which may 'or riiayl/lot be appropriate for integration into the potential interface
with the DOC's Inmate Management System.



Activating LazerPhone's PIN system is free of any cost to the DOC and the use of PINs does
not impact the DOC's revenue from the LazerPhone system in anyway.
A LazerPhone Personal Identification Number (PIN), which can be 4 to 15 digits long, may be
the inmate's social security number, a booking or other number issued by the DOC, or a
number that is automatically generated by the LazerPhone system.
A PIN account may be setup by a system administrator or other authorized personnel at the
system workstation or through a simple Auto-Enrollment procedure performed by the inmate,
usually at the time of booking. Likewise, a Call Allow list (limited list of approved numbers) for
each PIN can be set up at the workstation or LazerPhone can auto-generate a Call Allow list
for each inmate, comprised of the first few destination numbers where the inmate's calls are
accepted. The facility decides how many telephone numbers LazerPhone may' add to an
inmate's automatically generated list and authorized personnel may view or modify Call Allow
lists at the LazerPhone workstation.
]::xample Inmate PIN Auto-Enrollment Procedure
After receiving a PIN, brief instructions from' a correctional officer, and a ficitious phone
number to use during auto enrollment, the inmate.picks up the handset of a designated phone
and follOWS the instructions of an automated operator.
1. The automated operator instructs the inmate to choose the perfered language.
2. The automated operator instructs the inmate to enter the number he or she would like to
call. (In this case, the inmate enters the ficitious phone number.)
3. The automated operator instructs the inmate to enter his or her PIN' on the' telephonEl's
4. The automated operator tells the inmate that, at the tone, he or she will have two seconds to
speak his or her name clEl'arly into the mouthpiece. (The name is permanantly stored in the
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Irunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


PIN file.)
5. The automated operator will inform the inmate that he or she has completed auto enrollment
and may now use the telephones in the facility.

Example Inmate PIN Call Procedure
1. The inmate picks up the handset and at the prompting of an automated operator,
designates with a key-press the preferred language (English, Spanish, etc.).

2. Following the automated operator's instruction, the inmate dials the desired area code and
destination number.
If the number is disallowed at the facility level, the inmate is informed that the number is
not permitted and the call is terminated. If the number is allowed, the call proceeds.
3. Following the automated operator's instruction, the inmate designates with a key-press

whether the call is to be collect, person-to-person, or prepaid.

4. Following the automated operator's instruction, the inmate enters hislher PIN on the keypad.
The system checks the inmate's PIN account to see if the destination' number is
allowed. If so, the system retrieves the inmate's pre-recorded name, which will be
presented, along with the name of the correctional facility and other information, when
the called party lifts the receiver. After listening to options presented by the automated
operator, the called party either accepts .or rejects the call.

Advantages of LazerPhone's PIN System
Although optional, the use of LazerPhone's PIN system allows the system's powerful call
control options to be applied on an inmatecby-inmate basis,

Set Call Duration by PIN: Unique call duration may be aSSigned to individual inmates. This
duration can be programmed from one (1) minute to two hundred fifty-five (255) minutes in one
(1) minute increments. In addition, a warning prompt or tone will notify the inmate that the call
duration is approaching the preset time limit.
Set Call Velocity by PIN: An inmate can be restricted to the number of calls he/she can make
during a specified time period. This time period can be set for hours, days, weeks, etc.


Facility personnel can enter.
• • • • via the on-site
attempt to dial one of these PI !mbers the! 8zerPhOQe

ShQllid an inmate

Reque.<.1 for Responses
Secure fnmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1000~Phone2006
September 15, 2005

- - ' .
lOe COlli..


~~~ '&'''fu~~::'~

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(by his or
PIN number).
Obtain Management Reports by PIN: When PINs are in use, the system administrator can
create reports including inmate PINs. The inmate PIN number can become a parameter by
which calls are sorted or by which reports are printed.
Set Phone Usage Times by PIN: Each PIN can be programmed to include specific phone
usage times. An individual inmate may be restricted to specific time of day calling, specific day
of week calling, or specific holiday calling.
Set Programmable Free Calfs By PIN: Specific telephone numbers may be flagged as "free
calls" when dialed by an individual inmate PIN. However, free calls can have a negative effect
on gross revenue generated by the system. When an inmate is assigned a PIN (either
automatically by the LazerPhone system or by manual entry) the PIN is immediately activated
and the inmate can begin placing calls using his or her PIN. The LazerPhone system operates
in~d thus, there will be no delay or lag time between PIN assignment and use.
Suspend Calling Privileges by PIN: An inmate's PIN can be turned off (deactivated or
suspended), disallowing all calling by that inmate, without affecting any other inmate's ability to
place calls. This is accomplished by clicking the Deactivated or Suspended radio-buttons on
the inmate's Detailed Account Information file. A deactivated PIN will remain so until an
authorized person at the workstation manually reactivates the account. A suspended PIN will
automatically reactivate after a specified date.
Limit Calls to An Approved List of Numbers: A LazerPhone Call Allow List, that will restrict
calls to a limited list of approved numbers, can be assigned to each inmate PIN. Call Allow lists
can be setup at the system workstation or, to save administrative time, LazerPhone can be
instructed to automatically generate a Call Allow list for .each inmate, based on the firstfew
numbers where the inmate's calls is accepted. The fatility decides how many telephone
numbers LazerPhone may add to an inmate's automatically generated list and authorized
personnel may view or modify Call Allow lists at the LazerPhone workstation.


• 'I

The proposed res must allow for the cross-referencing of inmate PINs to the DOC
inmate commitment number allowing for DOC personnel to search by commitment
number for call records and call recordings .. The Bidder must describe, in its response,
how this will be accomplished with the proposed system.

GTL's Response to~he
Commonwealth of Massachusett" DOC
Request fDr Responses
Secure Inma.te Calling System& Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone provides a split-PIN option that effectively
permits cross-referencing of inmate PINs to the DOC commitment number. A LazerF;hone
Per§onal Identification Number (PIN) can be 4 to 15 digits long. For example, the split-PIN
might be the inmate's commitment number followed by a 4-digit personal identifier code.


The Bidder must provide appropriate three-part forms (See Attachment E) to allow for
PIN and allowed telephone number list assignments.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will provide the required forms.


The Bidder shall be responsible for the administration of all inmate PIN through its Site
Administrators (See Section 5.12).

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will provide a Site Administrator for each DOC facility
to be responsible for the administration of all inmate PINs.


Although the res installed at the DOe will initially operate solely in collect call mode,
the IeS must be capable of utilize the PIN feature for pre-paid debit as well.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone can operate solely in collect call mode, but
can also provide prepay call options to both inmates and the people they call.
For inmates, LazerPhone has an integrated Debit Account system that can be funded either
by direct deposit, which is managed through the LazerPhone workstation, or with pre-paid
VQuchers that inmates purchase from the facility or the facility's commissary and "cash" at
inmate telephones. LazerPhone's innovative prepaid voucher system is more secure and
easier to use than calling cards. It also eliminates the need for facility personnel to manage
inmate Debit Account funds. See below: How GTL prepaid vouchers Work.
For called parties, LazerPhone has an automated AdvancePay program that allows an
inmate's friends and relatives to prepay for his/her current or future calls using a VISA or
Mastercard. See below: Automated AdvancePay Program for Families and Friends.

How GTL prepaid vouchers Work
The prepaid voucher is more secure than a prepaid calling card, because the one-time
"cashing" process transfers the entire value of the voucher to the inmate's Debit account.
Unlike calling cards that are subject to loss or theft before their full value has been used, after
"cashing" the prepaid voucher has no further value and can be discarded.
When LazerPhone's Debit system is active, at the beginning of each call attempt, if the inmate
chooses the prepaid call type, the system's aut9rnated operator reports the current balance in
GTL's Response to fue
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inlll.ate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006
September 15, 2Q{l5


~'~:"~1~~':~":"'-"'-'--'" .


the inmate's prepaid account. If the balance is sufficient, the cost of the current call can be
automatically deducted from the account. Inmate debit accounts can be added, updated,
deleted, or closed at the LazerPhone workstation.
The facility or the facility's commissary orders prepaid vouchers from Global Tel*link and sells
them to inmates wishing to make prepaid calls. Once in the inmate's possession, the voucher
is taken to any inmate phone. After choosing a language and entering a destination number,
the inmate selects menu option 5 to begin the "cashing" process. Following automated
prompts, the inmate enters his PIN, the voucher number, and the voucher value. If the PIN is
valid and the voucher has not been previously used, the value of the voucher is transferred to
the PIN account. The inmate may now place prepaid calls by simply choosing the prepaid call
type and entering his/her PIN during call setup - the voucher number is no longer needed.
Unlike prepaid calling cards that retain value and are subject to being stolen, once "cashed"
(meaning the voucher number has been recorded by LazerPhone) the voucher is useless and
can be discarded.
If inmate friends and family members wish to purchase prepaid vouchers for G!n inmate, they
can do so by depositing money into the inmate's commissary account. The inmate can then
purchase a voucher using the money deposited in his commissary account.
When an inmate leaves the facility with funds still in a debit account, the facility or commissary
may request a refund, or the inmate's LazerPhone PIN, with its associated Debit Account, may
simply be deactivated. If the inmate is re-booked in the future, he or she can use the same PIN
for making prepaid calls.
Call Control
Because this prepaid option operates on Global Tel*link's platform, prepaid calls are subject
to the same call controls as collect calls. Prepaid calls must be validated before the system
will connect the call. Once connected, the call is subject to the facility's call duration
restrictions, time of day restrictions, blocked number restrictions, and all other call restrictions.
Refunds will only be made upon an inmate's release from jail. To obtain a refund, the facility
and/or the commissary company must mak~. ,\written refund request on the inmate's behalf.
The request must include the PIN, the inmate's name, the mailing address, and the facility
name. A refund will only be made if requested by the facility and/or the commissary company.
Inmate requests for refunds will be denied. As Global Tel*Link is pricing the prepaid calls on a
surcharge and per minute basis, the amount of money leftover should be minimal.
Benefits of prepaid vouchers

Friends & Family Friendly:
Prepaid vouchers can be sold via the facility commissary system. Therefore, inmate friends
GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services

DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


and family can deposit money into the commissary account for the purchase of prepaid
vouchers. There are no fees associated with these vouchers.
Less Manpower Required:
A system administrator will not have to enter debit account deposit amounts at the workstation.
By having the inmate "cash" the voucher, this responsibility is shifted to the inmate.

}> No Third Party:
The system runs on Global Tel Link's platform with no third party involvement necessary. As a
result, Global Tel*link does not need to rely on a third party for any aspect of the program including the printing of prepaid vouchers.

Prepaid vouchers can be thrown away after being cashed at an inmate phone. Unlike
similar programs, inmates do not have to retain actual cards that can be stolen.

}> Reconciliation Reports:
Since the prepaid voucher or debit method programs runs on the Global Tel*link's platform,
LazerPhone provides detailed, accurate reporting capabilities through the reconciliation reports
to manage the Prepaid Debit and the prepaid voucher programs. These types of reports can
be printed via the facility LazerPhone workstation.

Calls that may be otherwise blocked may now be completed through Global Tel*link's
AdvancePay program.
Automated AdvancePay Setup: When an inmate attempts to dial a number that has a
financially-based block, AdvancePay will place the inmate on hold while the option is given to
the called party to set up an AdvancePay account that will allow inmate calls, up to a specified
amount, to be charged to the party's VISA or Mastercard. Once the called party provides the
appropriate information, the inmate is connected.
The opening message to a called party regarding AdvancePay is similar to:
"Your telephone service provider does not allow collect calls from ... ".
"If you would like to accept this and future collect calls, you must establish a pre-pay
account. We accept Visa and MasterCard. If you would .like to set up an account and
accept this call please press ... ".
Once the appropriate key is pressed t(Undi9f!t~ "Yf"s", prompts will walk the called party
through the remainder of the set up process. The option is given to set up a $25.00 or
GTL's Response to the
Cornmollwealfh of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006

September 15,2005


~~, ~.~."'.@.".'::. ~ ..........-.
......•.... ~ ..... .

l. '"'~. .•. •. •.~i.•. ·i.•

$50.00 prepayment. Once the account has been established and payment made via credit
card, the current call will connect.
After the pre-pay account is established, collect calls to the telephone number may be placed
up to the prepaid amount. After the prepaid amount is depleted, the system will inform the
user that a prepayment must be made before additional calls can be received. Customers are
also given the option at that time to increase their amount from a $25.00 limit to a $50.00 limit.
Non-Automated AdvancePay Setup: For people who do not have or choose not to use a
VISA or Mastercard, AdvancePay's automated operator also provides a telephone number to
Global Tel*link's live AdvancePay operators, that the call recipient may dial to setup an
AdvancePay account using other methods of payment.


The res must allow each PIN to have a "class of service" assigned. For example, each
PIN shall have a list of allowahle telephone numbers, the maximum duration of each call,
etc. The proposed system must provide call restrictions by PIN that provide the
following restrictions at a minimum:

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone's integrated PIN system allows a "class of
service" to be assigned to each inmate to control, monitor, and report telephone usage by
individual inmates. "Class of service" assignments include the following options:
Set Call Duration by PIN: Unique call duration may be assigned to individual inmates. This
duration can be programmed from one (1) minute to two hundred fifty-five (255) minutes in one
(1) minute increments. In addition, a warning prompt or tone will notify the inmate that the call
duration is approaching the preset time limit.
Set Call Velocity by PIN: An inmate can be restricted to the number of calls he/she can make
during a specified time period. This time period can be set for hours, days, weeks, etc.
Set _

By PIN: Facility pers~Qn!1etcan enter ,
via the on-site
Should an inmate attempt to dial one of these numbers, the LazerPhone
to three destination numbers
and report the
LazerPhone will make three attempts to complete these calls.

Obtain Management Reports by PIN: When PINs are in use, the system administrator can
create reports including inmate PINs. The .inmate PIN number can become a parameter by
which calls are sorted or by which reports ar~ipniilEid.·;·····' "

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request f-or Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO·Phone2006

September 15,2005


Set Phone Usage Times by PIN: Each PIN can be programmed to include specific phone
usage times. An individual inmate may be restricted to specific time of day calling, specific day
of week calling, or specific holiday calling.
Set Programmable Free Calls By PIN: Specific telephone numbers may be flagged as "free
calls" when dialed by an individual inmate PIN. However, free calls can have a negative effect
on gross revenue generated by the system. When an inmate is assigned a PIN (either
automatically by the LazerPhone system or by manual entry) the PIN is immediately activated
and the inmate can begin placing calls using his or her PIN. The LazerPhone system operates
in~and thus, there will be no delay or lag time between PIN assignment and use.
Suspend Calling Privileges by PIN: An inmate's PIN can be turned off (deactivated or
suspended), disallowing all calling by that inmate, without affecting any other inmate's ability to
place calls. This is accomplished by clicking the Deactivated or Suspended radio-buttons on
the inmate's Detailed Account Information file. A deactivated PIN will remain so until an
authorized person at the workstation manually reactivates the account. A suspended PIN will
automatically reactivate after a specified date.
Limit Calls to An Approved List of Numbers: A LazerPhone Call Allow List, that will restrict
calls to a limited list of approved numbers, can be assigned to each inmate PIN. Call Allow lists
can be setup at the system workstation or, to save administrative time, LazerPhone can be
instructed to automatically gener;;lte a Call Allow list for each inmate, based on the first few
numbers where the inmate's calls is accepted. The facility decides how many telephone
numbers LazerPhone may add to an inmate's automatically generated list and authorized
personnel may view or modify Call Allow lists at the LazerPbone workstation.


Placing of Calls: Inmates can be either approved or not approved to make phone
". calls ~Y,fIN;

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The use of piNs is entirely optional. The DOC may approve
or not approve phone calls by P I N . "


Use of Specific Telephones: Inmates, via the PIN, can be restricted to a specific
telephone or group of telephones, at the DOC's option;


GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachuseti~ DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inrnate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005



GTL Response: GTL will comply.


Duration of Call: Maximum call duration can be set globally (all PIN's), by site,
by facility area, by individual inmate's PIN, by type of call (Local, IntraLATA,
InterLATA) at the DOC's option;

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone can limit the duration of inmate calls from one
(1 )"lotWi:i'ilundred fifty-five (255) minutes, in one-minute intervals. A call duration limit may be
applied globally to all system telephones and selectively applied to logical groups of phones
(cell block, building, etc.), individual telephones, individual inmate PINs, and to individual
destination numbers. Call durations are set and changed entirely at the DOC's discretion and
are adjustable at the system workstation at each location.
LazerPhone can be configured to include a waming tone or voice message to announce the
impending disconnect of the phone call. The playing of the warning tone or message is
configurable by seconds left in the call. For example, it can be configured so that the prompt
plays 60 seconds prior to call termination, and again at 30 seconds (10 seconds, etc.).
Termination messages may be changed at the DOC's discretion.


Time of Day Calling: Au allowed calling schedule can be provided for each
specific PIN, by facility area, by site and globally (all PIN restrictions)at the DOC's

GTL Response: GTL will comply. An allowed calling schedule can be assigned to each
specific PIN or to inmate telephones by facility area, by site, and/or globally for all inmates at
the facility. Call schedules can restrict calls to .specific times of day, specific days of week,
and can be the same or different for holidays.


Specific PIN: Restrict an inmate under disciplinary action from placing all calls
assign to his particular PIN with the exception of privileged numbers (e.g.,
attorney, approved clergy and social work professional s).


*-",. "


GTL Response: GTL will comply. An inmate's PIN can be turned off (deactivated or
suspended), disallowing all or selected numbers on an inmate's Call Allow list. This is
accomplished by selecting Deactivated or Suspended option on the inmate's Detailed Account



A deactivated

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for RespOlL~es
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Pnone2006
September 15.2005


or selected


, :.

numbers wj!! remain





authorized person at the workstation manually reactivates the account. A suspended PIN or
selected numbers will automatically reactivate after a specified date.
Within the Detailed PIN Account Information for Call Allow lists, authorized personnel are able
to deactivate or suspend numbers on the inmate's personal list, without deactivating or
suspending the inmate's ability to call "privileged numbers", such as attorney, approved clergy,
or social work professionals.


Restriction: Set call duration, set number of calls per day, set only certain
numbers per PIN, etc.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone's PIN system allows class of service
assignments to individual inmates that include specified call duration, a set number of calls per
day, and limited call allow lists that permit calls only to certain numbers.
A LazerPhone Call Allow List, that will restrict calls to a limited list of approved numbers, can
be assigned to each inmate. Call Allow lists, which work in conjunction with inmate PINs, can
be setup at the system workstation or LazerPhone can be instructed to automatically generate
a Call Allow list for each inmate.
Manual Setup of Call Allow Lists: At the LazerPhone system workstation, an authorized
person can manually create or modify a Call Allow List for a selected inmate. After logging into
the system, the authorized system user cliicks the Accounts button to access a list of inmate
PIN Accounts and does the following:
1. Click the inmate PIN of interest to open the inmate's Detailed Account Information sheet.
2. Click the Manage Call List button on the sheet to open the Call List.
3. Type in the telephone numbers the inmate is allowed to call.
4. Close the Call List.
5. On the Detailed Account Information Call Allow to activate the list.
The new list will be immediately recognized by the system, so from that point forward the
inmate's calls will be limited to the numbers on the Cali Allow list.
Automatic Generation of Call Allow Lists: To save administrative time, LazerPhone's
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure bunate CaIling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


innovative Self-Learning feature can be activated to automatically generate a Call Allow list for
each inmate PIN, comprised of the first few destination numbers where the imate's calls are
accepted. The facility decides how many telephone numbers LazerPhone may add to an
inmate's automatically generated list and authorized personnel may view or modify Call Allow
lists at the LazerPhone workstation.
Since a Call Allow list permits calls only to a short list of numbers that are significant to the
rightful owner of a PIN, Call Allow lists have proven to be a simple and effective deterrent to
inmate PIN sharing.


The ICS's PIN feature must ensure that the automated operator function uses the
inmate's pre-recorded name (recorded in either the inmate's voice and language, or in
the voice of an administrator) to announce to the called party from whom the call is
originating. Identification of the specific inmate and thus the announcement of the
inmate's name must be performed by the PIN assignment. This feature will be
implemented at the discretion of the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. When PINs are used, an inmate's prerecorded name, in his
or her own voice, is stored in the individual's PIN file. The inmate's name is recorded at the
time he or she auto enrolls into the PINsySteI11 (ifappilcable)oratthe time of the first call after
a PIN has been imported from the DOC's Inmate Management System or, if applicable, set up
by an authorized person at the system workstation.
At the time of a call, the automated operator obtains the inmate's name as follows:
If PINs are in use, the automated operator instructs the inmate to enter his or her PIN,
then the inmate's pre-recorded name is retrieved from the individual's PIN file.
If PINs are not in use, the autol11atect'op'9Wifor 'says, "At the lone, state your name." The
name is stored in temporary memory. By default, the inmate has a two (2) second
window in which to state his/her name. The time window is programmable for longer or
shorter periods.


The rcs must use an announcement format similar to the following:
"You have a call from 'inmate name', an inmate at 'facility name'. Call
forwarding or 3-way calling
allowed. The cost of this call is $X.XX
for the first minute, and $.XX for each additional minute. To consent to
these charges and accept this call, please press 0."

are uot

GTL Response: GTL will comply. By default, LazerPhone's automated operator delivers an
Commonwealth ofMassachusefts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No: IOOO·Phone2006
September 15, 2005


' ..,



opening message to the called party similar to the above wording. At the time of installation,
default wording is modified to exactly meet DOC specifications.

The rcs's PIN feature must allow the recording of inmate calls to be discontinued when
certain pre-determined telephone numbers (privileged telephone numbers) are called.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Recording parameters are user-selectable. By default, all
inmate calls are recorded and may be audibly monitored by authorized personnel, except
those to approved legal counselors or other privileged numbers. At the system workstation,
authorized personnel may turn off monitoring and recording for other calls by • • • • •


The proposed rcs must provide for telephone lists to be assigned to each particular
inmate's account information. These telephone lists must be restricted and controlled by
the inmate's PIN.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. A LazerPhone Call Allow List, that will restrict calls to a
limited list of approved numbers, can be assigned to each inmate. Call Allow lists, which work
in conjunction with inmate PINs, can be setup at the system workstation or LazerPhone can be
instructed to automatically generate a Call Allow list for each inmate.

The proposed rcs must allow for a minimum of30 telephone numbers to be assigned to
each particular inmate's account information. These telephone numbers shall be placed
in the particular inmate's "Approved Number List" assigned to the inmate's PIN.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL'sstandard settings permit up to 15 telephone
numbers to be added to an inmate's Approved Number (Call Allow) list. However, this number
can be increased to 30 to meet DOC requirements.

The Bidder must state the maximum number of telephone numbers assignable to each
inmate's account.

GTL Response: GTL will comply .. GTL's standard settings permit up to 15 telephone
numbers to be added to an inmate's Approved Number (CaUAllow) list. However, this number
can be increased to 30 to meet DOC requirements.

The proposed res must allow the DOC to restrict an imnate under disciplinary action
from placing all calls assigned to his particular PIN with the exception of privileged

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusc«s DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September IS, 2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply. An inmate's PIN can be tumed off (deactivated or
suspended), disallowing all or selected numbers on an inmate's Call Allow list. This is
accomplished by selecting Deactivated or Suspended option on the inmate's Detailed Account
Information file. A deactivated PIN or selected numbers will remain so until an authorized
person at the workstation manually reactivates the account. A suspended PIN or selected
numbers will automatically reactivate after a specified date.
Within the
, authorized personnel are able
to deactivate or suspend numbers on the inmate's personal list, without deactivating or
suspending the inmate's ability to call "privileged numbers", such as attorney, approved clergy,
or social work professionals.


It is desirable that the proposed leS provide for an automatic suspenSIOn and
reactivation (after a set period of time) of the inmate PIN.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
reactivate after a specified date.


With LazerPhone, a suspended PIN will automatically

The proposed res shall provide DOe personnel with the capability to enter, modify, and
delete numbers from an inmate's "Approved Number Lists".

GTL Response: GTL will comply. At the system workstation authorized personnel are able to
enter, modify, and delete numbers from an inmate's "Approved Number List."


The proposed res shall provide the capability to flag an individual telephone number in
the inmate's "Approved Number List" as "do not record". The default setting for each
. telephone number will be torecord<.uuti!t'flagg,e1by DOCipersonnel to the contrary.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Recording parameters are user-selectable. 8ydefault, all
inmate calls are recorded and may be audibly monitored by authorized personnel, except
those to approved legal counselors or other privileged numbers. At the system workstation,
authorized personnel may turn off monitoring and recording for other calls by

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMa.<:sachllsetts DOC

Request for Responses
Seoure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No, 1000~Phone2006
September 15, 2005




The proposed ICS must be capable of assigning an inmate's account to an individual
telephone or group of telephones so that the inmate's account may only place calls from
those designated telephones. These telephones must still be capable of being used by
inmate accounts not specifically assigned to them.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.


The proposed ICS must allow for the deletion or disabling of the PIN of a released
inmate while retaining all call records and call recordings associated with that PIN. The
Bidder must describe, in its response, how this will be accomplished with the proposed

GTL Response: GTL will comply. When an inmate is released from a DOC facility, his or her
PIN is simply deactivated. Should the inmate return to the facility, the PIN is reactivated. All
inmate call records and recording associated with a deactivated PIN are retained.


The proposed rcs must allow for the inmate PIN to be associated or linked to the
inmate's DOC commitment number. The Bidder must describe, in its response, how this
will be accomplished with the proposed system for both "active" inmates and "inactive"
(released) inmates.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhqotl provides a split-PIN option that effectively
permits cross-referencing of inmate PINs to the DOC commitment number, by allowing the
commitment number to comprise a portion of the PIN. The inmate's unique LazerPhone
identification code becomes the "split" portion. A LazerPhone Personal Identification Number
(PIN) can be 4 to 15 digits long. Deactivating a PIN upon an inmate's release does not change
the split-PIN configuration, so the cross link between the LazerPhone identifier and the
inmate's commitment number remains whether the PIN is active or inactive.

Mode of Operation
The DOC operates the current Secure Inmate Calling System in collect call mode ..It is the
intention of the DOC to implement the proposed ICS in collect call mode to all locations within
the North American Dialing Plan while utilizing pre-paid debit mode for calls to international
locations outside of the North American Dialing Plan. Theproposed ICS must allow the DOC~\o
operate in this combined mode.
GTL's Respoa<;eto the
Conunonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Caliing System & Related Services
DOC file No. LOOO-Phone2006

September IS, 2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply. Our secure LazerPhone ICS provides collect calling to all
locations within the continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii, and permits, with DOC
approval, international calling utilizing pre-paid inmate debit accounts. LazerPhone processes
international calls in the same manner it processes domestic local and long distance calls,
meaning that pre-set call restrictions apply, the call is recorded and can be monitored by
authorized personnel, and the inmate never has access to a live operator.

The Bidder shall provide the collect call services required in the RFR through the use of
an Automated Operator. At no time shall an inmate be connected to a "live" operator.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone provides fully automated operator services
for collect calls, as well as prepaid calls. The inmate never has access to a live operator. The
automated open;ltor gives dialing instructions, call-type and language options, error prompts,
makes initial contact with the called party and provides information about the call, including
the inmate's name and the name of the correctional facility. The automated operator does not
connectthe call until the called party positively accepts it.

The collect call automated announcement function of the rcs must be capable of
processing calls on a multi-lingual basis: English, Spanish. The inmate must be able to
select the preferred language using no more than a two digit code.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. By default, LazerPhone's automated operator's pre-recorded
messages are available in English and Spanish.
in up t o _
. If the facility has a need for an
Modifications to
pre-recorded messages are also provided at no

The inmate lifts the receiver and hears the automated prompt: (in English) "Press 1 For
English," (in Spanish) "Press 2 For Spanish" and so on, through each language currently
available in the system, until the inmate makes a language selection.
5.1. 70

Call acceptance by the called par1YmG~t be accomplished through caller confirmation
(positive acceptance). Collect call.s shall not be connected nor shall billing commence
until the called party indicates acceptance of the call.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone requires that the called party positively
accepts an inmate's call by pressing a specified key on the telephone's touch pad before the
final connection is made. Billing of collect calls does not begin until the called party accepts
the call.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMllSSlWhusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006

September 15,2005


5.1. 71

The Bidder must provide, in its response, a list of aU countries (outside of the United
States) that can be reached via the res operating in a collect call only mode.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL has provided a list of intemational countries in Exhibit

The proposed rcs must provide notification to an inmate of the call status or progress
(e.g., ringing, busy, etc.). This notification may either be in the form of ringing, busy
tones, SIT tones, or appropriate recorded messages. The proposed rcs must not allow
the inmate to hear the called party prior to the actual positive acceptance (via touch tone
entry) of the calL

5. L 72

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone has the capability to allow inmates "on hold" during call
setup to hear recorded messages during a call's progress without being able to hear of communicate with the
called party until the call is positively accepted. When an inmate's call cannot be completed, the
automated operator will notify the inmate using a message similar to one of the following:
"The called number was busy, please try your call later."
"The called party did not answer, please try your call later."
"The called party did not accept your 'Icall.:'
"The called party has placed a block on this number."

5.1. 73

During the call setup process, the rcs must provide a pre-recorded announcement
identifying that the collect call is coming from,,li specific inmate at a Massachusetts
Correctional Institute and must be heaict by the answering party. The announcement
must also include: "All telephone calls will be recorded accept attorney calls and other
privileged party calls".

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone is programmed to brand calls with the name of
the correctional facility and the name of the inmate making the call. For example, when an
inmate's collect, station-to-station call is answered, LazerPhone's automated operator will
deliver to the called party a message such as:
"You have a collect call from [INMATE NAME], an inmate at [FACILITY NAME]. All telephone
calls will be recorded accept attorney calls and other privileged party calls. If you wish to
accept this call, press '0' and hold; to deny to call, press '5' and hang up; if you wish to block
any future calls of this nature, press '7' for further instructions; to hear costs for this call, press
. . . .•
'9' and hold for rate information".
GTL's Re~ponse to the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Caning System & Related Services

DOC file No.


September 15, 2005


The exact wording of automated messages will vary slightly depending on call type and can be
altered to exactly suit the facility's need. The DOC's LazerPhone System can also be
configured to play periodic overlay announcements throughout inmate calls at any intervals
requested by the DOC.

The proposed res shall process direct dial calls only when the system is operating in a
pre-paid debit-based controlled mode. Direct dial calls must be made through network
services provided by the Bidder at no cost to the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone processes direct dial calls only when pre-paid
debit-based controls are operative. GTL provides prepaid direct dial services through our
network and at no cost to the DOC.

5.1. 75

The proposed res must provide a pre-paid debit based database capability that tracks an
inmate's "telephone usage balance". Such balances shall be maintained by the res in
conjunction with the DOC Inmate Canteen Accounts.

GTl Response: GTL will comply.

LazerPhone tracks the prepaid balance in inmate debit
accounts. When LazerPhone's Debit system is active, at the beginning of each call attempt, if
the inmate chooses the prepaid call type, the system's automated operator reports the current
balance .in the inmate's prepaid account. If the balance is sufficient, the cost of the current call
can be automatically deducted from the account. Inmate debit accounts can be added,
updated, deleted, or closed at the LazerPhone workstation. The LazerPhone Inmate Debit
Account system can be interfaced with the DOC Inmate Canteen Account system to provide
automatic updating of the inmate's "telephone usage balance".



The res shall confirm that funds are available in the inmate's "telephone usage account"
after the telephone number is dialed by the inmate but prior to placing the call. The
. Bidder must explain, in its response, 'the options available to the inmate should his
"telephone usage account" be insufficient for the desired call.

GTl Response: GTL will comply.
lazerPhone confirms that funds are available in an
inmate's "telephone usage account" (debit account) after the telephone number has been
dialed, but before the call is routed to the destination number. When lazerPhone's Debit
system is active, at the beginning of each call attempt, if the inmate chooses the prepaid call
type, the system's automated operator reports the current balance in the inmate's prepaid
account. If the balance is sufficient, the cost of'the current call can be automatically deducted
from the account.
GTL's Responseto the

Commonwealth ofNIassachusetls DOC
Request [.or Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services

DOC file No. 1OOO~Phone2006
September 15,2005


If funds in the debit account are insufficient to make a call, the inmate has the option of placing
the call collect instead. The inmate might also choose to add money to his/her debit account
before replacing the call.
5.1. 77

The proposed res must provide for true "answer supervision" for the billing of Direct
Dial charges. Billing shall begin when the call is answered by the called party and shall
terminate when either the inmate or the called party hang up.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
LazerPhone is capable of recognizing legitimate call
answering and acceptance events and can distinguish them from standard or irregular busy
signals, standard or irregular ringing signals, answering machines, cellular phones, pagers,
operator intercepts, quick disconnects, chain dialing, no voice from called party, and other nonconforming telephone activities.
5.1. 78

The Bidder must provide a list of international locations (outside the North American
Dialing Plan) that can be reached via collect calling in the forms in Attachment D.

GTL Response: GTLwili comply.
5.1. 79

GTL has provided a list of international countries in Exhibit

. The Bidder must provide a list of illternational locations (outside the North American
Dialing Plan) that can be reached via the res' pre-paid debit mode in the forms in
Attachment D.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. A list of international locations to which prepaid calls can
be made is provided on our completed Cost Table 2.0 (International Call Per-Minute

General System Management Requirements

The Bidder must propose an res that can be administered on-site by the Bidder's Site
Administrators or DOe personnel.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. At the LazerPhone workstation the System Administrator
provided by GTL or authorized DOC personnel have access to and control over inmate calls
and all system administrative functions. Frequently used workstation functions include:

~ Inmate Calls: At the LazerPhone workstation, authorized users visually
and/or audibly monitor inmate calls-in-progress.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request f{)f Responses
Secure Inmate Ca!1ing System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Block Destination Numbers: At the system workstation, authorized users can block calls
facility wide, or calls by individual inmate PINs, to specific destination numbers.
Assign User Passwords and Authorize LazerPhone Feature Access: At the workstation, an
authorized system administrator is able to assign, update, and change passwords and feature
accessibility for other system users.
: Authorized individuals can enter
rs that may include
destination telephone numbers or inmate PINs. If a call is made using a
system will automatically dial to up to three preprogrammed
Generate Investigative and Administrative Reports: Authorized individuals can view, print,
and/or save standard or custom reports as necessary. All reports will be in real time and can
be generated at any time.
Schedule Telephone ON/OFF Periods: LazerPhone's Scheduler feature allows authorized
users to program ON/OFF periods for inmate telephones system wide, or assign special
ON/OFF schedules to individual PINs or telephones.
Set Call Durations: At the workstation, authorized users can limit call durations facility wide,
by inmate PIN, by inmate telephone, or bygrouRs of telephones, such as ali phones in a
particular cellblock.
Set PIN Call Velocities: When LazerPhone's PIN system is in use, authorized personnel can
limit the number of calls individual inmates can make during a specified time period.
Shut Down the Inmate Phone System in Emergencies: In addition to manual cut off
switches located throughout the facility, in an emergency situation, an authorized user may
shut down the entire LazerPhone Inmate Telephone system, preventing all inmate calis,
through software controls at the workstation~."• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •11
Add, Modify, or Deactivate PIN Accounts: Authorized system users are able to create,
modify, or deactivate inmate Personal Identification Number (PIN) accounts. When an inmate
enters the correctional facility, a LazerPhone PIN account can be created either through a
simple PIN Auto Enrollment procedure performed by the inmate or by an authorized person
typing and selecting options at the workstation. When an inmate leaves the facility, his/her PIN
account can be deactivated. Later, if the same inmate re-enters the facility, the account can be

Modify or Suspend an Inmate's Calling Privileges: The aSSignment of PINs allows call
restrictions to be applied to individual inmates without affecting the call restrictions or privileges
of other inmates.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOP
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC fiLe No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005 '


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The Bidder must propose an


;§ ~ ~

that allows for changes to be administered i n _

• •1 while the system is in use, The proposed system must not require the system to be
taken off line to make additions, changes or retrieve reports,
GTL Response: GTL will comply, LazerPhone allows all changes to be administered il $ I
while the system is in use, The LazerPhone system does not have to be taken off line to
make additions, changes or retrieve reports, All changes (e,g, to call restrictions, PIN
assignments, Call Allow lists, etc,) are immediately recognized and enforced by the system,







The Bidder must propose an res that provides a Graphical User Interface {.e.g,
Microsoft WindowsTM) for both system administration and sys&m reporting functions.

GTL Response: GTL will comply,
The LazerPhone system's workstation interface is an
easy-to-use Web-based Microsoft Windows program. Authorized personnel manage, monitor,
and report inmate telephone activity using the familiar point-and-click method with intuitively
named on-screen buttons and drop-down menus,



proposed for the


The Bidder must describe, in its response, how this will be accomplished
with the proposed res, This description must include what is required with regard to
hardware, software and network services as well as the security procedures involved
with this remote access,
GTL Response: GTL will comply, GTL provides a unique frame relay or~etwork that
allows the LazerPhone systems at all DOC; .facilities .to be networked together via a secure
to l1azerPhon" records and controls,
closed network, Authorized
from a different DOC facility,
is accomplished though a secure network that is
managed, monitored, and
aintainE'ld by GTL,
The DOC's LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System can permit authorized users at
Authorized users have access to
, The system

diF 7 to

all with a need and the appropriate p.ermisSion levels,

GTL's Response to the
Commollwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request fDC ReSpOIL'le.<l
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005




feature of
in, ]'
Through this. network, the

authorized person at a
7 I .... 1 can perform any LazerPhone administrative or
s permitted by the person's security clearance level, just as if • • • •
at the LazerPhone workstation at the facility.


System Security: Access to the LazerPhone control program is restricted by a pass't"ord
protected User Security Profile system. A User Login screen that requires a valid password
i>nsures that only authorized personnel are permitted to monitor and control inmate telephone

A User Security Profile is associated with each valid password. The~~rity Profile record for
each user specifies which LazerPhone functions will be accessible by that individual. This
allows multiple correctional personnel to access only those functions corresponding to their
security levels.
Only a system administrator with. full security clearance may access LorPhony'S User
Management screen, from which 6ther User Security Profiles may be created"O'l"'inodifiEid .
. Arw time a user logs into the system, LazerPhone notes the event and the user's
system's electronic Log Book. An


Restrictiqns, Fraud Control Options and System Security

In order to limit possible telephone fraud, it is mandatory that a fraud l?f~vention feature
be available which will be able to randomly interject pre-recorde<f announo:ements
throughout tbe duration of the conversation to the called party indicating the source of
the call. The Bidder must describeinitsproposal in detailhow this is accomplished.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The DOC's LazerPhone System can be configured to
randomly interject pre-recorded announcements throughout inmate calls indicating that the call
is from an inmate at the DOC facility.


The Bidder must describe, in its response, all detection and prevention capabilities
related to fraudulent, illicit or unauthorized activity available on the proposed res.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Global Tel*Llnkemploys both hardware and software
technology to detect and minimize fraudulent use of inmate telephones. Engineers at Global
Tel* Link continuously strive to improve and enhance the system's fraud prevention capabilities.
As improved fraud prevention technology develops and is incorporated into released versions
of LazerPhone, the DOC's LazerPhone system will be updated with the latest version software.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMa'>sachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006

September 15,2005








:;@nw). All calls must return to the equivalent of a primary dial tone upon completion,
before another call can begin.

Call and Destination Number Validation
Calls through LazerPhone are validated in £
Validation, which takes only a few
seconds, occurs during call setup. The destination number is first checked against facilitydefined restrictions and the inmate's Call Allow list (if applicable). A non-restricted, allowed
number is passed to a contracted Line Information Database (LIDS) hub where it is checked
for fraud/bad debt attributes, operational status, and billable status (e.g. payphones are not
billable). If the destination number is valid, a signal is returned to the phone to authorize the
call. If the destination number is Ilot valid, the auto;mated operator will inform the inmate ;of this
. ,
;" ""
and terminate the call.
Three-Way Call Detect
Three way calls are detected and processed by an exclusive LazerPhone hardware and
software design that includes the utilization of several patented processes. Global TeJ*Link is
fully licensed by the legal owners of the patented processes that we use, so there will never be
a service or functionality loss due to patent issues. Upon detection of a three-way call attempt,
LazerPhone provides the following options:
Disconnect the call
Flag the call for further investigation
Playa voice prompt warning
Any combination of the above options
With current telephony technology there remain challenges to three-way call detection: (1) call
waiting may mimic the sound of a three-way call; (2) call forwarding may not yield a detectable
sound; and (3) noise or conversation on the';line may mask sounds and Signals nonnally
present during a three-way call attempt. LazerPhone engineers continuously strive to meet
these challenges in more and more effective ways. As fraud prevention strategies evolve and
are incorporated. into the LazerPhone system, new versions of the software will be
automatically uploaded to the DOC's system.

OTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Three-way call attempts will be noted on call detail reports by a red highlight. Using the filter
options on the LazerPhone Call Search screen, facility personnel can request reports listing t
only 3-way call attempts. LazerPhone also detects when extra digits are dialed, and displays •
such calls in orange on Call Detail Reports.
Detected three-way calls are highlighted in


on standard call detail reports.

LazerPhone displays 3-way call attempts inred. Calls with extra digits dialed,



Detection of Extra Digits Dialed
LazerPhone is capable of detecting extra digits.dialed during an inmate call. The system can
be configured so that upon detection one· of the following actions will be taken: call is
terminated, a warning message is played, or both of these. If extra digits are dialed during a
call attempt, the system highlights the call in ORANGE on LazerPhone's Call Search screen.
Voice Overlay Announcements
LazerPhone's fraud prevention features include the capability to interject recorded
announcements throughout the duration of the inmate's conversation.


The Bidder must identifY, in its response, specific activities the proposed system

GTL's Response to the

Commonwealth of Ma..'lsachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Irunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


capabilities shall detect and/or prevent. The Bidder must also identifY, in its response,
possible methods inmates may use to circumvent these capabilities.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone is designed to detect and/or prevent:lnmate
calls to disallowed numbers or exchanges (900, 800, 976, 411, 911, 0, 00, 10xxx, 950xxx, etc.)
Inmate calls to globally or individually blocked telephone numbers
Inmate calls to un-billable numbers (e.g. public pay phones)
Hook-switch flashing to gain a secondary dial tone
Extra digit dialing
Three-way calls
Inmate attempts to circumvent the system's fraud prevention capabilities fall into four
categories: simple attempts to dial a disallowed or blocked number, hook-switch and keypad
manipulations at the inmate phone, assistance from called parties (e.g. three-way or call
forwarding), and PIN sharing.
Fraud attempts involving either the simple dialing of disallowed/blocked numbers and
manipulations at the inmate phone are easily detected and prevented. Inmates frequently try
both, but to no avail.
Three-Way Calls: Fraud attempts involving called party cooperation to attempt a three-way
call is frequently detectable. Although there is no way
audible detection and
processing of three-way calls has proven to be 100% effective on a clean network connection
in test environments: In a working prison environment, 100% of detected three-way attempts
are both prevented and reported by the proposed LazerPhone system.
With current telephony technology, however, there remain challenges to three-way call
detection: (1) call waiting may mimic the sound of a three-way call; (2) call forwarding may not
yield a detectable sound; and (3) noise or. conversation on the line may mask sounds and
Signals normally present during a three-way call attempt. LazerPhone engineers continuously
strive to meet these challenges in more and more effective ways: As fraud :prevention
strategies evolve and are incorporated into the LazerPhone system, new versions of the
software will be automatically uploaded to the DOC's system.
Call Forwarding:




. -




GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure J:nmate Calling System & Relawd Services
DOC fife No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005

have successfully

detected forwarded numbers and prevented these numbers from being called again by
inmates. Our Fraud Team works hand in hand with our customers to monitor forwarded calls.·
As a result of the merger of Global Tel*Link and AT&T Inmate Markets, GTL was the first
in the market to offer call forwarding.

11-While some inmate telephone providers may claim that they can accurately detect and nrf,VAln!
remote call

SS7 will accurately detect call
Once the switch has

' t ' iI
identified the local telephone number to send this call to, i?
The signal that indicates that the local number has call forwarding on the phone
occurs after the call has been routed to the local phone number. Thus,


PIN Sharing: Fraud attempts involving PIN sharing among inmates is most easily preventable
by the assignment of Call Allow lists to each inmate PIN that are limited to no more than 10 or
15 numbers.

A limited list of approved numbers assigned to each inmate PIN is a passive but powerful way
to deter PIN sharing and greatly reduces the n('led to continuously update blocked numbers.
However, manually creating such a list for each inmate takes time. LazerPhone's PIN System
solves that problem with an option to automatically gejlerate an initial Call Allow list for every
inmate PIN, based on the first destination numbers called after the inmate enters the system.
What began as a theory, has proved to be true in correctional facilities across America. PIN
sharing is least likely to occur in the period immediately following the issuance of a new PIN.
The proven tendancy is to first call loved ones and lawyers. Each call to a different destination
number fills one of a limited number of "slots" available on the list. When the list is full, PIN
sharing becomes useless. Numbers on onE'l. inmate's personal allowed number list, are rarely
significant to another. The facility is free to decidehoV1/, many numbers can be added to a Call
Allow list and free to review and manually change the numbers on any inmate's automatically
generated list.


The Bidder must propose an res that is capable of detecting extra dialed digits from
either the called party or the inmate's telephone. The Bidder must describe, in its
response, the options available to the DOe upon detection of the extra dialed digits.
(i.e., call termination, system'~Iarm, 16g(;Sing of call to the database, etc.)

GTL Response:

GTL will comply.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC me No. lOOO~Phone2006
. September 15, 2005

LazerPhone limits inmate calls to one per connection.

Once the automated operator has finished collecting data from the inmate, the keypad is not
rendered dormant, but when extra digits are detected LazerPhone notes this and will respond
according to the DOC's pre-defined preference to: flag the call for further investigation, playa
waming message, terminate the call, or a combination of these options.


The Bidder must propose an ICS that is capable of detecting unusual or suspicious
number sequences dialed or dialing patterns which the system identifies as possible
attempts to commit fraud. The Bidder must describe, in its response, the options
available to the DOC upon detection of the unusual or suspicious number sequences.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
LazerPhone limits,JnmJ3te calls to one per connection.
Once the automated operator has finished collecting data from the inmate, the system is
capable of detecting extra digits dialed or other suspicious activity on the line that may indicate
a fraudulent attempt. The system can be pre programmed to respond in one of several ways
when LazerPhone detects suspicious activity:
Flag the call for further investigation
Playa warning message
Disconnect the call
Any combination of the above options


The proposed ICSmust allow the DOC,to immediately and remotely turn telephones on
and off This shall be capable of being accomplished by individual telephones, groups of
telephones, or an entire DOC facility by DOC personnel with the appropriate
authorization level.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Appropriately authorized DOC personnel have several
different methods to immediately and remotely shutdown individual telephones, a group of
phones, or the total inmate telephone system. Each method is described below.


Manual Cut Off Switches
Global Tel'Link installs manual cut off switches for each of the facility's logical. groups of
phones. Manual switches are placed at locations specified by facility administrators allowing
correctional officers or authorized administrative staff the ability to selectively disable a single
phone, bank of phones or all phones within the institution.
Workstation Menu Options
Single phones, groups of phones, or all inmate telephones can be turned off using menu
options at the system workstation.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1000~Phone2006
September 15, 2005



Arr,An"",,,v situations,


The Bidder must descrihe, in its response, all standard and optional security services
employed to protect the proposed ICS in terms of unauthorized access through the
installed network of services, unauthorized access through the rcs Local Area Network
(LAN), unauthorized access to the rcs programming, unauthorized access through the
rcs Wide Area Network (WAN).

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
Security for LazerPhone ICS Network of Services: Access to the LazerPhone control
A User
program is
screen that
ensures that

A User Security Profile is associated with each valid password. The Security Profile record for
each user specifies which LazerPhone functions will be accessible by that individual. This
allows multiple correctional personnel to access only those functions corresponding to their
security levels. ,
a system administrator with full security clearance may access • • • • • • • •
• •~fn)m which other
may be created or modified.
Any time a user logs into the system, LazerPhone notes the event and the user's identity in the
. An
I t is available to track user access and all
system changes and activities that take place while users are logged into the LazerPhone
Security for LazerPhone ICS LAN and WAN: GTL provides a unique frame relay network that
allows the LazerPhone systems at all DOC facilities to be networked together via a secure
closed network.
connections are also available for
approved users that have access to the Internet but are not in LazerPhone's unique frame
network. Authorized remote access to LazerPhone records and controls, whether from
or from a different DOC facility, is accomplished though this secure
;etwork sc
that is installe~~:o~~=g:r~' :ni~~i~O~~~ ;~~ri::~t~~n~~t!~, ~:~~IOp:~e~~
GTL exclusively for LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System functionality. GTL networks are
protected by both firewall and Checkpoint programs.



The Bidder lmwt agree, in its response, that it has reviewed the security policies of th~
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Information Technology Division (lTD) available on

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOQ-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


the ITO website at 117 • • •
GTL Response:
GTL will comply.
GTL has reviewed the security policies of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Information Technology Division.

The Bidder must describe, in its response, how the DOC will be able to monitor the
installed rcs and the ICS WAN network of services for possible security breaches.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
LazerPhone maintains and dynamically updates the
system User Log that identifies users who access to the system, the time and date of each
access, and all actions taken while the user is logged in.
The LazerPhone workstation provides a variety of individual reports based on information in
this comprehensive log that can be used to monitor the ICS system for suspicious activity and
possible se~urity breaches. Reports include:


Phone Schedule Modifications
Changes in Debit Accounts
Officer Check-In
Added New PINs
Changes in PIN R e c o r d s .
Changes in PIN8tatus (active, suspended, deactivated)
Added Inmate Call Allow Lists
Modified Inmate Call Allow Lists'
New or Modified Call Record Notes·
Custom Text

General Operational Requirements

The Bidder must describe, in its response, the network of services required to support
the proposed ICS. (i.e., ISDN, 56Kbps Circuit, n, etc.).

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The GTLNetwork consists of a private frame relay of
. & letwork connection at each facility. The network bit rate will be sized based on the
Lumber 0lliifes,:ocall volume, and workstations at each facility. Each facility will either have a
nnection into the private data network. Voice trunks will be provided to
facilities with call processors. The trunks can be either
based on network availability, Smaller low phone count
can be networked to larger
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure fnmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No: lQOO-Phone2006

September 15,2005


facilities using
, or~r~~~;::==~::f
will be connected into the private network Vi
Houston Data center will be used to store redundant copies of
Records and recordings. The network connection to these facilities will be redundant high
spee~connections to core network.

_. . .

. . _._ .



. _. '. '

l-iSU:-rP1H.'I1<l: NNWI)i"~ El€:n~NYt$





The Bidder must describe, in its response, how it will address instances of inadequate
outside network plant facilities at a DOC facility to ensure that the proposed IeS IS
implemented according to the installation schedule agreed to by the DOC.

GTL Response: . GTL will comply. The bidder and DOC will work together in good faith to
anticipate'and\'~ercome any inadequate DOC ne(Wj8(k pf.i\.gt faciliti~,s. Inadequate plant
facilities include, but are not limited to:
• No more copper circuits available
GTI.:s Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Ilunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006
September IS, 2005



Poor quality copper that is unable to support error ffe
Inadequate MPOE (Minimum Point of Entry) access to the equipm"1a;r~
Need to run copper and or fiber within the DOC facility to extend the MPOE


During the site survey process the DOC will identify any facilities known to have error prone
connectivity or circuits that are in very short supply. GTL will work in good faith with our
Network Provider to plan for and avert any known network ,access issues. Where
unanticipated network facility issues arise that impact the planned installation schedule, the
DOC and bidder will work together in good faith to reschedule cutover to allow the Network
Provider sufficient time to addres~ network facility issues. Good faith partnership may involve
DOC network faCilities and /
joint problem solving including coordinating the release of
. cooperation of
or pursuing alternative network solutions such as
the DOC is expected when / if there issues at the DOC
inadequate access to the
Inmate Equipment Room from the MPOE.


The Bidder must describe, in its response, how remote access to the rcs for
maintenance and programming by the Contractor provided. The Bidder must describe, in
its response, aU security measures, policies and procedures in place for this remote

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The underlying architecture of the LazerPhone software
control system allows engineers at GTL to perform diagnostic, programming, polling, and other
problem resolution activities remotely, from the Technical Support Center. Access occurs
through GTL's nationwide frame relay network, which is unique and proprietary in nature,
developed by GTL exclusively for LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System functionality. GTL
networks are protected by both firewall and Checkpoint programs.
Only authorized individuals with proper security clearance may access DOC LazerPhone
systems and call data. The system's User Login screen requires a valid name and password.
Any time a user at the site or a technician at. the LazerPhone Support Center logs into the
system, LazerPhone notes the event and the user's identity in the system's electronic Log
Book. An Audit Log Report is available to, track user access and all system changes and
activities that take place while users are logg~dinto the LazerPhone system.
Security for
a unique frame relay network that
allows the LazerPhone systems at all
be networked together via a secure
closed network.
connections are also available for
approved users that have access to the
not in La;::erPhone's unique_e• •1Ii>
. Authorized
to LazerPhone records and controls. whether


GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetfs DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services

DOC file No. 1OOO~Phone2006
September 15, 2005

' :n \ : :"!r! >.!"

Dr frDm a different DOC facility, is accomplished thDugh this secure
netwDrk system that is installed, managed, mDnitDred, and maintained by GTL. These
intercDnnecting .
. . twDrks are unique and proprietary in nature, develDped by
GTL exclusively fDr LazerPhDne Inmate TelephDne System functiDnality. GTL netwDrks are
protected by bDth firewall and CheckpDint prDgrams.


The Bidder must prDvide, in its respDnse, all electrical and envirDnmental requirements
of the rcs fDr each DOC facility. Such informatiDn must be provided for all components
of the rcs including the central processor/equipment, call recDrding equipment, PCs,
printers, etc.'

GTL RespDnse:
GTL will cDmply. Electrical and"flnvirDnfTlental reC!.ttirements fDr the
LazerPhDne ICS at each DOC facility are described belDw.

1III1111!!1,ectric'31 current pDwers the LazerPhDne system. The system requires a
standard 20 amp dedicated Dutlet fDr proper DperatiDn. The Dutlet(s) shDuld be IDcated within
6 feet Df the LazerPhDne equipment rack. In the case Df multiple racks, additiDnal circuits are
required. FDr example: If rack number Dne cDntains two. RecDrders, two. ASR cDmputers, one
Mass StDrage cDmputer, CPU switch, LazerPhDne pDwer supply and mDnitDr while the secDnd
cabinet fDr the system hDuses all Df the stDrage media, two. dedicated circuits are required. All
related electrical wiring and circuit IDading will be in cDmpliance with the guidelines Df the
NatiDnal Electrical CDde and state cDde requirements.
EnvirDnmental Requirements
. ·en).'?"'!
FactDrsthat determine a suitable envirDnment fDr the LazerPhDne system equipment are
temperature, humidity, cleanliness, and security.
The Dptimum environment fDr the LazerPhDne equipment is a well-ventilated roDm maintained
at a cDnstant 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
HDwever, an acceptable range Df temperature is
between 66 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures in excess Df 76 degrees can
sDmetimes prove damaging to. LazerPhDne cDmpDnents and may impact the facility's ability to
recDrd.!·'''-'!''' .
The LazerPhDne system is~ifsolid state, cDmputer based system. Acceptable humidity levels
within the equipment rDDm shDuld be maintained between 20 and 80 percent, nDn-cDndensing
(meaning no. severe and rapYcfchanges in temp.erature that produce cDndensatiDn). A facility's
norl11al cooling and heating systems usually maintain humidity at a~ceptable levels.
''''' .•1",,,
OTL's Respo.nse to the
ConunoJlweatth of Massachusetts DOC
. ,,,.~
Request for Responses
Secure Irunate Catting System & Related Services.
DOC [tie No. lOOQ-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Cleanli.mess:",'" . ,,, ..~. >.",,, ••
Equipment rooms should be clean and free from dust Excess dust will cause heat problems if
allowed to accumulate. After..t);)e installation process, all scrap I excess cable and wiring is to
be removed from the premise by the technicians responsible for the installation. This includes
all packing materials and boxes that result from shipping of the system.
The LazerPhone system should be housed in a secure location within the facility. Inmates
should not have access to the room that houses the LazerPhone processing and recording
equipment. The optimum location is frequently the facility's administration building.

The res proposed by the Bidder must be capable of automatically recovering from a
power outage(auto-reboot) to full working order capable of processing inmate telephone
calls with all programmed restrictions in place. This "auto reboot" must include all
system hardware components, all software including DOC specific programming and
restriqt.ions and all network services
.). The Bidder must
dHtfibt'1ri"\ts response, any interaction required by DOe personnel for this system
"auto reboot" to occur.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's LazerPhone system has auto-reboot capability. In
the event of a commercial power outage, the facility's inmate telephone system's UPS units will
supply backup power for the entire system for up to one (1) hour. Should the outage outlast
the UPS capacity and in the absence of af)!'!mEilrg!'!ncy generator §t the site, upon expiration of
the UPS, the system performs a safe shutdown to protect data. Once power is restored the
system will reboot without human intervention and resume normal operations, including DOC
specific programming and restrictions and all network services.


The Bidder must provide, in its response, a written description of the space requirements
associated with all components of the proposed res. The Bidder must clearly define
how much physical space is required by each hardware component and provide a
recommended equipment layout con~gtjfi;ltion.

GTL Response:

GTL will comply. LazerPhone equipment is housed in


5i:=i55==W:it:h~th~e~f:olloWing exceptions: ~::~====
All other system components,

. (Note: Due to the rapid evolution of computer equipment and
peripherals, make and models given below are those currently being offered. Should there be
an unexpected delay between contract signing and installation, Global Tel'Link reserves the
right to upgrade equipment to newer makes and models.)

GTL '8 Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. I OOO~Phone2006
September 15,2005


Equipment Rack on wheels: Width 21 inches; Height 50 inches; Depth 25 inches
For servicing and ventilation, at least two (2) feet of space is required in front of and behind the
LazerPhone equipment rack, which must be located within six (6) feet of a dedicated electrical
outlet. The equipment rack will house the following system components:

Distribution Frame and required cables:
Distribution frame is wall-mounted near the LazerPhone equipment rack. Wall space
required is 2.5 feet x 3 feet.
The amount of cabling required is determined during the site survey that follows
contract award.



; supplies "clean power" during
normal operations and up to 1 hour supplemental power for the LazerPhone system
during commercial power outages .

. . . . . . . . . is setup in a designated office or other room convenient for


GTL's Response to the
COmrhonwealth ofMassachuseit.. DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
. DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Un 7 57 ;; T?"t



GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will install the LazerPhone system components at
DOC designated locations within each facility. Workstations capable of accessing all features
including live monitoring, call recordings, and inmate call record reports will be installed within
each facility listed above.

5.1.100 The Bidder must provide, in its response, the capacities/limits for the proposed IeS. At
a minimum, the Bidder must provide the capacity for the following:
• Individual Inmate Accounts
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System provides
individual inmate accounts through its integrated Inmate PIN System. Additionally, GTL will
meet with the DOC to decide and establish efficient interfaces and mechanisms between the
DOC's IMS and our LazerPhone's PIN system to track and update daily inmate admissions,
transfers, and releases. GTL can make use of established mechanisms such as LazerPhone's
Inmate Transfer Reports, GTL's existing platform-independent IMS interface program, and onsite system administrators, as well as any additional interfaces or mechanisms that may need
to be developed to meet the DOC's needs .
.;, LazerPhonEi's Inmate PIN system is used to control, monifor, and report telephone useage by
individual inmates.
Control: Custom calling restrictions may be added to any inmate's LazerPhone PIN
account. An inmate's PIN account helps govern his/her calling privileges, which may be
restricted by a Call Allow list (personal allowed numbers), a custom Block List (personal
disallowed numbers), and/or a Call Schedule (times of day, week, etc. that calls can be
LazerPhone PINs all.ow facility personnel to be aware,


. ,.: .



:; The visual monitoring of
Call Monitoring screen, can

d 7J

if ..





via LazerPhone's

"fr- d -

Report: Call Activity reports can be printed from the LazerPhone workstation for a
particular PIN, a group of PINs, or all PINs.
GTL's Responsetothc
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No.1 OOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Debit Accounts for Prepaid Calls: When PINs are operative, the facility may elect to allow
inmate the use of LazerPhone's Debit system for prepaid calls .
• Call Records
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's LazerPhone system creates and saves a detailed
; call detail
record of every inmate call or call attempt. For the entire
records for all calls at all DOC facilities are available on-line for immediate review by authorized
personnel at system workstations or at authorized remote locations. Additionally DOC call
after contact
detail records remain archived at GTL for a minimum of $
expiration, should the DOC need them.
LazerPhone has comprehensive call detail record reporting capabilities. STANDARD CALL



For on-site auditing and revenue verification, call detail reports include a total cost and duration
summary for all records in the report, as well as the duration (length) and cost of individual
calls. Reports may be sorted in ascending or descending order by any of the nine major
column headings on the report.



GTL's Response to the
Conunonwea!th ofMassachuseUs DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006

September [5, 2005


Standard I}ecord Filters used to refine searches for calls that meet specified parameters are
based on information in call records. Standard filters include:

Calls by Origination number (inmate phone)
Calls by Destination number
Calls from a specified group of phones
Calls by Rate Type (Local, InterLata, etc.)
Calls through a particular trunk line
Calls with recorded conversations
Calls with replayed recordings
Calls with Notes
Calls of a specified duration
Calis by Inmate PIN (if applicable)


Free calls
Completed calls
Incomplete calls
Incomplete calls that validated
Locked call records

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusctts DOC
Request fOf Responses
Secure Inmate Calling Sy~tem & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006

September i5, 2005


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• Simultaneous Administrative Users
GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone allows multiple administrative users to access
the system simultaneously. Access to the LazerPhone control program is restricted by a
password protected User Security Profile system. A User Login screen that requires a valid
password ensures that only authorized personnel are permitted to monitor and control inmate
telephone usage. A User Security Profile is associated with each valid password. The Security
Profile record for each user specifies which LazerPhone functions will be accessible by that
individual. Individual and multiple personnel have access only to those functions corresponding
to their security levels.

• WorkstationslPCs .
GTL Response: GTL will comply.
The LazerPhone system includes
workstation pes by which authorized personnel access system controls and
call-related data. The system's workstation interface is an easy-to-use Webbased Window's program. Authorized personnel manage, monitor, and report
inmate telephone activity using the familiar point-and-click method with
intuitively named on-screen buttons and drop-down menus.



In' i '

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pm; •

GTL Response : GTL will tC0rfmPlY. 'thLathzerPhone provideds simufittahneouisl d
eon-going recor 109 0
e ca or any 0 er sys em
d oes no t In e ere WI
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusett.<; DOC

Request for Responses:
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-PhQne2006
September 15,2005

A call-in-progress, visible


A call-in-progress detected by the
directed to up to three pre-designated Phone.
:Ij II
rings, he or she
goes to
. When the;
, "
PINs are in use, the inmate's PIN number


If logged an the system, the may
ne~~d~a~r~is~e;s;,,;a;t;t;h;e;w;o;rk~s;ta~t~io;,n~o~r~f~ro~m~a~~~~~~n, into authorized officerofficer

If the

option on the Call Monitoring screen, From a
official monitoring a live inmate conversation can iidl

• Inmate Telephones


GTL Response: GTL will comply. Constructed with heavy-duty stainless steel, GTL's inmate
phone is a totally secure unit, ideally suited for detention facility environments, Inmate
telephones are line powered and require no AC or battery backup power. The' telephone
housing is seamless stainless steel with no exposed screws, bolts, metal or other hard
substance fasteners, The housing is tamper and water resistant to the highest degree, and
can only be opened with a special security tool. Telephones are flush mounted to the wall.
Each is equipped with a stainless steel, braided security lanyard inside the armored cord
designed to handle up to 1,000 pounds of pull resistance -- extremely resistant to stretching
and breaking, Telephones are installed at all locations designated by the DOC.
GTL provides wall-fl}ounted phones at all locations designated by the DOC. GTL also provides
cart-mounted inmate phones as needed for portability and TDDITTY units as needed for use
by hearing impaired inmates or inmates needing to communicate with hearing impaired family
members or friendS who also have TDDITTY devices,
The telephone equipment and services provided with our LazerPhone Inmate Telephone
System are in full compliance with all applicable standards and regulations, including FCC and
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Irunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO·Phone2006
September 15,2005


,'" .


l:l"I' l:;,;
• Siwultaneous Telephone Calls

GTL Response: GTL will comply. All LazerPhone controlled inmate telephones can be used


The DOC currently records inmate calls and
select calls when necessary.
This recording and monitoring is conduct on all calls with the exception of privileged calls (e.g.,
attorneys, etc.). The Bidder must address the following specifications regarding the recording of
inmate calls.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL has addressed each of the following
required by the DOC.


The ICS proposed by the Bidder must be capable of recording all inmate calls
simultaneously and at any time that a call is placed. The Bidder must describe, in its
response, the call recording system being proposed in conjunction with the IeS.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone has a fully integrated digital recording module
that is capable of recording all inmate calls simultaneously and at any time that a call is placed.
By default, all inmate calls are recorded and may be audibly monitored by authorized
personnel, except those to approved legal counselors. At the system workstation,. authorized
personnel may turn off monitoring and recording for other calls by destination number, PIN,
inmate phone, and groups of inmate phones.
Call Recording Storage Capacity: Each DOC facility's LazerPhone system is configured to

store all of the D~rds for the duratiO,Jl of the contr,act and all associated recordings
, ,j' . .
for a mlmmum of~
Recording Playback: Except for calls for which monitoring and recording are legally

prohibited or were selectively turned off, all call records include a recorded conversation that
can be played back for review. At the LazerPhone workstation, the system's LazerPlayer is
used to play, stop, fast-forward, rewind, or pause a recorded conversation.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request fOf Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC fife No. IOOO-Ph{me2D06
September 15, 2005


The LazerPlayer

Recording Backup and Sharing: A recorded conversation may be backed up to'a compact
disk (CD) for archrival purposes or be played back elsewhere for evidence. A CD ROM drive is
avai.lable at the LazerPhone workstation . When a recording is copied to a CD, it remains
wrapped in an exclusive security envelope that protects the integrity of the recording and
verifies the authenticity of its identifying information (phone numbers involved, inmate's PIN,
date, time, and duration). Any deliberate or accidental alteration to the recording would disturb
the security envelope and be immediat'il.I~.~~t'ectabJ~ ..~loJ:)al;'i,Tel·Link will provide expert
testimony, free of charge, to any jurisdictio'nohthEl a&thenticitY ofLazerPhone recordings .
• ,l"{


A recorded conversation may also be saved to a WAV file that can be emailed and played
back using Windows Media Player. This is especially useful for consultations between
investigators. It is not recommended that WAV file versions of an inmate's conversion be
submitted as actual evidence, since conversion to the publicly accessible WAV file format,
strips the recording of its security envelope. Without the security envelope, a recording's
authenticity cannot be positively verified." ",'"
GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phol1c2006
September IS, 2005



The call recording system proposed by the Bidder must be capable of allowing call
recording to be deactivated for specific telephone numbers assigned to an inmate's PIN.
This capability would be utilized for inmate calls to attorneys, etc.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. At the system workstation authorized personnel are able to
tum-off call recording to designated numbers. LazerPhone also provides an Approved
Attorney database. Any numbers entered into this database are automatically protected from
monitoring and recording to ensure client/attorney privilege.

The call recording system proposed with the ICS must be a fully digital system allowing
for digital storage of call recordings and the use of Compact Disk for the transfer of

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone's integrated recording system is entirely
digital. A recorded conversation may be backed up to a compact disk (CD) for archrival
purposes or be played back elsewhere for evidence. A CD ROM drive is available at the
LazerPhone workstation. When a recording is copied to a CD, it remains wrapped in an
exclusive security envelope that protects the integrity of the recording and verifies the
authenticity of its identifying information (phone numbers involved, inmate's PIN, date, time,
and duration). Any deliberate or accidental alteration to the recording would disturb the security
envelope and be immediately detectable. Global Tel*Link will provide expert testimony, free of
charge, to any jurisdiction on the authenticity of LazerPhone recordings.
A recorded conversation may also be saved to a WAV file that can be emailed and played
back using Windows Media Player. This is especially useful for consultations between
investigators. It is not recommended that WAV file versions of an inmate's conversion be
submitted as actual evidence, since conversion to the publicly accessible WAV file format,
strips the recording of its security envelope. Without the security envelope, a recording's
authenticity cannot be positively verified.

The call recording system,~he Bidder must be capable of storing a minimum
of inmate call recordings on site at each DOC facility.

GTl Response: GTL will comply. Call recordings will remain on-line and accessible for replay
on-site at each DOC facility ?
b. Facility recordings will be stored onsite at each facility.

The Contractor must provide backup storage of all recordings of inmate calls from each
. DOC facility off site at the Contractor',s·data storage facility for the life of this contract.

GTL's Respome to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Caning System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


The Bidder must describe, in its response, how this will be accomplished with the
proposed system.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. Both call detail records and system settings are saved and
automatically backed-up in real time. At the time of an inmate's cali, a call detail record is
saved to the DOC facility's active hard drive array, backed-up to the facility's backup storage
array, and transmitted to GTL's off-site central storage facility. Any changes made to
LazerPhone system settings are also saved in real time to the facility's active hard drive array,
backed-up to the facility's backup storage array, and transmitted to GTL's remote central
storage facility through the secure network provided by GTL.
At the time of an inmate's call, the call's recorded conversation is saved in real time to
the facility's hard drive. Once every 24 hours, LazerPhone automatically copies
recordings to the facility's backup storage array and transmits a copy to GTL's off-site
central storage facility through the secure network provided by GTL.

The Contractor must allow access to off site inmate call recordings by DOC personnel
providing the ability for DOC personnel to download and transfer such recordings to CD
when necessary. The Bidder must describe, in its response, how this is accomplished
with the proposed solution for the DOC and what security measures are in place to
ensure that DOC personnel access only those call recordings for which they are

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Off site call recordings will be accessible to authorized
DOC personnel. Call recordings (stored atjGTL'~ centralized storage facility) will remain on-line
and accessible at the DOC's oncsite LazerPhone workstations.
LazerPhone workstations are equipped with a Compact Disk ReadlWrite (CDRW) drive for the
transfer of downloaded recordings to CD when necessary.
The DOC's LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System is protected from unauthorized access by
secure passwords and inmate call data are se!;ured against loss or corruption by redundant
system components and processes.
Password Protected System Access
o-TL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request tor Response.<::
Secure Inmate CaHing System & Related Services
DOC tile No. IOOO¥Phone2006
September 15, 2005





Access to the LazerPhone control program is restricted by a password protected User Security
Profile system. A User Login screen that requires a valid password ensures that only
authorized personnel are permitted to monitor and control inmate telephone usage.
A User Security Profile is associated with each valid password. The Security Profile record for
each user specifies which LazerPhone functions will be accessible by that individual. This
allows multiple correctional personnel to access only those functions corresponding to their
security levels.
Only a system administrator with full security clearance may access LazerPhone's User
Management screen, from which other User Security Profiles may be created or modified.
Any time a user logs into the system, LazerPhone notes the event and the user's identity in the
system's eiectronic Log Book. An Audit Log Report is available to track user access and all
changes and activities that take place while users are logged into the LazerPhone system.


The call recording system proposed by the Bidder must allow access to inmate call
recordings from any PC on the ICS network within each facility. The Bidder must
describe, in its response, how this is accomplished with the proposed system.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Recordings of inmate conversations can be accessed and
played back at any PC on the LazerPhonesystem network by any DOC personnel authorized
to access call recordings. Local and remote access is accomplished through the private,
unique frame relay network provided and maintained by GTL.
The system's small LazerPlayer program; which is available both at the workstation and on
CDs to which LazerPhone recordings have been copied, is used to play, stop, fast-forward,
rewind, or pause a recorded conversation.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Imnate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No.1 OOO·Phone2006
September 15, 2005


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The LazerPlayer
Replay' at the Workstation: At the system workstation (or other authorized PC), the
LazerPlayer opens automatically when an authorized person clicks the recording icon on the
desired call record.
Replay From a CD: A recorded conversation may be backed up to a compact disk (CD) for
archrival purposes or to be played back elsew~ereforevideqce. A CD ROM drive is available
at the LazerPhone workstation. When a recgrding is copied to a CD, the small LazerPlayer
program is also copied. Accessing the:x,GDPni~any relatively .late model Windows-based
computer (with Windows Me, Xp, NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a or higher, and a sound card) allows
the recorded conversation to be played back using the associated LazerPlayer program .
• -.<;:' -.-,
A recording copied to a CD remains wrapped in an exclusive security envelope that protects
the integrity of the recording and verifies the authenticity of its identifying information (phone
numbers involved, inmate's PIN, date, time, and duration). Any deliberate or accidental
alteration to the recording disturbs the security envelope and is immediately detectable. Global
Tel*Link, the manufacturer of LazerPhone, will provide expert testimony, free of charge, to any
jurisdiction on the authenticity of LazerPhone recordings.
Replay From an Emailed File: A LazerPhone recording file in its original format (with security
envelope) and the system's small LazerPlayer program can be attached to an email message
Conunonwealth ofMa."!lwhuseUs DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006





qnd sent to any relatively late model Windows-based computer (with Windows Me, Xp, NT 4.0
Service Pack 6a or higher, and a sound card) for replay.
A recorded conversation may also be saved to a WAV file that can be emailed and played
back using Windows Media Player. This is especially useful for quick consultations between
[ f
. : rnt
investigators. Ii .
. I;
. iI
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The call recording system proposed by the Bidder must allow access to inmate call
recordings at each DOC facility by investigative personnel ' I
__L L.
. The Bidder must describe, in its response, how this is accomplished with
the proposed system.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Investigative personnel at
have access to inmate call recordings at each DOC facility. GTL provides a unique frame relay
network that allows the LazerPhone systems at all DOC facilities to be networked together via
a secure closed network. Authorized remote access to LazerPhone records and controls,
whether from
or from cjJdifferimt DOC facility, is accomplished though a
secure network that is installed, managed, monitored, and maintained by GTL. The DOC's
LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System can permit authorized users at multiple locations to
access the system's login screen of the LazerPhone Web Management System. control



This information is available online in near real
and t'ilpropriate permission levels. Through this network, the
authorized person at
can perform any LazerPhone administrative or
investigative functions permitted by the person's security clearance level, just as if he or she
were sitting at the LazerPhone workstation at the facility.
Investigative personnel a t ·
and any investigator with the proper
access will be able to use the remote laptop to connect using the VPN.



. At many times, the recorded telephone '"conversations of inmates are used as evidence in
criminal or DOC violation investigations. The system proposed to the DOC must include
the capability of transferring recorded calls and call segments to Compact Disk (CDRlCD-RW) to be played on any industry standard CD device. The interface for
accessing such recordings must be have a Graphical User Interface (GUI) such as

Commonwealth ofMassachuse«s DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate CaUing System & Related Services
DOC file No. tOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


Microsoft Windows® and allow for "click and drag" capability for the transferring of
recorded calls or call segments to CD.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. A recorded conversation may be backed up to a compact
disk (CD) for archrival purposes or be played back elsewhere for evidence. A CD ROM drive is
available at the LazerPhone workstation for this purpose. When a recording is copied to a CD,
it remains wrapped in GTL's exclusive· security envelope that protects the integrity of the
recording and verifies the authenticity of its identifying information (phone numbers involved,
inmate's PIN, date, time, and duration). Any deliberate or accidental alteration to the recording
would disturb the security envelope and be immediately detectable. Global Tel*Link will provide
expert testimony, free of charge, to any jurisdiction on the authenticity of LazerPhone
Because LazerPhone's recording module is an integral part of the system, the graphical
interface for accessing call records with associated recordings is LazerPhone's Window'sbased control program. The system's LazerPlayer opens automatically when an authorized
person clicks the recording icon on the desired call record. From the LazerPlayer's File menu,
the recording file can be downloaded to the local hard drive in its original file format (which
includes the security envelope) or saved to'fVAV format (which does not include the security
envelope). Downloaded files caribe copied to CDs using Windows click and drag or copy and
paste techniques.








The call recording system proposegbxthe Bidder must allow for the transfer of call
recordings to CD in industry stan:gard f(muats (e.g., wav, mp3, etc.) allowing for
playback on standard PC CD drives'or industry standard CD players. The Bidder must
state, in its response, the recording file formats provided by the proposed recording

GTL Response: GTL wilficomply. Recordings of inmate conversations can be played back at
the system workstation, copied to a CD for transjJort and playback elsewhere, and emailed for
playback on a remote computer. File formats InClude GTL's proprietary format that includes a
security envelope and the industry standard WAV format which is easily converted to other
popular formats using freeware or commercially available conversion programs.
Replay From a CO: When a recording is copied to a CD, GTL's small LazerPlayer program is
also transferred to the CD. Accessing the CD on any relatively late model WindowsGTL'sResponsctothe
Conunonwealth ofMassa.chusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lnmat~ Caning System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005





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based computer (with Windows Me, Xp, NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a or higher, and a sound card)
allows the recorded conversation to be played back using the associated LazerPlayer

A recording copied to a CD remains wrapped in an exclusive security envelope that protects the integrity of
the recording and verifies the authenticity of its identifying information (phone numbers involved, inmate's
PIN, date, time, and duration). Any deliberate or accidental alteration to the recording disturbs the security
envelope and is immediately detectable. Global Tel'Link, the manufacturer of LazerPhone, will provide
expert testimony, free of charge, to any jurisdiction on the authenticity of LazerPhone recordings.
Replay From an Emailed File: A LazerPhone recording file in its original format (with security
envelope) and the system's small LazerPlayer program can be attached to an email message
and sent to any relatively late model Windows-based computer (with Windows Me, Xp, NT 4.0
Service Pack 6a or higher, and a sound card) for replay.
A recorded conversation may also be saved to a WAV file that can be em ailed and played
q ..
back using Windows Media Player.
:It f
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: n









The call recording system proposed by the Bidder must allow DOC personnel to transfer
call recordings to CD in a simplified, and, efficient manner.- The system must allow DOC
to transfer a call without having to fully download the file to the PC at which the staff
member is working. The Bidder must describe how the transfer of call recordings is
performed with the proposed ICS and call recording system.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone allows a direct transfer of a call recordings to
CD. This method can be used to copy up to five recordings at a time. Due to the limitations of
the Microsoft Operating System the direct transfer of a greater number of recordings is
sometimes possible, it is not recommended·due-to an increased potential for file corruption and
CD drive errors during long transfers. To insure 'the integrity of recording files, GTL
recommends downloading audio files to the computer's hard drive, before copying to CD.
Downloading and transfer of LazerPhone recording files to CDs is both simple and efficient.
Copying a downloaded file from the workstation hard drive to a CD, using Windows
Copy/Paste or click and drag function takes only a few seconds. Steps for both downloading
and copying recordings to CD are given below...
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No, lOOO-Phone2006
September IS, 2005





At the system workstation perform a Call Search for the desired call record or records by
specifying one or more criteria and clicking the Search button, (Note: Search criteria might
include but are not limited to date or range of dates, time or range of times, a specific
inmate phone and/or PIN, destination number, etc,)


On the resulting report (list of calls that meet the specified search criteria), click the check
box next to each call recording that you wish to download to the workstation's hard drive.


Click the COpy FILE(S) button, The system gives you an opportunity to accept the default
location on the C: drive or to navigate to a different folder, Click the OK button to start the


Using Window's standard Copy/Paste routine, copy or move the recording file from the
workstation's C: drive to a CD as follows: Icon the LazerPhone control program and open a
My Computer window that displays the workstation's C: drive and the folder to which the
recording file was copied. Click to highlight the recording file. On the window's Edit menu,
click Copy (or Move). In the My Computer window, navigate to the CDRW drive and from
the window's Edit menu, click Paste.

A recording copied to a CD remains wrapped in GTL's exciullJve security envelope that
protects the integrity of the recording and verifie$ the authenticity of its identifying information
(phone numbers involved, inmate's PIN, date, time, and duration). Any deliberate 'or accidental
alteration to the recording disturbs the security envelope and is immediately detectable. Global
Tel'Link, the manufacturer of LazerPhone, will provide expert testimony, free of charge, to any
jurisdiction on the authenticity of LazerPhone recordings.


. .:', H .. ':,j


The call recording system proposed by the Bidder must allow DOC personnel to locate
call recordings in the following manners:
• search by inmate PIN;

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone's Call Search function allows DOC personnel
to quickly locate cali recordings by inmateP,I»l. cfn "

• search by certain time period (date/time)
GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone's Call Search function allows DOC personnel
to quickly locate call recordings by certain time periods (both date and time).

• search by certain telephone instruments
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Irunate Calling Sy~1.em & Related Services
DOC file No. 1000-Phone2006
September 15,2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone's Call Search function allows DOC personnel
to quickly locate call recordings by specified inmate telephone.
The system must allow for the search criteria either individually or in combinations.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's LazerPhone system allows call recordings to be
located by inmate PIN, by specified time period, and by certain inmate telephones, as well as
other criteria. Search criteria can be applied individually or in combinations.

The Bidder must retain ownership of the proposed recording equipment for the duration
of this contract. All responsibility for maintenance and upgrades must be provided by the
Bidder at no cost to the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The recording component of the system is an integrated
part of the LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System. GTL will retain full ownership of and
responsibility for the proposed recording equipment, providing maintenance and any
replacement or upgrades required to ensure dependable functionality for the entire duration of
the contract at no cost to the DOC.

The Contractor must ensure that the call recording system proposed with the ICS is
maintained at the latest hardware and software level to ensure that DOC personnel are
utilizing the latest tools available for call recording and call monitoring of inmate calls.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone's recording component is fully integrated with
the inmate calling system. GTL will maintain both software and hardwa(e to ensure that DOC
personnel are utilizing the latest tools for call recording and monitoring. LazerPhone software
updates are provided periodically to all LazerPhone sites through GTL's secure Web Server.
The latest version of LazerPhone's management software, containing any new features or
enhancements that were developed, tested, and incorporated into the product since the last
update, automatically downloads to the DOC's workstation when an authorized person at the
facility logs into the system. These software, updates are provided at no cost the DOC. Should
the release of an updated version of the LazerPhone control program require an upgrade in
hardware to ensure proper functionality, the DOC will be notified and the hardware upgrade
will be provided at no cost to the DOC, prior to the upload of the new release to GTL's server.

It is desirable that the call recording system provide a search capability that allows DOC
personnel to search recording
provide, in its response, a description of this capability.

GIl ReSPQnse~ GIl



. The

Bidder must


GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006
September 15,2005



It is desirable that the call recording system provide a manner in which call recordings
are encrypted to ensure that no digital modification of the recording has been made or to
note if such modifications have been made. The Bidder must describe, in its response,
how this encryption function operates and the features provided by such.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone's call recordings are wrapped in an exclusive
security envelope (encryption) that protects the integrity of the recording and verifies the
authenticity of its identifying information (phone numbers involved, inmate's PIN, date, time,
and call duration). GTL's security envelope ensures that no digital modification of recordings
can place without detection. Global Tel'Link will provide expert testimony, free of charge, to
any jurisdiction on the authenticity of LazerPhone recordings.


The proposed


i.... .

res must allow DOC personnel to monitoring inmate callSiS. . . . ...
r). This
must be allowed by specific inmate

telephone within a DOC facility. The Bidder must provide all necessary equipment and
software required to perform b
; ; g with the proposed system.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone allows DOC personnel to monitor inmate calls
in real-time. The system's integrated monitoring capabilities do not interfer with current
recording operations.
Current inmate call activity may be visually monitored on a Call Monitoring screen at the
LazerPhone workstation and/or audibly monitored by directing a live conversation to the
Because both visual
workstation's computer speaker, to a standard phone,;
and audio monitoring are seamlessly integrated into LazerPhone's real-time environment,
monitOring does not interfere with recording and is not detectable by either the caller or the
recipient of the call.

Authorized personnel may watch the status of phones and calls-in-progress at the local
workstation or a workstation at
LazerPhone provides a visual display of
all call activity in real time on the Call Monitoring screen.

GTL's Response to thc
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOQO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005





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A call-in-progress, visible on LazerPhone's Call Monitoring screen, may be directed to the
workstations speaker or particular telephone receiver by double-clicking the call entry to open
a pop-up box and choosing the "Send call to computer speakers" option, or by entering a
destination telephone number. If a telephone number is entered, when the destination phone
rings, the called-party dials a numeric password to access the live conversation.

A calf-in-progress detected by the LazerPhone'~$
. $
2 is automatically
directed to up to three pre-designated phone numbers (standard phone,
: or pager).
When an alerted official's telephone rings, he or she enters a password via the phone's
keypad to access the live conversation. When the alert goes to a pager, the origination and
destination numbers of the call are reported. When PINs are in use, the inmate's PIN number
is also reported.
If the need arises, at the workstation qr from
: an authorized officer may
instantly disconnect or conference into an inmate's call. If logged into the system, the officer
chooses the Disconnect or Conference menu option on the Call Monitoring screen. From a
the authorized official monitOring a live inmate conversation can disconnect
call using LazerPhone's KwicKILL code or break into the conversation to speak to both parties
using LazerPhone's Conference Call code.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate CaHing System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006
September lS, 2005



i of the proposed ICS must allow f~onitoring
of inmate calls'
IIithin each DOC facility witl
a in the monitoring. The
Bidder must describe, in its response, how this will be accomplished with the proposed

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone provides real-time monitoring of inmate calls
in progress within each DOC facility with no delay in monitoring.
Current inmate call activity may be visually monitored on a Call Monitoring screen at the
LazerPhone workstation and/or audibly monitored by directing a live conversation to the
Because both visual
workstation's computer speaker, to a standard phone, or t .
and audio monitoring are seamlessly integrated into LazerPhone's real-time environment,
monitoring does not interfere with recording and is not detectable by either the caller or the
recipient of the call.

Authorized personnel may watch the status of phones and calls-in-progress at the local
workstation or a workstation at
LazerPhone provides a visual display of
all call activity in real time on the Call Monitoring screen.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassadmsetls DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate CallingBystem & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phonc2006
September i5, 2005


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A call-in-progress, visible on LazerPhone's Call Monitoring screen, may be directed to the
workstations speaker or particular telephone receiver by double-clicking the call entry to open
a pop-up box and choosing the "Send call. to computer speakers" option, or by entering a
destination telephone number. If a telephone number is entered, when the destination phone
rings, the called-party dials a numeric password to access the live conversation.

j 3
is automatically
A call-in-progress detected by the LazerPhone's'" . ,
directed to up to three pre-designated phone numbers (standard phone, It;; , .br pager).
When an alerted official's telephone rings, he or she enters a password via the phone's
keypad to access the live conversation. When the alert goes to a pager, the origination and
destination numbers of the call are reported. When PINs are in use, the inmate's PIN number
is also r e p o r t e d , " "
If the need arises, at the workstation or from
an authorized officer may
logged into the system; the officer
instantly disconnect or conference into an inmate's
chooses the. Disconnect or Conference menu option on the Call Monitoring screen. Frome
the authorized official monitoring a live inmate conversation can disconnect
GTL's Response to the
Corrunonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No: lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


the call using lazerPhone's KwicKlll code or break into the conversation to speak to both
parties using lazerPhone's Conference Call code.


The proposed res must allow for Doe personnel to monitor inmate callstl
entering the specific inmate PIN. The Bidder must describe, in its response, how this is
accomplished with the proposed system.

GTl Response: GTL will comply. Calls-in-progress visible on lazerPhone's Call Monitoring
screen can be sorted by inmate PIN to make call selection easy.



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The proposed res must allow for DOe personnel to monitor inmate cal),
7 by
. entering a specific telephone numbk'l!fThe Bidder must describe, in its response, how
this is accomplished with the proposed system.

GTL Response: GTL will comply_ Calls-in-progress visible on lazerPhone's Call Monitoring
screen can be sorted by destination number to make call selection easy.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachuse«s DOC
Request f-or Responses
Se(''Ure Inmate Calling System & Related Servioes
DOC file No. IOOO-!>hone2006
September 15~ 2005




• •~ The Bidder must describe, in its response, how this function
the proposed system.


GTL Response: GTL will comply.
at the workstation. A
inmate PIN.

LazerPhone allows facility personnel to designate.
may be a destination telephone number or an

A call-in-progress detected by lazerPhone's
directed to up to three pre-designated phone ,ml",,·s ("t!'l,nci,qrci nh(lnA
. order. When an alerted nffic'i;,I's tAI,ent,nr'A

inmate's PIN number is also reported.
If the need arises, at the workstation or from a
an authorized officer may
into the system, the officer
instantly disconnect or conference into an
~isconnect or Conference menu option on the Call Monitoring screen. From a
_ , the authorized official monitoring a live inmate conversation can disconnect
the call using LazerPhone's KwicKlll code or break into the conversation to speak to both
parties using lazerPhone's Conference Call code.
The system's
workstation, help
personnel and case
inmates and destination numbers of particular interest.


It is desirable that the

available at the
and patterns of


provide tht:• • •
• •IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIiIIIIiiI."The Bidder must list, in its response, the devices to
which the res can send alerts.

GTL Response: GTl will comply. A call-in-progress detected by lazerPhone's
_ystem is automatically directed to up to. three pre,-dElsi<mated nh(lne ntJlnhers

numbers of the call are reported. When
alert goes to a
PINs are in use, the inmate's PIN number is also reported,


It is desirable that the IeS provide the 2 ~_
In a
. ,. . _~J.'
Z!c. For example,

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September IS, 2005

:s listed in Section 5,2,22 above
' If

unanswered, the call would the'n4II.,,1l
GTl Response: GTl will comply. A call-in-progress detected by LazerPhone's. . . . .
system is automatically directed to up to three pre-designated phone numbers (standard
~' or pager), in sequential order. LazerPhone does not currently send an alert


It is desirable that the


call monitoring capability provide a form




call. The Bidder must:provide, in its response, a
description of this capability.
GTl Response: GTL understands. Global Tel*Link has.,explbred this feature and has found
that current technology is not at a level where GTL is s~tisfied releasing this feature to the
field. GTL will further explore this feature when the technology becomes available.


The proposed ICS must allow for DOC personnel to . . . .
. . . . . .Z,.from the DOC facility from which the call is placed. The Biddermust state,
in its response, how tbis will be accomplished with the proposed system.

GTl Response: GTL will comply. DOC personnel
so, can log into the LazerPhone control
the DOC facilities. Authorized
live monitoring, whether
accomplished though a secure network
by GTl.

who are authorized to do
inmate calls in progress at any of
records and controls, including
or from a different DOC facility, is
managed, monitored, and maintained


A call-in-progress, visible on LazerPhone's Call Monitoring screen, may be directed to the
workstations speaker or particular telephone by double-clicking the call entry to open a pop-up
box and choosing the "Send call to computer speakers" option, or by entering a destination
the destination phone rings, the
telephone number. If a telephone number is
called-party dials a numeric password
A call-in-progress
directed to up to

. When the alert goes to a pager, the
origination and destination numbers of the call are reported. When PINs are in use, the
inmate's PIN number is also reported.
GTL's Response to the
Commonweaith ofMassachuseits DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


If the need arises, at the workstation or from
an authorized officer may
instantly disconnect or conference into an inmate's
If logged into the system, the officer
IUU:,.", the Disconnect or Conference menu option on the Call Monitoring screen. From a
the authorized official monitoring a live inmate conversation can disconnect
"7,'rl='hnnp"" KwicKILL code or break into the conversation to speak to both
LazerPhone's Conference Call code.



It is desirable that the ICS call monitoring capability allo;~f1~o~r:~~:=~~~~
, __ ~ ___/ (e.g., P
etc.). The
.........,..Bidder must state, in its response, what is required to provide this
• •"1irII7j.within the particular DOC facility.





GTL Response: GTL will comply. Authorized
controls, including live monitoring, is acco'l1olisllea
managed, monitored, and maintained by GTL·
computer and authorization to access the DOC's

to LazerPhone records and
network that is installed,
needs a properly configured

A call-in-progress, visible on LazerPhone's Call Monitoring screen, may be directed to a
speakerphone or to ~ receiver by double-clicking the call entry to open a
pop-up box and choosing the "Send call to computer speakers"
desti'lation tpl,'n~\nnp number. If a telephone number is entered,

destination numbers
is also reported.

When the alert goes to a pager,
call are reported. When PINs are in use, the inmate's PIN number

If the need arises, at the workstation or fro~ an authorized officer may
instantly disconnect or conference into an-inlT)§te's call. If logged into the system, the officer
ni',,'nnnprt or Conference menu option on the Call Monitoring screen. From a
the authorized official monitoring a live inmate conversation can disconnect
call using LazerPhone's KwicKILL code or break into the conversation to speak to both
parties using LazerPhone's Conference Call code.

" 5.3


The Inmate Telephone Station Equipment required for ,', DOC shall consist of five (5) types of
., \' c·!..),'
<.' ",
telephones as listed in this section of the RFR
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetfs DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Caning System & Related Services
DOC file No.1 OOO-Phonc2006
September 15,200:5


GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will provide the telephone. equipment as requested.
Type 1: Wall Mounted Telephones (Indoor)

The first type, which will be the majority of inmate telephones installed, shall be permanently
mounted wall telephones meeting the following specifications:
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will provide the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with
inmate telephones that meet the following requirements.


All Inmate Telephone Equipment must be of new manufacture and be provided (and
installed) with the proposed rcs at no cost to the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's proposal is a no cost turnkey solution. GTL will
provide all inmate telephone equipment at no cost to the Commonwealth. GTL's intent is to
negotiate the purchase of the inmate tetephones from the DOC.

The Bidder must provide all required materials, hardware, software an~ telephone
cabling (where fe-use is unavai\!\~.tYI,qfl,f1eW locations .. are required) to install the
proposed inmate telephones.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's proposal is for a no cost turnkey solution. GTL will
provide all materials, hardware, software and telephone cabling required to install the
proposed inmate telephone.

The Bidder is responsible for reimbursing the DOC for any "construction" costs incurred
to facilitate the installation of the!ft~lephones.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will reimburse the DOC for any construction costs
incurred to facilitate the installation of the inmate telephones.

All inmate telephones must be powered by the
power source at the instrument.


system and require no additional

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's inmate telephones are line-powered through the
LazerPhone ICS and require no additional power source.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Irunak Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September i5, 2005



The inmate telephone instrument must be compact in design. The Bidder must include
photographs of the proposed inmate telephones in its response.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL proposes the CT-300 Brick phone
equipment) to meet the requirements of the Commonwealth.

(or similar

CT-300 Brick



Housing: High Security, 14 Gauge, Steel
Size: 10 Y:,"H x 5 YO"W x 2 Yo"D
Switch Hook: MagnetiC or Micro Switch
Volume Control: Technician Set or Optional External Button
Sidetone Reduction: Built-in Confidencer Function
Connections: Modular or Screw Terminal
Keypad: Heavy Chrome Metal
Handset: Armored Cord with Steel Lanyard and Heavy
Gauge Steel Retainer
Conformal Coating: Protects components for Outdoor Use
Line Powered: No NC power required
Mounting: Mounts directly to wall, to a Model CT-3500BB
Backboard or to an existing 178A Backboard with adapter
Model CT-178ADP
Warranty: 2 Years
FCC Registered: 1U8USA-74411-CC-T

The inmate telephone instruments must not include coin entry slots or coin return slots
regardless of whether these functions are disabled.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The inmate telephone instruments are dumb sets that do
not include any coin entry slots or coin return slots. .


The inmate telephone instruments shall not contain card reader capabilities or slots used
to identify inmate telephone accounts for purpose of debiting inmate telephone accounts.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The inmate(elephone instrument is a dumb set that does
not contain any card reader capabilities.


. The Bidder shall provide a unique number, physically imprinted on each Inmate
Telephone so that the number can be seen by DOC personnel for the purposes of

GTL's Response to the
Commollwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure hunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1 OOO~Pholle2006
September 15, 2005


reporting troubles and troubleshooting problems. As new inmate telephones are added
or telephones are replaced they shall be identified in the same manner and all appropriate
paper work shall be updated to reflect the addition.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The inmate telephones must be capable of reducing or eliminating background noise to
the inmate using the telephone. The Bidder must describe, in its response, how this will
be accomplished with the proposed inmate telephone instruments (e.g., confidencers,
phone enclosures, etc.).

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's inmate telephones have a built-in Confidencer
function that minimizes side tones and background noise.

All inmate telephones shall provide volume controls which allow inmates to amplifY the
called party's voice.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's inmate telephones provide volume controls that
allow inmates to amplify the called party's voice:

The Bidder shall provide dialing inst;Ucti~ns as well as a "warning" that states "This Call
is Being Recorded" to the inmate in English and Spanish on each inmate telephone in a
manner which reduces the possibility of being destroyed. Simple labels or other
accessible surface instructions will not be acceptable to meet this requirement.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
GTL wil(provide durable written dialing instructions and
the waming "This Call is Being Recorded",' in both English and Spanish, on each inmate
telephone. Instruction placards are mounted within the frame of the telephone, protected by
shatter-proof glass.
Additionally, LazerPhone's automated operator gives dialing instructions, call-type and
language options, error prompts, makes initial contact with the called party and provides
information about the cali, including the inmate's name and the name of the correctional
facility. The automated operator's opening message to the called party includes the warning
that "This call is being recorded."

The Bidder shall maintain the above required telephone dialing instructions and warning
statements for legibility and accuracy during the course of this contract.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachuseUs DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1OOO~Phone2006
September !:5, 2005


. GTL Response: GTL will comply.


The inmate telephone instrument shall not be capable of being used to program any
feature of the proposed rcs.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's inmate telephone is "dumb," meaning that it is
incapable of being used to program the LazerPhone system.


All of the proposed inmate telephones must be compliant with all applicable
requirements of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Global Tel*link's inmate telephones are compliant with
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), providing hearing aid compatibility and volume control.
When necessary, telephone handsets may be cradled in TOD units to permit severely hearingimpaired inmates to communicate with others through the telephone line.

Type 2: Special Management Unit Telephones

The second type of inmate telephone instrument shall be portable or "movable" inmate
telephones that are used mainly in special management units and must be manufactured
. to withstand abuse (physical, liquid, etc.) as well as be compact enough to fit through
standard food slots. Industry standard 2500 telephone sets will not be acceptable at
. meeting this requirement. The Bidder must state how it will allow the DOC to secure the
touch tone pad after the special management unit's inmate's initial call now been placed.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Constr.yc\~,<;\of heavy-duty stainless steel, GTL's inmate
phone is a totally secure unit, ideally suited for prisons and jails. Inmate telephones are line
powered and require no AC or battery backup power. The telephone housing is seamless
stainless steel with no exposed screws, bolts, metal or other hard substance fasteners. The
housing is tamper and water resistant to the highest degree. Each is equipped with a stainless
steel, braided security lanyard inside the armored cord designed to handle up to 1,000 pounds
of pull resistance -- extremely resistant to stretching and breaking.
GTL inmate phones have a stream-line deSign and are more compact than standard 2500
telephones. They can be flush mounted to'\hNall"or mounted on a wheeled cart for portability.
The handset is compact enough to fit though standard food slots. For special management
units, if approved by the DOC, GTL mounts the portable telephone in such a way and at the
correct height to permit the inmate to self-dial through the cell's food slot. Alternately, the


mOl !pted in

511cb a 'Ma), as to

GTL's Response to the
CommOllwealth ofMassachusetis DOC

Requeo.1 for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September IS, 2005

prevent the


aCCeSS to the telephope


keypad. In this case a DOC officer dials the number for the inmate and passes the handset
through the food slot to allow the inmate to converse with the called party.


The Bidder must describe, in its response, how these movable or portable telephones
will be moved from one cell to another by DOC personnel to allow for inmate calling.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL inmate telephones are mounted on wheeled carts to
provide portability from one cell to another.

The Bidder must provide a special management unit telephone that includes all call
restrictions of the IeS with regard to inmate PINs, call duration, etc.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. . Like all other inmate telephones, GTL's cart-mounted
phones are fully controlled by the LazerPhone ICS. All call restrictions, PIN assignments, call
durations, etc. apply.

The Bidder must provide a special management unit telephone that allows DOC
. personnel to provide the handset (jliIy to the izimate thus denying access to the dial pad
by the inmate. The Bidder must describe, in its response, how this is accomplished with
the proposed telephone instrument.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. For special management units, if desired by the DOC, GTL
mounts the portable telephone on the wheeled cart in such a way as to prevent the inmate's
access to the telephone keypad. In this case a DOC officer dials the number for the inmate
and passes the handset through the food slot to allow the inmate to converse with the called

The Bidder must provide special management unit telephones according to the telephone
quantities listed in Attachment B.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will provide the required number of special
management unit telephones.

Type 3: Outdoor Telephones


The third type of Inmate Telephone Station Equipment shall be "all weather" inmate
telephone sets to be used in some outdoor conditions as various DOC facilities.

OTL's ResponsetQthe
Cnmmonwealth ofMassachusefts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Irunate Calling SY!'iem & Related Services
DOC file No, 1OOO~Phone2006
September 15, 2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will install the required number of "all weather" inmate
telephone sets at outdoor locations specified by the DOC.


The outdoor irunate telephone instruments must meet all requirements of the Type I:
Wall Mounted Telephones (Indoors) described in this section. The Bidder must state this
compliance in its response.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's outdoor inmate telephones meet all the requirements
of Type 1 wall-mounted telephones described in this section.

The outdoor irunate telephone instrument must be weather-proof to ensure durability in
outdoor conditions including winter weather.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's outdoor inmate telephones are weather-proof to
ensure durability in outdoor conditions, including winter weather.

Type 4: Coin Operated Telephones
The fourth type of inmate telephone instrument shall be coin operated pay telephones primarily
used in pre-release areas, lobby andlor visiting areas only. Coin operated telephones are not to be
proposed to meet the irunate telephone requirement. Coin operated telephones must offer all
standard payphone options including coin, collect and calling card access.
'- . '
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL proposes to replace the existing
coin telephone sets with the Elcotel Series 5 "smart" coin public tenninal
(or similar equipment). The Elcotel Series 5 "smart" coin pUblic terminal
is a fully remote programmable and downloadable, coin-pay station that
is completely line powered for maximum protection from electrical
outages. Its state-of-the-art features include:

• Self diagnostics detect and record numerous alarm
conditions and transmit them to the host system for analysis
and dispatch as required. The include, but are not limited to,
coin jam, coin box full, coin box removed, inactivity, and
handset failure.
• Call Type Counters are updated with each call and
downloaded daily to the host system.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure frunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. l.OOO~Phone2006
September 15,2005


• A self-resetting volume control button.
• Full, stored-memory rating functionality.
• A 50-number programmable speed dial memory function.
• An ADA compliant handset with full acoustic coupling capability.

21 x 7 -518 x 6 inches

Housing dimensions:

Payphone weight:



Hearing aid compatible (HAC)

Coin Acceptance:

Nickel, dime, quarter


Telephone line powered, 48 VDC (on hook), 23
mA loop current (off hook)
Internal rechargeable lead-acid gel cell, 6V, 500

Operating Temperature Range:

-4 to +140 Degrees Fahrenheit

Telco line type:

COCOT (PAL), B-1, Loop Start

Loop Current Range:

23 mA to 80 or 100 mA

Ringer Equivalency Number (REN):


FCC Registration Number:

E2DUSA-61027 -CX-E

Telco Line Interface:

. "Internal to payphone, terminal strip with standard
US RJ11C connector terminated cable and RJ11C
jack on printed circuit board.

Coin Relay Driver:

Internally provided +1- 80 VDC

Voice Prompts:

High quality digitally recorded female voice in

5.3,23 . The Bidder must provide coin-operated, public, telephones to DOC facilities, as listed in
Attachment B. These telephones must meet all FCC and Massachusetts Dept. of
Telecom & Energy regulations regarding local calling, toll free number surcharges and
alternate carrier access.
GTL Response:

GTL will comply.

Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006

September 15,2005

GTL will provide the required number of coin-operated


public telephones as listed in attachment B.


Throughout the term of the contract the Bidder must install additional coin operated
telephones as required by DOC This includes expansion to existing institutions and
newly constructed facilities. This must be done at no cost to DOC

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will install coin operated phones as required by DOC.


Coin operated telephones must provide outgoing service only. Incoming calls must not
be accepted at any coin operated telephones at the DOC facilities.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The proposed coin telephones can be programmed to
provide outgoing service only.

Type 5: TDDrrTY Devices


The DOC currently have inmates who are deaf or hearing impaired and must place
outgoing telephone calls via a TDD/TTY The Bidder must describe, in its response,
how such calls will be conducted in conjunction with the proposed ICS.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will provide the required number of TDDITTY devices
for locations designated by the DOC. These devices fully meet the requirements of the
"Americans With Disabilities Act". TheTDl;>m,,units provided by GTL for hearing impaired
inmates can be used for communication to a call recipient who also has a TDDITTY unit (unitto-unit connection) or can connect to a deaf relay service. LazerPhone call controls are
enforced during unit-to-unit calls. Connection thorough a deaf relay service requires that
LazerPhone relinquish control of the call to the relay service, after which the LazerPhone
restrictions are no longer operative.

September 15, 2005

'i--":""'%,), ...~~~'%'~;'*"

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This basic TOO is easy to use. It has an easy-touch keyboard with a bright, tilted 20-character
display and includes a printer port to connect an external printer. Turbo Code provides "realtime" conversations with other Turbo Code TOO units. Auto 10 informs the called party that the
caller is using a TOO. Turbo Code® and Auto 10TM

Convenient GA/SK keys


Printer port to connect to external printer


20_character display


43-key, 4-row keyboard


Rechargeable batteries and AC adapter included


Baudot code(4S.S/S0baud rate)


The Bidder must describe, in its response, how outgoing inmate calls via the TDD/TTY
are conducted in the following circumstances while maintaining all call controls:

a standard telephone number on the inmate's call list;

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The TO DITTY units provided by GTl for hearing impaired
inmates can be used for communication to a call recipient who also has a TDDmy unit (unitto-unit connection) or can connect to a Deaf Relay Service. LazerPhone call controls, such as
a standard number on an inmate's call list, are enforced during unit-to-unit calls. Connection
thorough a Deaf Relay Service requires that LazerPhone relinquish control of the call to the
Relay Service, after which the ICS restrictions can no longer be applied.


toll free number for the deaf relay service;

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL provides a toll free number for the Deaf Relay Service.


711 deaf relay service call;

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's TOOITTY unit allows 711 Deaf Relay Service calls.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006

September 15,2005



The Bidder must describe, in its response, how outgoing call control for TDD/TTY
users is maintained with the proposed res.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone call controls, such as a standard number on an
inmate's call list, are enforced during
Connection thorough a Deaf
the Relay Service, after


The Bidder must provide adequate TDD/TTY or suitable devices to each DOC facility,
maintain such devices as well as provide additional devices, at no cost, when requested
by a specific DOC facility.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will provide and maintain the required number of
TDDITTY devices for locations designated by the DOC, at no cost to the DOC. These devices
fully meet the requirements of the "Americans With Disabilities Act".


The Bidder must provide TDD/TTY or suitable devices which contain a digital display
(e.g., LCD, LED, etc.) and a printing device.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. TDDITTY devices provided by GTL contain a digital display
and a printing device.


The Bidder must provide TDD/TTY or suitable devices that allow the irunate
allowing the DOC . . .I11IIII11IIII11III• • • • •
vith the exception of privileged calls to attorneys, etc.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. This basic TDD is easy to use. It has an easy-touch
keyboard with a bright, tilted 20-character display and includes a printer port to connect an
external printer.


The Bidder must describe, in its response, how inmate call will be invoiced (and to
whom) when the inmate uses the TDD/TTY device to place a call via the Massachusetts
Deaf Relay Service.


GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL believes that it is of the most importance that these
calls be completed for non hearing inmates. GTL is willing to provide these



GTL's Response to the

Commonwealth ofMas,<;achusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOQ-Phonc2006
September 15, 2005



The Bidder must perform all system and database back-ups and archiving. All archival
hardware, supplies, network and recovery procedures which ensure that no data shall be
lost must be provided by the Bidder at no cost to the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL provides all necessary equipment and performs all
system and database back-ups and archiving at no cllst to the DOC. GTL has gone to
extraordinary lengths to ensure the safe keeping of syStem configuration information and
inmate call records. LazerPhone's centralized design provides redundancy of critical
operational components and allows automatic backup of ALL call detail records.
Redundant Record Data Storage: Both call detail records and system settings are saved and
automatically backed-up in real time. At the time of an inmate's call, a call detail record is
saved to the DOC facility's active hard drive array, backed-up to the facility's backup storage
array, and transmitted to GTL's off-site central storage facility. Any changes made to
LazerPhone system settings are also saved in real time to the facility's active hard drive array,
backed-up to the facility's backup storage array, and transmitted to GTl's remote central
storage facility through the secure network provided by GTL
At the time of an inmate's call, the call's recorded conversation is real time to the
facility's hard drive. Once every 24 hours, lazerPhone automatically copies recordings to the
facility's backup storage array and transmits a copy to GTl's off-site central storage facility
through the secure network provided by GTL. .
Redundant Control Computers: At each LazerPhone Control Center, lazerPhone system
controls for every site are housed in two identically configured computers. If the first computer
fails the second automatically takes over. In the unlikely event that both computers at one
lazerPhone Center fail, the computers at the altemate Center automatically take over all
LazerPhone operations. Each backup computer is independently capable of performing all
Management Control Center functions. Massive generators 'back up the electrical systems at
both the primary (Mobile) and secondary (Houston) Control Center locations.

Tested by a Force Majeure The effectiveness of GTl Control Center's backup systems was
conclusively demonstrated when Mobile, Alabama took a devastating hit from Hurricane
Katrina in August 2005. Flanked on all sides by the crippled city, the lazerPho"ne Control
Center continued to operate normally.
Redundant processing, telecommunications
infrastructure, facilities, and trained staff at the Houston Data Center backed up this effort and
stood ready to take over if Mobile had taken a catastrophic hit.


The Bidder must be capable of recpvering all system data for all locations, to the point
. oflhl! system operation, using a system backup.

GTL's Response w the
Corrunotlwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Jrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005



, •.



GTL Response: GTL will comply. Should there be a catastrophic loss at any or all DOC
facilities, GTL is capable of recovering all system data for all locations to the point of full
operation using GTL's system backups. (See "Redundant DOC Data Storage" above at 5.4.1)


The Bidder must describe, in its response, the back-up schedule for:

The local system programming databases for each DOC facility;

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
Back-ups of the local system programming at each DOC facility occur in real time. As changes
are made to the facility's active database, the change is simultaneously transmitted to the
facility's backup storage array and to GTL's centralized database.


The central Contractor maintained programming database for all DOC facilities;

GTL Response: GTL maintains to fully redundant data centers, one in Mobile, AI the second
in Houston, TX. These two data centers are replicated in near real time. Meaning, data
delivered to one data center is replicated to the second within seconds. Should a database
issue occur, a comprehensive database is contained in both GTL locations and available for
use in the event of a database failure.
Each of GTL's data centers adheres to a ridged back-up program. At each of GTL's data
centers incremental back-ups are perfonmed each evening between midnight and 5:00 central
time. During these incremental back-ups any data created during that days activities is written
to be back-up servers. Incremental back-ups are performed Monday through Saturday.
Complete back-ups are performed during the same hours on Sunday.
Each database is backed up to a separate physical drive locally on the database server,
During the nightly process data is written to an LTO tape drive back-up system. Full tapes are
stored in a secured fireproof cabinet while on premise. Weekly tapes are transferred to and
stored in location off premise. Taped are rotated on a tWelve (12) week rotation.

All inmate call records for each DOC facility;
GTL Response: GTL will comply. Back-ups of inmate call records at each DOC facility occur
in real time. At the time of an inmate's call, a call detail record is automatically saved to the
DOC facility's active hard drive array, backedcup to the facility's backup storage array, and
transmitted to GTL's off-site central storage facility.


All inmate call records for all DOC facilities maintained at the Contractor's site;

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request [Dr Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL maintains to fully redundant data centers, one in
Mobile, AI the second in Houston, TX. These two data centers are replicated in near real time.
Meaning, data delivered to one data center is replicated to the second within seconds. Should
a database issue occur, a comprehensive database is contained in both GTL locations and
available for use in the event of a database failure.
Each of GTL's data centers adheres to a ridged back-up program. At each of GTL's data
centers incremental back-ups are performed each evening between midnight and 5:00 central
time. During these incremental back-ups any data created during that days activities is written
to be back-up servers. Incremental back-ups are performed Monday through Saturday.
Complete back-ups are performed during the same hours on Sunday.
Each database is backed up to a separate physical drive locally on the database server,
During the nightly process data is written to an LTO tape drive back-up system. Full tapes are
stored in a secured fireproof cabinet while on premise. Weekly tapes are transferred to and
stored in location off premise. Taped are rotated on a twelve (12) week rotation.


All inmate call recordings for each DOC facility;

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Back-ups of inmate call recordings at each DOC facility
occur once a day. At the time of an inmate'~. <:;all,. the call's recorded conversation is saved in
real time to the facility's active hard drive' array. Once every 24 hours, LazerPhone
automatically copies recordings to the facility's backup storage array and transmits a copy to
GTL's off-site central storage facility through the secure network provided by GTL.
GTL maintains to fully redundant data centers, one in Mobile, AI the second in Houston, TX.
These two data centers are replicated in near real time. Meaning, data delivered to one data
center is. replicated to the second within seconds. Should a database issue occur, a
comprehensive database is contained' "in 'elll.; GJLlocations and available for use in the event
of a database failure.
. . '


".,,<, .. ,_,


Each of GTL's data centers adheres to a ridged back-up program. At each of GTL's data
centers incremental back-ups are performed each evening between midnight and 5:00 central
time. During these incremental back-ups any data created during that days activities is written
to be back-up servers. Incremental back-ups are performed Monday through Saturday.
Complete back-ups are performed during the same hours on Sunday.
Each database is backed up to a separate physical drive locally on the database server,
During the nightly process data is written to an LTO tape drive back-up system. Full tapes are
stored in a secured fireproof cabinet while on premise. Weekly tapes are transferred to and
stored in location off premise. Taped are rotated on a twelve (12) week rotation.
GTL's Responscto the
Commonwealth of "Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005



All inmate call recordings for all DOC facilities maintained at the Contractor's site.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL backs-up the off-site centralized database containing
inmate cali recordings for ali DOC facilities With three copies of the inmate cali recording,
recordings are not backed up at the central location. In the event of a failure at one or two of
the locations, recordings could be totally restored from the third storage location.

The Bidder must state, in its response, if these system back-ups are performed in realtime (e.g., as the transaction/call completes) or as a pre-scbeduled time during the day.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone performs system and cali detail record backups in real time and performs recording back-up every 24 hours.

The Bidder must describe, in its response, how the local rcs databases at all DOC
facilities will be kept current with tbe rcs backups at the Contractor site in case of
required re-programming or system recovery at a DOC facility.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Because LazerPhone performs system and cali detail
record back-ups at ali DOC facilities in real time, system settings and cali detail records in the
centralized databases at GTL's off-site storage location will always be current with the active
storage arrays at DOC sites. Should a DOC facility's active storage array require reprogramming or system recovery, GTL can restore the site's system from the facility's on-site
back-up storage array or, if necessary, from GTL's off-site storage array for that facility.

Tbe Bidder must agree, in its response, that tbe DOC retains ownership of all archived
information, call detail, inmate records, etc.' The Bidder must agree, in its response, that
the DOC has the right to obtain all achieved information, call detail, inmate records, etc.
associated with the rcs regardless of the location of such information witbin the
Contractor's organization or site.

GTL Response: GTL agrees.

The Bidder must describe, in its response, how it will provide system security for all data
stored locally and at its central stqr~gt; h~cation, Such security description must include
system security as well as how access to such sensitive information will be performed
within the Bidder's organization,

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of1fassachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1000-Phone2006
September 15.,2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone on-site system equipment and back-up storage
arrays are installed in a secure location within the facility. GTL's off-site storage location is
equally secure. Only authorized GTL personnel can access the building and the records at
GTL's centralized storage location.
Security for LazerPhone System Services: Access to the LazerPhone control program is
a password protected User Security Profile system. A User Login screen that
ensures that only authorized personnel are permitted to
r.nntnm !fun,,,,,,, tel"ntlooe usage.
A User Security Profile is associated .
The Security Profile record for
accessible by that individual. This
each user specifies which LazerPhone functions
allows multiple correctional personnel to access only those functions corresponding to their
security levels.
Management screen, from which

may access LazerPhone's User
Security Profiles may be created or modified.

Any time a user logs into the system, LazerPhonenotes the event and the user's identity in the
system's electronic Log Book. An Audit Log Report is available to track user access and all
system clianges and activities that take plac~ while users are logged into the LazerPhone
Security for LazerPhone ICS LAN and WAN: GTL provides a lln;'OIl,,,.
allows the LazerPhone
be networked
a secure
connections are also available for
closed network. Secured
that have access
are' not in LazerPhone's unique_
jth,}ri2:ed remote access to LazerPhone records and controls, whether from
or from a differentpc9C,i ,f?cility, is accomplished though this secure
is installed, managed, monitored, and maintained by GTL. These
interconnecting LAN and WAN networks are unique and proprietary in nature, developed by
GTL exclusively
Inmate Telephone System functionality. GTL networks are
protected by




The Bidder must propose an ~9J? llwL9,anbe administered on-site by the Bidder's
personnel and DOC personnel.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone permits multiple users to access the system
and perform functions for which each is authorized. Frequently used workstation functions
jhchldeGTL's Response to the
CornmonweafthofMassachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1 OOO~Phone2006
September 15, 2005


· Live-Monitor Inmate Calls: At the LazerPhone workstation, authorized users can visually
and/or audibly monitor inmate calls-in-progress.
Block Destination Numbers: At the system workstation, authorized users can block calls
facility wide, or calls by individual inmate PINs, to specific destination numbers.
Assign User Passwords and Authorize LazerPhone Feature Access: At the workstation, an
authorized system administrator is able to assign, update, and change passwords and feature
accessibility for other system users.
Authorized individuals can enter
destination telephone numbers or inmate PINs. If a call is made
system will automatically dial to up to three preprogrammed nllll1ber~
Generate Investigative and Administrative Reports: Authorized individuals can view, print,
a,nd/or save stand?rd. or custom reports ,as necessary.&IUeports will be in real time and can
be generated at any time.
Schedule Telephone ON/OFF Periods: LazerPhone's Scheduler feature allows authorized
users to program ON/OFF periods for inmate telephones system wide, or assign special
ON/OFF schedules to individual PINs or telephones. '.
Set Call Durations: At the workstation, authorized users can limit call durations facility wide,
by inmate PIN, by inmate telephone, or by groups of telephones, such as all phones in a
particular cellblock.
Set PIN Call Velocities: When LazerPhone's PIN system is in use, authorized personnel can
limit the number of calls individual inmates can make during a specified time period.
Sv:ste,m· in Emergencies: In addition
in an emergency situation, an

Add, Modify, or' 'Deactivate PIN Accounts: Authorized system users are able to create,
modify, or deactivate inmate Personal Identification Number (PIN) accounts. When an inmate
enters the correctional facility, a LazerPhone PIN account can be created either through a
simple PIN Auto Enrollment procedure performed by the inmate or by an authorized person
typing and selecting options at the workstation. When an inmate leaves the facility, his/her PIN
account can be deactivated. Later, if the same inmate re-enters the facility, the account can be
Modify or Suspend an Inmate's Calling Privileges: The aSSignment of PINs allows call
restrictions to be applied to individual inmates without affecting the call restrictions or privileges
Conunonwealth ofMassachusetL~ DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


of other inmates.


The Bidder must propose an IeS that allows for changes to be administered in "real
time" while the system is in use. The proposed system must not require the system to be
taken off line to make additions, changes or retrieve reports.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. At the system workstation authorized personnel are able to
make additions, changes, or retrieve reports in real-time at the workstation without having to
take the system off line.




The Bidder must propose an Ies that provides a Graphical Uher Interface (e.g.,
Microsoft WindowsTM) for both system administration and sy'stem reporting functions.
The Bidder must provide samples of its User Interface screens with it response.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. OUf LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System's controlling
software, through which aU system management and administration is accomplished, is a
Web-based, Microsoft® Windows XP program that runs on a Windows 2000 server platform.
Global Tel-Link provides all of the server and workstation software required to operate, access,
and control the inmate telephone system.


The Bidder must describe, in its response, what system administration functions are
available with the proposed res (i.e., new account entry, accountlrecord modification,
account deletion, etc.).

GTL Response: GTL will comply. At the LazerPhone workstation the system administrator or
9ti}er authorized facility personnel have access to and control over inmate calls. Frequently
used workstation functions include:

Live-Monitor Inmate Calls: At the LazerPhone workstation, authorized users can visually
and/or audibly monitor inmate caUs-in-progress.
Block Destination Numbers: At the system workstation, authorized users can block calls
facility wide, or calls by individual inmate PINs, to specific destination numbers.
Assign User Passwords and Authorize LazerPhone Feature Access: At the workstation, an
authorized system administrator is able to assign, update, and change passwords and feature
accessibility for other system users.

Program~: Authorized individuals can enter~that may include
destinatio~bers or inmate PINs. If a call is made using
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachuse«s DOC

Request f"Or 1<,esponses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phonel006
September 15, 2005


system will automatically dial to up to three preprogrammed numbers to• • •
Generate Investigative and Administrative Reports: Authorized individuals can view, print,
and/or save standard or custom reports as necessary. All reports will be in real time and can
be generated at any time.
Schedule Telephone ON/OFF Periods: LazerPhone's Scheduler feature allows authorized
users to program ON/OFF periods for inmate telephones system wide, or assign special
ON/OFF schedules to individual PINs or telephones.
Set Call Durations: At the workstation, authorized users can limit call durations facility wide,
by inmate PIN, by inmate telephone, or by groups of telephones, such as all phones in a
particular cellblock.
Set PIN Call Velocities: When LazerPhone's PIN system is in use, authorized personnel can
limit the number of calls individual inmates can make during a specified time period.
System in Emergencies: In addition
in an emergency Situation, an authclrized
fnrnale Telephone system,

Add, Modify, or Deactivate PIN Accounts: Authorized system users are able to create,
modify, or deactivate inmate Personal Identification Number (PIN) accounts. When an inmate
enters the correctional facility, a LazerPhone PIN account can be created either through a
simple PIN Auto Enrollment procedure performed by the inmate or by an authorized person
typing and selecting options at the workstation. When an inmate leaves the facility, his/her PIN
account can be deactivated. Later, if the same inmate re-enters the facility, the account can be
Modify or Suspend an Inmate's Calling Privileges: The aSSignment of PINs allows call
restrictions to be applied to individual inmates without affecting the call restrictions or privileges
of other inmates.

PIN Transfer Between DOC Sites
The DOC makes transfers of inmates between facilities on a daily basis (Monday through Friday).
In addition, unscheduled inmate transfers can occur at any time or on any day. Although the DOC
understands that there will sometimes be unusual circumstances to prevent such, it is important
that the PIN assigned to the transferred inmate be active at the new facility within
the physical transfer. The DOC will provide the Contractor with a list of inmates to be transferred
on a daily basis to assist in facilitate this PIN transfer
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMa.'lsachuset1s DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOQO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005

; i \ ,~, .



#')"~ ~'~~'~~-:'~

,'.- .

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone has been designed to allow inmates to move
freely between the DOC's LazerPhone facilities with automatic transfer of PIN information. The
first time an inmate attempts to make a call after being transferred to another DOC facility,
GTL's Validation system recognizes it and transfers the inmate PIN information from one
facility to the other. This transfer is accomplished within the GTL's Data Center.
Also, the IMS interface program provided by GTL, for transfer of inmate data from the DOC's
Inmate Management System (lMS) to LazerPhone, will transfer in near real-time any changes
made to individual inmate IMS accounts that are also appropriate to LazerPhone PIN
accounts. Additionally, the interface program provided by GTL will fully update each DOC
facility's PIN database once every twenty-four hours.
LazerPhone's Portable PIN function allows a newly transferred inmate to immediately make
calls from the new facility. When a transfer is made, the LazerPhone system generates an
Inmate Transfer record that shows Inmate PIN, Old Facility, New Facility, who logged the
change (an authorized person at the workstation or automatic detection by the LazerPhone
. .
system), and the date and time the transfer was logged.


The Bidder must agree, in its response, to this

, P IN transfer requirement.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Due to LazerPhone's Portable PIN function, a transferred
inmate's PIN will be recognized at the new facility,


The Bidder must describe, in its response, how it will perform daily scheduled transfers.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The IMS interface program provided by GTL, for transfer of
inmate data from the DOC's Inmate Management System (lMS) to LazerPhone, will transfer in
near real-time any changes made to individual inmate IMS accounts that are also appropriate.,
to LazerPhone PIN accounts. Additionally, the interface program provided by GTL will fully
update each DOC facility's PIN database once every twenty-four hours,
Even without the specialized IMS interface, LazerPhone's Portable PIN function would allow
the system to recognize when an inmate has. been transferred from one DOC facility to
another. An inmate transfer record is automatically generated within LazerPhone when an
inmate PIN assigned at one facility is being used to place a call at a different facility.


The Bidder must describe, in its response, how it will perform unscheduled PIN transfers
to ensure that the transferred inmate has access to their attorney through the res,

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone has been designed to allow inmates to move
freely between the DOC's LazerPhone facilities with automatic transfer of PIN information. The
GTL's Respanse ta the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No, lOOO-Pbone2006
September 15, 2005


facility to the other. This transfer is accomplished within the GTL's Data Center.

Semi-Annual Review

The Contractor must conduct a semi-annual review of the inmate PIN database to
ensure that all DOC staff, volunteers, consultants, etc. telephone numbers are not part of
the system allowable number lists. The DOC will provide a list of appropriate telephone

GTL Response: GTL will comply.


The proposed ICS must allow for multiple levels of system access by authorized DOC
personnel (e.g., reports only, call recordings at a specific facility only, etc.). The Bidder
must describe, in its response, how this is accomplished and any limitations to these
password levels.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Access to the LazerPhone control program is restricted by
a password protected User Security Profile system th<;i1 allows for multiple levels of access by
authorized DOC personnel. A User Security Profile is associated with each valid password.
The Security Profile record for each u§er-:s'pecifies exactly which LazerPhone functions will be
accessible by that individual. This allows multiple correctional personnel to access only those
functions corresponding to their security levels.




The proposed rcs must provide a system reporting package accessible by DOC personnel.
This reporting package must allow for the querying of inmate call records and include a
graphical user interface (GUI) for ease of use.

GTl Response: GTl will comply.
LazerPhone's Call Search screen at the on-site
workstation offers a wide variety of call record and administrative reports that can be
generated for given time periods. Predefined report queries selected from drop-down menus,
make report generation simple. Easy, point and click Record Filters can be selected to refine
the search for calls that meet specified criteria.
LazerPhone Reports Include (but are not limited to):
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September IS, 2005






















Once the desired type of report is selected and any special search parameters defined, a click
of the Search button produces the report on the screen. A click of the Print button, prints the
report from the workstation printer. Up to tile-minute reports can be generated at any time and
for any time period.

Call Detail Reports Include for Each Call Record: Phone Station 10, Site 10, Destination
Number, PIN, DatefTime, Length, Cost, Start Code and End Code, as well as a set of icon
fields that provide the following information when an icon is present.


A recorded conversation is attached


A user Note is attached


The record is Locked to keep its recording. beyond normal storage
The recording has been played back (Playback History)


Call record has been downloaded to CD (Call Download History)

GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealt!l ofMassachuset1s DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phonc2006
Septem1ler 15,2005


For on-site auditing and revenue verification, call detail reports include a total cost and duration
summary for all records in the report, as well as the duration (length) and cost of individual
calls. Reports may be sorted in ascending or descending order by any of the nine major
column headings on the report.

Standard Record Filters Include:
Calls by Origination number (inmate phone)


= ___

. ..:.._

from a speCified group of phones
by Rate Type (Local, InterLata, etc:)
through a particular trunk linEl" .. ..
with recorded conversations~"
with replayed recordings
with Notes
of a specified duration
by Inmate PIN (if applicable)

Calls with a specified St~rt()r End cocie~


Completed calls
Incomplete calls

GTL's Respotlse to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusett~ DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


Incomplete calls that validated
Locked call records


Frequency Report by Origination Number: This report provides investigative staff with the
frequency of calis placed from a selected inmate station for a selected period of time.
Additionally, it is used by GTL to determined phone usage and helps to determine if additional
phones are required.
Frequency Report by Destination Number: Designed for the investigative staff, this report
provides a count of calls placed to a specific destination number over a selected period of
time. It is also used by GTL to determined potential fraudulent use of the inmate phone
Frequency Report by Trunk ID: Used primarily by GTL Technical Support, bad trunks can be
identified and placed out of service until repaired. It also provides insight into the phone-totrunk usage of a facility allowing GTL to more effectively process inmate traffic.
Frequency Report by PIN: Designed for the investigative staff, this report provides a count of
calls placed by a specific inmate PIN over a designated period of time
Used in conjunction with

PIN Account Creation Report: This report details the creation of new PIN accounts, showing
when and by whom the accounts were created and/or modified.


GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Servi{;-es
DOC file No, lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005

for the facility's investigative staff, this report provides


Recording Playback History Report: This report is available for all call records within the
specified time period, as well as for individual call records. It identifies each playback by date,
time, and the authorized user who played back the recording.
Call Download History Report: This report is available only for "dii . .
3. It
identifies each download by date, time, and the authorized user who downloaded a copy of the
call's data to a disk or CD.
Custom Call Reports: A custom search query in the Search By Custom field on the Call
Search screen's Filters dialog box can generate unusual or special reports. GTL's Customer
Support personnel will be happy to construct custom queries for special reports, or assist
facility personnel with the construction of custom queries.
Debit Account Reconciliation Report (if applicable): If inmates are pennitted to make
prepaid calls using LazerPhone's integrated Debit Account option, facility personnel may
periodically print reconciliation reports for inmate accounts.
Inmate Transfer Report: The Inmate Transfer Report helps the DOC or Sheriff's Office track
inmate transfers. For each transferred inmate the Inmate Transfer Report shows Inmate PIN,
Old Facility, New Facility, who logged the change (an authorized person or the LazerPhone
system), and the date and time the transfer was logged.


An inmate transfer record is automatically generated when an authorized system user
manually updates an inmate's account to a new facility or when LazerPhone recognizes that
an inmate PIN assigned at one facility is being used to place a call at a different facility.
Audit Log Report: LazerPhone's User Log identifies users who access to the system, the time and
date of each access, and all actions taken while the user is logged in. The Audit Log Report documents
sxstem access and activities.
Officer Check-In Report: LazerPhone permits' officers to check-in at inmate telephones as
they make rounds throughout the facility. The Officer Check-In report shows the location and
number of the phone used, the officer's 10 number, and the date and time of the check-in call.
Trunk Activity Report: provides facility staff and LazerPhone's Technical Support Staff with
utilization of the systems trunks. This report provides vital system resource information that
enables GTL to man1!ige the system to it's potential.
Call Traffic Analysis Report: This report 1Provides a snapshot of the calling activities over a
. " , ,s@cified period of time for a facility or all facilities within the system group.



Call Rate Type Analysis Report: This report provides for each rate type (local,intraLA TA,
GTL's Response to the
COITnllOnwealUl of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate CaHing System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOQ-Phone2006

September 15,2005


(i) __________________________,;:l~/ . ..~_ .
_.~' ~_''''_;_
'_ ~
. . ~~
&_if>'_' '\..... .•

.. _ _.

interLATA, etc) the number of calls and the amount of revenue per day for the selected facility
or for all facilities within the system group.
Fraud Attempt Flags and Reports: Three-way call attempts will be flagged on call detail
reports by a RED highlight Using the filter options on the LazerPhone Call Search screen,
facility personnel can request reports listing only 3-way call attempts. LazerPhone also detects
when extra digits are dialed. Such calls display in ORANGE on Call Detail Reports.


The proposed IeS must allow for the generation of reports by DOC facility, a combination
of DOC facilities or all DOC facilities.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
LazerPhone reports can be generated at the system's
workstation, any time the DOC facility, a combination of DOC facilities or all DOC facilities.
LazerPhone's intuitive, easy to use program makes generating reports extremely easy. Most
standard reports are simply selected from a jist on a drop-down menu. Even setting filters to
generate a custom report, is easy in LazerPhone's point-and-click environment. If unusual
reports are needed and facility personnel are unsure how to generate them, Global Tel'link's
Technical Support personnel will be glad to create custom queries to generate the desired
reports. If there is a need for Global Tel'link to print a report and send it to the DOC, it will be
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO~Phone2006
Septemher 15, 2005


shipped by overnight carrier.


The proposed rcs must allow for the generation of reports
their user access level.

by DOC personnel based on

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The DOC's LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System is
protected from unauthorized access by secure passwords and inmate call data are secured
against loss or corruption by redundant system components and processes.

Password Protected System Access
Access to the LazerPhone control program is restricted by a pa
] : j Pi S t66ttJ .: sr S?
t: I. A User Login screen that requires a
I ensures that only
authorized personnel are permitted to monitor and control inmate telephone usage.

likti? T'

A User Security Profile is associated with each .. psdil6iibThe Security Profile record for
each user specifies which LazerPhone functions will be accessible by that individual. This
allows multiple correctional personnel to access only those functions corresponding to their
security levels.
Only a system




, ftll
, . Iii: I
I 6diil§:

is iI!E I: 3 :




Any time a user logs into the system, LazerPhone notes the event and the user's identity in the
system's electronic Log Book. An Audit Log Report is available to track user access and all
system changes and activities that take· place while users are logged into the LazerPhone

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure fnmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005



'I" '. I I 11II111

The Audit Log Report tracks user login, user activities, and system changes,


The proposed rcs must provide for custom reports to be developed by the DOC and
provide for the following standard, at a minimum:

Chronological List of Calls
Daily Call Volume Summary
Daily Call Volume Detail""
Weekly Call Volume Summary
Week:ly Call Volume Detail
Inmate Account Summary
Inmate Account Detail


FreqJleptly Dialed bfilwbers

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No~ lOOO-Phone2006
September [5,2005



Specific Telephone Number Dialed Usage
Suspended lrunate Account


Quantity of Calls per lrunate Account
Quantity of Minutes per lrunate Account
Blocked Telephone Number List
Local Exchange Volume (by Exchange)
Area Code Volume (by Area Code)

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
LazerPhone's Search By Custom report filter allows
custom reports to be generated "as needed" at the system workstation: A custom search query
in the Search By Custom field on the Call Search screen's Filters dialog box can generate
unusual or special reports: GTL's Customer Support personnel will be happy to construct
custom queries for special reports, or assist facility personnel with the construction of custom
LazerPhone's Call Search screen at the on-site workstation offers a wide variety of call record
.and administrative reports that can be generated for given time periods: Predefined report
queries selected from drop-down menus, make report generation Simple. Easy,point and click
Record Filters can be selected to refine the search for calls that meet specified criteria:
LazerPhone Reports Include (but are not limited to):













• n $11



ttiSiJit I













GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006
September 15, 2005















Once the desired type of report is selected and any special search parameters defined, a click
of the Search button produces the report on the screen. A click of the Print button, prints the
report from the workstation printer. Up to the minute reports can be generated at any time and
for any time period.

Call Detail Reports Include for Each Call Record: Phone Station 10, Site 10, Destination
Number, PIN, DatelTime, Length, Cost, Start Code and End Code, as well as a set of icon
fields that provide the following information when an icon is present.

A recorded conversation is attached
A user Note is attached
The record is Locked to keep its recording beyond normal storage
The recording has been played back (Playback History)
Call record has been downloaded to CD (Call Download History)





For on-site auditing and revenue verification, call detail reports include a total cost and duration
summary for all records in the report, as well as the duration (length) and cost of individual
calls. Reports may be sorted in ascending or descending order by any of the nine major
column headings on the report.

GTL's Respome to the
Commonwealth or Massachusetts DOC

Request f-or Responses
Secure Inmaie Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
Sepu,'1l1ber 15,2005


Standard Record Filters Include:
? II


by Origination number (inmate phone)
by Destination number
from a specified group of phones
by Rate Type (Local, InterLata, etc.)
through a particular trunk lineil\~;;:j~~ll<...j ,
with recorded conversations .
,. .. ...•
with replayed recordings
with Notes
of a specified duration
by Inmate PIN (if applicable)
T ;
with a specified Start or End code.


Completed calls
Incomplete calls
Incomplete calls that validated
Locked call records

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lmnate CaHing System & Related SeIVices
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September l5, 2005



The proposed lCS must allow for selected reports to be generated automatically based on
DOC criteria (e.g., time of day, volume of calls, particular inmate, etc.).

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The proposed ICS must allow for automatic generation of reports by individual DOC
facility or on a system wide basis.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The proposed ICS reporting function must allow for the exporting reporting date to
Microsoft Excel® and Microsoft Word® at a minimum.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. At the workstation, call detail records may be saved in
ASKII format or to a comma-delimited text file and copied to a diskette or backed up to a CD
for archiving by the institution. Comma-delimited text files are easily imported into Microsoft
Access or Excel. Additionally, throughout the life of the Contract, LazerPhone call records are
always available on-line at the system workstation. After contract expiration, the DOC's call
detail records remain archived on Global Tel'link's Central Computers for a minimum of seven
(7) years and will be available upon the DOC's request.

The proposed ICS must allow for all reports to be viewed in hard copy format or viewed
"on-line" by a user with the proper access leveL

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone reports can be viewed on-screen at the
system workstation by an authorized person, and/or can be printed and viewed in hard copy.

The proposed lCS must allow for access by
. . . . . . . . . . .lJIIIIIIthe rcs at each of
for inmate call reports,
inmate call monitoring and inmate call recording. The Bidder must describe, in its
response, how this is accomplished and what security measures are in place during this

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will configure DOC LazerPhone Inmate Telephone
Systems for access b y "
I ta to access call detail reports, listen to recorded conversations,
and live monitor inmate calls-in-progress from an authorized computer provided by GTL
" If

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Retated Services
DOC file No. l-OOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Security for LazerPhone System Services: Access to the LazerPhone control program is
restricted by a Ii
: IL A User Login screen that
10!1 ensures that only authorized personnel are permitted to
requires a '
monitor and control inmate telephone usage:
: Ofhe Security Profile record for
A User Security Profile is associated with each ;: :
each user specifies which LazerPhone functions will be accessible by that individuaL This
allows multiple correctional personnel to access only those functions corresponding to their
security levels:
, 'I
Only a system administrator with 2
1:1 '


Any time a user logs into the system, LazerPhone notes the event and the user's identity in the
system's electronic Log Book: An Audit Log Report is available to track user access and all
system changes and activities that take place while users are logged into the LazerPhone
: Sit;
j, that
Security for LazerPhone ICS LAN and WAN: GTL provides a unique I
allows the LazerPhone systems at all DOC facilities to be networked together via a secure
closed network, 3
' 'PI! P
'?' , ..' !) connections are also available for
approved users that have access to the. Internet but are not in LazerPhone's unique is :
a I&j
I Authorized remote access to LazerPhone records and controls, whether from
! e : aaqt!
or from a different DOC facility, is accomplished though this secure
network system that is installed, managed,monitored, and maintained by GTL. These
interconnecting LAN and WAN networks are unique and proprietary in nature, developed by
GTL exclusively for LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System functionality: GTL networks are
protected by both
point programs:

5.6.10 It is desirable that the IeS provide DOe personnel that
£ ',
Ed &dUd 3
i f The Bidder must
describe, in its response, how this function is provided and how it operates witb the
proposed system.
:" , ,~,:


A simple~1i It 0:: lIid 6&i!S


The DOe is presently utilizing an IeS provided by Verizon: It is therefore of the utmost
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Irnnate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


importance that the Bidder address the issue of transition from the existing system to the new res
at all DOC locations. The DOC realizes that some "down time" will occur during this transition
but the Bidqer must propose an implementation plan that reduces this "down time" and allows for
a smooth progression to the new system.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.
GTL's installation and changeover procedures are
carefully designed to maximize efficiency of installation and minimize disruption of inmate
telephone service.
Since GTL installs and configures al! LazerPhone software in advance of bringing down the
current system, and works closely wittY the" local exchange company on scheduling
changeover, "down time" is kept to an absolute minimum. We accomplish changeover on a
one-to-one basis, phone by phone, so the telephone system itself is never completely down,
At the time of changeover, the inmate database for the facility is complete, The database
contains relevant information from the existing service provider, including block list, attorney
list, etc, to ensure that no data will be lost during the cutover process,
GTL has provided a preliminary installation plan in Exhibit C, Upon contract award, GTL will
provide the Commonwealth with a more detailed plan that meets the above requirements,


The Bidder is required to provide the poe a full implementation plan upon award of
contract for the res, The Bidder's implementation plan must include a detailed
explanation of the following items:


pre-installation procedures for each DOC facility;
' ,
pre-installation procedures for the complete system;
network circuits/service coordination requirements;
software programming and preparation;
equipment delivery schedules; ,"
equipment security procedures;
equipment/system installation procedures;
inmate telephone installation procedures;
system testing at each DOC facility;
system testing of overall system connectivity;
training of DOC personnel;
actual system cutover to service
list of DOC responsibilities" ,C' "

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request tQr Responses

Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply.
Upon contract award, GTL will provide a complete
Implementation Plan. Following is an overview.
The GTL Implementation Team will be led by a full time Implementation Manager,_
] is located in
51 I·
Bill has over 30 years of experience in
telecommunications, including 23 years managing operations of inmate phones and systems
with a communications provider and three years with an ITS supplier. "has previously
installed and cutover the MA DOC, and has been responsible for the installation of other
DOC's including the state of Maine, New Jersey, and North Carolina.·
All of these projects are similar scope and many are similar in size and all share the same
complexities as the MA DOC program ensuring Massachusetts a seasoned and highly
experienced professional to oversee the successful transition of all facilities to the GTL
solution. His experience and expertise will ensure that the MA DOC implementation will be a
seamless and timely transition to the new system.
The implementation will be accomplished utilizing a highly trained team that will consist of
skilled install technicians, technical support personnel, and a certified LazerPhone trainer.
The activities required to implement the Inmate Telephone Service equipment are listed in the
Site Activities table below. The list includes steps that mayor may not be performed on-site
due to it being completed by GTL's Production Department during the system configuration
and "bum-in" process. Also, the time duration given is a conservative estimate. Actual time
necessary to complete the installation may be less.




l<iDul<ltiiiri •. ·•.·.···.••...

Site implementation meeting



System location requirements set



Call processing & recording equipment manufactured



Site survey completed



Site name branded call announcement recording developed



Cable installations scheduled



Employee security check



Establish conversion plan



Begin cabling and inmate telephone installation



Test existing or oversee new TELCO installation



Equipment delivered to the site


Installation of LazerPhone equipment


Software installed and system programmed



System testing and certification completed


GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ol'Massachusetts DOC
Request for Respou,>es
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005



I "





·•·.i.· .•··.·r.·. C\;·;·i(·' ~[)titiltii:ih







System cutover and removal off existing equipment

Train facility staff and System Administrators



Final acceptance '._

30 - 41

The following numbered paragraphs provide a detailed description of the tasks listed in the
table above.
1. Site Implementation meeting with facility staff: Global Tel*link's Project Manager and
installation team will meet with facility staff to review installation activities required, the floor
space, environmental, power, grounding connection and cabling requirements for the ITS
on-site equipment and facility staff escort resource requirements and availability.
2. System location requirements set: This addresses the verification of where the facility ITS
interface closet is to be located and the location of where the user workstation(s) are to be
installed, In addition, Global Tel'link will address with facility staff the accessibility
requirements of Global Tel*link's support and maintenance staff to the equipment in order
to perform system maintenance activities during the term of the contract as well as initial
installation, testing and system certification activities,
3. Call processing and recording equipment manufactured: The normal interval is 30
4. Site surveys completed: The site survey allows the Global Tel*link implementation team
to assess the specific needs of the installation, This may include additional cabling and
other site preparations.
5. Site name branded call announcement recording developed: This refers to the
recorded message heard by the called party which identifies that the call is originating from
the DOC Correctional facility and the facility. name that is to be used.


6. Cable installations scheduled: As required and identified during the site survey, Global
Tel*link will schedule with facility staff to perform the installation of the telephone and ITS
cabling and cabling cross-connects within the facility from the inmate call processor to the
inmate phones and to local dial-up system access circuits,
7, Employee security check: Global Tel*link will supply the required personal information
for each company employee or subcontractor employee for the DOC's background security
checks prior to granting facility acceSS,Ie', JUI"
8. Establish conversion plan:
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetL<: DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005

Global Tel'link and DOC representative( s) will establish a

plan to ensure that conversion to the new service goes smoothly and without interruption of
9. Begin cabling and inmate telephone installation: Global Tel'link's installation team will
perform pre-installation cabling and related activities to prep the site for the delivery and
installation of the ITS equipment. During this time Global Tel'link will test, verify standards
quality and label the existing and Department owned inmate telephone cabling that it will
be re-using as well as and new cabling that is installed to support the proposed system.
10. Test existing or oversee new TELCO installation: This is part of site preparation to
assure that the installation and testing of the access circuits goes smoothly.
11. Equipment delivered to the site: The proposed equipment will be delivered to the facility
installation site by Global Tel'link and its staff.
12.lnstallation begins: Installation activities begin of the proposed inmate call
controllrecording/monitoring equipment, workstations, computers, other equipment and any
remaining cabling necessary.
13. Software installed and system programmed: This includes installation of the LazerPhone
system station and trunk line cards and programming of the system.
14. System Testing and certification completed: This refers to Global Tel*link'sinstallation
team successfully completing a full system test and certification process of the centralized
LazerPhone system including, but not limited to placing various test calls to insure that all
system features, system functionality, call control requirements and restrictions are
operating and performing correctly prior to system cut-over.
15. System Cutover: Inmate telephones are cutover to new ITS equipment and additional test
calls placed from each physical inmate telephone to assure that each of them as well as an
additional system check to ensure that each are functioning and operating correctly. After
these test are completed, the removal of the existing ITS will be accomplished. This should
reduce down time at each site to a minimum.
16. Train faCility staff and System Administrators: Facility staff and System Administrators
will be trained to operate the system and perform activities meeting the particular needs of
correctional facility personnel.
17. Final acceptance: Installation is complete.


The Bidder must work with the DOC to determine the exact times when Inmate

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusefu DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling Syst.em & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOQ·Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Telephone Equipment can be replaced to reduce "down time".
GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The Bidder is required to conduct a site visit to each DOC facility prior to installation of
the ICS there in order to become familiar with the physical location of the ICS and the
inmate telephones as well as to be completely familiar with the installation requirements
of each particular facility.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. As part of its implementation plan, GTL will conduct site
surveys prior to installation to become familiar with the installation requirements of each facility.

The Contractor shall coordinate the removal of the 4IIiI.SZ!IIIIII• • •-lIIIiIIII. in all
DOC facilities The Contractor is required to meet with the DOC so that the existing
telephones may be used during the transition to the new inmate telephones provided
under this contract.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
all DOC facilities.

GTL will. coordinate the removal

of.sllli·iIii··1iIl5~• •_~s


The Bidder is allowed to reFuse existing station cabling installed at each DOC facility for
the imnate telephones once it has "tone and tested" each cable run to ensure that the
! I! t
station cable is capable of supporting the & I
In cases where the existing cable is reFused, the Bidder will resterminate and label the
station cabling at the cross connect (l]lil;inlinterrnediate distribution frames) to ensure
that all cabling is identified correctly and terminated in such a way to simplifY future
In cases where existing station cabling cannot be used, the Bidder will install new station
cabling (Category Se minimum) at no cost to the DOC. Any new cabling must include
required wall plate, cross connection, patch cords, etc. as required by the Bidder and the
DOC to ensure proper operation of the inmate telephones.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

Although the DOC does not anticipate that such work will be required, the Bidder must
agree in its response to obtain DOC permission in writing before proceeding with any

GTL '8 Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
j)OC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


work that requires cutting into or through girders, beams, concrete or tile floors,
partitions or ceilings, or any work that may impair fireproofing or moisture proofing, or
potentially cause any structural damage.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will obtain written permission from the DOC for any
work that requires cutting into or through girders, beams, concrete or tile floors, partitions or
ceilings, or any work that may impair fireproofing or moisture proofing, or potentially cause any
structural damage.

The Bidder will be responsible for all programming of the res including the generation
and creation of the system database(s) required to provide a fully operational res.



GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will be responsible for all programming of the les.

The Bidder must transfer the current res database information including inmate profiles
(PINs) and call records to the new system. The Bidder must state, in its response, how
this will be accomplished and what is required of the DOe to facilitate this transfer of

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The normal process to get inmate prOfiles (PINs) and other
database and system configuration information (Authorized Attomey list, Allow lists, Block list,
etc.) is for the DOC facility to make a request to the current vendor for an electronic copy of
the information.
GLT will transfer existing data provided by the current vendor to the appropriate LazerPhone


Due to potential differences in information .and data structures of proprietary ICS systems, GTL
does not transfer existing call records from the previous system to the LazerPh6ne Inmate
Telephone System's call record database.

The Bidder must clean up and remove any and all debris and packaging material
resulting from its work at the DOe facility on a daily basis.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

GTL will

be responsible for removing all debris from the

Upon completion of installation, the Bidder must leave the DOe facility clean, orderly
and ready for immediate use.

OTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Itmlate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No: IOOO-Phone2006
September i5, 2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will leave all facilities clean and orderly.

The Bidder shall be completely responsible for replacing, restoring or bringing to former
condition any damage caused by the Bidder's installation personnel to floors, ceilings,
walls, furniture, grounds, pavement, etc. Any damage or disfigurements shall be restored
to its former condition by the Bidder at no cost to the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will be responsible for any damage caused by GTL or
its subcontractors during installation of the inmate calling system.

The Bidder must ensure that all of its work and materials comply with all local, state and
federal laws, ordinances and regulations as well as the direction of any inspectors
appointed by proper authorities having juris.diction over this type of network and
equipment installation.
The Bidder is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits. Should violation of codes
. occur relating to this network installation project because necessary permits were not
identified and obtained by tbe Bidder, the Bidder will cease all work at that specific
location and correct the situation, immediately, at no cost to the DOC prior to
continuation of system installation.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will comply with all local, state and federal regulations
relating to inmate telephone services. GTL will obtain all the required licenses and permits.



The Bidder is required to adhere to all prevailing wage rate specifications and schedules
as determined by the Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division ofOccupationai Safety and
the United States Department of Labor when required.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will adhere to the prevailing wage rate schedules of
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
ImplementatiQn Team

The Bidder must provide a Project Manager for the implementation of the proposed ICS
for the DOC. The Project Manager must serve as the Single Point of Contact (SPOC)
for the DOC during the initial rcs implementation period regardless of the length oftrus

GTL's Response to fue
Commonwealth ofMa~sachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1OOO~Phone2006
September IS, 2{)OS


implementation period. The Project Manager must be available to the DOC via
telephone, cellular telephone, and e-mail at a minimum during the course of this project.
The Project Manager for the implementation of the ICS must have experience with the
implementation of an ICS on a scale equal to the DOC. The Project Manager for the
implementation of the network services must not be the Account Manager required in
Section 4.1.
The Bidder must provide, in its response, the name of the Implementation Project
Manager to serve the DOC during the implementation of the ICS. A professional resume
detailing this Project Manager's qualifications and experience on projects of similar size
and complexity as the DOC project must be provided as an attachment to the Bidder's
GTL Response: GTL will comply. James Beamer, Sales Account Manager, will interface with
the DOC for all matters covered by the contract that results from this proposal. GTL's Project
Bill has over 30
Manager for this account will be Bill Reynolds.
years of experience in telecommunications, including 23 years managing operations of inmate
phones and systems with a communications provider and three years with an ITS supplier. Bill
has previously installed and cutover the MA DOC, and has been responsible for the installation
of other DOC's including the state of Maine, New Jersey, and North Carolina.
GTL's intemal account team for the DOC's Project will consist of the following people.
Tom Sweeney

Executive Vice President of
& Marketing

Tim Miller

Area Sales Director

Jim Beamer

Sales Account Manager



GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMa<Jsachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Catting System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone200G
September IS" 2005


'$:.$"~,:.,~~,,'~/~, . -,.


Danny Cravey

'" T'T?



Tom Hearn

Vice President of Customer

Laura Florey

Technical Support Manager

Adrian Holifield

Client Systems Trainer
. 15 "@ II pt



Telecommunications Inc.
DOC Specific Local


To be provided on contract award.


The Bidder must provide, in its response, the names of the implementation project team
members, their location, and qualifications statements for each member assigned to the
implementation of the rcs at the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Key Project Personnel List
For MA DOC Project
GTL's internal account team for the DOC's Project will consist of the following people.

GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth ofMassachusctfs DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


Tom Sweeney
Executive VP of
Sales & Marketing

i'!11 '~!I ~III
II 9 , .

II g

Tom Sweeney is responsible for providing executive leadership and
~onsorship for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and this project.
Tom has over 25 years of experience specifically in the inmate market,
including 10 years of experience with communications providers and 7
years as Executive Vice President of Operations with an exclusive
Inmate Telephone System (ITS) provider. ' Tom has managed the
implementation and transition of over 500 inmate facilities nationwide,
including systems for the Department of Corrections in West Virginia,
Mississippi, and Nebraska.
Over 23 years of experience with AT&T and the sales, management,
arid support of Operator Services, public payphone services, and
solutions for the corrections market. Tim has -over 22 years experience
working directly with public payphone and inmate solutions.

Tim Miller
Area Sales

Located in



Jim Beamer
Sales Account

LQI!;ated . Rglllr,

Jim Beamer has been Global Tel*Unk's Northeast regional Sales
Manager since October 2004. Prior to becoming the Regional Sales
Manager Mr. Beamer was a private contractor providing technical
support to Global Tel*link for almost 2 years. He has been working in
the computer and telecommunications industry for over 15 years. Jim
brings a high level of, project management, technical knowledge, and
network design to the project. " He is responsible for the "front-line"
interface with customers, overall account management making customer
satisfaction a priority.

Bill Reynolds
Project Manager

iIIl I
l1li I I


Bill Reynolds, the Project/Implementation Manager, has over 30 years of
experience in telecommunications, including 23 years managing
operations of inmate phones and systems with a communications
provider and three years with an ITS supplier.

II i

GTL's Rcsponse to the
Commonwealth of Mass achusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Seoure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


. . ft-I
Danny Cravey


Located L ' 1 : :'-

Tom Hearn
Vice President of
Customer Service




Laura Florey
Technical Support
Control :Manager



Danny Cravey has managed the organization of installation teams and
overseen the production of equipment for Global Tel'link's Inmate
Telephone System Projects since 1994. Mr. Cravey has extensive
experience in
management experience,
telecommunications industry and with GTL's products.

After college graduation, Mr. Hearn served our nation for 5 years in the
nuclear-powered submarines division of the U.S. Navy, and held the
rank of lieutenant Commander in the Naval Reserves. Before joining
Global Tel'link, he worked for 10 years in the commercial nuclear field
in engineering, testing and management Since arriving at GTL in 1990,
Mr. Hearn has managed teams in the design of software and hardware
products, including inmate telephone systems, public cellular payphones
and line powered coin phone products. Me Hearn has also directed
product development and engineering management, He served as Vice
President of Sales and Marketing for 5 years and was instrumental in
forging the SBC business relationship. With an extensive staff of
Customer Service Representatives, Mr. Hearn is now responsible for all
Customer Service activities.
Laura Florey joined Global Tel'link's Technical Support Team in 1999
and served two years as a Technical Support Team Leader, before
becoming the company's .. Quality Coordinator in 2001. In 2004, she
accepted the Technical Support Management position. At the time of
contract award, Ms. Florey will assign and oversee a Technical Support
Team Leader and a DOC Dedicated Technician that will be personally
responsible for ensuring that all questions and issues related to the
Inmate Telephone System are answered or resolved satisfactorily in a
timely manner. With her extensive LazerPhone experience, Laura
Florey is well qualified to oversee the on-going support of the
Massachusetts DOC's system.

GTL's Response to the
Conunonwea1th ofMassachusefu DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005



Adrian Holifield
Client Systems
Trainer ,
Located In


: i'll



Adrian Holifield has been with Global Tel-Link since October of 1999.
He. has more than 6 years experience in Training and Adult Education.
Mr. Holifield serves as Systems Trainer for all installations and is
responsible for coordinating and executing all formalized onsite training.
Mr. Holifield is also responsible for the design and development of the
training program, which includes training curriculum, goals, and material.

Mr. Cumberbatch is the President/Founder of Publical
Telecommunications, Inc. Publicall will provide the Site

Inc. Located in

Mr. Canny has the overall responsibility for account management for
Publicall Telecommunications, Inc.

John Canny
Inc. Located in
N.I .

Local Area
Technician! Site


Upon contract award GTL will finalize and provide to the DOC the list of
employees and subcontractors (if any) that will provide local
maintenance and repair service for this contract.

The Bidder must warrant in its response that all installation personnel who wi!!
implement the proposed rcs have been fully trained and certified by the manufacturer as
qualified to install and service the proposed rcs. The Bidder must provide proof of
manufacturer certification for its imp1elllentation team members as an attachment to its

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL is the designer, manufacturer, and sole distributor of
the LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System that we propose to the Massachusetts Department
of Corrections. Our installation and maintenance personnel are factory trained and fully
certified by GTL.
. 5.7.17

Afl personnel assigned to the Bidder's implementation team who will work on-site at the
DOC facility at any time must comply with all DOC requirements for facility access
including tool control, background checks and dress code. (See Section 4.3 imd Section

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will identify those employees and subcontractors (if
any) that will be associated with the contract. For those that will require admission to the
institutions, GTL will provide ample information to perform background searches to ensure
DOC security procedures are followed.

When individual personnel changes within the implementation team are necessary, the
Bidder must provide personnel replacements whose experience and expertise is equal or
superior to the personnel member being replaced.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.





All personnel replacements to the implementation team must be completely familiar with
the Bidder's ICS offering to the DOC as well as the requirements of this RFR as they
pertain to the implementation of the rcs as the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The Bidder must describe, in its response, how it will transition implementation team
members when necessary. This transition must include a transfer of specific DOC
information and knowledge as well as Bidder specific information/services offered to the

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL maintains a centralized database containing all
pertinent information about configuration, account information and special configurations of
stations, inmate accounts or institutions. The database will contain a comprehensive history of
the DOC from the time of installation, through any expansions or upgrades. This information is
available online through the network connections across Massachusetts. Should it become
necessary to transition team members, the new team members will have access to this library
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Re.<,lJonses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


of information as well as GTL's Technical Support, Project Management and Support Staff.
These resources will ensure a smooth transition with no disruption to the day to day activities
of the institution or DOC as a whole.


The Bidder must state the implementation requirements and responsibilities of DOC
personnel at each DOC facility. These requirements and responsibilities must be kept to
a minimum. The Bidder is responsible for performing all installation tasks to provide a
fully functional rcs at each DOC facility.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will not require any involvement of DOC personnel
other than approval of our installation plan, allowing our technicians physical access to the
Facility, and final approval and sign off of the LazerPhone System. GTL does require
however, a person for the DOC that can make day-to-day decisions during the implementation
phase an for the duration of the contract.

System Testing


The Bidder must describe, in its response, how it perfonns standard system testing to
ensure that the proposed rcs and its network services are fully implemented and ready
to accept inmate traffic and DOC use. This description must include the Bidder and
industry standard methodologies, procedures and protocols consistent with the rcs
proposed for the DOC. The Bidd~r'~~s{describe whatis required of DOC personnel
during this system testing. All hardware, software, software licensing, etc. required to
perform this testing must be provided to the DOC at no cost.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's comprehensive functional test plan is provided in the
detailed checklists and procedures used by installers to test and ensure the quality of the
LazerPhone installation. Please see LazerPhone Installation Checklists in this proposal in
Exhibit C.


The Bidder is required to provide system testing which simulates normal operating
conditions of the installed ICS to ensure proper performance after hardware and
software configuration is complete. This simulation must include full traffic load
representing high traffic situations for inmate calling traffic.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
of installation.

GTL has several processes to test and ensure the quality

Before the system is shipped, it is taken through an intensive "burn in process" which

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate: Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-I)hone2006
September 15, 2005





includes hammering the system with phone calls for a forty-eight hour period to
simulate a high traffic situations.
During the installation process, several checklists are provided for the field technician
and the remote technical support representative to verify all software and hardware is
functioning properly.
Once the field technician and the technical support representative have completed all
checklists, the customer makes the finally decision that they are satisfied with the
During the first ninety days of the system's life, the installation manager performs an
extensive daily analysis to ensure that all systems are continuing to function properly.

After the ninety-day period is complete, the system is moved to maintenance mode where all
software modules are continually monitored for failures. On a daily basis call traffic is reviewed
and there are weekly and monthly reviews of all tickets and failures .


The Bidder must agree, in its response, to the DOe's right to require the replacement of
any network service or system component whose failure to meet required performance
levels during testing has risen to chronic problem level.

GTL Response: GTl agrees.
System Acceptance


The DOe defines system acceptance as the "problem free' operation of the leS and its
network of services for a period of 30 consecutive days commencing with the actual
completion ofIeS installation and testing.
Should the proposed res operate "problem free" during the initial 30 day acceptance
period, the Bidder may consider the res installation as complete at that Doe facility
and commence with post installation:'m~jntenance and support.
Should tbe les fail to operate "problem free" during the 30 day acceptance period, the
Bidder shall correct the problem at no cost to the DOe and the 30 day acceptance
period will begin again. The Bidder is required to provide all materials and labor to
ensure that the installed leS is performing according to manufacturer specifications and
the requirements of this RFR. Failure of the Bidder to.have the installed leS installation
"accepted" by the DOe within 60 days.ofthe installation date will result in the
replacement of the leS in its entirety at that specific DOC facility.

GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Catting System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006
September 15, 2005



__ ..._ _

GTl Response: GTL agrees.


The Bidder must agree, in its response, to negotiate the definition of "problem free"
operation with the DOC prior to system contract. However, for the purposes of this
RFR, "problem free" operation during the initial 30 day period is defined as the

Failure of no more than two percent (2%) of the telephone instruments;
Failure of no more than ten percent (10%) of analog network services'
Failure of no more than one (1) digital trunk (TJ, ISDN PRJ);
Operation of the system security features including PINs, etc.
Operation of the system software without major conflicts or feature failure;
Non- failure or any Central Processing Unit (CPU).

GTl Response: GTL will comply.

System Documentation

At the completion of the project, the Bidder must provide a complete set of system
reference manuals which must include information specific to the installation at each
DOC facility.

GTl Response: GTl will comply. GTL wil!provide system reference manuals.


The Bidder shall supply all necessary documentation to DOC personnel with regard to
maintenance contact numbers, maintenance reporting procedures, maintenance
escalation procedures, etc.
:l'ii j ,-~r(",-"

GTl Response: GTL will comply. Upon contract award the DOC will receive an GTL's full
Implementation and Service Plans, including all necessary documentation with. regard to
maintenance contact number, maintenance reporting procedures, maintenance escalation
procedures, and much more.


The Bidder must provide programming manuals that are specific to each DOC facility.

GTl Response: GTL will comply.


The Bidder must provide DOC facility specific "checklists" allowing trained DOC

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006
September 15,2005


personnel to become acquainted with the specific programming of the res installed at
that particular DOC facility.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.


The Bidder must provide written procedures at each DOC facility that instruct DOe
personnel on how to report system troubles, escalate system troubles within the Bidder's
organization, contract Bidder personnel during weekend shifts, etc. The Bidder must
update such written procedures on a quarterly basis during the term of this contract.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. DOC facilities will receive the required written procedures.
GTL will update the DOC's documentation as needed throughout the term of the contract.


It is instrumental to the success of the installation of t~e res that DOC personnel be trained in
various aspects of the system operation. Therefore, the Bidder must provide an complete training
schedule based on the following requirements.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.

Facility Personnel Training
Global Tel*Link provides factory certified trainers to teach correctional personnel how to use
the LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System control program.
Basic Features: Topics include phone settings, system settings, PIN administration, blocking
features, on/off phone settings, system shutdown, and restoration procedures. This portion of
the training will ensure that the trainees have a fundamental understanding of the operation of
the system, including how to access and exit the system, verify inmate accounts/PINs, verify
telephone numbers on an inmate's allowed call list, set calling parameters and restrictions,
identify problems, and telephone shutoff procedures. This component also describes how the
inmates will be instructed, via automated system prompts and announcements, how to use the
system to make calls.
. •. ,." t. ',n,'
., '"
Call Detail Reporting Features: Topics include the call detail report, which is the default
report type most freguently used. Within the call detail report, users will learn how to
GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No.1 OOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


retrieve detailed call information regarding both complete calls with recordings and incomplete
call attempts. Additionally, within this report, users will learn how to use filters to locate calls by
destination number, inmate, date and time of the call, and length of call.
Other report types covered in Call Detail Reporting Features include frequency reports by
by PIN, ~Iists by
origination, destination, trunk, and PIN,
destination, call traffic analysis, origination number, three-way call attempt ~Audit Log
reports for tracking and reporting who logs into the LazerPhone system and events that occur
while an individual is logged-in, Audit Log reports of Officer Check-ins, and inmate transfers.
Recording and Monitoring: Topics include investigative information gathering from the
LazerPhone data and live monitoring features. During this segment of training attendees will
learn how to retrieve
copy call recordings to CD or hard disk, monitor calls in realtime from the workstation,
This portion of the training, along with the training on the system's reporting features, will
provide the elements required for a complete investigation. This component will completely
describe the system's investigative
of the call recorder, call
establishing a
number database, visual
system alarm,
and the interpretation of
I describe facility-based investigations as
well as
System Overview and Technical Support: Topics include a complete description of the
system and how the system is configured. A discussion of the technical support procedures for
the LazerPhone, including after-hours outage reporting, remote upgrading, software
manipulation, service, and maintenance. This component also will describe the problem
reporting and resolution path, and access to the Help Desk.
Online Help: Attendees receive a complete demonstration of the online help, which is
available on the main menu of LazerPhone.
The LaZerPhone certified trainers answer questions that facility personnel may have and
perform demonstrations - either individually or in scheduled group training sessions ..
Training aids that our Technicians utilize in the instructional meetings include: LazerPhone User Manual, live
system demonstrations, hands-on practice, and the use of LazerPhone's on-line Help menu.

1. BASIC FEATURES (approximately 2 hours)
Phone setting
GTL's Response to the
Comuwllwealth ofMassacnusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Imnate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2{)06
September 15, 2005



System setting
PIN administration
Blocking features
On/off phone settings
System shutdown
Restoration procedures

2. CALL DETAIL REPORTING FEATURES (approximately 2 hours)
Call detail report
2.1.1. Call Filters
2.1.2. Completed Calls
2.1.3. Incomplete Calls
Audit log report
Frequency report by destination ..
Frequency report by origination
Frequency report by PIN
Frequency report by truck·
Call Traffic Analysis
Inmate transfers
3. I3ECORDING AND MONITORING (approximately 2 hours)
Retrieve recordings
Copy recordings
Call monitoring
3.3.1 .
Investigative reports
Facility wide invest.igaltiolls

Inmate phone system overview
System specifications
Technical support procedures
Reporting problems
Software maintenance
Software upgrades
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1000-Phone2006
September 15,2005


Following the instructional sessions, facility personnel may contact their customer account
representative or assigned technical support engineer with any further questions. Training
and support is available to facility personnel, at no additional cost, throughout the contract
~ On-Line Training:
By using a telephone line, a speakerphone and PC Anywhere, Global Tel·link's technical
support staff can offer live on-line training on the inmate telephone system. This training will
be available to all facility personnel at all times.
~ Toll Free Support:
Facility personnel may contact our Technical Support department with any questions regarding
the system via our toll free number. Our Technical Support staff is extremely knowledgeable in
all features, functions and activities associated with LazerPhone. Global Tel·link's staff will be
happy to answer any questions personnel might have about the product at any time.
~ User Guide:
Following user training session, each attendee will receive a LazerPhone User Guide. This
guide is a step-by-step reference for system set up, call management, monitoring and
recording, call detail reporting, and technical support procedures. Also included in this
publication is a list of common computer telephony terminology, Global Tel·link's credit policy,
and a list of codes found in the LazerPhone call report screens.

~ On-Line Manual:
The LazerPhone systeni provides a Manual button on our system main menu for quick access
to on-screen instructions for almost all administrative and investigative tasks.

Formal inmate training on the use of the phones is usually not required.
mounted on each telephone unit, and calls are facilitated by an automated on,,,r,,tor
instructs the inmate
a call. However




The Bidder must provide all~aining to the DOC at no cost.

GTl Response: GTL will comply. GTL will 'proVide system training cost to the DOC.

The Bidder must provide all

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Caning System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005

raining on site at the various DOC facilities.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The Bidder must provide training for various levels of DOC personnel including fulltime system administrators, parHime system administrators, special investigators, and
data entry specialists, etc.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The Bidder must provide full training for all assigned system users on how to create,
delete and modifY inmate programming and profIles.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The Bidder must provide full training for all assigned system users on how to generate
appropriate system reports.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The Bidder must provide full training for all assigned system users on how to maintain
. inmate
and respond accordingly when thes.
·are exceeded.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The Bidder must provide full training on all components of the Secure Inmate Calling

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The Bidder must provide full training on the provided call recording function induding
'of inmate
of archived calls 'and the transfer of calls to
other media for playb'lc~lIiIIIII.
GTL will comply. GTL provides full training on all aspects of recording and
playback of archived calls and the transfer of calls to CDs for playback


The Bidder shall provide full training for all assigned DOC system users on how to

G'n;s Response to the
Commonwealth ofMa'lsachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Irunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1QOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


change inmate restriction levels (by telephone, suspend PIN, etc.).
GTlResponse: GTL will comply. GTl provides fuJI training on al1 aspects of how to set and
change calling restrictions for al1 or selected inmates.


The Bidder must provide full training for all assigned system users on how to initiate
system restrictions including the shutting down of individual inmate telephones, groups
of inmate telephones or the entire facilities systems.

GTl Response: GTL will comply. GTL provides full training on al1 aspects of initiating system
restrictions, including shutting down inmate telephones throughout the entire facility or selected
groups or individual inmate phones.


The Bidder must provide ongoing system training for existing DOC personnel when
required by the DOC at no cost.

GTl Response: GTL wil1 comply.


The Bidder must provide additional training for new DOC personnel when required by
the DOC at no cost.

GTL Response: GTL wil1 comply.


The Bidder must describe, in its response, any advanced system training that may be
available to DOC personnel whether provided on-site at the DOC facility or off-site at
the Bidder's training facilities.

GTl Response: GTl will comply.
GTl routinely provides training for facility personnel
shortly after system installation and can provide advanced or specialized LazerPhone training
for investigators or facility personnel who need it. Training is usual1y done at the facility. We
are pleased to work with the DOC to define and provide the kind of training that most benefits
the DOC. Training is provided at no cost to the DOC.


The Bidder must in its proposal include the name, title and qualifications of the Bidder
staff member who will have the overall responsibility for training.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
Adrian Holifield wil1 have the overal1 responsibility for the
training of DOC personnel. Mr. Holifield has been with Global Tel'Link since October of 1999.
He has more than 6 years experience in Training and Adult Education. Mr. Holifield serves as
a Systems Trainer and is respoQsible for coordinatiog and executjng all formalized
crfL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusefts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


onsite training. Mr. Holifield is also responsible for the design and development of the training
program, which includes training curriculum, goals, and material.


The proposed rcs must provide for integrated help function for system operation,
administration, reporting and management functions.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
Our LazerPhone system has an integrated, on-line Help
System that provides clear instructions for system operation, administration, reporting and
management functions.


The Bidder must provide a "live" Help Desk support function to DOC at no cost to the
DOC during the term of this contract. This Help Desk function must be capable of
providing support via telephone to the DOC rcs persormel for the functions of the rcs.
This Help Desk function must be available Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Eastern Time.

GTL's toll-free "live" Help Desk for Technical Support
is answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This number is
answered from 6:00 AM until 10:30 PM, CST, 7 days a week by personnel in our Technical
Support Center. At all other times, calls from facilities are immediately forwarded by a live
operator to the on-call Technical Support En'gineer. We currently employ 34 full-time technical
support personnel.
Initially, Technical Support Engineers attempt to resolve trouble reports via remote access.
Should an on-site technician be required to resolve the problem, the facility's dedicated
Technical Support Engineer will dispatch a Massachusetts DOC Specific Local Technician.


The "live" Help Desk support function provided by the Contractor must be located
within the continental United States.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
headquarters in Mobile, Alabama.


tOil-free "live" Help Desk is located at GTL




The Bidder must provide an IeS at all required DOC facilities that is fully functional in
regards to all labor, materials, program.tning, system hardware and software,

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will provide the required number of systems.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC tile No. lOOO~Phone2006
September 15,2005



The Bidder must warrant that the res installed for the DOC facilities shall be free of
defects, irregularities, unprofessional installation, code violations and shall operate as
designed and proposed. Should the system not operate as designed and proposed or
violate any local, state or federal code, the Bidder shall immediately correct the defect or
irregularity or bring the system within code and performance specifications at no cost to
the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL agrees.

The Bidder must provide all post installation system programming and maintenance
services at no cost to the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
GTL's proposal is for a no cost turnkey solution. GTL
will provide all post installation system programming and maintenance services at no cost to
the DOC.

The Bidder must agree in its response that maintenance service is available on its
seven days per week, twenty-four (24) hours a day


GTL Re~agrees.
Understood and agreed. GTL's toll-free Technical Support
number _
is answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This number is
answered from 6:00 AM until 10:30 PM, CST, 7 days a week by personnel in our Technical
. Support Center. At all other times, calls from facilities are immediately forwarded by a live
operator to the on-call Technical Support Engineer. We currently employ 34 full-time technical
support personnel.
Initially, Technical Support Engineers attempt to resolve trouble reports via remote access.
Should an on-site technician be required to. resolve the problem, the facility's dedicated
Technical Support Engineer will dispatch a Massachusetts DOC Specific Local Technician.
At installation, the DOC's LazerPhone System is put on-line with GTL's LazerPhone Support
Center and remains so, twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year,
throughout the life of the contract. Technicians in the Service Center, as well as the system's
continuous self-diagnostic routines keep a vigilant watch to ensure that any problems are
detected and addressed immediately. Global Tel*Link's core value of RESPONSIVENESS
includes knowing about problems before you do.

The Bidder must propose an res that provides for remote diagnostics and maintenance.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Irunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006
September 15,2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply. The underlying architecture of the LazerPhone system
allows engineers at Global Tel*link to perform diagnostic, programming, polling, and other
problem resolution activities remotely, from the Technical Support Center.
LazerPhone performs continuous on-line self-diagnostics. Should a system component fail
a diagnostic test, LazerPhone automatically generates a trouble ticket in the form of an email
and a visual alert on the site monitor at Global Tel*link's Technical Support Center. In most
cases, problems are diagnosed and resolved before facility personnel are aware that a
problem existed.
Changes in call traffic, that might indicate more subtle problems, are identified through daily
performance level reports. These reports measure items such as number of completed calls,
number of call attempts, daily revenue and number of validation attempts. Historical data
gathered form Global Tel*link's extensive installed customer base has allovved Global Tel*link
to build a sophisticated measurement model. This model is used to compare actual data from
anticipated data. Thresholds that are exceeded or fall short of expectations are reported daily
to our Customer Service department. Global Tel*Link is capable of adjusting the measurement
model on an installation-by-installation basis to ensure accurate problem reporting. In most
cases, a problem is detected and resolved before the facility is aware that a problem has


The Contractor is responsible for replacement of the rcs in its entirety or its individual
components regardless of cause induding', but not limited to, normal wear/use, inmate
a!:JUse, natural disaster, or inmate unrest. This system or component replacement will be
performed at no cost to the DOC and will occur immediately upon notification to the
Bidder of the system problem by the DOC facility.

GTL Response: GTL agrees.


The Contractor is responsible for replacing of inmate telephones in their entirety
. regardless of cause including, but not limited to, normal wear/use, inmate abuse, natural
disaster, or inmate unrest. The Contractor must replace inmate telephones requiring
repair and not repair components of the inmate telephone on site at the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL agrees.

Response To Main tenance Calls



Should any critical component of the rcs provided by the Bidder fail, the Bidder must respond to
rcs maintenance/repair calls from the DOC in the manner outlined in this section.
GTL's Response to the

Corrunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services

DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2Q06
September 15, 2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply.

Definition of a "Major Emergency"
For the purpose of this RFR, a "Major Emergency" shall be defined as an occurrence of
anyone of the following conditions. The Bidder is required to further negotiate with the
DOe prior to system installation to detenmne additional specific criteria for a "Major
Emergency" .

A failure ofthe res processor, its common equipment or power supplies which
render the system incapable of performing its normal functions;
A failure of the recording function or any of its components that affects the full
recording operation;
A failure of 50% or more of the inmate telephones at anyone area within a DOe
A failure of any of the res functions that result in the ability of inmates to place
calls without the use of assigned PINs;
A failure of any of the res functions that results in the ability of inmates to make
direct dialed calls when the system is operating in collect call mode;
A failure of any of the system functions that results in the ability of inmates to
reach a "live" operator;
A failure of the system "kill switches" or similar res disabling function proposed
by the Bidder.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

Response Times for a "Major Emergency"

For a "Major Emergency" the Bidder must respond to the service problem within 30 minutes of
initial trouble report by the DOe facility through the use of remote testing or access.· Should the
res not be accessible for remote access, the Bidder must have a qualified technician, suitably
equipped for the installed res, on site at the DOe location within two (2) hours from the time of
initial trouble report.
Should the problem not be resolved via remote access,the .Bidder must have a qualified
technician, suitably equipped for the installed system, on site at the DOe institution within two (2)
hours from the time of initial trouble report.
GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Respon.<;cs
Secure Irunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1000-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


---'&-~~.-.&~~,:~ .-.-....... .

~:l···········~····t~ . .

Response to "Major Emergency" conditions must be performed on a 24 Hours-a-Day/Seven
Days-a-Weekl365 Days-a-Year basis through out the term of this contract.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.


Definition Of "Routine Service"

For the purpose of this RFR, Routine Service shall be defined as an res failure or problem other
than a "Major Emergency" item as listed above or defined by the DOC.
GTL Response: GTL agrees.


Response Times For "Routine Service"

For a "Routine Service" the Bidder must respond to the service problem within four (4) hours of
the initial trouble rep0l1 by the DOC facility through the use of remote testing or access. Should
the res not be accessible for remote access, the Bidder must have a qualified technician, suitably
equipped for the installed system, on site at the DOC facility within twelve (12) business hours
from the time of initial trouble report. Business hours are defined as 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.,
,,', .,,'"
Monday through Friday.
Should the problem not be resolved via remote access, the Bidder must have a qualified
technician, suitably equipped for the installed system, on site at the DOC institution within six (6)
hours from the time of initial trouble report.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.

Answering of Maintenance Calls

The Bidder must ensure and state, in its response, that all maintenance calls from the
DOC shall be answered by a "live" operator/service representative at all times.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's toll-free Technical Support number
is answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.. This number is C)nswered from 6:00 AM until
10:30 PM, CST, 7 days a week by personneltn our Technical Support Center. At all other
times, calls from facilities are immediately forwarded. by a live operator to the on-call Technical
Support Engineer.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetf.s DOC
Requei::t for Responses
Secure Imnate Calling System & Related Services
DOC-file No. 1000-Phone2006
September 15, 2005



It is desirable that that all maintenance calls from the DOC be answered by a "live"
operator/service representative who is local (within Massachusetts) at all times.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

Critical Component Availability

The Bidder must guarantee to the DOC that all parts and materials necessary to repair
the proposed rcs are readily available to on-site service personnel 24 hours per day,
seven days per week, 365 days per year. The DOC will not accept the delay of any rcs
repair based on the fact that service personnel cannot access a system parts warehouse,
office or similar Bidder facility because the facility not being opened "after hours", or on
weekends or holidays.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's Local Service Providers are equipped with System
Maintenance and Repair Kits that ensure parts and materials necessary to repair the
LazerPhone ICS are readily available when needed. For each DOC location, GTL provides a 5
to 10 % spare-parts inventory either at the site 9f with the I()cal technicians who service the
site. As spare parts are used, an RMA is issued to replenish the inventory. Any part that is
needed, but is not currently in the local sparl!. parts inventory, will be shipped by ovemight
carrier from Global Tel'link's headquarters in Mobile, Alabama.


It is desirable that the Contractor provide "spare" inmate telephone equipment at each
DOC facility to allow for timely replacement of telephones that are not operating for any
reason. The Bidder must provide on site a minimum number of spare sets equal to five
percent (5%) of the total number of inmate telephones installed at each DOC facility.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL provides a 5 to 10 % spare-parts inventory, either at
the site or with the local technicians who service the site. The number of spare telephones and
other parts kept in the local inventory is adjusted as needed. Broken or damaged phones are
replaced from the cache of spares. At the time of telephone replacement, an RMA is issued to
replenish the inventory. Any part that is needed, but is not currently in the local spare parts
inventory, will be shipped by overnight carrier from Global Tel'link's headquarters in Mobile,

Escalation Procedures During Service Maintenance



The Bidder must provide, in its response, escalation procedures to address inadequate
maintenance service of the res. These escalation procedures must include multiple

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


levels of management personneL Access to additional management personnel must be
made available to the DOC upon request.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. See GTL's Work Order and Escalation Procedures at
Exhibit H.
The Bidder must provide, in its response, a complete list of its maintenance service
escalation procedures including:

a list of personnel at each level of escalation;
contact telephone, fax, pager, cellular numbers;
methods by which escalation is initiated; and
criteria for escalation at each leveL

GTL Response: GTL will comply. See GTL's Work Order and Escalation Procedures in
Exhibit H. GTL's maintenance service escalation procedures provided in this proposal include
methods by which escalation is initiated, criteria for escalation at each level, and the title of the
person who will be responsible for escalation at each level. Upon contract award the DOC will
be provided with a complete list of personnel at each level of escalation, as well as the
required personal contact information for each.


- '(- "

The Bidder must agree, in its response, that the DOC has the right to initiate these
escalation procedures at its discretion based on diminished service or non-performance
of the Bidder.
GTL Response: GTl will comply.
Maintenance Records

The Bidder must provide to the DOC, upon request during the term of this contract,
maintenance records that include a listing all repair notices including the date and time of
the service trouble report, the nature of the problem reported, and date/time of problem

GTL Response: GTl will comply. GTl's Technical Support Engineers log all maintenance
and service performed into the GTl Technical Support Management System as a work order,
or service report. This work order is tratked'~htilproblem resolution is achieved by either
remote manipulation of software or by an onsite technician service call. Work order status
updates for a problem can be called, faxed, or emailed according to DOC preference.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Respon.<;es
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006

September 15,2005


The Technical Support Management System documents include the date and time of repair
requests, major alarms, actions taken to clear an alarm, itemization of all parts replaced,
reason for replacement, name of technician performing work and problem resolution date and
time. Technical Support Management System logs relating to any DOC facility's LazerPhone
System will be available at the request of the DOC at any time.


The Bidder must provide historical maintenance records for 24 months from the current

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Historical maintenance records for all DOC facilities are
retained at GTL throughout the life of the contract and are available upon request by the DOC.


It is desirable that the Bidder provide historical maintenance records from the initial

contract date of this contract with the DOC.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. Historical maintenance records for all DOC facilities are
retained at GTL throughout the life of the contract and are available upon request by the DOC.

• • 0-


As the single Commonwealth Agency responsible for promoting public safety by incarcerating
offenders while providing opportunities for participation in effective programming, the DOC
requires that the rcs and the Contractor perform at the highest levels of operation and service.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.


The Bidder must describe, in its response, how it will maintain maximum network "up
time" for the rcs installed at each DOC location. The Bidder must provide current
network "up time" figures for similar rcs installations.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will use ~anagement servers to ping·
each individual ICS element at each facility. Each device in the network such as routers,
switches, call processors, storage servers, and UPS will be set to generate email alarms to or
technical service center within 2 mins. of a failure. A. critical o~ticket will be opened upon
monitoring, the network
failure of any of these types of elements. In addition to _
management servers will monitor CPU usa\Je.\.../;Jetwork statistics, and file server usage and
generate alarms upon critical failures.
Inmates at 160 county and municipal facilities and more than 50% of all State DOC inmates in
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunatc Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOQ¥Phone2006
September 15,2005


the United States communicate using GTL's LazerPhone system. The popularity of our inmate
telephone platform reflects our ability to provide unsurpassed equipment quality, reliability, and
system performance.
While any electronic equipment, especially that which operates continuously 24 hours a day,
365 days a year, is subject to occasional downtimes, GTL's internal evaluations of
LazerPhone's system performance show that we have consistently delivered 99.9995%
system uptime to our sites.
In all cases, whether a downtime is due to normal equipment wearing or to causes outside of
our control (e.g. inmate vandalism), GTL strives diligently to meet expected response times for
. all of our customers. Aspects of this diligence are evidenced in our implementation of a
Continuous System Watch: At installation, the DOC facility inmate telephone systems are put
on-line with the LazerPhone Service Center in Mobile, Alabama, and remain so, twenty-four
hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year, throughout the life of the contract. Highly
trained support personnel stand by, watching for any negative feedback from LazerPhone's
continuous self-diagnostic tests. GTL's core value of responsiveness includes knowing about
problems before you do.

The Bidder must describe, in its response, how it will maintain maximum network "up
time" for the network services installed for the res at each DOe location. The Bidder
must provide current network "up time" figures for similar res installations.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will us~network management servers to ping
each individual ICS element at each facility. Each device in the network such as routers,
switches, call processors, storage servers, and UPS will be set to generate email alarms to or
technical service center within 2 min.s. of a failure. A critical ol~..ticket will be opened upon
failure of any of these types of elements. In addition to. . monitoring, the network
management servers will monitor CPU usage, network statistics, and file server usage and
generate alarms upon critical failures.

Catastrophic Network Failm'e Conditions

The Bidder must describe, in its response, the business continuity plans it has in place
within its own organization and its network of services to ensure that the network
services installed to serve the res installed at the DOe.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL has built redundancy into the LazerPhone platforms,
network and back office infrastructure, however we recognize the need to respond to a
catastrophic disaster as it affects the Massachusetts Department of Corrections. These plans
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMas..,>achusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Irunaie Calling System & Related Services
DOC tile No. lOOO.Phone2006
September 15, 2005


have been implemented to lessen or eliminate the effects on our major accounts. These plans
include GTL's back office and premise based LazerPhone systems.
GTL maintains a completely redundant back office support structure. These data centers are
located in Mobile, AL and Houston, TX and are both staffed with knowledgeable Network and
Technical Support personnel. Each DOC facility will be assigned a principal validation
location, either Mobile or Houston. However, all sites will contain the registry keys for both
data centers. Should a failure at one facility occur, the secondary keys would provide
connectivity to the alternate site. This occurs automatically without human intervention. As
stated previously in this response, MA DOC call records and system configurations are
replicated between the two data centers, therefore inforrnation is current and backed up by
GTL on a daily basis.
All LazerPhone systems will contain redundant network
~ both analog and digital trunks connecting to the
~. Generally all Interstate, International and InterLata traffic
. processed
via a digital T1, while all Local and Intra Lata calls are delivered via analog service from the
LEC. In the event of a catastrophic network failure, the systems can be reconfigured to deliver
calls via either working network path. In addition, should a catastrophic network failure effect
the frame relay network, each platform is configured to connect to GTL Validation by means of
a dial-up connection. While on dial back up there is no loss of call control capabilities of the
LazerPhone platforms.
In Massachusetts, GTL will maintain spare parts of sufficient quantity and type to address any
hardware failures of the LazerPhone Platform serving any MA DOC facility. Each MA DOC
facility will be configured with common
components, therefore compatibility presents no issues. Further, GTL has
agreements with our major suppliers of hardware components to augment our spare parts
inventory should the need arise.
Site-specific data that may be stored on the 'local LazerPhone systems, such as system
configuration, are also stored in GTL's data centers in Mobile and Houston. Call detail
information, PIN information, blocked or allowed numbers and historical data all reside in both
Mobile and Houston. In the event of a catastrophic failure of a LazerPhone system, data loss
is eliminated as a concern. Recording of inmate calls is also redundant.
Should a failure occur with the local mass storage device, redundant copies are available.
After needed repairs are made, these redundant copies are reloaded to the primary mass
storage array with no loss of integrity.
GTL has formed a disaster team to prevent catastrophic events, such as a hurricane, from
effecting facilities serviced by GLT. The team consists of all departments within the company
and consists of midlevel and senior management. In the event of a widespread catastrophic
GTL'g Response to the
Commonwealth ofMa.-<;sachuseJ1s DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO~Phone2006

September 15,2005


event, the team convenes to circumvent issues and plan for alternatives before facilities
become affected. Throughout the course of the trouble, the team meets every two (2) to four
(4) hours until the issue presents no further danger. A few days after, the team convenes to
determine if all proper procedures were followed and additional procedures are established to
safeguard against similar failures in the future.
GTL maintains a 99.99% uptime by having established plans to manage both the minor and
major issues that may effect the inmate communications needs of the systems serviced by

Penalty for Non-Performance and Network Downtime

The operation of the Contractor's rcs at each DOC facUity must be of the highest
priority for the Bidder. Therefore the Bidder must provide a credit of $100 to $500
(depending on the occurrence) per hour for each hou( the Contractor exceeds the
response times listed in Section 5.9.9 and Section 5.9.11. (Refer to Section 2.29 with
regard to the application of penalties.)

GTL Response: GTL agrees.



The DOC may require the addition of equipment at its facilities after the original
installation of the proposed rcs. The Bidder must install additional equipment within 30
days upon notification from the DOC authorized personnel. The installation of this
equipment shall be at no cost to the DOC. .

GTL Response: GTL will comply.


When a new DOC facility is opened by the DOC, the Bidder shall determine (in
conjunction with the DOC) a schedule for installation of an rcs at that facility to ensure
inmate calling service at the new site as soon as practical. The rcs shall be installed at
the new facility at no cost to the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
GTL'will determine, in conjunction with the DOC, an
installation schedule for any new facility added during the term of this contract, at no cost to
the DOC.
GTL's Response to the
Conunonwea1th of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005



The Bidder shall be responsible for making all system modifications necessary to allow
inmates to place calls as industry dialing requirements change including the introduction
of new area codes and new exchanges. These system modifications shall be provided at
no additional cost to the DOC. The update of the ICS with new area codes and
exchanges will be performed within 30 days of the area code and/or exchanges
introduction to the general public.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTLwili make all system modifications necessary to allow
calls to be placed as industry dialing requirements change.

The Bidder shall be responsible for complying with and updating the Secure Inmate
Calling System for any regulatory changes and requirements during the life of the
contract. These regulatory changes include federal, state, county and municipal
modifications. These changes shall be made at no additional cost to the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
GTL will update the Inmate Calling System for any
regulatory changes required during the life of the contract.


All call processing and call rating information shall be kept current by the Bidder to

ensure inmates can place calls to all approved numbers. This information includes but is
not limited to local exchanges, area codes, country codes, vertical & horizontal
coordinates, and any other information necessary to accurately process and rate calls.
The Bidder shall provide the DOC with rating information within 24 hours when
requested by the DOC.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will keep all call processing and call rating information
current and will provide the DOC with ratir.f! !\\lormation upon request. GTL subscribes to a
monitoring service which provides daily updates toarea code changes and additions as well as
new exchanges. This service allows GTl's Billing Department to upload these changes and
additions into the LazerPhone rating and routing f,Ies so that inmates may place calls to new or
changed area codes and exchanges.

The Bidder nlust describe, in its response, the transition plan for all call records and call
recordings to be transferred to the DOC at the completion of the contract resulting from
this procurement.

GTl Response: GTL will comply. At the end of the contact period, all DOC call records and
recordings rightfully belong to the DOC, while all equipment provided by GTL remains the
property of GTl. The GTL Project Manager and the appropriate DOC authority enter
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Phone2006
September 15, 2005


negotiations to decide a reasonable price for any GTL equipment that the DOC may need for
the purpose of accessing LazerPhone call records and recordings.
5.11. 7

The Bidder shall provide, in its response, a full explanation of how it will handle a phaseout situation at the end of the contract period should the Bidder not be selected for the
next contract to provide an rcs to the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.. In the unlikely event GTL is not chosen to continue to
provide inmate telephone services to the MA DOC under a new contract, we will work closely
with the service provider chosen by the state to provide a smooth transition. All system
components will remain in service and processing calls until the new vendor is able to install,
test and place equipment into service. All telephone instruments will also remain in service
until the new vendor can replace on a one for one basis. Our goal will be a smooth transition
of the inmate platform with little or no downtime for the institutions.
At the conclusion of the contract should the MA DOC wish to retain any or all call detail records
associated with the inmate telephone system, they will be supplied in an agreed upon format.
Further all records associated with the MA DOC will be provided as requested.
This plan shall indicate any commission adjustment that will take effect should the next
provider not be able to phase-in its service for ninety (90) days.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will continue paying commission on revenue on our
systems during a phase out.
The Bidder shall identifY any equipment which will be owned by the DOC and any
equipment not owned by the DOC at the end of this contract.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. At the end of the contact period, all DOC call records and
recordings rightfully belong to the DOC, while all equipment provided by GTL remains the
property of GTL The GTL Project Manager and the appropriate DOC authority enter
negotiations to decide a reasonable price for any GTL equipment that the DOC may need for
the purpose of accessing LazerPhone call records and recordings.

The Contractor is required to provide on-site'Sit;;-Administrators for the DOC facilities during the
term of this contract.

OTL's Respon..-<:e to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for- Responses

Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. tOOQ-Phone2006
September 15,2005


The Site Administrators must be fully trained on the proposed ICS with regards to system
programming, entering of inmate information, manipulation of call recordings and the treatment of
call records for required reports.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL proposes to provide a Site Administrator for each
DOC facility for the duration of the contract. Site Administrators provided by GTL will be fully
trained on all features and functions of the LazerPhone system control program, including
system programming, entering of inmate information, manipulation of call recordings, and
report generation. GTL's plan for the training of site administrators is detailed in this section.
Please see our response to RFP item 5.12.15.

Supervisor Personnel

The Contractor must provide a full time (40 hours per week minimum) supervisor
dedicated to the DOC for the term of this contract. The Bidder must provide, in its
response, the qualifications of the supervisor by means of a professional resume.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
GTL will provide a full time Supervisor dedicated to the
Massachusetts DOC Project for the term of the contract This individual will reside within
Massachusetts and will oversee the performance of Site Administrators at all DOC facilities.
The selection and assignment of this Supervisor will be finalized prior to contract Signing.
During that process, GTL will present for the DOC's approval, a professional resume with
details of this person's qualifications.
In Exhibit B, GTL has provided a sample resume of the
qualifications that it would seek from its potential dedicated supervisor.

The Contractor provided supervisor must be located locally within Massachusetts.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. . The. person selected as supervisor to oversee the
performance of site administrators provided by GTL will be located within Massachusetts.

The Contractor provided supervisor must have full responsibility for the performance of
the all site administrators provided by the Contractor to the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
The person selected by GTL as Site Administrator
Supervisor for the MA DOC Project will have full responsibility for the performance of all of the
site administrators provided by GTL.

The Contractor provided supervisor must be familiar with the DOC and visit each DOC

GTL's Response to the

Commonwealth ofMassachu..<>etis DOC
Request f{lf Responses
Secure fnmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006

September 15,2005


facility a mlillmum of once per month to meet with the site administrator at that
particular DOC facility.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.
The person selected by GTL as Site Administrator
Supervisor for the MA DOC Project will visit each DOC facility at least once a month to meet
with the site administrator at particular facility.

The supervisor provided by the Contractor to the DOC must be a full time employee of
the Contractor.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. The person selected as Site Administrator Supervisor for
the MA DOC Project will be a full time employee of GTL. In Exhibit B, GTL has provided a
sample resume of the qualifications that it would seek from its potential dedicated supervisor.

The Contractor provided supervisor must not be one of the site administrators provided
by the Contractor to meet the requirements of this RFR.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The Contractor provided supervisor must be capable of fulfilling the duties of a site
administrator due to unexpected' absence of the site administrator at any DOC facility.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
the MA DOC Project will be fully
Inmate Telephone System and will
the unexpected absence of the site

The person selected as Site Administrator Supervisor for
trained on all administrative aspects of the LazerPhone
be capable of fulfilling the duties of a site administrator in
administrator at any DOC facility.

Site Administrators

The Contractor must provide a full time site administrator at the DOC facilities in
Concord and Framingham. These locations are the committing facilities for the DOC.
Tbe Contractor must provide full time site administrators dedicated to the DOC only
and be on-site in Concord and Framingham Monday through Friday, eight (8) hours per

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL ,;viii pf6'-Jide full time Site Administrators at the DOC's
committing facilities in Concord and Framingham. These individuals will be dedicated to the
DOC only and will perfonn their duties on-site at the Concord and Framingham facilities
Monday through Friday, eight hours per day.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachuscfu DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC tile No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005



The Contractor must provide dedicated site administrators for each of the DOC's
remaining facilities for four (4) hours per day, Monday through Friday. Actual
assignment of site administrator personnel will be finalized prior to contract signing with
the Contractor. Any change in site administrator assignments or coverage will be made
only upon approval by the DOC.

GTl Response: GTL will comply,
GTL will provide part time (four hours per day) Site
Administrators at each of the remaining DOC facilities.
5.12.10 The Bidder must state if the site administrators proposed for the DOC will be employees
or independent contractors of the Contractor.
GTl Response: GTL will comply. The final selection of Site Administrators for the various
DOC facilities will be made upon notification of the DOC's intent to award this important
contract to GTL. It is likely that Site Administrators for the MA DOC Project will be employees
of GTL, but it is possible that GTL may utilize the services of highly qualified independent
contractors to fill this position at some facilities.
5.12.11 The Bidder must describe, in its response, how it will keep the turnover of site
administrators at a minimum during the term of this contract (e.g., competitive salary,
paid holidays, reasonable health benefits, vacation packages, etc.).
GTL Response: GTL will comply.
To minimize turnover of personnel selected as Site
Administrators for the MA DOC Project, GTL offers competitive salaries, paid holidays,
reasonable health benefits, and vacation packages. Additionally, during the selection process,
each candidate's work history, circumstances, :r'
and apparent level of commitment is carefully
5.12.12 It is desirable that the Contractor provide site administrators with a minimum hourly
wage of $15.00 and competitive health benefits. The Bidder must describe in its
response how it meets this desirable specification.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL offers both competitive salaries and benefits to attract
and ensure the retention of qualified individu'tls .that will fill Site Administrator positions for the
MA DOC Project.
5.12.13 It is desirable that the Contractor make all reasonable efforts to hire bi-lingual site
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Irunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


K.. "''ilK
'J""'::<'-'~""(:' ~.,-.
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GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will make all reasonable effort to hire by-lingual site
administrators for the MA DOC Project.
5.12.14 The site administrators provided by the Contractor must adhere to all background and
security checks required by the DOC as well as attend the DOC's new employee
orientation (40 hours total).
GTL Response: GTL will comply.
5.12.15 The Contractor must provide site administrators that are fully trained in the operation of
the ICS proposed for the DOC. The Bidder must describe, in its response, the training
that each site administrator will undergo prior to deployment at the DOC facilities.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. Site administrative personnel selected for the DOC's Project
will undergo full training on all administrative aspects of the LazerPhone Inmate Telephone
System, prior to deployment at DOC facilities. Training topics and an outline of training classes
are described below.

Basic Features: Topics include phone settings, system settings, PIN administration, blocking
features, on/off phone settings, system shutdown, and restor<jtion procedures. This portion of
the training will ensure that the trainees have a fundamental understanding of the operation of
the system, including how to access and exit the system, verify inmate accounts/PINs, verify
telephone numbers on an inmate's allowed call list, set calling parameters and restrictions,
identify problems, and telephone shutoff procedures. This component also describes how the
inmates will be instructed, via automated system prompts and anQouncements, how to use the
system to make calls.
Call Detail Reporting Features: Topics include the call detail report, which is the default
report type most frequently used. Within the call detail report, users will learn how to retrieve
detailed call information regarding both complete calls with recordings and incomplete call
attempts. Additionally, within this report, users will learn how to use filters to locate calls by
destination number, inmate, date and time of the call, and length of call.
Other report types covered in Call Detai~.res include frequency' reports by
origination, destination, trunk, and PiN, . . . . . . . . . . . . lists by P I N , ' " lists by
destination, call traffic analysis, origination number, three-way call attempt reports, Audit Log
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No: lOOO-Phone2006

September 15,2005


reports for tracking and reporting who logs into the LazerPhone system and events that occur
while an individual is logged-in, Audit Log reports of Officer Check-ins, arid inmate transfers.
Recording and Monitoring: Topics include investigative information gathering from the
LazerPhone data and live monitoring features. During this segment of training attendees will
call recordings to CD or hard disk, rnonitor calls in reallearn how to retrieve
tirne from the workstation,
This portion of the training, along with the training on the system's reporting features, will
provide the elements required for a complete investigation. This component will completely
describe the system's investigative tools
of the call recorder, call
number database, visual
system alann,

System Overview and Technical Support: Topics include a complete description of the
system and how the system is configured. A discussion of the technical support procedures for
the LazerPhone, including after-hours outage reporting, remote upgrading, software
manipulation, service, and maintenance. This component also will describe the problem
reporting and resolution path, and access to the Help Desk.
Online Help: Attendees receive a complete demonstration of the online help, which is
available on the main menu of LazerPhone.
The LazerPhone certified trainers answer questions that facility personnel may have and
perform demonstrations - either individually or in scheduled group training sessions.

Training aids that our Technicians utilize in the instructional meetings include: LazerPhone User
Manual, live system demonstrations, hands-on practice, and the use of LazerPhone's on-line Help

5. BASIC FEATURES (approximately 2 hours)
Phone setting
System setting
PIN adrninistration
Blocking features
On/off phone settings
System shutdown
Restoration procedures
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO~Phone2006

September 15,2005


6. CALL DETAIL REPORTING FEATURES (approximately 2 hours)
Call detail report
2.1.1. Call Filters
2.1.2. Completed Calls
2.1.3. Incomplete Calls
Audit log report
Frequency report by
Frequency report by
Frequency report by PIN
Frequency report by truC~.i
Call Traffic AnalysiS
Inmate transfers
7. RECORDING AND MONITORING (approximately 2 hours)
Retrieve recordings
Copy recordings
Call monitoring

Inmate phone system overview
System specifications
Technical support procedures
Reporting problems
4.10. Software maintenance
4.11. Software upgrades

5.12.16 It is important to the success of this contract that the site administrator positions are
filled at all times by the Contractor. The Contractor must fill any site administrator
position vacancy within 45 days. Failure to achieve such may result in a $200 per day
penalty (See Section 2.29) commencing on day 46 until the position is filled and the new
site administrator attends the DOC's new employee orientation.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetfs DOC
Request for Responses
Secure, Inmate Caning System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO"Phone2006
September 15.. 2005


~~'-~~_ ~'~'%~i~



GTL Response: GTL will comply,

5.12.17 The Contractor must provide site administrators that will perform the following
functions, at a minimum, for the DOC with regard to the rCS installed at each facility:

Test the rcs to ensure functionality each day;
PIN data base initial entry (at committing sites);
PIN changes, moves, transfers, discipline sanctions, etc,;
Production of standard administrative and investigative reports;
Production of customized reports as required;
Conducting of quarterly inmate PIN list updates;
Conducting of semi-annual scans of inmate PIN lists for DOC personnel
telephone numbers, etc,
Initiate or facilitate maintenance and repair of the proposed rcs, as required;
Primary Bidder point of contact for the DOC facility;
Resolve all complaints and inquiries regarding the rcs in a timely manner;
Transfer call recordings to portable media as directed by the DOC;
Transfer of inmate PINs between DOC facilities when required;
Other related duties as determined by the DOC

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Site administrators provided by GTL will perform the .above
listed duties as well as other related duties as determined by the DOC.

5.12.18 The Bidder must comply with all confidentiality requirements under Massachusetts
General Law (M.G.L.). Additional infonnation regarding Massachusetts General Laws
may be found on the CommQnwealth of Massachusetts website
GTL Response: GTL will comply.




The Bidder shall provide all local exchange, intra-LATA (Eastern Massachusetts) and
inter-LATA network services at all DOC facilities where the rcs is installed. The Bidder
shall be responsible for installing and maintaining all telephone circuits necessary to
provide the required rcs operation at no cost to the DOC.

GTL Response:

GTL will comply.

Commonwealth of MaSsachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO·J'hone2006
September 15, 2005

GTL will provide the Local, intralata, interalata, and


interstates service for this contract.
Usage and Surcharge Rate Limitations

The Bidder's per call surcharge rates charged to the called party for collect calls within
Massachusetts (local, intra-LATA and intra-state, inter-LATA) shall be the current DOC
charge of $.86 for inmate collect calls.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.


The Bidder's per call surcharge rate to the called party for inter-state, inter-LATA
collect (outside of Massachusetts) shall be the current DOC charge of $3.00 for inmate
collect calls.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.


Local Calling: The Bidder's usage rates for local calling, in accordance with regulations
of the Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Energy (MDTE) must
adhere to the current effective Verizon tariff: DTA MA No. 10, Part M, Section 1.9.1,
Schedule 2 (page 29) for structure, billing and rates ($.10 per minute). The DOC will
not accept rates that differ from this required tariff

GTL Response: GTL will comply.


Inb'a-LATA Calling: The Bidder's usage rates for Intra-LATA (eastern
Massachusetts), in accordance with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of
Telecommunications and Energy (MDTE) must adhere to the current effective Verizon
tariff: DTA MA No. 10, Part M, Section 1.9.1, Schedule 2 (Page 29) for structure,
billing and rates ($.10 per minute). The DOC will not accept rates that differ from this
required tariff.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.


Intra-State, Inter-LATA Calling: The Bidder's usage rates for intra-state, inter-LATA
calling, in accordance with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of
Telecommunications and Energy (MDTE) must adhere to the current effective Verizon
tariff: DTA MA No. 10, Part M, Section 1.9.1, Schedule 2 (page 29) for structure,
billing and rates ($.10 per minute). The DOC will not accept rates that differ from this

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachuset1s DOC
Request for Response.'il
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO~Phone2006
September 15,2005


required tariff.
GTL Response: GTL will comply.

Inter-State, Inter-LATA Calling: The Bidder must quote a per minute rate for all
interstate, inter-LATA calls. All proposed rates must be based on a per minute basis only
and not be distance sensitive. This per minute rate must be set at the current DOC
required rate cap of$.69 per minute for day, evening and night/weekend rates.

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The Contractor may not make any changes to the per minute rates and per call
surcharges during the life ofthis contract without the written approval of the DOC.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL will get the approval of the DOC if rate changes are
required during the life of the contract.

The Bidder must describe, in its response, how collect call to international locations
outside the North American Dialing Plan are processed.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. Although LazerPhone can be configured to permit
international collect calls (not prepaid), this is not recommended, since the system would be
required to pass the call to a live international operator.
LazerPhone is capable of processing international prepaid calis in the same manner it
processes domestic local and long distance calls, meaning that pre-set cali restrictions apply,
the cali is recorded and can be monitored by authorized personnel, and the inmate never has
access to a live operator. To retain this level of control, inmate international calis must be
prepaid through LazerPhone's inmate debit system.
5.13.10 The Bidder must describe, in its response, how the pre-paid debit function of the rcs
will operate with regard to international calls. The Bidder must provide a list of
international locations to which inmates may place pre-paid debit calls and the per
minute rate for such calls in the Cost Tables in Attachment D.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone processes international prepaid calis in the
same manner it processes domestic local and long distance calis, meaning that the entire
process is facilitated by LazerPhone's automated operator, pre-set call restrictions apply, the
call is recorded and can be monitor~d by ~.~\r9nzed personnel, and the inmate never has
GTL '5 Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Reque~1 fOf Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC tile No. lOOO-11hone2006
September 15, 2005


access to a live operator. To retain this level of control, inmate international calls must be
prepaid through LazerPhone's inmate debit system.
Please see our completed Cost Table for International prepaid calls in Attachment D.

Billing and Payment of Commissions
5.13.ll The Bidder shall assume sole responsibility for billing called parties receiving collect
calls from the ICS and for the collection of payments for these calls.
GTL Response: GTL agrees.

5.13.12 The Bidder shall provide a toll free number which will be clearly shown on the called
party's bill for assistance in billing matters.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's "trouble center" for billing problems or complaints
abou! blocked numbers, is located at the company's headquarters in Mobile, Alabama. Billing
problems or complaints are handled by a team of customer support personnel in Global
Tel*Link's Billing Department.
Our toll-free Billing and Customer Service number _
is answered from 8am
eastern to 10pm eastern time CST, Monday through F~'
Global Tel*Link's Billing Customer Service personnel are knowledgeable of the LazerPhone
Inmate Telephone System, public payphones, and are skilled in handling billing disputes and
adjustments. In the .instance of billing disputes, the Billing and Collections Department works
closely with the local exchange company to ensure accurate adjustments are made to bills
and/or refunds are issued in a timely manner.
An issue that cannot be readily resolved by the Billing Representative who takes the call is
quickly brought to the attention of a Billing Supervisor. When necessary, the Billing Supervisor
researches and documents issue parameters, before escalating the issue to the Global
Tel*Link's Billing Manager, Katie Collins.

5.13.13 The Bidder must describe and list, in its response, the billing arrangements it has with
local exchange carriers (LECs) to ensure that collect calling from the rcs can he
processed to the called party.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's billing clearing house, Billing Concepts, has billing
arrangements with the list of local exchange carriers in Massachusetts, (found in Exhibit I)
GTL's Response to the
CommonwealthofMassachusetls DOC
Requci-1. for Responses
Secure lrunate Caning System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO·Phone2006
September 15, 2005


ensuring that collect calls from our LazerPhone ICS can be processed to the called party.
5.13.14 It is desirable that the Bidder have billing arrangements with at least aIIoof the local
exchange carriers doing business in Massachusetts. The Bidder must provide, in its
response, verification of this percentage being met.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's billing clearing house, Billing Concepts, has billing
arrangements with all local exchange carriers in Massachusetts, ensuring that collect calls from
our LazerPhone ICS can be processed to the called party.
5.13.15 It is desirable that the Bidder have billing arrangements with cellular service providers.
The Bidder must provide, in its response, a list of cellular service providers with which it
has billing arrangements.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL is unaware of any cellular service providers that permit
collect toll calls.
5.13.16 The Bidder shall collect all revenue from the called party for collect calls placed by
inmates. The Bidder shall provide a percentage of this revenue as a commission fee to
the DOC on a monthly basis. The Commission rate proposed by the Bidder must be
included in the Bidder's Price Bid. Do not include any specific costs or commission
information in the Technical Bid.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. See GTL's Price Bid.
5.13.17 The Commission Revenue paid to the DOC will be based on Gross Revenue. Gross
Revenue is defined as revenue for all accepted calls without exception. The Bidder shall
not deduct fraudulent, uncollectible or unbil/able calls from the Gross Revenue prior to
applying the Commission Percentage Rate for the DOC.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. Global Tel*Unk pays commissions based on the gross
revenue billed for all phones covered by an Agreement. Gross Revenue shall mean all
revenue generated by every completed call that is accepted by a consumer or paid through a
Global Tel*Unk prepaid account, but excludes all taxes, billing fees, and Federal, State,
County or local telecommunications fees that additionally apply to a consumer's monthly
telephone bill. Commissions shall be paid monthly and mailed directly to the Premise Provider.
5.13.18 The Bidder must agree, in its respon:se:that a check for the commission amount will be
sent to the DOC no later than 30 days after the close of the billing month. For example,
GTL's Responsc to the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September is, 2005


'@'~\'1<,.~~~":_,_ . -.-: . , '-.,.- ..


a commission check for calls made during April will be forwarded to the DOC no later
than June 1,t
GTl Response: GTl will comply. GTL will send commission checks to the DOC no later than
30 days after the close of the billing month.
5.13.19 The Bidder must state, in its resporu;e, all charges associated with the inmate initiated
collect call that will appear on the called party's telephone bill.
GTl Response: GTL will comply. The gross revenue billed for each inmate call accepted by
the called party during the billing period will be itemized on the called party's monthly bill.
Any and all applicable Federal, State, County, Municipal and/or Excise taxes are also added to
the consumer's telephone bill. These once-a-month charges are separate from and do not
affect in any way the total gross revenue from inmate calls, upon which the DOC's commission
is based.
5.13.20 The Contractor is not allowed to place any charges on the called party's telephone bill
that are not directly related to providing the collect call. This includes charges for
"property taxes", "construction fees", and other like charges that are not dictated by
regulatory bodies. Violation of this requirement during the term of tbis contract may
result in a one time fine of up to $10,000 assessed by the DOC as well as refunds made
to the called parties for aU such charges.
GTl Response: GTL will comply. For inmate collect charges appearing on customer bills
mailed to their homes no additional charges will appear other then the inmate collect rate,
required taxes and regulatory fees.
For prepaid collect calls GTL bills the following; Federal tax, State tax, Local taxes (where
applicable), and any other regulatory fees such as USF. For some prepaid collect deposits
types a set up fee will apply. GTL is proud to offer the lowest setup fee for credit card and
check by phone customer deposits then any other inmate phone provider.
GTL has provided the set up fee for prepaid collect deposits for only credit cards and
check by phone in the pricing portion of our response.
For all other payment types for prepaid such as personal check, certified checks, money
orders, Western Union payments, etc GTL will NOT charge a set up fee.
No set up fee will apply to any and all deposit type if deposit is $50 or over. GTL encourages
GTL's Response to the
Conunonwea1th of Massachuseiis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOQ-Phone2Q06
September IS, 2005


the MASS DOC to thoroughly investigate all bidder responses for any and all prepaid collect
5.13.21 The Bidder must describe, in its response, all pre-paid collect call options available to
inmate families and other authorized called parties.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL offers an AdvancePay program to families and friends
of inmates who need or want to pay in advance for inmate collect calls. An AdvancePay
account can be setup through GTL's automated system at the time of an inmate's call or by
calling GTL's AdvancePay or Billing Customer Support number.
Automated AdvancePay Setup: When an inmate attempts to dial a number that has a
financially-based block, AdvancePay will place the inmate on hold while the option is given to
the called party to set up an AdvancePay account that will allow inmate calls, up to a specified
amount, to be charged to the party's VISA or Mastercard. Once the called party provides the
appropriate information, the inmate is connected.
The opening message to a called party regarding AdvancePay is similar to:
"Your telephone service provider does not allow collect calls from ... ".
"If you would like to accept this and future collect calls, you must establish a pre-pay
account. We accept Visa and MasterCard. If you would like to set up an account and
accept this call please press .,.". . I i ' ; ' ,
Once the appropriate key is pressed to indicate "yes", prompts will walk the called party
through the remainder of the set up process, The option is given to set up a $25.00 or $50.00
prepayment. Once the account has been established and payment made via credit card, the
current call will connect.
After the pre-pay account is established, collect calls to the telephone number may be placed
up to the prepaid amount. After the prepaid amount is depleted, the system will inform the
user that a prepayment must be made before additional calls can be received. Customers are
also given the option at that time to increase' their amount from a $25.00 limit to a $50.00 limit.
Non-Automated AdvancePay Setup: For people who do not have or choose not to use a
VISA or Mastercard, AdvancePay's automated operator also provides a telephone number to
Global Tel*Link's live AdvancePay operators, that the call recipient may dial to setup an
AdvancePay account using other methods of payment.
Other forms of deposits available for Prepaid collect payment are:

Westem Union


Personal Check

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
SeL"Ure Jrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15., 2005



Certified Check


Money Order

5.13.22 It is desirable that the pre-paid collect call option available to inmate families and other
authorized called parties provide the following:
GTL Response: GTL will comply. Understanding the prepay collect process, low rates and
fees, appropriate Customer Service Representative staffing and hours of operation affording
access to calling parties is one of the keys to ensuring successful migration from a non
revenue producing CLEC blocked customer to converting that customer to a prepaid collect
customer. This understanding generates revenue and commissions for the Commonwealth
while satisfying both the inmate and their friends and families.
GTL is proud to be a leader in the prepaid collect market place which is demonstrated by our
double digit percent of conversion to prepaid caller!
bm,red to the inmate's called party;


GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone provides this: At the time of an inmate's call to
a number that might otherwise be blocked for financial reasons, LazerPhone's pre-paid collect
call option provides a free initial call period during which the called party hears options and
makes decisions relative to setting up an AdvancePay account. The inmate is on-hold during
this period and cannot communicate with the called party.

Automatic transfer of the called party to the Bidder's billing customer service
department for payment arrangement;

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone provides an even better solution: At the time
of an inmate's call, after hearing available options for setting up a prepaid account, if the called
party decides to prepay for the current call using a VISA or Mastercard the called party simply
follOWS the automated AdvancePay setup prompts. After providing the requested information,
including the desired credit card number, the inmate's call is connected. Alternately, if the
called party does not have a VISA or Mastercard or prefers to fund the AdvancePay account
using other means (or simple prefers not to use the automated system), the called party can
call the AdvancePay number provided by the automated operator and speak with one of GTL's
AdvancePay representatives, who will be happy to setup the AdvancePay account.
Please note that GTL provides a fully staffed and trained Advance Payment center
located within the United States, unlike some providers that have out sourced one or
GTL's Response'to the
Conunonwealth ofMa<;sachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. tOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


more of their payment centers to another country.

Funds tied entirely to a specific called party telephone number (of the

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone provides this: Prepaid funds designated by
called parties for payment of inmate collect calls are specific for that called party's telephone .
• Balance of pre-paid account and the cost of the call be provided to the called
party for each call;
GTL Response: GTL will comply. At the time of every inmate's call to a party who has an
established AdvancePay account, the called party is offered an opportunity to hear the cost of
the call and is provided with GTL's customer service number to learn the balance in his/her
prepaid account.


Payment via credit card;

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone's AdvancePay program allows called parties
to prepay using a credit card. To automatically setup or replenish funds in an AdvancePay
account, a VISA or Mastercard must be used. Other types of major credit cards can be used
when the AdvancePay account is setup or replenished by contacting GTL's AdvancePay

Payment via debit card;

GTL Response: GTL will comply. LazerPhone's AdvancePay program allows called parties
to prepay using a VISA or Mastercard debit card.

Payment via money transfer organization (e.g., Western Union, etc.)

GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL allows friends and families of inmates to fund an
AdvancePay account via a money transfer organization such as Western Union and
5.13.23 It is desirable that the pre-paid collect call option allow for• • •II!II111I1!1• • •!IIIS
ofthe pre-paid account.
GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetls DOC

Request for Respons<es
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file NQ. lOOQ-Phone20Q6
September 15, 2005


GTL Response: GTl will comply.
5.13.24 The Contractor must provide, on a monthly basis, a commission report that breaks down
the total commission paid to the DOC
. The Bidder must provide, with
its response, a sample of this commission report.
GTl Response: GTl will comply. Please see a sample commission report in Exhibit D.


GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Irunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1000~Phone2006
September 15, 2005




Section 6
Bidder History & References


The Bidder must be in the business of providing Secure Inmate Calling
Systems and Related Services (as specified in this RFR) for a period of at least
three (3) years prior to the due date of this RFR The Bidder must state the
number of years it has been providing rcs and provide documentation in its

GTL Response: GTL will comply.

The Merger of AT&T and Global Tel*Link

Merger of telecommunications giant and inmate calling's technology leader creates
the most experienced and innovative company in the inmate calling industry.
The Originator
AT&T created the first "Collect Only" inmate calling service in the early 1980s, and is the most
experienced provider of illIllate calling services in the indWltry.
In the years since, AT&T has provided inmate calling services and solutions for over 300 major customers
natiouwide. These customers represent over 1,300 correctional facilities and more than 49,000 inmate
telephone stations. AT&T's extensive experience also includes the Coin Telephone market. The combined
companies will continue to support this market and handle over 10,000 coin phones nationwide.

The Innovator
Global TeI*Link has provided exceptional telecommnnicationsservicc to correctional facilities since 1989.
Continuing its tradition of progressive technology and professional service, Global Tel'Link has expanded
to include facilities in more than half of the United States.
Global Tel'Link's distinctive Inmate Telephone System products are designed for use in any size facility
G-TL's Respon~etothe
Conunonweal.:th ofMassachuseits DOC
Request for Responses
Secure fnmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO·Phone2006
September 15, 2005


whether the inmate population is 15 or 5,000. GTL'svisionary engineers continually upgrade our products
to meet the iucreasing demands of correctional facilities. Customers can use the standard system or explore
a new world of investigative technology and telephone administration with optional - and exclusive system features.
Our LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System equipment is currently installed at one hundred sixty (160)
county and municipal correctional facilities and at multiple facilities operated by each of seventeen (17)
state Departments of Corrections. GTL is the sole prime vendor at one hundred twenty-five (125)
county/city facilities and eighteen (18) facilities run by the Tennessee DOC. Through partnerships with
other companies, GTL provides both our state-of-the-art LazerPhone equipment and our comprehensive
system support.
In 1993, Global Tel-Link was purchased by Schlumberger Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of
Schlumberger, LTO, an established international technology based company, primarily in oil
field services, with operations in more than 100 countries. Ten years later, due to a realigned
strategic direction for Schlumberger, a decision was made to divest of all non-core companies
and Global Tel-Link was included in those divestitures. Global Tel-Link Corporation ("GTL"), is
now a privately held corporation.

The New Leader
On June 2, 2005 AT&T's National Public Markets Division was acquired by Global Tcl*Link
Corporation, thus combiuing two premier inmate service providers. The combined company has provided
inmate telephone service for the past 23 years.

GTL immediately becomes one of the largest.iprnate providers in the industry, with over 200 highly
experienced employees, specializing in serving the needs of the inmate and corrections industry. The
combined companies' revenues exceed $230 million dollars.
The unprecedented opportunity created by this merg~r will enable GTL to continue moving toward its goal
of becoming the undisputed leader in the inmate telecommunications field; while providing industry
leading customer service.
The company's headquarters will rcmain in Mobile, Alabama. Here we manufacture and oversee the
maintenance of the cxclnsive LazerPhone system, design new software features, and provide teehnical
service and customer support. [n addition, all system teclmicians receive extensive training at this location
prior to certification which enables thcm to work on Global Tel*Link's products.
The combined company of AT&T and Global TeI*Link (GTL) currently has its Inmate Telephone Systems
installed in facilities in the following states:

GTI: s Response to the
Corrunonwea1th of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No,


September IS, 2005

"., ,'-, >..

J, \

i<. ....

Each Global Tel*Link installation includes one of the following state-of-the-art system configurations:
;.. Series II (basic inmate phone control)
;.. LazerPhone (advanced inmate phone control and management)
;.. LazerPhone with Recording (advanced inmate phone control and management with conversation
recording and monitoring)

> LazerPhone wilh Biometrics (advanced inmate phone control and management wilh conversation recording
and monitoring, as well as fIngerprint identifIcation, digital image capture, and hidden microphone)
For the l)ighest commission return with the most comprehensive set of management and investigative
features, we recommcnd our LazcrPhonc Inmate Telcphoue System alld Services.

III addition to its headquarters in Alabama, GTL maintains a validatiou and secondary system and data
backup site in Honston, Texas, to ensure system reliability. GTL also maintains sales and administrative
offices throughout the country.
Our combin.ed seasoned management team rem~fu~ct. OUf goals areto continue cxcellent service to
our existing customers, increase opportuuities to service new customers wIllie maintaining profitability and
providing the best of work places for our employees.

With combined financial strength, innovative technology and industry experience,
GTl welcomes the opportunity to put our team to work for you.

It is desirable that the Bidder be in the business of providing Secure Inmate
Calling Systems and Related Services (as specified in this RFR) for a period of
ten (10) years prior to the due date of this RFR The Bidder must state the
number of years it has been providing ICS and provide documentation in its

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. iOOO·Phone2006
September 15, 2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL has been providing Secure Inmate Calling Systems
and Related Services since the early 1980's. In Exhibit E, is a copy of a contract showing
proof of being in business since 1992.


The Bidder must include, in its response, a summary which describes, briefly, the

Number of Offices;
Number of Offices within Massachusetts;
Organizational Structure;
Total Staff
Number of Years in Business;
Number of Years Providing Secure Inmate Calling Systems and Related

GTL Response: GTL will comply.
systems and services.

GTL's only business is providing superior inmate telephone

Number of Offices: GTL has over 20 offices located across the continental United States.
Number of Offices in Massachusetts: 1
Total Staff: 199
Number of years in business: 20
Number of Years Providing inmate systems: The combined company has been providing
inmate services for over 23 years.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth ofMassachuseffs DOC
Request for Responses
Sc(''Urc Inmate Calling System & Retated Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


GTL Executive Team
Brianol.i.v.e.f. > ~

. ..

era.i.g F.€.·.•·.r..• •gu.s.···.o.n



Jonh Hyland
Vice Chainnpn

-Tim Miller

Ne.a sale.· S Director
_ ...North East

Jim Beamertj


Global Tel*Link Corporation is the largestprovider of Inmate
Calling Service (combining both Prime and Equipment only
accounts) in the United States today_
More than 50% of all DOC inmate calls are processed via GTL
equipment and or Service!
See Map below for current GTL state DOC locations where GTL provides inmate. telephone

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1O()O~Phone2006
September 15,2005



~ G11" provides all Inmate Tclephone Systems and Services

~ G11J provides all Inmate Telephone System Equipment

<Ammonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses .
Secure Irunate Calling Sy,<,.tem & Related Services

DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005




The Bidder must provide end user references with its response. These references will be
contacted either by telephone, mail or facsimile transmission to verifY the Bidder's experience
and "real world" installation procedures. All reference reviews are done in a professional and
timely manner to minimize the demands on Bidder reference contacts.
A minimum of three (3) references must be provided on the Business Reference Form
provided in Attachment F and included with your response. (Changed per Amendment #1).
Failure to provide references as required on the Business Reference Fonn may lead to
disqualification of the Bidder's response.

It is the Bidder's responsibility to ensure that any reference provided in its response be aware
that they may be contacted by the DOC regarding the services provided by the Bidder. All
reference reviews are done in a professional and timely manner to minimize the demands on
Bidder reference contacts. However, reference contacts whicb refuse to discuss the Bidder or
the services provided by the Bidder will result in a "0" rating for the Bidder for that
reference. The DOC is not responsible for "negotiating" a response from a reference
provided by a Bidder and will not tolerate such reference responses as "we are not allowed to
discuss that", "we do not have time to discuss this", etc.
The Bidder must provide an authorized. primary and secondary contact name for each
reference submitted. This will allow the DOC to complete any reference reviews in a timely
GTL Response: GTL will comply. See GTL's references provided in Attachment F.


The Bidder must further demonstrate its experience in the inmate calling system and
correctional industries by providing a list of all correctional institution in which the
Bidder has installed the proposed res. This list must include the institution, its
location, and the total number of imnate telephones installed.
If the Bidder has not installed the proposed rcs in any other correctional institutions,
the Bidder must state that fact in order to meet the requirement of this specification.

Commonwealth ofMassachusctt.~ DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Relat.ed Services
DOC file No. 1000-Phone200G
September 15, 2005


GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL's customer list is included in Exhibit F. We respectively
request that the DOC separate this confidential information from the portion of our proposal
that will be publicly viewed after opening. This list is proprietary and Confidential and should
not be shared with other bidders or the public.


It is desirable that the Bidder have at least one reference of the same size as the DOC
with regard to facilities and inmates. The Bidder must provide, in its response, a
description of this reference including the number offacilities and number of inmates.

GTL Response: GTL will comply. OUf reference, North Carolina DOC, included on a
Business Reference Form in Attachment F, is approximately the same size as Massachusetts
Department of Corrections with regard to facilities and inmates.

GTL's Response to the
Conunonwea1th ofMassaohusetfs DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-PhOlle2006
September 15,2005


RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number IOOO-Phone2006

July 11,


Attachment A
Required Forms Checklist

GTL's Response 10 the
Commonwealth ofMassachusetis DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file N(l. lOOO-Phone1006
September 15, 2005


RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number IO()()-Phone2006

July 11,

Attachment A
Required Forms Checklist
Bidders must complete, execute and return the following forms, which are found under the
"Forms & Terms" tab of this solicitation on the Comm-PASS system.

Standard Contract Form


Commonwealth Terms and Conditions

X Request for Taxpayer Identification and Verification ('019)

Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing


Affirmative Action Plan Form


Affirmative Market Program Plan

.. X

Northern Ireland Notice and Certification
Certification of Tax Compliance

The Bidder must complete this checklist and include it with the completed forms as an attachment to its
response to the RFR document.

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of'Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling Sy~,:Lim & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006

September 15,2005


RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services

July 11,

DOC File Number IOOO-Pbone2006


Attachment B
Required Inmate Telephones

GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth ofMassachusett<; DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 10{)O~Phone2006
September 15, 2005


RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Sen'ices
DOC File Number IOOO-Phone2006

July ll,


Attachment B
Required Number of Inmate Telephone Instruments


Bay State Correctional Center
Boston Pre-Release Center
Bridgewater State Hospital
Lemuel Shattuck Hospital
Correctional Center
Mass Alcohol & Substance
Abuse Center (MASAC)
Massachusetts Treatment Center
MCl - Cedar Junction
MCl - Concord
MCr - Framingham
MCl - Norfolk
MCl - Plymouth
MCl - Shirley
North Central CorrectionaJ
Institution at Gardner
Northeastern Correctional Center
Old Colony Correctional Center
Pondville CorrectionaJ Center
South Middlesex Correctional Center
Souza Baranowski Correctional
Center ( Shirley)

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC fileNQ, lOOO-Phone2006
September is, 2005


Mgmt Unit
































.. J8





RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number IOOO-Phone2006

July 11,


Attachment C
Current Inmate Call Volume
Commission History

GTL's Response to the

Commonwealth -of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No, IOOO~Phone2006
September 15, 2005


RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number 1000-Phone2006

July 11,


Attachment C - Current Inmate Call Volume and Commission History is replaced in its entirety with
the following:

Attachment C
Current Inmate Call Volume and
Commission History

673 718



Related Services:

RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number IOOO-Phone2006

July 11,



... ...Date


! •



. ·•. ·.·.R~c~;.dcollllt

May, 2004
June, 2004
July, 2004 Angust, 2004
September, 2004
October, 2004
November, 2004
December, 2004
January, 2005
February, 2005
March, 2005 April, 2005


..· . .· · · .·. ·.· · . ·.·..·.·.···.«i


I" ·•.·.• .. "'~_012....









.... ....






. . .•. . . . «

r<·. • · · .·.· • · .·




I .... ·.···•··... ollte •.•.•••..••••..•..

·.Actemp@\ ..•.•.•.
.. ·RecordCount ...•.•.•.•


Accepted ..•.....•..


..... .......• TotidMinutes



May, 2004
June, 2004
July, 2004
August, 2004
Se[ltember, 2004
October, 2004
November, 2004
December, 2004
January, 2005
February, 2005
March, 2005
A[lril, 2005

Totals: . .





GTL's Re..<:poI1se to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure fnmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005




2,734,773 - 2,453,411




RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number 1000-Phone2006

July 11,



afL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for R&'Ponses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number IOOO-Phone2006

July 11,



Fiscal Year 2004

Fiscal Year 2005

·'. .. . . . . i,i '. . . . . . . . 1.···················.TotaIRe····»··············(.···•.• .•.

..••.. •••••..• ••••





July, 2004
August, 2004
September, 2004
October, 2004
November, 2004
December, 2004
January, 2005
February, 2005
April, 2005

·..· < i ••..•.•.•.•.•..•..•..••.••..••.•.••.•.•....••••••.•


< . ·'till:lil$i I.?< • • ••·• .·•.•i,{t;
•• •

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


Doccoininissi~n (42%)





1·.· iii.·. ·"'.·


RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number IOOO-Phone2006

July 11,


This page intentionally left blanli

GTL's Response to the
Cotrunonwealth ofMassachusett'l DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 1:5,2005



Attachment D - Cost Tables is replaced in its entirety with the following:

Attachment D
Cost Tables
The Bidder must complete all of the following Cost Tables. The proposed Inmate Calling System
and Related Services must be provided to the MaSsachusetts Department of Correction at no cost
to the DOC. Costs proposed in these Cost Tables will be the Commission Percentage paid to the
Commonwealth for alI inmate calls made through the proposed system while in Collect-only
Mode or Debit-Based.
The Bidder must include the Inmate Calling System and Related Services according to the RFR
specifications for all goods and services. Any and all costs must be entered in U.S. currency. The
Bidder should be careful when it completes these Cost Tables because the Bidder shall be
responsible for any and all costs not included in these Cost Tables.
These cost tables must be provided in your response.
The following must be completed by the individual identified in the Contractor Authorized
Signatory Listing.

! am authorized by the Bidder to provide these costs and commission fee schedule in response to
this RFR.

Bidder Name:



.1.-, __


Global Tel'Link Corooratlon

. ' /Thttt. '~"<V--<J ~/




Teresa Ridgeway



; :-,




Vice President of Legal and Adrn,inistration


September g, 2005


The following stated percentage is the figure used to calCulate the monthly Commission paid to
the Mass DOC for all accepted! telephone calls placed through the Inmate Calling System. This
percentage will be based on monthly Gross Revenue2 attributed to the Inmate Calling System for
all call traffic.
The Bidder must provide a commission rate that includes a fignre to the III 00 position (as in the
example below) to ensure that no ties will be possible from proposing Bidders.

The Bidder must not leave any space in the following form blank. Insert an appropriate number
into each space provide even if the number is a zero (0).

Proposed Monthly
Commission Percentage:

1 - AcceptedcaUs are defmed as those inmate collect calls positively accepted (proactively or
passively) or approved by the called pru:ty vi;! the use of Touch Tone input.


The following stated percentage is the figure used to calculate the monilily Commission paid to
the Mass DOC for all telephone calls placed through the Inmate Calling System in pre-paid debit
mode. This percentage will be based on monthly Gross Revenue' attributed to ilie Inmate Calling
System for all pre-paid debit call traffic.
The Bidder must provide a commission rate ilia! includes a figure to the 1llOO position (as in the
example below) to ensure iliat no ties will be possible from proposing Bidders.

The Bidder must not leave any space in the following fonn blaok. insert an appropriate number
into each space provide even if the number is a ~ro (0).

Proposed Monthly
Commission Percentage:


Bidders must complete Cost Table 3.0 on the following page. Feel free to make copies for
thi.table for inclusion with your response.
The Cost Table on the following page must be included in the Bidder's Response. This Cost
Table provides the proposed per-minute cost for inmate calling to countries/locations outside of
the North American Dialing Plan.
This COSt Table 3.0 (International Calling Costs) completed by the Bidder will he made an
integral part of the Bidder's Contract with the DOC. The Bidder must list all countries/locations
to which it can provide collect only or direct dial (debit based) calls. In the appropriate column,
the Bidder must enter the per call surcharge, per minute rate (collect calls). and per minute rate
(direct dial).
All rates (with the exception ofthe per call surcharge) must he quoted on a flat per minute basis
and include all costs associated with processing the international call. No per ca1J minimum will
be allowed for international calling.

In the left hand column, the Bidder must enter the country (outside the North American Dialing
Plan) to which it can provide service. In the right hand columns, the Bidder must enter a rate in
the appropriate column to indicate if the Bidder carries traffic to the listed country in collect call
mode, pre-paid debit mode or both.
The Bidder must not leave any spaces empty'in .the Cost Table on the following page. For
example, if you provide pre-paid debit direct dial service to the United Kingdom but do not
provide access to this conntry in a collect mode, place ''Not Available" in the space provide for
"Per Call Surcharge" and "CoUect Call Rate".
All costs for the proposed hardware, software, maintenance, service, etc. for the proposed Inmate
Calling System shall be the responsibility of the Bidder. No costs for such items shall be included
in Cost Table 3.0.


Bidders must complete Cost Table 3.0 and include it in their response.
many copies for this table as required for Inclusion with your response.



free to make as

Debit Direct
Dial Rate

Pcr Call

Only Rate












































American Samoa












Antigua (Barbuda)




', .



•• 1......



Debit Direct
Dial Rate

Per Call

Only Rat.
















































Burkina Faso



















Cape Verde Island














British Virgin Islands






Cayman Islands



Per Call

Only Rate


Debit Direct
Dial Rate

Chad Republic
















Costa Rica

















Dominican Republic












E1 Salvador




































Central African Republic




















,;;,- , "





Per Call

Only Rate


Debit Direct
Dial Rate



$2.06 .




































Korea, South





























Hong Kong











Debit Direct
Dial Rate

Mexico - Rate Zones 1-3

Per Call

Only Rate

Mexico - Rate Zones 4-8














Netherland Antilles








New Zealand





































Philippines - Manila












Puerto Rico









Pakistan Karachi





,,;'., ,











" Per Call

Debit Direct
Dial Rate

Only Rate









Russia-St. Petersburg








Saudi Arabia















Slovenia, Republic of






. N/A


South Africa







St. Kitts




St. Lucia




St. Pierre & Miquelon




St. Vmcent & Grenadines
































Debit Direct
Dial Rate

Per Call

Trinidad & Tobago Islands









Only Rate























United Kingdom


































Turks & Caicos

U.S. Virgin Islands

United Emirate


Venezuela - Caracas


--;:;c:._ ..


"~- j

RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number lOOO-Phone200G

July 11,


Attachment E
Sample Inmate Telephone
Number Request Form

Attachment E
Sample Inmate Telephone
Number Request Form
The Bidder must provide a three part form allowing for the request of telephone numbers by the
inmate which are used as the inmates "call list" associated with the inmate's PIN. The Bidder
must provide these forms during the term of the contract.
The current Inmate Telephone Number Request Form is provided on the following page. The
Bidder must provide a form that is similar to this sample form.
GTL Response: GTL will comply. GTL has provided a sample report as an attachment to this
section that will meet the DOC's requirements. This report will be provided in three part form.

GTL's Response to the
Conunonwea!th of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling Sysiem & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phonc2006
September l5, 2005


RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number IOOO-Phone2006

July 11,

Inmate Telephone System Number Request Form
COMMITMENT #: ____________ UNIT: ____________ LANGUAGE PR~E~F~E~R~E~N~C~E-:--ENGLISH 0 SPANISH 0
Inmate Signature: __________________ Date:
Add (A) /
Delete (D)

Name of Called























Your acceptance of a PIN and use of inmate telephones shall be deemed
as consent to the conditions and restrictions placed upon inmate
telephone- calls,
including call monitoring,
recording and call
detail. 3-Way Calling is Not Allowed.



GTL's Resp<lOse to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure lrunate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. 1OOO~Phone2006
September 15, 2005


RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number lOOO-Pbone2006

July 11,

This page is intentionally left blanl{

GTL's Response to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. I OOO~Phone2006

September 15,2005


RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number 1000-Phone2006

July 11,

Attachment F
Business Reference Forms

GTL's Response to the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC

Request for Responses
Secure Ituna1e Calling System & Related Services
DOC file NQ. WOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005


RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number lOOO-Phone2006

July 11,


Bidder Business Reference #1

Bidder Name:

Global Tel *Link

Customer Name:

North Carolina DOC - Division of Prisons
840 W. Morgan Street
Raleigh, NC 27603

Primary Contact:

Tricia Deal - Telecommunications Manager

Telephone Number:
Denise Radford -Technical Analyst

Secondary Contact:
Telephone Number:
MonthNear Installed:
Number ofinmates:
Nnmber of rcs

Additional Description
Of Services Installed:



2000 stations
The inmate system supports over 2000 inmate telephones, 79
facilities, and approximately 33,000 inmates. GTL also supports

GTL's Respon.'!c to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Reque~l for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO~Pholle2006
September 15, 2005


RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number IOOO·Pbone2006

July 11,

Bidder Business Reference #2

Bidder Name:

Global Tel*Link

Customer Name:

Arizona Department of Corrections
1110 West Washington Street
Suite 280
Phoenix, AZ 85007·2935

Primary Contact:



Telephone Number:
Secondary Contact:

Chief Procurement Officer

Telephone Number:

MonthlY ear Installed:

Number of Inmates:
Number of rcs
Additional Description
Of Services Installed:

June 2001

r-::.33==_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-i

1000+ stations
The inmate system supports over 1000 iomate telephones, 21

GTL's Response to the

ConunonwealthofMassa.chusefts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. lOOO-Phone2006
September 15,2005


RFR for a Secure Inmate Calling System & Related Services
DOC File Number IOOO-Phone2006

July H,


Bidder Business Reference #3

Bidder Name:

Global Tel'Link

Customer Name:

Mobile County Metro Jail
St. Emanuel Street
Mobile, AL

Primary Contact:

Warden Mike Haley
Mobile County Metro Jail

Telephone Number:
Secondary Contact:

Mr. Marty Irvin
Mobile County Sheriffs Department

Telephone Number:
MonthlYear Installed:
Number of Inmates:
Number ofICS

Additional Description
Of Services Installed:



1200 inmates


128 stations

The inmate system supports 128 inmate telephones, 2 facilities,
and approximately 1200 inmates. This County uses the proposed
inmate calling system platform.

GTL's Response io the
Conunonwealth of Massachusetts DOC
Request for Responses
Secure Imnate Calling System & Related Services
DOC file No. IOOO-Phone2006
September 15, 2005