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AL Contract GTL Response to Invitation to Bid 2006

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Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006











Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25.2006







Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07·X·2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



The State of Alabama 

Department of Finance 

Information Services Division 

Invitation to Bid 

Inmate and Public Payphones 

1. 	 Purpose: The State of Alabama, Department of Finance, Division of Purchasing on behalf of
the Information Services Division (ISD) and the Department of Corrections, hereinafter
referred to as the STATE, is accepting bids for the statewide installation of the equipment,
provision of service and payment of commissions on telephone calls made from pay
telephones on State owned or leased property (hereinafter referred to as STATE
PROPERTY). This ITB will include both public and inmate pay telephone service in a
concession service arrangement. Alternate bids will not be accepted.
GTL Response: Global Tel*Link Corporation (GTL) appreciates the opportunity to respond to
the State of Alabama's Invitation to Bid. Our proposal includes provisions for both inmate and
public pay telephone service. For facilities managed by the Alabama Department of Corrections
we propose our state-of-the-art:
LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System

GTL's integrated LazerPhone Inmate Telephone system has a powerful suite of features for call
control, management, digital recording. live and remote monitoring, and reporting. In our
proposal we have provided detailed descriptions of these features as well as a glance into who
we are at Global Tel*Link and why more than 50% of all DOC inmates in the United States and
inmates in 21 of the 40 largest counties in America communicate through GTL's LazerPhone
Inmate Telephone System.
Public Pay Telephones

GTL is highly experienced in serving the needs of the Public Payphone market and has
operated public phones for more than 25 years. GTL currently provides approximately 9,000
public pay phone stations in metropolitan markets throughout the United States. GTL has led
the industry with the continued improvement and enhancement of these public pay phones and
stations. With GTL, the public phone customer can rely on quality, reliability, and convenience.
GTL has the experience necessary to· effectively control and manage the strategic and
operational aspects of a consortium of service providers.
GTL has developed two key business support systems to meet the needs for Payphone
customers. Both systems were developed and currently reside at GTL's Indianapolis office.
Public Order Entry and Tracking System (POETS) is GTL's system for managing the order,
installation, maintenance and tracking of public phones and network facilities.
Public Administration Decision Database (PADD) is GTL's system for reporting revenue and
usage of public phones.
Example GTL Public Telephone Accounts
City of Philadelphia
lJFK Airport

LaGuardia Airport




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

Miami Airport
r,Aiami-Dade County

Newark Airport
Philadelphia Airport
Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport
Port Authority of New York/New Jersey
IState of Indiana
IState of North Carolina




We are confident that our proposal meets and exceeds your requirements for a comprehensive
telephone system for use at Alabama Department of Corrections facilities and for public pay
phones throughout the State of Alabama.

2. 	 Contract Length: The contract resulting from this ITB will be effective for a period of three
years from the date the contract is issued by the STATE, with options for two one-year
renewals following the initial contract. Commission percentages must remain firm, as do the
Terms and Conditions, for a period of three years from the date of initial contract signing.
Terms and Conditions must remain in place for any subsequent renewals. Commission rate
increases, however, may be negotiated between the State and the successful vendor at each
renewal period. All subsequent renewal contracts must be agreed upon, by both parties,
ninety days prior to the expiration of the existing contract.


GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

Continuation of any agreement between the STATE and a Vendor beyond a fiscal year is 

contingent upon continued legislative appropriation of funds for the purpose of this ITB and 

any resulting agreement. Non-availability of funds at any time shall cause any agreement to 

become void and unenforceable and no damages shall accrue against the STATE as a result. 

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

3. 	 Contract Resulting from lTD: This ITB and any Vendor responses and/or proposals thereto
will become a part of any contract executed as a result of this procurement.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

4. 	 Vendor Compliance: Each Vendor, by signing and returning this bid, stipulates that it has
read, understands, and will comply with all provisions of this ITB. The requirements stated
herein are to be considered mandatory unless otherwise stated. Should it be determined by
the STATE that a bid fails to specifically respond to all requirements that bid will be
eliminated from consideration. The STATE will be the sole judge as to whether each item bid
is consistent with the technical specifications and/or general requirements of this ITB.
Vendor(s) may be required, prior to award, to provide a live demonstration of their
product(s), verifying that all required features are included in the product(s). The STATE
may also require demonstrations be documented in written form for record purposes.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-1170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 15, 1006



GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

5. Vendor lTD Responses:
5.1. Original/Copies: Each Vendor is required to submit one (1) original and three (3)
copies of each bid. The bid must include ALL TECHNICAL AND PRICING DATA.
The STATE is not liable for any cost incurred by a Vendor replying to this ITB.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

5.2. Technical Documentation: Complete software and hardware product information,
including technical and descriptive literature, must be submitted with the bid in
sufficient detail to substantiate that the products and services offered meet or exceed the
specifications set forth in this ITB. References to technical literature submitted with the
bid are acceptable as a description of the features that satisfy these specifications.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies. With this proposal, GTL provides
detailed software and hardware product information as follows:

ITS Responses: Detailed responses to specifications and requirements in the State's
Invitation to Bid
Exhibit J. Inmate System Description and Documentation
GTL Attachment 4. Public Telephone Equipment Information
GTL Attachment 5. Sample GTL Facility Newsletters
GTL Attachment 6. Product Brochure
LazerPhone Users Guide (system manual) - in separate envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL.

5.3. Financial Data: 	 Each vendor is required to include, in its bid, annual financial
statements for their latest two fiscal years. If the Vendor is a subsidiary of another
company, financial statements on the parent company must also be submitted.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. GTL's Financial Statements are
enclosed in a sealed envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL, in the front pocket of this proposal book.
As a privately held corporation, Global Tel*Link considers its financial reports to be confidential
and have labeled them thusly. We respectfully request that this confidential information,
submitted for the State's review, be removed from our proposal books prior to public display of
proposals after opening.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


5.4. Customer References: Vendors must provide with their bid references of up to
three (3) customers who are currently using the same software and hardware
being offered with the bid response.
All customer references provided must include company name, customer contact
name, telephone number, address, contract period, system/product installed and
size of system. Failure to provide customer references as specified will result in
disqualification of bid.

GTl Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies. Three references are provided
below. Also see GTL Attachment 1. References.

GTL Customer References
West Virginia Department of Corrections
#1 Mountainside Way
Mt. Olive, WV 25185
Contract Period: Feb 2002 - June 2007
Facilities: 9
Inmate ADP: 3,575
Inmate Phones: 290
Contact: Kate Lucas, Director of Contract Services
Phone: (304) 442-7213 ext. 203


System: LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System

Mobile County Metro Jail
450 St. Emanuel Street
Mobile, AL 36602
Current Contract: Oct 2005 - Oct 2010
(Original Contract: Sept 1999
Inmate ADP: 1,200
Inmate Phones: 128

Sept 2005)

Contact: Warden Mike Haley
Phone: (251) 574-4702
System: LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System

Baldwin County Corrections Center
310 Hand Avenue
Bay Minette, AL 36507
Contract Period: Oct 2003 - Oct 2006
Inmate ADP: 600
Inmate Phones: 51
Contact: Captain Marvin Ussery
Phone: (251) 580-1968
System: LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System





Global Tel*Link's Response 

To the State of Alabama's 

Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936 

Inmate and Public Payphones 

October 25, 2006


6. 	 Bidders Conference: A MANDATORY bidders' conference will be conducted on
September 21,2006 at 2:00 p.m. CST in the Purchasing Auditorium, 100 N. Union Street,
Suite 192, Montgomery. Questions requiring clarification oflTB contents must be received
in writing (regular mail, fax or email) no later than September 18, 5:00 p.m. CST. Verbal
responses in discussions during the conference are not binding. A formal, written reply to
questions raised will be provided, within one week, to all bidders represented at the
conference. Questions should be addressed as follows:
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies. GTL representative Robert Orso
attended the bidder's conference.

Questions of a procedural nature concerning this ITB should be directed in writing to:
Ms. Jennifer Sigler
Buyer, Purchasing Division
Department of Finance
100 North Union Street, Suite 192
Montgomery, Alabama 36130
PHONE: 334-242-7250
Questions or requests for explanation that arise concerning technical data in this ITB
must be submitted in writing to:
Ms. Julie Robertson
Assistant Director, ISD
Department of Finance
64 N. Union Street, Suite 758
Montgomery, Alabama 36130
PHONE: 334-242-3052
FAJ(: 334-242-3912 (notify 334-353-3959 of transmission)
Requests for site visits must be addressed to:
Ms. Rachel Lee 

Associate Commissioner 

Department of Corrections 

301 S. Ripley Street . 

Montgomery, AL 36130 

PHONE: 334-353-3874 

Vendors must not contact any State Correctional site without pre-approval from the
Department of Corrections
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006



7. 	 Electronic Copies ofITB Specifications:
Electronic versions of the specifications are available by emailing .
GTL Response: GTL has read and understands.

8. 	 Term and Conditions:
8.1. Required Services: Vendor is responsible for installation and maintenance of pay
telephones and equipment at inmate and non-inmate (public) sites, providing local,
intralata and interlata services, provisioning/ordering/payment of telco access lines, coin
collection from coin pay phones, and the billing/collections process. On award, the
vendor must also must inspect each installation site and provide replacement phones,
enclosures and panels as needed.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

8.2. Prime Contractor: The successful vendor will be the prime contractor in all matters,
including, but not limited to installation, maintenance, trouble reporting, billing and any
disputes associated with the requirements of the bid.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.


Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


8.3. Use of Subcontractors: If any of the work is, or is to be, subcontracted, the vendor
must provide within the bid a description of the subcontracting organization and the
contractual arrangements made therewith, All subcontractors will be subject to approval
by the STATE. The successful vendor will also furnish the corporate or company name
and the names of the officers or principles of said companies proposed as subcontractors
prior to execution of the contract as specified in this ITB. Vendor will be held
responsible for all work performed by the subcontractor. All subcontracted work will be
bound by the same terms as apply to the prime contractor.
GTL Response: GTL understands, and complies. GTL and BellSouth have partnered for the
provision of telephone network services. GTL will subcontract Talton Communications, Inc. for
the provision of public telephone installation, maintenance, and coin collection and with Legacy
Long Distance International, Inc. for operator service and carrier of public phone call traffic.
Additional information about our subcontracted companies is included in Exhibit E. Company
Capabilities. Any other information needed will be provided upon contract award. GTL accepts
full responsibility for all subcontracted work.

BeliSouth is a Fortune 500 company with annual revenues of over $20 billion. BeliSouth's core
business is wireline communications. BeliSouth is the major telecommunications company in
Alabama and has many unique capabilities to provide superior service. GTL is proud to be able
to leverage these capabilities for the State of Alabama Department of Corrections.

BeliSouth RegionallP Backbone (BRTN/BRIB) Overview
BeliSouth has deployed one of the most resilient, high-speed MPLS networks in the Southeast.
This network, referred to as the BeliSouth Regional Internet Backbone (BRIB), consists of five
high-speed IPOPs (interconnection points of presence) with multiple Tier-1 and Tier-2 BMFs
(BeliSouth Managed Facilities) connected via OC-x connections.
IPOPs are located in Atlanta, Atlanta East Point, Boca Raton, Miami, and New Orleans. Each
IPOP is connected via multiple circuits to dual Tier-1 Internet backbone transit providers and/or
peering partners. Typically located in larger markets, Tier-1 BMFs support service aggregation.
For redundancy, each Tier-1 BMF is connected to two different IPOPs. These connections in the
BRIB are established via independent, physically diverse routes and facilities (minimum OC-3).
Located in smaller markets, Tier 2 BMFs also support service aggregation. For redundancy, each
Tier-2 BMF is connected to a Tier-1 BMF via independent, physically diverse routes and facilities
(minimum OC-3). As shown in Errorl Reference source not found., the BRIB is the result of the
consolidation of 38 IntraLATA IP networks into one core network, enabling BeliSouth to maintain
control of traffic from end-to-end.


As part of the overall BRIB design, stringent diversity guidelines have been established
throughout the network to help ensure that no single point of failure will compromise the
network. In the event of a "catastrophic event" (where a circuit is disabled), the diverse mated
circuit (or alternate route) is designed to remain active with enough capacity to reroute and
maintain traffic flows. Simply stated, once the customer's traffic reaches the BRIB, there is
complete and total redundancy all the way to the global Internet.


Diversity guidelines apply to all types of circuit groups within the BRIB (BMF-to-BMF, BMF-to­
IPOP, IPOP-to-IPOP, and IPOP-to-globallnternet).




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama"s
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



The IPOP-to-g lobal Internet design of BRIB offers several important benefits:
~ 	 Connectivity

to dual Global Service Providers (GSP) helps ensure network quality 

Flexibility to negotiate agreements with other GSPs as needed 


Diverse routing for improved reliability

~ 	 Formal

private peering arrangements for added control and greater performance 


~ 	 Packet-over-SONET

connectivity ensuring improved performance

BellSouth not only has the infrastructure but also the support personnel and tools to exceed
your requirements, BeliSouth carefully monitors the capacity of the interconnection circuits to
ensure uniform bandwidth through the network. BeliSouth's capacity management policy
dictates that the circuits connecting the core nodes will not exceed 50% capacity. It is this
capacity planning that ensures 100% of customer traffic will be accommodated in the unlikely
event of an inter-nodal link failure. The philosophy of over-engineering, coupled with strict
capacity planning and management, will help ensure that all of your entities will receive the
highest levels of service possible.

Legacy Long Distance International, Inc.
10833 Valley View Street, Suite 150
Cypress, CA 90630
(800) 670-0015
Project Responsibilities: For the public telephones in the State of Alabama's Project, GTL's
subcontractor, Legacy Long Distance International, Inc. (Legacy), is the Operator Service
Provider (aSP) and carrier of local, intraLATA, interLATA, and interstate traffic.
History: Since its inception in 1996 Legacy Long Distance International, Inc. ("Legacy") has
earned its reputation as the best operator service provider in the industry today. A superior
Network backbone and a customer first philosophy have allowed Legacy to achieve sustained
growth for over a decade.

Legacy is a privately held California Corporation with over 200 employees working hard
everyday to achieve products and services unparalleled in the industry today. Over 87% of the
Company is owned by the officers and employees allowing Legacy a freedom that very few
companies of its size enjoy. A freedom to develop new services at the demand of an ever
changing marketplace.
While the Company has primarily offered its superior Operator and Long Distance Services to
Correctional Facilities, Private Pay Telephone Owners, and Hotel franchises nationwide over
the past decade, it also provides a myriad of Call Center services to virtually every business




Global Tel*Link's Response 

To the State of Alabama's 

Invitation To Bid # 07·X·2I70936 	
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


Talton Communications, Inc.
910 Ravenwood Drive
Selma, Alabama 36702-1117
(334) 877-0704
Project Responsibilities: For the State of Alabama's Project, GTL subcontracts Talton
Communications to provide the following services for public payphones:

Installation, Maintenance, Phone Polling, Coin Collection
Customer Service, Toll-Free 800 Number for Caller Assistance




History: Talton Communications, Inc. has been in business for 33 years. The company was
originally founded to provide paging and mobile telephone services. In 1988 the company
installed its first pay telephone and quickly spread its base of pay telephones throughout the
state of Alabama. In 1996, the company merged with Ameritel of Kansas City, MO to form
Talton Holdings, Inc and became the largest private payphone and inmate phone operator in the
U.S. Talton Holdings, Inc. later changed its name to Evercom, Inc. after the principles of Talton
Communications, Inc. left the newly formed company to pursue other ventures. In 2002, the
public payphone assets of Evercom were purchased by Julius Talton, Jr. and Talton
Communications, Inc. was reformed. Today, Talton Communications, Inc. is one of the largest
payphone operators in Alabama.

T alton Communications, Inc. is headquartered in Selma, AL, located in the center of the
state. In Selma, Talton operations are housed in a 13,000 square foot building that is owned by
the company. The building is located on fiber, has underground and backup power, and has a
full-size loading dock for materials handling.
Talton has seven (7) field service personnel, five located in or around Selma and two others
located in Huntsville and Birmingham. All technicians are full time employees of the company.
There are no subcontractors that represent the company. All of the technicians have their own
vehicles, a company uniform with I.D. badge, a two way instant radio/cell phone, and satellite
tracking in their vehicles.








Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006






Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07·X·2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



Vender Certification Requirements:
8.3.1. 	 Certification: The vendor must be an independent pay telephone provider
certified by the Alabama Public Service Commission to provide pay telephone
services and facilities in Alabama on or before September 1, 2006. Vendors are
required to submit with their bid response a copy of the Certificate to Provide
Pay Telephone Service granted by the Alabama Public Service Commission,
with the date certified and docket number.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies. Global Tel Link (GTL) and is an
Alabama-based, independent pay telephone provider fully certified by the Alabama Public
Service Commission to provide pay telephone services in Alabama. See GTL's certification
documents at GTL Attachment 2: State of Alabama Certification.

8.3.2. 	 Rules and Regulations: All services and equipment offered by vendors must
comply with all Federal and STATE laws, rules and regulations including but
not limited to pricing, branding, provision of consumer infonnation,
accessibility to interexchange carriers, accommodations for the handicapped
and any applicable construction, electrical and safety codes.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. The equipment and services
provided by GTL public phones and by our LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System are in full
compliance with all applicable standards and regulations, including FCC and ADA.

8.3.3. 	 Permits and Licenses: Vendors must provide all services in compliance with
all tariffs, rules, and regulations, or licenses governing said services. The
pennits and licenses will be obtained without any cost to the STATE.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

8.4. Tariffs/Rates/Charges:
8.4.1. 	 Public Payphone Rates: The public coinlcoinless telephones will be
predominantly utilized by the citizens of, and visitors to, the State of Alabama.
It is essential that the services are provided at reasonable and customary rates
and charges without any special surcharges of any kind. The vendor must define
the length of the initial period and the billing increments for additional time for
all services provided.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

8.4.2. 	 Inmate Rates:

Inmate telephones at STATE Correctional facilities will be
used to place collect calls and pre-paid calls. It is essential that the services for
these type calls are provided at reasonable and customary rates and charges
without any special surcharges of any kind. The vendor must define the length
of the initial period and the billing increments for additional time for all services

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



8.4.3. 	 Rate Caps:

The vefldor will not charge the public and inmate pay
telephofle user (or collect call recipient) more than the equivaleflt LEG rate for
local and ifltraLATA calls based Ofl the origifl, destimtion, time or day, and type
oreach call. The vendor will oot charge the public and inmate pay telephone
user(or collect call recipieflt) more than the dominant carriers' approved tariff
rate for interLATA, interstate, and international calls based UPOfl the origifl,
destiflatiofl, time or day, and type of each call. The winniflg vefldor must eflsure
that tariff rate changes of the LEG and domiflant carriers' are updated ifl its
ratiflg system ,t\'ithifl 30 days of the effective date of the said tariff change.
(Deleted per Addendum 1: Inmate/Payphone ITB Specification Modifications.)

Rate Caps: The vendor will not charge the public and inmate pay telephone
user (or collect call recipient) more than the current vendor's rates and
surcharges. These rates are provided in Attachment I: Current Rates for
Inmate & Coin. (Added per Addendum 1: InmatelPayphone ITB Specification
Modifications. )
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies. Please see our proposed rates at
TAB: Terms and Price.

8.4.4. 	 Fees: The STATE will not incur any costs associated with any State or FCC
fees, nor will commissions be decreased due to any State or FCC fees or taxes,
for the life of the contract. Additionally, no bill statement fees can be charged.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. There will be no costs to the
STATE and no reduction in the STATE's commission for State or FCC fees or taxes or bill
statement fees.

8.5. Preferred Interexchange Carrier (PIC) Changes: Preferred Interexchange Carrier 

(PIC) changes, which involve the switching of long distance service from one 

interexchange carrier to another, will be the sole responsibility of the vendor. The 

vendor must be responsible for all costs associated with PIC changes and for follow-up 

with the local exchange carrier to ensure that requested changes have been implemented 


GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

8.6. Publicity: 	 Any publicity giving reference to this project, whether in the form of press 

releases or interviews, brochures, photographic coverage, or verbal announcements 

must have the advance approval of the Department of Finance, Information Services 


GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07·X·2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



8.7. Moves, Adds and Changes:
The STATE expects, from time to time, to add and/or rearrange pay telephones at
locations listed in the inventory. The vendor will be expected to install service at new
locations and relocate service in accordance with the terms of this Invitation-to-Bid,
and as directed by the STATE.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

8.7.1. 	 The vendor will be expected to install both inmate and public telephone
service at correctional facilities.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

8.7.2. All new or relocated service locations installed during the term of this contract


or any renewal will be subject to terms and conditions and the payment of
commissions at the rate established in the contract.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

8.7.3. As a public service, the STATE will require (at certain locations, at no cost to
the STATE), at least one public pay telephone regardless o(volume or revenue.
These locations will include, but will not be limited to, State Parks and State
Highway Rest Areas. These locations will be determined by the STATE.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

8.7.4. 	 The STATE currently has approximately 400 public payphones in place. The
STATE will not require the vendor to place more than 50 additional public
payphones during this contract.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.


Ordering of Service: All orders for service from the STATE to the vendor will
be in writing, issued and signed by the Service Delivery Manager of the Information
Services Division or his authorized representative. The vendor will not install, remove,
modify, or change service at any location without this prior written approval. Vendor
must provide to the STATE (ISD) and to the site contact the estimated due date.

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.





8.9. Vendor Responsibilities:

In addition to all administrative, functional, and technical
requirements specified in this ITB, vendor will be responsible for coordinating all
service required from the local regulated telephone company. Vendor will be
responsible for all charges from the local regulated telephone company for service

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.




Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Publie Payphones
Oetober 25, 2006



Ownership of Pay Telephone Equipment: Ownership of all pay telephone
equipment that is installed under this contract will remain the property of the vendor.
The STATE will not accept ownership or liability for equipment or software,


GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply_





Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



8.11.1. Commission Reports: The vendor must submit with its bid response a
sample of the proposed management reports, All revenue information will be
detailed by telephone number, accounting code and agency in such a way that
the reports can be used to audit the requirements of this ITB. The reports
specified in Section 10.4 must be furnished. During the term of the contract,
two copies of the traffic reports and commission statements must be provided to
the Information Services Division within sixty days of the close of the vendor's
billing cycle. The commission and revenue reports must be available on line as





GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. Samples of GTL's standard
management reports are included as attachments. Please see EXHIBIT F. Management
Reports. Following contract award, commission and other management report formats will be
customized to exactly meet the State's needs. Commission and revenue reports will be
available in hard copy and on-line.
GTL's ability to accurately report the State's commission from both inmate and public calls is
greatly enhanced by automated process that occur in real time.

PUBLIC PHONES: As public calls are made and completed, call detail information is recorded
in the telephone's internal database and simultaneously transmitted to the secure database of
GTL's "0+" carrier. For auditing purposses, nightly, public telephones are polled and call records
are downloaded to GTL's Accounting Department's call record database.
GTL has developed two key business support systems to meet the report needs for public
payphone customers. Both systems were developed and currently reside at GTL's Indianapolis

Public Order Entry and Tracking System (POETS) is GTL's system for managing the
order, installation, maintenance and tracking of public phones and network facilities.
Public Administration Decision Database (PADD) is GTL's system for reporting revenue
and usage of public phones.
INMATE PHONES: In our LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System's dynamic, real-time
environment, as soon as a called party actively indicates acceptance of an inmate's call,
LazerPhone begins the billing process by recording the cost of the call, based on the agreed
upon rates for the call type, in the call detail record. As inmate calls are placed and completed,
call records are created and downloaded to Global Tel*Link's central processing center in real
time. Each incoming call record is electronically evaluated, rated, and formatted immediately for
billing (not batched for later processing), then re-checked for format accuracy and transmitted
via electronic media to the appropriate LEC or billing agent. This completely automated process
eliminates the possibility of human error. Human eyes at Global Tel*Link watch for electronic
errors. Our MIS department frequently places "test calls" and tracks the resulting call records
through the entire automated process to insure they are properly routed, rated, formatted,
processed, and billed.
Billing statements for calls are issued monthly. The State's commission percentage is in no way
impacted if a phone bill proves un-collectable. All billed calls within a billing period, contribute to
the totals reported on the State's monthly commission and call summary sheets.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

Commission Verification
Monthly commission and detailed revenue reports for both inmate and public calls will be
provided in hard copy and made available on-line to authorized STATE personnel.
In addition to monthly reports provided by GTL, the STATE will be able to verify inmate call
traffic, call revenue, and commission accuracy by accessing each facility's original call data on­
line via LazerPhone's password protected Internet connection at system workstations.
LazerPhone generates reports detailing total gross revenue for the specified billing period by
such criteria as: inmate telephone, call type, inmate PIN, destination number, or virtually any
combination of criteria that the STATE desires to use to audit detail or summary information
contained in monthly commission reports.

8.11.2. Commission Amounts: Commissions will be calculated by 1) multiplying the
vendor's inmate commission percentage by the vendor's total gross inmate
revenue and 2)multiplying the vendor's public commission percentage by the
vendor's total gross public (non-inmate) revenue.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

Global Tel*Unk (GTL) pays commissions based on the gross revenue generated by calls from
all phones covered by the Agreement. Gross Revenue means all revenue generated for every
completed call that is accepted by a consumer, and excludes all taxes, Federal, State, County
or local telecommunications fees that may additionally apply to a consumer's monthly telephone
bill. (See Billed-Patty Total Charges and Fees below.)

The STATE's commission amount is calculated by multiplying the agreed upon commission
percentage for inmate and public calls, times the total gross amount charged at the agreed upon
rates for all completed calls during the billing period.
Inmate Commission Percentage X Total Gross Inmate Phone Revenue
Public Commission Percentage X Total Gross Public Phone Revenue

=Commission Amount
=Commission Amount

There are no deductions of any kind taken from the gross revenue from inmate or public calls
prior to the calculation of the STATE's commission amount.

Called/billed parties will be charged the approved per minute rate and applicable surcharge for
each completed call. No other per·call charges are applied. Regulated fees, taxes, and tax­
related surcharges will be added to the party's monthly bill. For AdvancePay customers, GTL
passes through applicable credit card transaction fees when consumers elect to setup their
accounts using a credit card. Please note that GTL does not charge consumers any account set
up or maintenance fees.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


8.11.3. Commission Remittance:
Commissions must be remitted so as to be received by the STATE within sixty (60)
calendar days of the close of each period for which commissions are being paid.
Commissions will be forwarded to:
Ms. Priscilla Coker
Department of Finance
Information Services Division
Customer Service/Service Delivery
64 North Union Street, Suite 250
Montgomery, AL 36130
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply_

All commission checks should be made payable to:
State of Alabama
Telephone Revolving Fund
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply_

8.11.4. Commission Guarantee Bond:
Successful Vendor may be required to post a commission bond, the
maximum of which will be $5,000,000. The commission bond must be
issued from a surety company that meets the following requirements: 	 The surety company must be certified to do business in the State of
Alabama. 	 The surety company shall have been in the surety business for at
least five (5) years. 	 The surety company shall have a minimum Best's Policy Holder
rating of A and required financial of VIII from Best's Key Rating
Guide. 	 All bonds shall be signed by a Licensed Resident Agent that holds
current Power of Attorney from the surety company issuing the bond.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply_




8.11.5. Default of Commission Payment: If the vendor fails to pay to the STATE
any contractual amount owed as specified in the resultant contract when due and
payable, or fails to perform promptly any of the other covenants or obligations
contained herein, and such default or failure to perform continues for a period of
thirty days after written notice of such failure to payor perform is received by
the vendor, then the STATE will have the right to cancel the contract and
proceed against the Commission Guarantee Bond.
Gl"L Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply_


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

..... IL.



Insurance: The vendor shall possess at a minimum the following types of
insurance and in the amounts indicated:
Commercial General Liability
Worker's Compensation/Employer's Liability

$ 500,000

GTl Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. Please see GTL Attachment 3.
Sample Certificate of Insurance.

The vendor shall insure all equipment associated with the ITB and will not hold
the STATE responsible for theft, loss, or damage to any equipment.
GTl Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.


Conversion: The winning vendor must convert at no cost to the STATE, 

all existing inmate and public pay telephones, equipment, and facilities 

(Le., circuits and wiring). The STATE will not be responsible for any 

costs associated with conversion. 

GTl Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. At no cost to the STATE GTL will
convert all existing inmate and public pay telephones, equipment, and facility circuits, wiring,
etc. required for the conversion to GTL's platform.

9. Current Environment:
9.1. Inmate Population:
The Alabama Department of Corrections has an average daily population of24,000.
GTl Response: GTL has read and understands.

9.2. Public Payphone Inventory
Attachment A contains an inventory listing of public pay phones at state agency
locations. This listing also includes any coin telephones at DOC locations. This
information is provided to assist vendors in preparing their bids and is based on the most
current information available. No representation is made that this information is complete
and accurate.
GTl Response: GTL has read and understands.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

..... I L

9.3. Department of Corrections (DOC) Inmate Telephone Inventory
Attachment B contains an inventory listing of inmate telephones at the Department of
Corrections facilities (Correctional Facilities and Work Release Centers). This information is
provided to assist vendors in preparing their bids and is based on the most current
information available. No representation is made that this information is complete and
GTL Response: GTL has read and understands.

9.4. Revenue Summary
Attachment C is a summary of inmate and payphone revenue from April 2006 through
July 2006. These are the actual total revenues generated by the calls placed (not just the
STATE's commission amount).
GTL Response: GTL has read and understands.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
lnmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006








Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006




10. Administrative Requirements:

Productive Use Requirements
The objective of the Productive Use Requirements is to protect the STATE from
being the test site for new telephone hardware, software and enhanced services.
All proposed services must have a record of proven performance.

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. All of the equipment and services
proposed by Global Tel Link (GTL) have proven records of performance.
LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System
GTL's integrated LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System currently serves the
telecommunication needs of more than 50% or all DOC inmates, and of inmates in 21 of the 40
largest counties in the United States.
Public Pay Telephones
GTL's current Public Telephone Accounts include:

City of Philadelphia
~FK Airport
LaGuardia Airport
Miami Airport
Miami-Dade County
Newark Airport
Philadelphia Airport
Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport
Port Authority of New York/New Jersey
State of Indiana
State of North Carolina



The State of Alabama and the Alabama Department of Corrections are protected by selecting
GTL's proven hardware, software, and enhanced services to address the needs for public and
inmate telephone services.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



10.1.1. Customer In-Use
The purpose of the Customer In-Use requirement is to ensure that
telephone equipment and related services of the payphone and inmate
telephone service will perform to required specifications in support of this
State program.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies. Our hardware, software, and
enhanced services for both public and inmate telecommunications are currently in use in State
and municipal facilities throughout the United States.

The following requirements are intended to apply to all pay telephones
associated with this ITB. Hardware, wiring and cabling must meet current
National Telephone Industry Association (NTIA) reliability standards.
Enclosures and related materials will meet all applicable standards
identified by the FCC and the Alabama Public Service Commission. Pay
telephones, line access and transmission quality will meet industry
standards and all State and Federal regulations.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies, The equipment, wiring, cabling,
and services provided by GTL are in full compliance with all applicable standards and
regulations, including NTIA, FCC, and the Alabama Public Service Commission,

Pay telephones and associated enclosures must comply with all applicable
Federal, State and local laws, rules and regulations concerning use of such
telephones by disabled persons and the hearing impaired.


GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies. Pay telephones and associated
enclosures provided by GTL comply with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, rules and
regulations concerning use of such telephones by disabled persons and the hearing impaired,

Modifications or updates to services provided which offer improvements
or additional features may be allowed. However, any modifications or
updates must be approved by the STATE prior to actual telephone
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



IL. 	 Pay Telephone (coin or coinless) Hardware: Each type of hardware
component installed by a vendor under the terms and conditions of this
ITB must have been installed and in productive use, in substantially the
configuration proposed, by a customer external to the vendor's
organization, for at least six (6) months prior to the bid submission date
for this ITB.

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies.


I 	 Other Hardware: Enclosures, and other hardware external to the
actual pay telephone instrument, must have been installed and in
productive use by a customer external to the vendor's organization, for at
least six (6) months prior to the bid submission date for this ITB.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies.

I, 	 Pay Telephone (coin or coinless) Software: Programmable software
residing in each telephone proposed by the vendor in response to this ITB
must have been installed and in productive use, by a paying customer
external to the vendor's organization, for at least six (6) months prior to
the bid submission date for this ITB.

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies. 	 Other Software: Other software means any software in operation for
the purpose of data gathering; maintenance and reports related to, but not
limited to, coin collection, call detail information, revenue/commission,
and other related business activities. Each item of software, other than
that residing in the telephone, proposed by the vendor in response to this
ITB must have been installed and in productive use, in substantially the
configuration proposed, for a customer external to the vendor's
organization, for at least three (3) months prior to the bid due date for this
ITB. The singular exception to this requirement is report software that
may require development for the express purpose of providing reports
specific to, and required by, the State of Alabama.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies.




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006




10.1.2. Equipment Reliability and Maintainability Information 	 For purposes of this ITB, the vendor will supply statistical data
pertaining to the reliability and maintainability of the proposed telephone
equipment. The vendor, in response to this ITB, must include information
regarding diagnostics and methods for detecting out-of-service conditions
and full coin-in-box conditions.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies.

Public Telephone 

Equipment Reliability and Maintainability 

Of the current 1,000 payphones currently owned and maintained by GTL's subcontractor, Talton
Communications, Inc., within the State of Alabama, 92% of the maintenance problems are
repaired within 24 hours; 99% are addressed within 48 hours.

Diagnostics and Out-of-Service Detection: All of the payphones will be contacted via Talton's
central computer twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays). The information garnered in the
diagnostics are: increases in coin count, long distance calls, and software stability. Three
reports are then generated. The first is a daily activity report showing the location and the daily
coin totals. The second report shows all payphones that contain over $100 (The maximum a
payphone box will hold is $200). The final shows payphones that did not answer the computer
or show zero revenue since the last polling. The latter is investigated first by determining if the
payphone is a low revenue phone. For example, if the payphone were a $5.00 per day phone
and did zero revenue from Friday through Sunday, then there is likely a problem and a service
ticket is opened.
Also see EXHIBIT C. Installation and Maintenance.

Inmate Telephone System 

Equipment Reliability and Maintainability 

In real time, GTL continuously monitors the overall health and call processing ability of the
LazerPhone platform through a program known as Site Client. The Site Client program resides
in Mobile, AI and queries first the health of the network. Should the program fail to reach the
institution, alerts are sent to GTL's NSS and Technical Support Teams. Upon receipt of
notification, support personnel will attempt to determine the point of failure. Once determined,
trouble reports are generated.
Secondly, Site Client monitors the health of the LazerPhone controller. Key programs contained
in the LazerPhone Kernel are checked to insure they are running properly. In addition, services,
running on the controller, are also queried as to their health. As with a local area network issue,
notification is sent to GTL's NSS and Technical Support Teams. Diagnostic and restoration of
service begins upon notification
GTL strives for a 99.995% up time associated with the LAN Connections to the LazerPhone
equipment. This is achieved through GTL's Site Monitor program which, manages, monitors
and maintains all connectivity to the Local Area Network (LAN). These self-testing procedures



Global Te1*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 01-X-2 I10936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006

are automatically performed every two minutes. Should a system peripheral fail a diagnostic
test, lazerPhone automatically generates both a trouble ticket in the form of an email and a
visual alert on the site monitor at GTl's Technical Support Center, in Mobile, AL. In addition to
the site monitor alarm, automatic emails are generated to all Technical Support Team leads,
alerting them of the condition affecting an institution.
All GTl LAN connections are configured to provide 100mbps for data transmission. GTl
manages the configuration to a less than 40% capacity. Errors become present should the
utilization increase beyond 40%.
Site Monitor tests and log the connectivity to the"following LAN Connections:
• 	 Site Router: Should the router fail to respond, Site Client immediately provides alerts to the
GTl Technical Support Center and Team lea
• 	 System Controller: Site Client attempts three times to connect to the system controller via
different paths each time. Should this communication fail, alerts are provided as described
• 	 Mass Storage Server: Site Client attempts three times to connect to the mass storage server
via different paths each time. Should this communication fail, alerts are provided as
described above.
• 	 lazerPhone System Workstation: Site Client can ensure connectivity of the system
workstation. Usually, alarms are not set for workstations, as in most cases workstations are
turned off after facility administration depart the institution.
Also see EXHIBIT C. Installation and Maintenance. 	 The vendor will include, with the above, a narrative describing the
quality control and reliability program currently in operation within the
company that manufactures the proposed telephones and within the
bidding company's organization (including subcontractors).

GTl Response: GTl has read, understands, and complies.
Public Telephor:-e
Quality Control and Reliability



All of the payphones will be contacted via Talton's central computer twice a week (Mondays and
Thursdays). The information garnered in the diagnostics are: increases in coin count, long
distance calls, and software stability. Three reports are then generated. The first is a daily
activity report showing the location and the daily coin totals. The second report shows all
payphones that contain over $100 (The maximum a payphone box will hold is $200). The final
shows payphones that did not answer the computer or show zero revenue since the last polling.
The latter is investigated first by determining if the payphone is a low revenue phone. For
example, if the payphone were a $5.00 per day phone and did zero revenue from Friday
through Sunday, then there is likely a problem and a service ticket is opened.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Publie Payphones
October 25, 2006


Inmate Telephone System 

Quality Control and Reliability 

Global Tel Link (GTL) is manufacturer and sole distributor of our LazerPhone Inmate Telephone
System. We help ensure quality and reliability by our equipment and services by starting with
the highest quality components and materials.
Equipment Design and Certification
Global Tel*Link's telephone and telephony equipment is manufactured to meet or exceed
industry standards. Telephone units are FCC registered and in compliance with ADA
Installation Check Lists and System Burn-In
A set of extensive checklists are used to ensure the proper installation of the State's
LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System. Installation includes a "burn in" process, during which
test calls are made from inmate telephones to check connectivity, audio quality, call verification
mechanisms, on-site record creation, storage and retrieval, and automatic call record transmittal
to Global Tel*Link's central database.
Real Time Network Monitoring
LazerPhone performs continuous on-line self-diagnostics. Should a system component fail a
diagnostic test, LazerPhone automatically generates a trouble ticket in the form of an email to
Global Tel*Link's Technical Support Center. In most cases, problems are diagnosed and
resolved before facility personnel are aware that a problem existed.
In real time, GTL monitors the overaU health and call processing ability of the LazerPhone
platform through a program known as Site Client. The Site Client program resides in Mobile, AL
and queries first the health of the network. Should the program fail to reach the institution,
alerts are sent to GTL's NSS and Technical Support Teams. Upon receipt of notification,
support personnel will attempt to determine the point of failure. Once determined, trouble
reports are generated.
Secondly, Site Client monitors the health of the LazerPhone controller. Key programs contained
in the LazerPhone Kernel are checked to insure they are running properly. In addition, services,
running on the controller, are also queried as to their health. As with a local area network issue,
notification is sent to GTL's NSS and Technical Support Teams. Diagnostic and restoration of
service begins upon notification
GTL strives for a 99.995% up time associated with the LAN Connections to the LazerPhone
equipment. This is achieved through GTL's Site Monitor program which, manages, monitors
and maintains all connectivity to the Local Area Network (LAN). These self-testing procedures
are automatically performed every two minutes. Should a system peripheral fail a diagnostiC
test, LazerPhone automatically generates both a trouble ticket in the form of an email and a
visual alert on the site monitor at GTL's Technical Support Center, in Mobile, AL. In addition to
the site monitor alarm, automatic emails are generated to all Technical Support Team Leads,
alerting them of the condition affecting an institution.
All GTL LAN connections are configured to provide 100mbps for data transmission. GTL
manages the configuration to a less than 40% capacity. Errors become present should the
utilization increase beyond 40%.
Site Monitor tests and log the connectivity to the following LAN Connections:


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



Site Router: Should the router fail to respond, Site Client immediately provides alerts to
the GTL Technical Support Center and Team Lead.


System Controller: Site Client attempts three times to connect to the system controller
via different paths each time. Should this communication fail, alerts are provided as
described above.


Mass Storage Server: Site Client attempts three times to connect to the mass storage
server via different paths each time. Should this communication fail, alerts are provided
as described above.


LazerPhone System Workstation: Site Client can ensure connectivity of the system
workstation. Usually, alarms are not set for workstations, as in most cases workstations
are turned off after facility administration depart the institution.

Our Network Center monitors all capabilities between sites and DOC Headquarters in
Montgomery inter-office DS1 and higher facilities 24X7 and generates trouble tickets to the
Central Offices as needed. We perform network monitoring at many levels.
GTL relies on the inherent quality of BeliSouth relative to the build out of their WAN serving the
institution across Alabama. Sellsouth's Network Reliability Center monitors all inter-office
DSO and higher speed connections 24x7x365 and generates trouble tickets to the Central
Offices as needed. BeliSouth performs network monitoring at many levels depending on the
type facilities serving the individual site. They also maintain Sonet Network monitoring
24X7x365 through their Sonet Center to the correctional facilities across Alabama.
Daily Performance Level Monitoring

Changes in call traffic, that might indicate subtle problems, are identified through daily
performance level reports. These reports measure items such as number of completed calls,
number of call attempts, daily revenue and number of validation attempts. Historical data
gathered form Global Tel*Link's extensive installed customer base has allowed Global Tel*Link
to build a sophisticated measurement model. This model is used to compare actual data from
antiCipated data. Thresholds that are exceeded or fall short of expectations are reported daily to
our Customer Service department. Global Tel*Link is capable of adjusting the measurement
model on an installation-by-installation basis to ensure accurate problem reporting. In most
cases, a problem is detected and resolved before the facility is aware that a problem has
Billing Process Test Calls

Global Tel*Link's ability to accurately report the State's commission and percentage of sales is
greatly enhanced by the fact that LazerPhone operates automatically in a dynamiC, real-time
environment. Call records are created and downloaded to Global Tel*Link's central processing
center in real time, as inmate calls are placed and completed. Each incoming call record is
immediately evaluated and formated, electronically, for billing (not batched for later processing),
then re-checked for formate accuracy and transmitted via electronic media to the appropriate
LEC or billing agent. This completely automated process eliminates the possibility of human
error. In turn, human eyes at Global Tel*Link watch for electonic errors. Our MIS department
frequently places "test calls" and tracks the resulting call records through the entire process to
insure they are properly routed, rated, formatted, processed, and billed.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Personnel in Global Tel*Link's Technical Support Department conduct a monthly Customer
Satisfaction Survey, in which facility administrators are asked to rank overall system
performance and Global Tel*Link's service.
Factory Authorized Service

All technical maintenance and problem-resolution for the LazerPhone system is performed
under the direct supervision of Global Tel*Link, the manufacturer of LazerPhone. Every
LazerPhone site is assigned to a Global Tel*Link Technical Support Engineer, who will be
personally responsible at all times for the satisfactory resolution of problems with the
LazerPhone system. 	 The vendor will include, with the above, information regarding credit
card authorization, method of data storage of billing information, transfer
of this data to billing agent (if applicable), and assurances of billing
accuracy. Vendor must also describe their billing system for preparing
bills to the calling or called party and the involvement of a LEe or a third
party in the billing process.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies.

Public Call Billing
As public calls are made and completed, call details are recorded in the telephone's internal
database. Records for non-coin calls are immediately transmitted in real time to the call
database of GTL's 0+ carrier for processing and billing.


Nightly, each public telephone is polled and all records (for both coin and non-coin calls) are
downloaded to GTL's Public Administration Decision Database (PADD), which is GTL's
system for reporting revenue and usage of public phones.

Inmate Call Billing
GTL's ability to accurately report the STATE's commission is greatly enhanced by the fact that
the LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System operates automatically in a dynamic, real-time
environment. After a called party actively indicates acceptance of an inmate's call, LazerPhone
begins the "billing" process by recording the cost of the call, based on the agreed upon rates for
the call type, in the call detail record.
As inmate calls are placed and completed, call records are created and downloaded to Global
Tel*Link's central processing center in real time. Each incoming call record is electronically
evaluated, rated, and formatted immediately for billing (not batched for later processing), then
re-checked for format accuracy and transmitted via electronic media to the appropriate LEC or
billing agent. This completely automated process eliminates the possibility of human error. In
turn, human eyes at GTL watch for electronic errors. Our MIS department frequently places "test
calls" and tracks the resulting call records through the entire automated process to insure they
are properly routed, rated, formatted, processed, and billed.
GTL has a billing arrangement with BeliSouth, the major local exchange carrier in Alabama, and
it is anticipated that the majority of calls will be billed though this carrier. For those customers



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07·X·2I70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


who do not subscribe to services through the dominant LEG, we offer customers several
options, including being billed through a billing clearing house and our automated AdvancePay
system that allows called parties to establish a prepaid account using a VISA or Mastercard. 	 The STATE must be assured, prior to award of contract, that the
equipment offered is of proven reliability. If, during the evaluation
process, the STATE is unable to assure itself of the proposed equipment's
reliability, the STATE has the option of requesting from the vendor any
information which the STATE deems necessary to determine equipment
and service reliability.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and agrees.

10.1.3. Vendor Responsibilities 	 The successful vendor(s) will provide all material and labor
necessary to install, test and implement each payphone and inmate
telephone service(s), at no cost to the STATE.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. At no cost to the STATE GTL
provides all material and labor necessary to install, test, implement, and maintain each public
and inmate phone service we propose.· 	 Successful vendor will bear the full cost of installing, providing, and
maintaining telephone line access services to each public payphone and
inmate telephone site. This includes all responsibility for provision of
associated cable and conduit and any attendant costs thereof.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. 	 Services must be installed and implemented in a manner and a time
frame designed to minimize disruption of the normal functioning of
STATE activities. Service affecting cutovers will be scheduled in
advance with the facility manager and ISD. Cutovers at Correctional
facilities will take place during the day due to limited staff at night.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. GTL will provide a tested and
fully functioning inmate telephone system within the agreed upon time frame. Our installation
and changeover procedures are carefully designed to maximize efficiency of installation and
minimize disruption of inmate telephone service.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



J 	 The vendor will be responsible for restoration of STATE
PROPERTY premises in cases where defacement or damage occurs as a
result of equipment installation, removal, trenching, or burying of cable.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. 	 The vendor will be responsible for coordinating all service required
from the local telephone company. The vendor will also be responsible
for all charges related to telephone company service provision.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. We accept full responsibility for
charges and coordinating services required from the local telephone company.

GTL and the BeliSouth Alabama Operations have teamed to provide a responsive and timely
service delivery program for local access and long distance facilities throughout the State.
Activities have been completed between the companies to facilitate a 7/24/365 help desk and
trouble reporting procedure for all facilities w:;ed by GTL to service the DOC. This arrangement
puts GTL in direct control of the "last mile" connections and network performance of the data
and voice circuits used by the LazerPhone platform. Systems and processes have been in place
for at least three years.
As you know, BellSouth is the major telecommunications company in Alabama and possess
many unique capabilities to provide superior service. GTL is proud to be able to leverage these
capabilities for the DOC.

BeliSouth Regional IP Backbone (BRTN/BRIB) Overview
BellSouth has deployed one of the most resilient, high-speed MPLS networks in the Southeast.
This network, referred to as the BellSouth Regional Internet Backbone (BRIB), consists of five
high-speed IPOPs (interconnection points of presence) with multiple Tier-1 and Tier-2 BMFs
(BellSouth Managed Facilities) connected via OC-x connections.
IPOPs are located in Atlanta, Atlanta East Point, Boca Raton, Miami, and New Orleans. Each
IPOP is connected via multiple circuits to dual Tier-1 Internet backbone transit providers and/or
peering partners. Typically located in larger markets, Tier-1 BMFs support service aggregation.
For redundancy, each Tier-1 BMF is connected to two different IPOPs. These connections in
the BRIB are established via independent, physically diverse routes and facilities (minimum OC­
3). Located in smaller markets, Tier 2 BMFs also support service aggregation. For redundancy,
each Tier-2 BMF is connected to a Tier-1 BMF via independent, physically diverse routes and
facilities (minimum OC-3).
BellSouth not only has the infrastructure but also the support personnel and tools to exceed
your requirements. BellSouth carefully monitors the capacity of the interconnection circuits to
ensure uniform bandwidth through the network. BellSouth's capacity management policy
dictates that the circuits connecting the core nodes will not exceed 50% capacity. It is this
capacity planning that ensures 100% of customer traffic will be accommodated in the unlikely
event of an inter-nodal link failure. The philosophy of over-engineering, coupled with strict
capacity planning and management, will help ensure that all of your entities will receive the
highest levels of service possible.




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

As shown in the following Errorl Reference source not found., the BRIB is the result of the
consolidation of 38 IntraLATA IP networks into one core network, enabling BeliSouth to maintain
control of traffic from end-to-end,
Regional Map


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Figure 1: BeUSouth Regional IP Backbone (DRIB)

As part of the overall BRIB design, stringent diversity guidelines have been established
throughout the network to help ensure that no single point of failure will compromise the
network. In the event of a "catastrophic event" (where a circuit is disabled), the diverse mated
circuit (or alternate route) is designed to remain active with enough capacity to reroute and
maintain traffic flows. Simply stated, once the customer's traffic reaches the BRIB, there is
complete and total redundancy all the way to the global Internet.
Diversity guidelines apply to all types of circuit groups within the BRIB (BMF-to-BMF, BMF-to­
IPOP, IPOP-to-IPOP, and IPOP-to-globallnternet).
The IPOP-to-global Internet design of BRIB offers several important benefits:

» 	Connectivity

to dual Global Service Providers (GSP) helps ensure network quality
Flexibility to negotiate agreements with other GSPs as needed

» 	 Diverse routing for improved reliability
» 	 Formal private peering arrangements

for added control and greater performance


» 	 Packet-over-SONET connectivity ensuring improved performance

Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



Stringent diversity guidelines have been established throughout the BeliSouth Regional IP
Backbone (BRIB) to help ensure that no single point of failure will compromise the network,
Should a circuit become disabled, the diverse mated circuit (or alternate route) should remain
active with sufficient capacity to reroute and maintain traffic. Once a customer's traffic has
reached the BRIB, there is redundancy all the way to the global Internet.
Redundancy has been established between all IPOPs, Tier 1 BMFs, and Tier 2 BMFs. Each
facility has been engineered with both circuiUpath and network element redundancy, so failure
of a single network transport facility will not disrupt customer service on the BRIB. The
architecture is designed to deliver availability in excess of 99.999%.

10.2. Installation and Maintenance
10.2.1. General
The vendor will provide the necessary labor, parts, materials, and
transportation to maintain all proposed telephone and related services
equipment in good working order and in compliance with the equipment
manufacturer's specifications throughout the life of the contract, at no cost
to the STATE,
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. Please see EXHIBIT C.
Installation and Maintenance.

The vendor must maintain all pay phones (inmate and public), related
equipment, and any wiring and software required and provided under this
contract, in good working order,
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. Please see EXHIBIT C.
Installation and Maintenance.

The vendor will provide telephone equipment personnel who have been
trained and qualified on the equipment and software to be serviced and/or
certified by the equipment manufacturer if such certification is required by
the manufacturer,
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. Our maintenance personnel,
both remote and on-site are factory trained and certified technicians, capable of maintaining and
repairing both the telephones and computer systems. Local technicians possess the required
level of knowledge relating to TELCO network, electronic circuits and wiring standards. They are
trained to diagnose, repair and adjust telephone and ancillary equipment to ensure optimal
performance and minimal down time. Our technicians are also trained and equipped to handle
field repairs of the network at the modular level.
Working under the supervision of GTL
network technical support, they perform indicated module or card exchanges and/or
replacements. They are trained in the fabrication and testing of LAN interconnecting cables and
have the proper equipment to repair and test them.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006







10.2.2. Problem/Solution

The vendor will be responsible for detennining whether a line access
failure is the fault of the local exchange carrier (LEC). the interexchange
carrier's (IXC). or the provider's equipment. If the vendor(s) detennines
that the telephone company is at fault, then the vendor will contact the
telephone company and negotiate the desired services. If the failure is
detennined to be the fault of the vendor's equipment (hardware, software
or wiring), the problem will be corrected by the vendor. The vendor will
be held accountable to isolate and correct all failures involving 20% or
more of the telephones at any single location within four (4) hours and
failures involving fewer than 20% within 24 hours.

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.
GTL and the BellSouth Alabama Operations have teamed to provide a responsive and timely
service delivery program for local access and long distance facilities throughout the State.
Activities have been completed between the companies to facilitate a 7/24/365 help desk and
trouble reporting procedure for all facilities used by GTL to service the DOC. This arrangement
puts GTL in direct control of the "last mile" connections and network performance of the data
and voice circuits used by the LazerPhone platform.
GTL accepts full responsibility for determining the cause of any all line access failure. Both GTL
and BeliSouth have extensive diagnostic tools to pinpoint the sources of problems and the
resources to restore service quickly.
Our standard response and problem resolution times for the inmate telephone system are listed
below. For greater details and escalation procedures see at EXHIBIT C. Installation and
Maintenance and EXHIBIT D. Problem Resolution.
Priority 1 --- 50% or more of the service at a single site or housing unit is out of service, any
call processor or node failure, any failure in call restriction functions or any other condition that
renders the system incapable of performing all its normal functions.
Response time is less than thirty (30) minutes 

Resolution time is less than three (3) hours without site visit. 

Resolution time is less than five (5) hours with a site visit. 

Status update to customer every two (2) hours or as requested. 

Priority 2 -.,.- 25%-50% of the service at a single site or housing unit is out of service or any
device that has an impact on the sites ability to conduct normal business
Response time is less than one (1) hour. 

Resolution time is less than four (4) hours without site visit. 

Resolution time is less than eight (8) hours with a site visit. 

Status update to customer every four (4) hours or as customer requests. 

Priority 3 --- 0% - 25% of the service at a single site or housing unit is out of service, local
exchange or area code issues or PIN administrative issues that have a limited impact on ability
to conduct normal business


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006




Response time is less than one (1) hour, 

Resolution time is less than eight (8) hours without a site visit. 

Resolution time is less than twelve (12) hours with a site visit. 

Status update to customer every day or as requested, 

Priority 4 --- items that are on a software fix list or related to administrative issues that are
informational or non service affecting conditions or not business critical. These may also
include proactive sweeps, administrative reports and monitoring.
Response time is less than four (4) business hours. 

Resolution time is less than twelve (12) business hours w/o site visit. 

Resolution time is less than twenty-four (24) business hours with site visit. 

Status update to customer upon request. 

In the event that a problem cannot be solved in these time frames, the
vendor must contact the state agency involved for the problem location
and propose a plan to correct the problem. The proposed solution must
meet with the satisfaction of the STATE.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

10.2.3. Warranties
The vendor warrants that the equipment and software when installed will
be in good working order and that the vendor will repair or replace
malfunctioning equipment and return it to good working order whenever
required. Equipment may not be out of service for more than 24 hours
without notifying the STATE.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and hereby warrants that all equipment and
software will be in good working order when installed and that GTL will repair or replace
malfunctioning equipment as needed. The STATE will be notified if equipment is out of service
for more than 24 hours.

10.2.4. Certification of Acceptance
Vendor must notify the STATE five (5) working days prior to an area
being cutover.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

The vendor will ensure that the services installed have been thoroughly
tested and made ready for use. Installation will not be considered
satisfactorily completed until the vendor receives written notification from
the STATE that the installation has been accepted and that the installed
system or service is working properly. If the system or service is not
accepted by the STATE after a thirty (30) day test period, the STATE may
extend the test period for an additional fifteen (15) days, or terminate the


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


contract for default. The conversion of the remaining facilities may start
prior to the end of the test period, based on how successful the first
installation is.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

The vendor will be responsible for preventive maintenance as may be
required by the equipment manufacturer and as necessary to maintain the
levels of services proposed and required by the Invitation-to-Bid.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. Preventive maintenance
procedures that will be employed for both public phones and the LazerPhone Inmate Telephone
System are detailed at EXHIBIT C. Installation and Maintenance.

10.2.5. Cleaning
The vendor will be responsible for ensuring that all payphones (inmate and
public), booths, and enclosures are cleaned and sanitized as needed. A cleaning
of each telephone, enclosure, or booth should occur once every twelve months.
GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. GTL's subcontractor, Talton
Communications, will be responsible for ensuring that all public payphones, booths, and
enclosures are cleaned and sanitized as needed.
Each payphone will be visited a least once per quarter, regardless of the revenue generated. At
that time, the location will be closely examined by the technician for any problems. Each
technician carries full supply of anti-graffiti cleansers and blue telephone spot paint. If it is
determined that a problem needs to be corrected, the technician won't leave the premises until
the problem is corrected.

The vendor will remove, when necessary, all fingerprints, graffiti, stickers,
posters, litter, insects, dust and dirt from each telephone and from a three
(3) foot radius surrounding the telephone exclusive of private property.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. Each payphone will be visited a
least once per quarter, regardless of the revenue generated. At that time, the location will be
closely examined by the technician for any problems. Each technician carries full supply of anti­
graffiti cleansers and blue telephone spot paint. If it is determined that a problem needs to be
corrected, the technician won't leave the premises until the problem is corrected.

The vendor must provide with the bid, a plan for maintaining the area
around the payphone for purposes ofcleanliness and aesthetics.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies. Please refer to EXHIBIT C.
Installation and Maintenance.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


10.2.6. Miscellaneous
The vendor will inform the STATE immediately upon any occurrence of
an unusual nature that may result in prolonged (more than 4 hours) or
serious (more than 20% of equipment) service interruption. The vendor
will perform any work requiring prolonged or serious service interruption
at a time which will cause minimum disruption to the users in agreement
with the designated STATE representative and at a time mutually agreed
upon by the vendor and the STATE.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. Please see EXHIBIT C.
Installation and Maintenance.

The vendor's repair services will be available at the payphone and inmate
sites 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The only exception to this
requirement may be, on an individual location basis, where 24 hour access
is restricted and where this access restriction is beyond the control of the
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. Please refer to EXHIBIT C.
Installation and Maintenance.

10.2.7. FraudlfheftlBad Debt 

The STATE will bear no responsibility for fraudulent calls. 

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply, GTL assumes full responsibility
for any loses due to fraudulent calls.

The STATE will bear no responsibility for theft of funds; and furthermore,
no stolen or lost funds or fraudulent call billings will be deducted from
revenues on which commissions are paid to the STATE.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. No deductions of any kind will be
applied to the revenues on which commissions are paid to the STATE.

Vendor will not deduct any revenue from the STATE's commissions for
bad debt.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. No bad debt loses will be
deducted from the revenues on which commissions are paid to the STATE.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



10.2.S. UnbillablelUncoUectible Calls
The STATE will bear no responsibility for unbillable or uncollectible
calls. Unbillable or uncollectible calls may not be deducted from gross
revenues on which commissions are paid to the STATE.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. No loses due to unbillable or
uncollectible calls will be deducted from the revenues on which commissions are paid to the


10.3.1. Overview
Vendor must provide to all STATE personnel designated as
telecommunications administrators, infonnation regarding the operation of
equipment and service offered. Training must also encompass methods by
which these State employees can assess their environment and develop a
plan for better placement of pay phones that maximizes usage, services,
commissions, and special agency needs. All training will be done at no
cost to the STATE. Initial training will be required for approximately five
employees at each of the 30 Department of Corrections sites. In addition,
approximately 12 other STATE employees (DOC and ISD) will need to be

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. As the manufacturer of the
LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System, GTL provides highly qualified trainers to teach facility
personnel how to use the administrative and investigative features of the system, at no cost to
the STATE. Please see EXHIBIT G. Training Plan.

10.3.2. Training Plan 	 The vendor must submit a training plan with its bid to be approved by
the STATE. The training plan will define training available to State
personnel both initially and on an as needed basis over the life of the
contract. The times and locations of training will be mutually agreed
upon by the State agency and the vendor. NO TRAINING WILL TAKE
training plan will be required for inmate services.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. GTL provides both initial and
follow-up training, as needed, throughout the life of the contract. Please see EXHIBIT G.
Training Plan. 	 Vendor must, if requested by the Department of Corrections, make its
employees available for any applicable training related to working in and
around correctional facilities. Training date and schedules will be
coordinated by the Department of Corrections.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


t'iooIIIlL 	 All initial training at a location must be completed prior to cut over of
that location.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. Please see EXHIBIT G. Training


Management Information and Reports
The vendor must provide the reports described in "1" through "6" below. The
STATE must be able to view these reports online.

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. Please see EXHIBIT F.
Management Reports.

The vendor report formats must be approved by the STATE. In addition, other
reports must be provided as reasonably required by the STATE. Vendors must
include samples of these reports, identified in 1-6 below, in their bids. All
payphone lines must be reported whether they generated commissions or not. The
STATE requires that all reports be submitted in paper and available online.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. Please see EXHIBIT F.
Management Reports.

10.4.1. Minimum Reporting Requirements for Revenues & Commissions Revenues (separately identified for coin and non-coin revenue) Per telephone (By Location) Per Location (e.g., Building A, B, etc.) Per Accounting Code as supplied by the STATE
(Accounting Code is a ten digit alphanumeric code used by
the Finance Department's Information Service Division to
allocate charges and distribute revenue to the appropriate
state agency. The AU code for Kilby Prison, for example, is
GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. The State of Alabama's revenue from
inmate and public telephone calls will be available in the required formats. Samples of our
standard revenue and commission reports are provided in EXHIBIT F. Management Reports.
Additional reports will be custom formatted for the State. Revenue and commission reports will
be available to the State in hard copy and on-line. Commissions Local Commissions Earned by Account and Total per telephone (by location) per location per Accounting Code as supplied by STATE STATE totals

Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. The State of Alabama's commission from
local calls will be available in the required formats. Samples of our standard revenue and
commission reports are provided in EXHIBIT F. Management Reports. Additional reports will
be custom formatted for the State. Commission reports will be available to the State in hard
copy and on-line. IntraLATA Commissions Earned by Account and Total per telephone (by location) per location per Accounting Code as supplied by STATE STATE totals
GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. The State of Alabama's commission from
IntraLATA calls will be available in the required formats. Samples of our standard revenue and
commission reports are provided in EXHIBIT F. Management Reports. Additional reports will
be custom formatted for the State. Commission reports will be available to the State in hard
copy and on-line. InterLATA Commissions Earned by Account and Total per telephone (by location) per location per Accounting Code as supplied by STATE STATE totals
GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. The State of Alabama's commission from
InterLATA calls will be available in the required formats. Samples of our standard revenue and
commission reports are provided in EXHIBIT F. Management Reports. Additional reports will
be custom formatted for the State. Commission reports will be available to the State in hard
copy and on-line.

Frequency of Reports Monthly Cumulative

GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. Both monthly and cumulative reports will be

Minimum Reporting Requirements for Telephone Data
10.4.2. Calls, Gross Revenues, Minutes of Use (coin and non-coin) Local Intralata Interlata International






Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. Please see a sample of our standard
revenue and commission reports at EXHIBIT F. Management Reporls.


Level of Detail Per telephone by Location Per Location State Total By Accounting Codes as provided by STATE

GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. The State of Alabama's revenue and
commission from inmate and public telephone calls will be reported with the required level of

Frequency of Reports Monthly Cumulative

GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. Both monthly and cumulative reports will be
10.4.3. Service Outage Report

This report will be provided when requested and include the following
information for pay telephones (provided through this contract) that were out
of service for 24 or more continuous hours: (Added per Addendum
1:lnmatelPayphone lTD Specification Modification)

Phone Number
Location of Telephone
Time and date of notification
Time and date of service restoration
Cause of outage

GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. A sample Service Outage Report is
included at EXHIBIT F. Management Reports.

10.4.4. Change of Telephone Numbers
This report will be provided when requested and include the following
information associated with a change in telephone number.

Previous telephone number
Location of telephone
New telephone number
Reason for change

GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. A sample Change of Telephone Number
report is included at EXHIBIT F. Management Reporls.




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



10.4.5. Periodic Inventory
This report will be submitted to the STATE within seven calendar days after
request. It will include a current, complete, and accurate accounting of all
telephones and enclosures by telephone number, by type, and by location
within each building.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. A sample Periodic Inventory
report is included at EXHIBIT F. Management Reports.

10.4.6. Call Cost Detail
For purposes of this report, all calls in,, and are placed at 7:30 pm
on a Friday night and: (Added per Addendum 1: InmatelPayphone ITB Specification
Modification). 	 Detailed Charges for Local call:
Vendor must provide itemized detail of all charges vendor would
pass to the consumer who makes a fifteen (15) minute Local call or
accepts a fifteen (15) minute Local collect call for all rate periods.
Include credit card calls, "1 +", "0+", "00_" calls, inmate collect
calls, inmate pre-paid calls, for the following situations: In MoHtgomery, AL In Birmingham, l'..L In Mobile, AL In Huntsyille, i\L
(Deleted the above and added the following per Addendum 1: InmatelPayphone ITB
Specification Modification). In Montgomery, AL (Originating and destination NPA1NXX =334-215)
GTL Response:
Inmate Collect Call: $2.85 flat
Inmate Prepaid Call: $2.85 flat
Credit Card: $0.80 flat
1+ Call: $0.50 flat
0+ Call: $2.25 flat
00- Call: $2.25 flat In Birmingham, AL (Originating and destination NPAINXX = 205-252)
GTL Response:
Inmate Collect Call: $2.85 flat
Inmate Prepaid Call: $2.85 flat


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2I70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006




Credit Card: $0.80 flat
1+ Call: $0.50 flat
0+ Call: $2.25 flat
00- Call: $2.25 flat In Mobile, AL (Originating and destination NPAlNXX = 251-452)
GTL Response:
Inmate Collect Call: $2.85 flat
Inmate Prepaid Call: $2.85 flat
Credit Card: $0.80 flat
1+ Call: $0.50 flat
0+ Call: $2.25 flat
00- Call: $2.25 flat In Huntsville, AL (Originating and destination NPAINXX = 256-433)
GTL Response:
Inmate Collect Call: $2.85 flat
Inmate Prepaid Call: $2.85 flat
Credit Card: $0.80 flat
1+ Call: $0.50 nat
0+ Call: $2.25 flat
00- Call: $2.25 flat 	 Detailed Charges for IntraLATA call:
Vendor must provide itemized detail of all charges vendor would
pass to the consumer who makes a fifteen (15) minute intraLATA
call or accepts a fifteen (15) minute intraLATA collect call for all
rate periods. Include credit card calls, n 1+", "0+", "00-" calls,
inmate collect calls, inmate pre-paid calls, for the following
situations: From Montgomery, A:L to l\ubHm, AL From 8inningham, AL to Tusealoosa, A:L From Mobile, l\.L to Dothan, AL From Hantsville, l\L to Masele Shoals, AL
(Deleted the above and added the following per Addendum 1: InmatelPayphone lTD
Specification Modification).




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

G IL From Montgomery, AL (334-215) to Auburn, AL (334-844)
GTL Response:


Inmate Collect Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.1275 per minute Total Call Cost: $4.16
Inmate Prepaid Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.1275 per minute = Total Call Cost $4.16
Credit Card: $0.80 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute = Total Call Cost $3.20
1+ Call: $1.00 first 4 minutes and $0.25 each additional = Total Call Cost $3.75
0+ Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute = Total Call Cost $4.65
00- Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $4.65

= From Birmingham, AL (205-252) to Tuscaloosa, AL (205-758)
GTL Response:
Inmate Collect Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.1275 per minute =Total Call Cost: $4.16
Inmate Prepaid Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.1275 per minute Total Call Cost $4.16
Credit Card: $0.80 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $3.20
1+ Call: $1.00 first 4 minutes and $0.25 each additional = Total Call Cost $3.75
0+ Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute = Total Call Cost $4.65
00- Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute = Total Call Cost $4.65



~ From Mobile, AL (251-452) to Dothan, AL (334-793)
GTL Response: This call is rated as an Interlata call in the 158 mileage band.


Inmate Collect Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.30 per minute Total Call Cost $6.75
Inmate Prepaid Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.30 per minute Total Call Cost $6.75
Credit Card: $0.80 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $3.20
1+ Call: $1.00 first 4 minutes and $0.25 each additional =Total Call Cost $3.75
0+ Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $4.65
00- Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $4.65



= From Huntsville, AL (256-433) to Muscle Shoals, AL (256-331)
GTL Response:
Inmate Collect Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.1320 per minute = Total Call Cost: $4.23
nmate Prepaid Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.1320 per minute = Total Call Cost $4.23
Credit Card: $0.80 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $3.20
1+ Call: $1.00 first 4 minutes and $0.25 each additional Total Call Cost $3.75
0+ Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $4.65
00- Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $4.65






Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

Ii'iIIIIIIL 	 Detailed Charges for InterLATA call:
Vendor must provide itemized detail of all charges vendor would
pass to the consumer who makes a fifteen (15) minute interLATA
call or accepts a fifteen (15) minute interLATA collect call for all
rate periods. Include credit card calls, "1 +", "0+", "00-" calls,
inmate collect calls, inmate pre-paid calls, for the following
10.4.'.a.l. From :Montgomery, AL to Birmingham, AL
lO.4.,.a.l. From Birmingham, AL to Dothan, AL
lO.4.'.a.a. From :Mobile, l\.L to :Montgomery, AL
10.4.'.a.4. From Huntsville, AL to A,ueurn, AL
(Deleted the above and added the following per Addendum 1: Inmate/Payphone ITB
Specification Modification). From Montgomery, AL (334-215) to Birmingham, AL (205-252)
GTL Response:


Inmate Collect Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.30 per minute Total Call Cost $6.75 

Inmate Prepaid Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.30 per minute Total Call Cost $6.75 

Credit Card: $0.80 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute = Total Call Cost $3.20 

1+ Call: $1.00 first 4 minutes and $0.25 each additional Total Call Cost $3.75 

0+ Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $4.65 

00- Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $4.65 



= From Birmingham, AL (205-252) to Dothan, AL (334-793)
GTL Response:


Inmate Collect Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.30 per minute Total Call Cost $6.75 

Inmate Prepaid Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.30 per minute Total Call Cost $6.75 

Credit Card: $0.80 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute = Total Call Cost $3.20 

1+ Call: $1.00 first 4 minutes and $0.25 each additional = Total Call Cost $3.75 

0+ Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $4.65 

00- Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $4.65 


= From Mobile, AL (251-452) to Montgomery, AL (334-215)
GTL Response:


Inmate Collect Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.30 per minute Total Call Cost $6.75
Inmate Prepaid Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.30 per minute = Total Call Cost $6.75
Credit Card: $0.80 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $3.20
1+ Call: $1.00 first 4 minutes and $0.25 each additional = Total Call Cost $3.75
0+ Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute = Total Call Cost $4.65
00- Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $4.65




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


~IL. From Huntsville, AL (256-433) to Auburn, AL (334-844)
GTL Response:


Inmate Collect Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.30 per minute Total Call Cost $6.75
Inmate Prepaid Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.30 per minute Total Call Cost $6.75
Credit Card: $0.80 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute Total Call Cost $3.20
1+ Call: $1.00 first 4 minutes and $0.25 each additional Total Call Cost $3.75
0+ Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute = Total Call Cost $4.65
00- Call: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.16 per minute = Total Call Cost $4.65




The detailed charges infonnation outlined in 10.4.6 above, must be included
in the vendor's bid response and as requested by the STATE throughout the
contract period within seven working days of request.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies. Please detailed charges for local,
IntraLATA, and IntraLATA calls at EXHIBIT F. Management Reports. Detailed charges will be
provided to the STATE upon request throughout the contract period.


New Area CodeslDialing Changes
The Vendor is responsible for making any hardware or software changes
necessary to implement Alabama's new area code, other new area codes, or any
dialing pattern changes. These changes must be made and implemented on the
date of implementation as set by the Regional Exchange companies.

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. GTL subscribes to a monitoring
service which provides daily updates to area code changes and additions as well as new
exchanges. This service allows GTL's Billing Department to upload these changes and
additions into the LazerPhone rating and routing fries so that inmates may place calls to new or
changed area codes and exchanges.


Rates, Charges and FCCIPSC Compliance
10.6.1. Answer Supervision
Billing/charges for pay telephone use must begin at the time of call
completion. Users will not be billed for incomplete calls (e.g., network
intercept recordings, busy signals and no-answers). This applies to direct­
dialed calls and operator-assisted calls.

GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. Billing for both inmate and public phone
calls begins at the time of call completion. Users are not billed for incomplete calls of any type.

10.6.2. FCC and PSC Compliance

Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25. 2006



The vendor and all subcontractors will comply with all current applicable
FCC and PSC rules and regulations throughout the term of the Contract.


GTl Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.


Unprofitable Pay Telephones 

Pay telephones installed by the vendor may be reviewed by the vendor(s) for 

profitability every twelve months. When the gross total revenues generated as a 

result of the placement and usage of the telephone do not cover the vendor's 

expenses, the vendor(s) may petition the STATE for relocation of the telephone. 

In each case, the decision of the STATE will be final. The STATE may require a 

limited number of pay telephones to be placed in selected locations for
convenience, safety, or security -- regardless of revenue generating potential.

GTl Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

10.8. Other Administrative Requirements
10.8.1. Subcontractor Requirements
The vendor awarded the contract will be responsible for coordinating and
controlling all aspects of the contract, including support to be provided by
any subcontractor and/or secondary contractors, and will be the sole point
of contact with the STATE relative to contract performance.


GTl Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. GTL assumes full responsibility
for all aspects of the State of Alabama's Project.



Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006



10.S.2. Subcontractor List
Each participating vendor must submit with the bid a list of proposed
subcontractors. The scope and function of each subcontractor must be
described in detail.
GTL Response: GTL understands, and complies. GTL and Bel/South have partnered for the
provision of telephone network services. GTL will subcontract Talton Communications. Inc. for
the provision of public telephone installation, maintenance, and coin collection and with Legacy
Long Distance International. Inc. for operator services and as the carrier of public phone call
traffic. GTL accepts full responsibility for all subcontracted work.

GTL and the BeliSouth have teamed to provide a responsive and timely service delivery
program for local access and long distance facilities throughout the State. Activities have been
completed between the companies to facilitate a 7/24/365 help desk and trouble reporting
procedure for all facilities used by GTL to service the State of Alabama. This arrangement puts
GTL in direct control of the "last mile" connections and network performance of the data and
voice circuits used by GTL-provided telephones.
As you know, BeliSouth is the major telecommunications company in Alabama and possess
many unique capabilities to provide superior service. GTL is proud to be able to leverage these
capabilities for the DOC. BeIiSouth's maintenance and repair organizations are considered to be the
best in the industry. The following BeliSouth organizations will support GTL's Enhanced State
Network operations:

Bell South Business Repair
Centers (BRCs)

Responsible for the maintenance of network services
throughout the region for BeliSouth customers. These three
centers interface with the SPOCs and other BeIiSouth
entities to test circuits, sectionalize trouble conditions and to
handoff to departments necessary to restore customer
service. The BRCs operate 24X7. Customers use the
dedicated 1-800 call receipt number (1-800-247-2020) to
report troubles to their assigned BRC. (See Figure 1 BRqCPC Map for Center Locations)

Circuit Provisioning Centers

Responsible for the installation of network services
throughout the region for BeliSouth customers. These three
centers interface with other BeliSouth entities to coordinate
work activities necessary to provide customer service. (See

Broadband Network
Infrastructure Support
Center (BNISC)

Responsible for logical layer problem (such as assignment
errors or omissions in the broadband switch or equipment
translations) resolution. The BNISC will respond to a hand
off from an overall control office. This center is located in
Atlanta, GA.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



Single Point of Contact

Monitors the entire regional network and keeps traffic
flowing not only in its own network, but also between its
facilities and the interexchange office toll network. The
NMC maintains a close relationship with all IXCs and serves
as a single point of contact to keep traffic flowing, especially
during disasters.

Network Reliability Center

Monitors Central Offices, Major Fiber facilities and power for
alarms and failures. There are two (2) centers in BeliSouth,
Nashville and Charlotte.

Proactive Analysis and
Repair (PAR) Centers

Analyzes the performance of the local networks,
continuously checking for unusual conditions that may
indicate a future problem. When a situation is detected,
technicians are dispatched to correct the abnormality prior
to its becoming service affecting. There are eight PAR
satellite locations in the BeIiSouth region.

Network Infrastructure
Support Center (NISC)

Contains seven groups essential to maintaining the
infrastructure of the Network. A NISC center is located
within each of the BellSouth serving states.

Work Management Center

Responsible for coordination of field and central office
dispatches. This center controls Network Technician
workloads for trouble clearance and service provisioning.
The WMC operates 24X7.

BeliSouth Regional IP Backbone (BRTN/BRIB) Overview
BeliSouth has deployed one of the most resilient, high-speed MPLS networks in the Southeast.
This network, referred to as the BeliSouth Regional Internet Backbone (BRIB), consists of five
high-speed IPOPs (interconnection points of presence) with multiple Tier-1 and Tier-2 BMFs
(BeliSouth Managed Facilities) connected via OC-x connections,
IPOPs are located in Atlanta, Atlanta East Point, Boca Raton, Miami, and New Orleans. Each
IPOP is connected via multiple circuits to dual Tier-1 Internet backbone transit providers and/or
peering partners. Typically located in larger markets, Tier-1 BMFs support service aggregation.
For redundancy, each Tier-1 BMF is connected to two different IPOPs, These connections in
the BRIB are established via independent, physically diverse routes and facilities (minimum OC­
3). Located in smaller markets, Tier 2 BMFs also support service aggregation. For redundancy,
each Tier-2 BMF is connected to a Tier-1 BMF via independent, physically diverse routes and
facilities (minimum OC-3). As shown in Errorl Reference source not found., the BRIB is the
result of the consolidation of 38 IntraLATA IP networks into one core network, enabling
BeliSouth to maintain control of traffic from end-to-end.
Bell South not only has the infrastructure but also the support personnel and tools to exceed
your requirements. Bell South carefully monitors the capacity of the interconnection circuits to
ensure uniform bandwidth through the network. Bell South's capacity management policy
dictates that the circuits connecting the core nodes will not exceed 50% capacity. It is this
capacity planning that ensures 100% of customer traffic will be accommodated in the unlikely
event of an inter-nodal link failure. The philosophy of over-engineering, coupled with strict
capacity planning and management, will help ensure that all of your entities will receive the
highest levels of service possible.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



Regional Map


® lIln

..... ""'"


Updol.d .. or.


0 _..-t • ____










Figure 2: BellSouth Regional IP Backbone (DRIB)

As part of the overall BRIB design, stringent diversity guidelines have been established
throughout the network to help ensure that no single point of failure will compromise the
network, In the event of a "catastrophic event" (where a circuit is disabled), the diverse mated
circuit (or alternate route) is designed to remain active with enough capacity to reroute and
maintain traffic flows. Simply stated, once the customer's traffic reaches the BRIB, there is
complete and total redundancy all the way to the global Internet.
Diversity guidelines apply to all types of circuit groups within the BRIB (BMF-to-BMF, BMF-to­
IPOP, IPOP-to-IPOP, and IPOP-to-globallnternet).
The IPOP-to-global Internet design of BRIB offers several important benefits:

Connectivity to dual Global Service Providers (GSP) helps ensure network quality
Flexibility to negotiate agreements with other GSPs as needed


Diverse routing for improved reliability


Formal private peering arrangements for added control and greater performance


Packet-over-SONET connectivity ensuring improved performance



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid# 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


Bel/South Managed Network VPN Service
BeliSouth® Managed Network VPN Service (Network VPN) is a suite of integrated network­
based offerings designed to support the intranet, Internet, extranet, and remote access
application needs of your business. Network VPN provides a comprehensive solution for secure
site-to-site and remote-user connectivity, as well as Internet access with integrated firewall
features. The ability to differentiate traffic types, using Class of Service (CoS), is inherent in the
product suite, providing businesses with the additional flexibility to support advanced voice and
data applications over a single network.
The cornerstone of Network VPN is BeliSouth's multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) enabled
private IP backbone. MPLS is a standard for switching packets over an IP network using labels
or tags that combines the security, privacy, and reliability of Layer 2 technologies with the best
of Layer 3 (IP routing and forwarding, diverse paths, and high survivability). In contrast to frame
relay and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), the connection less MPLS architecture allows the
creation of meshed VPNs without the need for a multitude of virtual circuits, thus eliminating the
requirement for complex router configurations. This flexible architecture also allows the
internetworking of multiple access methods, allowing you to choose the access method that
best fits your needs on a per site basis. Figure 3 is an illustration of BeliSouth Managed Network
VPN Service.

.,. ,;


". -




.... ""


- .......... -- .. .,.­

Branch 01lc:e






Remote User
(lPSec diert)

Figure 3: BeliSouth® Managed Network VPN Service
BellSouth Managed Network VPN is an MPLS-based IP solution that provides:

Secure segmentation of network traffic


Any-to-any connectivity (fully meshed)


CoS (ability to prioritize traffic by application type)


Extranet and Remote User connectivity via IPSec Gateway


Secure Internet access via network-based firewall


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State ofAlabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2l70936
Inmate and Publie Payphones
October 25, 2006


MPLS Network
The IP/MPLS network consists of core MPLS routers and mUlti-service edge routers that
support aggregation combined with fiber-optic packet-over-SONET capabilities. The core of the
network uses MPLS-based VPN to enhance robust Layer 3 IP-VPN services in conjunction with
Layer 2 switched network services by performing high-speed switching. The multi-service edge
switches and routers provide the service-specific functions.










l.SR label SWitdl Router



VRF = Virtual Route Forwarcing
PE = Provider Edge Device
CE = OJstomer Edge Device

Figure 4 - MPLS Core Network



Global Te\*Link"s Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006






Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

Talton Communications, Inc.
910 Ravenwood Drive
Selma, Alabama 36702-1117
(334) 877-0704

Project Responsibilities: For the State of Alabama's Project, GTL subcontracts Talton
Communications to provide the following services for public payphones:
Installation, Maintenance, Phone Polling, Coin Collection
Customer Service, Toll-Free 800 Number for Caller Assistance

History: Talton Communications, Inc. has been in business for 33 years. The company was
originally founded to provide paging and mobile telephone services. In 1988 the company
installed its first pay telephone and quickly spread its base of pay telephones throughout the
state of Alabama. In 1996, the company merged with Ameritel of Kansas City, MO to form
Talton Holdings, Inc and became the largest private payphone and inmate phone operator in the
U.S. Talton Holdings, Inc. later changed its name to Evercom, Inc. after the principles of Talton
Communications, Inc. left the newly formed company to pursue other ventures. In 2002, the
public payphone assets of Evercom were purchased by Julius Talton, Jr. and Talton
Communications, Inc. was reformed. Today, Talton Communications, Inc. is one of the largest
payphone operators in Alabama.
Talton Communications, Inc. is headquartered in Selma, AL, located in the center of the
state. In Selma, Talton operations are housed in a 13,000 square foot building that is owned by
the company. The building is located on fiber, has underground and backup power, and has a
full-size loading dock for materials handling.
Ninety-two (92%) of all service calls are handled within 24 hours; ninety-nine (99%) are handled
within 48 hours. Emergency service calls are handled the same day. The company already
owns and manages 1,000 payphones in Alabama. Therefore, we already have an infrastructure
established which will allow us to transition the new Alabama pay telephones very easily.












Talton Communications Service Team
George Bolton
Trinity, Alabama
11 years with company

Raymond Maples
Selma, Alabama
15 years with company

William Stockman
Selma, Alabama
16 years with company

Charles Frazier 

Pell City, Alabama 

8 years with company 

Charles Smith (Works East Alabama)
Buena Vista, Georgia
12 years with company

James Little
Selma, Alabama
14 years with company

Roger Goodman 

Selma, AL 

1 year with company 


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


Talton Communications Customer References
Cannon Oil Corp.
Avis Kirland
P. O. Drawer 6307
Dothan, Al

P. O. Box 130
Pine Mt. Valley, GA 31823
Contact: Danny Bridges

Shocco Springs Baptist Center
Buster Taylor
1314 Shocco Springs Road
Talladega, Al

Major Oil Mart, Inc.
P. O. Box 1548
Starville, MS 39706
Contact: Ron Duncan

Mayfield Oil Company, Inc.
William Mayfield
176 Walnut Street
Centerville, Al 35042

Bowden Oil Company
P. O. Box 145
Sylacauga, Al 35150-0145

Mayfield Oil Company, Inc.
William Mayfield
176 Walnut Street
Centerville, Al 35042


Global TeltLink's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



Legacy Long Distance International, Inc. 

10833 Valley View Street, Suite 150 

Cypress, CA 90630 

(800) 670-0015 

Project Responsibilities: For the public telephones in the State of Alabama's Project, GTL's
subcontractor, Legacy Long Distance International, Inc. (Legacy), is the Operator Service
Provider (OSP) and carrier of local, intraLATA, interLATA, and interstate traffic.
History: Since its inception in 1996 Legacy Long Distance International, Inc. ("Legacy") has
earned its reputation as the best operator service provider in the industry today. A superior
Network backbone and a customer first philosophy have allowed Legacy to achieve sustained
growth for over a decade.
Legacy is a privately held California Corporation with over 200 employees working hard
everyday to achieve products and services unparalleled in the industry today. Over 87% of the
Company is owned by the officers and employees allowing Legacy a freedom that very few
companies of its size enjoy. A freedom to develop new services at the demand of an ever
changing marketplace.



While the Company has primarily offered its superior Operator and Long Distance Services to
Correctional Facilities, Private Pay Telephone Owners, and Hotel franchises nationwide over
the past decade, it also provides a myriad of Call Center services to virtually every business

PrinCiples and Officers: Legacy Long Distance International Inc
Curtis Brown
Chief Executive Officer and President
George Hansall
Executive Vice President
Shelia Gurea
Vice President of Customer Service
Duane Cutler
Vice President of Sales
Gary Luthi
Vice President of Sales
Some of Legacy's Satisfied Customers Say .••

"Legacy has been a wonderful breath offresh air with integrity. Great customer service in a
difficult market. Responsible pay telephone providers should be advised to see what they have to
offer. "

Ken Scott, President, Orion Payphones, LLC (California)
Client for 6 years

Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



"Unbelievable quick live operator response is what 1 attribute to my higher call completions. " 

Jason Scherer, Vice President of Pelican Communications (California) 

Client for 4 years 

"Legacy is the best Operator Service 1 have ever had. "

David Hollingsworth, President, Pay Fone Plus, (Indiana)
Client for 6 years
"We are most impressed with Legacy's live operators who are courteous and efficient. We
believe that this has helped to increase call completion and revenues. "

Melanie Weil, President, Combined Public Communications (Ohio)
Client for 4 years
"Good money keeps on rolling in. Untouchable program!"

David Grudzinski, President, Coin Telecom Systems (Texas)
Client for 4 years
"Our company started doing business with Legacy in May of2003, with approximately 10% of
our payphones. We have been so pleased with their service that as ofOctober 2003 we have
switched all our remaining payphones over to them. Our experience with Legacy has been
excellent. "

Richard Scarinci, President, Rand B Communications, New York
Client for 3 years
"Since we converted our payphone lines over to Legacy our revenue stream has improved; but
more importantly the response and professionalism from the Legacy team has been great. "

Kirk Van Derbur, President, A-Tel, Inc. (Colorado)
Client for 3 years
"Legacy is a company with integrity. Their commission reporting via the Internet always
matches up with my call detail record., upon internal company audits. "

Casey Brewer, BTl Payphones, Inc., (Texas)
Client for 7 years
References: Legacy Long Distance International Inc
Evercom Systems, Inc. -Inmate Facilities
Kurt Kintzel, Manager Telecom Services
14651 Dallas Parkway, Ste 600
Dallas, TX 75254
(919) 878-8990
Texas Inmate Phone (TIP) Systems
Mark Styron, President
3118 Lausanne
Pasadena, TX


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



1490 Westfork Drive
Suite G
Lithia Springs, GA 30122
Guy Longobardo, CEO
InteraTel, Inc.
6920 Koll Center Pkwy
Suite 211
Pleasanton, CA 94566
Torre Liano, Chief Executive Officer


Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006





Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006



10.8.3. Demonstration Responsibility
A demonstration of the vendor's proposed system may be required and, if
so required, will be the sole responsibility of the vendor to conduct. The
demonstration will be at a site of the STATE's choosing.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

10.8.4. Right to Audit
Representatives of the Alabama Department of Finance and the Alabama
Public Service Commission or their duly authorized representatives will
have access, for the purpose of examinations, to any books, documents,
papers, and records of the vendor as they may relate to the awarded
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

The vendor will maintain books, records, and documents in accordance
with generally accepted accounting procedures which sufficiently and
properly reflect all Gross Revenues (as defined in Section V) generated by
pay telephones covered under this contract for a period of three years. The
STATE may cancel any contract for refusal by the vendor to allow the
STATE access, within seven (7) working days, to all documents, papers,
letters, or other materials originated or received by the vendor in
conjunction with the contract.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

The vendor will be required to install intelligent telephones that will track
and log all calls generated by that telephone. These records will be used to
audit Gross Revenue. These records must include number of calls and
number of minutes.
GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. Each public payphone have built-in
intelligence that will track and log all calls from that phone. Reports of telephone logs are used
to audit gross revenue and include the number of calls and the duration of each. The
intelligence associated with inmate telephones resides within GTL's LazerPhone Inmate
Telephone System. Call detail reports for each inmate telephone display the number of calls
(during the specified time period), the duration of each call (and total duration for all calls), and
the cost revenue for each call and the total revenue for all calls in the report


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



10.S.S. Coin Collection Schedules and Procedures
The vendor will submit, with its bid, a coin collection schedule and a
description of collection procedures, counting procedures, and deposit
procedures, including the security procedures to safeguard funds from
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Please refer to EXHIBIT B. Collection and

10.S.6. Moves, Changes, Additions, and Deletions
The STATE will have the right to initiate moves, changes, additions,
and/or deletions of pay phones or inmate telephones. The STATE will
work with the vendor to achieve the best balance of service, cost, and
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.


The vendor must expressly warrant that its proposed equipment and software do
not infringe on the patent, copyright or trademark of others. The awarded vendor
will indemnify, defend and save harmless the State of Alabama, its officers,
agents, and employees, from any legal action or litigation resulting from patent,
trademark, and/or copyright infringements.

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.


Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006




Special Considerations for Installation and Maintenance Work at 

Correctional Facilities 

10.10.1. 	 Security
At least 48 hours prior to starting work at any correctional facility, vendor
will supply the full name, date of birth, and social security number for all
its employees and/or its subcontractors' employees who may be working at
each institution to the institution facility manager at that location.
Vendor's personnel must meet the security standards prescribed by the
Department of Corrections, its applicable regulations, and must obtain
passes, permits, and security clearances as applicable. The Department of
Corrections may summarily reject any vendor's employee which it
believes does not meet its security requirements, or who violates any of its
security rules, regulations, or policies. Failure to provide personnel who
meet DOC security requirements may result in cancellation of any contract
awarded under this ITB.

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. GTL will provide all required
information for employees and/or subcontractors who may be working at each institution. The
number of GTL personnel assigned to perform work at any facility is limited to only those
individuals that are required to execute the work specified in the contract. All field personnel are
required to obey all rules and regulations that are imposed by the facilities in which they work
and, as a condition of continued employment, are also required to obtain and maintain all
applicable security clearances. This condition applies, but is not limited to, tool control,
contraband, inmate contact and dress code. All personnel are required to attend any facility
sponsored introductory security meetings and obtain all necessary security clearances and
identification tags prior to their commencement of any work at a facility.

10.10.2. 	 Contraband
Any person who takes into or out of, or attempts to take into or out of a
correctional facility or the grounds belonging to or adjacent to a
correctional facility, any item not specifically authorized by the
correctional facility will be prosecuted under the provisions of Alabama
law. All persons, including employees and visitors, entering the confines
of a correctional facility are subject to routine searches of their person,
vehicles, property, or packages. Contraband means any drug, narcotic
drug, intoxicating liquor of any kind, deadly weapon, dangerous
instrument, explosive, or any other article whose use or possession would
endanger the safety, security, or preservation of order in a correctional
facility or any person therein. (Any other article includes any substances
which could cause abnormal behavior, i.e., marijuana, non-prescription
medication, etc.).
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply. All GTL field personnel are
informed of and required to obey all facility rules and regulations regarding contraband.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



10.10.3. 	 Awarded Vendor's Personnel
The vendor will not employ any individual to perform work under this
contract who has previously been determined unacceptable for
performance under any Department of Corrections contract, or who has
been terminated for cause by the Department of Corrections. Vendor will
discontinue the use of any employee for performance of work under the
contract upon written notice from the Department of Corrections that the
individual is not, or is no longer acceptable for performance under this
contract. Vendor personnel will abide by applicable regulations and
directives of the Department of Corrections.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and complies.

10.10.4. 	 Vandalism
Any act of vandalism, break-in, or actual or attempted intrusion into either
equipment or software discovered by the vendor must be reported
immediately to the institution facility manager. The STATE will bear no
responsibility for the cost of vandalism to vendor's property at any of the
STATE's facilities.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

10.10.5. 	 Surveillance
The Department of Corrections may perform surveillance of vendor's
employees to detect improper activity. Such surveillance may include the
use of electronic equipment. Vendor will inform employees that such
surveillance may be conducted, and that any individual suspected to be
guilty of illegal conduct may be prosecuted.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.

10.10.6. 	 Certification by Vendor's Employees
The vendor will obtain written certification from its employees that they
have been informed of the special conditions in this section of the ITB,
and will maintain the certification on file for the term of the contract.
Such certification will be provided to the Department of Corrections upon
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



10.10.7. 	 Activities Prohibited
The vendor will not, in or about the premises of the institution, engage in
or permit gambling or the use of any device which favors gambling (such
as punch cards or slot machines), engage in loan operations, or sell
unauthorized merchandise or services.
GTl Response: GTl has read, understands, and will comply.



Vendors are to append to their bids the Exhibits described below: 

10.11.1. 	 Operator Services (Exhibit A)
Describe in Exhibit A the proposed method of providing complete
operator services as required in this ITB.
GTl Response: GTl understands and complies. In the EXHIBITS section of this proposal
please see our Exhibit A. Operator Services.

10.11.2. 	 Collection and Security (Exhibit B)
Vendor will present its plan in Exhibit B, to provide complete revenue
collection service capabilities detailing the methods of collection for each
type of revenue source (coin and non-coin local, intraLAT A, and
interLAT A). The vendor must also describe the security measures that
will be taken to insure the safety of and verify the accuracy of all revenues
collected. The contents of this exhibit must also include information
regarding the number and location of collection facilities, a description of
the method used to collect and count coins from pay phones, the ratio of
pay telephones to route collectors, the frequency of collection and the
method used to determine coin-in-box leveL
GTl Response: GTl understands and complies. In the EXHIBITS section of this proposal
please see our Exhibit B. Collection and Security.

10.11.3. 	 Installation and Maintenance (Exhibit C)
Describe in Exhibit C, the ability to provide adequate installation and
maintenance capabilities, resources, planning and controL Preventive,
remote and remedial maintenance capabilities and plans must be included.
Other information to be included in this exhibit are experience of
personnel, ratio of technicians to pay phones, mean time between failure
rating, time lapse from order to installation, time lapse from service call to
technician on-site, time lapse from service call to central office repair and
installation procedures, and location of maintenance service centers within
the STATE.
GTl Response: GTl understands and complies. In the EXHIBITS section of this proposal
please see our Exhibit C. Installation and Maintenance.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006



Problem Resolution (Exhibit D)
Describe in Exhibit D the ability to provide effective and efficient problem
resolution. Problem levels addressed must include at a minimum,
experience of personnel and resource management, planning, operations,
and implementation. The ability to escalate problem resolution to higher
organization levels and/or additional technical support if necessary must
be addressed. Methods to determine fault isolation among the various
proposed service providers must be provided. Recovery plans in the event
of major loss of required services must also be addressed.

GTl Response: GTL understands and complies. In the EXHIBITS section of this proposal
please see our Exhibit D. Problem Resolution.


Company Capabilities (Exhibit E)
Demonstrate in Exhibit E the vendor's and/or subcontractor's ability to
provide the STATE with all services specified in this ITB. Description of
corporate abilities as well as that of project manageilkey personnel to be
assigned relative to providing pay phone and inmate services to the State
of Alabama must be addressed. Discuss vendor's ability to fulfill the
requirements of this ITB, your knowledge of telecommunications
technology implementation and understanding of the pay telephone

GTl Response: In the EXHIBITS section of this proposal please see our Exhibit E. Company


Management Reports (Exhibit F)
Demonstrate in Exhibit F the ability to provide complete, accurate and
detailed information necessary for the STATE to properly administer this
project. The vendor will describe the proposed method of ensuring that
the management reports will be complete, accurate, detailed and delivered
in a timely fashion. Included in this discussion, must be an explanation of
how reports can be run or information retrieved online. The required
reports must include those required earlier in this section.

GTl Response: GTL understands and complies. In the EXHIBITS section of this proposal
please see our Exhibit F. Manager Reports.


Training Plan (Exhibit G)
Describe in Exhibit G the proposed plan to provide training for State
representatives. Training plans must address both non-inmate and inmate
requirements. All training must be complete prior to cutover.

Training for Public Telephone Administrators

Global Tel·Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



Awarded vendor will describe the nature and content of their
training program for State personnel who will serve as liaison
between the vendor and State agencies for whom service will be
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. In the EXHIBITS section of this proposal
please see our Exhibit G. Training Plan.


Training of Correctional Facilities Personnel
Vendor is required to provide on-site training of up to five
personnel per institution to administer and manage the system.
Vendor will describe the nature and content of their training
program for this purpose in the bid response. As a minimum, the
training program must include hands-on instruction on the use of
the administrative and management systems and reports as well as
any other topics required for full understanding, administration,
and operation of the system. Each trainee and the institution
facility manager will be provided a complete set of operating
instructions for the administration and management system, to
include software and hardware. They will be sufficiently detailed
that an individual familiar with rudimentary PC commands and
operation can administer and manage the system using the
operating instructions provided.
Follow-up training will be provided by the vendor at any time that
software and/or operation of the administration and management
software is changed. Revised written operating instructions will
also be provided. Copies of updated software must be provided to
the institution project manager within thirty days of release of
updated software.

GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. In the EXHIBITS section of this proposal
please see our Exhibit G. Training Plan.

10.11.S. 	 Implementation Schedule (Exhibit B)
Vendor must submit an implementation schedule for conversion of
existing inmate pay telephones and public pay telephones. The STATE
expects an expeditious implementation, not to exceed six months from the
date of award.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. In the EXHIBITS section of this proposal
please see our Exhibit H. Implementation Schedule.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Publie Payphones
October 25, 2006



10.11.9. 	 Service Record (Exhibit I)
Vendor must submit the company's service record over the last year,
identifying statistics such as number of total troubles, average time to
repair trouble, average outage time. Statistics must be provided for inmate
and non-inmate phones.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. In the EXHIBITS section of this proposal
please see our Exhibit I. Service Record.

10.11.10. 	 Inmate System Description and Documentation (Exhibit J)
Vendor must submit a description of and any documentation for the
proposed equipment, system and software.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. In the EXHIBITS section of this proposal
please see our Exhibit J. Inmate System Description and Documentation.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State ofAlabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


11. Technical and Functional Requirements:
None - Inmate and/or generic

General Functional Requirements
11.1.1. The successful vendor will provide the full range of payphone services offered
today to the pUblic. In addition, a full range of payment options will be available
to consumers at pay phones located on STATE PROPERTY. The STATE also
requires that all public pay phones provide dial tone first and DTMF (Touch
Tone) dialing where available.
The current level of service must be
satisfactorily maintained at all times during transition to new vendor service.

GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. The public payphone services pr'ovided by
GTL through subcontracted agreements with Talton Communications and Legacy Long
Distance International meet all of the State's general functional requirements, including a full
range of telephone services and payment options.

11.1.2. Vendor must comply with all decisions, policies and regulations of the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) and the Alabama Public Service
Commission (PSC) as currently written and as amended during the entire term
of the contract. Compliance includes, but is not limited to, forms of
interconnection, access to interexchange carriers and posting of required
information at each pay telephone.







GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply.

11.1.3. Instruments and enclosures proposed must be designed to accommodate use
by the hearing impaired and the physically disabled. Provisions for wheelchair
access must comply with all federal and state regulations. Provisions for the
deaf must comply with federal and state regulations including requirements
relating to TDDs (Telephone Devices for the Deaf, also known as Public Text
GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. Instruments and enclosures will meet all
applicable standards and regulations and be designed to accommodate use by the hearing
impaired and the physically disabled. Devices for the hearing impaired (TOO) will be provided at
required sites.

. 11.1.4. All proposed "instrument implemented" telephones must be FCC registered,
as required by law, including Part 68 and Part 15 of the FCC rules and all
modifications thereof.
GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006




11.1.5. All proposed telephones and enclosures must be in compliance with the
National Electric Code and must be UL approved as required.
GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply.

11.1.6. All proposed systems must provide a coin and non-coin transaction audit trail
which enables the STATE to verify the coin and non-coin revenues generated
from the pay phones and which enables the STATE to verify all dial
aroundlbypass traffic generated from pay phones located on State property.
GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. Management reports will be provided for all
coin and non-coin transactions, providing an audit trail by which the State will be able to verify
coin and non-coin revenues.

11.1.7. The pay telephones required to be deployed by the vendor (s) will include
indoor and outdoor installations, as well as "coin", " non-coin", "universal", and
"inmate" instruments. The final mix of pay telephone types will be determined
by the STATE after consultation with the vendor.
A coin pay telephone is defined as a pay telephone instrument that permits
payment for calls through the use of coins. This instrument also permits the
following billing options: calling card, collect, and third party.
A non-coin pay telephone is defined as a pay telephone instrument that does not
permit the use of coins. This instrument does permit payment through calling
card, collect and third party billing options. It may also accept credit cards.
A universal pay telephone is defined as a pay telephone instrument that accepts
payment by either coin or non-coin, as described above, and also permits the
insertion or swipe of a credit card and, optionally, a calling card for billing.

An inmate pay telephone is defined as a non-coin pay telephone which permits
"collect only" calls (person excepting charges for the call is billed either on his
telephone bill or through the use of a debit card or pre-paid account).
GTL Response: GTL understands and will comply. All required telephone types will be
provided. Please see GTL Attachment 4. Public Telephone Equipment Information.





Global Tel"'Link's Response
To the State ofAlabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



11.2. 	 Public Payphone Services (Non-Inmate)
Public payphone services are solicited for consumers at State agencies and
departments located on properties owned/leased by the State of Alabama. The
successful vendor will provide the following services:
GTL Response: Global Tel Link (GTL) provides public payphone services through
subcontracted agreements with Talton Communications, Inc. and Legacy Long Distance

International, Inc.
Talton Communications will provide public telephone installation, maintenance, coin collection,
and a toll-free 800 number for Caller Assistance.
Legacy provides Operator Services and carriers call traffic.

11.2.1. Local Service: This is defined in LEC tariffs as those exchanges which can be
called from a public payphone at tariff local rates.
GTL Response: GTL understands, agrees, and proposes to provide local service at public

11.2.2. IntraLATA toll service: This is defined in LEC tariffs as calls within the
regional calling area of the LEC but beyond the local calling area. These calls
are priced according to mileage tables contained in LEC tariffs.
GTL Response: GTL understands, agrees, and proposes to provide IntraLATA service at public

11.2.3. InterLATA toll service: These are calls placed within one LATA (Local
Access Transport Area) to a different LATA and are carried by long distance
GTL Response: GTL understands, agrees, and proposes to provide InterLATA service at public

11.2.4. Operator assistance: Callers will be able to access an operator by dialing "0",
or "00" for assistance.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Callers at public phones will be able to access
operator assistance by dialing "0" or "00".


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


11.2.5. Emergency Services: The vendor's telephones must offer access to 911
emergency services where available. All proposed telephones must meet the
requirements of the State of Alabama, Public Service Commission and must
enable a caller to dial 911 for emergency services, and to reach an operator by
dialing 0, without the necessity of inserting a coin.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Callers at public phones will be able to access
911 emergency services where available and reach an operator, without inserting a coin.

11.2.6. Pay Telephone Service for Patrons in Wheelchairs: The vendor must provide
access to public telephones in accordance with applicable federal and state laws,
including but not limited to the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility
Guidelines (ADA) for Buildings and Facilities as amended.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Public telephones will be wheelchair
accessible in compliance with all applicable laws.

11.2.7. Pay Telephone Service for the Hearing Impaired: The vendor must provide
pay telephone instruments in accordance with the requirements listed in (1)
through (3) below. 	 The vendor must provide TDDs (or public text telephones as they are
also known) in accordance with applicable federal and state law including
but not limited to Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility
Guidelines (ADA) for Buildings and Facilities as amended.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. GTL will provide TDD units as required. 	 All pay telephones must be hearing aid compatible in compliance
with federal regulations.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. All public pay phones will be hearing aid
compatible. 	 Pay telephones must provide volume control in accordance with
federal and state regulation.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Public pay phones will provide volume control
to meet regulations.

11.2.8. Operation During Power Loss: All pay phones that require commercial AC
power for full operation will continue to provide 911, 0+, 0- and coin operation
for a minimum of eight hours during a commercial power failure.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. All pay phones that require commercial AC
power for full operation will continue to provide 911, 0+, 0- and coin operation for a minimum of
eight hours during a commercial power failure.




I 1".\"



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2I70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


11.2.9. Directory Assistance: Access to local and long distance directory assistance
will be provided from all telephones located on STATE PROPERTY.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Access to local and long distance directory
assistance will be provided from all telephones located on State property.

11.2.10. 	 Directories: Directories will be provided in all locations where currently
furnished or where subsequently required by the STATE.
(Clarification per Addendum 1: Inmate/Payphone ITB Questions and Modifications.)
It is acceptable to the State if alternative means of directory assistance services (i.e.
free 411) are provided in stead of publishing and maintaining paper directories at
each location, as long as instructions are provided on the site equipment.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Telephone directories, or acceptable
alternatives for directory assistance, will be provided at all required locations.

11.2.11. 	 Coin Calls: Payment by means of depositing coins will be required at
many of the STATE's locations.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Telephones that accept coin payment will be 

provided at required locations. 

11.2.12. Non-Coin Calls: 	At all non-inmate locations calling card, collect and third party billed
payment options will be required on a zero plus (O+) dialed basis and
using other access methods as may be required by law, e.g., 10XXX, 950
or toll-free (1-800, etc.) access methods. In all cases, acceptance of
Regional Bell Operating Company calling cards will be required as a
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Telephones at designated non-inmate
locations will provide the required calling card, collect, and third party billed payment options. 	Payment by bank and T&E (Travel & Entertainment) cards may be
required at some portion of the STATE's locations.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Payment by bank and T&E cards will be
available at deSignated State locations.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


~IL The proposed equipment/services must provide a "bong" tone within
seven (7) seconds of completion of 0+ dialing, If the user does not enter
any additional numbers after the "bong" tone, the vendor must provide a
live operator who will then answer or a voice prompt will instruct the user
within ten (l0) seconds of the "bong" tone at least 95% of the time.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. GTL's proposed equipment and services will
meet the above defined "bong" requirements. If the end user does not do anything after the
bong has been given, the call will default to a live operator. When a user dials a zero and does not enter any additional numbers
(0- dialing), a live operator will answer within ten (10) seconds at least
95% of the time.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Within ten (10) seconds, at least 95% of the
time, when a user dials a zero and does not enter any additional numbers (0- dialing), a live
operator will answer. When a user has received the bong tone and entered the digits of his
or her calling card number, the call must be released to the network within
ten (10) seconds at least 95% of the time.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Within ten (10) seconds, at least 95% of the
time, when a user has received the bong tone and entered the digits of his or her calling card
number, the call will be released to the network. Legacy releases the call within the required
time as long as validation has been received. Should the caller's card not validate, the call will
default to live operator for further assistance.

11.2.13. 	 Other Operator Services: The successful vendor will provide the full range
of operator services to which the public has become accustomed, including
caller assistance, refunds, and credits. Vendors must describe in detail how they
handle incorrectly dialed calls and disputed billing charges and how eligibility
for credits is determined.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. GTL provides the full range of operator
services to which the public has become accustomed, including emergency services (e.g. 911)
and caller assistance for refunds and credits.
Caller assistance for issues such as incorrectly dialed numbers during coin calls and disputed
billing charges for calls are handled by GTL's subcontractor, Talton Communications, Inc.
If a user misdials or loses money in the phone, he or she can get operator assistance by simply
dialing "*0" or the posted 1-800 number. If the problem is with a direct-dialed call, Talton
Communications will place the call for the person for free or offer to send a refund instead.
Generally, the user is given the benefit of the doubt. If the problem is related to a third-party
call, Talton Communications refers the person to GTL's 0+ carrier, Legacy.



Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones 

October 25, 2006 



I. 1'.\.

11.2.14. Enclosures All enclosures, booths, shelves, pedestals, or other mounting
apparatus selected for installation must be approved by the facility
GTl Response: GTl understands and complies. Facility managers will be asked to approve all
enclosures, booths, shelves, pedestals, or other mounting apparatus selected for installation.
Please see: GTL Attachment 4. Public Telephone Equipment Information. Use of Existing Enclosures: The enclosures now residing on State
owned properties belong to current service providers. Should existing
enclosures conform to the specifications and requirements of this ITB, the
vendor maya) negotiate purchase or lease of these enclosures from the
present owner, or b) install new enclosures subject to approval of the
facility manager.
GTl Response: GTl understands and complies. Should existing enclosures conform to the
specifications and requirements of this ITB, GTl will a) negotiate purchase or lease of these
enclosures from the present owner, or b) install new enclosures subject to approval of the
facility manager. Enclosure Types: The vendor will offer a variety of enclosure types
subject to the approval of the facility manager. In select locations (e.g.
highways and other high traffic areas) enclosures must provide noise
suppression. The following enclosure types must be offered as a
minimum: Wall. Pedestal, Booth, Flush Mount, Trailer
GTl Response: GTl understands and complies. GTl's subcontractor, Talton Communications,
will provide a variety of enclosure types subject to the approval of the facility manager. In select
locations (e.g. highways and other high traffic areas) enclosures will provide noise suppression.
The following enclosure types will be offered as a minimum: Wall. Pedestal, Booth, Flush
Mount, Trailer (mobileftemporary). Please see: GTL Attachment 4. Public Telephone
Equipment Information. Adequate lighting must be provided by the vendor(s) at locations
where required by the facility manager. To meet this requirement, the
vendor(s) must make available enclosures that will provide lighting to
easily permit the use of the proposed instrument and its related services.
Where the requirement for adequate lighting is met by ambient natural or
artificial light, the STATE may select appropriate enclosures that do not
require artificial light.
GTl Response: GTl understands and complies. GTl's subcontractor, Talton Communications,
will make available enclosures that will provide lighting to easily permit the use of the proposed
instrument and its related services. With the STATE's approval, where the requirement for

Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



adequate lighting is met by ambient natural or artificial light, appropriate enclosures that do not
require artificial light will be installed.

11.2.15. 	 Vandal Resistant Hardware: All instruments proposed for use on State
property must be vandal resistant with regard to the cash box, the coin return
bucket, handset and cord, keypad (for coin instruments), casing and
mountings/enclosures (for both coin and coinless instruments).
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. All instruments proposed for use on State
property will be vandal resistant with regard to the cash box, the coin return bucket, handset and
cord, keypad (for coin instruments), casing and mountings/enclosures (for both coin and
coinless instruments).

11.2.16. 	 Fraud Resistant Systems: All proposed systems must detect and deter
fraudulent calls. Each proposed system will have, at a minimum, the following
capabilities: The ability to detect credit cards and calling cards that are not
accepted by the vendor;
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Our proposed phone system will be able to
detect and reject credit and calling cards that are not acceptable. The ability to deter fraudulent international calling card calls:
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Our proposed phone system will be able to
detect and defer fraudulent international calling cards. The ability to prevent the use of and/or reject slugs;
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Our proposed phone system will be able to
prevent the use of slugs. For "instrument implemented" systems, the ability to protect against
regenerated dial tone;
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Our proposed phone system will be able to
protect against regenerated dial tone. The ability to prevent collect and third party billed calls to the
payphone line.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Our proposed phone system will be able to
prevent collect and third party billed calls to payphone lines.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



11.2.17. 	 Environment: All proposed instruments, whether intended for indoor or
outdoor use, must be capable of providing full service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week in the STATE's environment regardless of temperature and humidity
GTl Response: GTl understands and complies. All proposed instruments, whether intended
for indoor or outdoor use, will be capable of providing full service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week in the STATE's environment regardless of temperature and humidity fluctuations.

11.2.18. 	 Consumer Information: Consumer information will be provided at each
payphone as required by the Alabama Public Service Commission and as
required by the FCC for an "aggregatortl as defined in the Telephone Operator
Consumer Improvement Services Act of 1990 and FCC rules related thereto
including posting name, address and toll-free telephone number of the operator
services provider.
GTl Response: GTl understands and complies. Consumer information will be provided at
each payphone as required by the Alabama Public Service Commission and as required by the
FCC for an "aggregator" as defined in the Telephone Operator Consumer Improvement
Services Act of 1990 and FCC rules related thereto including posting name, address and toll­
free telephone number of the operator services provider.

11.2.19. 	 User Instructions: Instructions to the user will be posted at each telephone
and will precisely describe the method for placing various types of calls.

11.2.20. 	 Coin Acceptance: The coin acceptance mechanism must accept U.S.
nickels, dimes, and quarters.
GTl Response: GTl understands and complies. The coin acceptance mechanisms of our
proposed telephones will accept U.S. nickels, dimes, and quarters.

11.2.21. 	 Card Reader Mechanism: The card reader mechanism proposed for non­
coin and/or universal telephones must be an "insert" or "swipe" type. It must
permit the automatic reading of track 2 of the magnetic stripe and also permit
the current or future acceptance of magnetic stripe calling cards.
GTl Response: GTl understands and complies. Card readers proposed for non-coin and/or
universal phones will meet the above requirements.


Global Tel*Link"s Response
To the State of Alabama"s
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



11.2.22. 	 Credit Card Acceptance: Those proposed pay telephones that permit credit
card transactions must provide on-line authorization. Generally accepted bank
and credit cards must be accepted. (ex. American Express, Visa, or
GTl Response: GTL understands and complies. Proposed pay telephones that permit credit
card transactions will provide on-line authorization. Generally accepted bank and credit cards
will be accepted. (ex. American Express, Visa, or MasterCard).

11.2.23. 	 Some state locations, such as State Parks, will require instruments that
have data ports, so that users can access e-mail, download/upload files, etc.
GTl Response: GTL understands and complies. When required at specified state locations,
such as State Parks, GTL's subcontractor, Talton Communications, will provide instruments that
have data ports, so that users can access e-mail, download/upload flies, etc.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



Inmate Services
Due to the unique nature of correctional facilities, specific types of
telephones and specialized services are required. The awarded vendor
must provide a turn-key solution.

GTL Response: Global Tel Link (GTL) is well aware of the challenges involved in providing
secure telephone services for inmates. Our company has specilized in inmate calling services
since the early 1980s. LazerPhone is our state-of-the-art inmate telephone control, monitoring,
and recording system with virtually unlimited expansion capabilities. Completely turnkey,
LazerPhone's integrated components are designed to be operational 24 hours a day, 365 days
a year without facility personnel intervention. At the time of installation the system is configured
with facility-wide settings and call restrictions dictated by the Alabama Department of
Corrections. After installation, at a LazerPhone workstation, the System Administrator or other
authorized personnel have options to add/change restrictions, monitor, and report inmate
telephone usage. Telephone restrictions may be defined for an entire facility, a particular cell
block, individual inmate PINs, and/or individual telephone units.

11.3.1. InstrumentslEquipment:
The Department of Corrections requires higher standards for the security
and durability of their equipment than other agencies. With limited
exceptions, all telephone instruments proposed for use at correctional
facilities will be required to meet the following specifications at a

Be "Charge a Call" type with no coin receptacles or


Be constructed of not less than 16 gauge steel.


Be constructed with no removable parts including ear and
mouth pieces.


Must have metallic tamper proof keypad
Must have an armored cord

Must interface to an inmate monitoring system.

(5) Must 	 be available for extensive testing during the initial
acceptance test period to determine its acceptability for use in
this special environment.
(6) All 	 equipment must be new. (Added per Addendum 1:
InmatelPayphone ITB Specification Modification.)



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


GTl Response: GTL understands and complies. GTL's inmate telephones meet all of the


above requirements. Our inmate phone is a totally secure unit, ideally suited for prisons and
jails. Inmate telephones are line powered and require no AC or battery backup power. The
telephone housing is seamless stainless steel with no exposed screws, bolts, metal or other
hard substance fasteners. The housing is tamper and water resistant to the highest degree,
and can only be opened with a special security tool. Telephones are flush mounted to the wall.
Each is equipped with a stainless steel, braided security lanyard inside the armored cord
designed to handle up to 1,000 pounds of pull resistance - extremely resistant to stretching and

CT-300 Brick
Housing: High Security, 16 Gauge, Steel
Size: 10 %"H x 5 %"W x 2 %"D
Switch Hook: Magnetic or Micro Switch
Volume Control: Technician Set or Optional External Button
Sidetone Reduction: Built-in Confidencer Function
Connections: Modular or Screw Terminal
Keypad: Heavy Chrome Metal
Handset: Armored Cord with Steel Lanyard and Heavy
Gauge Steel Retainer
Conformal Coating: Protects components for Outdoor Use
Line Powered: No AlC power required
Mounting: Mounts directly to wall, to a Model CT-3500BB
Backboard or to an existing 178A Backboard with adapter
Model CT-178ADP
Warranty: 2 Years
FCC Registered: 1U8USA-74411-CC-T



Calls from inmate telephones are managed and fully controlled by LazerPhone's software

11.3.2. Required Features: 	 Web Access: Access to the system from any remote computer with
internet access.

GTl Response: GTL understands and complies. Our LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System's
controlling software, through which all system management and administration is accomplished,
is a Web-based, Microsoft® Windows XP program. Being Web-based, the LazerPhone Inmate
Telephone System can permit authorized users at multiple locations to access the system's
login screen of the control program using Microsoft's Internet Explorer. No additional software is
required. LazerPhone features, including the generation of investigative or administrative
reports, are available to the remote person or agency based on the level of security clearance
permitted by the Alabama DOC.
Authorized remote access to the LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System is accomplished by
either of the following methods:


Global Tel*Link's Response 

To the State of Alabama's 

Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones 

October 25, 2006 



Dial-Up Through RAS Router: Remote connectivity can be added for State-approved law
enforcement agencies or other remote State personnel by way of dial-up through a RAS Router
connection to Global Tel*Link's private Wide Area Network.
In this case, the remote user needs a PC computer configured with an existing Internet account,
Microsoft's Internet Explorer, and security clearance to dial-in to the LazerPhone system
through the RAS router provided by GTL.
Local or Wide Area Networking: The LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System can be
networked to an existing local area network (LAN) or wide area network rt'JAN) to easily
connect multiple users or locations. Networking is accomplished using TCPIIP protocol.
In this case, the remote user needs a Windows-based workstation or PC computer that is
connected to the State's LAN or WAN, Microsoft's Internet Explorer, and security clearance to
access the LazerPhone system.
Through the network, the authorized person at a remote location can perform any LazerPhone
administrative or investigative functions permitted by the person's security clearance level, just
as if he or she were sitting at the LazerPhone workstation at the facility. 	 Alert Call Notification: System must be able to place an alert call
(to an investigator's land line or cell phone) or page the investigator
when a pre-specified type call takes place (for example: a certain number
is called, a certain inmate places a call, etc.). The alert call must allow the
investigator to listen in on the call live, without any notification to the
original calling or called party.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone allows facility personnel to
designate Hot Numbers at the workstation. A Hot Number may be a destination telephone
number or an inmate PIN.



A call-in-progress detected by LazerPhone's Hot Number Alert system is automatically
directed to up to three pre-designated phone numbers (standard phone, cell phone, or pager), in
sequential order. When an alerted official's telephone rings, he or she enters a security pass
code via the phone's keypad to access the live conversation. The on-set of monitoring cannot
be detected by either the inmate or the called party. When the alert goes to a pager, the
origination and destination numbers of the call are reported. When PINs are in use, the inmate's
PIN number is also reported.
When all three designated numbers are telephone numbers (not a pager), LazerPhone will the
call the first number on the liSt, if no answer after six rings, the second number is dialed. If no
answer after six rings, the third is dialed. If there is no answer afer six rings, LazerPhone begins
again with the first number, repeating the cycle up to three times.
When one of the deSignated numbers, for example the last on the list, is a pager, LazerPhone
will attempt the first two phone numbers and if no answer, will ring the pager, which stops the
cycle. LazerPhone "assumes contact" when it delivers to the pager: the phone number from
which the call is being made, the number dialed, and the inmate's PIN (if applicable).




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


If the need arises, at the workstation or from a remote location, an authorized officer may
instantly disconnect or conference into an inmate's call. If logged into the system, the officer
chooses the Disconnect or Conference menu option on the Call Monitoring screen. From a
remote location, the authorized official monitoring a live inmate conversation can disconnect the
call using LazerPhone's KwicKILL code or break into the conversation to speak to both parties
using LazerPhone's Conference Call code.
The system's Hot PIN Account Report and Hot Number Report, both available at the
workstation, help facility personnel and case investigators track call frequency and patterns of
inmates and destination numbers of particular interest. 	 Access to all facilities: Access to all facilities from any computer
with proper security access,
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone provides access to all facilities
from any computer with proper security access. GTL's unique frame relay network allows the
LazerPhone systems at all Alabama DOC facilities to be networked together via a secure closed
network. Authorized remote access to LazerPhone records and controls, whether from DOC
Headquarters or from a different DOC facility, is accomplished though a secure network that is
installed, managed, monitored, and maintained by GTL. The DOC's LazerPhone Inmate
Telephone System can permit authorized users at multiple locations to access the system's
login screen of the LazerPhone Web Management System control program. Authorized users
have access to inmate information such as calling activities, recorded conversations, allowed
numbers, blocked numbers and comprehensive PIN information all based on the permissions
granted by the system administrator(s), The system allows various DOC investigative and
administrative staff the ability to share information about a case, an inmate or investigation
through the use of the intergraded inmate notes feature of the LazerPhone Web Management
System. This information is available online in real time to all with a need and the appropriate
permission levels. Through this network, the authorized person at a remote location can
perform any LazerPhone administrative or investigative functions permitted by the person's
security clearance level, just as if he or she were sitting at the LazerPhone workstation at the
facility. 	 Approved Call List: System must allow calls only to numbers on the
inmate's approved call list (PAN).
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. A LazerPhone Call Allow List, that will restrict
calls to a limited list of approved numbers, can be assigned to each inmate. Call Allow lists,
which work in conjunction with inmate PINs, can be setup at the system workstation or
LazerPhone can be instructed to automatically generate a Call Allow list for each inmate.

Manual Setup of Call Allow Lists: At the LazerPhone system workstation, an authorized
person can manually create or modify a Call Allow List for a selected inmate. After logging into
the system, the authorized system user cliicks the Accounts button to access a list of inmate
PIN Accounts and does the following:
1. Click the inmate PIN of interest to open the inmate's Detailed Account Information sheet.
2. Click the Manage Call List button on the sheet to open the Call List.


Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



3. Type in the telephone numbers the inmate is allowed to call.
4. Close the Call List.
5. On the Detailed Account Information sheet click Call Allow to activate the list.
The new list will be immediately recognized by the system, so from that point forward the
inmate's calls will be limited to the numbers on the Call Allow list.

Automatic Generation of Call Allow Lists: To save administrative time, LazerPhone's
innovative Self-Learning feature can be activated to automatically generate a Call Allow list for
each inmate PIN, comprised of the first few destination numbers where the inmate's calls are
accepted. The facility decides how many telephone numbers LazerPhone may add to an
inmate's automatically generated list and authorized personnel may view or modify Call Allow
lists at the LazerPhone workstation.
Example Inmate Call Allow List

Advantages of Call Allow Lists: After years of analysis it has been determined that most
inmates call relatively few numbers and most are called within a short period after incarceration.
Automatically generated Call Allow lists allow investigators to quickly pin-point who inmates are
calling, thereby minimizing time and effort during investigations.
The use of Call Allow lists greatly minimizes the amount of time required to continuously update
facility-wide or individual block lists. Call Allow lists are a simple and natural deterrent to PIN
sharing. Numbers in a Call Allow list are normally significant only to the rightful owner of the
associated PIN. Additionally, we have found that individual Call Allow lists used in conjunction
with PINs does not have a negative impact on revenue from inmate phones.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


!:iIIIIIIIL 	 Pre-paid platform: System must include a pre-paid plan that will
allow inmate's families to pre-pay funds to cover inmate's future calls.
These pre-paid collect calls will be billed at a reduced cost (to the
inmate's family) as compared to regular collect calls from the facility.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Calls that may be otherwise blocked for
financial reasons, can be completed through Global Tel*Link's AdvancePay program. GTL
provides a toll-free number that a consumer may call anytime (24 hours per day, 365 days per
year) to check the balance on his/her existing AdvancePay account.
Automated AdvancePay Setup: When an inmate attempts to dial a number that has a
financially-based block, LazerPhone will place the inmate on hold while the option is given to the
called party to set up an AdvancePay account that will allow inmate calls, up to a specified
amount, to be charged to the party's VISA or Mastercard. Once the called party provides the
appropriate information, the inmate is connected.

The opening message to a called party regarding AdvancePay is similar to:
"Your telephone service provider does not allow collect calls from ... ". 

"If you would like to accept this and future collect calls, you must establish a pre-pay 

account. We accept Visa and MasterCard. If you would like to set up an account and 

accept this call please press ... ". 

Once the appropriate key is pressed to indicate "yes", prompts will walk the called party through
the remainder of the set up process. The option is given to set up a $25.00 or $50.00
prepayment. Once the account has been established and payment made via credit card, the
current call will connect.
After the pre-pay account is established, collect calls to the telephone number may be placed up
to the prepaid amount. After the prepaid amount is depleted, the system will inform the user
that a prepayment must be made before additional calls can be received. Customers are also
given the option at that time to increase their amount from a $25.00 limit to a $50.00 limit.
Non-Automated AdvancePay Setup: For people who do not have or choose not to use a VISA
or Mastercard, AdvancePay's automated operator also provides a telephone number to Global
Tel*Link's live AdvancePay operators, that the call recipient may dial to setup an AdvancePay
account using other methods of payment. Other payment methods include cashiers check,
personal check, Western Union, MoneyGram, or money order.

Our toll-free AdvancePay Customer Service number (877-650-4249) is answered from 6:00 AM
to 10:00 PM (Central Time), Monday through Friday and from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Central
Time) on Saturdays. During nights and weekends customers may leave a message and a GTL
Service Representative will return the call. We currently employ 23 full-time billing customer
support personnel.
GTL's AdvancePay program currently funds over 21,000 inmate calls per day. Although it
varies, on average, 35% to 40% of all calls at larger LazerPhone facilities are prepaid though
called-party AdvancePay and/or by inmate prepay options, which include inmate Debit Accounts
and Inmate Net Prepaid Calling Cards.




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State ofAlabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

P ercentfCIl
o ect an dP repal·d CaIIs
Site also using Inmate Prepay
Site not using Inmate Prepay

Ofo Collect

Ofo AdvancePay

Ofo Inmate Prepay





11.3.3. Inmate Calling Services
The Department of Corrections has implemented a secure system for
inmates to make calls from Alabama Prison Facilities. Any system
proposed in response to this ITB must provide the following comparable
services as a mInimum:

Dialing procedures required: The inmate dials 0+ area code + telephone number.

GTL Response: GTL understands and our LazerPhone system provides comparable inmate
dialing service. The automated operator says, "Please state your name."
The inmate's name is then recorded.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. For every call, LazerPhone's automated
operator presents to the called party, the inmate's name (prerecorded in the inmate's voice) and
the name of the correctional facility. The automated operator obtains the inmate's name as
If PINs are in use, the automated operator instructs the inmate to enter his or her PIN and the
inmate's pre-recorded name is retrieved from the individual's PIN file.
If PINs are not in use, the automated operator says, "At the tone, please state your name." The
name is stored in temporary memory. By default, the inmate has a two (2) second window in
which to state his/her name. The time window is programmable for longer or shorter periods. The inmate must state his or her name clearly before the
call is processed.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone's automated operator prompts
the inmate to clearly state his or her name for recording prior to processing the call. Once "Name" is stated, the system tells the inmate, "Your
call is being processed."
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Inmate holds for the call to be processed.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. The inmate is put on-hold while the call is



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

~IL. The called party is told "You have a collect call from an
Alabama Prison Facility", the name of the facility, and plays
back the inmate's recorded name. The announcement must
include a rate quote for the called party, including rate per
minute and any other fees and charges. The called party may
at their option accept, decline, or be given a 1-800-XXX­
xxxx telephone number to call.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. When the call is answered, the LazerPhone
System's automated operator will instruct the called party with a message such as:
"You have a collect call from [INMATE NAME], an inmate at [FACILITY NAME], an
Alabama Prison Facility. This call may be monitored and/or recorded.
If you wish to accept this call, press or say zero and hold. 

To deny the call, press or say 5 and hang up." 

If you wish to block future calls of this nature, press or say 7 for further instructions. (GTL's 

toll free number is provided.)
To hear the cost for this call, press or say 9 and hold for rate information.
If the called party fails to respond appropriately, the message repeats up to three times
and if no appropriate response is made within 30 seconds of the last repeat, the call is
The exact wording of automated prompts will vary with call type. For example, for a call prepaid
from an inmate's debit account, the message to the called party would open with: "This is a
prepaid call from [inmate name], ad inmate at [facility name]. The cost of this call has been pre­
paid by the inmate. If you wish to accept press or say zero and hold ... " The wording of default
messages can be modified to exactly match the State's preferences. If the called party accepts the call, it is then connected.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. An inmate's call is connected only after the
called party positively indicates acceptance. Billing begins when the the connection is made,
. allowing the inmate to talk with the called party If the party called does not answer or declines the call, the
automated operator states to the inmate the result of the
call ("party is not at home", "party will not accept your call",
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. When an inmate's call cannot be completed,
the automated operator will notify the inmate using a message similar to one of the following:
"The called number was busy, please try your call later."
"The called party did not answer, please try your call later."
"The called party did not accept your calL"


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006




"The called party has placed a block on this number." All Inmate calls must be directed through an automated
operator. Absolutely no access to a "live" operator will be



GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone is strictly an automated operator
service. Inmates will never have access to a live operator. The system voice prompts are clear
and easy to understand. LazerPhone provides the following automated operator service
• 	 Language Preference: Upon picking up the receiver, the inmate will hear the following prompt,
"For English, press 1" - in English; "For Spanish, press 2" - in Spanish; and so on. This prompt
continues through each language chosen by the State and available in the system until the
inmate makes a selection. The system supports up to ten (10) languages at one time.



Call Type Preference: When the facility approves multiple call types (e.g. collect, debit, station­

to-station, person-to-person) the automated operator prompts the inmate to select the various 

call type options. 



Inmate Call Branding: When an inmate's call is answered the automated operator identifies
for the called party both the inmate and the facility from which the call was placed. For example,
the branding message for a collect, station-to-station call is similar to: "This is a collect call from
[INMATE NAME], an inmate at [FACILITY NAME]. The branding message is followed by
various called-party options.


• 	 Positive Call Acceptance: Following the call branding message, the called party hears an
instructional prompt, "If you wish to accept this call, press or say 'zero' and hold; to refuse, press
or say '5' and hang up; if you wish to block any future calls of this nature, press or say '7' for
further information." Should any number other than those specified be pressed or spoken, the
call is terminated. If the called party fails to respond appropriately, the message will repeat up
to three times. If there is no response within thirty seconds of the third repeat, the call is
• 	 Automatic Rate Quote: The system will quote rates to the called party prior to accepting the
call. The rates are retrieved from Global Tel*Link's centralized rating system which is revised
automatically when rate changes occur. The rate-quoting feature will quote the called party the
cost of the first period, or minute, and the cost for any additional period(s), or minute(s).
• 	 Call Duration Warning: A voice prompt or a warning tone will alert both the inmate and the call
recipient when only one minute is left on any call. The system may be configured to repeat the
warning at a different interval and/or at multiple intervals.
• 	 General Information: When an inmate's call cannot be completed, the automated operator will
notify the inmate using a message similar to one of the following: 

"The called number was busy, please try your call later." 

"The called party did not answer, please try your call later." 

"The called party did not accept your call." 


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



''The called party has placed a block on this number."
• 	 Automated Account Balance: When LazerPhone's prepaid Debit system is in use, the inmate
hears the balance in his or her Debit account before call processing begins for a prepaid call.
• 	 Automated AdvancePay Setup: When an inmate attempts to dial a number that has a
financially-based block, AdvancePay will place the inmate on hold while the option is given to
the called party to set up an AdvancePay account that will allow inmate calls, up to a specified
amount, to be charged to the party's VISA or Mastercard. 	 The system must provide a recurring announcement
at various intervals that states "This call has been placed
from an Alabama Prison facility", and states the name of
the facility.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. In addition to the opening announcement to
the call party prior to call acceptance, LazerPhone can be configured to interject recorded
announcements at random or preset intervals throughout the inmate's conversation. 	 Inmate service will be restricted to 0+ Station to
Station Collect Only, no Person to Person will be allowed.
This service will include local, intraLATA and interLATA
collect calls. No other types of calls may be permitted for
inmate service unless expressly exempted on a limited basis
by institution through a separate memorandum of agreement
issued to the vendor by the STATE. In these limited
instances, the vendor will be required to provide local coin
calling in addition to collect only calling. Vendors must
provide detailed information on the proposed system's ability
to limit inmate calls to collect only and to the list of called
numbers permitted to each inmate. No access to 800, 900,
10XXX, 950 or other numbers restricted by the Department
of Corrections is permitted.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone's calling services for inmates 

can be configured to restrict calls to station"to"station, collect only. Other call types are available 

(e.g. prepaid debit calls) at the State's request. At the time of installation the system is 

configured with facility"wide settings and call restrictions dictated by the Alabama DOC. After 

installation, at a LazerPhone workstation, the System Administrator or other authorized 

personnel have options to add/change restrictions, monitor, and report inmate telephone usage. 

Telephone restrictions may be defined for an entire facility, a particular cell block, individual 

inmate PINs, and/or individual telephone units. 

Available Telephone Services: LazerPhone provides Local, InterLATA, IntraLATA, Interstate, 

and International service as desired by the DOC, facilitated entirely by an automated operator. 

The system can provide collect, prepaid, and (when appropriate) free call options. 



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



Pre-Block of Disallowed Numbers: LazerPhone's computerized call control system is pre­
programmed to block known disallowed numbers. Prefixes such as 900, 950, 800, 976, 411,
and 911 are automatically blocked and require no action by facility personnel. Additionally, calls
to the operator through 0, 00, 10xxx, 950xxx, etc. are disallowed without requiring action by
facility personnel. At the State's request, the system can be configured to allow or disallow
international calls. All incoming calls are blocked. Inmate telephones are automatically blocked
from other inmate phones within the same facility or within other facilities with LazerPhone
Global Tel*Link's call processing and blocking systems are external to the telephone units and
can be operated either remotely from Global Tel*Link's Management Control Center or directly
from the facility's on-site workstation.

Unlimited Real Time Call Blocking: LazerPhone allows an unlimited quantity of individual
numbers to be blocked on-site, in real time, at the system workstation. Each inmate call is
checked through LazerPhone's validation system. If the dialed number has been blocked, the
inmate is informed, "You may not dial this number," and the call is terminated. Numbers may be
blocked facility-wide, by inmate telephone (or all phones in a housing unit), or by individual inmate
PINs (personal identification numbers).
Emergency Blocks: In an emergency, a new block can be in place in a matter of seconds. An
authorized correctional officer opens the Manage Facility Phone List screen at a LazerPhone
workstation, clicks the Add New button to open the Destination Phone Number Details screen,
types in the number, and checks Blocked. The newly added number is immediately recognized
and blocked by the system.


I Inmate service will provide for flexible tlmmg
restriction. At a minimum, these timing restrictions must be
able to limit calls from 0 to 30 minutes, in 5 minute
increments. The institution will have the option to have no
timing restrictions if it chooses to do so. The current time
limit, as well as default time limit, is 15 minutes.




GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone can limit the duration of inmate
calls from one (1) to two hundred fifty-five (255) minutes. A call duration limit may be applied
globally to all system telephones and selectively applied to logical groups of phones (cell block,
building, etc.), individual telephones, individual inmate PINs, and to individual destination
numbers. Call durations are set and changed entirely at the DOC's discretion and are adjustable
at the system workstation at each location.




Warning Prompt: LazerPhone can be configured to include a warning tone or voice message
to announce the impending disconnect of the phone call. The playing of the warning tone or
message is configurable by seconds left in the call. For example, it can be configured so that
the prompt plays 60 seconds prior to call termination, and again at 30 seconds (10 seconds,
etc.). Termination messages may be changed at the DOC's discretion.

r .




Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

G=--IL Inmate pay telephones will provide outgoing service
only. No incoming service will be pennitted to inmate
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone provides only out-going service
to inmates. 	 The STATE will bear no responsibility for fraudulent
calls placed from any inmate facility nor will the STATE
bear any responsibility for theft or vandalism of inmate
telephones or related equipment. The STATE shall bear no
costs associated with theft, fraud or vandalism, nor will any
such costs be deducted from revenues on which commissions
are due to the STATE.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. GTL accepts full responsibility for any loses
due to fraud, theft, or vandalism with no deductions what so ever from the STATE's revenue for
these costs. 	
Voice Prompts must be multi-lingual. Vendor must
describe how these multi-lingual prompts work and what
languages are available. At a minimum voice prompts must
be available in English and Spanish.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. By default, LazerPhone's automated
operator's pre-recorded messages are available in English and Spanish. LazerPhone supports
prompts in up to ten (10) languages. If the facility has a need for an additional language, pre­
recorded messages in that language can be developed at no cost to the STATE. Modifications
to pre-recorded messages are also provided at no cost.




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006











11.3.4. Inmate Telephone Monitoring Device:
The proposed monitoring system must provide for digital
Recording. The vendor will furnish information about the make(s)
and model(s) of the proposed inmate monitoring device(s):
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone has fully integrated state-of-the­
art monitoring and recording capabilities with no interference to current recording operations. By
default, all inmate conversations are recorded unless monitoring and recording are prohibited to
ensure client/attorney privalege or have been selectively turned off by authorized facility

Current inmate call activity may be visually monitored on a Call Monitoring screen at the
LazerPhone workstation and/or audibly monitored by directing a live conversation to the
workstation's computer speaker, to a standard phone, or to a cell phone. Because both visual
and audio monitoring are seamlessly integrated into LazerPhone's real-time environment,
monitoring does not interfere with recording and is not detectable by either the caller or the
recipient of the call.

Authorized personnel may watch the status of phones and calls-in-progress at the local
workstation or a workstation at a remote central site. LazerPhone provides a visual display of all
phone line activity in real time on the Call Monitoring screen.

.... E North ' " #2
.... E North ' " '"
.... FTril'S
.... 150#2
.... ESIdII#2
..... SIdII"'''
.... '*V.-.l1#1
.... IITri#2

.... 8 5cUh ' " I'S
.... 8 North ' " '4
.... HriU
.... LN.dhC.U4
_ 1#1


_ _ 1#2 


I "

I #2

MAlE 2
MAlE 1
MAlE 2
MAlE 1
MAlE 2
MAlE 2
MAlE 2
MAlE 2

0110 comoc:t:ed
0110 comoc:t:ed
' " 10 comoc:t:ed
Olio comoc:t:ed

' " 10 comoc:t:ed
I'Ieyn;J pr....,u
I'Ieyn;J pr....,u

GotIi'lg PIN
GotIi'lg - - .........


















0111 _




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006




A call-in-progiess, visible on LazerPhone's Call Monitoring screen, may be directed to the
workstations speaker or particular telephone receiver by double-clicking the call entry to open a
pop-up box and choosing the "Send call to computer speakers" option, or by entering a
destination telephone number. If a telephone number is entered, when the destination phone
rings, the called-party dials a numeric password to access the live conversation.
A call-in-progress detected by the LazerPhone's Hot Number Alert system is automatically
directed to up to three pre-designated phone numbers (standard phone, cell phone, or pager).
When an alerted official's telephone rings, he or she enters a password via the phone's keypad
to access the live conversation. When the alert goes to a pager, the origination and destination
numbers of the call are reported. When PINs are in use, the inmate's PIN number is also
If the need arises, at the workstation or from a remote location, an authorized officer may
instantly disconnect or conference into an inmate's call. If logged into the system, the officer
chooses the Disconnect or Conference menu option on the Call Monitoring screen. From a
remote location, the authorized official monitoring a live inmate conversation can disconnect the
call using LazerPhone's KwicKI LL code or break into the conversation to speak to both parties
using LazerPhone's Conference Call code.

LazerPhone's recording parameters are user-selectable. By default, all inmate calls are
recorded and may be audibly monitored by authorized personnel, except those to approved
legal counselors. At the system workstation, authorized personnel may turn off monitoring and
recording for other calls by destination number, PIN, inmate phone, and groups of inmate

Recording Storage: Recordings of inmate conversations will be retained on-line for a minimum
of ninety (90) days. The system's Record Lock feature allows recordings of special interest to
be retained beyond the agreed upon storage period (until the record is unlocked). The
LazerPhone workstation is equipped with a Compact Disk ReadIWrite (CDRW) drive for backing
up call records and/or recordings for off line storage. LazerPhone's easy backup routine allows
up to 100 recordings to be selected at once for copy to a CD. Copying a selected set of
recordings to a CD requires only 4 mouse clicks to accomplish.
Replay From LazerPhone's Control Program: At the system workstation (or when logged-in
from an authorized computer at a remote location), the LazerPlayer opens automatically when
the system user clicks the recording icon on the desired call record. Locating recordings of
interest is easy. On the system's Call Search screen, the user simply identifies the desired call
record or records by one or more of the standard search criteria (date or range of dates, time of
day, inmate phone, inmate PIN, destination number, call type, etc.), then clicks the Search
button. An icon in the uR" field of a call record indicates the presence of a recording. When
LazerPhone's record filter "Calls with Recordings" is specified, only calls with attached
recordings will be retrieved.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State ofAlabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



The system's small LazerPlayer program, which is' available both at the workstation and on CDs
to which LazerPhone recordings have been copied, is used to play, stop, fast-forward, rewind,
or pause a recorded conversation. A click on a call record's recording icon opens the
LazerPlayer and begins the replay.
~J c: DOCUME~1 ,kuntz LO(AlS~1 Temp 2BOUIOSR.vOS -lazerPiayer




- ---







Replay From a CD: A recorded conversation may be backed up to a compact disk (CD) for
archrival purposes or to be played back elsewhere for evidence. The LazerPhone workstation is
equipped with a CDRW drive for this purpose. LazerPhone's easy backup routine allows up to
100 call recordings to be selected at once for copy to a CD. Copying a selected set of
recordings to a CD requires only 4 mouse clicks to accomplish.
A recording copied to a CD remains wrapped in an exclusive security envelope that protects
the integrity of the recording and verifies the authenticity of its identifying information (phone

Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


numbers involved, inmate's PIN, date, time, and duration}. Any deliberate or accidental
alteration to the recording disturbs the security envelope and is immediately detectable. Global
Tel*Link, the manufacturer of LazerPhone, will provide expert testimony, free of charge, to any
jurisdiction on the authenticity of LazerPhone recordings.
When a recording is copied to a CD, the small LazerPlayer program is also copied. Accessing
the CD on any relatively late model Windows-based computer (with Windows Me, Xp, NT 4.0
Service Pack 6a or higher, and a sound card) allows the recorded conversation to be played
back using the associated LazerPlayer program.
Replay From an Emailed File: A LazerPhone recording file in its original format (with security
envelope) and the system's small LazerPlayer program can be attached to an email message
and sent to any relatively late model Windows-based computer (with Windows Me, Xp, NT 4.0
Service Pack 6a or higher, and a sound card) for replay.
A recorded conversation may also be saved to a WAV or MP3 file that can be copied to CDs or
emailedand played back using Windows Media Player. This is especially useful for quick
consultations between investigators. It is not recommended that WAV or MP3 versions of an
inmate's conversion be submitted as actual evidence, since conversion to the publicly
accessible WAV file format, strips the recording of its security envelope. Without the security
envelope, a recording's authenticity cannot be positively verified. 	 Capacity: The monitoring device must accommodate the number of
inmate lines in each institution with expansion capability.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone can accommodate the
monitoring of all inmate lines and has virtually unlimited expansion capability. 	 Visual Monitoring: The inmate monitoring device will permit the
attendant to visually determine the off-hook and on-hook status of each
inmate telephone. The device must provide a display of the line being
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Authorized personnel may watch the status of
phone lines and calls-in-progress at the local workstation or a workstation at a remote central
site. LazerPhone provides a visual display of all phone line activity in real time on the Call
Monitoring screen.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006


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0304~1 Audible Monitoring: The inmate monitoring device will permit an




attendant to manually select any associated inmate telephone. The device
will permit the attendant to listen to any conversation in progress at a
selected telephone over the monitoring device's handset and/or speaker
for an unlimited duration.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. A call-in-progress, visible on LazerPhone's
Call Monitoring screen, may be directed to the workstations speaker or particular telephone
receiver by double-clicking the call entry to open a pop-up box and choosing the "Send call to
computer speakers" option, or by entering a destination telephone number. If a telephone
number is entered, when the destination phone rings, the called-party dials a numeric password
to access the live conversation.

Call Disconnect: The inmate monitoring device will permit the
attendant to disconnect any call in progress.

GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. If the need arises, at the workstation or from a 

remote location, an authorized officer may instantly disconnect or conference into an inmate's 

call. If logged into the system, the officer chooses the Disconnect or Conference menu option on 

the Call Monitoring screen. From a remote location, the authorized official monitoring a live 

inmate conversation can disconnect the call using LazerPhone's KwicKILL code or break into 

the conversation to speak to both parties using LazerPhone's Conference Call code. 


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


!:oIIIII1L. 	 Undetected Supervision: The inmate monitoring device will allow the
attendant access to the inmate call in progress without a change in the
audible signal. The inmate and the called party will not be aware of when
the attendant is present on the line.


GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Because both visual and audio monitoring are
seamlessly integrated into LazerPhone's real-time environment, monitoring does not interfere
with recording and is not detectable by either the caller or the recipient of the call. 	 Alarm: The monitoring device must provide an indication on the
console to signal loss of power to the control equipment. If loss of power
occurs during the inmate's use of the telephone, all inmate telephones will
automatically be rendered inoperable.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. In the event of a power failure at the
correctional facility, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units provide temporary power for the
entire system. The standard UPS units included with LazerPhone are capable of providing
power to the system for 15 minutes, which is usually enough time for a facility to switch to its
emergency generator. Units of greater capacity are available if required.

In the absence of an emergency generator, upon expiration of the UPS, the system performs a
safe shutdown to protect data and renders inmate telephones completely inoperable. Once
power is restored the system will reboot without human intervention and resume normal

J. 	 Speaker: The console must have a hands-free speaker to allow the
attendant to monitor a call. The audible transmission of the speaker must
be of a quality to allow the attendant to clearly hear both calling and
called party.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. The LazerPhone workstation computer
includes a high quality, hands-free speaker by which authorized personnel can clearly hear both
the inmate and the called party during conversation monitoring.

Cabling: The cable necessary to support this device must be provided
by the vendor or if in place cabling is available and can be acquired
or leased by the vendor from the incumbent service provider and meets
the requirements of this system, it may be reused. This will be a site
specific decision made by the Department of Corrections.

GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. GTL will provide all cabling necessary to
support the operation of inmate phones and the LazerPhone inmate calling system.




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006


11.3.5. Inmate Telephone Recording Requirements: The proposed system(s) will
provide, as a minimum, the following: Recording of all voice channels
GTl Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone provides recording of all voice
channels. By default, all inmate calls are recorded and may be audibly monitored by authorized
personnel, except those to approved legal counselors. At the system workstation, authorized
personnel may turn off monitoring and recording for other calls by destination number, PIN,
inmate phone, and groups of inmate phones. 	 The ability for the central monitoring attendant to record both sides
of a conversation on any inmate telephone line.
GTl Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone allows monitoring of calls on any
inmate telephone line from a centralized location and provides recording of both the inmate's
and the called party's side of the conversation.

Storage on a hard drive for up to 90 days

GTl Response: GTL understands and complies. Recordings of inmate conversations will be
retained on-line for a minimum of ninety (gO) days. The system's Record Lock feature allows
recordings of special interest to be retained beyond the agreed upon storage period (until the
record is unlocked). 	 Call Portability: The ability to burn or transfer a recorded
conversation to a CD or other media.
GTl Response: GTL understands and complies. The LazerPhone workstation is equipped with
a Compact Disk ReadlWrite (CDRW) drive for backing up call records and/or recordings for off
line storage. LazerPhone's easy backup routine allows up to 100 recordings to be selected at
once for copy to a CD. Copying a selected set of recordings to a CD requires only 4 mouse
clicks to accomplish. 	 The transferred record must include the call record detail (time/date
of call, PIN #, number called, duration of call, etc.)
GTl Response: GTL understands and complies. When a recording is copied to a CD the
transferred record includes the call's details (time/date, PIN, destination number, duration, etc.).
The transferred recording remains wrapped in GTL's exclusive security envelope that protects
the integrity of the recording and verifies the authenticity of its identifying detailed information.
Any deliberate or accidental alteration to the recording would disturb the security envelope and
be immediately detectable. GTL will provide expert testimony, free of charge, to any jurisdiction
on the authenticity of LazerPhone's recordings.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
fnmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006

G-.-IL 	 All records from every site must be available online so that system
wide investigations may be performed from a central location.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone's call records are available online
from a central location. LazerPhone provides access to all facilities from any computer with
proper security access. GTL's unique frame relay network allows the LazerPhone systems at all
Alabama DOC facilities to be networked together via a secure closed network.
Authorized remote access to LazerPhone records and controls, whether from DOC
Headquarters or from a different DOC facility, is accomplished though a secure network that is
installed, managed, monitored, and maintained by GTL. The DOC's LazerPhone Inmate
Telephone System can permit authorized users at multiple locations to access the system's
login screen of the LazerPhone Web Management System control program. Authorized users
have access to inmate information such as calling activities, recorded conversations, allowed
numbers, blocked numbers and comprehensive PIN information all based on the permissions
granted by the system administrator(s). The system allows various DOC investigative and
administrative staff the ability to share information about a case, an inmate or investigation
through the use of the intergraded inmate notes feature of the LazerPhone Web Management
System. This information is available online in real time to all with a need and the appropriate
permiSSion levels. Through this network, the authorized person at a remote location can
perform any LazerPhone administrative or investigative functions permitted by the person's
security clearance level, just as if he or she were sitting at the LazerPhone workstation at the
facility. 	 Search and Play: The system must allow administrators to search for
calls completed and recorded during a specific time period, calls
placed at a specific inmate telephone, calls placed to a specific
destination number or calls made by phones assigned to a inmate or
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone's Call Search screen allows
administrators to search for calls by a variety of criteria, including calls during a specified time
period, calls placed from a specific inmate phone or to a specific destination number, or all calls
made by phones assigned to an inmate or group.
Call record filters can be applied individually or in combination. Standard filters include (but are
not limited to):
Calls by Origination number (inmate phone) 

Calls by Destination number 

Calls from a specified phone or group of phones 

Calls by Rate Type (Local, InterLata, etc.) 

Calls through a particular trunk line 

Calls with recorded conversations 

Calls with replayed recordings 

Calls with Notes 

Calls of a specified duration 

Calls by Inmate PIN (if applicable) 

Calls with specified words in call Notes 


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07·X·2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



Calls with a specified Start or End code 

Free calls 

Completed calls 

Incomplete calls 

Incomplete calls that validated 

Locked call records 


The call search results in an on-screen call detail report, ready for printing. The report will
display all calls that meet the specified criteria. Call detail reports include for each call record:
Phone Station 10, Site 10, Destination Number, PIN, Dateffime, Length. Cost, Start Code and
End Code, as well as a set of icon fields that provide the following information when an icon is

Icon Indicates


A recorded conversation is attached
A user Note is attached
I The record is Locked to keep its recording beyond normal storage period
The recording has been played back (Playback History)
Call record has been downloaded to CD (Call Download History)

For on-site auditing and revenue verification, call detail reports include a total cost and duration
summary for all records in the report, as well as the duration (length) and cost of individual calls.
Reports may be generated for any time period and may be sorted in ascending or descending
order by any of the nine major column headings on the report.

11.3.6. Prevention of Three-way Calling: Vendors must describe their ability to
detect switch hook flashing and to prevent call forwarding and conferencing at
the called party end. The STATE reserves the right to implement this feature at
selected prison facilities as it deems necessary.



Global Te1*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone is designed to detect and/or
Hook-Switch Flashing: LazerPhone's exclusive electronic circuit design eliminates fraud
through secondary dial tone, chain dialing, hand-held DTMF dialers, hook/switch dialing and
access to non-billable numbers (i.e., payphones). Immediately upon completion of one call (or a
flash of the hook-switch), LazerPhone returns the inmate telephone to the equivalent of a
primary dial tone, before another call can begin.
Extra Digits Dialed: LazerPhone is capable of detecting extra digits dialed during an inmate
call. The system can be configured so that upon detection one of the following actions will be
taken: call is terminated, a warning message is played, or both of these, If extra digits are
dialed during a call attempt, the system highlights the call in ORANGE on LazerPhone's Call
Search screen.
Three-Way Calls: Fraud attempts involving called party cooperation to attempt a three-way call
is frequently detectable. Although there is no way to count or otherwise note three-way call
attempts that go undetected in an actual inmate environment, audible detection and processing
of three-way calls has proven to be 100% effective on a clean network connection in test
environments. In a working prison environment, 100% of detected three-way attempts are both
prevented and reported by the proposed LazerPhone system.
With current telephony technology, however, there remain challenges to three-way call
detection: (1) call waiting may mimic the sound of a three-way call; (2) call forwarding may not
yield a detectable sound; and (3) noise or conversation on the line may mask sounds and
signals normally present during a three-way call attempt. LazerPhone engineers continuously
strive to meet these challenges in more and more effective ways. As fraud prevention strategies
evolve and are incorporated into the LazerPhone system, new versions of the software will be
automatically uploaded to the State's system.

. __ ._.





LazerPhone displays 3-way call attempts in red. Calls with extra digits dialed, display orange.



Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


Call Forwarding: Fraud attempts involving a called party's cooperation by having the party's
calls automatically forwarded to a remote number, is the greatest challenge. Although there is
currently no reliable electronic method of detecting and stopping calls from being forwarded to
another number, our Fraud Control Department monitors called numbers and we have
successfully detected forwarded numbers and prevented these numbers from being called
again by inmates. Our Fraud Team works hand in hand with our customers to monitor
forwarded calls. As technology develops which accurately detects call forwarding, our
Company will incorporate this technology into our software releases and the 5tate will be
furnished with this technology.

While some inmate telephone providers may claim that they can accurately detect and prevent
remote call forwarding through 557 technology, we have discovered that this method of
detection does not identify a remotely forwarded call. 557 will accurately detect call
progression up until the point that the call is routed to the local switch. Once the switch has
identified the local telephone number to send this call to, 557 can no longer detect the call
progression. The signal that indicates that the local number has call forwarding on the phone
occurs after the call has been routed to the local phone number. Thus, in order for 557
dete.ction to work, this technology would have to be on the residential local telephone number
and that is simply not the case.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07·X·2 170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



11.3.7. Centralized Database: The proposed inmate telephone system must, at a
minimum, provide the following features:
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies, GTL's LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System
provides advanced centralized processing and databases, requires minimal on-site equipment,
and takes advantage of the most technologically advanced features available to the
telecommunications service industry, Our centralized platform, with full redundancy at two
physically separate locations, provides greater security for your inmate call records and
recordings, eliminates the most common problems associated with on-site equipment failure,
and effectively puts GTL's highly trained service personnel continuously "in the room" with your
calling platform and call data.
For multiple-facility agencies, GTL's centralized platform allows all sites to be networked,
providing centralized recording of voice and CDR records. Each site has a WAN connection to
the data network. All inmate conversations are routed to the GTL central data center for
Network Based LazerPhone

Equipment Site


The GTL centralized Data Center keeps all CDR records and performs validation of calls. A
bank of central processors located in the GTL Data Center is responsible for managing call flow
from start to end of call. Voice recordings are housed and maintained at the central Data Center


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



in a multi-terabyte large scale data warehouse. Network management of all elements in the
network is performed at the GTL Data Center.
The GTL Central Data Center has redundant broadband connections into the data network from
multiple Internet service providers (lSP)s. Multiple front-end routers are configured for fail-over
switching in the event of a router or network outage. In the event of an ISP network failure or
router failure, the traffic will automatically rout to a second ISP.
GTL Data Center Security

Perimeter gated fence with guarded fence access. 

Level 4 hurricane rated building 

Electronic employee-pass access to data center 

Electronic employee-pass controlled access to computer rooms 

2417 video monitoring and recording of data center computer rooms 

FM 200 Fire system 

Dual grid AC power to data center 

Diesel powered backup generators at data center 

UPS protection of all servers in data center 

LazerPhone On-Site Equipment

19 Inch Rack to house solid state equipment 

1 U Digital Station Channel Bank per 24 stations 

1 U Digital Trunk Channel Bank per 24 stations 

1U Switch/Router for Wide Area network termination 

UPS (size dependant on number of stations) 

Workstation and Monitor for management console 

Inmate Telephones 

TDD units (if applicable) 

At no cost to the State of Alabama, GTL provides all equipment, hardware and software,
installation, maintenance, training, and services necessary for the operation of our proposed
LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System. LazerPhone meets FCC an all other applicable
regulations. 	 Cabling: The cable necessary to support this device must be provided
by the vendor or if in place cabling is available and can be acquired or
leased by the vendor from the incumbent service provider and meets
the requirements of this system, it may be reused. This will be a site
specific decision made by the Department of Corrections.
GTL Response: GTL understands, agrees, and complies. GTL will abide with the Department
of Corrections' decisions regarding existing cabling. At no cost to the STATE, GTL provides all
cabling, equipment, hardware and software, installation, maintenance, training. and services
necessary for the operation of our proposed LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System.
LazerPhone meets FCC an all other applicable regulations.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


!"ooIIII1L. 	 An inmate specific list of telephone numbers which the inmate is
permitted to call, also known as a PAN. An unlocking feature, which
permits STATE authorities at a particular institution to allow inmates
access to restricted collect only service, must be provided.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. A LazerPhone Call Allow List (PAN), that will
restrict calls to a limited list of approved numbers, can be assigned to each inmate. Call Allow
lists, which work in conjunction with inmate PINs, can be setup at the system workstation or
LazerPhone can be instructed to automatically generate a Call Allow list for each inmate.

Manual Setup of Call Allow Lists: At the LazerPhone system workstation, an authorized
person can manually create or modify a Call Allow List for a selected inmate. After logging into
the system, the authorized system user cliicks the Accounts button to access a list of inmate
PIN Accounts and does the following:
1. Click the inmate PIN of interest to open the inmate's Detailed Account Information sheet.
2. Click the Manage Call List button on the sheet to open the Call List.
3. Type in the telephone numbers the inmate is allowed to call.
4. Close the Call List.
5. On the Detailed Account Information sheet click Call Allow to activate the list.
The new list will be immediately recognized by the system, so from that point forward the
inmate's calls will be limited to the numbers on the Call Allow list.

Automatic Generation of Call Allow Lists: To save administrative time, LazerPhone's
innovative Self-Learning feature can be activated to automatically generate a Call Allow list for
each inmate PIN, comprised of the first few destination numbers where the inmate's calls are
accepted. The facility decides how many telephone numbers LazerPhone may add to an
inmate's automatically generated list and authorized personnel may view or modify Call Allow
lists at the LazerPhone workstation.
Call Allow List Unlocking: LazerPhone's flexible call control functionality allows STATE
authorities to selectively turn-off (unlock) an inmate's Call Allow list, which permits the inmate to
make collect calls restricted only by facility wide and any other personal call restrictions that are
assigned. 	 A required inmate authorization code, also known as a PIN, unique
to each inmate to be associated with each called telephone number
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone's integrated PIN system is used
to control, monitor, and report telephone usage by individual inmates.
Control: Custom calling restrictions may be added to any inmate's LazerPhone PIN account. 

An inmate's PIN account helps govern his/her calling privileges, which may be restricted by a 

Call Allow list (personal allowed numbers), a custom Block List (personal disallowed 

numbers), and/or a Call Schedule (times of day, week, etc. that calls can be placed). 



Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


Monitor: LazerPhone PINs allow facility personnel to be aware, at any given moment, of
exactly which imates are on the phones, which phone an individual is using and the
destination number of the call. The visual monitoring of calls-in-progress, via LazerPhone's
real-time Call Monitoring screen, can alert correctional officers when an inmate under
investigation is placing a call that may need to be audibly tapped.
Report: Call Activity reports can be printed from the LazerPhone workstation for a particular
PIN, a group of PINs, or all PINs.
Debit Accounts for Prepaid Calls: When PINs are operative, the facility may elect to allow
inmate the use of LazerPhone's Debit system for prepaid calls.
Personal Identification Numbers (PINs)
A LazerPhone Personal Identification Number (PIN), which can be 4 to 15 digits long, may be
the inmate's social security number, a booking or other number issued by the correctional
facility, or a number that is automatically generated by the LazerPhone system.
For added security or cross-referencing purposes, LazerPhone provides a split-PIN option
whereby an inmate's (PIN) has two parts. For example, an inmate's PIN might be his or her
booking number, followed by another personal identifier code. The second portion of the PIN
can be a four or five digit number that is personally chosen by the inmate during PIN Auto
Enrollment, assigned by the facility, or automatically generated by the system.
Pin Account Setup
Activating LazerPhone's PIN system is optional and free of any cost to the State. The use of
. PINs does not impact the State's revenue from the LazerPhone system in anyway.
A PIN account may be setup by a correctional officer at the system workstation or through a
simple Auto-Enrollment procedure performed by the inmate, usually at the time of booking.
Likewise, a Call Allow list (limited list of approved numbers) for each PIN can be set up at the
workstation or LazerPhone can auto-generate a Call Allow list for each inmate, comprised of
the first few destination numbers where the inmate's calls are accepted. The facility decides
how many telephone numbers LazerPhone may add to an inmate's automatically generated list
and authorized personnel may view or modify Call Allow lists at the LazerPhone workstation.
Example Inmate PIN Auto-Enrollment Procedure
After receiving a PIN and brief instructions from a correctional officer the inmate picks up the
handset of a designated phone and follows the instructions of an automated operator.
1. The automated operator instructs the inmate to choose the perfered language.
2. The automated operator instructs the inmate to enter his/her PIN on the telephone's keypad.
3. 	 For verification, the automated operator instructs the inmate to re-enter his/her PIN on the
telephone's keypad.
4. 	The automated operator informs the inmate that he/she has completed auto enrollment and
may now use the telephones in the facility.
Example Inmate PIN Call Procedure



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


1. The inmate picks up the handset and at the prompting of an automated operator, designates
with a key-press the preferred language (English, Spanish,etc.).


2. 	Following the automated operator's instruction, the inmate dials the desired area code and
destination number.
If the number is disallowed at the facility level, the inmate is informed that the number is
not permitted and the call is terminated. If the number is allowed, the call proceeds.

3. 	 Following the automated operator's instruction, the inmate designates with a key-press
whether the call is to be collect, person-to-person, or prepaid.
4. 	Following the automated operator's instruction, the inmate enters his/her PIN on the keypad.
The system checks global blocked lists and the inmate's PIN account to verify that the
destination number is allowed and to retrieve the inmate's prerecorded name from the
PIN file.
If this is the individual's first call using a PIN, the automated operator says, "At the tone,
clearly state your name." By default, the inmate has a two (2) second window in which to
state his/her name. The time window is programmable for longer or shorter periods. The
recorded name is stored in the inmate's PIN file.

Prevention of Duplicate PINs
Before saving information for the creation of a new PIN file, LazerPhone checks its PIN 

database and verifies' that a duplicate PIN does not exist. If a duplicate is found, the system
generates a message that says the PIN that has been entered is invalid and requests that a 

different PIN be entered. 


PIN numbers can be manually typed-in or automatically generated by the system during the
creation of a new PIN account at the workstation. An inmate performing the PIN Auto
Enrollment procedure enters a State-issued, or State-approved PIN on the keypad of a booking
area phone. In all cases, LazerPhone verifies the uniqueness of the PIN before the new PIN file
is created.

Advantages of LazerPhone's PIN System
Inmate Auto-Enrollment into the PIN system and the auto-generation of Inmate Call Allow lists,
decrease the amount of time normally required to administer an inmate PIN system. Although
optional, the use of LazerPhone's PIN system allows the system's powerful call control options
to be applied on an inmate-by-inmate basis, and the positive identification of inmates making
calls provides invaluable information to correctional administrators and investigators.
Set Call Duration by PIN: Unique call duration may be assigned to individual inmates. This
duration can be programmed from one (1) minute to two hundred fifty-five (255) minutes in one
(1) minute increments. In addition, a warning prompt or tone will notify the inmate that the call
duration is approaching the preset time limit.
Set Call Velocity by PIN: An inmate can be restricted to the number of calls he/she can make
during a specified time period. This time period can be set for hours, days, weeks, etc.
Set Hot Number By PIN:

Facility personnel can enter HOT NUMBERS via the on-site


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



workstation. Should an inmate attempt to dial one of these numbers, the LazerPhone
Management Control Center computer will dial up to three destination numbers (telephones or
pagers as programmed per the facility administrator's requirements) and report the number the
call is being made from, the number being dialed, and the inmate making the attempt (by his or
her PIN number). LazerPhone will make three attempts to complete these calls.
Obtain Management Reports by PIN: When PINs are in use, the system administrator can
create reports including inmate PINs. The inmate PIN number can become a parameter by
which calls are sorted or by which reports are printed.
Set Phone Usage Times by PIN: Each PIN can be programmed to include specific phone
usage times. An individual inmate may be restricted to specific time of day calling, specific day
of week calling, or specific holiday calling.


Set Programmable Free Calls By PIN: Specific telephone numbers may be flagged as "free
calls" when dialed by an individual inmate PIN. However, free calls can have a negative effect
on gross revenue generated by the system. When an inmate is assigned a PIN (either
automatically by the LazerPhone system or by manual entry) the PIN is immediately activated
and the inmate can begin placing calls using his or her PIN. The LazerPhone system operates
in real time and thus, there will be no delay or lag time between PIN assignment and use.



Suspend Calling Privileges by PIN: An inmate's PIN can be turned off (deactivated or
suspended), disallowing all calling by that inmate, without affecting any other inmate's ability to
place calls. This is accomplished by clicking the Deactivated or Suspended radio-buttons on the
inmate's Detailed Account Information file. A deactivated PIN will remain so until an authorized
person at the workstation manually reactivates the account. A suspended PIN will automatically
reactivate after a specified date.
Limit Calls to An Approved List of Numbers: A LazerPhone Call Allow List, that will restrict
calls to a limited list of approved numbers, can be assigned to each inmate PIN. Call Allow lists
can be setup at the system workstation or, to save administrative time, LazerPhone can be
instructed to automatically generate a Call Allow list for each inmate, based on the first few
numbers where the inmate's calls is accepted. The facility decides how many telephone
numbers LazerPhone may add to an inmate's automatically generated list and authorized
personnel may view or modify Call Allow lists at the LazerPhone workstation.
Restrict Calling to Specified Inmate Phones: An inmate's PIN can be configured to allow
calling only from a speCified phone or group of phones. 	 A user friendly. Windows-based. method to update and otherwise
change the called number lists and authorization codes and other
database information.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. The system's workstation interface is an
easy-to-use Web-based Window's program. LazerPhone's contrOlling interface program has'
been carefully designed with correctional facility staff in mind. Users, most of whom are already
familiar with Web-based Windows programs, find that LazerPhone's intuitively named menu
options, image-bearing buttons, clearly labeled check boxes, and on-line Help for step-by-step
procedures, make learning and using system features extremely easy.




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



Equally important, LazerPhone can fully manage system security with only a single log-in by
the user. Some systems require a user, who must perform different types of functions, to log-in
multiple times, once for each different function that needs to be performed. LazerPhone's multi­
level User Security Profile System is far more efficient. The Security Profile record for each
user, associated with a single password, specifies which LazerPhone functions will be
accessible by that individual. This allows multiple correctional personnel to access only those
functions corresponding to their security levels and allows anyone person to access ALL
functions for which he or she is authorized to access. GTL's security system design also allows
multiple LazerPhone windows to be opened at once for easy reference and coordination of
multiple tasks.

A system which prevents calls to numbers other than those on
the permitted list and which requires the input of the inmate
authorization code.

GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone's Call Allow List functionality is
PIN-based. A unique list of allowed numbers can be assigned to each authorization code
(inmate PIN). When the Call Allow List (associated with an inmate's PIN) is active, the inmate
can only call the numbers on his/her approved list. All other numbers are blocked.
LazerPhone's flexible call control functionality allows STATE authorities to selectively turn-off
(unlock) an inmate's Call Allow list, which permits the inmate to make collect calls restricted only
by facility wide and any other personal call restrictions that are assigned.
LazerPhone allows an unlimited quantity of individual numbers to be blocked on-site, in real time,
at the system workstation. Numbers may be blocked facility-wide, by inmate telephone (or all
phones in a housing unit), or by individual inmate PINs (personal identification numbers). Each
inmate call is checked through LazerPhone's validation system. If the dialed number has been
blocked, the inmate is informed, "You may not dial this number," and the call is terminated.
Custom calling restrictions may be added to any inmate's LazerPhone PIN account. An inmate's
PIN account helps govern his/her calling privileges, which may be restricted by a Call Allow list
(personal allowed numbers), a custom Block List (personal disallowed numbers), and/or a Call
Schedule (times of day, week, etc. that calls can be placed).

A toll-free communications line/link to each institution.

GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. GTL provides a toll-free communications link
to each institution. GTL's unique frame relay network allows the LazerPhone systems at all
STATE facilities to be networked together via a secure closed network. Authorized remote
access to LazerPhone records and controls, whether from STATE DOC Headquarters or from a
different facility, is accomplished though a secure network that is installed, managed, monitored,
and maintained by GTL. The STATE's LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System can permit
authorized users at multiple locations to access the system's login screen of the LazerPhone
Web Management System control program.
Authorized users have access to inmate
information such as calling activities, recorded conversations, allowed numbers, blocked
numbers and comprehensive PIN information all based on the permissions granted by the
system administrator(s). The system allows various STATE investigative and administrative staff
the ability to share information about a case, an inmate or investigation through the use of the
intergraded inmate notes feature of the LazerPhone Web Management System.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2l70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



information is available online in real time to all with a need and the appropriate permission
levels. Through this network, the authorized person at a remote location can perform any
LazerPhone administrative or investigative functions permitted by the person's security
clearance level, just as if he or she were sitting at the LazerPhone workstation at the facility. 	 Each bid for inmate service must include documentation of the
vendor's plan to build, update and access the centralized database. To
facilitate the process, each institution will appoint a "facility manager"
to work with the winning vendor and to provide the required inmate
information for the vendor to load into the database. The vendor will
be responsible for loading all information into the centralized database
and for insuring that no loss of information occurs during cutover.

GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. GTL will work with the STATE's appointed
"facility manager" and will load all available inmate information into the LazerPhone Inmate
Telephone System database prior to system cut-over. At the time of installation GTL configures
the system with facility-wide settings and call restrictions dictated by the STATE or facility
After cut-over, our centralized platform, with full redundancy at two physically separate
locations, provides greater security for your system configuration database as well as inmate
call records and recordings. The centralized LazerPhone platform eliminates the most common
problems associated with on-site equipment failure, and effectively puts GTL's highly trained
service personnel continuously "in the room" with your calling platform and call data.
GTL's centralized platform allows all STATE correctional sites to be networked, providing
centralized recording of voice and CDR records. Each site has a WAN connection to the data
network. All inmate conversations are routed to the GTL central data center for recording.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25. 2006


Network Based LazerPhone

Equipment Site

VOIP Un.. _




BGP Rooter

UDB (HOU&ton)

The GTL Data Center keeps all CDR records and performs validation of calls. A bank of central
processors located in the GTL Data Center is responsible for managing call flow from start to
end of call. Voice recordings are housed and maintained at the Data Center in a multi-terabyte
large scale data warehouse. Network management of all elements in the network is performed
at the GTL Central Data Center.
The GTL Central Data Center has redundant broadband connections into the data network from
multiple Internet service providers (lSP)s. Multiple front-end routers are configured for fail-over
switching in the event of a router or network outage. In the event of an ISP network failure or
router failure, the traffic will automatically rout to a second ISP.
GTL Data Center Security
Perimeter gated fence with guarded fence access.
Level 4 hurricane rated building
Electronic employee-pass access to data center
Electronic employee-pass controlled access to computer rooms
24/7 video monitoring and recording of data center computer rooms
FM 200 Fire system
Dual grid AC power to data center
Diesel powered backup generators at data center


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State ofAlabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006


UPS protection of all servers in data center
LazerPhone On-Site Equipment
19 Inch Rack to house solid state equipment
1 U Digital Station Channel Bank per 24 stations
1 U Digital Trunk Channel Bank per 24 stations
1U Switch/Router for Wide Area network termination
UPS (size dependant on number of stations)
Workstation and Monitor for management console
Inmate Telephones
TOO units (if applicable)
Continuous System Watch
At installation, the LazerPhone system at each site is put on-line with the GTL's LazerPhone
Support Center and remains so, twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year,
throughout the life of the contract. Technicians in the Service Center, as well as the system's
continuous self-diagnostic routines keep a vigilant watch to ensure that problems are detected
and addressed immediately. Global Tel*Link's core value of RESPONSIVENESS includes knowing
about problems before you do.
Continuous On-Line Diagnostics
LazerPhone performs continuous on-line self-diagnostics. Every LazerPhone system in the
Country is continuously on-line with Global Tel*Link's Technical Support Center. Should a
system component fail the self-diagnostic tests that run every two minutes, LazerPhone
automatically generates a visual alarm on the Technical Support Center's Site Monitors. In most
cases, problems are diagnosed and resolved before facility personnel are aware that a problem
Changes in call traffic, that might indicate more subtle problems, are identified through daily
performance level reports. These reports measure items such as number of completed calls,
number of call attempts, daily revenue and number of validation attempts. Historical data
gathered form GTL's extensive installed customer base has allowed us to build a sophisticated
measurement model. This model is used to compare actual data from anticipated data.
Thresholds that are exceeded or fall short of expectations are reported daily to our Customer
Service department. Global Tel*Link is capable of adjusting the measurement model on an
installation-by-installation basis to ensure accurate problem reporting. 	 Each "facility manager" will work as a part of the STATE's
implementation team during the installation and acceptance phases of
the proj ect.
GTL Response: GTL understands and agrees. 	 The vendor must provide a system administration and management
plan. The plan must include the post-cutover administration and
management process. If the vendor is proposing that the STATE
manage this post-cutover function, then a description of the hardware,


Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



software and system complexity must also be provided. This
description must include as a minimum:
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies, GTL has designed LazerPhone for easy
administration and management from a centralized location and/or at the computer workstation
installed at each facility. Our post-cutover plan follows:

System Administration and Management Plan
GTL proposes to provide one (1) full time System Administrator and two (2) additional dedicated
technicians for on-site maintenance and support of LazerPhone systems across the State. The
System Administrator will be at a central location to assist with the administration and
management of LazerPhone Inmate Telephone Systems at all Department of Corrections
facilities and to fully train, as needed, facility personnel at each site to perform both
administrative and investigative functions. Our training plan for STATE staff is included at
EXHIBIT G. Training Plan.
LazerPhone's workstation interface is an easy-to-use Web-based Window's program. Most
users find that LazerPhone's intuitively named menu options, image-bearing buttons, clearly
labeled check boxes, and on-line Help for step-by-step procedures, make learning and using
system features extremely easy.
LazerPhone's highly efficient interface allows LazerPhone to fully manage system security with
only a single log-in by the user. Some systems require a user, who must perform different types
of functions, to log-in multiple times, once for each different function that needs to be performed.
LazerPhone's multi-level User Security Profile System is far more efficient. The Security Profile
record for each user, associated with a single password, specifies which LazerPhone functions
will be accessible by that individual. This allows multiple correctional personnel to access only
those functions corresponding to their security levels and allows anyone person to access ALL
functions for which he or she is authorized to access. GTL's security system design also allows
multiple LazerPhone windows to be opened at once for easy reference and coordination of
multiple tasks. Assigning personal authorization codes to each inmate.
Corrections will supply these numbers
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. A LazerPhone Personal Identification Number
(PIN), which can be 4 to 15 digits long, may be the inmate's social security number, a booking
or other number issued by the correctional facility, or a number that is automatically generated
by the LazerPhone system.
For added security or cross-referencing purposes, LazerPhone provides a split-PIN option
whereby an inmate's (PIN) has two parts. For example, an inmate's PIN might be his or her
booking number, followed by another personal identifier code. The second portion of the PIN
can be a four or five digit number that is personally chosen by the. inmate during PIN Auto
Enrollment, assigned by the facility, or automatically generated by the system.
Pin Account Setup
A PIN account may be manually setup by a System Administrator at a central location or by a
correctional officer at the facility workstation, or PIN accounts can be set up through a simple
Auto-Enrollment procedure performed by the inmate, usually at the time of booking.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State ofAlabama's
Invitation To Bid# 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Pay'Phones
October 25, 2006


Manual PIN Setup Procedure

The System Administrator or other authorized person accesses LazerPhone's PIN Account
Management screen and clicks the Add New Account button. A new Detailed Account
Information page opens. The number provided by the Department of Corrections or the new
inmate, as well as other inmate identifying information is entered into the fields of this computer

Detailed Account Information Screen (follows)



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



Inmate PIN Auto-Enrollment Procedure

After receiving a PIN and brief instructions from a correctional officer the inmate picks up the
handset of a designated phone and follows the instructions of an automated operator.
1. The automated operator instructs the inmate to choose the perfered language.
2. The automated operator instructs the inmate to enter his/her PIN on the telephone's keypad.
3. 	 For verification, the automated operator instructs the inmate to re-enter his/her PIN on the
telephone's keypad.
4. The automated operator informs the inmate that he/she has completed auto enrollment and
may now use the telephones in the facility. Creating the permissible call list for each inmate.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. A LazerPhone Call Allow List, that will restrict
calls to a limited list of approved numbers, can be assigned to each inmate. Call Allow lists,
which work in conjunction with inmate PINs, can be setup at the system workstation or
LazerPhone can be instructed to automatically generate a Call Allow list for each inmate.


Global Tel"Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

, I L.

Manual Setup of Call Allow Lists: At the LazerPhone system workstation, an authorized
person can manually create or modify a Call Allow List for a selected inmate. After logging into
the system, the authorized system user cliicks the Accounts button to access a list of inmate
PIN Accounts and does the following:
1. Click the inmate PIN of interest to open the inmate's Detailed Account Information sheet.
2. Click the Manage Call List button on the sheet to open the Call List.
3. Type in the telephone numbers the inmate is allowed to call.
4. Close the Call List.
5. On the Detailed Account Information sheet click Call Allow to activate the list.
The new list will be immediately recognized by the system, so from that point forward the
inmate's calls will be limited to the numbers on the Call Allow list.

Automatic Generation of Call Allow Lists: To save administrative time, LazerPhone's
innovative Self-Learning feature can be activated to automatically generate a Call Allow list for
each inmate PIN, comprised of the first few destination numbers where the inmate's calls are
accepted. The facility decides how many telephone numbers LazerPhone may add to an
inmate's automatically generated list and authorized personnel may view or modify Call Allow
lists at the LazerPhone workstation. Changing entries in the inmate calling database.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Entries in the inmate calling database are
easily changed at LazerPhone system workstations. All changes to the database are
immediately effective in LazerPhone's real-time environment. Blocking calls to a specific telephone number on all
telephones even though it is permitted on inmate calling
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. A number added to the facility-wide block list
cannot be called by any inmate, even if that number is included on an inmate's personal Call
Allow list. A new block can be in place in a matter of seconds. An authorized correctional officer
opens the Manage Facility Phone List screen at a LazerPhone workstation, clicks the Add New
button to open the Destination Phone Number Details screen, types in the number, and checks
Blocked. The newly added number is immediately recognized and blocked by the system.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


j Changing passwords and other security features.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Only a system administrator or other person
with full security clearance may access LazerPhone's User Management screen, from which
other User Security Profiles may be created or modified.

Administrators have access to all system features and functions. The following functions,
individually or in combination, can be aSSigned to Users:
LazerPhone User Permission Assignment List
PIN Account Administration


Accounts (all functions)
Call Lists
PIN Funds
PIN Notes
PIN Velocity Counters

Facility Administration

Maintain Facility Phone List
Maintain Phone List Notes
Maintain Schedules
Maintain Alerts
Call Search

System Administration

Monitor Status of Lines and Trunks
Restricted Monitoring
Disconnect Calls in Progress
,Send Monitor Calls Anywhere
Shut Down Stations from Monitoring Screen
View Statistics
Configure Stationsrrrunks/Controlier Settings
Maintain Fingerprint Files

Prepaid System Management

Access Prepaid System Management

Station Access Rights

Account to Name Verification
Check IN
Temporary Channel Deactivation
Channel Activation
Permanent Channel Deactivation
Live Monitoring
Listen to Open Microphone

Call Search

Play back recorded calls
Lock Files
Create/Edit Notes
Print Reports
View Call Cost
Play back tip line recordings (if recorded)
Generate IVR Reports
Generate Inmate Transfer Reports
Generate Custom Reports
Export results to text file
Exceed maximum call search record limit
Search by rate type
View Playback log


Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006




Screen 1: The system administrator uses a scroll bar to view and assign additional functions. Providing routine, recurring reports on irunate calling
including frequency, data time, duration and number
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Predefined report queries selected from
drop-down menus on LazerPhone's Call Search screen, make report generation simple. Easy,
point and click Record Filters can be selected to refine the search for calls that meet specified
LazerPhone Reports Include (but are not limited to):




















Global TeI*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
Oetober 25, 2006











Once the desired type of report is selected and any special search parameters defined, a click
of the Search button produces the report on the screen. A click of the Print button, prints the
report from the workstation printer. Up to the minute reports can be generated at any time and
for any time period.

Select Report Type

LazerPhone's Call Search Screen

Standard Record Filters Include (but are not limited to):
Calls by Origination number (inmate phone)
Calls by Destination number
Calls from a specified phone or group of phones
Calls by Rate Type (Local, InterLata, etc.)
Calls through a particular trunk line
Calls with recorded conversations
Calls with replayed recordings
Calls with Notes


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State ofAlabama's
Invitation To Bid # 01-X-2110936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



Calls of a specified duration 

Calls by Inmate PIN (if applicable) 

Calls with specified words in call Notes 

Calls with a specified Start or End code 

Free calls 

Completed calls 

Incomplete calls 

Incomplete calls that validated 

Locked call records The Department of Corrections prefers to manage all
of the functions listed above via the centralized
inmate database.

GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. All of the above functions and more can be
managed via LazerPhone's centralized database. Timing Restrictions must be programmable for a particular
inmate by associating the restriction with that inmate's
authorization number in the database.

GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone can limit the duration of inmate
calls from one (1) to two hundred fifty-five (255) minutes, in one-minute intervals. A call duration
limit may be applied globally to all system telephones and selectively applied to logical groups of
phones (cell block, building, etc.). individual telephones, individual inmate PINs, and to
individual destination numbers. Call durations are set and changed entirely at the STATE's
discretion and are adjustable at the system workstation at each location or from a centralized
location. It is mandatory that each institution have the
ability to determine the period of the day during
which inmate calling will be allowed, and to
enable the inmate telephone service only during
those hours. This ability is also required for
specific areas within an institution.

GTL Response:

GTL Understands and complies. The LazerPhone system at each facility
includes a Call Scheduler that can restrict inmate telephone usage to particular hours of the day
and/or to particular days of the week. Phone ON/OFF times may be scheduled for an entire
facility, a housing unit, individual inmate telephones, individual destination numbers, or assigned
to individual inmate PINs.
Telephone usage time for each day of the week is setup using a twenty-four hour clock. A
separate schedule may be set up for each day and/or for holidays.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006



a... _1
a... AI
S-AI 	Inmate telephone systems must be able to block
telephone numbers from being called within 24 hours of
GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. GTL's LazerPhone system provides
comprehensive call blocking:

Real Time Call Blocking: LazerPhone allows an unlimited quantity of individual numbers to be
blocked on-site, in real time, at the system workstation. Each inmate call is checked through
LazerPhone's validation system. If the dialed number has been blocked, the inmate is informed,
"You may not dial this number," and the call is terminated. Numbers may be blocked facility-wide,
by inmate telephone (or all phones in a housing unit), or by individual inmate PINs (personal
identification numbers).
Emergency Blocks: In an emergency, a new block can be in place in a matter of seconds. An
authorized correctional officer opens the Manage Facility Phone List screen at a LazerPhone
workstation, clicks the Add New button to open the Destination Phone Number Details screen,
types in the number, and checks Blocked. The newly added number is immediately recognized
and blocked by the system.
Pre-Block of Disallowed Numbers: LazerPhone's computerized call control system is pre­
programmed to block known disallowed numbers. Prefixes such as 900, 950, 800, 976, 411,
and 911 are automatically blocked and require no action by facility personnel. Additionally, calls
to the operator through 0, 00, 10xxx, 950xxx, etc. are disallowed without requiring action by
facility personnel. At the State's request, the system can be configured to allow or disallow
international calls. All incoming calls are blocked. Inmate telephones are automatically blocked


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State ofAlabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphoncs
October 25, 2006


from other inmate phones within the same facility or within other facilities with LazerPhone
Global Tel*Link's call processing and blocking systems are external to the telephone units and
can be operated either remotely from Global Tel*Link's Management Control Center or directly
from the facility's on-site workstation.

Auto Block on Repeated Denials: The LazerPhone validation system is pre-programmed to
block a destination number after five (5) denied attempts or five (5) not-accepted attempts
(where the called party hangs up without pressing a key).

Called Party Option to Block: All called parties are given an opportunity to request that future
calls from the inmate or facility be blocked. During a call attempt, the automated operator
informs the called party at a touch tone phone: ulf you wish to block any future calls of this
nature, press '1' to receive further information," or at a rotary dialed phone, "If you wish to block
any future calls of this nature, clearly say the word 'block' to receive further information."
In almost all cases a customer request to block (or to remove a block) is implemented
immediately, while the customer is still on the line. However, to allow for any unusual
circumstances, the customer is assured the block will be implemented (or removed) within 24

11.3.8. Report I Information Requirements: Vendor's inmate calling system must
permit the following reporting at a minimum: Provision of reports on paper, CD and online
GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. LazerPhone's Call Search screen at the on­
site workstation offers a wide variety of call record and administrative reports based on inmate
call records and the system's activity log. Reports can be viewed on-line, printed and copied to

I Online call detail info and reports to include: Date and
time of call origination; date and time of call termination;
number dialed, stations number of originating call; duration of
call in minutes and seconds; method of call termination, cost
of call,.
GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. Call detail reports include for each call
record: Phone Station 10, Site 10, Destination Number, PIN, DatelTime, Length, Cost, Start
Code and End Code, as well as a set of icon fields that provide the following information when
an icon is present.




A recorded conversation is attached
A user Note is attached
The record is Locked to keep its recording beyond normal storage period
The recording has been played back (Playback History)
Call record has been downloaded to CD (Call Download History)




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


For on-site auditing and revenue verification, call detail reports include a total cost and duration
summary for all records in the report, as well as the duration (length) and cost of individual calls.
Reports may be generated for any time period and may be sorted in ascending or descending
order by any of the nine major column headings on the report. Ability to search for calls (real time and historically) using
the following criteria:
Calls from a specified inmate phone
GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. LazerPhone provides the ability to search for
calls from a specified inmate phone.

Calls to a specified destination number

GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. LazerPhone provides the ability to search for
calls to a specified destination number.

Calls from a group of inmate phones

GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. LazerPhone provides the ability to search for
calls from a group of inmate phones.

Calls of a certain type

GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. LazerPhone provides the ability to search for
calls by a specified call type.


Global Tel*Link's Response 

To the State of Alabama's 

Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones 

October 25,2006 



Calls with recorded conversations

GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. LazerPhone provides the ability to search for
calls that have recorded converstations.
Calls with keywords found in recorded



GTL Response: GTL can provide the keyword search feature/option. Being a leader in
technology, Global Tel*Link (GTL) was the first inmate phone company to offer keyword search
in call recordings. Since its introduction, Global Tel*Link has explored and tested various
keyword search technologies that attempt to recognize random words within a verbal (recorded)
conversation that match specified written words in a keyword list, with disappointing results. For
this reason, at this time, our most advanced LazerPhone platform does utilize keyword search.
Should the State desire this feature, it could be provided at a reduced commission rate to be
negotiated between GTL and the State.

Calls of a specified duration

GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. LazerPhone provides the ability to search for
calls by specified duration.

Calls for a specified inmate PIN

GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. LazerPhone provides the ability to search for
calls by specified PIN.

Completed calls

GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. LazerPhone provides the ability to search for
calls that were completed.

Incomplete calls

GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. LazerPhone provides the ability to search for
calls that failed to complete.

Locked calls

GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. LazerPhone provides the ability to search for
calls that have been locked. Ability to create a monthly report of calls by
GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. LazerPhone provides the ability to create
monthly reports by inmate.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

~IL Ability to create a report of calls on a routine
monthly basis. This report must identify the
inmate code placing said calls.
GTL Response: GTL Understands and complies. LazerPhone provides the ability to create a
report of calls on a routine monthly basis. The monthly call detail report will include for each call
record the PIN (inmate code) of the inmate who placed the call.

11.3.9. Environmental/System Requirements: The proposed inmate telephone
system must provide the following system, security and environmental
features and supporting documentation: 	 Vendors must provide a detailed statement of space required for the
system and must state any environmental requirements for the space, e.g.,
temperature or humidity:
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. The centralized LazerPhone platform
proposed for the Department of Correction's correctional sites requires minimal on-site
equipment. A small cabinet (approximately 21 by 25 inches floor space) holds a "solid state"
pass-through unit that feeds data to the centralized platform. A distribution frame (2.5 by 3 feet)
is wall mounted close to the LazerPhone cabinet and UPS units are floor mounted next to the
cabinet. The amount of cabling required is determined during the site survey that follows
contract award.
The system's PC workstation is setup in a designated office or other room convenient for facility

Dell Optiplex Computer with:
Windows XP Professional Operating System
512 MB RAM
40 GB (or larger) Hard Drive
CDRW Drive
17" Flat Screen LCD Monitor
Microphone and Speaker
Plus: HP Desktop Printer & UPS Unit

Centralized LazerPhone On-Site Equipment Details
19 Inch Rack to house solid state equipment
1 U Digital Station Channel Bank per 24 stations
1 U Digital Trunk Channel Bank per 24 stations
1U Switch/Router for Wide Area network termination


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


UPS (size dependant on number of stations) 

Workstation and Monitor for management console 

Inmate Telephones 

TOO units (if applicable) 

At no cost to the City, GTL provides all equipment, hardware and software, installation, 

maintenance, training, and services necessary for the operation of our proposed LazerPhone 

Inmate Telephone System. LazerPhone meets FCC an all other applicable regulations. 

Factors that determine a suitable environment for the LazerPhone system equipment are 

temperature, humidity, cleanliness, and security. 


The optimum environment for the LazerPhone equipment is a well-ventilated room maintained 

at a constant 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
However, an acceptable range of temperature is 

between 66 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures in excess of 76 degrees can sometimes 

prove damaging to LazerPhone components and may impact the facility's ability to record. 


The LazerPhone system is a solid state, computer based system. Acceptable humidity levels 

within the equipment room should be maintained between 20 and 80 percent, non-condensing 

(meaning no severe and rapid changes in temperature that produce condensation). A facility's 

normal cooling and heating systems usually maintain humidity at acceptable levels. 


Equipment rooms should be clean and free from dust. Excess dust will cause heat problems if 

allowed to accumulate. After the installation process, all scrap I excess cable and wiring is to be 

removed from the premise by the technicians responsible for the installation. This includes all 

packing materials and boxes that result from shipping of the system. 


The LazerPhone system should be housed in a secure location within the facility. Inmates 

should not have access to the room that houses the LazerPhone processing and recording 

equipment. The optimum location is frequently the facility's administration building. 	 One Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD), at a minimum,
will be required at each correctional institution, as well at each
correctional facility such as work releases, community work centers, pre­
releases and the Cattle Ranch. The number ofTDDs provided will
conform to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities but will never amount to
less than 1 TDD per institution. There will be designated locations in each
institution, but that location will vary from institution to institution. The
STATE prefers the plug-in type TDD. The devices in the institutions must
be able to be recorded and monitored.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. GTL will provide the required number of TOO
devices at locations specified by the STATE. For calls through a TOOmy device, the inmate


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphoncs
October 25, 2006



will use a toll-free speed-dial code that GTL has preprogrammed to reach the locally available
Deaf Relay Service, Out-going calls using TDDfTYY devices will be fully controlled through the
LazerPhone system when the telephone number for the available Deaf Relay Service is a
geographic area code + 7-digits. When this is the case, all of LazerPhone's pre-set calling
restrictions apply.
If the available Deaf Relay Service can only be reached via an 800 number (or similar toll free
number), LazerPhone is forced to relinquish control of the call when the inmate speed-dials to
the service. When this is the case, GTL provides appropriate branding and instructional
messages intended for the called-party to the Deaf Relay CenteL As required by industry
standards, access to most toll free services is restricted. GTL's speed dial bypass dials directly
to a deaf relay service or other toll free numbers as requested by the STATE. These calls are
not screened through our validation processes which would normally block such calls and
therefore are not subject to call restrictions. Speed dial codes can be configured by specific
stations and therefore monitored by facility staff to ensure the validity of those calls.
For LazerPhone-controlled TDDfTTY calls (Text Calls), "Text Telephone" appears as a
language choice: 1=English, 2=Spanish, 3=Text Telephone. After 'Text Telephone" is chosen,
all of LazerPhone's automated prompts, branding, warning messages, etc. are delivered to the
inmate and called party in text format on the display screen of the TDDfTTY units being used.
By default, an inmate's LazerPhone-controlled Text Call is recorded. A call-in-progress (visible
on LazerPhone's Call Monitoring screen) can be live-monitored by directing it to a telephone
equipped with a secondary TDDfTTY device. Likewise, a recorded text-conversation (visible on
LazerPhone's Call Search screen) can be replayed by directing it to the secondary TDDfTYY
During live-monitoring or replay, the typed messages between the inmate and the called party
are displayed on the screen of the secondary TDDfTTY device, and may be printed to provide a
hard copy record. 	 Inmate telephone systems must be properly protected from power
surges and fluctuations in electrical voltage and current. The STATE will
bear no responsibility for damage to a vendor's equipment from power
surges and fluctuations.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. LazerPhone's on-site equipment is protected
from power surges and fluctuations by uninterrupted power supply units. 	 A P.Ol grade of service is required for inmate service and all of its
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. GTL's centralized LazerPhone platform will
meet or exceed a P.01 grade of service to STATE facilities. From the site perspective, each
inmate instrument will be assigned a channel within the LazerPhone Platform. For call initiation
these channels will access a hunt group of trunks. Since this hunt group will be utilized by all
facilities, it will be sized to accommodate the peak-anticipated traffic. Like the call initiation hunt
group, the LazerPhone Platform will utilize an outbound hunt group for call delivery, which is
also sized to accommodate peak-anticipated traffic. With its modular compOSition, additional
trunks can be added to the platform with relative ease. From its Network Management Center,



Global TeJ*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2I70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



GTL will constantly monitor the performance of the platform and will ensure call blocking due to
unavailable trunks does not prevent call delivery from any STATE correctional facility. 	 Vendor must provide each facility with a "kill" switch which renders
all telephones inoperable immediately after activating the switch. Facility
manager will dictate placement of this switch.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. GTL provides several different methods to
shutdown individual telephones, a group of phones, or the total inmate telephone system. Each
method is described below.
Manual Cut Off Switches
Global Tel*Link installs manual cut off switches for each of the facility's logical groups of
phones. Manual switches are placed at locations specified by facility administrators allowing
correctional officers or authorized administrative staff the ability to selectively disable a single
phone, bank of phones or all phones within the institution.
Workstation Menu Options
Single phones, groups of phones, or all inmate telephones can be turned off using menu options
at the system workstation.
Telephone Keypad Code
In emergency situations, the entire inmate telephone system can be deactivated/activated by an
authorized person entering special codes on the keypad of any inmate telephone. 	 Vendors must agree to abide by the security requirements of the State
of Alabama, Department of Corrections. These requirements include but
are not limited to the need to arrange security clearances for vendor's
personnel, prohibitions on materials that may be carried in or out of
correctional facilities, certification of vendor's employees and such other
security measures as may be deemed appropriate by the Department of
GTL Response: GTL understands, agrees, and will comply.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


11.3.10. Investigative Tools:
The vendor should describe any investigative tools, such as word search,
that are included in the system.
GTl Response: GTl understands and complies.

lazerPhone provides both visual line monitoring and audio monitoring of live conversations.
Authorized system users are able listen in real time to selected inmate telephone
conversations. Live monitoring does not interrupt the recording process and is not
detectable by either the inmate or the called party. lazerPhone automatically turns off the
monitoring option during calls to approved legal counselors. Authorized personnel may
selectively turn off monitoring for other calls, by inmate PIN and by destination number, to
ensure privacy when it is deemed appropriate. Additional monitoring features are
Conference Calling and KwikKiII, described in the Call Control section below.
lazerPhone's Call Monitoring screen displays the current status of every inmate telephone
line. An officer at the workstation can watch the entry in a phone's Status field change.
Status entries include: idle, phone off hook, prompts being played, calling destination, and
so on. A call entry on this screen identifies the phone from which the call is being made, the
trunk line used, the destination number, and inmate PIN (if applicable).


All inmate calls are recorded by lazerPhone, except those to legal counselor for which
monitoring and recording have been selectively turned off.


lazerPhone allows system users to lock individual call recordings that are of on-going
interest. Call locking prevents a recording from being purged from the system when a
recording's normal storage period has expired.


Investigators and facility administrators can use lazerPhone's Call Search screen at the
workstation to generate routine or special reports of inmate telephone usage. Call details
include inmate phone location and number, destination number, date and time of call, cost
of the call, inmate PIN (if applicable), and the call's Start and End codes. Call records of
special interest can be reported by specifying particular search criteria, for example, all calls
for a particular PIN or destination number. Call records can even be searched by specified
words or phrases located in investigative notes attached to call records. Call frequency
reports are also available by origination number, destination number, PIN, or Trunk 10.


The Notes feature allows the system user to attach note documents to
call records. A Note might contain a case number, an investigative
project name, or other pertinent information. lazerPhone's Note Search
can immediately retrieve all call records with Notes that contain a


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



specified number, word, or phrase. Notes can be saved to disk with formatting (underline,
bold, font colors, etc) or as plain text, to be used later in a word processing program like
Microsoft Word.

LazerPhone permits facility personnel to designate Hot Numbers, which may be specific
destination numbers or inmate PINs. Should a call be initiated: to a hot number or by an
inmate with a hot PIN, LazerPhone automatically dials up to three pre-programmed
destination numbers - telephones or pagers of facility personnel. If a telephone is called, the
system prompts for a secure pass code before connecting the call and allowing the alerted
official to hear the inmate's conversation. If a pager is called, the system reports the phone
number from which the call is being made, the number being dialed, and, if PINs are in use,
identifies the inmate making the call.

LazerPhone wraps recorded conversations in a security envelope that
remains intact when the recording is transferred to a compact disk (CD)
and played back for evidence. Global Tel*Link understands how
important recordings may become to cases under investigation and has
developed a foolproof method of securing your evidence from challenge. The security
envelope ensures the authenticity of date, time, and telephone numbers involved. Any
alteration to a call record or its encrypted information would be immediately detectable. The
integrity of the security envelope is checked each time before a call can be played back.
Global Tel*Link will provide expert testimony, free of charge, to any jurisdiction on the
authenticity of LazerPhone recordings.


LazerPhone allows inmate call recordings to be saved to the popular WAV and MP# file
formats that are easily shared between consulting investigators.


Global Tel*Link"s Response
To the State of Alabama"s
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

.... I L




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Pub lie Payphones
October 25,2006



1l.3.11.Billing Procedures: The vendor must describe billing procedures, including
rates, fees and charges to the called parties. All fees charged from inmate and
non-inmate phones must be identified. The vendor must also describe the
procedure, and timing, of the commission reimbursements to the STATE.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. GTL's ability to accurately report the State's
commission from both inmate and public calls is greatly enhanced by automated process that
occur in real time.

Public Phone Billing Process: As public calls are made and completed, call details are
recorded in the telephone's internal database. Records for non-coin calls are immediately
transmitted in real time to the call database of GTL's 0+ carrier for processing and billing.
For auditing purposes, each public telephone is polled nightly and all records (for both coin and
non-coin calls) are downloaded to GTL's Public Administration Decision Database (PADD),
which is GTL's system for reporting revenue and usage of public phones.

Inmate Phone Billing Process: In our LazerPhone Inmate Telephone System's dynamic, real­
time environment, as soon as a called party actively indicates acceptance of an inmate's call,
LazerPhone begins the billing process by recording the cost of the call, based on the agreed
upon rates for the call type, in the call detail record.
As inmate calls are placed and completed, call records are created and downloaded to Global
Tel*Link's central proceSSing center in real time. Each incoming call record is electronically
evaluated, rated, and formatted immediately for billing (not batched for later processing), then
re-checked for format accuracy and transmitted via electronic media to the appropriate LEG or
billing agent. This completely automated process eliminates the possibility of human error.
Human eyes at Global Tel*Link watch for electronic errors. Our MIS department frequently
places "test calls" and tracks the resulting call records through the entire automated process to
insure they are properly routed, rated, formatted, processed, and billed.
Billing statements for calls are issued monthly. The State's commission percentage is in no way
impacted if a phone bill proves un-collectable. All billed calls within a billing period, contribute to
the totals reported on the State's monthly commission and call summary sheets.
GTL has a billing arrangement with BeliSouth, the major local exchange carrier in Alabama, and
it is anticipated that the majority of calls will be billed though this carrier. For those customers
who do not subscribe to services through the dominant LEG, we offer customers several
options, including being billed through a billing clearing house and our automated AdvancePay
system that allows called parties to establish a prepaid account using a VISA or Mastercard.
Telephone bills are issued on a monthly basis.



Global TeI*Link's Response'
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006




Global Tel*Link Corporation
Inmate Calling Rates
Alabama Department of Corrections
Local: $2.85 Flat
IntraLata: $2.25 surcharge plus the below listed per minute rates


Int'l Min.





$0.0900 $0.0825
$0.1500 $0.1275
$0.1700 $0.1275
$0.1700 $0.1275
$0.1700 $0.1275
$0.1700 $0.1275
$0.1760 $0.1320
$0.1800 $0.1350
$0.1800 $0.1350









Interlata: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.30 per minute
Interstate: $4,99 surcharge plus $0.89 per minute

(Public Payphone Calling Rates follow.)





Global Te'*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006




Global Tel*Link Corporation


Public Payphone Calling Rates
State of Alabama
Cash Calls








Local Cash Call
IntraLATA Cash
InterLATA Cash
Interstate Cash

$0.50 for an unlimited call
$1.00 first 4 min, $0.25 ea add
$1.00 first 4 min, $0.25 ea add
$1.00 first 4 min. $0.25 ea add



Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata




Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata



Credit Card
Credit Card

Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata




Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Interlata


1+ Long Distance
1+ Long Distance
1+ Long Distance



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



Interstate Intra lata
Interstate Intralata
Interstate Intralata
Interstate Intralata
Interstate Intralata
Interstate Intralata
Interstate Intralata
Interstate Intralata



Interstate Intralata
Interstate Intralata



Interstate Intralata
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Interstate Intralata



Interstate Intralata
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Intrastate Interlata
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Intrastate Interlata
Intrastate Interlata
Intrastate Interlata



Intrastate Interlata
Intrastate Interlata



Intrastate Interlata
Intrastate Interlata
Intrastate Interlata





Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006





Intrastate Interlata
Intrastate Interlata
Intrastate Interlata
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Intrastate Intralata
Intrastate Intralata
Intrastate Intralata
. Intrastate Intralata
Intrastate Intralata
Intrastate Intralata
Intrastate Intralata


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones 

October 25, 2006 































60 second timing






MTS Rates
Interstate Interlata
Interstate Intralata
Intrastate Interlata
Intrastate Interlata
Intrastate I nterlata
Intrastate Interlata
Intrastate Interlata
Intrastate Interlata
Intrastate Interlata










1st Min



















Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006

Intrastate Interlata
Intrastate Intralata
Intrastate Intra lata
Intrastate Intralata
Intrastate Intralata
Intrastate Intralata













Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006






Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006


G II..

Called/billed parties will be charged the approved per minute rate and applicable surcharge for
each completed call. No other per-call charges are applied. Regulated fees, taxes, and tax­
related surcharges will be added to the party's monthly bill. For AdvancePay customers, GTL
passes through applicable credit card transaction fees when consumers elect to setup their
accounts using a credit card. Please note that GTL does not charge consumers any account set
up or maintenance fees.



Commission payments will be remitted so as to be received by the STATE within sixty (60)
calendar days of the close of each period for which commissions are being paid. Monthly
commission checks will be made payable to State of Alabama Telephone Revolving Fund
and will be forwarded to:
Ms. Priscilla Coker
Department of Finance
Information Services Division
Customer Service/Service Delivery
64 North Union Street, Suite 250
Montgomery, AL 36130
Global Tel*Link (GTL) pays commissions based on the gross revenue generated by calls from
all phones covered by the Agreement. Gross Revenue means all revenue generated for every
completed call that is accepted by a consumer, and excludes all taxes, Federal, State, County
or local telecommunications fees that may additionally apply to a consumer's monthly telephone
bill. (See Billed-Party Total Charges and Fees above.)
The STATE's commission amount is calculated by multiplying the agreed upon commission
percentage for inmate and public calls, times the total gross amount charged at the agreed upon
rates for all completed calls during the billing period.
Inmate Commission Percentage X Total Gross Inmate Phone Revenue

=Commission Amount

Public Commission Percentage X Total Gross Public Phone Revenue = Commission Amount
There are no deductions of any kind taken from the gross revenue from inmate or public calls
prior to the calculation of the STATE's commission amount.
Monthly commission and detailed revenue reports for both inmate and public calls will be
provided in hard copy and made available on-line to authorized STATE personnel.
In addition to monthly reports provided by GTL, the STATE will be able to verify inmate call
traffic, call revenue, and commission accuracy by accessing each facility's original call data on­


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 J70936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006


line via LazerPhone's password protected Internet connection at system workstations,
LazerPhone generates reports detailing total gross revenue for the specified billing period by
such criteria as: inmate telephone, call type, inmate PIN, destination number, or virtually any
combination of criteria that the STATE desires to use to audit detail or summary information
contained in monthly commission reports.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006




12. Pricing:
12.1. Commission Percentage Guaranteed:
This section is designed for the fmancial evaluation of bids based on the commission
percentages offered, once a vendor has met all technical and general requirements of this
Vendors must complete the "Vendors Commission Percentage Guarantee" form.
GTL Response: GTL understands and complies. Please see GTL's "Commission Percentage
Guarantee" form at TAB: TERMS AND PRICE.

The STATE will use the highest total estimated inmate commission (Line 1 commission rate
percentage multiplied by Line 1 revenue) PLUS the highest estimated public payphone
commission (Line 2 commission rate multiplied by Line 2 revenue) to determine which
vendor is offering the highest commission to the STATE.
GTL Response: GTL understands and agrees. Please see GTL's "Commission Percentage
Guarantee" form at TAB: TERMS AND PRICE.

After the successful vendor has been awarded the contract, the STATE will expect the
vendor to pay the percentage offered on Line 1 for all categories (Local, IntraLATA, and
InterLATA) for inmate revenues and Line 2 for all categories for public revenues.
Percentages will be applied to the vendor's gross revenue to determine the commissions
owed to the STATE. Percentages are fixed for the life of the contract (cannot decrease, but an
increase may be negotiated for renewal years) ; commissions cannot be altered due to any
fees or taxes mandated by federal, state, or local government.
GTL Response: GTL understands, agrees, and will comply. Please see GTL's "Commission
Percentage Guarantee" form at TAB: TERMS AND PRICE.

Gross revenue is defined as all revenue, whether controlled by the vendor or not, generated
by the telephone via customer origination. Examples of originated revenues are: coin, 0+, 0-,
01 +,011 +,00-, lOxxx, 950-lOxx, 1-800-xxx-xxxx, bank card, travel and entertainment card
revenue and not merely commissions paid to a vendor by a subcontractor, e.g. Operator
Services Provider (OPS), or interexchange carrier. Other examples of revenue are inmate
debit cards and pre-paid accounts.
GTL Response: GTL understands, agrees, and complies. Global Tel*Link (GTL) pays
commissions based on the gross revenue originally generated at the time of the call, by each
inmate' or non-inmate call from each and every telephone covered by the Agreement, regardless
of the payment method used.



Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25,2006



This form must be completed by the vendor, or the bid will be rejected. NO WARRANTY,
EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, is made by the STATE that any contract resulting from this ITB
will include an equal or greater number of pay telephones, revenue, or minutes of usage, as
identified in ATTACHMENT C, A ITACHMENT E or elsewhere in this ITB.
The vendor is to enter on Line 1, Column A, the percentage factor they will guarantee to pay for
all inmate revenues. The percentage factor will be entered with three decimal places. For
example, if the guaranteed percentage amount is 50%, 50.000 would be entered on Line 1,
Column A. The vendor is to then multiply the (STATE) estimated inmate revenue (Line 1,
Column B) by the percentage (Line 1, Column A) and enter the total in Line 1, Column C.
The vendor is to enter on Line 2, Column A, the percentage factor they will guarantee to pay for
all public (non-inmate) revenues. The percentage factor will be entered with three decimal
places. For example, if the guaranteed percentage amount is 50%,50.000 would be entered on
Line 2, Column A. The vendor is to then multiply the (STATE) estimated public revenue (Line
2, Column B) by the percentage (Line 2, Column A) and enter the total in Line 2, Column C.
These two percentage factors will be applied to the vendorcr gross inmate and public revenues to
determine the commissions owed to the STATE each month.
The total of Line 1, Column C and Line 2, Column C will be the basis for award, assuming all 

technical specifications have been met. 

Column A
Percentage Guarantee

Column B
Estimated Revenue

Total $$





= $_ _6=,, , , ,45:;..;.7. :;,5=0.;;;..0_







$_ _ _7;..;;;3;.;0;;,8=0.;;;..0_

The Line 1 commission percentage factor (Column A) entered above must be transferred to the
price sheet (Pege-+ Page 6) and entered under unit price for Line 1.
The Line 1 total dollar amount (Column C) entered above must be transferred to the price sheet
(Pege-+ Page 6) and entered under extended amount for Line 1.
The Line 2 commission percentage factor (Column A) entered above must be transferred to the
price sheet (Pege-+ Page 6) and entered under unit price for Line 2.
The Line 2 total dollar amount (Column C) entered above must be transferred to the price sheet
(Pege-+ Page 6) and entered under extended amount for Line 2.

Extended amount for lines 1 and 2 on page-+ page 6 must then be totaled and the total 

amount entered at the right hand bottom of the page. 

(Page number changed per Addendum 1: Inmate/Payphone ITB Specification Modification.) 

GTL Response: The above entries from Columns A and C have been transferred to the Price
Sheet at Tab: Terms and Price.




Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07·X·2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006




13. Evaluation


The STATE will review each bid in detail to determine its compliance 

with all ITB requirements. If a bid fails to meet an ITB requirement, 

the STATE will reject that bid in its entirety. 

GTL Response: GTL understands, agrees, and will comply.


Administrative and Technical Requirements 

Bids must satisfy all mandatory administrative and technical 

requirements as specified in this ITB. 

GTL Response: Global Tel Link (GTL) is pleased to submit a proposal that meets all mandatory
administrative and technical requirements specified in the State of Alabama's Invitation to Bid.


Reference List Evaluation 

All customers on the required customer reference list may be contacted 

at the STATE's discretion. The customers contacted must respond that 

the service provided by the vendor was considered to be satisfactory in 

order for the vendor to be successful in this part of the bid. A response 

that the vendor's service has been unsatisfactory, even from one 

customer, may be cause for rejection of the bid depending upon the 

significance of unsatisfactory item and dependent on the STATE's 

analysis of the validity of the unsatisfactory response. 

GTL Response: GTL understands, agrees, and complies. Please see GTL
Attachment 1. References.



The vendor whose bid has met all mandatory administrative and 

technical requirements and has offered the highest estimated 

commission (calculated by multiplying the vendor's commission 

percentages by estimated revenues for inmate and public pay phones) to 

the STATE will be awarded the contract. 

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and agrees. Please see GTL's commission offer
at Tab: Terms and Price.



Bids will be rank ordered from highest to lowest based on the estimated 

commission. Demonstration, if required by the STATE, will be 

requested from the vendor submitting the bid with the highest estimated 

commission and that meets the requirements of this ITB. If the bid is 


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



deemed non-responsive after demonstration, the vendor with the next
highest estimated commission will be requested to demonstrate that its
system meets all ITB requirements. The STATE will continue to
request demonstrations from vendors until a responsive bid is
determined at an acceptable commission rate to the STATE.

GTl Response: GTl has read, understands, and agrees. GTl will be pleased to demonstrate
our lazerPhone Inmate Telephone System to the STATE.

14. Demonstration


The demonstration is intended to afford the STATE the opportunity, if 

necessary, to verify the claims made by the vendor in response to ITB 

Section 11, Technical and Functional Requirements.

demonstration is also intended to allow the STATE the ability to 

corroborate the evaluation of the bid and to confirm that the 

telecommunications hardware, related software and any services which 

are proposed as a result of this ITB are actually in operation. The 

STATE reserves the right to determine whether or not a demonstration 

of any or all proposed systems is required. The vendor who offers the 

STATE the highest estimated commission and meets all the 

specifications of this ITB may be notified to perform the demonstration. 

GTl Response: GTl has read, understands, and agrees.



The vendor must prepare and include in the bid (or present to the 

STATE prior to the STATE's arrival at the demonstration location) a 

complete plan for the performance of all applicable segments of the 

demonstration. The plan must include the following: 

Discussion of performance records regarding telephone
equipment, including its internal and external software;
Presentation of presently used management records and reports;
Actual hardware, software, line access method and type of
feature group used for the demonstration configuration; and
Explanation if any segment of the demonstration differs from
that proposed.


Global Tel"'Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2170936
Inmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006

G... TI

The vendor must provide or make all necessary arrangements for the
demonstration facilities at no cost to the STATE. The location of the
demonstration will be determined by the vendor; however,
demonstration within Alabama is preferred.
The vendor will be notified no later than ten (10) working days before
the date for Demonstration of Requirements.
The demonstration must be performed in substantial accordance with
the requirements specified below in 14.3. Failure of the vendor to
demonstrate that the claims made by the bid, in response to the ITB
requirements, are in fact true, may be sufficient to cause the bid to be
deemed non-responsive. The STATE reserves the right to determine
whether or not the demonstration has been successfully passed.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply with the above stated
demonstration requirements,


14.3.1. Materials
The vendor will supply all proposed hardware, software, and
documentation needed for the functional demonstration.

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply with the above stated

demonstration requirement.

14.3.2. Agenda
The agenda will allow no more than one (1) full day for the
demonstration. However, if the State determines that additional
presentations/demonstrations are necessary, the time may be
At the STATE's option, an additional time may be scheduled if
the STATE finds it necessary to rerun the demonstration (in
whole or in part) due to any malfunction encountered during the
initial demonstration period.
The STATE team will arrive at the vendor's demonstration site
with the following expected agenda:
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply with the above stated

demonstration requirements.


Global Tel*Link's Response
To the State of Alabama's
Invitation To Bid # 07-X-2 I 70936
lnmate and Public Payphones
October 25, 2006



J 	 Short briefing by the vendor to provide an overview of the

demonstration and an overview of the hardware and software of
the proposed system(s).
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply with the above stated
demonstration req uirement.

Working demonstration: Demonstration of all proposed
systems, services, and equipment as required by this ITB will
be furnished. The demonstration will include the following 	

GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply with the above stated
demonstration requirements.

14.3.3. Schedule and Time

The time of the demonstration will be established by mutual
agreement between the vendor and the STATE no later than ten
(10) working days prior to the demonstration.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and will comply with the above stated
demonstration requirements.

14.3.4. Scope of the Demonstration
The STATE reserves the right to test any and every function of
the proposed system(s). If required, and failure to function as
required occurs at an agency location, the STATE may
terminate the contract.
GTL Response: GTL has read, understands, and agrees.