This text is machine-read, and may contain errors. Check the original document to verify accuracy.
The State of Alabama
Department of Finance
Information Services Division
Invitation to Bid
Inmate and Public Payphones
1. Purpose: The State of Alabama, Department of Finance, Division of Purchasing on behalf of the
Information Services Division (ISD) and the Department of Corrections, hereinafter referred to as the
STATE, is accepting bids for the statewide installation of the equipment, provision of service and payment
of commissions on telephone calls made from pay telephones on State owned or leased property (hereinafter
referred to as STATE PROPERTY). This ITB will include both public and inmate pay telephone service in
a concession service arrangement. Alternate bids will not be accepted.
2. Contract Length: The contract resulting from this ITB will be effective for a period of three years from the
date the contract is issued by the STATE, with options for two one-year renewals following the initial
contract. Commissions must remain firm, as do the Terms and Conditions, for a period of three years from
the date of initial contract signing. Terms and Conditions must remain in place for any subsequent renewals.
Commissions may be increased by the awarded vendor at any time. Commissions may not be decreased.
All commission increases must be first be approved by State Purchasing. All subsequent renewal contracts
must be agreed upon, by both parties, ninety days prior to the expiration of the existing contract.
Commissions cannot be altered due to any fees or taxes mandated by federal , state, or local government.
Continuation of any agreement between the STATE and the awarded vendor beyond a fiscal year is
contingent upon continued legislative appropriation of funds for the purpose of this ITB and any resulting
agreement. Non-availability of funds at any time shall cause any agreement to become void and
unenforceable and no damages shall accrue against the STATE as a result.
If necessary, for a period of up to six (6) months after the expiration of the contract, the awarded vendor
may continue to provide services until service conversion takes place.
3. Bid Pricing: The vendor will bid inmate phones proposing a per diem rate that will be used to calculate a
monthly commission. The per diem rate must be entered with three (3) decimal places. For example, if the
bid per diem rate is $2.00, then $2.000 would be entered. The monthly commission will be calculated by
multiplying the vendor's per diem rate times that month's average inmate count.
The vendor will bid public payphones proposing a percentage factor for all public (noninmate) revenues. The percentage factor will be entered with three (3) decimal places. For example, if the
bid percentage factor is 50 %, then 50.000 % would be entered. The monthly commission will be calculated
by multiplying the vendor's percentage factor times that month's public payphone revenue.
4. Contract Resulting from ITB: This ITB and any Vendor responses and/or proposals thereto will become a
part of any contract executed as a result of this procurement.
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5. Vendor Compliance: Each Vendor, by signing and returning this bid, stipulates that it has read,
understands, and will comply with all provisions of this ITB. Should it be determined by the STATE that a
bid fails to specifically respond to all requirements that bid will be eliminated from consideration. The
STATE will be the sole judge as to whether each item bid is consistent with the technical specifications
and/or general requirements ofthis ITB.
6. Vendor ITB Responses:
6.1. Original/Copies: Each Vendor is required to submit one (1) original and three (3) copies of each bid.
liable for any cost incurred by a Vendor replying to this ITB.
6.2. Technical Documentation: Complete software and hardware product information, including technical
and descriptive literature, must be submitted by the awarded vendor upon request by the STATE.
6.3. Customer References: Vendors must provide with their bid references a minimum ofthree (3)
customers who are currently using the same software and hardware offered with the bid response. At
least one of the references must be a state department of corrections or federal prison currently using
the proposed system.
All customer references provided must include company name, customer contact name, telephone
number, address, email, contract period, system/product installed and size of system. Failure to provide
customer references as specified will result in disqualification of bid.
7. Bidders Conference: A MANDATORY bidders' conference will be conducted on April 4, 2012 at 10:00
a.m. CST in the Purchasing Auditorium, 100 N. Union Street, Suite 192, Montgomery. Questions requiring
clarification ofITB contents must be received in writing (regular mail, or email) no later than April 3, 201 2,
5:00 p.m. CST. Verbal responses in discussions during the conference are not binding. A formal , written
reply to questions raised will be provided, within one week, to all bidders represented at the conference.
Questions concerning this ITB should be directed in writing to:
Ms. Pat Antle
Buyer, Purchasing Division
Department of Finance
100 North Union Street, Suite 192
Montgomery, Alabama 36130
pat.antle@purchasing.alabama. gov
8. Term and Conditions:
8.1. Required Services: The awarded vendor is responsible for installation and maintenance of pay
telephones and equipment at inmate and non-inmate (public) sites, providing local, intralata and
interlata services, provisioning/ordering/payment oftelco access lines, coin collection from coin pay
phones, and the billing/collections process. On award, the vendor must also inspect each installation site
and provide replacement phones, enclosures and panels as needed.
8.2. Prime Contractor: The awarded vendor will be the prime contractor in all matters, including, but not
limited to installation, maintenance, trouble reporting, billing and any disputes associated with the
requirements of the bid.
8.3. Use of Subcontractors: If any of the work is, or is to be, subcontracted, the awarded vendor must
provide within the bid a description of the subcontracting organization and the contractual arrangements
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8.3. Use of Subcontractors: If any of the work is, or is to be, subcontracted, the awarded vendor must
provide within the bid a description of the subcontracting organization and the contractual arrangements
made therewith. All subcontractors will be subj ect to approval by the ST ATE. The awarded vendor
will also furnish the corporate or company name and the names of the officers or principles of said
companies proposed as subcontractors prior to execution of the contract as specified in this ITB. The
awarded vendor will be held responsible for all work performed by the subcontractor. All subcontracted
work will be bound by the same terms as apply to the prime contractor.
8.4. Security: The awarded vendor and subcontractors must agree to abide by the security requirements of
the State of Alabama, Department of Corrections. These requirements include but are not limited to the
need to arrange security clearances for vendor's personnel, prohibitions on materials that may be carried
in or out of correctional facilities, certification of vendor's employees and such other security measures
as may be deemed appropriate by the Department of Corrections.
8.5. Vender Certification Requirements:
8.5.1. Certification: The vendor must be an independent pay telephone provider certified by the
Alabama Public Service Commission to provide pay telephone services and facilities in
Alabama by the bid submission deadline. Vendors are required to submit with their bid
response a copy of the Certificate to Provide Pay Telephone Service granted by the Alabama
Public Service Commission, with the date certified and docket number.
8.5.2. Rules and Regulations: All services and equipment offered by the awarded vendor must
comply with all Federal and STATE laws, rules and regulations including but not limited to
pricing, branding, provision of consumer information, accessibility to interexchange carriers,
accommodations for the handicapped and any applicable construction, electrical and safety
8.5.3. Permits and Licenses: The awarded vendor must provide all services in compliance with all
tariffs, rules, and regulations, or licenses governing said services. The permits and licenses will
be obtained without any cost to the STATE.
8.6. Tariffs/Rates/Charges:
8.6.1. Public Payphone Rates: The public coinlcoinless telephones will be predominantly utilized
by the citizens of, and visitors to, the State of Alabama. It is essential that the services are
provided at reasonable and customary rates and charges without any special surcharges of any
kind. The awarded vendor must define the length of the initial period and the billing
increments for additional time for all services provided.
8.6.2. Inmate Rates: Inmate telephones at STATE Correctional facilities will be used to place
collect calls and pre-paid calls. The awarded vendor offering automated, collect-only inmate
phone calls, whether local or long distance, that originate from any municipal, county or state
confinement facility located in the State of Alabama and terminate to a number within
Alabama, shall be subject to the requirements cited in Alabama Public Service Commission
Rulemaking Docket 15957, dated March 3, 2009 (Attachment D). This document specifies the
maximum rates for services that can be charged. All inmate phone service vendors shall hold a
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Inmate Phone Service in the State
of Alabama issued by the Alabama Public Service Commission prior to bidding or offering to
bid on any Inmate Phone Service contract in the State of Alabama. No vendor shall offer this
class of service within the State of Alabama without approval from the commission. No vendor
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~~~~~eViahte from the specified requirements for allowable rates and services cited in Docket
Wit out pnor approval from the Alabama Public Service Commission.
The current vendor is charging the maximum allowable rates as follows:
Local Calls:
Intra Lata Calls:
InterLata Calls:
Station-to-Station: $2.75 flat rate
Station-to-Station: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.30 per minute
Station-to-Station: $2.25 surcharge plus $0.30 per minute
Station-to-Station:$3.95 surcharge plus $0.89 per minute
20 Minute Minimum Call Duration
8.6.3. Fees: The STATE will not incur any costs associated with any State or FCC fees, nor will
comrnlsslOns be decreased due to any State or FCC fees or taxes, for the life of the contract.
Additionally, no bill statement fees can be charged.
8.6.4. Fees to Inmate Families and Friends: Fees for deposits to inmates' account are allowable;
however, .they are capped at the rate charged by the current vendor. Current fees charged are
mcluded m the following table:
Prepayment Deposit Method
Maximum Allowable
C:ertified Check bvmail
0 .00
Money Order by mail
0 .00
Deposit sent via Western Union
0 .00
~utomated Interactive Voice Response Deposit - Any $4 .75
4 .75
Credit Card DeDosit via Service Reo - Anv Amount
4 .75
Internet Web DeDosit - Any Amount
$4 .75
LobbY Kiosk DeDosit - Cash or Credit Card
No additional fees, commissions or other payments will be charged without the explicit
approval of the ADOC.
8.7. Preferred Interexchange Carrier (PIC) Changes: Preferred Interexchange Carrier (PIC) changes,
which involve the switching of long distance service from one interexchange carrier to another, will be
the sole responsibility of the awarded vendor. The awarded vendor must be.responsible for all costs
associated with PIC changes and for follow-up With the local exchange carner to ensure that requested
changes have been implemented expeditiously.
8.8. Publicity: Any publicity giving reference to this project, whether in the form of press releases or
interviews brochures, photographic coverage, or verbal announcements must have the advance
approval o'f the Department of Finance, Information Services Division.
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8.9. Mov", Adds and Changes:
The STATE expects. from time to time. to add and/or rearrange pay telephones at locati0!ls listed in
the inventory. The awarded vendor will install service at new locations and relocate service III
accordance with the terms of this Invitation-to-Bid, and as directed by the STATE.
8.9.1. The awarded vendor will install both inmate and public telephone service at correctional
8.9.2. All new or relocated service locations installed during the term of this contract or any
renewal will be subject to terms and conditions and the payment of commissions at the rate
established in the contract.
8.9.3. As a public service. the STATE will require (at certain locations, at no cost to the STATE), at
least one public pay telephone regardless of volume or revenue. These locations will include,
but will not be limited to, State Parks and State Highway Rest Areas. These locations will be
determined by the STATE.
8.9.4. The STATE currently has approximately 400 public payphones in place. The STATE will .
not require the awarded vendor to place more than 50 additional public payphones dunng thiS
Ordering Service: All orders for services from the STATE will be issued in writing and signed
by the Service Delivery Manager of the Information Services Division or his authorized representative.
The awarded vendor will not install, remove, modify, or change service at any location without this
prior written approval. The awarded vendor must provide to the STATE (ISO) and to the site contact
the estimated due date.
Vendor Responsibilities: In addition to all administrative, functional, and technical
requirements specified in this ITB, the awarded vendor will be responsible for coordinating all service
required from the local regulated telephone company. Vendor will be responsible for all charges from
the local regulated telephone company for service provided.
Ownenhip of Pay Telephone Equipment: Ownership of all pay telephone equipment that is
installed under this contract will remain the property of the vendor. The STATE will not accept
ownership or liability for equipment or software.
ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: The awarded BIDDER shall pay each month to ISO an
administrative fee in the amount of 1.5% (.0.015) of all commissions remitted under this contract
during the prior month. The administrative fee will be paid to ISO each month before the 20th and will
represent 1.5% (.0.015) of all commissions remitted under this contract during the prior month and
adjustments for error corrections associated with earlier months. This fee shall not be included as a
separate charge to any entity. Failure to comply with provisions of this paragraph will be grounds for
the State's termination of the contract with the awarded BIDDER.
The check should be made payable to Alabama Department of Finance - ISD and should be
mailed to:
Department of Finance
Division of Accounting and Administration
PO Box 300658
Montgomery, AL 36130-0658
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Documentation must be included with the check showing the month and year to which the check
apphes and contract number TA497. Additionally, by the 20th of the month, a summary report
listing all commissions paid under this contract, TA497, and the administrative fee paid to
Alabama Department of Finance - ISD during the prior calendar month. The report can be a MS
WORD or EXCEL soft copy attachment to email sent to: telecom
8.14.1. Commission Reports: Awarded vendor will furnish all reports specified in Section 9.4.
Dur.tng the tenn of the contract, within sixty days of the close of the vendor's billing cycle, two
COpies of the traffic reports and commission statements must be provided to the Infonnation
Servi~es Division. Electronic copy may be acceptable if approved by Infonnation Services
8.14.2. Monthly Commission Amounts Public Pay Phones: Commissions owed to the STATE
will be calculated by multiplying the vendor's public commission percentage by the vendor's
total gross public (non-inmate) revenue for that month. Commissions may be increased by the
awarded vendor at any time. Commissions may not be decreased. All commission increases
must be tirst approved by State Purchasing. Gross revenue is defined as all revenue, whether
controlled by the vendor or not, generated by the telephone via customer origination. Examples
of originated revenues are: coin, 0+, 0-, 01+, 011+, 00-, 10xxx, 950-10xx, l-800-xxx-xxxx,
bank card, travel and entertainment card revenue and not merely commissions paid to a vendor
by a subcontractor, e.g. Operator Services Provider (OPS), or interexchange carrier.
8.14.3. Monthly Commission Amounts Inmate Phones: Monthly commissions will be calculated
by multiplying the average number of inmates in ADOC custody for the month by the vendor's
awarded per diem rate multiplied by the number of days in the billing month. The per diem rate
may be increased by the awarded vendor at any time. The per diem rate may not be decreased.
All per diem rate increases must be first be approved by State Purchasing.
8.14.4. Commission Remittance Public Pay phones:
Commissions for payphones must be remitted to be received by the ST ATE within sixty (60)
calendar days of the close of each period for which commission is being paid. Commissions
will be forwarded to:
Ms. Priscilla Coker
Department of Finance
Infonnation Services Division
Customer Service/Service Delivery
64 North Union Street, Suite 250
Montgomery, AL 36130
Public pay phone commission checks should be made payable to:
State of Alabama
Telephone Revolving Fund
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8.14.5. Commission Remittance Inmate Phones:
Commissions for inmate phones must be remitted to be received by the STATE within fifteen (IS)
calendar days after the vendor has been notified by ADOC of the average number of inmates in
ADOC custody for the month for which the commission is being paid. Commissions will be
forwarded to:
Ms. Cindy Dennis
Alabama Department of Corrections
Accounting Division
PO Box 301501
Montgomery, Al 36130-1501
Inmate phone commission checks should be made payable to the Alabama Department of
8.14.6. Commission Guarantee Bond:
Awarded Vendor is required to post a commission bond for a maximum amount of$5,000,000 to
State Purchasing within ten (10) days after award. The Director of Purchasing shall be the custodian
of the commission bond. The bond must reference the contract and be payable to the State of
Alabama. The commission bond will be returned in a reasonable time after the Division of
Purchasing has received verification that the contract has been satisfactorily completed, The
commission bond must be issued from a surety company that meets the following requirements:
The surety company must be certified to do business in the State of
The surety company shall have been in the surety business for at least five (5) years.
The surety company shall have a minimum Best's Policy Holder rating of A and
required financial of VIII from Best's Key Rating Guide,
All bonds shall be signed by a Licensed Resident Agent that holds current Power of
Attorney from the surety company issuing the bond,
8.14.7. Default of Commission Payment: If the awarded vendor fails to pay to the STATE any
contractual amount owed as specified in the resultant contract when due and payable, or fails to
perfonn promptly any of the other covenants or obligations contained herein, and such default
or failure to perfonn continues for a period of thirty days after written notice of such failure to
payor perfonn is received by the vendor, then the STATE will have the right to cancel the
contract and proceed against the Commission Guarantee Bond.
Insurance: The awarded vendor must possess at a minimum the following types of insurance
and in the amounts indicated:
Commercial General Liability
Worker's Compensation/Employer's Liability
$ 500,000
The vendor shall insure all equipment associated with the ITB and will not hold the ST ATE
responsible for theft, loss, or damage to any equipment. Insurance certificate from the insurance
company must be submitted to State Purchasing within ten (10) days after award and show the
State of Alabama as the certificate holder.
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Con~ersion: The awarded vendor must convert at no cost to the STATE, all existing inmate and
public pay.telephones, equipment,. and facilities (i.e., circuits and wiring). The STATE will not
be responsible for any costs associated with conversion.
9. Current Environment:
9.1. Inmate Population:
The average in house inmate population for calendar year 2011 was 25,508. Additional statistical
information for the department is available at
9.2. Public Payphone Inventory
Attachment A contains an inventory listing of public pay phones at state agency locations. This listing
also includes any coin telephones at DOC locations. This information is provided to assist vendors in
preparing their bids and is based on the most current information available. No representation is made
that this information is complete and accurate.
9.3. Department of Corrections (DOC) Inmate Telephone Inventory
Attachment B contains an inventory listing ofinmate telephones at the Department of Corrections
facilities (Correctional Facilities and Work Release Centers), This information is provided to assist
vendors in preparing their bids and is based on the most current information available. No
representation is made that this information is complete and accurate.
9.4. Revenue Summary
Attachment C is a summary of inmate and payphone revenue from January I, 20 II through December
31, 20 II. These are the actual total revenues generated by the cans placed (not just the STATE's
commission amount). No representation is made that this information is complete and accurate.
10. Administrative Requirements:
Productive Use Requirements
The objective of the Productive Use Requirements is to protect the STATE from being the test
site for new telephone hardware, software and enhanced services. All proposed services must
have a record of proven performance.
10.1.1. Customer In-Use
The purpose of the Customer In-Use requirement is to ensure that tel~phone equipment
and related services of the payphone and Inmate telephone service Will perform to
required specifications in support of this State program.
State of Alabama
The following requirements are intended to apply to an pay te.lephones associated with
this ITB, hardware, wiring and cabling must meet current NatIOnal Telephone Industry
Association (NTIA) reliability standards. Enclosures and related. matenals Win m~et an
I' cable standards identified by the FCC and the Alabama Public Service CommiSSIOn.
ia~ ~elephones, line access and transmission quality will meet industry standards and an
State and Federal regulations.
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Pay telephones and associated enclosures must comply with all applicable Federal, State
and local laws, rules and regulations concerning use of such telephones by disabled
persons and the hearing impaired.
Modifications or updates to services provided which offer improvements or additional
features may be allowed at no additional charge to the State. However, any modifications
or updates must be approved by the ST ATE prior to actual telephone installation. Pay Telephone (coin or coinless) Hardware: Each type of hardware component
installed by the awarded vendor under the terms and conditions of this ITB must have
been installed and in productive use, in substantially the configuration proposed, by a
customer external to the vendor's organization, for at least six (6) months prior to the bid
submission date for this ITB. Other Hardware: Enclosures, and other hardware external to the actual pay
telephone instrument, must have been installed and in productive use by a customer
external to the awarded vendor's organization, for at least six (6) months prior to the bid
submission date for this ITB. Pay Telephone (coin or coinless) Software: Programmable software residing in each
telephone installed by the awarded vendor must have been installed and in productive
use, by a paying customer external to the vendor's organization, for at least six (6)
months prior to the bid submission date for this ITB. Other Software: Other software means any software in operation for the purpose of
data gathering; maintenance and reports related to, but not limited to, coin collection, call
detail information, revenue/commission, and other related business activities. Each item
of software, other than that residing in the telephone, proposed by the vendor in
response to this ITB must have been installed and in productive use, in substantially the
configuration proposed, for a customer external to the vendor's organization, for at least
three (3) months prior to the bid due date for this ITB. The singular exception to this
requirement is report software that may require development for the express purpose of
providing reports specific to, and required by, the State of Alabama.
10.1.2. Equipment Reliability and Maintainability Information The awarded vendor must provide information regarding diagnostics and methods
used for detecting out-of-service conditions and full coin-in-box conditions. The awarded vendor will include, with the above, a narrative describing the quality
control and reliability program currently in operation within the company that
manufactures the proposed telephones and within the bidding company's organization
(including subcontractors).
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3/20/2012 The awarded vendor will include, with the above, information regarding credit card
authorization, method of data storage of billing information, transfer of this data to
billing agent (if applicable), and assurances of billing accuracy. Awarded vendor must
also describe their billing system for preparing bills to the calling or called party and the
involvement of a local exchange carrier (LEC) or a third party in the billing process.
10.1.3. Vendor Responsibilities The awarded vendor will provide all material and labor necessary to install, test and
implement each payphone and inmate telephone service(s), at no cost to the STATE. The awarded vendor will bear the full cost of installing, providing, and maintaining
telephone line access services to each public payphone and inmate telephone site. This
includes all responsibility for provision of associated cable and conduit and any attendant
costs thereof. Services must be installed and implemented in a manner and a time frame designed
to minimize disruption of the normal functioning of STATE activities. Service affecting
service conversion will be scheduled in advance with the facility manager and ISO.
Service conversions at Correctional facilities will take place at a date and time approved
by the Correctional Facility Warden. The awarded vendor will be responsible for restoration of STATE PROPERTY
premises in cases where defacement or damage occurs as a result of equipment
installation, removal, trenching, or burying of cable. The awarded vendor will be responsible for coordinating all service required from
the local telephone company. The vendor will also be responsible for all charges related
to telephone company service provision.
Installation and Maintenance
10.2.1. General
The awarded vendor will provide the necessary labor, parts, materials, and transportation
to maintain all proposed telephone and related services equipment in good working order
and in compliance with the equipment manufacturer's specifications throughout the life of
the contract, at no cost to the STATE.
The awarded vendor must maintain all pay phones (inmate and public), related
equipment, and any wiring and software required and provided under this contract, in
good working order.
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Tho awarded vendor will provide telephone equipment personnel who have been trained
IIml qualified on the equipment and software to be serviced andlor certified by the
04 ui plllcnt munufucturer if such certification is required by the manufacturer.
10.2.2. l'rohlclII/Solutlon
Tho uWllrded vendor will be responsible for determining whether a line access failure is
the filult of the local exchange carrier (LEC), the interexchange carrier's (IXC), or the
provider's equipment. If the vendor(s) determines that the telephone company is at fault,
then the vendor will contact the telephone company and negotiate the desired services. If
the failure is determined to be the fault of the vendor's equipment (hardware, software or
wiring) the problem will be corrected by the vendor. The vendor will be held
uccountuble to isolate and correct all failures involving 20% or more of the telephones at
any single location within four (4) hours and failures involving fewer than 20% within 24
In the event that a problem cannot be solved in these time frames, the vendor must
contuct the state agency involved for the problem location and propose a plan to correct
the problem. The proposed solution must meet with the satisfaction of the STATE.
"'.2.3. Wnrrantlcs
The awurded vendor warrants that the equipment and software will be in good working
order when installed and will repair or replace malfunctioning equipment whenever
required. Equipment may not be out of service for more than 24 hours without notifying
the STATE.
10.2.4. Ccrtlflcatlon of Acccptance
The awarded vendor must notify the STATE no fewer than five (5) working days prior to
an area having its service converted. Service conversion will not begin without approval
of the facility manager or Correctional Facility Warden.
The vendor will ensure that the services installed have been thoroughly tested and made
ready for use. Installation will not be considered satisfactorily completed until the vendor
receives written notification from the STATE that the installation has been accepted and
that the installed system or service is working properly. If the system or service is not
accepted by the STATE after thirty (30) days, the STATE may grant an additional fifteen
(15) days, or terminate the contract for default. The STATE may postpone conversion of
the remaining facilities until the first installation is accepted.
The vendor will be responsible for preventive maintenance as may be required by the
equipment manufacturer and as necessary to maintain the levels of services proposed and
required by the Invitation-to-Bid.
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10.2.5. Cleaning
The awarded vendor will be responsible for ensuring that all payphones (inmate and
public), booths, and enclosures are cleaned and sanitized as needed or within three (3)
days of a request by the facility. A cleaning of each telephone, enclosure, or booth must
occur at a minimum of once every twelve months.
The vendor will remove, when necessary, all fingerprints, graffiti, stickers, posters, litter,
insects, dust and dirt from each telephone and from a three (3) foot radius surrounding the
telephone exclusive of private property.
10.2.6. MisceUaneous
The awarded vendor will inform the STATE immediately upon any occurrence of an
unusual nature that may result in prolonged (more than 4 hours) or serious (more than
20% of equipment) service interruption. The vendor will perform any work requiring
prolonged or serious service interruption at a time which will cause minimum disruption
to the users in agreement with the designated STATE representative and at a time
mutually agreed upon by the vendor and the STATE.
The vendor's repair services will be available at the payphone and inmate sites 24 hours a
day, seven days a week. The only exception to this requirement may be. on an individual
location basis, where 24 hour access is restricted and where this access restriction is
beyond the control of the vendor.
10.2.7. FraudffheftIBad Debt
The STATE will bear no responsibility for fraudulent calls.
The STATE will bear no responsibility for theft of funds; and furthermore, no stolen or
lost funds or fraudulent call billings will be deducted from revenues on which
commissions are paid to the STATE.
Awarded vendor will not deduct any revenue from the STATE's commissions for had
10.2.8. UnbillablelUncoJlectible CaUs
The STATE will bear no responsibility for unbillable or uncollectible calls. Unbillable or
uncollectible calls may not be deducted from gross revenues on which commissions are
paid to the STATE.
10.3.1. Overview
Awarded vendor must provide to all STATE personnel designated as telecommunications
administrators, information regarding the operation of equipment and service offered.
Training must also encompass methods by which these STATE employees can assess
their environment and develop a plan for better placement of pay phones that maximizes
usage, services, commissions, and special agency needs. All training will be done at no
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cll~llti ill li't'A'I'13 fut the life of the contract. Initial training will be required for
" l l lltll. '''IltI ~ly I1 vl! employees at each of the 30 Department of Corrections sites, In
1l1I!iIlIt"I. 'tl1l)ruA lillut~ly 12 other STATE employees (DOC and IS D) will need to be
li tlitWd ,
III,J ,J,I, 'l'ltl! UWM'lI~d vendor must submit a training plan within ten (10) days of award that
1"'tIV ItI ~~ 'tdl~IlIIlt e STATE personnel training for the execution of the contract. The plan
"WA Vll liTA'Il! opproval prior to implementation, The training plan will define
Itll'"III!! uvnllilhle to Stote personnel both initially and on an as needed basis over the life
III' lite clIlllrtwt at no cost to the STATE. The times and locations of training will be
""tilmlly ugt~etl upnn by the State agency and the vendor, NO TRAINING WILL
'I'AKli I' LACU OUTS ID E! OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA, A separate training plan
W'" hI! fetlulreu lilr Inmote services.
111,,\.2,2, Awattled vendor must, if requested by the Department of Corrections, make its
ellll l illyec~ ovolfuble lor any applicable training related to working in and around
C "'uctlollul fnclflllc8. Trulning date and schedules will be coordinated by the
Uel1111"1mcilt uf' Currections. The STATE will not be responsible for vendor expenses.
111,,' ,2,;\. AII Inltlol truinlng at a location must be completed prior to service conversion ofthat
I'hllHIIClllcnt In(urrnAliun And Reports
Tltll UWllfticl1 vendor must provide the reports described below.
AII I'cll/lrt~ lIIust bo lormullcd in such a way that the reports can be used to audit the requirements
III" hl s I'I'U. Tho uwurdcd vendor must present report formats to the STATE within ten (10) days
ul' nWllrd lur upptcJvul. Tho STATE must approve report formats prior to their implementation.
111 utitillluil. uthor rcports must be provided as reasonably required by the STATE. All payphone
11t108 must bo rCflllrtcd whether they generated commissions or not. The STATE requires that all
rll"url~ bo ~ubl11ll1cd in a viewable electronic format.
111.4.1. MlllllllulII l~cJlurllrlJ( Requlremenh for Revenues & Commissions I~CVCIIUCI (scparately identified for coin and non-coin revenue) Per telephone (By Location) Per Location (e.g" Building A, B, etc.) Per Accounting Code as supplied by the STATE (Accounting Code is a
ten digit alphanumeric code used by the Finance Department's Information
Service Division to allocate charges and distribute revenue to the
appropriate state agency. The AU code for Kilby Prison, for example, is
Silltu of AI"hllllll1
Inmate/Payphone ITB
Page 13 of 31
10 .... 1.2.
IO .... 1.2.I.l~.1 Commissions Eamed by Account and Total 1.1. pcr telephone (by locution) per locution
10.4. pt.'1" Accounting Code as supplied by STATE
I STATE totuls
10.... 1.2.2. IntralA T A Commissions Eurned by Account and Total per telephone (by location) per location per Accounting Code as supplied by STATE STATE totals
10.... 1.2.3.lnterLATA Commissions Earned by Account and Total per telephone (by location) per location
10.4. per Accounting Code as supplied by STATE STATE totals
Fr~uency of Reports Monthly Cumulative
Minimum Reporting Requirements for Telephone Data C.lIs, Gross Revenues, Minutes of Use (coin and non-coin) .1. local Interlata .4. International Level of Detail Per telephone by Location Per Location State Total By Accounting Codes as provided by STATE .-requency or Report. Monthly Cumulative
State of Alabama
InmateiPayphone ITB
Page 140f 31
10.4.:\. Son'h'c Ollh'"~ Ih'I",,'t
'1'hl~ ,'el',\i1wlll hu I'l'IlVhl~,\ wlillin ~QVQn (7) cnlol1clllr doys of request and include the.
Ihlhlwlllllllll\lfl11l1lhlll 1\11' 1111)' Iclcl1110Ilc~ 111111 woro out of service for 24 or more contmuous
h,\\II'~ :
10 ....;\. t.
1O.4 ..1.l.
I U.4.;\.!I.
10.4.4. Sorvll'o
1)111111 NlIlllhcr
lllllln III''I'o\U
'I'lmo ""11 ,11110 111'11111111 III Inn
1'11110111111,11110 III' MOI'vlco re~lorDtlon
CIlIiMO 01' (\ulll~O
It O~OI'lI lt o llUl't
This Nl'orl wlllinulllllo Iho ClIl11ll1l11y'l Icrvlce record on a quarterly basis with a year to date
SUml11l1ry, Tho Iilllowlnlll'o"ul'l~ will bel 8ubmillcd within 30 days after the end of the
NUl11ber of Morvlco OUlUII08
Averllllo limo 10 ropllir trouble
10.4.4.;\. Avorllllo oulllllCJ tilliO
10.4.5. C llllllilo of'l'I,II·.,hollo Nlllllhurl
This NI'Ol1 will be pl'lIvidcd within Mcven (7) calendar days of request and include the
following inlol1l1uliollllssociulcd wilh a change in telephone number.
Provious telcpholle number
Loelll ion of lelephono
New lolophollo lIumber Ronson lor chungc
10.4.6. Periodic Invcntory
This report will be submillcd to the STATE within seven calendar days after request. It will
include 8 current, complete, and accurate accounting of all telephones and enclosures by
telephone number. by type, and by location within each building.
New Arca Codes/J)lullng Changes
The awarded vendor is responsible for making any hardware or software changes necessary to
implcmcnt new area codes, or any dialing pattern changes. These changes must be made and
implemented on the dute of implementation as set by the Regional Exchange companies.
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InmatelPayphone ITB
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Rates, Charges and FCCIPSC Compliance
10.6.1. Answer Supervision
Billing/charges for pay telephone use must begin at the time of call completion. Users
will not be billed for incomplete calls (e.g., network intercept recordings, busy signals
and no-answers). This applies to direct-dialed calls and operator-assisted calls.
10.6.2. FCC and PSC Compliance
The awarded vendor and all subcontractors will comply with all current applicable FCC
and PSC rules and regulations throughout the term of the Contract.
Unprofitable Pay Telephones
Pay telephones installed by the awarded vendor may be reviewed by the vendor(s) for
profitability every twelve months. When the gross total revenues generated because of the
placement and usage of the telephone does not cover the vendor's expenses, the vendor(s) may
petition the STATE for relocation of the telephone. In each case, the decision of the STATE will
be final. The STATE may require a limited number of pay telephones to be placed in selected
locations for convenience, safety, or security -- regardless of revenue generating potential.
Other Administrative Requirements
10.8.1. Subcontractor Requirements
The awarded vendor will be responsible for coordinating and controlling all aspects of
the contract, including support to be provided by any subcontractor andlor secondary
contractors, and will be the sole point of contact with the STATE relative to contract
10.8.2. Subcontractor List
Each participating vendor must submit with the bid a list of proposed subcontractors.
The list must contain for each proposed subcontractor a vendor number (FEIN/SSN),
vendor name, street address, mailing address (if different from street address), contact
person, telephone number, toll-free telephone number (if available), fax number, and the
scope and function described in detail. This list must be updated and maintained by the
awarded vendor for the life of the contract.
10.8.3. Right to Audit
Representatives of the Alabama Department of Finance and the Alabama Public Service
Commission or their duly authorized representatives will have access, for the purpose of
examinations, to any books, documents, papers, and records of the awarded vendor as
they may relate to the awarded contract.
State of Alabama
InmatelPayphone ITB
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u. I\\COt\l
lind doc\ImcI1 In _dMCe with
lImO wh.
1 .,0, enli lind properly reflect all
vcrcd IIftd tluf
r.a for • pcnod of
tr11C1 Of rchwoJ by tho vendor 10 allow the
""rsJ. .." "," ..
I \ill ~ Inlllla In • .11 dowment), JlCIlICI'». 1t1tcn. Of other
_:a\ilb ~ - cd Of r;-_\~ b . tho \-"Cndor In eotlJIIIICIIOII W'l th the eontI'IIC&.
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SO'lC'Rlcd tI IilAt td<'flhunc. 1 hc.c rcconlJ w,lI be Iltied 10 IiUdI1 Grost
RC'c-.. ~--M,"," must Include num~ f . 11. and nurnberofmlnuta.
Or. cdow SdMd.Ift ud l'IoU'duru
..-.Ned \~ '"'Ill submit within len (1 0) days of award a coin col\c:ctioa tchc:duk
• dcknJlbOO r 1XIl1a:t1011 pl occdurcs. 00lintIR8 procedures. and ckpostl ",occdn",.
a..:W:q the -.-un • proccd...n:s 10 sa fcguard funds from lhc:fL
• eL.,
S. ~' 0....,... ddldows. ud ~lnlonJ
n "'' lll ~\'"" the righl 10 initiate moves, changes, additions. andfor ddcrioN1S of
, . '"'I or illlmle Id cpbonc:s. The STATE will work with the awarded \-mdor 10
1d1OC"'C the bot b:aJana: of sc:rvioc, cost, lind commissions.
.Wdded \l:DdOr _
aprcssiy wanant that it proposed equipmenl and softa'WC do not
t::Iir1ll!llre _ the pakIIl. copynghl or tnIdcmart of others. The awarded vendor ",;11 indcuuuIY.
ddmd mil ~ hannlcu the tale of AIIIbama. il$ officers, agents. and cmplo)'U$. from
Of IIbptJOn mWlln. from pIIcnt. trIIdcmark. and/or copyright infringcmcnts.
t el t el
_, lduar6oln'1W 1.,I.Jlal'" aad Malnlman« Work al Corftdiou1 Facllitics
4 hours poor 10 JIatt,ng .. ork It 1111)' conttli nnl (o,ilit)'. . ..'W\kd \ UIdtX .."\11
~ tbe full name:. d#lc of btrth. and tod.1 JCQInt)' numbet fa( all, empiu>"ttS
" ~OB' cmplo~ who ma be work In!! It t :ad'l InstllUOOO I the
m4acM 0010.,. _~ .. IhAl I "
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II) 10 be edmllud
ht)'. o:ndu( pcrWllncl n," I mCOCl 1M
~ by 1/1( ~ of 1m' ,('1\;, I.. 'I'plt "bl · rq:uIQ\l
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t1Iy ICIlt
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m.y ~I)' ,
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hllure \
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comltlCl I. arckd undct till If1J
"'(:$(>,\ •
.ntn ,,"
l o.tO~
An)' pmon wllo
til' OUI
iUOImd:!f belon til
17 31
• Of Itlcmrc 10 Ilk III
r ul or arrccl,
or IdJ CIII I . rr«IlOIIAl flelht • an item
n I
ulhQnxcd II the ,m:.1l n I *!Ilil WIll be J"'O'C)CUled lUlder the provi ions
, II pcnI)n Indudml: nnplo
and VI 1IOB, enlenD the confines of
~ f, III ~ liUbJ~ 1 mUllnc il/'Cb of lheir pcrJOn. ch.lcl properly, or
on hand i d lined an iran 1101 pmnllled by law or not authorized by
AUv... Of I ltfUtlllf\Al polt '. , Ollll'llbAftd IOdudc3 but
1101 hmlled to any drugs illegal
If ~pttOI\. a1 :uhnh bc\'C1I
Wc:llpoM, Ul18ul.horized cell phones, unauthorized
f l :tNcU C'CiUtpnlent. artd or an oilIer Inh:lc lhe Il..OC or ~ 10/1 of whIch would
ma~:d' tbe $afd.
unl. Of ~.lIon of order in I OOtT«tlonal fllC1hly Of any
pcI'1OO \hcomQ,
, '",dot', ""no.llrl
.",'W\kd \~ \0'111 not anpltl any Indivlduollo perform work ortder this oonuac:t
.. bu bas ~'IOO:II been ddm1llned unaccCJIlablc (Of pc:r(orman<:c undcf any
~ r orm :ltOM ronll'llct. Of who Iw b«n lerminaled for ~ by the
~ fc-~Ions. endor will disconlinue: Ihe U5C of any anployec for
~ r "''OR IUldcr the contnct upon wrillcn oolice from the Department of
Corm..-uc1M u..,llhc individual is not. or is no longer acceplable for performance ortder
ronInd.. Vmdoc personnel will ,bide by applicable regulations and directives of the
~ rCom:ctions.
, ..,.....
\ 'aeelelka
lICt of wand:aJism, break·in. or actual or a"empled inll1Jsion into eilhcr cquipmcnl or
5Ottw.n: discovered by lhc vendor must be: reponed immediately to the instirurion fac:ility
~. The ST ATE ...·iII bear no responsibility for the cost of vandalism 10 awarded
\Cmdor's piopc!1ly at any of the STATE's facilities.
_" riIlalIft
The Departmenl of Corrections may perform surveillance of vendor's employees 10 ddcc:t
mipiopet 8Clivity. Such surveillana: may include the usc of electronic cquiJWDCllL
Vendcw will inform employees thaI such surveillance may be: conducted. and that 8I1y
mdmdual smpeCled 10 be guIlty of illegal conduct may be: prosecuted.
1• •1....
tT1lfiatlioa by \fodor'. [mploYHt
Tbe awarded vend« will oblaln wrillcn cerli ficalion from ilS ellll'lo CCC$ tNat they ha\-e
Ilea! lllfonned of the JPCCiaI condltiollJ in this section of Ihe ITS. and will maintain the
",,,f,",;on on file for the lerm (I( the C(lnll'llct. ue:h certification" II be pro\ida! t the
()cpIirImcnt (If Corr«1iCIM upon rcqUQI.
Aflhllid f',ohlbll&'d
TIle .WlIfdcd \lenOOr WIll 11(lI. n or aboul tho I'ftIfI ~ of the IIJtitulion. cog go in or
permit ~bhli Of the U'O of any dIM which f~" .., II1U1lbhnll ( IICh 11$ pum:h card or
tlol m~tltna). i:IIP 0 In 1 Ii opl:l'lllion , Of 1011 unAutll\lnlc:d mll11:hlllldl or services.
'n'1UllciPayphnno ITO
P '0 18 (
Implementation and System Documentation
The awarded vendor is required to provide:
Training Plan
The awarded . vendor will provide, within ten (10) days of award, the proposed plan to
proVIde tral.mng for ISOIADOC employees. Training plans must address both nonmmate and Inmate requirements. All training must be complete prior to cutover.
Training for Public Telephone Administrators
The awarded vendor will describe the nature and content of their training program
for State personnel who will serve as liaison between the vendor and State
agencies for which service will be installed.
Training of Correctional Facilities Personnel
The awarded vendor is required to provide on-site training of up to five personnel
per institution to administer and manage the system. Vendor will describe the
nature and content of their training program. At a minimum, the training program
must include hands-on instruction on the use of the administrative and
management systems and reports as well as any other topics required for full
understanding, administration, and operation of the system. Each trainee and the
institution facility manager will be provided a complete set of operating
instructions for the administration and management system, to include software
and hardware. They will be sufficiently detailed that an individual familiar with
rudimentary PC commands and operation can administer and manage the system
using the operating instructions provided.
Follow-up training will be provided by the awarded vendor at any time that
software andlor operation of the administration and management software is
changed. Revised written operating instructions will also be provided. Copies of
updated software must be provided to the institution project manager within thirty
days of release of updated software.
Implementation Schedule
The awarded Vendor must submit an implementation schedule for conversion of existing
inmate pay telephones and public pay telephones. Implementation must be expeditious,
not to exceed six months from the date of award.
Inmate System Description and Documentation
The awarded Vendor must submit, within ten (10) days of award, a description of and
any documentation for the proposed equipment, system and software.
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11. Te<:hnical and Functional Requirements:
General Functional Requirements
11.1.1. The awarded vendor will provide the full range of payphone services offered today to the
public. In addition, a full range of payment options will be available to consumers at pay
phones located on STATE PROPERTY. The STATE also requires that all public pay phones
provide dial tone first and DTMF (Touch Tone) dialing where available. The current level of
service must be satisfactorily maintained at all times during transition to new vendor service.
11.1.2. The awarded vendor must comply with all decisions, policies and regulations of the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) and the Alabama Public Service Commission (PSC) as
currently written and as amended during the entire term of the contract. Compliance includes,
but is not limited to, forms of interconnection, access to interexchange carriers and posting of
required information at each pay telephone.
11.1.3. Instruments and enclosures proposed must be designed to accommodate use by the hearing
impaired and the physically disabled. Provisions for wheelchair access must comply with all
federal and state regulations. Provisions for the deaf must comply with federal and state
regulations including requirements relating to TDDs (Telephone Devices for the Deaf, also
known as Public Text Telephones).
11.1.4. All "instrument implemented" telephones must be FCC registered, as required by law,
including Part 68 and Part 15 of the FCC rules and all modifications thereof.
11.1.5. All telephones and enclosures must be in compliance with the National Electric Code and
must be UL approved as required.
11.1.6. All systems must provide a coin and non-coin transaction audit trail which enables the
STATE to verify the coin and non-coin revenues generated from the pay phones and which
enables the STATE to verify all dial aroundlbypass traffic generated from pay phones located
on State property.
11.1.7. The pay telephones required to be deployed by the vendor (s) will include indoor and outdoor
installations, as well as "coin", "non-coin", "universal", and "inmate" instruments. The final
mix of pay telephone types will be determined by the STATE after consultation with the
A coin pay telephone is defined as a pay telephone instrument that permits
payment for calls through the use of coins. This instrument also permits the
following billing options: calling card, collect, and third party.
A non-coin pay telephone is defined as a pay telephone instrument that does not permit
the use of coins. This instrument does permit payment through calling card, collect and
third party billing options. It may also accept credit cards.
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A universal pay telephone is defined as a pay telephone instrument that accepts
payment by either coin or non-coin, as described above, and also penn its the insertion or
swipe of a credit card and, optionally, a calling card for billing.
An Inmate pay telephone is defined as 8 non-coin pay telephone that pennits:
• Collect calls - Person accepting charges for the call is billed on his telephone bill,
debit card or pre-paid account.
• Prepaid Calls - Person establishes 8 prepaid account directly with the vendor for
the benefit of a particular inmate.
• Debit Card Calls - Funds are transmitted directly to the vendor from an inmate's
funds held by the ADOC.
Awarded vendor will be responsible for softwarelhardware integration with current or
future EFT systems employed by the ADOC.
Public Payphone Services (Non-Inmate)
Public payphone services are solicited for consumers at State agencies and departments located
on properties owned/leased by the State of Alabama. The awarded vendor will provide the
following services:
11.2.1. Local Service: This is defined in LEC tariffs as those exchanges which can be called from a
public payphone at tari ff local rates.
11.2.2. IntraLATA toll service: This is defined in LEC tariffs as calls within the regional calling area
of the LEC but beyond the local calling area. These calls are priced according to mileage tables
contained in LEC tariffs.
11.2.3. InterLATA toll service: These are calls placed within one LATA (Local Access Transport
Area) to 8 different LATA and are carried by long distance companies.
11.2.4. Operator assistance: Callers will be able to access an operator by dialing "0", or "00" for
11.2.S. Emergency Services: The awarded vendor's telephones must offer access to 911 emergency
services where available. All proposed telephones must meet the requirements of the State of
Alabama, Public Service Commission and must enable a caller to dial 911 for emergency
services, and to reach an operator by dialing 0, without the necessity of inserting a coin.
11.2.6_ Pay Telephone Service for Patrons in Wheelchairs: The awarded vendor must provide access
to public telephones in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, including but not
limited to the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADA) for Buildings
and Facilities as amended.
11.2.7. Pay Telephone Service for the Hearing Impaired: The awarded vendor must provide pay
telephone instruments in accordance with the requirements listed in sections through below. The awarded vendor must provide TDDs (or public text telephones as they are also
known) in accordance with applicable federal and state law including but not limited to
Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADA) for Buildings and
Facilities as amended.
State of Alabama
Inmate/Payphone ITB
3/20/2012 All pay telephones must be hearing aid compatible in compliance with federal
regulations. Pay telephones must provide volume control in accordance with federal and state
11 .2.8. Operation During Power Loss: All pay phones that require commercial AC power for full
operation will continue to provide 911, 0+, 0- and coin operation for a minimum of eight hours
during a commercial power failure.
11.2.9. Directory Assistance: Access to local and long distance directory assistance will be provided
from all telephones located on STATE PROPERTY.
11.2.10. Directories: Directories will be provided in all locations where currently furnished or
where subsequently required by the STATE.
11.2. 11. Coin Calls: Payment by means of depositing coins will be required at many of the
STATE's locations.
11.2.12. Non-Coin Calls: At all non-inmate locations calling card, collect and third party billed payment
options will be required on a zero plus (0+) dialed basis and using other access methods
as may be required by law, e.g., 10XXX, 950 or toll-free (1-800, etc.) access methods.
In all cases, acceptance of Regional Bell Operating Company calling cards will be
required as a minimum. Payment by bank and T &E (Travel & Entertainment) cards may be required at some
portion of the STATE's locations. The proposed equipment/services must provide a "bong" tone within seven (7)
seconds of completion of 0+ dialing. If the user does not enter any additional numbers
after the "bong" tone, the vendor must provide a live operator who will then answer or a
voice prompt will instruct the user within ten (10) seconds of the "bong" tone at least
95% of the time. When a user dials a zero and does not enter any additional numbers (0- dialing), a
live operator will answer within ten (10) seconds at least 95% of the time. When a user has received the bong tone and entered the digits of his or her calling
card number, the call must be released to the network within ten (10) seconds at least
95% of the time.
11.2.13. Other Operator Services: The awarded vendor will provide the full range of operator
services to which the public has become accustomed, including caller assistance, refunds, and
credits. The awarded vendor must, within ten (10) days of award, describe in detail how they
handle incorrectly dialed calls and disputed billing charges and how eligibility for credits is
11.2.14. Enclosures All enclosures, booths, shelves, pedestals, or other mounting apparatus selected for
installation must be approved by the facility manager. Use of Existing Enclosures: The enclosures now residing on State owned properties
belong to current service providers. Should existing enclosures conform to the
specifications and requirements of this ITB, the vendor maya) purchase or lease these
enclosures from the present owner, or b) install new enclosures subject to approval of the
facility manager.
HllIle o( Alabama
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----------------------------------------- Enclosure Types: The vendor will offer a variety of enclosure types subject to the
approval of the facility manager. In select locations (e.g. highways and other hIgh traffic
areas) enclosures must provide noise suppression. The following enclosure types must
be offered as a minimum: Wall. Pedestal, Booth, Flush Mount, Trailer
(mobile/temporary). Adequate lighting must be provided by the awarded vendor at locations where
required by the facility manager. To meet this requirement, the vendor must make
available enclosures that will provide lighting to easily permit the use of the proposed
instrument and its related services. Where the requirement for adequate lighting is met
by ambient natural or artificial light, the STATE may select appropriate enclosures that
do not require artificial light.
11.2.15. Vandal Resistant Hardware: All instruments proposed for use on State property must be
vandal resistant with regard to the cash box, the coin return bucket, handset and cord, keypad
(for coin instruments), casing and mountings/enclosures (for both coin and coinless
11.2.16. Fraud Resistant Systems: Systems must detect and deter fraudulent calls. System will
have, at a minimum, the following capabilities: The ability to detect credit cards and calling cards that are not accepted by the
awarded vendor; The ability to deter fraudulent international calling card calls: The ability to prevent the use of and/or reject slugs; For "instrument implemented" systems, the ability to protect against regenerated dial
tone; The ability to prevent collect and third party billed calls to the payphone line.
11.2.17. Environment: All instruments, whether intended for indoor or outdoor use, must be
capable of providing full service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the STATE's environment
regardless of temperature and humidity fluctuations.
11.2.18. Consumer Information: Consumer information will be provided at each payphone as
required by the Alabama Public Service Commission and as required by the FCC for an
"aggregator" as defined in the Telephone Operator Consumer Improvement Services Act of
1990 and FCC rules related thereto including posting name, address and toll-free telephone
number of the operator services provider.
11.2.19. User Instructions: Instructions to the user will be posted at each telephone and will
precisely describe the method for placing various types of calls.
11.2.20. Coin Acceptance: The coin acceptance mechanism must accept U.S. nickels, dimes, and
11.2.21. Card Reader Mechanism: The card reader mechanism for non-coin and/or universal
telephones must be an "insert" or "swipe" type. It must permit the automatic reading of track 2
of the magnetic stripe and also permit the current or future acceptance of magnetic stripe
calling cards.
11.2.22. Credit Card Acceptance: Those pay telephones that permit credit card transactions must
provide on-line authorization. Generally accepted bank and credit cards must be accepted. (ex.
American Express, Visa, or MasterCard).
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11.2.23. Some state locations, such as State Parks, will require instruments that have data ports, so
that users can access e-mail, download/upload files, etc.
Inmate Services
Due to the unique nature of correctional facilities, specific types of telephones and
specialized services are required. The awarded vendor must provide a tum-key solution.
11.3.1. Instruments/Equipment:
The Department of Corrections requires higher standards for the security and
durability of their equipment than other agencies. With limited exceptions, all
telephone instruments for use at correctional facilities will be required to meet the
following specifications at a minimum:
Be "Charge a Call" type with no coin receptacles or containers.
Be constructed of not less than 16 gauge steel.
Be constructed with no removable parts including ear and mouth pieces.
Must have metallic tamper proofkeypad
Must have an armored cord
Must interface to an inmate monitoring system.
11.3.2. Required Features: Web Access: Access to the system from any remote computer with
internet access.
Alert Call Notification: System must be able to place an alert call (to an
investigator' s land line or cell phone) or page the investigator when a pre-specified
type call takes place (for example: a certain number is called, a certain inmate
places a call, etc.). The alert call must allow the investigator to listen in on the call
live, without any notification to the original calling or called party.
Access to all facilities: Access to all facilities from any computer with proper
security access.
Approved Call List: System must allow calls only to numbers on the
inmate's approved call list (PAN).
Pre-paid platform: System must include a pre-paid plan that will allow inmate's
families to pre-pay funds to cover inmate's future calls.
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InmateIPayphone ITS
Page 24 of 31
I 1.3.3.
fi .nmates make
In,;~~: ~:~~~~e~::;~~rrections has implemented aps:~:~~:I~~-:s;:;se to thistoITB must
II fro m Alabama Prison Faclhtles. Any system
ca s
provide the following com parabl e ser;lCes as a mmlmum.
11 .3.3.1.
Dialing procedure. r, qulred.
I hone number. The inmate dIals 0+ area code + te "PPlease state your name." The The automated operator says,
inmate's name is then recorded. The inmate must state hIs or
ame clearly before the call is
er n
processed. Once "Name" is stated, the system telis the inmate , "Your call is being
processed ." Inmate holds for the call to be Process~i t call from an Alabama Prison The called party is told "You have a co ec
Facility" the name of the facility, and plays back the fi th called party
name The announcement must include a rate quote or e
rt '
including rate per. minute and any other fees and
may at their opllon accept, dechne, or be gt ven a
telephone number to call. If the called party accepts the call, it is then connected.
ated If the party called does not answer or declmes t~e call, the autom "
operator states to the inmate the result of the call (' party IS not at home ,
"party will not accept your call", etc.). All Inmate calls must be directed through an automated operator.
Absolutely no access to a "live" operator will be allowed. The system must provide a recurring announcement at va~ous
intervals that states, "This call has been placed from an Alabama Pnson
facility", and states the name of the facility.
Charg~~8~_~~ Inmate service will be restricted to 0+ Station to Station Collect Only,
no Person to Person will be allOwed. This service will include local,
intraLATA and interLATA collect calls. No other types of calls may be
permitted for inmate service unless expressly exempted on a limited basis
by institution through a separate memorandum of agreement issued to the
vendor by the STATE. In these limited instances, the vendor will be
required to provide local coin calling in addition to collect only calling.
Awarded vendor must provide, within ten (10) days of award, detailed
information on the system's ability to limit inmate calls to collect only and
to the list of called numbers permitted to each inmate. No access to 800
900, IOXXX, 950 or other numbers restricted by the Department of
Corrections is permitted.
State of Alabama Inmate service will provide for flexible timing restriction. At a
minimum, these timing restrictions must .be able to limit calls from zero (0)
to thIrty (30) mmutes, m five (5) mmute mcrements. The institution will
inmatelPayphone ITB
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hllv~ the option to have no timing restrictions if it chooses. The current time
hmlt. liS well as default time limit. is 15 minutes. ~3 . Int~lIte pay telephones will provide outgoing service only. No
lIIeomlOS service will be permitted to inmate telephones. The ST ATE will bear no responsibility for fraudulent calls placed
lrom any inmate facility nor will the STATE bear any responsibility for
theft or vandalism of inmate telephones or related equipment. The STATE
shall bear no costs associated with theft. fraud or vandalism. nor will any
such costs be deducted from revenues on which commissions are due to the
STATE. Voice Prompts must be multi-lingual. Awarded vendor must describe.
within ten (10) days of award how these multi-lingual prompts work and
what languages are available. At a minimum. voice prompts must be
available in English and Spanish.
11 .3.4. Inmate Telephone Monitoring Device:
The monitoring system must provide for digital recording.
Capacity: The monitoring device must accommodate the number of inmate lines in
each institution with expansion capability. Visual Monitoring: The inmate monitoring device will permit the attendant to see
the off-hook and on-hook status of each inmate telephone. The device must provide
a display of the line being monitored. Audible Monitoring: The inmate monitoring device will permit an attendant select
any associated inmate telephone. The device will permit the attendant to listen to
any conversation in progress at a selected telephone over the monitoring device's
handset andlor speaker for an unlimited duration. Call Disconnect: The inmate monitoring device will permit the attendant to
disconnect any call in progress.
State of Alabama
Undetected Supervision: The inmate monitoring device will allow the attendant
access to the inmate call in progress without a change in the audible signal. The
inmate and the called party will not be aware of when the attendant is present on the
Alarm: The monitoring device must provide an indication on the console to signal
loss of power to the control equipment. If loss of power occurs during the inmate's
use of the telephone, all inmate telephones will automatically be rendered
Speaker: The console must have a hands-free speaker to allow the attendant to
monitor a call. The audible transmission of the speaker must be ofa quality to allow
the attendant to clearly hear both calling and called party.
Cabling: The cable necessary to support this device must be provided by the vendor
or if in place cabling is available and can be acquired or leased by the vendor from
the incumbent service provider and meets the requirements of this system, it may be
reused. This will be a site-specifiC decision made by the Department of Corrections.
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11.3.5. Inmate Telephone Recording Requirements: The system(s) must provide as a minimum
the following:
' Recording of all voice channels The ability for the central monitoring attendant to record both sides of a
conversation on any inmate telephone line. Secure access to the system through any computer with internet access without the
useofVPN . Storage on a hard drive for up to 90 days
1 \.3.5.5. Call Portability: The ability to transfer a recorded conversation to a CD or other
media and to email messages in a secure wave format.
1 \.3.5.6. The transferred record must include the call record detail (time/date of call, PIN #,
number called, duration of call, etc.) All records from every site must be available online so that system wide
investigations may be performed from a central location. Search and Play: The system must allow administrators to search for calls
completed and recorded during a specific period, calls placed at a specific inmate
telephone, calls placed to a specific destination number or calls made by phones
assigned to an inmate or group.
11.3.6. Prevention of Three-way Calling: The awarded vendor must describe, within ten (10) days
of award, their ability to detect switch hook fl ashing and to prevent call forwarding and
conferencing at the called party end. The STATE reserves the right to implement this feature at
selected prison facilities as it deems necessary.
1 \.3.7. Centralized Database: The inmate telephone system must, as a minimum, provide the
following features :
11.3.7.\. Cabling: The cable necessary to support this device must be provided
State of Alabama
by the vendor or if in place cabling is available and can be acquired or
leased by the vendor from the incumbent service provider and meets
the requirements of this system, it may be reused. This will be a site
specific decision made by the Department of Corrections.
An inmate specific list of telephone numbers which the inmate is permitted to call,
also known as a PAN. An unlocking feature, which permits STATE authorities at a
particular institution to allow inmates access to restricted collect only service, must
be provided.
A required inmate authorization code, also known as a PIN, unique
to each inmate to be associated with each called telephone number list.
A user friendly, Windows-based, method to update and otherwise
change the called number lists and authorization codes and other
database information.
A system which prevents calls to numbers other than those on
the permitted list and which requires the input of the inmate authorization code.
A toll-free communications line!link to each institution.
Awarded vendor must provide, within ten (10) days of award, provide
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documentation of the vendor's plan to build, update and access the centralized
database. To facilitate the process, each institution will appoint a "facility manager"
to work with the awarded vendor and to provide the required inmate information for
the vendor to load into the database. The vendor will be responsible for loading all
information into the centralized database and for insuring that no loss of information
occurs during cutover. Each "facility manager" will work as a part of the STATE's implementation team
during the installation and acceptance phases of the project. The awarded vendor must provide, within ten (10) days of award, a system
administration and management plan. The plan must include the post-service
conversion administration and management process. The STATE requires the ability
to manage this function at the facility level. This description must include as a
minimum: Assigning personal authorization codes to each inmate.
Corrections will supply these numbers Creating the permissible call list for each inmate. Changing entries in the inmate calling database. Blocking calls to a specific telephone number on all
telephones even though it is permitted on inmate calling lists. Changing passwords and other security features. Providing routine, recurring reports on inmate calling
including frequency, data time, duration and number. The Department of Corrections prefers to manage all of the functions
listed above via the centralized inmate database. Timing Restrictions must be programmable for a particular
inmate by associating the restriction with that inmate's
authorization number in the database. It is mandatory that each institution have the ability to
determine the period of the day during which inmate calling will
be allowed, and to enable the inmate telephone service only
during those hours. This ability is also required for
specific areas within an institution. Inmate telephone systems must be able to block telephone
numbers from being called within 24 hours of notice.
11.3.8. Report 1 Information Requirements: Vendor's inmate calling system must
permit the following reporting at a minimum: Provision of reports on paper, CD and online Online call detail info and reports to include: Date and time of call
origination; date and time of call termination; number dialed, stations
number of originating call; duration of call in minutes and seconds; method
of call termination, cost of call,. Ability to search for calls (real time and historically) using the following
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Calls from a specified inmate phone
11 .
Calls to a specified destination number .3.
Calls from a group of inmate phones
Calls of a certain type
Calls with recorded conversations
Calls with keywords found in recording conversations
Calls ofa specified duration
11 .3.8.1 .3.8.
Calls for a specified inmate PIN
Completed calls Incomplete calls Locked calls Ability to create a monthly report of calls by inmate. Ability to create a report of calls on a routine
monthly basis. This report must identify the
inmate code placing said calls.
11.3.9. System Requirements: The inmate telephone
system must provide the following: One Telecommunications Device for the Deaf(TDD), at a minimum, will be
required at each correctional institution, as well at each correctional facility such as work
releases, community work centers, pre-releases and the Cattle Ranch. The number of
TDDs provided will confonn to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities but will never amount to less than I TDD
per institution. There will be designated locations in each institution, but that location
will vary from institution to institution. The STATE prefers the plug-in type TDD. The
devices in the institutions must be able to be recorded and monitored. Inmate telephone systems must be properly protected from power surges and
fluctuations in electrical voltage and current. The STATE will bear no responsibility for
damage to a vendor's equipment from power surges and fluctuations. A P.OI grade of service is required for inmate service and all of its components. Vendor must provide each facility with a "kill" switch which renders all telephones
inoperable immediately after activating the switch. Facility manager will dictate
placement of this switch.
11.3.10. Billing Procedures: The vendor must describe billing procedures, within ten (10) days of
award, including rates, fees and charges to the called parties. All fees charged from inmate
and non-inmate phones must be identified. The vendor must also describe the procedure,
and timing, of the commission reimbursements to the STATE.
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12. Bid Evaluation Methodology:
12.1. NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, is made by the STATE that any contract
resulting from this ITB wi II include an equal or greater number of pay telephones, revenue, or minutes
of usage, as identified in ATTACHMENT A, ATTACHMENT B, ATTACHMENT C or elsewhere in
this ITB.
Commission Evaluation Methodology:
This section is designed for the financial evaluation of bids based on the commissions offered, once a
vendor has met all technical and general requirements of this ITB.
The STATE will use the total calculated inmate commission on Line 1 PLUS the calculated public
payphone commission on Line 2 to detennine which vendor is offering the highest commission to the
1. Line 1 amount is calculated by multiplying the bidder's bid per diem rate times 25,668 times 365
(the number of days in a year).
2. Line 2 amount is calculated by multiplying the bidder's bid percentage rate times $120,000.00.
Bidder XYZ's Inmate per diem bid: $1.075
Bidder XYZ's Public Payphone Percentage bid:
Line I
Line 2
60.125 %
$1.075 X 25668 X 365 = $ 10,071,481.50
.60125 X 120000
Bidder XYZ's Bid Evaluation Amount = $ 10,143,631.50
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14. Evaluation
Administrative and Technical Rcqulrements
Bids must satisfy all mandatory administrative and technical requirements as specified
in this ITB.
Reference List Evaluation
All customers on the required customer reference list may be contacted at the ST ATE's
discretion. The customers contacted must respond that the service provided by the
vendor was considered to be satisfactory in order for the vendor to be successful in this
part of the bid. A response that the vendor's service has been unsatisfactory, even
from one customer, may be cause for rejection of the bid depending upon the
significance of unsatisfactory item and dependent on the STATE's analysis of the
validity of the unsatisfactory response.
The vendor whose bid has met all mandatory administrative and technical
requirements and has offered the highest commission to the STATE will be awarded
the contract.
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