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GA Ware County - AmTel contract Addendum #1

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ATN, Inc.
February 28, 2002

Original Contract language to be modified
15. TI1e lenn of this agreement shaJl be for sixty (60) calendar months from the cf.1tc of initial installation of equipment or the
tem1inalion date of any preexisting agreement. AmTel may terminate this contract at any time during the duration of this agrcemcm
upon lhirt)· (JO) days written notice to the Customer. The Customer may tenninate this agreement only if AmTel fails to install
telephone equipment as agreed. or to correct any other default within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice of such deficiency
by the Customer This agreement shall continue for an additional sixty (60) calendar months unless either party notifies the other in
writing of its intent to terminate this agreement at least three (3) months prior to the final date of expiration. Notice of temtination of
this agreement for any reason must be provided in writing thirt) (30) days in advance. and deliYcred to the address listed below. Up<m
tennination of this agreement. each party agrees to satisf'y any and all of its outstanding obligations arising under tlus agreement.

Modified contract language to read as follows

15. l11e term of this agreement shall be extended for an additional sixty (60) calendar monlhs from the tennination date of the original
agreement dated January I. l998. The Customer may terminate this agreement only if AmTel fails to install telephone equipment as
agree. or to correct any other default within thirty (30) days after receipt of \vTitten notice of such deficiency by lhe Customer. AmTel
may tenniruue this contract at an:~ time during the duration of this agreement upon thirty (30> days written notice to the Cusromer.
This agreement at the conclusion of the extension. shall continue for an additional sixty {60) calendar months unless either party
notifies the other in writing of its mtent to terminate this agreement at least three (3) months prior to the final date of expiration.
Notice ofrcnninanon of this agreement for any reason must be prO\ided in writing tJurty (30) days in advance. and delivered to the
address listed below. Upon tcnnination of this agreement. each party agrees to sari sf:· any and all of its outstanding obligations arising
under this agreement.

AmTel I ATN, Inc.
919 Dilwort11 Street
St. ~gia 31558


Ware County Law Enforcement
3487 Harris Road
Waycross, GA 31503

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