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IL Phone Rates 2008

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The undersigned illinois Department of Central Management Services and Consolidated PubflC SeNices agree to RENEW U1e
described CO'ffRACT as follows:

Master Contrad for Inmate Collect caIIng.


TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This RENEWAl is on the same terms and conditions as the CONTRACT being renewed except as changed
and desc:med I'Ierein. AI requi'ed certifications and disc\o$ure:s have- been made and arecurrenl


RENEWAL TERM: This RENEWAl shal begi'l July 1, 20GB and shall run Ihrough June Xl, 2012.


Pricing per contract TCVS0302 except as noted Cf'I Atlachmeot A.


1. Oesaiption of changes ., fle pricing structure and a des~on of the changes II the method flat inmate ~ n recorded Altachment A



See Attadlment A.

IN WITNESS 'NHEREOF, Ihe AGENCY and the VENDOR have caused this RENEWAL to be executed on !he dates ShoWn below by

representatives authorized to bind 1he respective PARTIES.

(showname) =~~~~~~~~~_~

(name of Agency/BuY"l _ _ _ _ _ _ __
sq,alure _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Prinled Nam. _-'Blil!li'''''''-''c..r'''-_________

Vice president



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TiIIe _ _ _ _ _ _--'Oate _ _ __


MatIoo!) 1160015 61938



Fax __~2,-",,7-2"34-",,,28,,'0,,-_

P1Ione _ _ _ _ __


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TIIIe"t.tYi (10a...f1r:


FaxL-_ _ _ __







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ProjacI Trtle:=-:c==:-:-:-:-_ _,.--_ __ __ _ __
Procurement Method OFB, RFP, Sole Source, etc):
Award Code:

IPB PU::IIicatlon Date:
(Fiscal Use IXIly

0bIi9ati00 /I

IPS Ref. ,
Renewal Contract'

Subcontrdrs Utilized? YIN

SUbcontractors Dlsdosed? YI N

Original Contract#_ _ _ _ __




Attachment A
Consolidated Public Services, in exchange for exercising the four remaining renewal options on
contract TCVS0302, agrees to the following:


Rate Reduction



Collect Calls ~ Reduce the surcharge for inter-state calls from the current $3;95 to
$2.50. Reduce the per minute charge for inter-state calls from the current $.89 to an
average $.24 mileage based rate.
Pre-pay Calls - Reduce the surcharge for inter-state calls from the current $3.95 to
$1.80. Reduce the per minute charge for inter-state calls from the current $.89 to an
average $.24 mileage based rate. Reduce the surcharge for intra-state calls from the
current $2.50 to $1.80.
The rate of commissions paid to the state will not change.

Inmate Call Recording



Consolidated will replace the existing recorders, that reside at the individual instiMions,
with a centralized recording solution, at no cost to the state. The estimated value of the
solution is $500,000. Consolidated will retain ownership of the equipment. The State
of Illinois will retain ownership of the call recordings/data collected by this equipment.
Consolidated will install and provide day to day support of the recording solution for the
life of the contract. The equipment will be installed in a controlled environment.
Consolidated will have the equipment installed and the recording of calls migrated to
the new centralized solution within 120 days of the execution of this renewal.
The supplier selected by Consolidated must be agreed to by the Department of
Corrections and must meet the following speCifications:

The equipment and data must be centralized. The vendor will continue to
maintain a PC at all sites and will continue to support the decommissioned
Eventide recordings.


Call recordings must be easily accessible 24/7 via the internet from each prison
site or from any remote location. The illinoiS Department of Corrections will
provide adequate network connection to the prison sites.


The call recording system must have security that will allow users to be restricted
by any combination of the following: inmate number, call date, call time, called
number, line (or channel). The security will be managed by a deSignated
administrator from the Illinois Department of Corrections.


Call recordings must be indexed by Inmate PIN, Call Date, Call Time, Phone
Trunk, and called party. The sorting/retrieval functionality must be capable of
utilizing any of these indexes separately or in combination.


Call recordings must be easily and rapidly converted to a universal format, such
as wav or MP3.


The call recording system must have a remote access function in which a
recorded call can be sent over the phone to one of our staff, i.e. for on the fly


The call recording system must have an alert function (e-mail, audio/visual alert
on PC, etc.) to notify when a call is made by specified PIN or called number.


LEGAL ABILITY TO CONTRACT: Vendor certifies it is under no legal prohibition on contracting with the
State of Illinois, has no known conflicts of interest and further specifically certifies that:

Vendor, its employees and subcontractors will comply with applicable proviSions of the U.S. Civil
Rights Act, Section 504 oftne Federal Rehabilitation Act;the~Americanswith~DisabHities Act
(42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.) and applicable rules in performance under this Contract.


Vendor is not in default on an educational loan (SILCS 38S/3).


Vendor has informed the director of the Agency/Buyer in writing if helshe was formerly employed by
that agency and has received an early retirement incentive prior to 1993 under Section 14-108.3
or 16-133.3 of the Illinois Pension Code, 40 ILCS 5114-108.3 and 40 ILCS 5116-133.3, and
acknowledges that contracts made without the appropriate fifing with the Auditor General are not
payable from the "contractual services' or other appropriation line items. Vendor has not received
an early retirement incentive in or after 2002 under Section 14-108.3 or 16-133.3 of the Illinois
Pension Code, 40 ILCS 5114-108.3 and 40 ILCS 5116-133.3, and acknowledges that contracts in
violation of Section 15a of the State Finance Act are not payable from the "contractual services'
or other appropriation line items (30 ILCS 105l1Sa).


Vendor certifies (i) that it will offer to assume the collective bargaining obligations of the prior
employer, including any existing collective bargaining agreement with the bargaining
representative of any existing collective bargaining unit or units performing substantially similar
work to the services covered by the contract subject to its bid or offer, and (ii) that it shall offer
employment to all employees currently employed in any existing bargaining unit performing
substantially similar work that will be performed under this contract (30 ILCS SOO/25-80) .

. 5)

Vendor has not been convicled of bribing or attempting to bribe an offICer or employee of the State of
Illinois or any other State, nor has made an admission on the record of having so bribed or
attempted to bribe (30 ILCS SOO/SO-S).


If Vendor has been convicted of a felony, at least five years have passed after the date of
completion of the sentence for such felony, unless no person held responsible by a prosecutor's office
for the facts upon which the conviction was based continues to have any involvement with the
business (30 ILCS 500/50-10).


If Vendor, or any officer, director, partner, or other managerial agent of Vendor, has been
convicted of a felony under the Sarbanes-Oxley AcI of 2002, or a Class 3 or Class 2 felony under the
Illinois Securities Law of 1953, at least 5 years have passed since the date of the conviction.
Vendor further certifies that it is not barred from being awarded a contract and acknowledges that
the contracting State AgencylBuyer shall declare the contract void if this certification is false (30
ILCS 500/S0-10.S).


Vendor and its affiliates are not delinquent in the payment of any debt to the State (or if delinquent
has entered into a deferred payment plan to pay the debt), and Vendor and its affiliates
acknowledge the contracting State Agency/Buyer may declare the contract void if this certification is
false (30 ILCS 500150-11) or if Vendor or an affiliate later becomes delinquent and has not entered
into a deferred payment plan to payoff the debt (30 ILCS SOO/S0-5O).


Vendor and all affiliates shall collect and remit Illinois Use Tax on all sales of tangible personal
property into the State of Illinois in accordance with proviSions of the Illinois Use Tax Act (30
ILCS SOO/So-12) and acknowledge that failure to comply can result in the contract being declared



Vendor certifies that it has not committed a willful or knowing violation of the Environmental
Protection Act (relating to Civil Penalties under the Environmental Protection Act) within !he last
five (5) years, and is therefore not barred from being awarded a contract. If the State later
determines that this certification was falsely made by the Vendor, the Vendor acknowledges
that the contracting State Agency/Buyer may declare the contract void. (30 ILCS 500/50-14)
Vendor has not paid any money or valuable thing to induce any person to refrain from bidding on a
State contract, nor has Vendor accepted any money or other valuable thing; or·actedupon the
promise of same, for not bidding on a State contract (30 ILCS SOO/50-25).


Vendor is not in violation of !he "RevoMng Door" section of !he Illinois Procurement Code (30 ILCS


Vendor will report to !he lIf1nois Attomey General and the Chief Procurement Officer any suspected
collusion or other anti-competitive practice among any bidders, offerors, contractors, proposers
or employees of the State (30 ILCS 500/50-40, 50-45, 50-50).


Vendor will, pursuant to the Drug Free Workplace Act, provide a drug free workplace, and if an
individual shall not engage in !he unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of
a controlled substance in the performance of the Contract. This certification applies to
contracts of $5000 or more with: individuals; and to entities with twenty-five (25) or more
employees (30 ILCS 580).


Neither Vendor nor any substantially owned affiliate is participating or shall partiCipate in an
international boycott in violation of the U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979 or the applicable
regulations of the U.S. Department of Commerce. This certification applies to contracts that
exceed $10,000 (30 ILeS 582).


Vendor has not been convicted of !he offense of bid rigging or bid rotating or any similar offense of
any State or of the United States (720 ILCS 5I33E-3, 5133E-4).


Vendor complies with the Illinois Department of Human Rights Act and rules applicable to public
contracts, including equal employment opportunity, refraining from unlawful discrimination, and having
written sexual harassment policies (775ILCS 512-105).


Vendor does not pay dues to, or reimburse or subsidize payments by Its employees for, any dues or
fees to any "discriminatory club" (775ILCS 2512).


Vendor complies with !he State Prohibition of Goods from Forced Labor Act, and certifies that no
foreign-made eqUipment, materials, or supplies furnished to the State under the contract have
been or will be produced in whole or in part by forced labor, convict labor, or indentured labor under
penal sanction (PA 93-(307).


Vendor certifies that no foreign-made equipment, materials, or supplies furnished to !he State under
the contract have been produced in whole or in part by !he labor of any child under !he age of 12 (PA


Vendor certifies that it is not in violation of Section 50-14.5 of the Illinois Procurement Code that states:
"Owners of residential buildings who have committed a willful or knowing violation of !he Lead
Poisoning Prevention Act (410 ILCS 45) are prohibited from doing business with the State of lUinois or
any State agency until the violation is mitigated".


In accordance with the Steel Products Procurement Act, steel products used or supplied in the
performance of a contract for public works shall be manufactured or produced in the United
States, unless the executive head of the procuring agency grants an exception (30 ILCS 565).


Vendor warrants and certifies that it and, to the best of Its knoYAedge, its subcontractors have
and wiU comply with Exerutive Order No. 1 (2007). The Order generally prohibtts vendors and
subcontractors from hiring the then-serving Governors family members to lobby procurement
activities of the State, or any other unit of government In IOIooi5 Including local governments, if
that procurement may result in a contract valued at over $25.000. This prohibition also applies
to hiring for that same purpose any former State employee who had prooJrement authority at
any time during the one-year period preceding the procurement lobbying activity (EO No. 1


CONFUCTS OF INTEREST: Vendor has disclosed, and agrees it is under a continuing
obligation to dlscJose to the Agency/Buyer. financial or other interests (public or prtvate. direct
or Indirect) that may be 8 potential conf&c:t of ilterest or which would prohibit Vendor from having or
continuing the COntract. This includes, but Is not MITited to conttic:ts under the -'nfrastruct\.r8 Task
Force Fee Prohibition' section of the State Finance Act (30 ILCS 10518.40), ArtiCle 50 of the 11i00i.
Procln!ment Code (30 ILCS SOO/50) . or those which may conflict In any mam« with the Vendor.
obigation lI'ldef this Coc;llract Vendoc shall not employ any person with a conflict to pertorm
under this Contract. If any conflict under Section 50-13 exists no contract may be issued
without an exemption from the Governor pursuant to Section 50-20 of the Illinois Procurement
Code. An exemption is necessary If:
the person intending to contract with the State, their spouse or child : (I) holds an
elective office In illinois; (ii) holds a seat In the illinois General Assembty; (iii) is an officer
or employee of the CopiIaI DevekJpmoot Boar<! or the Di nois Toll Highway Authority; or holds
an appointed posttion or is ~ i'l any of the offices or agencies of the State
government and who receives compensation for such employment in excess of 60% of the
salary of the Governor (currently $90,414.60). (The confict of nterest threshold of 60% of
the """"""'" salary sel for1t1 In S&ction 50-13 does not apply to elective office holders,
legislators. and offocers or employees of the capital Devek>pment Boer<! or the illinois Toll

Highway Authority. );
the oonlract Is with a firm, partner!l1lp, association or corporation in which a person
refeno::ed in 1) above receives more than 7.5% of the total distributable Income or an
amount in excess of the salary of the Governor (eurrentJy $150,691.00).
the oontract Is with a firm, partnership, association or corporation ., which a person
referenced in 1) above, together with their spouse or minor child, recetves more than
15% in the aggregate -of the total distributable income or an amount in excess of 2
times the salary· of the Governor (currently $301,382.00) from the firm, partnemhlp,
association or corporation.



VENDOR (show Company name and DBA)

Printed Name

Brian Carr

Title Vice President

121 S.



It' Street

Mattoon. Illinois 61938

eMS 2-2008

Taxpayer Identification Number

I certify Ihat:
1. The number shown on this fonn is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for 8
number to be issued to me). and
2. lam no/siibject to baCkUp Wilhhotdlng Ilecause: (a) ram 'exempt from backup Wilhholding,Uf (b) I
have not been notified by the Intemal Revenue service (IRS) that I am subject to bl.lckup
withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, Of (c) the IRS has notified me
that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and
3. I am a U.S. person (including a U.S. resident alien).
Company Name: Consolidated Communications Public Seryk:es. lne.
Taxpayer Identification Number:


Social Securtty Number _ _ _ _ _

Employer Identification Number

(If you are an indNidual. enter your name and SSN as it appears on your Social security Card. If
compleUng this certification for a sole proprI6torship. entor the owner's name foNowed by the name
of the business and the owner's SSN or EIN. For all other entities, enter the name of the entity as
used to apply for the ent~y's EfN and the ElN,J

Legal Status (check one):

o Individual
o Sole Proprietor
o PartnershlplLegal Corporation
o Tax..axempt
o Corporation providing or billing

medical and/or health care services '

[!] Corporation NOT providing or billing
medical and/or health care services

o Other.'_ _ _ _ _ _ __

o Govemmental

o Nonresident alien
o Estate or trust
o Pharmacy (Non-Corp.)
o Phannacy/Funeral HomefCemetery

o Limited Liablflty
Company (select
tax classlficatlon)



disregarded entity

o C = corporation
o P = partnership



e MS 2-2008