Judd v Att Wa Order Granting Def Mtd 2000
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RECEIVED NOV 1 3 2000 HONORABLE J. KATHLEEN LEARNED nL'-~I'P-D ' v,· . . t':~r·T. 18'- RECEIVE 0 LAW OFFICE OF .H1DGf.S Mt\11. HOl!~,~SIRIANNI & YOUTZ 2 3 2000 ~UG 25 PH 4: 27 4 KING COUNTY SUPERI(¥Ufit~lsUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON 5 FOR KING COUNTY 6 7 SANDY JUDD, TARA HERIVEL and ZURAY A WRIGHT, for themselves, and on behalf of all similarly situated persons, 8 Plaintiffs, 9 Case No.: 00-2-17565-5 SEA [Ii ; P08ED] ORDER GRANTING AT&T CORP.'S MOTION TO DISMISS v. 10 11 12 13 14 15 AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY; GTE NORTHWEST INC.; CENTURYTEL TELEPHONE UTILITIES, INC; NORTHWEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC., d/b/a PTI COMMUNICATIONS, INC.; U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC.; TNETIX, INC., Defendants. 16 17 THIS MATTER came on for hearing before the Court on October 6, 2000. Having heard 18 argument of counsel and having considered the written submissions of the parties and all other 19 documents on file in this matter, NOW THEREFORE: 20 IT IS ORDERED, ADJlIDGED AND DE6REED t:i:rat.m.f~~4"f~~ffi'ffil!Ct1Lor~mrt- 21 22 23 Furthermore, Plaintiffs' claims against Defendant AT&T Corp. ("AT&T") for damages 24 premised on nondisclosure of interstate long distance rates are hereby dismissed with prejudice under 25 the filed tariff doctrine. 26 27 28 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING AT&T CORP.'S MOTION TO DISMISS - 1 01000·006 \ 30564.doc ORIGINAL STOKES LAWRENCE, P.S. 8<Xl FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 4(XX) SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104·3179 (206) 621i-60<Xl 1 2 Furthermore, Plaintiffs' claims against AT&T premised on nondisclosure of intrastate long distance rates Iii:" Ii)! tJ:i&mistJe6 h ilhest f31ejl:uiiii aRe are referred to the Washington Utilities and 3 4 5 6 7 8 Presented by: 9 STOKES LAWRENCE, P.S. 10 11 12 13 //" Ii ( '~ By: 7\j)y ~ /. ,r-' / Kelly Twiss oonan ( 09 Laura J. Buckland (WSBA #16141) Attorneys for Defendant AT&T Corp. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING AT&T CORP,'S MOTION TO DISMISS - 2 01000-006 \ 30564.doc STOKES LAWRENCE, P.S. R(X) FIFfH AVENUE. SUITE 4(XX) SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 9R]().l·3179 (206) 626-6000