Florida Utilties Commission v Evercom Fl Def Supp Response to Subpoena Jail Phone Overcharge 2006.pdf
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'3 - I - < \k.,.-l .1 : ' . BEFORE THE FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION % In re: Compliance investigation of TCG Public Communications, Inc. for apparent violation of Section 364.183(1), F.S., Access to Company Records, and determination of amount and Appropriate method for reknding overcharges For collect calls made from inmate pay telephones -.CEC I3 Docket No. 0606 I&Tf2 i Filed: December 13, 2006 I EVERCOM SYSTEMS, INC. D/B/A CORRECTIONAL BILLING SERVICES SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM WITHOUT DEPOSITION mercom aystems, inc. a m a Correctional m i i n g services pvercom), hereby provides its supplemental response' to the Commission Staff subpoena served on Evercom on or about November 3, 2006.2 Evercom incorporates herein its Objections to and Motion to Quash in Part or Limit the Subpoena filed on December 4,2006. As noted in its original response, Evercom is not a party to this docket. Neither the filing of this Supplemental Response nor the provision of any documents or responses in regard to this Supplemental Response should be construed as an intervention or appearance either as a party or interested person in connection with this proceeding, or as Evercom's agreement CMP nr rnn-aent tn rcxnnnrl fiirther in rnnnertinn xxrith ihia mitter LWM Request No. 4: CTR ECR GCL - Please provide the information below for calls that terminated and another call was completed to the same telephone number within 10 minutes for correctional facilities, identified by month and location, served by TCG in the state of Florida. LOCAL - Number of calls (a) Intrastate - Number of calls and minutes (b) RCA Supplemental Response: SCR SGA SEC OTH / Responsive documents attached, which separates calls on a local and intrastate basis. This document should replace the document originally provided in response to this request. It should also be ' Evercom's original response was provided on December 4,2006. Staf€first attempted to serve a subpoena on Evercom on September 22,2006, but it w s apparently sent to a the wrong pla FPSC - C 0MPiiS S i 0kd C LER K noted that in the original response to this request, filed on December 4, 2006, interstate call information was inadvertently included. Such data is included here so that the numbers in this Supplemental Response are consistent with those originally provided; however, the provision of interstate information is not an admission that the Commission has jurisdiction over interstate calls or an agreement that Evercom will file such information in the future. cQu& L “ ;p 1- Vicki Gordon Kaufman Moyle Flanigan Katz Raymoxd White & masker, PA 118 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Telephone: 850.681.3828 Fax: 850.681.8788 vkaufman@,moylelaw .com Attorneys for Evercom Systems, Inc. d/b/a Correctional Billing Services 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Response to Subpoena Duces Tecum Without Deposition was furnished by (*) hand delivery and U.S. Mail this 13* day of December, 2006 to: (*)Adam Teitzman (*)Lee Eng Tan Staff Counsel Florida Public Service Commission Division of Legal Services 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850 ateitzma@,psc.state.fl .us ltan@,psc.state.fl.us FloydR. Self Messer Law Firm Post Office Box 15579 Tallahassee, FL 323 17 fself@,lawfla.com Tracy Hatch AT&T Communications of the Southern States, Znc. 101 North Monroe Street, Ste 700 Tallahassee, FL 3230 1 thatch@att.com Vicki Gordon Kaufman 3 Docket No. 060614-TC Evercom Supplemental Response to Staff Subpoena #4 CONFIDENTIAL Supplemental response to Staff Subpoena #4 is confidential and has been redacted in its entirety.