Florida Utilties Commission v Evercom Fl Def Response to Subpoena Jail Phone Overcharge 2008.pdf
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at&t Tracy Hatch Senior Attorney - Florida AT&T Legal Suite 750 315 S. Calhoun Street Tallahassee, FL 32301 850-425-6360 c?-; October 23, 2006 f'3 Blanca S. Bayo, Director Division of Commission Clerk and Administrative Services Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Blvd. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850 In Re: Subpoena Duces Tecum without Deposition to AT&T Communications of the Southern States, LLC Dear Ms. Bayo: On September 22,2006 the Florida Public Service Commission issued a subpoena to AT&T requesting documents and other information in connection with the Commission's compliance investigation of TCG Public Communications, Inc., Docket 060614. In lieu of chnp I appearing, AT&T hereby submits the attached response. Exhibit C attached to this response is a COM document containing confidential proprietary information which should not be disclosed to the public. CTR Pursuant to Rule 25-22.06(5), AT&T is now filing a Claim for Confidential Classification -of Exhibit C because the information contained in the material provided contains business WL information that is considered confidential and proprietary to AT&T and could cause competitive harm if disclosed. Pursuant to Sections 364.183, Florida Statutes and Rule 25-22-006(5), Florida QP@ Administrative Code, such information is classified as proprietary confidential business RCA .-information. Accordingly, it should be held exempt from the public disclosure requirements of Section 119.07, Florida Statutes. ~ ~- sew SGA SEC ___y ____ AT&T has treated and intends to continue to treat the information for which confidential classification is sought as private, and this information has not been generally disclosed. If you OT1.B ECEiVED & FILER have any questions regarding AT&T’s claim, please contact me at 850-425-6360 or Sonia Daniels at 404-810-8488. Sincerely, Tracy Hatch Attachments I