Florida Utilities Commission v Evercom Fl Plf Inventory of Confidential Docs Jail Phone Overcharge 7-18-2007.pdf
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State of Florida CAPITAL CIRCLE OFFICE CEUTER 2540 SHl WARD 0 4 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0850 K BO1 LEVARD -M-E-M-0-R-A-N-D-U-MDATE: July 18,2007 TO: Marguerite H. Lockard, Commission Deputy Clerk I, Office of Conmission Clerk FROM: Brenda J. Merritt, Statistician 11, Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement RE: Quarterly Inventory of Confidential Documents as of June 30,2007 Attached is the listing of confidential documents as of June 30, 2007, identifying whether each document should be retained at the Commission or returned to the source. Of the 445 records listed, 419 should be retained and 26 may be returned. For your convenience, I have listed documents that can be returned to source: Docket No. 930485-TL DN 07078-94 DN 09853-94 Docket Nos. 030867-TL DN 00947-07 I Docket Nos. 030867-TL, 030868-TL, 030869-TL, 030961-TL DN DN DN DN Docket No. 060640-TP DN 02950-07 DN 10509-06 DN 02365-07 CMP COM CTR D o c k e t No. 070000-OT D T wc WCA SCR OTH Docket No. 070296-TX N 03800-07 If you have any questions about this report, please call me or Sally Simmons. _ I _ ) - -. - SGA -.cc: SEC DN 00786-07 N 02886-07 DN 04733-07 _ I _ ECR GCL 13194-03 06895-04 06927-04 10427-06 P - Attachment Charles Hill Beth Salak Dale Mailhot Ann Cole c P N F a z Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 930485-TL Generic investigation into the roper regu atory treatment of inside wire. DOCUMENT 07078-94 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Reith Hatch Other Reith Hatch Other 000 121A-T Investigation into thc establishment of operations support systems permanent performance measures for incumbent local exchange telecommunications companies. 04853-05 Harvey Teitzman Req for ext of classification fld SO BELL (N.White) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Hi hlighted cop o f $ s 7,12, an 13 o rebuttal testimony of R. Earl Poucher. ATTYGENERAL B F 09853-94 DESCRIPTION [%i$fDBNTIAL) 12 (GTEFL responses to items 12, 13, 14, 18, and 20 of staffs 10/1/93 data request, Witness Barrett). BellSouth Pinal re ort of audit o Be11South's Performance Assessment Plan for Florida, pre ared for PSC sta f and BellSouth-Florida b Liberty Group, (Yonsultinf F F (E3E3kEXXTH dated 4/1 /05. [CCA note: This is to substitute for confidential DN 1 RETAIN __ RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TlTLE DOCUMENT 10108-05 LEAD STFJATT. Harvey Teitzman STATUS Req for ext of classification fld DESCRIPTION 04550-05 filed 5/10/05, Attachment C to request for confidentiality; See DN 10108-05 for revised final report.] BellSouth ighlighted vcrsion of Final Rcport of the Audit of BellSouth's Performance Assessment Plan for Florida conducted by Liberty Consulting Grou ,per Order PSC-&-O868-CFO-TP 09 186-06 Harvey Teitzman Confidential 8; 364.183(claim l), lettkr regardin GAAP audit of2004 SEEM payments. 2 RETAIN wmw Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTIOh RETAIN wrum telecommunications companies. (l3l3~~~UTH L 04689-07 000475-TP Com laint by Bell outh Telecommunications , Inc. against Thrifty Call, Inc. regarding practices in the rcporting of percent interstate usagc for compensation for jurisdictional access services. f Harvey Teitzman Confidential claim 364.183( l), 87 Com South (Rule (CO~FIDENTIA) Attachment A in connection with 8/ 1/07 staff workshop. 04542-07 Tcitzman Tcitzman Re forwarded to sta f for recom AT&T Florida 7 Motion for summary final order; Affidavit of Marc 3 / I_ J .. Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 000475-TP Com laint by outh Bell $ Telecommunications , Inc. against Thrifty Call, Inc. regarding practices in thc reporting of percent interstate usage for compensation for jurisdictional access services. 05092-07 0301 37-TP 0448 1-03 Petition for arbitration of unresolved issues in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. by 1TC"DeltaCom Communications, h c . d/b/a 1TC"DeltaCom. LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Teitzman Tcitzman Re forwarded to King Tci tzman Confidential claim 364.183(1), sta f for recom ? fy DESCRIPTION AT&T Florida Meza T ler [CONPIJ~TI~~L) Motion for summary final order containing information in DN 00984-02, which was returned to the source on 2/4/02; Affidavit of Marc W. Potteiger. x-ref. DN0454 -071 1TC"DeltaCom Self) CONFIDENTIAL) erry Watts' direct testimon -1, Exhibit No. JT J admitted as k u & E xrovided hibit 1 on CD and hard c+py] and Don J. ood's direct testimon Exhibit No. D J d - 3 [hard copy only]. 4 RETAIN RET URN -/ I - J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 030 137-TP Petition for arbitration of unresolved issues in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. by 1TC"DeltaCom Communications, Inc. dbla 1TC"DeltaCom. DOCUMENT 05688-03 King Teitzman DESCRIPTION STATUS LEAD STFJATT. Confidential claim 364.183( l), fg RETAIN 1TC"DeltaCom J?%+IDENTI*L) kxhibit JW-3 [on CD-ROM] of rebuttal testimony earing Exhibit No. 8.1 08 113-03 08252-03 King Teitzman Confidential claim 364.183( l), King Tcitzman J' Filcd by staff {g 1TC"DeltaCom d CONFIDENTIAL esuonses to FPS Qclo stafls 2nd set of interrogatories, Item No. 20 on CD-ROM, and 22 in F p e r form. [Item 0.22 included in Hcaring Exhibit No. 3.1 913-4103 hearing, described as BellSouth's res onses to sta f s PODS No. 4 [DN 06803-03 - F 5 KHI'URN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 1TC"DeltaCom Communications, Inc. d/b/a 1TC"DeltaCom. DESCRIPTION Declass 4/24/05]; BellSouth's res onses to sta f s interro atories Nos. 4%,47, 68, F 4/24/05]; and ITC's responses to staffs 2nd set of interro atories (DN 081f3-03: Item No. 22 only). 030867-TL Petition b lorida Verizon Fy Inc. to reform intrastate network access and basic local telecommunications rates in accordance with Section 364.164, Florida Statutes. 13194-03 Melson Melson Filed by staff spreadsheets; Issue 3, reduction in access charges as filed by companies; Issue 4, amounts included in ILEC etitions; ISSUC I X C ~ of split flow-through reductions; Issue 10, in-state connection fec and rcvenue reductions. [CCA E;, 6 RETAIN RE:-rum Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN note: Entered in Dockets 030867, 030868,030869, and 03096 1 ;placcd in 030867 only.] 06895-04 06927-04 10427-06 Melson Mclson Melson Melson Melson Melson Filcd by OPC; awaiting co request . . E g F k T I A L ) Confidential claim 364.183(1), $?E$F\~&+IAL) - J' - Florida access-basic rebalancing le islation dated 71~0103 [Exhibit 48 of hearing]. Antic1 ated month y amount of P throufh savings flow to lorida consumer and business retail 7 2 ( ocuments produced by Verizon in response to OPC's discovery request Exhibit 63 to Learing,. Filcd by OPC; awaiting co rcquest l ; RETURN - / - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS accordancc with Section 364.164, Florida Statutes. 00947-07 Melson Mclson Confidcntial claim 364.183( l), DESCRIPTION intrastate long distance customers. [ Sce DN 00947-07J Qwest Wirtzfeld) - (CON IDENTIAL) Attachment A to TariffNo. 1, antici ated mont ly amount of flow throu h savings to lorida consumer and business retail intrastate long distance customers. [See DN 10427-061 PSC/Staff CONFIDENTIAL) n formation from 12/16/03 ag conference: Issue 1 (a), spreadsheets; Issue 3, reduction in access charges as filed by companies; Issue 4, amounts included in ILEC etitions; Issue I X C ~ of split flow-through reductions; Issue I; K 030868-TL Petition by Sprint-Florida, Incorporated to rcduce intrastate switched network access rates to intcrstate parity in revenue-neutral manner pursuant to Scction 13 194-03 Melson Melson Filed by staff 164P3 Florida tatutes. 364. f 8, 8 RETAIN RISTURN d’ 5 d Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION KETAlN 10, in-state connection fee and revenue rcductions. [CCA note: Entered in Dockets 030867, 030868,030869, and 03096 1 ; placed in 030867 only.] 06895-04 06927-04 Mclson Melson Filed by OPC; awaiting co request Melson Mclson Filed by OPC; awaiting co rcquest 9 __ ocuments produced by Verizon in response to OPC's discovery request Exhibit 63 to Laring]. - Florida access-basic rebalancing le islation dated 7/?0/03 [Exhibit 48 of heanng]. RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 0 1/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 030868-TL Petition by Sprint-Florida, Incorporated to reduce intrastatc switched network access rates to interstate parity in revenue-neutral manner pursuant to Section 364.164( l), Florida Statutes. 030869-TL Petition for implcmentation of Section 364.164, Florida Statutes, by rebalancing rates in a revenue-neutral manner through decreases in intrastate switched access charges with offsetting rate adjustments for basic services, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 10427-06 LEAD STFJATT. Melson Melson STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( l), S. g-x DESCRIPTION $!EI%?llkiIAL) Antici ated month y amount of flow throu h savings to lorida consumer and business retail intrastate long distance customers. [See DN 00947-071 PSCIStaff CONFIDENTIAL) nformation from 1211 6/03 ag conferencc: Issue 1(a), spreadsheets; Issue 3, reduction in access charges as filed by companies; Issuc 4, amounts included in ILEC etitions; Issue I X C ~ of split flow-through reductions; Issuc 10, in-state connection fee and revenue reductions. [CCA note: Entered in Dockets 030867, P F 13194-03 Melson Melson Filed by staff f 6, 10 - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06895-04 06927-04 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Mclson Mclson Filed by OPC; awaiting co request Melson Melson Filcd by OPC; awaiting co request 11 DESCRIPTION 030868,030869, and 03096 1; placed in 030867 only.] OPC Beck FON(FTUEkITIAL) ocuments produced by Verizon in response to OPC's discovery request Exhibit 63 to Learing]. Florida access-basic rebalancing le islation datcd 7/?0/03 [Exhibit 48 of heanng]. RETAIN RliTURN y/ __ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE basic services, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. 03096 1 -TI Flow-through of LEC switched access rcductions by IXCs, pursuant to Section 364.163(2), Florida Statutes. DOCUMENT 10427-06 13194-03 LEAD STFJATT. Melson Melson Melson Mclson STATUS Confidcntial claim f~364.183( l), Filed by staff 12 DESCRIPTION ~G%EE~+~AL) RETAIN - Antici ated month y amount of flow throu h savings to lorida consumer and business retail intrastate long distance customers. [Scc DN 00947-071 P B PSC/Staff (CONFIDENTIAL) hiformation from ’ 12116/03 ag conference: Issue 1(a>, spreadsheets; Issue 3 , reduction in access charges as filed.by companies; Issue 4, amounts included in ILEC - RETIJIZN d Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN KETIJRN Issue 8,etitions;split of D<C~ flow-through reductions; Issuc 10, in-state connection fce and revenue reductions. [CCA note: Entered in Dockets 030867, 06895-04 06927-04 Melson Melson Filed by OPC; awaiting co request Melson Melson Filcd by OPC; awaiting co rcquest 13 030868,030869, and 03096 1;placed in 030867 only.] OPC Beck FOI&IDEkTIAL) - k/ ocuments produced by Verizon in - Florida access-basic rebalancing le islation dated 7lfOIO3 [Exhibit 48 of hearing]. / Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 030961-TI DOCKET TITLE Flow-through of LEC switched access reductions by IXCs, pursuant to Scction 364.163(2), Florida Statutcs. 040000-OT Undocketed filings for 2004. sr 040 130-TP Joint ctition by New outh Communications Corp., NuVox Communications, Inc., and Xspcdius Communications, LLC, on behalf of its operating subsidiaries Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration DOCUMENT 10427-06 LEAD STFJATT. Mclson Mclson STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( l), {F 06308-04 No lead stf. No lead att. Under 5-year rctention 0 1796-05 Bcllak Bellak Declassified - on appeal DESCRIPTION F ~ 4 CONF ENTIAL) cr 14 / i &: information frovidedin ages 72-176 an 196-200 of 12115/04 deposition transcript of IIamilton Russell. x-ref ortion of [DN0&04-05] a RETURN __ Antici ated month y amount of flow throu h savings to lorida consumer and business retail intrastate long distance customers. [See DN 00947-071 BellSouth (White) CONFIDENTIAL) orkpapers in connection with sales methods and k!gonersaudit. ractices RETAIN J -~ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKE1' DOCKET TITLE of certain issues arising in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 02544-05 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bcllak STATUS Declassified - on atmeal L 1 DESCRIPTIOh L BellSouth Meza) (CONFID NTIAL) Res onse to sta s 3rd set of interro atories (Nos. 8 , 84,88, and 89) and 3rd rea foiPODs (No. 20f.Jx-ref DN's 027 7-05 and 03291-051 [DN part of com ositc hearing xh No. 31 w 9 % 15 RETAIN RETlJKN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 040 130-TP Joint ctition by New outh Communications Corp., NuVox Communications, Inc., and Xspedius Communications, LLC, on behalf of its operating subsidiaries Xspcdius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issucs arising in negotiation of interconncction agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. 2 DOCUMENT 02757-05 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS Declassified - on appcal DESCRIPTION RETAIN - 2nd supplemental res onse to sta f s 3rd set of interro atories g o . 827. [x-ref. Ns 02544-05 and 0329 1-05] [DN part of composite hearingzxh No. 31 F E 0329 1-05 Bcllak Bellak Declassified - on appeal L BellSouth Meza) (CONFID NTIAL) Attachment C. responses and' second supplemental res onse to sta f's 3rd set of interro atories (Nos. 8 ,83, 84, P 9 16 J - RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Managcmcnt Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issues arising in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTIOR; 88, and 89) and 3rd request for production of a 6"". documents Ns 20). rx-ref. 02544-05 and 02757-051 03959-05 Bcllak Bellak Re forwarded to sta f for recom P L A BellSouth Meza (CONFID NTI L) Rcs onse to sta s 4th set of interrogatories, Item No. 117, and staffs 4th reauest for @duction, Item o. 22. x-ref. DN 04030- 5: x-ref DN 0502 1-05 for Item No. 117 only] [DN part of com osite hearing Exhgo. 3 (DN 04248-05)] 8 6 17 RETAIN RE:TllKN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications . Inc. DOCUMENT 04026-05 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bcllak STATUS Declassified - on appeal DESCRIPTION Joint Petitioners E%-?DENTIAL, A tt achment A, portions of composite sti ulated ex ibits. rx-ref. ortion OF DN 4804-051 s 18 E RETAIN R15T URN Inventory of Conf?dential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Coiiipetiti\w Markets & Enforcrnient DOCKET 040 I 30-TI’ DOCKET TITLE Joint etition by New !8ou th Communications Corp., NuVox Communications, Inc., and Xspedius Communications, LLC,on behalf of its operating subsidiarics Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issues arising in negotiation of interconnection agreemcnt with BellSouth Telecommunications . Inc. DOCUMENT 04030-05 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS Re forwarded to sta f for recom ? DESCRIPTION L A BellSouth Meza (CONFID NTI L) Res onse t o sta s 4th set of interrogatories, Item No. 117, and 4th request for production of documents, Item No. 22. x-ref. DN 03959- 5; x-ref. DN 05021-05 for Item No. 117 only; Sce DN 04248-051 w x a 04073-05 Bellak Bellak Declassified - on appeal 19 L BcllSouth Meza) (CONFID NTIAL) Ttem Nos. 2-39-1 and 7-8-1 in 1st supplemental responses to ’oint petitioners’ Ilst request for production of documents filed RETAIN i / RKTlJRN ~ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Scrvices, LLC and Xspcdius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issucs arising in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications ,Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN with North Carolina Utilities Commission in Docket Nos. P-772, Sub 8, P-9 13, Sub 5, P-989, Sub 3, P-824, Sub 6, and P- 1202, Sub 4 [Page Nos. 001399 through 0014511. a 04075-05 Bellak Bellak Declassified - on appeal L A BellSouth Meza (CONFID NTI L) Itcm Nos. 6- 1O(A)- 1, an& 7- 1 1- 1 in response to joint petitioners' 1st request for production of documents filed with North Carolina Utilities Commission in Docket Nos. P-772, Sub 8, P-913, Sub 20 J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telccommunications , Inc. DESCRIPTION 5 , P-989, Sub 3 , P-824, Sub 6, and P- 1202, Sub 4 Misc. Page Nos. ctween 00080 and 00 10241. BcllSouth Meza (CONFID NT L) Item Nos. RETAIN I 04077-05 Bcllak Bellak Declassified - on appeal Ld 6- 1O(A)- 1, anh 7-11-1 in responses to 'oint petitioners' 1st request for production of documents filed with Alabama PSC in Docket No. 29242 [Misc. Page Nos. between 000080 and 00 14511. 21 d RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 040 130-TP Joint etition by Ncw outh Communications C o p , NuVox Communications, Inc., and Xspedius Communications, LLC, on behalf of its operating subsidiaries Xspedius Mana cment Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issues arising in ncgotiation of interconncction agrccment with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. J? DOCUMENT 04248-05 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Bellak Bcllak Re forwarded to 1 sta;f for recom Bellak Bellak L Declassified - on appeal a 04249-05 DESCRlPTlON CONFIDENTIAL) om osite Hearing Exh 3 (CONF-1) from 4126-28105 hearin . [CCA note: &hibit consists of confidential DNs 02544-05, 02757-05, and 03959-051 60. J 8 REI'URN i( - hearing. [x-ref. ortion of DN 4804-051 22 RETAIN __ - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE Xspedius Mana cment Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issues arising in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN a 04804-05 Bcllak Bellak Declassified - on appeal Joint Petitioners req for PODs in North Carolina No. P-722, Sub 8; P-913. Sub 5: P-989: Sub 3 , P-824, Sub 6; and P-1202. Sub 4: and 1st req for PODs in Alabama No. 29242. rx-ref. ortioni of DNs 1796-05, 04026-05. and 04249-05 j 1 23 J __ RE.fl'RN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE interconncction agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 0502 1-05 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS Declassified - on appcal DESCRIPTION L A BellSouth Meza (CONFID NTI L) Res onse to sta s 4th set of 8 04030-05; See DN 04248-051 24 RETAIN J RE'I'CJKN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 040 130-TP Joint etition by Ncw outh Communications Corp., NuVox Communications, Inc., and Xspedius Communications, LLC, on behalf of its operating subsidiaries Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Serviccs, LLC and Xspcdius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issues arising in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. 040763-TP Request for submission of proposals for relay service, be inning In Junc 2085, for the hcaring and s eech impaired, an othcr implementation !f DOCUMENT 05567-05 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bcllak STATUS Confidential claim f ; 364.183( l), DESCRIPTI 0N Joint Petitioncrs E!hNT IAL) information provided in Attachments 3 and 6 to ost-hearing brief! K 0449 I -07 Moscs Tan Confidential claim f ; 364.183( l), t; 25 Nextel CO FIDENTIAL) Letter to CMP/Moses containing business information. KETAIN / RLTLlRN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE matters in com liance with the lorida Telecommunications Access System Act of 1991. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN -cp MOSCS Confidential claim S rint Nextel Tan 050 15-07 f~364.183( l), &t$:ZNTIAL) 6/2 1/07 to CMP/Moses. 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Hell! outh Telecommunications , Inc. 07743-05 Sinith Sinith Confidential claim f~364.183( I), 26 BcllSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to FPL Fibernet. / V - R1:'TIIRN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Fi 1ed 01/O 1/1989 th rough 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to cstablish generic docket to considcr amcndments to interconnection agrecments rcsulting from chan es in law, by Bellgouth Telecommunications ,h c . DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION 07744-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim f e r 364.183( l), S. BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to FDN. 07745-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim fer 364.183( l), S. BcllSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to Cox Florida Telecom. 07746-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim Der 364.183(1). , P.S. BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for ’ admission to Communigroup, Inc. I , 27 RETAIN d J RKTlJRN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to cstablish generic docket to consider amendmcnts to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell! outh Tclecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTIOiY 07747-05 Smith Sin it t i confidential claim 364.183( l), 8; BellSouth (Shore) (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to Comcast. 07748-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim 364.183( 1), fz BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to GRUCom. 07749-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim g e r 364.183( l), S. BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to CenturyTel. 28 - RETAIN RITURN _t/ J - I/ - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 041269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amcndments to interconnection agrccmcnts resulting from chan es in law, by Bell outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION Smith Smith Confidential claim ner 364.183(1). P.S. BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for ’ admission to American Fiber. 0775 1-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim f~364.183( l), BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to Advanced Tel, Inc. d/b/a EATEL. 07752-05 Smith Sinith Confidential claim f ; 364.183( l), BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to Georgia Public Web,Inc. 07750-05 \ I , RETAIN I wrum / Y 8 29 J - ~- Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 041269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by BellEouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTIO& Smith Smith fz Confidential claim 364.183(1), BcllSouth (Shore) (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to Harbor Communications. 07754-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim 364.183( l), gz BcllSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to Looking. 07755-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim p e r 364.183( l), S. BcllSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to OTC. 07753-05 30 - RETAIN RETURN J - J J __ - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agrccmcnts resulting from chan cs in law, by Bell outh Tclccommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN J 07756-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim 364.183( l), g ; BcllSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to SBC Tclecom. - 07757-05 Smith Smith fz Confidential claim 364.183( l), BcllSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to Telepak Networks, Inc. __ 07758-05 Smith Smith Confidential gz 364.183(claim l), BcllSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to US Carrier Telecom, LLC. - 8 31 J’ RISTURN .- Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 041269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by BellEouth Tclecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 07956-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith STATUS Dcclassified - on appeal DESCRlPTlON RETAlN 1TC"DeltaCom ortions of direct testimony of Steven Brownworth. 08088-05 08257-05 Smith Smith Smith Smith Declassified - on appeal Staff recom fld; awaiting order specifical? Diagrams A, lB, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A. and 4B. [See DN 08088-Os] 1TC"DeltaCom ./ ortions of direct testimony of Steve Brownworth: s ecifically 8iagrams IA, IB, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A. and 4B. [See DN 07956-031 Harbor Communications d requests for admission. 32 RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Pctition to establish gcncric docket to consider amcndmcnts to intcrconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell8outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 08260-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith STATUS Declassified - on appeal DESCRIPTION gf$A,!,IAL) RETAIN ./ P Bel South’s 1st request for admissions. x-ref. DN 8626-051 6 08474-05 Smith Sinit h Req for ext of classification fld BellSouth Ma s) 7 (CONFIDLN yIAL) Response to Covad’s 1st set of interrogatories (No. 1) and 1st reauest for PODS -Mo.-1). x-ref. 6 N 09215-os, 08613-05 Smith Smith Rcq for ext of classification fld BellSouth Ma s) (CONF&JiAL) Proprietary responses to Covad’s 1st set of interrogatories (NOS. 2-3). 33 / -I RKTlJRN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to cstablish generic docket to consider amendments to interconncc tion agreements resulting from chan cs in law, by Bell! outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 08626-05 09 187-05 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Smith Smi t I Declassified - on appcal Smith Smith Req for ext of classification fld DESCRIPTION RISTURN L Appendix ADM- 1 to res onse to BeESouth's 1st request for admissions TDN Com South Kau man LcONFIDLNTIAL) ellSouth's res onse to IT&"'eltaCom's and Com Southls 1st set o data requests in Geor ia PSC Docket No. f9341-U (Item F P Responses to Covad's 1st set of in terrogatorics (No. 1) and 1st request for PODS No. 1). x-ref. 6N 08454-051 34 RETAIN J ~- Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to considcr amcndmcnts to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell! outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRlPTlON Smith Smith Declassified - on appcal Com South jKaufmankCONFID NTIAL) Res onse to Bclkouth’s 1st request for PODs (No. 1). 09379-05 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification fld BcllSouth Ma s) (CONFID N IAL) Supplemental response to Covad‘s 1st request for production of documents (No. 1). [x-ref. DN 10335-051 09595-05 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification fld BcllSouth Ma s) (CONFID N IAL) 2nd supplemental response to Covad’s 1st reauest for PODs Nb. 1). x-ref. 6N 104J3-051 09329-05 35 L? L A RETAIN L J - i (/’ L RISTUKN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 041269-TP DOCKET TITLE Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by BellEouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 098 19-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith STATUS DESCRIPTIOR RETAIN Declassified - on appeal ~ upplemental res onse to sta f s interrogatory 27 . x-ref. D 10 6 -051 F 21 'N" 0. 4 10014-05 Smith Smith Order issued IDS (Kaufman (CONFIDEN IAL) Res onse to Helhouth's 1st interrogatories NOS. 1-3). x-ref. DN 0767-051 10016-05 Smith Smith Order issued r v a d Kaufman) CONF DENTIAL) es onse to Bclkouth's 1st set of interrogatories No. 3 ) . x-ref. h N 107(!9-05] 36 RETURN f J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 041269-TP DOCKET TITLE Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan cs in law, by Bcdouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 10018-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith STATUS Order issued DESCRIPTION RETAIN NTC Kaufman) (CON IDENTIAL) Res onse to Bel South’s 1st set of r e r r o gatones No. 2). [x-ref. L f 10020-05 Smith Smith Order issued L A Trinsic Kaufman - (CON IDENTI L) Res onse to Bel South’s 1st set of interrogatories (NOS.1-3). x-ref. DN 0765-051 P 10100-05 Smith Smith Order issued NuVox Horton) (CONFI ENTIAL) bbjections and res onses to BeKSouth’s 1st set of interrogatories NOS.1-3). x-ref. DN 11252-051 b r 37 J i RliTURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 041269-TP DOCKET TITLE Pctition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting. from chan ecin law, by Bellgouth Telccommunicat ions , Inc. DOCUMENT 10105-05 STATUS LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith Req for ext of classification fld DESCFUPTIOIY L ?A BellSouth Ma s (CONFID N I L) Rcsponse to Itcm No. 1 of ITC's 1st data rcquests and Item No. 1 of CompSouth's 1 st data requests in Geor ia Docket No. 193 1-U. [x-ref. DN 09 187-051 BcllSouth Ma s) (CoNFIDLNJiL) RETAIN d f 10215-05 10238-05 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification fld Smith Smith Order issued 3rd supplemcntal response to Covad's 1st request for PODs No. 1). x-ref. h N 105$9-05] CompSouth E%JEiiLNTIAL) Attachments to ' res onse to sta f s 1st request for PODs No. 1). x-ref. 6N 10947-051 P 38 J RETURN ~- Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish gencric docket to consider amcndmcnts to intcrconnection agreements rcsulting from chan es in law, by Bell5outh Tclccommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 10335-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith STATUS Req for ext of classification fld DESCRIPTION BellSouth (White, Lackeg LCON IDENTIAL) upplemental RETAIN J response to Covad's 1st request for POD hNo.09349-051 N 1). x-ref. 10353-05 Smith Smith Order issued L L NTC Kaufman) CON IDENTIAL) upplemental res onse to Be 1South's interrogatozANo. 2). [x-ref, ortion of0763-051 - f P 10367-05 Smith Smit 11 Order issued 6 NuVox Horton) CONFI ENTIAL) Jertain information provided in objections and supplemental res onses to Be 1South's 1st set of rterrogatories NOS.1-3). x-rcf. DN P 39 bi RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 10418-05 LEAD STFJATT. Sinith Sinith STATUS Req for ext of classification fld DESCRIPTION I 1253-051 BellSouth Ma s) (CONFID N IAL) Res onse to sta s 3rd set of interro atories (No. 847; and documents provided in response to staffs 3rd re uest for PODs 7). x-ref. 6N 105$3-05k BcllSouth (W itc, 8 Le RETAIN J do. 10433-05 Sinith Smith Req for ext of classification fld LackeP (CON IDENTIAL) 2nd 'supplemental response to Covad's 1st request for PODs No. 1). x-ref. 6 N 09545-051 10533-05 Smith Sinith Req for ext of classification fld 40 L? BellSouth Ma s) (CONFID N IAL) Res onse to sta s 3rd set of interro atories (No. 847 and staffs 3rd request for PODs No. 7). x-ref. h N l04f8-05] w /' RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amcndmcnts to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bedouth Telecommunications . Inc. DOCUMENT 10539-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN / t ’ Req for ext of classification fld - rcsponse to Covad’s 1st request for PODs No. 1). x-ref. 6 N lO2f5-051 10598-05 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification fld BellSouth (White, Lackeg (CON IDENTIAL) 4th supplemental i L __ response to Covad’s 1st request for PODs (No. 1). 10645-05 Smith Smith Filed by staff - hearing. 41 RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to considcr amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell8outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 10662-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith STATUS Declassified - on appeal DESCRIPTION 84 Smith Smith Filed by staff - 'N kCONFIDENTIAL) earing Exhibit No. 44 from J 1 1/2/05 hearing. 10763-05 Smith Smith Order issued 42 wcwm Com South [Ka&nan&CONFID NTIAL) Attachment C of supplemental res onse to sta f's interrogatory No. 27 . x-ref. D 09 1 -051 P 10671-05 RETAIN NTC Kaufman) (CON IDENTIAL) Response and Supplemental res onse to Bek3outh's 1st set of tterrogatories No. 2). [x-ref. Ns 10018-05 and 10353-051 6 J ~~ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconncction agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell8outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 10765-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith STATUS Order issued DESCRIPTION P 10767-05 10769-05 Smith Smith Order issued Smith Smith Order issued L A Trinsic Kaufman - (CON IDENTI L) Res onse to Bel South's 1st set of 7) ICONFIDEN IAL) I(S7fman - RETAIN LL( Lr/ cs onse to Bel South's 1st set of interropatorics to NTC @os. 2 and 3). [x-ref. DN 10014-05] Covad Kaufman) (CONF DENTIAL) Attachment to res onse to Befkouth's 1st set of interro atories to NTC (Bo. 3) x-ref.'~~ ' 0016-051. f \ 43 J - REI'URN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan cs in law, by Bell outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 10987-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith DESCRIPTION STATUS Order issued RETAIN BellSouth (White, ;%k&DENTLAL., CompSouth's res onse to staks 1st re uest for PODS 0. 1). [x-ref. ortions of DN 0238-051 (3 8 P 11252-05 Smith Smith Order issued NuVox Horton) CONFI ENTIAL) b-jectionsand res onses to Rc 1South's 1st set of intcrrogatories 6 6 P x-ref. DN 0 100-051 11253-05 Smith Smith Order issued 6 NuVox Horton) CONFI ENTIAL) bjections and supplemental res onses to Bc 1South's 1st set of interrogatories 6 P x-ref. DN 0367-051 44 J' RKI'URN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to cstablish gencric docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell8outh Telecommunications . Inc. 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 11255-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith DESCRIPTION STATUS Order issued RETAIN RISTUIW */ - ~ Res onse to Bel South's 1st request for admissions. P 04658-05 No lead stf. No lead att Confidential claim ~.p.?364.183(1), No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), f! p L y + 06010-05 51\1;f9 f 06135-05 N o lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim t ecr 364.183( l), 4 14& d 1 .o. 45 Vcrizon CONFIDENTLAL) chedule 8 for 3/05 as re uired b Rule &-4.0185. &e ond (EKline)~ O ~ F NTIAL) I D es onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition (TX486). SBC He burn (CO FI ENTAL) Res onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX769). fCCA note: Provided in paper form and on diskette. ] L 48 f ti i/ I\/ - ~ - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION 4ht-4.f 06256-05 06490-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( l), S. PAETEC Blackman) - (CONFI ENTIAL) Res onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( l), RETAlN J AmeriMek s. 6 es onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local com etition; includes iskette (TX448). S mteIc6 [Thrasher) CONFIDENTIAL) i 06537-05 No lead stf. Confidential claim kes onse to stags 2005 CLEC data request on local competition (TX704); includes diskette. 06606-05 No lead stf. Confidential claim 364.183( l), 8; 46 / V - Res onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data reauest on local c6m etition (TL7 15). fCCA note: 2 copies, 1 RBTURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06644-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att., STATUS Confidential claim $ 364.183( l ) , ; DESCRIPTIO& hi hli hted, 1 un%igflight cd, were filed.] [See DN 06SSS-OS] Time Warner LEC data request table (TAO13). [Original and 2 copies rovided.] [See D s 06645-05, 06647-05, 06649-05, and 07093-051 Time Warner RETAIN ,/ L R 06645-05 No lcad stf. Confidential claim er 364.183( l), Competition and Broadband Rcpoqing, TAO 13. [2 co ies filed: 1 hi ! hted, 1 h ungi h? i hted. [ S e e % d 06634-05, 06647-05, 06649-05, and 07093-051 47 x ! RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undockcted filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 06647-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att. STATUS Confidential claim {er 364.183( 1), S. DESCRIPTION Time Warner Dunbar CONFI ENTIAL) 1005 C k C data request. [CCA note: 2 copies filed. [See DNs 0664 -05, 06645-05, 06649-05. and 07093-0s j Time Warner RETAIN 1 / : RITCIRN -~ d 06649-05 06658-05 No lcad stf. No lcad stf. Confidential claim Confidential claim l e r 364.183( l), S. [%%i%iNTIAL) CD labeled "2005 CLEC data re uest." LTAO 137 [See DNs 6644-05. 06645-05: 06647-05: and 07093-051 Comm Sduth Rcs onse to stags 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX53 1) 48 / J - kL . . Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketcd filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 06661 -05 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.1 83(1), 06670-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. fz 06697-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim ~p.? 364.183( l), {F Confidential claim 364.183( l), f2&./p- 06700-05 No lcad stf. No lead att. Confidential claim p e r 364.183( l), r. 49 DESCRIPTION F O A D E 8 Tie) L ) ACN Gilles m es onse to stags 2005 CLEC data requcst on local Competition; includes diskette. TX707 Hayes ($ilIiams] (CON LDENTIAL) Res onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition. TA067L i n e . 4. b 4 rlnS1c (CONFI EN IAL) Rcs onse to stags 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes cs onse to stafFs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX389) [CCA note: 2 copies filed.] RETAIN ! u i - /' RETIJRN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 06703-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim fer 364.183( l), S. 06706-05 No lcad stf. No lead att. Confidential r~l; 364.183(claim I), DESCRIPTIOR I: 82 Access Gilles ie -(CON IDE T A L ) Res onse to stags 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX326) Knology RETAIN d R1i;~l'lJ RN ~ J Res onse to stafk 2005 CLEC 06709-05 No lead stf. No leap att. Confidential claim ~p.? 364.183( l), 06712-05 No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), zz 50 L ALLTEL Willis) (CONFID NTIAL) Res onse to stags 2005 CLEC data request on local com etition; includes D. LecStar LBritt4(CONFI EN IAL) Rcs onse to stags 2005 CLEC data request on local competition. (TX394) J __ _ . 8 ~- Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 06729-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( l), DESCRIPTION TDS TelecodQuincy RETAIN . J - REI'UKN _. S. 06746-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential 8~ claim 364.183( l), 06751-05 No lead stf. No lead att. $F 364.183( l), 06755-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim er 364.183(1), esponse to 2005 ILEC local com etition report $,.L? 18). erizon [ChristirLCONFID NTIAL) CD containing res onse to 2005 IL~C local competition data re uest SeeDNs 06\06-05 and Confidential claim J - J - - (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to 2005 ILE data re uest ITL720) [ o n t D ] . See DNs 07009-05 E and 076 19-05] 51 !L __ - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undockcted filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 06758-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att. STATUS Confidential claim f ; 364.183( l), DESCRIPTIOE RETAlN J BcllSouth (White) - (CONFIDENTIAL) CD containin 05 res2onse top2e s t i7 -t;;c R TX0311. [See DNs 06769-05 No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l ) , 8~ kcsnonse to 2005 ’ CLeC data request [TX205], with diskette. rCCA note: 2 ccbies filed. [Sek DNs 0719 -05, 07326-05, 07559-05, and 7 06772-05 06775-05 No lcad stf. fz Confidential claim 364.183( l), ” No lead stf. ZF Confidential { y 364.183(claim I), - Re‘s onse to 2005 CLfC data rcquest [TX576], with diskette. [IECA d/b/a Covad J KaufmanL-NTIAL) CONFID cs onse to 2005 C d C data request [TX237], with 2 diskettes. [CCA note: 2 copies filed.] [See DNs 52 J - (CONF ENTIAL) %g:i:i?kcDonald) ’ RICTIJRN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06835-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. STATUS Confidential p364.183(claim I), S. DESCRIPTION 07223-05 and 07885-051 TelCove of Jacksonville, Inc. ‘De@ (CO IDENTIAL) ResDonscs to 2005 ’ CL&C data re ucst fTA003, TJ34% . Sce DNs 0741 -05 and 07640-051 TelCove Investment, LLC RETAIN 4 06837-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), S. F~~TDENTIAL) cs onsc to 2005 CLgC data re uest fTJ206, TX271 See DNs 0741 -05 and 07640-051 NEFCOM p L ] p N F & obles 5 06888-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim er 364.183( l), evised res onse to staffs 20 5 CLEC data request on local com ctition see 53 DN d ‘ KIII’URN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 06906-05 LEAD STFJATT. N o lcad stf. No lcad att. DESCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim {cr 364.183( l), Vcrizon L p F I D k N-T I A L ) Christian ard copy of res onse to 2005 local competition data re uest. SeeDNs 06??46-05and 07472-051 RNK Tenore (CON IDEN IAL) kcs onse to sta#s 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. bTX799J SeeDN 7081- 5 Lor dylicate] RETAIN t / ILL$ 06922-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim Der 364.183(1). 06926-05 No lead stf. No lead att. L 4 Confidential claim p r 364.183( l), data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX679) 54 ai RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 06954-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att. STATUS Confidential claim f e r 364.183( l), S. DESCRIPTION & Level 3 Matthews) - (CON IDENTIAL) Res onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local com etition; includes D TX238). See DN 7804-05 kuVox dorton) CONFI ENTIAL) RETAIN / - RETURN - E 06995-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), gg k / L es onse to stags 2005 CLEC data reauest on local cdm etition (TX824). fCCA note: No hard CODV filed; diskette I., 06998-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. $z confidential claim 364.183( l), 55 ISN (Gilles ie rONFlD&711AL) cs onse to sta8s 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX364) J - __ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketcd filings for 2005. NONO DOCUMENT 07009-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. STATUS Confidential claim fer 364.183( l), S. DESCRIPTION BellSouth (White) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to stags 2005 ILEC TL720) and CLEC TX03 1) data request on local competition. [See DNs 06758-05 and 07624-05 (TX03 1); 06755-05 and 07619-05 (TL720 Sprint (Masterton - (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to stags 2005 ILEC data request on local com etition; includes D (Tki;?d$See DN RETAIN J I 070 11-05 No lcad stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f~364.183( 1), J __ E 070 14-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), f ; Sprint ( asterton - (CONFIDENT L) Res onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data reauest on local cdm etition; includes D (Tfl$djjSee DN $A 8 56 J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 0703 1-05 No lcad stf. Confidential claim 364.183( l), 07081-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), qJd' l~ 3, 07093-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim er 364.183( l), DESCRIPTION US LEC Griffin) (CONFI ENTIAL) Res onse to sta8s 2005 CLEC data request on local competition Ton diskette j;z'X165) 6 a. t; (CON IDEN IAL) kes onse to sta8s 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX799) [CCA note: Appears to be du licate of DN 0%922-05.1 Time Warner Fupplemental IAL) $EibENT res onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes one highlighted, one non-highlighted pa er version, and c b .i s e e D N ~ 0664 -05, 06645-05, 06647-05, and 57 RETAIN J J ,./ RETUKN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 07 106-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAlN Confidential claim to staffs 2065 CLEC data reauest 07191-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim er 364.183( l), 07207-05 No lcad stf. No IC d att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( l), p.ua"y" s. 58 (CONFIDENTIAL) Updated Table 2 in res onse to stags 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. [See DNs 06769-03, 07326-05, 07559-05. and 07728-05 j Vcrizon i ChristianN-T I A L ) coNFd chedule 8, which contains number of residence and business access lines by retail, resale, and UNEP for 2nd quarter 2005. J - RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 07223-05 No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim Der 364.183(1). 07326-05 No lcad stf. No lead att. DESCRIPTION Covad Kaufman) (CONF DENTIAL) kcvised res onse ' to staffs 20g5 CLEC data reauest on local competition; includes diskette. (TX237) [See DNs 06775-05 and f Confidential claim 364.183( l), 8; comwtition data re udst, with dis ette. (TX205) [See DNs 06769-05, L0719 1-05. 07 559-05, 'and R 07352-05 No lcad stf. No lead att. Confidential claim per 364.183(1), 59 07728-02 AT&T/T G (Hatch) (CONFIDEr\tTIAL) Res onse to sta s CLEC data request regarding local competition re;t6x- 2005 and TA032). [See DNS 07379-05 and 07774-051 w RETAIN ./ L RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 07365-05 07367-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att. No lead stf. N o lcad att. STATUS {z Confidential claim 364.183( 1), Confidential claim f~364.183( I), DESCRIPTION RETAIN J Knology Schoonover k2;;;JTIAL) stags 2005 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX2 15).@CA note: On D on1 [See DN 06706- 1 Jl stafFs 2005 CLEC data request on local com etition; includes iskctte (TX230). [See DN 68 156-0!$ AT&T/T G Hatch) (CONFIDE TIAL) Rcs onse to stags 2005 CLEC / ti 07379-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), {T pf 07774-051 60 RISTIJRN / J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 0739 1-05 07393-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lead att. STATUS Confidential claim {cr 364.183( l), S. N o lcad stf. No lead att. Confidential 8; 364.183(claim l), 07402-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim {T 364.183(1), 07404-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), 8~ 61 DESCRIPTION kes onse to stags 2005 CLEC es onse to stags 2005 CLEC data request on local comDetition TX105) .'[See DN 67900-05] BellSouth (White) - JCONFIP~ENTIAL) First supplemental response to tables 2 and 3 in 2005 ILEC local comDetition re 4rt; includes C b TL720. See DN 7620- 5 Sprint (Masteiton) - (CONFIDENTIAL) 2nd uarter 2005 Sche ule 8 (rcsidence and business access lines by Retail, Resale, and 6 H % RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 074 17-05 LEAD STFJATT. N o lead stf. No lcad,att. STATUS Confidential claim r r 364.183(1), S. DESCRIPTION UNE-P), re uired b Rule25- .0185. d l C o v e (De pNF1DErf;pIAL) 1 es onse to stags 2005 CLEC data request on local com etition; attached etter advises documents f 07472-05 No lcad stf. No lcad, att. r r Confidential claim 364.183( l), S. 07640-051 Vcrizon ((( hristianLCONFID NTIAL) wised data tables in res onse to2005 (IL C) incumbent local exchange carrier local competition data re uest. See DNs 0 746- 5 and 06906-051 E 8 6 62 RETAIN RI'TURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/O 1/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 07529-05 07559-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att. No lcad stf. No lcad att. STATUS Confidential claim {er 364.183( I), S. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( I), S. DESCRIPTION PAETEC Blackman) 6 - FONF1 C containing revised Tableu2 of res onse to 2005 CLEC data request; attached letter advises list of all wholesale carriers has been r l u d e d TX234. SeeDN 6256- 51 0 (Kaufman) CONFIDENTIAL) evised Tables 1, 2, and 3 of res onse to sta!fs 2005 CLEC data request on local com etition; includes iskette TX205). [See DNs 6769-05, 07 191-05, 07326-05, and 07728-051 1TC"DeltaCom 6 k 6 07564-05 No lead stf. No lead att. fz Confidential claim 364.183(1), b / R l ' l URN J - J - 8 data request on local competition; on diskette on1 (TX056). [See &N 63 RETAIN / 4 - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 07619-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim f ; 364.183( I), 07620-05 No lcad stf. Confidential claim 07624-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( l), S. 07640-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim Der 364.183(1). DESCRIPTlON 07391-051 BellSout6 (White) - (CONFIDENTIAL) ResDonse to 2005 ' ILEc data request [TL720], Items 3 and Tables 1-4. includin CD See DNs 0675s-d$ and 07009-051 BellSouth (White) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First supplemental res onse to 2005 IL& datare uest FTL7201. Tabqes 2 ind 3. [see DN 07402-051 BellSouth (White) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onses to 2005 CL€C local comoetition reDort and 07009-051 TelCove (De (CONFIDEIS'IPI)AL) Revised soft co ies of original FyE5rn-gde res onse to s t a k s 2005 CLEC 64 RETAIN / J J - J - .J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 07728-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), 07774-05 No lcad stf. N o lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( I), g~ DESCRIPTION data reauest on local cdmpetition; diskette on1 . [Sce DNs 0x835-05, 06837-05. and 07417-051’ [O (Shurhans CONFIDENl!IAL) evised Tables 1. 2, and 3 in res onse to 2005 CL\C data request (TX205), including diskette.JSee DNs067 9-05, 07 191-05. Lorida Hatch CONF EN IAL) cvised tables 1 and 2 to response to staffs CLEC local competition re ortfor2005 figd 7/29/05 (TA062, TA032); includes CD. See DNs 07352-0 and 07379-051 64 5 65 RETAlN RETIJRN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 07804-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att. DESCRIPTIOh Confidential claim Der 364.183(1). No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim q e r 364.183( l), d J Level3 McMann (CONF ENTIA ) Corrected res onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local .~~ competition; on CD ~~ 078 19-05 RETAIN L f , STATUS ~~ ~ F?J!%'ft?$ 24-05] print (Masterton a - (CONFIDENT L) Rcvised Table 2 in res onse to stags 2005 CLEC data request on local com etition; includes iskctte (TX045). [SCC DN 070 14-05 NuVox $orton) CONFI ENTIAL) cvised Data Table 1 in res onse to staffs 2805 CLEC data request on local competition; on diskette onlv / J - ! i 07824-05 No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim pe_r 364.183( l ) , 66 k d RISTURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. RE^ r URN DESCRIPTION STATUS 07869-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim i x r 364.183(1). Sprint (Masterton) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Revised res onse to staffs 2065 ILEC data request on local competition; includes diskette (&~E'J.[See DN 07885-05 No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim Der 364.183(1). Covad Bill) (CONF DENTIAL) Supplemental res onse to staks 2005 CLEC data request on local com etition; f 8 ;$!ifj L i e DNs 07900-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim p r 364.183( l), 1 Pl.c" .o. 07223-051 Y I (Gibs03TIAL) CONFIDE cs onse to sta8s 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX105) CCA note: ocument was provided directly to CMP; CMP forwarded to [See DN 07393-0 6 67 \i: Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 08 156-05 09276-05 09298-05 10440-05 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS No lead stf. No lcad att. confidential claim per 364.183( 1). No lcad stf. No lcad att. DESCRIPTIOK Feik Confidential claim . I Nn 1 ~ a dtf c r n n f i d m t i a l claim No lcad att. I%. No lcad stf. No lcad att. er 364.183( l), i + ,. Confidential claim 364.183( l), r-p.y 68 RETAIN FDN ID NTIAL) (CON Revised res onse to staffs 2085 CLEC data request on local \/ - alak 9/ 14/05 data request seeking storm-related recovery.expensc information. Verizon FhnstianLCONFID NTIAL) Res onse to CdiSalak's storm-related data request dated 91I 4/05. Verizon [C hristianLCONFID NTIAL) 3rd quarter 2005 Schedule 8 (rcsidence and business access lines by Retail, Resale, and L RL.IURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisionlOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 10527-05 11 153-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att. STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( I), p.~ 8~ No lcad stf. Confidential claim No lcad att. 364.183( I), \i\Q 0 . G, DESCRIPTION WE-P), rc uired by Rule 25-1.0185. Sprint (Masterton) - (CONFIDENTIAL) 3rd quarter-2005, Schedule 8, as required by Rule 25-4.01 85 (access line data). Verizon LpNFIDLNTuL) Christian es onses to audit on ocused utility pole and vegetation mana ement rcview, 11/ O f throu h 2/06. SeeD% 1143 -05 for supplemental res onses] Sec D806088-&61 Verizon Christian J;C.ONFI&TI*L) upplemcntal responses to question Nos. 7 and 8 in focused utility pole and vegetation mana ement review, 1 1/ O F through 2/06. [CCA note: RETAlN J” I /’ F I 11435-05 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), gg 69 RISTURN J - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION unconfidential responses 10 and 12 forwarded to CMP.] SeeDN 11 153- 5 for initial responses.] Miami-Dade (Hope - (CONFIDENTIA ) Document bates-stam ed MDC PS44)OOOO1 [which delineates its current list of customers and was requested by staff and BellSouth]. 6 050257-TL Com laint of BellJouth Telecommunications , Inc. against Miami-Dade County for alleged operation of a telecommunications c,ompany in violation of Florida statutes and Commission rules. 050374-TL Petition for approval of storm cost recovery surcharge, and sti ulation with Opfice of Public Counsel, by Sprint-Florida, Incorporated. 09487-06 Teitzman Teitzman Order issued 05 112-05 Mann Tcitzman Staff recom fld; awaiting order 70 2 Sprint (Masterton) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Lines 4-9. Column B, and line 11 of Exhibit C to Attachment A to Sprint's petition for approval of storm cost recovery surcharge and stipulation. KETAIN RKTURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050374-TL Petition for approval of storm cost recovery surchargc, and sti ulation with O Fice of Public Counsel, by Sprint-Florida, Incorporated. DOCUMENT 05380-05 LEAD STFJAT?'. Mann Telt~man STATUS r r Confidential claim 364.183( l), S. DESCRIPTION Sprint (Masterton) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Highlighted ortions of urricane cost recovery - cost calculations spreadsheets. RETAlN J E 05529-05 Mann Tcitzman Confidential claim 364.183( l), R ; a Sprint (Masterton - (CONFIDENT L) Certain information requested by staff desi nated as high ighted portions on pgs 1-4 of Sprint's 2004 Hurricane Cost Recovery Conference call foI low-up. Sprint (Masterton) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Highlighted ortions on ages , 4 , a n d 9 - 1 of *J - F 05764-05 Mann Teitzman Confidential claim 364.183( l), pg ! i f portions on ages -5 on Attac ment 1. \ 71 c/ __ RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050374-TL Petition for approval of storm cost recovery surcharge, and sti ulation with O(pf of Public ice Counsel, by Snrint-Florida. Iticorporated. ' 060000-OT Undocketcd filings for 2006. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTIOE 06029-05 Mann Tcitzman Confidential claim r r 364.183(1), S. GCLITeitzman. Ro'as (C~NFIDENTIAL) Attachment 2 to 6/24/05 staff recommendation. 00429-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), Sprint (Masterton) - (CONFIDENTIAL) 4th quarter 2005 Schedule 8 (residence and busincss access lines by Retail, Resale, and UNE-P), as required by Rule 25-4.0185. CMPIHunter (CONFIDENTIAL) Alltel territory access line and provider information; advises document was produced for analysis in preparing 2005 rcport on status, of competition in telecommunications industry report. RETAIN 4 00446-06 fg &VL$ No lcad stf. No lead att. fz Confidential claim 364.183( l), 72 J 2/' - RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 00447-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. STATUS Confidential claim DESCRIPTION X!?; & D )$ L ; RETAIN R15TURN * / lines; advises document was produced for analysis in preparing 2005 re ort on status o competition in telccommunications report. unter (CONFIDENTIAL) Appendix C (various sorts); advises document was produced for analysis in preparing 2005 re ort on status o competition in telecommunications report. unter CONFIDENTIAL) oIP VGE lines; advises document was produced for analysis in preparing 2005 re ort on status o competition in telecommunications industry report. P 00448-06 No lcad stf. Confidential claim P 00449-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential ~p.y claim 364.183( I), G P 73 I ! ___ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 00450-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. N o lcad att. STATUS Confidential claim f e r 364. I83( l), S. DESCRIPTION CMP/Hunter (CONFIDENTIAL) 2004 CLEC acces; lines; advises document was produced for analysis in preparing 2005 re ort on status o competition in telecommunications industry report. Verizon RETAlN RETURN J __ P 00797-06 01277-06 No lcad stf. No lead att. Confidential claim No lcad stf. No lead att. fz \i iv\9fi S. Confidential claim 364.183( l), [%%gLNTIAL) 4th quarter 2005 Schedule 8 (residence and business access lines by Retail, Resale, and UNE-P), re uired b Rule 25-1.0185. drizon Christian bONF&NTIAL) raft Of Verizon c apter from Review of Pole Inspection and Maintenance Practices of BellSouth, Sprint, and Verizon. 74 . . - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 01 587-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Undocketed telecom co re uest treate as claim 1 DESCRlPTlON BellSouth (Kay, Lack$ IDENTIAL) (CO Responses and supplemental res onses to sta f s first and second data requests; staffs draft cop of BellSout6s cha ter of Review ole of $ Inspection and Maintenance Practices of BcllSouth, Sprint, P 2/3/06); and staffs work apers and workp an column audit notes. Includes one C ] [See Confidential DNs 06084-06 and 06088-061 P 6 75 RETAlN /' - RE'I'URN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketcd filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 0 1594-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. STATUS Confidential claim DESCRIPTIOK RETAIN Rl4:'l'URN Sprint (Masterton - (CONFIDENTl) AL) Hi hlighted in ormation in Scction 4.3 of joint-use a reements. See onfidential Ns 06082-06 and B 2 01653-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim fer 364.183( l), S. Lj\WO [j!P ' fi: 31&q!l 76 b 06088-2 Sprint ( asterton) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Hi hlighted in ormation noted in staffs document summaries, Docket No. 5, summary of contents; and joint use agreement list, summarizing agreements provided to staff on confidential CD for review of pole inspection and maintenance ractices of bellSouth, Sprint, and Verizon. P - / Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TlTLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 02063-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lcad att. DESCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim fer 364.183( l), S. Pactual information in work papers produced by staff during utility pole ins ection audit. [ ee DN 06088-061 BellSouth Meza (CONFID NTI L) List of customers impacted by area transfer ortion of St. Jo ns Realignment projert, per staff rc uest. [x-ref. I)#03571-06 on CD onlvl BclI$outh Meza CONFID. NTI L) omDact disk (CD) contiining list of ' customers impacted by area transfer ortion of St. Jo ns Realignment; is same as information filed 4/14/06. [x-rcf. DN 03335-06 in f 03335-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), {y L A R 03571-06 No lcad stf. No lead att. Confidential 8~ 364.183(claim l), L A d f: 77 Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 03596-06 04038-06 p&U 04678-06 04785-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lcad att. STATUS Confidential claim required by Rule 25-4.0185 FAC. Global Tei*Link f~364.183( l), R15'1'lJRN J Miami-Dade Kyphone contract 0. 104 betwcen County of Miami-Dade and TCG L,-Chj No lead stf. RETAIN Confidential p . 364.183(claim ~ l), E .L4d\J No lead stf. No lead att. DESCRIPTION Confidential claim 364.183( l), - f ; Undocketed telccom core uest treate as claim 1 78 Quarter-2006, Schedule 8 report, as re uired b Rule 5.4.01 5. BellSouth (Meza, Edenfield) CONFIDENTIAL) ertain business information in letter dated 6/2/06 in remonse to staffs 5/17/06 letter regarding !i!B t. Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 05263-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att. 1\ b , l \ h STATUS Confidential claim f e r 364.183( l), S. DESCRIPTION unauthorized charges being placed on consumers' local telephone bills by third parties. BellSouth Meza) (CONFID NTIAL) Attachment to Item No. 3 of attachment to letter claiming confidentiality, and CD in res onse to letter date 6/6/06 re Telco storm preparation. Verizon Christian [CONFIDhTIAL) nformation L a 053 13-06 No lcad stf. No lead att. $ I;\.V~' 058 18-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim f~364.183( l), Confidential claim 364.183( l), g ; regarding company re aration for go& hurricane season in response to 6/6/06 request. V cera Dixon +'bE"LL) c c f p e s to 2006 questionnaire; with attached Form 477 filed with the FCC. 79 RETAIN J J yi RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 05936-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att. DESCRIPTIO N STATUS Confidential claim Knology Schoonover k O N F D E J T 1AL) es onse to 2006 local RETAIN d KI<TULW - CLEC 06029-06 No lcad stf. Confidential claim Res onses to 2006 CLZC data requests 06043-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim - f~364.183( l), competition report data re uest (TX2 157 [diskette provided]. [CCA note: Per CCAIMenasco's conversation with Mr. Schoonover, this diskette replaces confidential diskette filed 6"" 05936- 6); 7/6/06 80 Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTIO K STATUS RETAIN RK'rURN hig F 1 O r i lighted version and 2 co ies were re erenced in error and are not included with this P 06082-06 No lcad stf. No lead att. z~ Confidential claim 364.183( l), CMP inson CONFIDENTIAL) b r i n t workpapers, 01 2 of 4 to Review of Pole Inspection and Maintenance Practices of BellSouth, Sprint, and Verizon. See Confidential N 0 1594-061 [Document provided in aper format anc ronCD.1 ~~l~,V~;on CONFIDENTIAL) / 1 - 6 06084-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Undocketed telccom core uest treate as claim I workpa ers, Vol 1 of 4 to eview of Pole Inspection and Maintenance Practices of BellSouth, Sprint, and Verizon. See Confidential N 01587-061 6 81 - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 0 1/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 06086-06 No lcad stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), 06088-06 No lead stf. No lcad att. DESCRIPTION [Document providcd in aper format an o n 3 CDs.] Da Star Forster -( z ~ ~ ~ ~ N T L L ) Rcs onse to stags [2006] FL CLEC data request (TX389). [Document frovided in paper onnat and on diskette.] B ~p; Confidential claim 364.183( l), contracts to review of pole inspection and Maintenance ractices of EellSouth, Sprint and Verizon; summaries were constructed from documents 02063-06, 1 I 153-05, 01 587-06, 0 I 594-06; and 01 593-06. 82 RETAIN J RIITURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTI 0N RETAIN R11:TURN / 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. 06128-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), lg c j . Time Warner Tclecom Adams) CONFID NTIAL) cs onse to sta#s 2006 CLEC data re uest _ . 5 (TAO.1 . [Document Frovided in paper ormat and on CD. SeeDNs 064 -06, 06575-06. 'E k i" . 14 06 138-06 06 140-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), No lcad stf. No lcad att. Con ~gfidentia1 claim 364.183( l), p.2 Rcs onse to sta8.s 2006 CLEC local competition report data request (TA003). [Document provided in DaDer format and o i CD.] TelCove (Pado (CONFIDENT AL) Res onse to stags 2006 CLEC local competition report data request (TX278). [Document provided in aper format an onCD;CDis being retained 1 a 83 d ' .. .- Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06 149-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lcad att. STATUS Confidential claim f e r 364.183(1), S. DESCRIPTION with Confidential DN 06138-06.1 Haves E-Government stags 2006 CLEC 06 156-06 No lcad stf. N ; , fz Confidential claim 364.183(1), 06161-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), 06 169-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim per 364.183( I), - fy 84 Res onse to FL CLEC data request. (TX448) [See DN 0'6403-061 ($west (IHanson) ONFDENTAL) Res onse to staffs 2006 CLEC local competition report data rquest TX273). See D 07 188-061 DS McCabe (CO FIDEN TAL) Res onse to staffs 2006 local competition data reauest - ILEC re ort. (TL718) [&e DN 06284-061 I4 r f r ) RETAIN J RETIJRN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTlON STATUS 06 179-06 No lcad stf. Confidential claim 06 183-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim er 364.183( I), 6 Sprint LP Nelson) - (CONFI ENTIAL) Rcs onse to staffs 2006 CLEC local competition datare uest. (TX043 [Document provided in paper ormat and on CD.] Winds tream L p i h E -N T I A L ) Willis w sta s 2006 local competition data reauest - ILEC re ort. (TL716 [ d e DNs 063 7-06, 06989-06. 0865 1-06,'and 0882 1-06] BTI (Tidmore) (COPSFIDENTIAL) Rcs onse to stags 2006 CLEC local competition data re uest (TXlOX. [Document provided in papcr onnat and on CD.] 2 06 185-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. $z Confidential claim 364.183( l), 85 RETAIN J iJ RETURN ~~ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 06188-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim Der 364.183(1). 06191-06 No lcad stf. DESCRIPTION Confidential claim 06193-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim p e-r 364.183( l), DcltaCom (Tidmore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to stags 2006 CLEC local competition data re uest (TXO56. [Document y-ovided in paper ormat and on datare uest. (TX82a [Provided in hard cop and on diskettej [See DN 06406-061 Lcvel3 Communications, LLC [Level 31 CL~C local competition data request TX23 8). [See D 06754-061 rf RETAIN J RETtIRN ~ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings DOCUMENT 06196-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. STATUS Confidential claim No lcad att. for 2006. 06199-06 z~ No lcad stf. No lcad att. DESCRIPTION tE!SiNTmL) es onse to sta#s 2006 CLEC local competition data re uest (TA025. [Document frovided in paper onnat and on data request ILEC reDort. ( T 7 ~ ~ ~ fDNe e 06202-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim p r 364.183( l), L A MCC Kaufman (CON IDENTI L) kes onse to 2006 ’ CL~C local compctition data request (TX842). [Document provided in aper format an onCD.1 a 87 RETURN Cox Communications Confidential claim er 364.183( l), 364.183( l), RETAIN J /” - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 0621 1-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. STATUS Confidential claim No lead stf. Confidential claim No lcad stf. No lcad att. L A BellSouth Meza (CONFID NT L) Res onse to 2006 loca competition data request ILEC report (TL720). [Document y i d e d in paper ormat and on P 062 17-06 La BellSouth Meza (CONFID NTI L) Rcs onse to 2006 loca competition data request - P 06214-06 Confidential claim fer 364.183( l), - J - - data reauest CLEC;e ort fTA062,FA032). Document Drovided 'in aper f o h a t a n i o n CD.i)iSee DN 06733- ] 88 RE'ILJIW DESCRIPTION Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 06221-06 06223-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. No lcad stf. DESCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim Der 364.183(1). Confidential claim 364.183( l), S. Verizon Florida RETAlN s RLSTIJIW data request ILEC report. [CCA note: Provided on CD on1 06422-8A 'See DN Verizon A>cess Res onse to 2006 loca competition data request - 7 ~i%$~g;E4c)te: 06225-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim p e r 364.183( l), 89 only.J Time Warner Cable CONF DENTIAL) r:r!ito 2006 local competition data request CLEC report. t Z j i j i grCCA tnote: (TX835) Z $ g e : Provid6dLinpaper format and on CD.l [See DNs 06757-06 and 07008-061 J -~ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 06237-06 No lcad stf. Confidential claim { 364.183( I), ; 06240-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( l), S. 06244-06 No lcad stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( l), 90 DESCRIPTION ACN Forster (CONf IDEN+IAL) , Res onse to stags 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX707). YDocument Frovided in paper ormat and on diskette.] BullsEye Forster -(CONF ENT L) Res onse to staffs 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX679). YDocumcnt Drovided in DaDer Format and 6n L A kes onse to sta#s 2006 CLEC data request on local com ctition (TX237). !Document provided in paper ormat and on CD.] J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 06247-06 06265-06 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION f r ' No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim Rcr 364.183( l), S. Frontier McCall - (CONF DENT AL) Res onse to staffs 2006 ILEC data request on local com etition DN No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183(I), S. RETAIN ./ US LEC Griffin) (CONF ENTIAL) Rcs onse to 2006 local fee CLIYC k 06277-06 No lcad stf. Confidential claim 364.183( l), ~y 91 Res onse to staff's 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX045). fDocumenl Frovided in paper ormat and on CD.] 4' RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 06280-06 06284-06 LEAD STFJATI. STATUS No lcad stf. N o lcad att. Confidential fg 364.183(claim l), No lcad stf. No lead att DESCRIPTION Confidential claim Res onse to stags 2006 ILEC data request on local com etition (TL727). [Document T i d e d in paper ormat and on stafh 2006 ILEC data request on local com etition; includes iskette i Eigi%9-06] 06347-06 No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim uer 364.183m esponse to uestion 11 of 006 ILEC local competition data request; advises response was inadvertently cxcluded from 7/ 13/06 filing [DN 06 182-061. 4- 92 Y g84 aA " 0% 5 m m 0 d Q 0 Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION 06406-06 No lead stf. Confidential claim Rer 364.183( I), S. 06410-06 No lcad stf. No r a p Confidential claim 364.183( I), {g Symtelco Geuder) (CONFI ENTIAL) Res onse to staffs 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX704). fDocument Frovided in paper ormat and on Confidential claim f ; 364.183( l), Time amer Telecom (Dunbar) (CONFIDENTIAL) Amended res onse to staffs 200 CLEC data reauest on local com etition LTA113). [See DNs 6 128-06. 06575-06; 06665-06, and 06872-061 i 064 17-06 1 8 No lcad stf. No lcad att. NuVoxfDNorton) CONF ENTIAL) 006Exchan e check list to 8LEC data request response; provided on diskette onlv i - -3 RETURN - 6 disketY F 94 RETAIN J - _. . Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TlTLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 06422-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lead att. STATUS DESCRIPTlON RETAIN Confidential claim 364.183( l), r;p.~ Amended res onse to staffs 2 0 0 t ILEC data request on local comDetition 06434-06 06437-06 fz No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( I), fz J Res onse to sta&s 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX230). fDocumenl y i d e d in paper ormat and on ~~ Supplemental res onse to staFfs 2006 CLEC data reauest on iocal cdmpetition (TX165 ; on CD on1 . (T 165) [See D d 06265-061 fc 95 RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT STATUS LEAD STFJATT. 06440-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim p r 364.183( l), S. 06460-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim er 364.183( l), No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim {er 364.183( l), S. 06536-06 96 DESCRIPTION J Kt Ernest Gilles ie -(CO FIDE T A L ) Res onse to sta8s 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX244). fDocument frovided in paper ormat and on RETAIN J RETURN - -_ J - - irst supplemental response to 2006 local competition data request CLEC report (TX03 1). [Document Frovided in paper ormat and on J - Rcs onse to staffs 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition bTX576). !See DNs 7080-06, 07 1 12-06, and 08085-06] ~ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 06575-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. STATUS Confidential claim er 364.183( l), DESCRIPTION Time Warner Telccom Adams) (CONFID NTIAL) (E Amended res onse to staffs 200 CLEC data reauest bTA013). [See'DNs 6 128-06, 064 17-06, 06665-06. and 06872-06j [Document provided in aper format an onCD] Trinsic Byrnes (CONF ENTAL) Res onse to stags 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX223). fDocumcnl grovided in paper ormat and on diskette1 Time Warner Tclecom Adams) (CONFID NTIAL) Amended res onse to staffs 200 CLEC data request on local RETAIN T 1/ - R 06594-06 No lcad stf. ~qy 06665-06 No lcad stf. Confidential claim Confidential claim 364.183( l), cf L f (E f ! 064 17-06; 97 J - / RKT U RN _ ~ _ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06706-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. DESCFUPTION STATUS Confidential claim _per 364.183( l), - 06575-06, and 06872-061 [Document provided in aper format an on diskette] Frontier McCall - (CONF\ DENT )AL) I Revised res onse to staffs 2096 ILEC data request on local competition. includes diskette DN cf RETAIN J RETURN - ~$~lX~~J.jSee 06733-06 No lcad stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183( l), [Document provided in aper format an on diskette] AT&T Hatch (CONF DEN IAL) Amended res onse to staffs 200 CLEC data re uest. (TA062, TA&2 [On pa er and JSee IfiN 062 17-0 ime Warner Cable B f-r! / - K 06737-06 No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim p e-r 364.183( l), [%%%iNTfiL) Amended res onse to staffs 200 CLEC data request. (TX835) Onpa er and CD.] [[See D%s 06225-06 and K 98 /' ~ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06754-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lead att. STATUS Confidential claim Rer 364.183( l), S. DESCRIPTION 07008-06 khrcns D (CONFf ENT L) Supplemental res onse to sta f s 2005 (sic) CLEC data request on local com etition (TX338). [Document P d e d in paper ormat and on CD See DN 06193-0 ] k i c u s iGeude;) ONF DENT AL) cs onse to sta#s 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition; includes iskette (TX861). [CCA note: Document y v i d e d in paper ormat and on diskette .] Vcrizon YhristianLCONFID NTIAL) 2nd quarter 2006 Schedule 8 (residence and business access lines by Retail, Resale, and UNE-P), required A RETAIN J F 06759-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), t-p.; 2 1 ' i 068 1 1-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), ,qy 99 d Rli'TURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06829-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att. STATUS Confidential claim g e r 364.183( l), S. DESCRIPTION by Rule 25-4.0185. PAETEC Messenger) - (CONF ENTIAL) Res onse to stags 2006 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX234) CCA note: iskette received in damaged condition due to delive process.] Time amer Telecom Adams) (CONFID NTIAL) Amended res onsc to staffs 2 0 0 t CLEC data request; information is urovided on CD 'only (TAO13). See DNs 06 128-02, 064 17-06. ;b b 06872-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), 06875-06 No lcad stf. 3 Confidential claim 364.183( I), fy 'E data request on local com etition (TX205). fDocument provided in paper 100 RETAIN RIITURN .. Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06882-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( l), g~ DESCRIPTION format and on CD. SecDN 071 -061 Interactive Services Network, 14 RETAIN / V/ - kCONFIDtoNTIAL) es onse staffs 2006 CLEC 06885-06 06904-06 No lead stf. No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim Confidential claim f~364.183( l), 101 data request on local competition; on paper and diskette. (TX364) Access Integrated Network, Inc. [%%iiiNTIAL) Res onse to stafk 2006 CLEC data request on local competition; on paper and diskette. (TX326) DeltaCom (Tidmorc - (CONFIDENTIAI?) Revised res onse to 2006 CLEC data request on local competition; letter dated 8/ 1/06 advises only data tables have been revised; all other information is / L RI'IIJRN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN RETURN consistent with 7114/06 filing; includes CD containing confidential and redacted versions. 06 188-06 0692 1-06 06989-06 No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim er 364.183( l), No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim cr 364.183(1). 2nd uarter 2006 Sche ule 8 (residence and business access lines by Retail, Resale, and -/ - to 2006 IL& local competition data request (TL7 16). [Document provided in aper format an onCD.1 [See DNs 06 183-06, 06347-06, 0865 1-06, and 08821-061 [CCA note : Windstrcam is new name for ALLTEL.] B 102 J - ~- Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketcd filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 07008-06 07023-06 07080-06 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS No lcad stf. No lead att. Confidential claim p e-r 364.183( l), No lcad stf. Confidential claim 364.183( I), S. No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim er 364.183( 1), DESCRIPTION Time Warner Cable d [%%%iNTIAL) Amended res onse to staffs 20oF CLEC local competition data request; includes pa erandCD. iTg835) [See DNs 6225-06 and 4 - cs onse to 2006 CLEC sa! tfs data request; includes CD. & E KcDonald\ -(CONF ENTIAL L! : Supplemental res onse to staFf s 2006 CLEC data request on local comDetition (TX576 .'[CCA note: C J ortion filed 8/8/$6 DN 07 1 I2-09# LSee DNs065 - 6and 08085-061 103 RETAIN d' RI<TUKN -~ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 07 1 12-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. STATUS fz Confidential claim 364.183( l), DESCRIPTION RETAIN / Comcast McDonald) - (CONF DENTIAL) Revised response to staffs 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TXy76). [CCA note: provided on CDonly a er version 1 e f i-PB LDN yd 07 1 14-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim Der 364.183(1). 070808/7/06 ~SCC DNs065 - 6and 08085-061 XO(Kaufman (CONFIDEN IAL) Revised res onse to staffs 20 6 CLEC data request on local com etition (TXg05). [Document Frovided in paper onnat and on CD. SeeDN 068 -061 Verizon {ChristianLCONFID NTIAL) FCC '$0-nn 477 per staffs CLEC data re uest; on CD on y. B 07 150-06 No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim _per 364.183( l), - .31F 4 104 4 J RIITURN Inventory of confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 07 178-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att. DESCRIPTION STATUS IL Confidential claim Revised tables 1 and 2 to staff's 2006 ILEC data reauest on local cobpetition; includes CD. DN XTgkl,;TJfee 07 188-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( I), S. It 074 15-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. q 364.183(claim ,Confidential l), ; Verizon kONFIDLNTIAL) Christian - west Hanson oNF\DENTaL) Revised1 remonse i o staffi200& CLEC data request on local competition; includes CD on1 . w es onse to sta s follow-up questions re Tarding 2006 C~EC local competition data request. 105 RETAIN 7 J - d' RI'TURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undockcted filings for 2006. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. 08085-06 No lcad stf. No lcad att. 08483-06 STATUS Confidential claim p e r 364.183( l), S. DESCRIPTION No lcad stf. No lead att. RETAlN RETURN Comcast McDonald) - (CONF DENTIAL) Second supplemental res onse to stnpf's 2006 CLEC data re uest bTX572). [See DNs 6536-06, 07080-06, and f t / - 08567-06 No lcad stf. Confidential claim 364.183( l), S. 0865 1-06 No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim information request re: local service provisioning and maintenance request. Frontier Communications of the South, Lnc. Guinness (;CONFIDkNTIAL) F c C o m 477 (TL722). W indstream evised res onse to 2006 ant2005 ILEC local competition data request Table 1 106 - y/ - tc" Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TlTLE DOCUMENT 08806-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att. J \ v!l Confidential claim {er 364.183( l), S. No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), $u- 0882 1-06 STATUS 8 ; DESCRIPTION (TL716). [See DNs 06183-06, 06347-06, 06989-06, and 08821-061 [CCA note: Windstream is new name for ALLTEL.] BellSouth (Sims) (CONFID~NTI~L) Res onses to sta s 9/5/06 cramming request. Windstream RETURN /’ w and 2005 ILEC local competition data re uest table 1. (TL716) [CCA note: Provided on1 onCD. D d 06183-&See s 06347-06. 06989-061 and 0865 1-06] 107 RETAIN d’ __ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undockctcd filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 09988-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att. STATUS DESCRIPTION Order issued BellSouth Confidential claim 364.183( l), 911 8 0 6 staff re uest for copies o each contract signed by developer with accompanying COLR letter used by BellSouth along with all correspondence between BellSouth and each developer that received a COLR letter. See DN 09364-06\ [Carrier of last iesort .I Verizon icoNF&TuL) Christian - RETAIN d r 10033-06 IV;VF;d? No lead stf. fcg chedule 8, which contains number of residence and business access lines by retail, resale, and UNEP for 3rd quarter 2006. 108 J - RI<:TURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TlTLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTION STATUS RETAIN / 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. 10136-06 No lcad stf. No $ad att. Confidential claim 364.183( I), S. 10458-06 No lcad stf. Confidential claim 364.183( l), 10511-06 No lcad stf. No 1ctyT; Nfi 060 158-TL Investigation of protection of customer proprietary network information by incumbent local exchange companies. 005 14-06 Moses Tan 8~ 3rd quarter 2006 Schedule 8 (residence and business access lines by Retail, Resale, and WE-P). Embar Masterton - (CO?JbIDENTIAL) Res onse letter to ChfP/Watts dated 11/14/06.2nd Confidential claim f~364.183(1\,, Confidential claim 364.1 83( 1). 8% w Res onses to sta s request on cramming. Verizon jChristiankCONFID NTIAL) c o yof "sa eguarding customer information" methods and procedures; and copy of fraud alert bulletin distributed to all employees. [CCA notc: Document moved to Docket e 109 J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS fz 005 17-06 MOSCS Tan Confidential claim 364.183( l), 0052 1-06 Moses Tan Confidential claim 364.183( l), DESCRIPTION 0601 58 per DN 04155-06.1 rllSouthAKy2 CONFID N AL) esponse to Commission's inquiry regarding certain data on !f activity. et CCA note: ocument moved to Docket 060 158 per DN 041 55-06.] Sprint (Masterton - (CONFIDENT L) Attachment to letter directed to CMP/Moses in res onse to sta f s request for information regarding processes and procedures for a F ocument moved to Docket 060 158 per DN 04155-06.1 110 RETAIN L L RE'L'UKN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisionlOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 0601 58-TL Investigation of protection of customcr proprietary network information by incumbent local exchange compatiies. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRlPTION RETAIN RETURN / ran Confidential claim per 364.183( l), Vcrizon (H er (C0NFIDEkT)IAL) Attachment No. 1, Safeguarding Customer Information Mcthods and Procedures. SIL 03847-06 Moscs Tan Confidential claim 364.183( l), Y ! - 03881-06 Moscs Tan Confidential claim f~364.183( l), Verizon H er (CONFI6AT)IAL) Attachment No. 2, ’ Verizon Employee Bulletin Fraud Alert: Scammers Attempting to Gain Customer Information. TDS TelecotdQuincy _J __ 03846-06 Moscs .s. 8; ((CMCCabe) ONFIDENTIAL) Sycific sections o response to. request to review security measures to protect Customer Proprietary Network In formation (CPNI). 111 Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 0601 58-TL Investigation of protection of customer proprietary network information by incumbent local exchangc companies. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTION STATUS 03999-06 Moscs Tan Confidential claim 364.183( I), 040 18-06 Moscs Tan L ALLTEL Wahlen) CONFID NTIAL) es onse to Order PS8-06-0258-PAA-1.L RETAIN J f~364.183( l), 8; k Confidential claim kcsponse to Commission's 3/7/06 (sic) order. 04036-06 Moscs Tan Confidential claim f e r 364.183( l), 1 c .o. \ a Frontier McCall - (CONF DENT L) Summary report of review of security measures for customer proprietary network information. See DN 04193-0 ] L 112 J RK'L'URN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 060 158-TL Investigation of protection of customer proprietary network information by incumbent local exchange companies. 04 193-06 06025 1-E1 02379-06 Requcst for confidentiality of electric service quality and reliability audit, by Gulf Powcr Company. LEAD STFJATT. MOSCS Tan STATUS Confidential claim f ; 364.183( l), DESCRIPTlON \ A Frontier McCall - (CONF DENT L) Summary report; includcs hi hlighted and re lined documents in response to Commission Rule 25-22.006(3 a 1 F e e DN 04&-06] PC Ritenour (CON IDENT AL) ( F f RcsDonses to dochment re ucsts 1.6a, 1.21, 1%4, 1.30a. 1.32. 1.33a; 2.3e:f, 3.3b, 3.4,4.4a-b, and certain auditor working papers Workload Contro No. RR-04-07-00 1 . GT Com (Hof man) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onses to sta s 1st set of interrogatories (Nos. 2 and 13) and 1st reauest $r PODS (No. 2). x-ref. DN 5359-06 [Hearing Exhibit 0.4 contains DNs Fishcr Cibula Order issued 04686-06 Smith Smith Order issued 1 fF 4 113 RETURN / J % f 060300-TL Petition for recovery of intrastate costs and expenscs rclating to repair, restoration and replacement of facilities damaged by Hurricane Dennis, by GTC, Inc. d/b/a GT Com. RETAIN J __ SO Y E W a G E 0 cc s 2 0 E Y W + E U c’ r . A c’ . Y 0 L s E . I 1 cc z 3 u 8 % a m .- 2 v) s m .B 8 \D ? 0 v , 00 m 0 \o ? 0 l n m v , 0 Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060476-TL Petition to initiate rulemakin to amend Ru es 25-24.630( 1) and 25.24.5 16(l), F.A.C.. bv BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 08527-06 LEAD STFJATT. Scott Scott Confidential claim 364.183( l), Scott Scott Staff recom fld; awaiting order Scott Scott Staff recom fld; awaiting order 8; f 02676-07 0277 1-07 DESCRIPTION STATUS BellSouth J [%i%8ENTIAL) Post-workshop comments on proposed amendments to Rules 25-24.630 and 25-24.5 16( p ONF DENTIAL) \Cox) - d' nformation contained in Attachment A to response to staff data re uest dated 3119/03. BellSouth (Meza, Edenfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) Portions of res onse to sta f s first data re uest. x-ref. Di'?0338 -071 F 115 RETAIN s J' RITURN E .. 3 3 k3 Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 060479-TP DOCKET TITLE Petition b lorida Verizon Fy Inc. for resolution of disputc with XO Communications Services, Inc. concerning non-UNE transport facilities retained at UNE prices. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION 05803-06 Wiggins Wiggins Order issued Vcrizon O'Roark - (CONF DENT1 L) Certain information in petition for dispute resolution with XO Communications, and in exhibits filed with petition. 06609-06 Wiggins Wiggins Confidential claim $~364.183(1), XO Communications \ E % NL L & % TA) Certain hi hlighted in ormation in answer to Vcrizon's petition for dispute resolution and reauest for docket oksolidation with docket 60365-TP1. [See DN 06673-06 for amended page 91 f3 117 A RETAIN J - RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE Petition b Verizon Fy lorida Inc. for resolution of dispute with XO Communications Services, Inc. concerning non-UNE transport facilitics retaincd at UNE rices. 06058 1-TP Fetition of Alltel Communications, Inc. for desi nation as eligi le telecommunications carrier (ETC) in certain rural tele hone company stu yareas located artially in Allte ‘s licenscd area and for redefinition of those study areas. 060479-TP DOCUMENT 06673-06 07960-06 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Wiggins Wiggins Confidential ~p.y claim 364.183( l), Mann Teitzman Order issued % B P 118 DESCRIPTION XO Communications [%%3ENTIAL) Amended page 9 of confidential version of answer [DN 06609-061. Alltel Rowel1 CON IDEN IAL) Lusiness. information containing projected five year build out plan, Exh D to application. k r ’ RETAIN J - RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 06058 1-TP DOCKET TITLE Pctition of Alltel Communications, Inc. for dcsi nation as eligi le telecommunications carrier (ETC) in certain rural tele hone company stuc ryareas located artially in Allte s licensed area and for redcfinition of those study arcas. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION 09468-06 Mann Tcitzman Order issued tlltcl Rowell CON IDEN IAL) esponsc to staff data request 36; includes redacted version. 00084-07 Mann Teitzman Order issued clltel Rowell CON IDEN IAL) cmonse to data reqiest No. 43(i). a b 1 ) F 119 6 T ’ RETAIN RlSTURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 06058 1-TP Petition of Alltel Communications, Inc. for desi nation as eligi le telecommunications carrier (ETC) in ccrtain rural tele hone company yarcas stuc r located artially in Allte 's licenscd area and for redefinition of those study areas. DOCUMENT 00294-07 LEAD STFJATT. Mann Teitzman STATUS Staff recom fld; awaiting order DESCRIPTION Embar Masterton - (COfiLDENTfi 1 Res onse to sta s data request which includes highlighted portions on access line spreadsheet. f. 8 % P 02 1 1 1-07 Mann Teitzman Staff recom fld; awaiting order rcquest No. 47), dated 21 6/07. '2 120 RETAIN RKTURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 060582-TP DOCKET TITLE Petition of Alltel Communications, h c . for dcsi nation as eligi le telecommunications carrier (ETC) in certain rural tele hone company yareas stuLr located entirely in Alltel's licensed area. DOCUMENT 07963-06 LEAD STFJATT. Mann Tcitzman STATUS DESCRIPTION Order issucd I / information consisti? of projecte five year build out plan, Exh D to application. % 6 4 09468-06 Mann Tcitzman Order issued Alltel Rowell (CON IDEN IAL) Response to staff data request 36; includes redacted version. 00084-07 Mann Tcitzman Ordcr issued clltel Rowel1 CON IDEN IAL) esponse to data request No. 43(1). 121 RETAIN 6 1 ) RI'I'URN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE study areas located entirely in Alltel's licensed area. 060598-TL Petition to recover 2005 tropical system related costs and ex enses, by Be%South Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 08753-06 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS Order issued DESCRIPTIOK BellSouth kGurdian E-N T f i L ) ONFd esponse.to Commission's 9/18/06 subpoena. 09282-06 Bellak Order issued Bcllak BellSouth (Meza, ~ ocuments provided ) fii%k~TuL in response to staffs 1st request for production (No. 2) and attachment to staffs 1st set of interro atories (NO. 34 !-ref. DN 09 5 -061 [CLK note: Hearin Exhibit No. contains DNs 09282-06, 09859-06, 10649-06, and 1 1079-06.1 7 122 RETAIN J REI'llRN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 060598-TL DOCKET TITLE Petition to recover 2005 tropical system related costs and ex enses, by Be lSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 09284-06 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS Order issued 'I DESCRIPTlON BellSouth (Meza, ertain documents provided in response to Citizens' 1st reauest for r6duction (Nos. 7 - 5 , and rx-ref. D b9856-061 BellSouth Meza) (CONFID NTIAL) Responses to CompSouth's 1st re uest for PODs of ocuments 4 and 5. [x-ref. DN 10204-061 CLK note: DNs 9526-06 and 10204-06 arc art of Hearin Exhibit No. l?] RETAIN RETURN J_ - 2. 09526-06 Bellak Bcllak Order issucd L- \f . - 0 b 09856-06 Bellak Bellak Order issued esponses to Citizens' 1st re uest for PODs os. 1-5 and 7). (2 123 i - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 060598-TL DOCKET TITLE Petition to recover 2005 tropical system related costs and ex enses, by Be lSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 09859-06 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS DESCRIPTIOK bi Order issued w Res onses to sta s 1st re uest for PODs $0.2) and attachment to 1st set of interrogatories LNo. 3). Jx-ref. N 092 2-06] [CLK note: Hearin Exhibit No. contains DNs 09282-06, 09859-06. 7 7 10204-06 Bellak Bellak Order issued BellSouth TMeza. Responses to CompSouth's 1st re uest for PODs os. 4 and 5). (2 k E E DNs " note: $ C L 9526-06 and 10204-06 are art of Hearin 8 Exhibit No. 1 1 124 RETAIN RliTURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TlTLE 060598-TL Petition to recover 2005 tropical system related costs and ex enses, by Be lSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 10580-06 LEAD STF./ATT. Bellak Bellak DESCRIPTION STATUS Staff recom fld; awaiting order BcllSouth Meza (CONFID NT L) Surrebuttal testimonies of Kath K. Blake with xh KKB- 1, Ronald L. Hi1 er with Exhs RL -3, RLH-4, and RLH-5, and C.S. Pcnder rass with Exhs S -3 and SP-5. [Document r l u d e s 2 CDs See DN 1107 -061 Ld i 7 RETAIN RISTURN / L - r; f 10649-06 Bellak Bellak d Order issued - evised response to stafl's 1st request for production of documents No. 2. CLK note: Hearing xhibit No. 7 contains DNs 09282-06, 09859-06, 10649-06, and 1 1079-06.1 h 125 - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060598-TL Petition to recover 2005 tropical system related costs and cx enses, by Be lSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 10727-06 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS Staff recom fld; awaiting order 7 DESCRIPTION BcllSouth (Meza, Edenfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) Attachments provided in res onse to sta f s 2nd set of [iterro ytories 0.20 . [CCA note: Includes CD. SeeDN 110 -061 BellSouth Gurdian [CONFdENTIAL) ate-Filed De osition Ex ibits 3,4, 6, and 8 of Kathy K. Blake. F 1 1072-06 Bellak Bellak Order issued Jl F: I 1076-06 Bellak Bellak Order issued Surrebuttal testimony and exhibits of Kathy K. Blake. Ronald L. Hilye< and C. S. Pender rass. [Sce DN fO580-061 126 RETAIN RETURN l/ __ - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060598-TL Petition to recover 2005 tropical system related costs and ex enses, by BeYlSouth Tclccommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 11079-06 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN Order issucd Revised response ’ to staffs 1st set of interro atories, Item Ng 3 . [CLK 0. note: Hearin Exhibit No. contains DNs 09282-06, 09859-06, 10649-06. and 11079-06:] BellSouth kGurdian - I A L ) OdENT 7 1 1082-06 1 1086-06 Bellak Bellak Bellak Bellak Order issued Order issued evised response to OPC’s 1st set of interro atories, Item Ng 0.4, and 1st request for production of documents, Item No. 2. BcllSouth Res onse to sta fFs 2nd set of interrogatories, No. 20 (Attachment). [See 127 d J - RI.I’URN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 0606 14-TC Compliance investigation of TCG Public Communications, Inc. for apparent violation of Section 364.183( 1). F.S.. Access tb Company Records, and dctermination of amount and a propriate method l"0r rehndin overcharges or collect calls made from inmate pay telephones. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 097 19-06 Lewis Tan Confidential claim fer 364.183( l), S. 09787-06 Lcwis Tan fr DESCRIPTIOK DN 10727-061 AT&T Hatch CONF EN IAL) Business. information, Exh "C" to response to subpoena duces tecum without deposition. b.r! f Confidential claim 364.183( l), I.J TCG Butler CON IDE TIAL) Jcrtain in formation provided in res onse to sta f s 1st set of interrogatories. e 128 RETAIN J RIXURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 0 1/0 1/1989 th rough 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE from inmate pay tclcphones. DOCUMENT 10244-06 STATUS LEAD STFJATT. Lewis Tan Confidential claim 364.183(1), fy DESCRIPTION t Global SelQ CONF DENTIAL) Lcrtain information provided in res onse to sta f s sub oena, item No. RETAIN J ___ F 11 1 1 1-06 Lewis Tan Confidential claim 364.183( I), 8~ 129 6 Evcrcom Kaufman) - (CONFI ENTIAL) Rcsponses 1-4 to subpoena duces tecum without deposition. ASee DN 11401- 61 /" Ir_ RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE collect calls madc from inmate pay telephones. DOCUMENT 1 140 1-06 LEAD STFJATT. Lewis Tan STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( l), ; ; DESCRIPTION Evercom Kaufman) - (CONFI ENTIAL) Supplemental remonse to staff sub'poena re uest, NO. 4. [See 1 11 11-06] 6 RETAIN i d 8~ 1 1545-06 Lewis Tan Confidential claim fer 364.183(1), S. re%- TCG ID NTIAL) CON Lcrtain information provided in supplemental res onses to sta f s 1st request for PODS (No. 1). P 130 J' RISTURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE overcharges for collect calls madc from inmate pay telephones. DOCUMENT 02095-07 LEAD STFJATT. Lewis Tan STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( I), S. p DESCRIPTION T-NETIX (Kaufman RETAIN J w Res onse to sta s informal data re uest [dated 3/6/07 . See DN 029 9-07] 4 02979-07 Lewis Tan Confidentialclaim Der 364.183(1). . 6.S. I , T-NETIX Mo le t CoNFIDLNTiiL) Amended response to staffs informal data re uest [dated 2/2/07]. See DN 02095-0 ] 5 131 J - RIS'TURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE for refundin overcharges or collect calls made from inmate pay telephones. Petition to investigate, claim for damages, complaint, and other statements against respondents Evercom Systems, Inc. d/b/a Correctional Billing Services and BellSouth Corporation, by Bessie Russ. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN B 060640-TP 10509-06 02365-07 L A Tan Tan Confidential claim 364.183( l), f? BellSouth Meza (CONFID NTI L) Res onses to sta s request. Tan Tan Rc forwarded to sta f for recom BellSouth (Meza, Edenfield) CONFIDENTIAL) ortions of response and answer to Michael RUSS' petition for ? 132 w f. - RlCTLrRN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060640-TP Petition to investigate, claim for damages, complaint, and other statements against respondents Evercom Systems, Inc. d/b/a Correctional Billing Services and BellSouth Corporation, by Bessie Russ. 060644-TL Petition to recover 2005 tropical system related costs and expenses, by Embarq Florida, Inc. DOCUMENT 02950-07 LEAD STFJATT. Tan Tan STATUS Re forwarded to sta f for recom ? DESCRIPTlON BellSouth (Meza, p%i~i$kTIAL,) response and answer to Michael Russ' petition for 08857-06 Bellak Bellak Order issued Hi' hlighted in ormation in Exhibits KWD-2 and KWD-3 of affidavit of Kent W. Dickerson. Embar Masterton) Hi(ohlighted - c% N w ) &TL ? 10366-06 Bcllak Bellak Order issued P in ormation in Exhs KWD-3. through KWD-5 to direct testimony of Kent W. Dickerson. 133 RETAIN __ RETURN /B Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 060644-TL DOCKET TITLE Petition to recover 2005 tropical system related costs and expenses, by Embarq Florida, Inc. DOCUMENT 10437-06 1 1799-06 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Bellak Bellak Order issued Bcllak Bcllak Order issued DESCRIPTION Embar Masterton - (coi&DENTw f_ ) Res onse to stafFs request for production of documents, No. 2. [CCA note: Hearing Exhibit No. 9 consists of confidential DNs 10437-06 and I 1799-06.1 Embar Masterton) - (Co;YLIDENTIAL) At tachment interrogatory 53, business information. [CCA note: Hearin Exhibit No. consists of confidential DNs 10437-06 and 11799-06.1 Embar Masterton - (CoiGiDENTU Highlighted data rovided in Kent v . Dickerson's ! late-filed deposition Exh No. 2. [CCA note: Document art of Hearing Ex ibit No. 5.1 RETAIN J - J 8 1 1883-06 Bellak Bellak Order issued L R 134 RISTURN IL - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060644-TL Pctition to recover 2005 tropical system rclatcd costs and expenses, by Embarq Florida, Inc . 060650-TL Joint petition a ainst BellSouth elecommunications , Inc., Embarq Florida, Inc., and Verizon Florida Inc. for billing chargcs unauthorized by Telecommunications Consumer Protection Act and request for refunds, by Citizens of the State of Florida and Attorney General. F DOCUMENT 00078-07 11507-06 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak Kennedy Tan STATUS DESCRIPTION L Order issued Rcsponse to Audit Rc uest No. 17.1. A + ! note: ocument is being filed for purpose of being entered into record as fz Confidential claim 364.183( I), &?&entia1 Hearing Exhibit No. 6.1 I"" CONFIDENTIAL) nfonnation on CD -conceming customer accounts, as rovided to C& staff in Se tember 2006 by A 8 f soffice x-ref Fza bs6:, 1479-06 for claim DN ~~~~~ from EDNKeating.1 135 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060650-TL Joint petition a ainst BellSouth elecommunications , Inc., Embarq Florida, Inc., and Verizon Florida Lnc. for billing charges unauthorized by Telecommunications Consumer Protection Act and request for refunds, by Citizens of the State of Florida and Attorney General. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS fz 1 1508-06 Kcnnedy Tan Confidential claim 364.183( l), 1 1509-06 Kennedy Tan Undefined 7f: DESCRIPTION J CONFIDENTIAL) nformation on CD regarding customer accounts, as provided to CMP ktaff by AG's office on 12113/06 in response to staffs 1st request for production of documents No. 1 (x-ref 1 1507-06). h t e rete1 (CO~FIDENTIAL) information provided to CMP staff on 12/13/06 b AGs office, on [CCA note: 1s rclated to DNs I 1507-06 and I 1508-06.1 ZD. 136 RETAly RE'I'URN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE Gcneral. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTIOS t. 1 1644-06 Kennedy Tan Confidential claim 364.183( I), 8; Embar Masterton - (COfiLDENTIA ) Responses to PODS 1, 3 and 4. 1 1700-06 Kennedy Tan Confidential claim z e r 364.183( l), S. Embar Masterton - (C0fiLIDEN-d) Rcsponses to POD No. 2. 137 RETAIN J ai RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION and Attorney General. 1 1716-06 Kenncdy Tan Staff recom fld; awaiting order RETAIN J Information in res onses to sta f s 1st set of interrogatories and 1st request for production of documents. F 00269-07 Kennedy Tan Staff recom fld; awaiting order BellSouth (Meza, Edenfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) Attachment A to request for specified confidential classification of DNs00269-0 , 00270-07. 0027 1-07; 00272-07, and 00273-071, res onses to sta f s 1st [7 F- 138 J - RlCTIJRN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE State of Florida and Attomey General. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION IiETAlN request for PODs (No. 3). 00270-07 Kennedy Tan Staff recom fld; awaiting order BellSouth (Meza, Edenfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) Attachment B to request for specified confidential classification of DNs00269-0 , 00270-07, 0027 1-07. 00272-07; and 00273-071, res onses to sta f s 1st re uest for PODs 3). 5 P (20. 0027 1-07 Kennedy Tan Staff recom fld; awaiting order BellSouth (Meza, Edenfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) Attachment C to ’ request for spccified confidential classification of DNs00269-0 , 00270-07, 0027 1-07, 00272-07, and 00273-071, responses to 57 139 J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Citizens of the State of Florida and Attorney General. DESCRIPTlON staffs 1st request for PODs (No. 3). 00272-07 Kennedy Tan Staff recom fld; awaiting order BellSouth (Meza, Edenfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) Attachment A to request for specified confidential classification of DNs00269-0 , 00270-07, 0027 1-07. 00272-07, and 00273-071, res onses to sta f s 1st re uest for PODs ( 0 2). $. 57 F 00273-07 Kennedy Tan Staff recom fld; awaiting order I40 BellSouth (Meza, Edenfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) Attachment B to request for specified confidential classification [of DNs 00269-0'7, 00270-07, 0027 1-07. 00272-07; and 00273-071, RETAIN J - RETIJRN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisionlOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE refunds, by Citizens of the State of Florida and Attorney General. 060763-TL Petition for waiver of carrier of last resort obligations for multitenant ro erty in Eofier County. known as Treviso Bay, by Embarq Florida, Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN res onses to sta f s 1st request for PODS (No. 2). P 10660-06 BUYS Wiggins Order issued B f I! 141 t. Embar Masterton - (CO#d'IDENTIA ) Hi hlighted in onnation on p 5 of Attachment , affidavit of Michael J. DeChellis ; hi hlighted in onnation on pgs 3,4, and 5 of Attachment 2, affidavit of Kent W, Dickerson; Exh KWD-1 to affidavit of Kent W. Dickerson; and hi hlighted in onnation on lines 1-12 of column 2 and lincs 13-23 of COlumIIS 2-21 of Exh KWD-2 to affidavit of Kcnt W. Dickerson. 'i EL RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060763-TL Petition for waiver of carrier of last resort obligations for multi t enant DOCUMENT 1 1434-06 LEAD STF./AT1'. BUYS Wiggins DESCRIPTION STATUS Order issued F:fiZC:unty known as Treviso Bay, by Embarq Florida, Inc. Hi'ghlighted information on pg 6 of DeChellis testimony; hi hlighted in ormation on pgs 3-5 of Dickerson testimony; Exhibit KWD-1 to Dickerson testimony; hi hlighted in ormation on lines 1-12 of column 2 and lines 13-23 of columns 2-2 1 of Exhibit KWD-2 to Dickerson testimon IDENTIAL) f f 1 188 1-06 BUYS Wiggins Order issued r;.TinfibLasterton) CD containin Treviso Bay IPV § cash flow anal sis with detail. [ CA note: Document 01 5 13-07 (Hearing Exhibit No. 4) consists of ortions of DNs 1881-06, 00 149-07, 00 184-07, 2 7 142 RETAJN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 00080-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Wiggins STATUS Order issued DESCRIPTION RETAIN RETURN 00492-07, 00932-07, and 01 201-07.1 Treviso Bay furnished per staffs 12/20/06 informal data request. CCA note: D 01514-07 (Hearing Exhibit No. 6) consists of DNs 00080-07 and 00955-07.1 Embar Masterton - (CoiiLDENTm ) Rcs onse to sta s data request No. El. See DN 00184-07] CCA note: ocument 015 13-07 (Hearing Exhibit No. 4) consists of g$ixy6;f DNs IJ 00 149-07 Wiggins BUYS Order issued w t 00 149-07, 00 184-07, 00492-07, 00932-07, and 01 20 1-07.] 143 t J -~ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060763-TL Petition for waiver of carrier of last resort obligations for multi tenant DOCUMENT 00184-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Wiggins Buys Wiggins Order issued RETAIN Order issued F%n : : i u z ty known as Treviso Bay, by Embarq Florida, Inc. 00492-07 DESCRIPTION STATUS ~~~ Response to staff data request No. E 1 :Market Share Stud . SeeDN 00 ld$-b71 [CCA note: Document. 0 I 5 13-07 (Hearing Exhibit No. 4) consists of Dortions of DNs 11881-06, 00 149-07, 00 184-07, 00492-07. 00932-07; and 0 1 20 1-07.] Embar Masterton) - (COfi$IDENTIAL) Res onses to stafFs PODS (Nos. 1-7). [CCA note: Document 0 15 13-07 (Hearing Exhibit No. 4) consists of ortions of DNs I 88 1-06, 00 149-07, 00 184-07, 00492-07. 00932-071 and 0 120 1-07.] P 144 RETURN J .. Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 060763-TL DOCKET TITLE Petition for waiver of carrier of last resort obligations for multi tenant DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. 00582-07 BUYS Wiggins 0062 1-07 BUYS. _ . Wiggins STATUS Order issued FYasinTreviso o ier" I County y known Bay, by Embarq Florida, Inc. Order issued DESCRIPTION RETAIN 1 Embar Masterton - (Coi$DENTu ) Response to Treviso Bay's interrogatories (No. 5 . res onses to PObS f s . 4, 5 , and 7). CCA note: DN 1516-07 (Hcaring Exhibit No. 11) consists of ortions of DNs 0&82-07 and 0062 1-07.] Embar Masterton) - (CO&DENTIAL) Rcsponse to Treviso Bay's POD RETURN -~ J - ._ %fCA 00773-07 BUYS Wiggins Orc,Jr issue1 145 note: (No* 01516-07 (Hearing Exhibit No. 11) consists of ortions of DNs 0&82-07 and 0062 1-07.] Treviso Bay Wri ht [COWFI)DENT~L) Portions of Exh DJW-4 of Don J. Wood's testimony, alternate cash flow analysis. J - __ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060763-TL Pctition for waiver of carrier of last resort obligations for mu1titenant ro erty in EolPier County known as Treviso Bay, by Embarq Florida, Inc. DOCUMENT 00932-07 LEAD STF./ATT. BUYS Wiggins DESCRlPTlOlV STATUS Order issued Hi hlighted in onnation-in inteno atones, Nos. 2 ,21, and 22; and in request for admissions, No. 4. [CCA note: Document 0 1513-07 (Hearing Exhibit No. 4) consists of ortions of DNs 1881-06. 00 149-07; 00 184-07, 00492-07, 00932-07, and 0 1201-07.1 tg 8 P 00955-07 BUYS Wiggins Order issued eertain documents' bein hrnished to staf and Embarq as part of Treviso Bay's responses to staffs discoveg. [CCA note: D 01514-07 (Hearing Exhibit No. 6) consists of DNs 00080-07 and 00955-07 .] P 146 RETAl J Rli'f lJ RN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060763-TL Petition for waiver of carrier of last resort obligations for mu1ti tenant ro ertyin Eoiier County known as Treviso Bay, by Embarq Florida. Inc. DOCUMENT 0 120 1-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Wiwins STATUS DESCRIPTION RlTIJRN Order issued vu Hi' hlighted in ormation in interrogatories (Nos. 29 and 30); and res onse to staffs IOD (No. J ) 8). [CCA note: Document 0 15 13-07 (Hearing Exhibit No. 4) consists of ortions of DNs 188 1-06, 00 149-07, 00 184-07, 00492-07, 00932-07, and 01 20 1-07.] Embar Masterton - (CO8blDENTIA ) Hi hlighted in ormation on pf;$and 9 of tg P 0 1228-07 Wiggins BUYS Order issued B Dickerson's surrebuttal testimony . 147 t / - % ' Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060763-TL Petition for waiver of carrier of last resort obligations for multitcnant ro erty in EolPier County known as Treviso Bay, by Embarq Florida, Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 01418-07 BUYS Wiggins Order issued 0 15 13-07 BUYS Wiggins DESCRIPTlON L Comcast (Konuch (CONFIDENTIA ) Affidavit of L a m Schweber. [CCA note: Document entered as Hearing Exhibit No. 9; See DN 0 1515-07.] Order issued BUYS Wiggins Order issued 148 RETURN J J /; 14/07 hearing. CCA note: ocument consists of portions of DNs 1 1881-06, 00 149-07, 00 184-07, 00492-07, 00932-07, and 0 15 14-07 RETAIN CONFID NTIAL) H: i :o ? ! earing Exhi it No. 6 from 14/07 hearing. CCA note: ocument consists of DNs 00080-07 and 00955-07.1 J .- Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 060763-TL DOCKET TITLE Petition for waiver of carrier of last resort obligations for multitenant FXiZYCio:lnly known as Treviso Bay, by Embarq Florida, Inc. DOCUMENT 0 1515-07 LEAD STF./ATT. BUYS Wiggins DESCRIPTION STATUS RETA!jY j Order issued hcaring. [CCA note: Documcnt consists of DN 0 I 4 18-07.] 0 1516-07 BUYS Wiggins Order issued tr CONFIDENTIAL) caring Exhibit No. 11 from 2/ 14/07 hearing. CCA note: ocument consists of ortions of DNs 0&82-07 and 0062 1-07.] 'b / - 6 060767-TP Petition of MCImetro,Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services for arbitration of disputes arising from negotiation of interconnection agreement with Embarq Florida, Inc. 0 1672-07 Trucblood Tan Confidential claim Der 364.183(1), Embar Masterton - (COfibENTIA Hi' hlighted ages 6. 8, and 3 of direct testimony of Ted Hart. 'i, 149 IP 'L V' RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060767-TP Petition of MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services for arbitration of disputes arising from negotiation of interconnection agreement with Embarq Florida, Inc. DOCUMENT 02487-07 LEAD STFJATT. Trueblood Tan DESCFUPTIOE STATUS fz Confidential claim 364.183( l), RETAl J I - res onse to sta f s 1st set of interrogatories (Nos. 4, 5 , and 6) and 1st request for PODS. F 025 1 1-07 Tmeblood Tan Confidential claim Der 364.183(1). F.S. \ 150 , I Embar Masterton) - (CO8bIDENTIAL) Res onse to sta s 1st set of interrogatories (Nos. 4-5). ffl J RliTURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 060767-TP DOCKET TITLE Petition of MCImetro Access Transmission Scrvices LLC d/b/a Vcrizon Access Transmission Services for arbitration of disputes arising from negotiation of interconnection agreement with Embarq Florida, h c. 060802-TL Request for confidential classification of portions of response to request for Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) contracts, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 03453-07 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS TIIIC~~OO~ Staff recom fld; Tan awaiting order DESCRIPTION Embar Masterton - (CO#$IDENTLAt) Hi hlighted in ormation in interrogatories No. 38. [CLK note: Document admitted as Hearing Exhibit No. 4.1 RETAIN RI<'L'URN d tg 09988-06 Tan Tan Order issued BellSouth [%ii&iNTwL) Res onse to 911 E06 staff re uest for copies o each contract signed by developer with accompanying COLR letter used by BcllSouth along with all correspondence between BellSouth and each developer that received a COLR letter. See DN 09364-0613 [Carrier of last resort.] 9 151 J - - ~ . Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TlTLE 060822-TL Petition for relief from carrier-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 364.025(6)(d) for two rivate sub ivisions in Nocatee development, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 01382-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Manii STATUS Staff recom fld; awaiting order DESCRIPTlON BellSouth d/b/a AT&T Edenfield) (CONF DENTIAL) Res onses to sta s first data rcquest (Nos. 1, 5 , and 7). x-ref. DNs 019 3-07 and 02 170-071 8 F I b B 0 152 1-07 BUYS Mann Confidential claim f ; 364.183( l), s Nocatee (Sel CONFIDEN IAL) ighlighted portions of res onses to sta f s data re uest No. NOC- 1. [?ee DN 0 1 874-071 k F 152 RETAIN J - RI'I'URN -_. Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060822-TL Pctition for relief from carrier-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 364.025(6)(d) for two rivate sub ivisions in Nocatee development, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 01 874-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Mann DESCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( I), 8 : RETAIN Nocatee (Sel CONFIDEN IAL) ertain revised, hi hlighted in ormation provided in res onses to sta f s data re uest No. NOC-1. [8ee DN 0 1521-07] t)r L !? I! F d! 0 1943-07 Buys Mann Staff recom fld; awaiting order BcllSouth d/b/a request, Item Nos. 1,5, and 7. rx-ref. DNs bi382-07 and 02 170-071 153 J RLTtJRN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060822-TL Petition for relief from carrier-of-last-rc sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 364.025( 6)(d) for two rivate subivisions in Nocatee development, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 02 170-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Manii STATUS Staff recom fld; awaiting order F! DESCRIPTION BellSouth d/b/a data re uests No. BS-1 (temNos. 19 0 1 943-071 04646-07 BUYS Manti Req forwarded to staff for recom AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Exhs LB-10, LB-12, LB-13, and'LB-14 to testimony of Larry Bishop; and portions of testimony of Beth Shiroishi. x-ref. DN0523 -071 4 154 RETAIJ 7 - RI'TURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 060822-TL DOCKET TITLE Petition for relief from carrier-o f-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 364.025(6)(d) for two rivatc sub ivisions in Nocatee development, by BellSouth Telecommunications Inc. DOCUMENT 05095-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS M ann STATUS NO1 filed; awaiting request DESCRIPTION AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Rcs onses to sta s 1st set of rterrogatories Nos. 1-23) and st request for PODS (NOS.1- 18); specifically response to interro atory No. 18; an attachments responding to PODS Nos. 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, and 17. [CLK note: Information w ! 8 f . 05233-07 BUYS Mann Re forwarded to sta f for recom 9 155 (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Direct testimon of Beth S h i r o d i and Exhs LB- 10, LB-12, LB-13, and LB- 14 attached to Larry Bishop's direct testimony. RETA$N /i RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE , Inc. 070000-OT Undocketed filings for 2007. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTI 0N STATUS 05238-07 BUYS Mann Rea forwarded to staff for recom 00372-07 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim g 364.183(1), ; AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Responses to Nocatee's 1st request for PODS, Item Nos. 1, 5, and 7. dated 11/8/06 re uesting copies of lorida residential local service installation and repair orders for beriod 10[/05 to /30/06. CCA note: 2 C s filed only.] % 156 RETAIN R1;,'llJRN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070000-OT Undocketed filings for 2007. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. 00786-07 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim per 364.183( l), 00935-07 N o lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), 01014-07 No lcad stf. No lcqd att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), 01941-07 No lead stf. No lcad att. DESCRIPTION STATUS 8~ ~gg Confidential claim j e r 364.183( l), n L A BcllSouth Meza (CONFID NTI L) Responses to staff re ucsts from 1 2 h 0 6 meeting with staff re: sales practices. Embar Masterton - (co8LDENTIAt) 4th quarter 2006 Schedule 8 (residence and business access lines by Retail, Resale, and UNE-P). Verizon firistian&-NTIAL) CONFID chedule 8. which contains number of residence and business access lines by retail, resale, and UNEP for 4th quarter 2006. BellSouth Meza (CONFID NT L) AT&T Florida's pole inspection report for 6/06 through 12/06 ursuant to Order SC-06-0 168-PAA-TL Ld P, 157 RETAIN - J RETURN r l - . Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN RI'TURN . [See DNs 04830-07 and 02342-07 02886-07 No lcad stf. No lcad att. No lcad stf. No lcad att. 04833-07L Confidential claim fer 364.183( l), S. Embar asterton - (COh$DENTIAL) Hi hlighted in onnation in res onse to sta f s request for review and identification of any confidential documents included in staffs work papers provided by Embarq for review of special const.mction practices for m&EsFlorida Confidential claim Der 364.183(1). E'S. Embar Masterton - (COfi&IDENTIAL) Outside plant network construction. services exhibit to master services agreement. \ CLuJ15 158 , B F J - __ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070000-OT Undocketed filings for 2007. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS No lcad stf. No Icqd att. Confidential claim fer 364.183( l), S. 03583-07 No lead stf. Confidential claim 364.183( l), 03644-07 No lcad stf. Confidential claim 364.183(1), 03645-07 No lcad stf. fConfidential claim y 364.183( l), 03 199-07 !tic h fy 159 DESCRIPTION AT&T Florida [:Z~%%ENTIAL) Res onse to 3/ 1807 requcst of Limited En lish Proficiency ~ L E P ) survey of company initiatives. Vcrizon Christian IcoNFIDkNTW L) irst uarter 2007 Schejule 8 as required by Rule 25-4.0185. CMP/Fisher (CONFIDENTIAL) Volume 2 of Commission staffs work a ers [for AT&{ Por special construction Dractices for hxiJEsFlorida CMP/Fisher (CONFIDENTIAL) Volume 3 of Commission staffs work papers [for Embarq] for special construction practices for RETAIN J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 03647-07 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. STATUS Confidential claim f e r 364.183( I), S. 03648-07 N o lcad stf. Confidential claim DESCRIPTION ma'or Florida I L ~ C S[x-ref. DN . 05564-061 CMP/FisGer (CONFIDENTIAL) Volume 4 of Commission staffs work papers [for Vcrizon] for special construction Dractices for b&txFlorida CMP/Fisher CONFIDENTIAL) CD om of Commission staffs work p p e r s [for AT&T, mbarq, and Verizon] for special construction practices for ma'or Florida DN~ 03644- 7, 03645-07, and 03647-071. k ILBCS d 160 RETAlN RK'IUKN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070000-OT Undockcted filings for 2007. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 03802-07 N o lcad stf. Confidential claim 03963-07 No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( l), S. 03974-07 No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim {cr 364.183( l), S. 04452-07 No lcad stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim fer 364.183( l), S. 161 DESCRIPTlOh RETAIN r. Embar Masterton - (COSiiDENTIA ) 1st quarter 2007 Schedule 8 (residence and business access lines by Retail, Resale, and UNE-P). Verizon rhristianLCONFID NTIAL) 007 region emergency preparedness plan - southeast re ion. A &T Florida Kay -(CONFIDEN IA ) Rcs onse to sta8s 2007 storm preparedness data re uest. See DNs 04%35-0 and 05576-07 f (r1 5 FExuxu\hazraee) DENTIAL) 2007 emergency restoration plan for Ft. Myers District. J' RK r im Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070000-OT Undocketed filings for 2007. DOCUMENT 04733-07 LEAL) STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lcad att. DESCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim {cr 364.183( l), S. 04830-07 No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim p e r 364.183( l), - 04833-07 No lcad stf. N o lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), 8 ; AT&T Florida RETAIN __ [EGhENTIAL) Res onses to sta s letter dated 5/8/07 re: anonymous salcs com -1aint. A T J T Florida Kay II -(CONFIDEN' T A ! 1 Rivised pole inspection report for 6/06 through 12/06 pursuant to Order PSC-06-0168-PAA-TL . SeeDN 0 941-071 AT&T Florida Kay - (CONFIDEN IA ) Supplement to pole inspection report for 6/06 throu h 12/06, per staf s reauest from 5/23/07 worksho . [See DN 01941- 71 AT&T Florida Kay) - (CONFIDEN(rIAL) Res onse to sta s 2007 storm menaredness data ;e best. SeeDNs 03%74-0! and 05576-071 w i $1 / c B 04835-07 No lead stf. No Icad att. Confidential claim f~364.183( l), 162 8 w __ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070000-OT Undocketed filings for 2007. DOCUMENT 05185-07 LEAD STFJATT. N o lcad stf. No lcad att. \~fi\\fp$\&l 070 126-TL Petition for rclief from carrier-o f-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to Eection F.S., for i lages 64.025v\d’, of Avalon, Phase 11, in Hernando County, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. 022 15-07 BUYS W i ggins STATUS Confidential claim f e r 364.183( l), s. Staff recom fld; awaiting order DESCRIPTION i d Vcrizon O’Roark (CONF DENT1 L) Contract between Vcrizon Business and Bri ht House Networ s. AT&T Florida kONFdENTIAL) Ex h Gurdian - a to petition. 02585-07 BUYS Wiggins Staff recom fld; awaiting order BcllSouth (Meza, Edenfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onses to sta s data w 163 RETAIN J ,d RLCTURN - ~ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION Telccommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. RETAIN RETURN / 03 181-07 BUYS Wiggins Staff recom fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida j % !N w ) % %i T L Rcs onses to sta s 1st data request No. Att- 1, attachment to w 03525-07 BUYS Wiggins Staff recom fld; awaiting order 164 AT&T Florida j%%i&iNT~L) ResDonse to staff's data request No. ATT-2, Item No. 1. rCLK note: Confidential document erroneously attached to and filed with notice of intent to request specified confidential classification (DN J . . Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TlTLE DOCUMENT 040 16-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Wiggins STATUS Staff recom fld; awaiting order DESCRIPTION AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to stafFs Data Request No. ATT-2, attachment to Item No. 1. x-ref. DN 3525-071 6 070 127-TX Petition for interconnection with Level 3 Communications and request for expedited resolution, b Neutral TanLem, l Inc. 02121-07 Lce Tcitzman Confidential claim f~ 364.183( l), 165 Neutral Tandem [E%%iNTmL) Neutral Tandem's 7/6/07 contract with Level 3; and 2/2/04 contract with Level 3's subsidiary, Broadwing Communications. RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 070 182-E1 DOCKET TITLE Request for confidential treatment of certain information contained in draft report setting forth a review of customer deposit rocedures of lorida's five invcstor-owned utilities, by Tampa Electric Company . DOCUMENT 02442-07 LEAD STFJATT. Scott Scott STATUS Order issued DESCRlPTlON TECO Beasle ) CONF!i D E N A L ) Jert ain information contained in draft report repared by staf setting forth a review of customer deposit rocedures of lorida's five investor-owned utilities. P F E 02538-07 Scott Scott Order issued TECO Beasle ) ppNF\DENi;AL) crtain customer information set forth in staffs workpapers in connection with audit of customer deposit practices of investoy-owned electric utility companies. 166 KETA N J KICI'URN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070 190-TP A plication of Firida Di ital Network, k c . d/b/a FDN Communications, holder of CLEC Certificate No. 571 5 and IXC Re istration No. TJf46, and FDN, LLC, d/b/a FDN Communications; for transfer and name change of CLEC Certificate No. 5715 from Florida Di ital Network, k c . d/b/a FDN Communications to FDN, LLC d/b/a FDN Communications; acknowledgment of cancellation of IXC Registration No. TJ246; acknowledgment of re istration as an IBC and adoption of Florida Digital Network, In; d/b/a FDN Communications' IXC tariff b FDN, LLC d/b/a DOCUMENT 02935-07 LEAD STFJATT. Watls Tan STATUS $F Confidential claim 364.183( l), JDN 167 DESCRIPTION NuVox 6R"Ie4-IAL) CONFI EN 004,2005, and 2006 audited financial statements, submitted in compliance with Item No. 18(c) of CLEC application. 1 RETAIN v/ RE'I'URN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 070240-E1 070244-E1 DOCKET TITLE Communications, effective on notification by companies that merger has been completed; and for waiver of carrier selection re uirements of R i e 25-4.1 18, F.A.C. Request for confidential classification of materials provided in connection with audit of Light Company. Reauest for coifidential treatment of ccrtain information contained in draft report setting forth a review of customer deposit rocedures of lorida's five investor-owned utilities, by Gulf Power Company. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTION STATUS 029 16-07 Scott Scott Order issued FPL Smith CO FIDE TIAL) Lcrtain information provided to staff in connection with audit of customer deposit procedures. 02554-07 Scott Scott Order issued GPC Ritenour (CON IDENT AL) Certain information provided in connection with staffs audit of ~s tomer deposits. CLK note: This ocument moved to Docket 070244 per DN 02933-07.1 F 168 I $ & $ 1 RETAIN RKTURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070245-E1 Rcqucst for confidential treatment of certain information contained in draft report setting forth a review of customer deposit rocedurcs of lorida's five investor-owned utilities, b Progress Jnergy Flonda, Inc. 07028 1-TX Application for certificate to provide competitive local exchange telecommunications service by One Voice Communications, Inc. DOCUMENT 02663-07 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Scott Scott Order issued McKay McCoy Confidential claim f~364.183( l), K 04779-07 DESCRIPTION Pro ress Bumett - (toNhD&!!L) Sampling data obtained by staff during an on-site visit related to audit review of customer de osit procedures. fCLK note: This document moved to Docket 070245 per DN 02933-07.1 One Voice (B - (CONFIDEFZL) Exh I1 to CLEC a plication, fqnancials. [CLK note: Financials ori inall filed wita C L ~ C ap lication on 4/?6/07 (DN 03528-07); claim letter received on ON 04777-07 .] 6'24/07 169 RETTN RETURN - J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070296-TX Re uest for waivcr of ooling Administrator's denial of re uest to NeuStar or 1,000 numbers to meet specific customer need, by AT&T Communications of the Southern Statcs, LLC d/b/a AT&T. 070329-TX Petition for. approval of transfer of CLEC Certificate No. 4722 from Xspedius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC d/b/a Xspedius Communications to Time Warner Telecom of Florida, L.P., and request for waiver of carrier selection re uirements of RU c 25-4.1 18, F.A.C. B DOCUMENT 03800-07 LEAD STF./ATT. Polk McKay STATUS Coiifidential claim f~364.183( I), ? DESCRlPTION f ? AT&T Hatch (CONFDEN IAL) Attachments 1 and 2 to letter re uesting waiver of ooling Administrator's denial of re uest toNeuStar or 1,000 numbers to meet specific customer need. 9, P 04568-07 Watts McKay Confidential claim 364.183( I), 7 170 Time Warner ItEE&ENTIAL) Carrier selections and information regarding customers being acquired from Xspedius. RETAIN - RI;,'TUV J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070330-TX Petition for approval of transfer of CLEC Certificate No. 5474 from Xspedius Management Co. Switched Services, LLC d/b/a Xspedius Communications to Time Warner Telecom of Florida, L.P., and request for waiver of carrier selection re uirements of Ru e 25-4.1 18, F.A.C. 07033 1-TI Acknowledgment of registration as intrastate interexchange telecommunications company, effective May 2 1, 2007, and re uest for waiver o carrier selection re uirements of Ru e 25-4.1 18, FAC, to allow Time Warner Telecom of Florida, L.P. to acquirc assets and DOCUMENT 0457 1-07 LEAD STFJATT. Watts McKay STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( l), DESCRIPTIO& Time Warner f ; and information regarding customers being acquired from Xspedius. 7 04574-07 Watts McKay Confidential claim fer 364.183( l), S. Time Warner and information regarding customers being acquired from Xspedius. 9 7 171 d' Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE customer base of Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Serviccs, LLC d/b/a Xspedius Communications. 070374-TX Application for certificate to provide competitive local exchange telecommunications service by Norstar Telecommunications , LLC. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN a 070379-TX Application for certificate to providc competitive local exchange telecommunications service by New Horizons Communications Corp. 04786-07 McCoy McKay Confidential claim f ; 364.183( l), I/ Norstar statement of income and retained earnings, costof oods sold, an general and administrative expenses for ear ended 1213 1/86. New Horizons f 04949-07 McCoy PlcKay Confidential claim 364.183( l), ,qy Financial information for year ended 12/31/06. 172 KlCTIlKN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 07/09/2007 Filed 01/01/1989 through 06/30/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070392-TX Re ucst for waiver of ooling Administrator's dcnial of re ucst to NeuStar or 20 numbcrs to meet specific customer need, by AT&T Communications of the Southern States, LLC d/b/a AT&T. B DOCUMENT 05242-07 LEAD STFJATT. Polk McKay STATUS Confidential claim ~-p.? 364.183( l), P DESCRIPTION Attachments 1,2, and 3 to letter re uesting waiver of ooling Administrator's denial of re uest to NeuStar or 20 numbers to meet specific customer need. B P 173 RET URN L L 0 ’ + a a E s E