Florida Utilities Commission v Evercom Fl Inventory of Confidential Docs Jail Phone Overcharge 10-23-2007.pdf
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State of Florida CAP1 I AI, CIKC 1 E OFF I( E CE\TEH T A I 1 AHAISFF. 2540 SHt MAKD OAh BO1 LL\ A K U FLORIDA 32399-0850 -M-E-M-O-R-A-N-D-U-MDATE: October 23,2007 TO: Marguerite H. Lockard, Commission Deputy Clerk I, Office of Commission Clerk FROM: Brenda J. Merritt, Statistician 11, Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement, RE : Quarterly Inventory of Confidential Documents as of September 30,2007 $J Attached is the listing of confidential documents as of September 30, 2007, identifying whether each document should be retained at the Commission or returned to the source. Of the 484 records listed, 436 should be retained and 48 may be returned. For your convenience, I have listed documents that can be returned to source: Undocketed 050000-OT Undocketed 060000-OT DN 11 153-05 DN 11435-05 DN 01587-06 Undocketed 070000-OT DN 02342-07 DN 07442-07 ,-. c"? - r-- -. ... . .' :..: br-, .. .. Docket No. 060763-TL DN 10660-06 DN 00932-07 DN 11434-06 DN 00955-07 DN 11881-06 DN 01 201 -07 DN 00080-07 DN 01 228-07 DN 00 149-07 DN 0141 8-07 DN 001 84-07 DN 01513-07 DN 60492-07 DN 01 5 14-07 DN 00582-07 DN 01 5 15-07 DN 00621-07 DN 01 5 16-07 DN 00773-07 DN 06463-07 ' :MP :OM - :TR Docket No. 070331 -TX ICR DN 04574-07 ;cL DN 05793-07 Docket No. 070390-TL .------Docket No. 070531-TX DN 06406-07 C A Docket No. 070551-TL jCR ------DN 06601 -07 ;GA SEC ITH p,.i/ Docket No. 070374-TX DN 04786-07 Docket No. 070397-TX Docket No. 070190-TPc ' DN 02935-07 ._ Docket No. 070329-TX DN 04568-07 Docket NO. 070330-TX DN 04571 -07 Docket No. 070379-TP DN 04949-07 Docket No. 070408-TP DN 05603-07 DN 02121-07 DN 07574-07 Docket No. 070533-TX Docket No. 070550-TL DN 06598-07 Docket No. 070564-TL DN 07191-07 DN 07 194-07 Docket No. 070565-TL Quarterly Inventory of Confidential Documents as of September 30, 2007 Page 2 If you have any questions about this report, please call me or Sally Simmons. Attachment cc: Charles Hill Beth Salak Dale Mailhot Ann Cole Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 000 12 1A-T Investigation into the establishment of operations support systems permanent performance measures for incumbent local exchange telecommunications companies. (BELLSOUTH TRACK) DOCUMENT 04853-05 LEAD STFJATT. Harvey Teitzman STATUS Req for ext of classification fld Dl<SCRlPTION BellSouth Cul e er ~cOfi~&E)NITmL) inal re ort of audit o BellSouth's Per fonnance Assessment Plan for Florida, pre arcd for PSC sta f and BellSouth-Florida b Liberty dnsultin(1 (;roup, dated 41180.5 [CCA notc: This is to substitute for confidential DN 04550-05 filed 5/ 10/05, Attachment C to request for confidentiality; See DN 10108-05 for revised final report.] BellSouth F ip 10108-05 Harvey Teitzman Req for ext of classification fld version of Final Report of the Audit of BellSouth's Per forinance 1 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS telecommunications com anies. (BEL%SOUTII TRACK) 09 186-06 Harvey Teitzman Conlidential claim 361.183( 1 ). 04689-07 Harvey Teitzman Confidential claim f e r 364.183( l), S. p~ 2 DESCRIPTION Assessment Plan for Florida conducted bv Liberty Coniulting Grou ,pcr Order PSC-d)5-0868-CFO-TP . [See DNs 04550-05 and 04853-051 BellSouth (hleza (CONFIDENT1 L) Response to 6/6/06 letter regardin GAAP audit oF2004 SEEM payments. A r. Coni South (Rule (CO~FIDENTIA Attachnieiit A in connection with 8/1/07 staff workshop. RETAIN J - J - RETURN - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION 000 121A-T Investigation into the establishment of operations support systems permanent performance measures for incumbent local exchange telecommunications comDanies. 06377-07 Harvey Teitzman Staff recoin flcl; awaiting order AT&T CUI e er (CON&I&d?AI!) LSR clarification issues matrix. 000475-TP 04542-07 Teitzman Teitzman Order issued AT&T Florida Meza T .ler !CONhdEdTIAL) Motion for summaiy final order; Affidavit of Marc 05092-07 Teitzman Teitzman Order issued AT&T Florida Meza T ler [CONE'I&T~L) Motion for summaiy final order containing information in DN 00984-02. which was rctumed to (BEBKmH Comdaint bv Bellsouth ' Telecommunications , Inc. against Thrifty Call, Inc. regarding practices in the reporting of percent interstate usage for compensation for jurisdictional access services. - J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS usage for compensation for jurisdictional access services. 0301 37-TP Petition for arbitration of unresolved issues in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. by 1TC"DeltaCom Communications. Inc. d/b/a 1TC"DeltaCom. 0448 1-03 King Teitzman Confidential claim f~361.183( I), DESCRIPTION the source on 2/4/02; Affidavit of Marc W. Potteiger. Jx-ref. DN0454 -071 1TC"DeltaCom Self) CONFIDENTIAL) erry Watts' direct testimon Exhibit No. J -1, admitted as 3earin Exhibit No. 6 ?provided o n C andhard co y] and Don J. d o d ' s direct testimoii Exhibit No. DJ -3 [hard ;;p$yI. eltaCom ! d J d 05688-03 King Teitzman Confidential claim 361.183( l), fy [EJimENTIAL) Exhibit JW-3 [on CD-ROM1 of rebuttal teitimony Jerry Watts. admitted as caring Exhibit No. 8.1 if 4 RETAIN RETURN J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET 0301 37-TP DOCKET TITLE Petition for arbitration of unresolved issues in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. by 1TC"DeltaCom Communications, Inc. d/b/a 1TC"DeltaCom. DOCUMENT 08 1 13-03 LEAD STFJATT. King Teitzman STATUS Co iifidentia 1 c I aim 364.183(1), zy DICSCRIPTLON ja%" taCom CONFIDENTIAL) Res oiises to FPSC sta s 2nd set of interrogatories, Item No. 20 on CD-ROM, and 22 in g p e r fomi. [Item 0. 22 included in Hearing Exhibit No. 3.1 fi? 08252-03 King Teitzman Filcd by staff kNo.CONFIDENTIAL) earing Exhibit 3 from 913-4103 hearing, described as Bel lSou th's resoon sc's to T k s PODS No. 4 DN 06803-03 eclass 4,24/05]; BellSouth's res onses to sta f s intcrrooatories Nos. 4g. 47. 68. and 8 7 p N ' ' 07972- 3 - Dcclass 4/24/051: and ITC's reiponses to staffs 2nd set of interro ratories (DN 08 1?3-03; i.' 5 RETAIN J RETUFtN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 040000-OT Undocketed filings for 2004. 06308-04 No lead stf. No lead att. Undcr 5-year retcntion 040 130-TP Joint etition by New outh Communications Corp., NuVox Communications, Lnc., and Xspedius Communications LLC, on behalf of its operating subsidiaries Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issues arising in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. 0 1796-05 Bellak Bellak Declassified - on appeal 8 Dl2XRIPTION Item No. 22 only). ?liSouth (White) CONFIDENTIAL) orkpapcrs in connection with sales methods and ractices audit. ! I oiiit Petitioners information provided in agcs 72- 176 an c r 196-200 of 12/ 1 5/03 deposit ion transcript o f I-Ia!nilton Russell. x-ref. ortion of [DN 0&04-05] a 6 RETAIN J - RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Slarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 040 130-TP Joint etition by New outh Communications C o p , NuVox Communications, Inc., and Xspedius Communications, LLC, on behalf of its operating subsidiaries Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issues arising in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. 8 DOCUMENT 02544-05 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS Declassified - on appeal DESCRlPT ION rA BellSouth (hleza (CONFIDENT L) Res onse to stai s 3rd set of interro qat ori es (Nos. 8 , 84. 88, and 89) and 3rd f RETAIN RETURN l - x-rei’DNs 0329 1-05] [DN part of COlll os1tz hearing xh No. 31 a % 02757-05 Bellak Bellak Declassified - on appeal 7 BellSouth hleza) (CONFID NTIAL) 2nd supplcmental response to staifs 3rd set of interro Tatones (NO. 82). [x-ref. DNs 02544-05 and 0329 1-05] [DN part of composit e ‘E */ l Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive iMarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issues arising in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications ,h c . DESCRIPTION RETAIN hearing Exh No. 31 E 0329 1-05 Bellak Bellak Declassified - on appeal A BellSouth (hleza (CONFIDENT1 L) Attachnieiit C, responses and second supplemental response to starf's 3rd set of interro ratories LNos. 83, 84, 8, and 89) and 3rd request for production of documents 20). [x-rej.. i%i 02544-05 and 02757-05: &, 8 s' RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications ,h c . DOCUMENT 03959-05 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS Req forwarded to staff for recom DlSCRIPTION A BellSouth (Meza (CONFIDENT1 L) Res onse to stafFs 4th set of interrogatories, Item No. 1 17, and staffs 4th DK 05021 -05 for Item No. 1 17 only] [DN part of com mite hcaring Exh 0.3 (DN 04248-05)] R 9 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive \larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 040 130-TP Joint etition by New outh Communications C o p , NuVox Communications, Inc., and Xspedius Communications, LLC, on behalf of its operating subsidiaries Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issues arising in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications ,hc. 8 DOCUMENT 04026-05 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak DESCRIPTION STATUS Declassified - on appeal RETURN Joint Petitioners Attachment A, a 04030-05 Bellak Bellak Req foiwardeci to statf for recom BellSouth (hleza) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to stat s 4th set of interrogatories, Item No. ! 17, and 4th request for ~roductionof hocuments, Item No. 22. [x-ref. DN Q 10 J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issues arising in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DKSCRI PT ION RETAIN 03959-05; x-ref. DN 05021-05 for Item No. 1 17 only; See DN 04248-051 a 04073-05 Bellak Bellak Dcclassified - 011 appeal 11 A BellSouth (hleza (CONFIDENT1 L) Item Kos. 2-39-1 and 7-5-1 in 1st supplemental responses to 'oint petitioners' i'st request for production of documents filed with North Carolina Utilities Commission in Docket Nos. P-772, Sub 8. P-313, Sub 5, P-989, Sub 3, P-824. Sub 6. and P-1202, Sub 4 [Page Nos. 001399 through 00145 11. J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Lnc. DOCUMENT 04075-05 LEAD STF./ATT. Bellak Bellak DESCRIPTION STATUS Declassified - on appcal 4 BellSouth (hleza (CONFIDENTL L) Item Nos. ~ 2-25-1, 2-33(A)-l, 2-40- 1, 6-5- 1, 6- 1 O(A)- 1. and 7- 1 I 11 in rcsponse to joint petitioners' 1st request for production of documents filed with North Cai-olina IIt i li ti es Commission in Docket Nos. P-772, Sub 8, P-913, Sub 5. P-989. Sub 3. P-'824, Sub 6, and p$2;;lTLnd 00 I 0241. 12 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 040130-TP Joint etition by New outh Communications Corp., NuVox Communications, Inc., and Xspedius Communications LLC, on behalf of its operating subsidiaries Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issues arising in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. 8 DOCUMENT 04077-05 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS; Ileclassificd - on appeal DlCSCRI PT ION A BellSouth (hleza (CONFIDENT1 L) ltein Nos. 2-5(~)-1. 2-5 c)-3, 2-12-1, 2-21-1, 2-33iA)-1, 2-40-1.6-5-. 6-1 o ( ~ j1,- and 7-11-1in responses to 'oint petitioners' tst request for production of documents filed with Alabama PSC in Docket No. 29242 [Misc. Page Nos. be tw eeii 000080 and 00145 13. a 04248-05 Bellak Bellak Req fonvardec! to stalf for recom (CONFIDENTIAL) Coin osite Hearing Ex11 E o . 3 (CONF-1) froin 4126-28/05 hear i nf .,I CC A note: * x ]bit consists of confidential DNs 02544-05, 027'57-05,and 13 RETURN J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTION STATUS Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co.of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issues arising in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. 03959-05] a 04249-05 Bellak Bellak Declassified - on appeal ‘froin HCONFIDENTIAL) earin ExhNo. 5 4h6-28/05 hearing. [s-ref. DN y&o,in& 14 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STF./ATT. D1:SCRIPTION STATUS interconnection agreement wlth BellSouth Telecommunications ,h c . 04804-05 Bellak Bellak Declassified - on appeal Joint Petitioners req for PODs in North Carolina No. P-722. Sub 8: P-9 13,’Sub 5;’ P-989, Sub 3; P-824. Sub 6: and P-1202, Sub 4; and 1st req for PODs in Alabama No. 29242. [x-ref. ortions of DNs 1796-05, 04026-05, and 04249-051 I; 15 RETAIN d RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkrts 64 ISnforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 040 130-TP Joint etition by New outh Communications Corp., NuVox Communications, Inc., and Xspedius Communications, LLC, on behalf of its operating subsidiaries Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issues arising in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. f DOCUMENT 0502 1-05 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS Declassified - on appeal DESCRIPTION RETAIN - e Res onse to stat s 4th set of interro ytoces (No. 1 1 ). x-ref. ortion of Ns 3959-05 and 04030-05: See DN 04248-OS] 6 a I 05567-05 Bellak Bellak Confidential claim r r 364.183(1 ), S. Joint Petitioners ENTIAL) Certain in formaticm provided in Attachments 3 and 6 to ost-hcaring brie . P 16 RETURN J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co.of Jacksonville, LLC, for arbitration of certain issues arising in negotiation of interconnection agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. 040763-TP Request for submission of proposals for relav service. be inning in’June 2085. for the hearing and s eech impaired, an other implementation matters in com liance with the lorida Telecommunications Access System Act of 1991. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN a 07069-07 Moses Tan Confidential claim f . 364.183(1), ~ ~~ SDrint Nextel Letter datcd 8/10/07 to CMP/Moses. ti P 17 J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN RETURh / 040763-TP Request for submission of proposals for relay service, be inning in June 2085, for the hearing and s eech impaired, an$ other implementation matters in com liance with the !J lorida Telecommunications Access System Act of 1991. 07770-07 Moses Tan c/ Confidential claim f~364.183( 1 ), 8/27/07 to CMP/Moses. 08 111-07 Moses Tan Confidential claim Smint Nextel Letter datcd 9/6/07 to CMPlMoses. 18 d - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell8outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 07743-05 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DI<SCRIPTLON Smith Smith Confidential claim per 364.183(1), . F.S. BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Fkst requcsts for admission to FPL Fibemet. 07744-05 Smith Smith Coiiiidential claim fer 364.183(11, S. BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIALj First reaucsts for admission to FDN. 07745-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim per 364.183( 1 ). F.S. BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First rcqucsts for ’ admission to Cox Florida Tclecom. ., \ 19 , RETAIN J J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET 041269-TP DOCKET TITLE Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTlON STATUS 07746-05 Smith Smith Coniidential c!aim f~364.1 83( 1 ). BellSouth (Shorc) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requcsts for admission to Coiiimunigroup, Inc. 07747-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim 364.183(1), BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requcsts for admission to Comcast. 07748-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), S. RETAIN J - 5 fy rr 20 BellSouth (Shore) (CONFIDENTIAL) First requests for admission to GRUCom. - RETURN 7 J J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Dl<SCRJPTION 07749-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim 364.183(1 ), zy BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First rcqucsts for admission to CentuiyTcl. 07750-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). S. rr BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requcsts for admission to American Fiber. 0775 1-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim r r 364.183( 1 ), S. BellSouth (Shorc) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First rcqucsts for admission to Advanced Tcl, Inc. d/b/a EATEL. 7 t/ - 8 21 J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by BellEouth Telecommunications ,Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION 07752-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim f e r 364.183( 1 ). S. BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFDENTIAL) First rcqucsts for admission to Georgia Public Web.Inc. 07753-05 Smith Smith f y 364.183( 1), Confidential claim BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First rcqucsts for admission to Harbor Communications. 07754-05 Smith Smith Confidential claim zy364.183(1), BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First rcauests for admission to Looking. 22 RETAIN RETURN J - J - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by BellEouth Telecommunications , Lnc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS D1:SCFUPTION 07755-05 Smith Smith Confidcntial ciaim f ; 364.183( 1 ), BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First rcqucsts for admission to OTC. 07756-05 Smith Smith Coniidential claim Der 364.183m. . P.S. BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First requcsts for admission to SBC Telecom. Smith Smith Confidential claim 364.183( I ). S. rr BellSouth (Shorc) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First rcqucsts for admission to Telcpak networks, Inc. 07757-05 I , 23 RETAIN J J J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 07758-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith DESCRIPTION STATUS Coniidential claim r r 364.183( I), S. RETAIN BellSouth (Shore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First recjucsts for admission to US Carrier Telecom, RETURN - LLC. 8 07956-05 Smith Smith Declassified - on appeal 08088-05 Smith Smith Declassified - on appeal 24 1TC"DeltaCom Boyd) CONFIDENTIAL) ortions of direct testimony of Steven Brownworth, stxcifical lv Diagranis fA, lB, 2A, 2B, 3,4,3B, 4A. and 4B. fSee DK 08088-031 1TC"DeltaCom Boyd) CONFIDENTIAL) ortions of direct testimony of Steve Brownworth: sgcificall y agranis lA, lB, 2A, 2B, 3.4,3B, 4A. and 4B. [See Db! 07956-031 1 1 L / - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by BellEouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 08257-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith STATUS Staff recoin fld; awaiting order DESCRIPTlON Harbor Coinmunications RETAIN 1 RETURN - requests for admission. 08260-05 Smith Smith Declassified - on appeal J FDN (CONFID (FeilLNTIAL) Res oiise to Bel South's 1st request for admissions. - P 08474-05 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification Ild 25 BellSouth (hla s) ( C O N F I D E NAL) ~ Response to Covad's 1st set of intcrrogatones (No. 1) and 1st re uest for PODS ($0. l).dx-rcf. DN 092 5-05] J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket tovconsider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting. from chan ecin law, by Bell outh Telecommunications ,h c . DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 08613-05 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification fld 08626-05 Smith Smith >ec,dssified - on ap13ca1 DESCRIPTION BellSouth (hla s) ( C O N F I D E NAL) ~ Proprietary responses to Covad's 1st set of interrogatories (NOS.2-3). RETAIN ./- RETURN - 8 J - Appendix ADM- 1 to res onse to Be 1South's 1 st reauest for adhissions [DN 07744-05 . x-ref. DN082 0-051 P 6' 09 187-05 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification fld CompSouth Knufinan) CONFIDENTIAL) ellsouth's res nonse to IT@DeltaCom's and Com South's 1st set o data requests in Geor ia PSC Docket No. 9341-U (Item No. 1). x-ref. DN 101 5-05] h P f 26 b - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Xlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 09245-05 Smith Smith DESCRlPTlON STATUS LEAD STFJATT. Req for ext of classification fld 8 BellSouth (White, LackeP Smith Smith J J Declassified - on appeal re uest for PODs 1). (30. 09379-05 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification ild 27 RETURN - (CON IDENTIAL) Responses to Covad's 1st set of interrogatories (No. 1) and 1st request for PODs (No. 1). x-ref. DN084 4-05] J 09329-05 RETAIN BellSouth (hla s) (CON FIDEN Supplcmental response to Covads 1st request for production of documents (No. 1). [x-ref. DN 10335-051 AAL) J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell&" Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 09595-05 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification ild 098 19-05 Smith Smith Declassified - on appeal DESCRIPT[ON BellSouth ( h l a s) (COK AL) 2nd supplcmental response to Covad's 1st re uest for PODS J o . 1). x-ref. 6N 104$3-05] FIDENX RETAIN J response to stairs interrogatory 27). x-ref. D 1066 -051 4 10014-05 Smith Smith Order issued T' IDS (Kaul'man (CONFIDEN IAL) Res oiise to Belkouth's 1 st intcrrogatories x-ref. Dh' 0767-05) 28 YP. J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell8outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 1001 6-05 Smith Smith Order issued 10018-05 Smith Smith Order issued DESCRIPTION Covad (Knul'man) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to Belkouth's 1 st set of intcrrogatories No. 3). x-ref. 6N 107b9-051 set of intcrrogatories (No. 2). [x-ref. DN onionof 10?!3-05] 10020-05 Smith Smith Order issued P ~~ 29 k Trinsic Kaufman) - (CON IDENTIAL) Res onse to Bel South's 1st set of jntcrrog atorics NOS. 1-3). x-ref. DN ~ RETA!JV J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Officc as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET 041269-TP DOCKET TITLE Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bedouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 10100-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith STATUS Order issued DESCMPTION RETAIN NuVox Horton) CONFI ENTIAL) bjections and res3onses to BeilSouth's 1 st set of intcrrogatories b 6 1252-051 10105-05 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification ild BellSouth (Ma s) (CONFIDEN~ML) Response to Item NO. 1 ofrrc's 1st data requzsts and ItemNo. 1 of CompSouth's 1st data reauests. in Geor ii Docket No. 193 I-U. [x-ref. DN 09 187-051 BellSouth ( h l i s) (CONFIDENAAL) 3rd supplemental response to Covad's 1st P 10215-05 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification fld 30 J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell! outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 10238-05 10335-05 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Smith Smith Order issued Smith Smith Req for ext of classification fld DESCRIPTLON RETAIN kL (CONFIDENTIAL) Attachnieiits to response to stairs 1st BellSouth (White, J response to Covad's 1st re uest for POD ($0.1). jx-ref. DN093 9-05] 10353-05 Smith Smith Order issued L t: NTC Kaufman) CON IDENTLAL) upplemental res onse to Be ]South's interrogatozfo. 2). rx-ref. portion of 10763-05: P 31 J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bellgouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 10367-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith STATUS Order issued DKSCRIPTION NuVox (Horton) (CONFIDENTIAL) Cei-tain information provided in objections and supplcmental res onses to Be 1South's 1st set of interroo,atories RETAIN L RETURN - P 10418-05 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification Ild BellSouth (Ma s) (CONFIDEN~~L) Res onse to staf s 3rd set of interrogatories (No. 84); and documents provided in response to staffs 3rd re uest for PODs IQo.7). x-rcf. 6N 105$3-051 BellSouth (Whitc, J - -F 10433-05 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification tlc (CON IDENTIAL) LackeP 2nd supplemental response to Covad's 1st reauest for PODs (N;I.I). x-rcf. DN095 5-05] 4 32 J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE Telecommunications ,h c . DOCUMENT 10533-05 LEAD STF./ATT. Smith Smith DESCRIPTlON STATUS Req for ext of classification fld BellSouth (Ma s) (CON F I D E N ~ A L ) Res onse to staf s 3rd set of intcrrogatories (No. 84) and staffs 3rd re uest for PODS 7). [x-ref. N 10418-051 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification tld J e $. 10539-05 RETAIN BellSouth (Ma s) (CONFIDEN-~L) 3rd supplemental response to Covad's 1st reauest for PODs ("0. 1). x-ref. DN 102 5-05] J I 10598-05 Smith Smith Req for ext of classification fld BellSouth (White, Lackeg (CON IDENTIAL) 4th supplcmental resi3onse to Covad's 1st re uest for PODs lj. (#!, 33 J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Cornpctiti\,c llarkcts bi Bnforccment DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DI<SCRIPTlON 10645-05 Smith Smith Filcd by staff (CONFIDENTIAL) Hearing Exhibit No. 8 from 11/2i05 hearing. 10662-05 Smith Smith Declassified - on appeal Coin South [IC[tu , man) CONFIDENTIAL) Attachment C of supplemental res2onse to staffs interrogatory 0. 27). x-ref. D 0981 -051 5 F 4 10671-05 Smith Smith Filed by staff 'N" CONFIDENTIAL) tNo. 4earing Exhibit 44 from 1 1/2/05 hearing. 34 RETAIN J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitiye JIarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell outh Telecommunications , Lnc. STATUS DOCUMENT LEAD STF./ATT. 10763-05 Smith Order issued Smith 8 10765-05 Smith Smith Ordcr issued 10767-05 Smith Smith Order issued DESCRIPTION NTC (Kaufman) (CONFIDENTIAL) Response and Supplemental set of intcrrogatorics (No. 2). [x-rcf. DNs 10018-05 and 10353 -05’ Trinsic Kaufman -(CON IDENTI L) Res onse to Belkouth‘s 1 st set of interrogatories (NOS.1-3). x-ref. Dfi 0020-051 k r’ IDS (Kaufman (CONFIDEN IAL) Res onse to Bel South’s 1st set of interro atories to NTC &os. 2 and 3). [x-kf. DN 10014-05; P 35 A RETAI? / b - J J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Pctition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting fiom chan es in law, by Bell outh Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 10769-05 LEAD STFJATT. Smith Smith DESCRIPTION STATUS Order issued RETAIN Covad ( K d m a n ) (CONFIDENTIAL) Attachment to res3ome to BellSouth‘s 1st set of interro atories to NTC (%lo. 3) x-r&.bh’ ’ 00 16-05]. c 8 10987-05 Smith Smith Ordcr issued BellSouth (White, (CON IDENTIAL) Lackeg c o mp south’s res onse to sta,fs 1st re uest for PODS [x-ref. -px&&ns.;,€ DN P (30.1). 11252-05 Smith Smith Order issued NuVox Horton) (CONFI ENTIAL) Objections and res onses to Re 1South’s 1st set of intcrrogatories (NOS.1-31. ‘x-ref. r)k 0 00-05, b P \ 36 j RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 04 1269-TP Petition to establish generic docket to consider amendments to interconnection agreements resulting from chan es in law, by Bell! outh Telecommunications , Lnc. 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 11253-05 Smith Smith Order issued 11255-05 Smith Smith Order issued 04658-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim fy364.183(1), 06010-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim p r 364.183( 1 ), s. 37 DESCRIPTION RETAJJd NuVor Horton) [CONFI ENTIAL) Objections and supplemental res onses to Befkouth's I st set of intcrrogatories OS. 1-3). x-ref. Dhr 0367-051 Xs iedius Horton ENT L) Res o w e to Belkouth's 1 st request for admissions. b -(AONFI 6 d J 3/05 as re uired b Rule 2 -4.0185. cybc ond (Kline) (CO~FIDENTIAL) Res onse to staif's 2005 CLEC data request on local competition (TX486). .p J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS z~ 06135-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential ciaim 364.1 53( 1 ). 06256-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183(1), S. No lead stf. No lead att. Co 11 fidei1t ial c I aim 06490-05 DESCRIPTION RETURN SBC He bum COdFdENT~L., Re\ onse to stags 2005 CLEC data rcauest on local cdm Jetition (TX769). \CCA note: Pro\ ided in - (CONFIDENTIALj Res onse to stags 2005 CLEC data request on local competition (TX234); includes CD on1 . {See DN 07529-85 AnieriMgx (Thi-asherj (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to sta8s2005 CLEC data request on local comuetition: includes diskette’ (TX448). I 38 RETAIN J - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 06537-05 06606-05 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183(1), S. No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( I ). DESCRIPTION CONFIDENTIAL) Res o w e to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition (TX704); includes diskette. NEFCOM obles) (CONFIDE TIAL) Res onse to sta#s 2005 CLEC data request on local com etition (TL7 15). PCCA note: 2 copies, 1 lii hli hted, 1 u iig iliglited, were filed.] [See DN 06888-051 Time Warner 'N" J 3. F 06644-05 No lead stf. No lead att. zz Confidential claim 364.183( I), FZE%iNTIAL) LEC data request table (TAO 13). rOripinal and 2 kopiis ro~ided.1 [See D s 06645-05, 06647-05. 06649-05,'and 07093-051 K 39 J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive RIarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 06645-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS rr Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). S. DESCRIPTION Time Warner (Dunbar) (CONFIbENTIAL) FCC Form 477 - Local Compct it i on and Broadband Reporting, TAO I 3. [2 co ies filed: 1 hi rh inhtcd, 1 unki hpi hted [ S c e % d 066i4-05, 06647-05, 06649-05, and 07093-051 Time Warner f 06647-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183(1), f%%%iNTmL) 2005 CLEC data request. [CCA note: 2 copies filed. [See DNs 0664 -05, 06645-05. 06649-05, and 07093-051 Time Warner a 06649-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( 1 ), S. 40 "'L- (CONFI ENTIAL) CD (Dunb labeled "2005 CLEC data re uest." hT&O 137 [See DNs >44-05. 06645-051 0664745, and 07093-051 RETA8V J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STF./ATT. STATUS 06658-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f.y.364.183(1), 0666 1-05 No lead stf. No lead att. C oniidential c 1aim 364. I 83( 1 ). 06670-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f~364.183( l), 06697-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183(1 ), fg fy 41 Dl<SCRIPTION Comm South FertshCONFI ENTIAL) Res oiise to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. UX53 1) ACN ( G i h ie)(CON FIDEJTIAL) Res onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. TX707) Hayes bd'illiams) (CON LDENTIAL) Res onse to staff's 2005 CLEC data request on local competition. T 4067 4rinsic +in? (CONFI EN IAL) Res onse to star& 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX223) RETAIN RETURN 7 J J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 06700-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Co 11fident ia 1 cl a i m f~364.183( l), 06703-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). S. 06706-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.1 83( I), S. 06709-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Fr Confidential claim f e r 364.183( 1 ), S. DESCRIPTION r y S t a r (Klinek CONFIDENT L) es onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX389) [CCA notz: 2 copies filed.] Access Gilles ic -(COS IDE T L) Res onse to sta#s 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX326) L- 6 42 J - 8A CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to staifs 2005 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX2 15). fSce DN 07365-051 ALLTEL Willis) (CONFID NTIAL') Reb oiise to stazs 2005 CLEC data request on local com letition; includes D. 'E RETURN J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Officc as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 06712-05 LEAD STF./ATT. No lead stf. No lead att. DESCRIPTlON STATUS fz Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), LecStar Pritt) CONFI ENTIAL) es onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data reauest on h lo+o;i'petition. 06729-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim DS TelecoidQuincy Tele hone [McZabeJ CONFI ENTIAL) Res onse to 2005 ' ILE local com etition report (TL?! 8). RETURN - J E 06746-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Coilliden tial c 1aim gy 364.183(1), 0675 1-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim {I364.183( 1 ), p%ii CONFIDENTIAL) CD containing res onse to 2005 IL~C local competition data re uest Tee DNs 06%06-0kand J containing res onses to 2005 CLkC data re uest. [See DN 07 1 6-05] 8 43 / - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive lllarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TlTLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. 06755-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Con fidei1t ial c 1aim 06758-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183(I ), No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183(1 ). S. 06769-05 DESCRIPT LON STATUS fz BellSouth (White) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Response to 2005 ILEC data re uest fTL720) Ton EDl. ('See D N i 07009:05 and 076 19-05 BellSouth (W ite) - f CONFIDENTIAL cb containinf res onse to 2 05 C L k data reauest ~ T X 11. O [~S C ~ D N S 7009-05 and 07624-051 XO (Kaufnian (CONFIDEN IAL) Res onse to 2005 CLZC data requcst [TX205], with diskette. [CCA note: 2 copies filed. [See DNs 0719 -05. 07326-05, 07559-05, and 07728-051 Corncast (McDonald - (CONFIDENTIAL] Res onse to 2005 CLEC data reauest [TX576], witl; diskette. E, J RETAIN J ~~ 72 J 1 06772-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183(1 j, S. 44 RETURN J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Officc as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 06775-05 LEAD STF./ATT. No lead stf. No lead att. DESCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim 364.183(1), fy D E C A d/b/a Covad CONFIDENTIAL) ResDonse to 2005 CLCC data request [TX237], with 2 diskettes. [CCA note: 2 copies filed. [See DNs 0722 -05and 07885-051 TelCove of Jacksonville. Inc. (De@ (CO IDENTIAL) Res oiises to 2005 ' CLgC data re ucst lTA003, TJ341 . Sce DNs 0741 -05 ind 07640-051 TelCove Investment. LLC 4 06835-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364. I 83( 1 ). [y 4 06837-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f ; 364.183( I ) , [E%t-iD ) "w Res oiise to 2005 CLgC data re uest fTJ206, TX271 See DNs 0741 -OS and 07640-051 5 45 RETAIN J - RETURN - J J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005, DOCUMENT 068 88-05 06906-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. DESCRIPTION STATUS Coniidential claim 364.183( 1). fy Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), ;y %v NEFCOM obles (CONFIDE TIAL Revised rcs onse ’ to staffs 2085 CLEC data request on local ~ ~etition com ~ f ~ ~ Verizon ’ Christian) CONFIDENTIAL) h r d copj’ of res onse to 2005 local commhtioii data re ;est %e DNs 06,46 97 0 and 07472-051 RNK Tekore) (CON 4IDENTIAL) Res onse to stalfs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX79V See DN 17081- 5 or duplicate] ILZC -‘5. 06922-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidcntial claim 364.183( 1). fy ‘r F 46 RETURN ~ i ~ s e c ~ ~ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Coml)ctiti\,e llarkets & Knforccmcnt DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 06926-05 06954-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN Confidential ciaim 364.183(1), ~y zConfidential y 364.183(claim l), Res onsc to stags 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX679) Level 3 Matthew) - (COX IDENTIAL) Re's onse to staifs 2005 CLEC data reauest on local cdm etition; includes D (TX238). [See DN 07804-051 NuVox fiorton) (CONFI ENTIAL Res oiise to sta#s 2005 CLEC data request on local cdm etition (TX824). TCCA note: No hard copy filed; diskette only.] [See DN 07824-051 k E 06995-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential ciaim prS. 364.183( 1 ). 47 b J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive blarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183( 1 ), S. 07009-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183(1 ); S. 070 1 1-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183(1), 06998-05 Fr {y 48 DESCRIPTION Res oiise to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX364) BellSouth (White) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to s t a i k 2005 ILEC (TL720) and CLEC (TX03 f) data request on local competition. [See DKs 06758-05 and 07624-05 (TX03 1); 06755-05 and 076 19-05 (TL720)l Sprint (Misterton)> - (COSFIDENTIAL) Res onse to stags 2005 ILEC data request on local com etition; includes D RETAIN RETURN j' J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 07014-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS fConfidential y 364.183(claim 1). 0703 1-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( 11, S. 0708 1-05 No lead stf. No lcad att. Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). Fr fy 49 DESCRIPTION I' Sprint (Masterton - (CONFIDENT AL) Res oiise to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on i n c l ucom local d e 3etition; iD TX045). See DN 78 19-05 US LEC Griffin) (CONF ENTIAL) Res onse to stags 2005 CLEC data rcquest on local comDetition [on diskek b On]$!. FXlh5) RK (CON IDEN enore*-IAL) Res oiise to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX799) [CCA note: Appears to be du licate of DN Okb2-05.1 RETAIN RETURN J - 7 - J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Compctiti\'c Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 07093-05 07 106-05 07 191-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. DESCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim 364.183(1), fcg Confidentia 1 claim r r 364.183( 1 ). S. Confidential claim 364.183(1), S. Fr Time Wamer RETURN I/ - res onse to staks 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes one highlighted, one noli-highlighted pa cr version, and cb.ASee D N ~ 0664 -05, 06645-05. 06647-05. and 06649-05' MCI Selb (CO FIDENTIAL) Revised res onsc to staft's 20 5 CLEC data reaucst (Tables 1 and 3 ) 4 8 0 Kaufnian) (CONFIDENT'LAL) Updatcd Table 2 in res oiise to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. See DNs 06769-0 , 5 50 RETAIN J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Compctitive Xlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TlTLE DOCUMENT 07207-05 07223-05 07326-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lcad stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Confidential claim f~364.183( I), Confidential claim f~364. I 83( I ), Confidential claim z e r 364.183(1), S. 51 DESCRIPTION 07326-05, 07559-05, and 07728-051 Verizon contains number of residence and business access lincs by retail, resale, and CWEP for 2nd quarter 2005. Covad Kaufman) (CONF DENTIAL) Revised res onse to staff’s 20 5 CLEC data request on local comtxti tion: inclidcs diskette. (TX237) [Sce DNs 06775-05 and 078 85 -051 ,YO (Kaufnian (CONFIDEN IAL) Revised res onsc to 2005 CLEC local competition data re9uest, with disltette. (TX205) Kec DNs 06769-05. L07191-05, 07559-05, and f RETAIN J - J B r’ / RETURN - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 07352-05 07365-05 07367-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Coiiiidential claim r r 364.183(1), S. Coiilidential claim 364.1 83( 1 ). Dl<SCFUPTION Res onse to stags CLEC data request regarding local comtxtition 72;6x'2005and TA032). [See DNS 07379-05 ind 07774-051 Knology es oiise to staifs 2005 CLEC data request on local com-xtition (TX2 15). ICCA note: On (,D on1 [See DN o67o6-& PDN FeilL(CON ID NTIAL) Res onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local com etition; liskette includes ! (TX230). [See DN 08 156-05) ~~ No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 52 - 2 RETAIN J J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Compctitiye .Ilarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DlNXIPTION STATUS A 07379-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f; 364.183(1), AT&T/TCG Hatch) (CONFIDE TIAL) Res owe to staifs 2005 CLEC data request on 0739 1-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), S. rr 07774-051 1TC"DeltaCom (CONF DENTIAL) (Gibsonl Res oiise to stags 2005 CLEC data reauest on local cdm etition ce DN (TK&f-t\ 07393-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f~364.183( 1 ), 07402-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Co illidentia 1 claim r r 363.183( 1 ). S. 53 RETAlN BTI (Gibion) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to sta& 2005 CLEC data request on local competition (TX105). [See DN 07900-051 BellSout6 (White) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First supplcmental res onse to tab es 2 and 3 in 2005 ILEC local competition report; includes r J J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitiye Alarkets Kr Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 07404-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Coniidential claim 364.183( 1 ). fy DESCRIPTION CD TL720. See DN 67620-A5\ Sprint (Masterton) - (COSFIDENTIAL) 2nd uarter 2005 Sche ule 8 (residence and business access lines by Retail, Resalc, and RETAIN s( 1 07417-05 No lead stf. No lead att. J Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), gy data request on local com Jetition; attached etter ad\riscs documents are soft co ies of ori inal firin ma e 011 7/13 05 (TJ206, TX278 and TA003, T.J346 . [See DNs 068 5-05, 06837-05, and 07640-051 1 t fi” 3 54 RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Slarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT STATUS LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTION RETAIN RETURN / 07472-05 No lcad stf. No lead att. Coiifidential c!aim 364.183( 1 ), ~p.y Verizon Christian) CONFIDENTIAL) evised data tables in res onse to 2005 (ILEC) incumbent local exchange carrier local competition data re uest. See DNs 0 746- 5 and 06906-051 PAETEC (Blackman) CONFIDENTIAL) C containing revised Table 2 of res onse to 2005 CLfC d ata request; attached letter advises list of all wholesale carriei-shas been Ecludcd TX234). See DN 16256-051 0 Kaufnian) (CONFIDENTIAL) Reviscd Tables 1, 2, and 3 of response to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette TX205). [See DNs 6769-05, 6 L 1 6 07529-05 07559-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183(1), No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183( 1 ). S. fy -6 t 6 55 J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 07564-05 LEAD STF./ATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Conlidentia 1 claim r r 364.183(1), S. D1:SCRIPTION 07191 -05, 07326-05: and 07728-051 1TC"DeltaCom es onse to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; on diskette onlv bN BellSouth (White) - (CONFIDENTIA Rks oiise to 2005 data request [TL720], Items 3 and Tables 1-4. includin CD. See DNs 06%5-0l and 07009-051 BellSout6(White) - (CONFIDENTIAL) First supplemental res onse to 2005 ILEPC d ata re uest [TL720 , Tades 2 and 3. [ ee DN 07402-05j ,,,,,-7p 07619-05 07620-05 No lead stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. {Confidential y 364.183(claim I), Confidential claim f~364. I 83( I ). J J ILEE s 56 RETAIN J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive h'larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTION STATUS 07624-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( I ), 07640-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential c 1aim 364.183( 1 ), fy fy BellSouth (White) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onses to 2005 CL~C local competition report and 07009-051 TelCove (De (CONFID E&kL, Revised soft co ies of original :jllF,g5rn;de / i f 07728-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183(1), gtg 57 res Jonse to stakfs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; diskette only. [See DNs 06835-05, 06837-05, and 074 17-05> XO ( S h u k n s (CONFIDENI!IAL) Revised Tables 1. 2, and 3 in res onse to 2005 CLkC data request (TX205), including diskette.JSee DNs 067 9-05, 07 91 -05. 07326-05, and 07559-051 J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 07774-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Confidential claim 8~ 364.183(1), DI~SCFUPTION AT&T/TCG South Florida Hatch (CONFI EN IAL) Revised tables 1 and 2 to response to staffs CLEC local comuetition re ort for'2005 figd 7/29/05 (TA062, TA032); includes C'D. See DNs 07352-0 and 07379-051 Level 3 (McMann) (CONF~DENTIA~) Corrected res onse to staffs ZOO! CLEC data request on local competition; on CD r l y (TX238). See DN 06954-051 print (Masterton) - (COKFIDENTIAL) Revised Table 2 in respoiise to stairs 2005 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette (TX045). [See DN 070 14-05] b7> 5 07804-05 No lead stf. No lead att. pConfidential .364.183( ~ claim I), 078 19-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). f-g 58 7 RETURN J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 07824-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Co 11 iiden t i a I c 1aim f~364.183( I ), 07869-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim p r 364.183( I )> S. 07885-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim z e r 364.183( 1 ). S. 59 DI<SCRIPTLON NuVox Korton) (CONFI ENTIAL) Revised Data Table 1 in res onse to staffs 2l05 CLEC data request on local competition; on diskette on1 bTX821). [Scc 6N 6095-051 Sprint ( M j s terton) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Revised rcs onse ' to staffs 20 5 ILEC data request on local competition; includes diskette $l:;-13\See DN b B Covad (Bcll) (CONFIDENTIAL) Supplcmental res:ionse to staffs 2005 CLEC data request on local comlietition; includes k D (TX237). [See DNs 06775-05 and 07223-051 J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Ylarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT 07900-05 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. D1:SCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). 8~ BTI (Gibson) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to s t a l k 2005 CLEC data rcquest on local competition; includes diskette. (TX105) CCA note: ocument was provided directly to CMP: CMP forwarded to CCA. {See DN 07393-05\ DN (Feil) (CONFIDENTIAL) Revised rcs onse to staft’s 20 5 CLEC data request on local cam etition TXf30). [See DN 67367-051 Sprint (Mastzrton - (CONFIDENT24 L) Res oiise to Cd’iSnlak 9/14/05 data request seeking storm-rclated recovcry.cxpensc informa tion. 6 08 156-05 09276-05 No lead stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. Confidentia 1 c 1a i m f e r 364.183( 1 ), S. Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). fy 60 J 8 J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Offce as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050000-OT Undocketed filings for 2005. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCFUPTION STATUS 09298-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim !~364.183(1). 10440-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim fer 364.183( 1 ), S. 10527-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential cia i m 364.183(1), S. 1 1 153-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), rr 8~ Verizon Christian) CONFIDENTIAL 1 Rcs onse to CdISalak's stom-related data request dated 9114/05. Verizon (Christian) (CONFIDENTIAL1 3rd quarter 2005 Schedule S (resjdence and business access lines by Retail, Resale, and UNE-P), re uired by Rule 25-1.0185 Sprint (,Masterton - (CONFlDENT L) 3rd quarter-2005, Schedule 8, as required by Rule 25-4.0185 (access linc data). Verizon (Christian) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res oiises to audit' on ocused utility pole and vegctatior. inana emcnt review, 1 1 IO! through I a F 61 J J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION J 11435-05 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidcntial claim f~'i64.183( 1 ). 2/06. See DN 1143 -05 for supplemental responses ] JSee Dh 06088- 61 Verizon (firistian) CONFIDENTIAL) upplemental responses to question Nos. 7 and 8 in focused utility pole and vegetation mana emcnt review, 1 1/O through 2/06. [CCA note: unconfidential responses 10 and 12 fonvarded to CMP.] SeeDN 11153- 5 for initial responses .] Miami-Dade (Hope - (CONFIDENTIAJ! D'o::umenl bates-stani led MDC _PSC!(4)0000 1 [which delineates Its current list of customzrs and was requested by staff and BellSouth]. f 6 050257-TL Com laint of Bell outh Telecommunications , Inc. a ainst Miami- ade County for alleged operation of a telecommunications company in violation of Florida statutes J) 09487-06 Teitzman Teitzman Order issued % ~ 62 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE and Commission rules. 050374-TL Petition for approval of storm cost recovery surcharge, and sti ulation with Opfice of Public Counsel, by Sprint-Florida, Incorporated. DOCUMENT 06998-07 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Teitzman Teitzman Order issued 05112-05 Mann Teitzman Staff recoin fld; awaiting order 05380-05 Mann Teitzman Confidential claim f ; 364.183( 1 ), DESCRIPTION / 1 (Lambe$ (CONFI ENTIAL) Exh No. 209 to ost-heari n Gricf. [x-rei? DN 09487-061 ,a Sprint (Masterton - (CONFIDENT L) Lines 4-9, Column B, and line 11 of Exhibit C to Attachnieiit A to Sprint's petition for appro\,al of storm cost recovery surcharge and sti-ulation. SDrint Lasterton) -'(CO&FIDENT~L) Highlighted ortions of iurricane cost recovery - cost calculations spreadshem. r 63 RETAIN RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050374-TL Petition for approval of storm cost recovery surcharge, and sti ulation with Opfice of Public Counsel, by Sprint-Florida, Incorporated. DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION STATUS LEAD STFJATT. 05529-05 Mann Teitzman Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). 05764-05 Mann Teitzman Confidential claim r r 364.183( 1 ), S. gy Mann Teitzman Confidential claim 364.183( I), fy RETURN a Li - a /' Sprint (Mastzrton - (CONFIDENT L) Certain information requcsted by staff desi nated as highight ed fortions on pgs -4 of Sprint's 2004 Hurricane Cost Recovery Conference call follow-up. Sprint (Masterton - (CONFIDENT L) Hi'ghlightcd oitioiis on , 4 , and9- 1 of 5 06029-05 RETAIN Pages yoitions on pages -5 on Attachment 1. GCLITeitzman, Roias (CDNFIDENTLAL) Attachment 2 to 6/24/05 stdf recominendat ion. " 64 J' - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050863-TP Com laint by DPI-? eleconnect, L.L.C. a ainst BellSout Telecommunications , Inc. for dispute arising under interconnection agreement. DOCUMENT 07025-07 a 07864-07 LEAD STF./ATT. Tan Tan Tan Tan STATUS Staff recoin fld; awaiting order Staff recoin fld; awaiting order 65 DESCRIPTION AT&T Florida !E~F)IDENTIAL) Responses and objections to dPi's 1 st request for information, NOS. 1-3, 1-16, 1-22 (provided in a er format) and P-f7 (provided on CD only), which contain confidential business information. x-ref. DN 7864-071 [Sce DNs 08773-07 and 08824-07 for partial declassification of documcnt; Portions 1- 16 and 1-22 to remain confidential. AT&TFlori a (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Responses and objections to dPi's 1st request for information, NOS. 1-3, 1-16, anti 1-22 (provided A RETAIN RETURN 7 Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitiye Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 08633-07 LEAD STFJATT. Tan Tan STATUS Req foiwardetl to staff for rccom DESCRIPTION RETAIN (Gurd i an, Edcnfield) (CONFIDENTLAL) Res oiise to stai s 2nd re uest for PODS (Go. 10). LCLK note: Con idential information provided on CD and f g;;;y-#l 08866-07 Tan Tan Re foiwarded to sta f for recom P h8939-071 AT&T Florida [%%L ) "w Response to dPi's 1st request for information, No. 1-19, in compliance with Order of Prehearintr Officer. [ ~ L K note: Response provided on CD 66 J - RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 050863-TP Com laint by DPI- eleconnect, L.L.C. a ainst BellSout Telecommunications , Inc. for dispute arising under interconnection agreement. f DOCUMENT 08939-07 a LEAD STFJATT. Tan Tan DESCRIPTION STATUS P Re foiwarded to sta f for recom AT&T Florida Meza, Gurdian, Lamer) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res oiise to sta fFs 2nd re uest for PODS ( J o . 1 i_x-ref. DK 08 3 071 AT&T Florida (Meza, Gurdian, Cai-ver) (CONFIDENTIAL) Response to dPi's re uest for in ormation (Nos. 1 - 19), as required RETAIN _J T. 08943-07 Tan Tan Req foiwardetl to statf for rccom J' 4 ?!e 1's motion On to compel, included in rehearin or cr. [x-re . DN 08866-071 Sprint (Masterton - (COXFIDENT AL) 4th quai-ter 2005 Schedule 3 (residcnce and business access lines by Retail, Resale, and Uh'E-P), as required by Rule 25-4.0 185. s 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. 00429-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). S. pr 67 F r' J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 00446-06 No lead stf. No lead att. DESCRIPTION STATUS LEAD STFJATT. Conlidential claim 364.183( 1 ), fy CMP/Hunter (CONFIDENTIAL) Alltel territory access line and provider Information; advises document was produced for analysis in preparing 2005 re ort on status o competition in telecommunications industrv reDort. CMP/fiunt& CONFIDENTIAL) 005 CLEC VGE lines; advises document was produced for analysis in preparing 2005 re ort on status o competition in telccommunications report. unter (CONFIDENTIAL) Appendix C (various sorts); advises document was produced for analysis in preparing 2005 report on status RETA!JN _J F 00447-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim p r 364.183(1), S. 1 J” P 00448-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( l ) , fy 68 pi;? J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Xlarkets & ihforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 00449-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. DESCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim r r 364.183(1), S. of conipetition in telecommunications report. unter (CONFIDENTIAL) VoIP VGE lines; ' advises document was produced for analysis in preparing 2005 re ort on status o conipetition in telccoinmunications report. unter (CONFIDENTIAL) 2004 CLEC acccss lincs; advises document was produced for analysis in preparing 2005 re ort on status o competition in telecommunications industrv reDort. Verizod Christian) CONFIDENTIAL) 4th quarter 2005 Schedule 8 (residence and busincss access lincs by Retail, Resale, and RETAIN /rdin? F 00450-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Co iiiideiit ia 1 c 1ai m 364.183( 1 ). fy in;fin;y F 00797-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( I ), fy 69 r J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Officc as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTION STATUS 01277-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim er 364.183(1), f.S 01587-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Undocketcd te lecom core ucst treatc as claim 8 , RETURN UNE-P), 1-e uired by Ruie 23-1.0185. f%%En) CONFIDENTIAL', Draft copy of Verizon chapter from Review of Pole hspection and Maintenancc Practices of BellSouth, Sprint, and Verizon. BellSouth (Kay, Lackeg (CON IDENTIAL) Responses and supplemental res onses to sta f s f i r s and second data requests; staffs ? draft BellSout 'sOf cha ter of Review of ole Lnspection and Maintenance Practices of BellSouth, Sprint, and Verizon (foiwarded to BellSouth on 2/3 /06); and staffs work apers and workp an 3 P 70 RETAIN -/" Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DI<SCRIPTION column audit notes. rhcl udes one cB] [See Confidential DNs 06084-06 and 06088-061 Splint (A~asterton) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Hi hlightcd in ormation in Section 4.3 of joint-use a reements. See onfident ial Ns 06082-06 and 06088-061 Sprint (Mxstxton) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Hirrhlii~htcd inh"ticm noted in staff's document summaries. Docket No. 5, summary of cqntents; and joint use agreement list, summarizing agreements provided to staff on confidcntial CD for review of pole inspection and maintevance practices o f ~~ 0 1594-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Conliden ti a 1 c I aim z e r 364.183( 1 )> S. B 2 01653-06 Nk lead stf. No lead att. Co ti fidential claim f e r 364. I 83( 1 ). S. 71 ~~ b RETAIN RETURN L-/' Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 02063-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), fy DESCRIPTION BellSouth, Sprint, and Verizon. Verizon (chistian) (CONFIDENTIAL) Factual information in work papers produced by staff during utiiity pole ins ection audit. [ ec DN 06088-061 BellSouth (hleza (CONFIDENTI L) List of customers impacted by area transfer ortion ofSt. Jo is Realirrnmcnt projeFt, per staff request. [x-ref. D h 03571 -06 on CD onlvl BellSouth (hleza (CONFIDENTI L) Coinpact disk (CD) containing list of customers impacted by area transfer ortion of St. Jo ns Realignmcnt; is same as information filed RETAIN RETURN / 8 03335-06 1\Jo lead stf. No lead att. Con fi den ti a 1 c 1 a i m 364.183( 1 ). fy A I: 0357 1-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim ~.;364.183(1), A 1 72 - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCUMENT DOCKET TITLE 03596-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f~364.183( I), /- 04038-06 No lead att. 4/11/06. [x-ref. DK 03335-06 in y p c r fomiat] erizon iristian) irst uaner 2006 Sche ule 8 as required by Rule 25-4.0185. FAC. 8 -/ ,A DESCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( I), S. Tr 04678-06 No lead stf. No lead att. e r 04785-06 Nb lead stf. No lead att. Undoclteted telecoiii co rc uest treate as claim Con fiden ti a 1 c 1aim 364.183( 1). 1 73 Miami-Dade Kyphone contract 0. 104 between County of Miami-Dade and TCG Payphones. Sprint-FL (Mastcrton) (CONFIDENTIAL) First Quarter-2006, Schcdule 8 report, as re uircd bRu!e %.4.01&. BellSouth 'r c n f i e l d )(hleza. CONFIDENTIAL) ei-tain business information in letter dated 6/2/06 in response to staffs RETAIN d / - RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 05263-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS z; Coniidciitial claim 364.183(1), D1:SCFUPTION 5/17/06 letter regarding unauthorized charges being placed on consumers’ local telcyhone bills by third parties. BellSouth (hleza) (CONFIDENTIAL) Attachment to Item No. 3 of attachment to letter claiming confidentiality, and CD in res onse to letter date 6/6/06 re Telco stolm preparation. Verizon (Christian) ( CONFIDENTIAL) tnformation regarding company re aration for $O& h urricane season in response to 6/6/06 request. cr 053 13-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). zy 74 RETAIN RETURN J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 058 18-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Con fidcnt ial c I a im r r 364.183(1), S. 05936-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183( 1 ). S. 06029-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f; 364.183( 1 ). DKSCRIPTION V cera Dixon (ZONFI ENT AL) Res onses to 2006 CLiC questionnaire; with attached Form 477 filed with the FCC. P:iLver) CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to 2006 CL~C local competition report data re uest (TX2157 [diskette RETAIN b t J - Res oiises to 2006 CLEC data requests 06043-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Coniidential claim f e r 364.1 83( 1). S. 75 (Sc hoonovcr) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to 2006 CL€C local cornpctition report data re uzst (TX2157 [diskette provided]. [CCA notc: Per CCNMenasco's - RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION conversation with Mr. Schoonover, this diskette replaccs confidential diskette filed :z%?$ted version and 2 co ies were re crencecl in error and are not included with this P 06082-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183( I ), S. ChlP inson (CONFIDENTIAL) S rint workpapers, $01 2 of 4 to Review of Pole Inspection and Maintcnaiice Practices of BellSouth, Sprint, and Verizon. See Confidential N 0 1594-06; [Document provided in aper fonnat anc onCD.1 6 f 76 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 06084-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Undocketed telecom core uest treatc as claim 1 DICSCRIPTION CMPIVinson (CONFIDENTIAL) BellSouth workpa ers, Vol 1 of 4 to eview of Pole Inspection and Maintenancc Practices of BellSouth, Sprint, and Verizon. See Confidential N 0 1587-061 [Document provided in aper fonnat a n i o n 3 CDs.] Da Star Forster) - &ONF DENTZAL) Res onse to staffs [2006] FL CLEC data request (TX389). [Document Frovided i n papcr oiinat and on diskette.] CMP/Harvcv ( CONFIDE~JTIAL) Summaries of joint RETAIN RETURN / - i 6 06086-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidcntial claim f~364.183( l), 06088-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( I ). f attac!Ole ment contracts to review of po lc inspection and Maintenance ractices of bellSouth, Sprint 77 d' - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06128-06 06 138-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. DICSCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim 364.183(1), S. Fr Confidential claim 364.183( 1). F; 78 and Vcrizon; summaries were constructed from documents 02063-06, 11 153-05. 01587-06, 0 1594-06, and 01593-06. Time Warner Telecom (Adams) CONFIDENTLAL) es ome to staffs 2006 CLEC data re uest (TAO 17). [Document y v i d e d in papcr oiinat and on CD. SeeDNs 064 /$-06. 06575-06. k (CONFIDENT~AL) Res onse to stat& 2006 CLEC local competition report data request (TA003). [Document provided in aper fonnat a n t o n CU.] RETAIN _J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 06 140-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. DICSCRIPTION STATUS z~ Coniidential claim 364.183( 1 ). a TelCovc: (Pado (CONFIDENT L ) Res onse to staffs 2006 CLEC local competition report data request (TX278). [Document provided in aper fonnat an o n C D ; C D i s being retained with Confidential DN 06138-06.1 RETAIN _J R 06 149-06 06 156-06 No lead stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. Con fident ia 1 c 1a i m 364.183(1), Confidential claim r r 364.183( I ) , S. 06 161-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183(1). fy Res onse to staffs 2006 CLEC local com:Jetition data re u&t. (TAOG?) AnieriMex (Geuder) - (CONFID~~NTIA~) Res onse to FL CLEC data request. (TX448) [See DN 06403-061 v . est \H ;insonA( ONFDENT L) Res oiise to staifs 2006 CLEC local competition report datu request TX273). [See D 071 88-06] rf 79 J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential c I a i m f e r 364.183( 1 ). S. 06 179-06 No lead stf. No lead att. z~ 06 183-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183(1), S. 06169-06 Confidential claim 364.183( l), D1:SCRIPTION TDS McCabe (CO FIDEN IAL) Res onse to staf s 2006 local compctition data request - ILEC re ort. (TL7 18) &e DN 06284-061 Lprint LP FFlson) - (CONFI CNTIAL) Res onse to staffs 2006 CLEC local competition data re uest. (TX04?) [Document rovided in paper Format and on CD.] W indstream w") Res oiise to stafFs 2006 local compctition data request - ILEC re ort.(TL716 [ &c DNs 063 7-06, 06989-06, 0865 1-06. and O8S2 1-06] rfr' RETURN 7 - - e {FA%% b 80 RETAIN J - -d - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN / 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. 06185-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Con fidenti a 1 c I a i m r r ?64.183( 1 ). S. 06188-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183(1), S. 06 191-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confident i a 1 c 1aim {er 364.183(1), S. 81 BTI (Tidniore (CONFIDEN IAL) Res onse to sta:$s 2006 CLEC local competition data rc uest (TXlO?). [Docuinent Frovided in paper oimat and on CD.l DehaCom (Tidniore) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to staf!?s 2006 CLEC local competition data re uest (TX052). [Document y v i d e d in paper oimat and on CD. SeeDN 069 -061 7! dl Res onse to 2006 ’ loca competition data re uest. (TX821) [Provided in hard cop and on diskcttcl [See DN 06406-061 P J - RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 06193-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. DlSCRl PT ION STATUS Co ti fidential claim r r 364.183(1 ). s. 06196-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim fy 364.183(1), 06199-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183( I), S. 82 Level 3 Communications, LLC [Level 31 Res oiise to 2006 CL~C local competition data request 'TX23 8). See DI4 06754-061 ox Communications (Jackson) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to staifs 2006 CLEC local competition data re uest (TA027). [Document y v i d e d in papcr ormat and on L Res o w e to 2006 loca com;xtition data request I L K report. b'Ji?dfee DN 7 RETAIN / - RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 06202-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183(1). S. 062 1-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Coniidential claim f~361.183( 1). D1:SCRlPTION MCC (Kaufman) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to 2006 ’ CL~C local competition data request (TX842). [Document provided in aper fonnat antfon CD.L BellSouth ( leza (CONFIDENT1 L) Res oiise to 2006 loca competition data reauest - 7 062 14-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f~364.183( 1 ), BellSoutK(h1eza (CONFIDENT L) Res onse to 2006 loca competition data request ILEC report (TL720). [Document frovided i n papcr oimat and on 7 062 17-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Coniidential claim f e r 364.183(1 1, S. 83 A d Res onse to 2006 loca competition data reauest CLECie OI-I TA062, %X032) [Document provided 7 RETAIN /’ RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Xlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DlCSCRI PTION in aper fonnat DN ancfon 06733CD.bLjec 0622 1-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Conti dentia 1 c I a i m f e r 364.183( I), S. Verizon Flori a Christian) CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to 2006 loca competition data request ILEC report. [CCA note: Provided on Cl) on1 06422-84 [See DN Verizon Access RETAIN J - RETURN - 7 06223-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183(1), S. Res onse to 2006 loca competition data rcquest CLEC report. (TA005) [CCA note: Provided on CD only.] Time Warner Cablc J - - P 06225-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim fer 364.183( 1 ). S. (CONF DENTIAL) (Atlam? Res onse to 2006 loca comDetition data requist CLEC report. (TS835) [CCA note: Provided in DaDer fonnat and c;n CD. SeeDNs 067 -06and P 3J 84 J - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 06237-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Conlidential claim 364.183( 1 ), 06240-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). 06244-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( 1 )> S. {E [g 85 D1:SCRIPTION 07008-061 ACN (Forster) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onsc to staffs 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX707). !Document yovided i n paper oimat and on diskette.] BullsEye (Forster - (CONFIDENT L) Res onse to staffs 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX679). !Document y v i d e d in paper oimat and on $A (CONFIDENTIAL) Re5 oiise to stags 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX237). !Document y v i d e d i n paper oimat and on CD.] RETAIN J J J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT STATUS LEAD STFJATT. 06247-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( I), S. 06265-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim {er 364.183( I ). S. D1:SCRIPTION f a Frontier McCall - (CONF DENT L) Res oiise to stags 2006 ILEC data request on local com etition TL722). See DN US LEC Griffin) a6706-061 (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to 2006 ' local competition data request (TXl65). [Document provided in aper fonnat an on diskette.] See DN 06437-06 - (COh Masterton IDENTIAL) kmbarqg CLZC R 06277-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183(1), 8~ 86 3 Res onse to stags 2006 CLEC data request on local com letition (TX045). \Document Frovitled in paper oiinat and on CD.] RETAIN RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. 06280-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183(l), 06284-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Conlidential c I a i m 2:r 364.183(1). fy 1 06347-06 No lead stf. No lead att. DESCRIPTION STATUS ,L3. Confidential claim f y 364.183(1), 7; JL 071 -061 TDS McCabe (CO FIDEN IAL) Res oiise to staffs 2006 ILEC data request on local competition; includes diskettc ~1 y (TL? 18). See DN 06169-06] indstream I 4 2 (CON ID - ENTIAL) Response to ucstion 1 1 of 006 ILEC local competition data request; advises response was inadvertently excluded lion1 7/13/06filing [DN ? (l&i7l6JJ. O6 82-064 ee DNs 87 L Embar Masterton -(COh IDENTIA Re's onse to staffs 2006 ILEC data request on local com etition (TL727).fDOCuinent y v i d e d in paper oimat and on CD. SeeDX J RETAIN J - J - RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06362-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Confidential claim per 364.183(1), . P.S. I , DESCRIPTION 06989-06, 0865 1-06, and 0882 1-061 NEFCOhd Ilolle ) (CONFIDE( TLA N E) Attachment B, which is revised Table 3 to res onseto stad's 2006 ILEC local competition reDort data re'quest TL715). See D 061 99-06] Document provided in Daner fonnat and oh diskette] AmeriMex Geuder) - (CONFID NTIAL'I Additional data pertaining to CLEC data rc wst, per CMPi(!ordiano's request TX448). See D 061 56-06] Document provided in aper fonnat anJon diskette] RETAIN J P J 06403-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim per 364.183(1). . F.S. I , L rf 88 J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 06406-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. DESCRIPTION STATUS fz Confidential claim 364.183(1), fz 06410-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). 0641 7-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidcntial claim 364.183( I ). fcg b NuVox Norton) CONFI ENTIAL) 006 Exchan e check list to LEC data request response; provided on disketle on1 (TX821). See 6N 06 191 -06f Syntelco Geuder) - (CONF ENTIAL) Res onse to stags 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX701). fDocuinent yovided in paper onnat and on diskette 1 Time Mfar-ner Telcconi (Dunbar) (CONFIDENTIAL) Aniendcd res onse ’ to staft’s 200 CLEC data request on local comDetition (TAb13). [See DNs 06 128-06. 06575-06: 06665-061 and 06872-061 1 J - 8 rf, 6 89 RETAIN J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3Iarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 06422-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Confidential claim fy 364.183( l), 06434-06 No lcad stf. No lead att. Co tidcntial claim jy364.183(1). 06437-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183(1), S. 90 DESCRIPTION Verizon Florida Christian) CONFIDENTIAL) Amended res onse to staffs 200 ILEC data reauest on local com etition ( ~ ~ 7 1 0See ' . DN 06221- 6 FDN (Fed) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to staffs 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX230). !Document yovided in paper oiinat and on I RETAIN RETURN F 0'5 (CON F I ~ E N T I A L ) Supplcmental response to stairs 2006 CLEC data request on local competition (TX165); on CD on1 . (TX165) [See DX 06265-061 /' - - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisionlOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 06440-06 06460-06 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim ~~364.183(1), No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim per 364.183(1), . , P.S. Dl<SCRlPTION No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f ; 364.183( 1). 91 RETURN J - - Res onse to staffs 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX241). !Document Frovided In paper oimat and on diskette.1 BellSouth hleza) (CONFIDL2NTIAL) First supplemental response to 2006 local competition data request CLEC report (TX03 1). [Document provided i n paper foiinat and on CD.l [See DN 062 I i-061 Coincast (McDonald - (CoxFiDENTwL] Res onse to stalfs 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX576). YSee DNs 07080-06, 07 1 12-06, and 08085-06] ’ ~ 06536-06 RETAIN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 06575-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183(1 ), S. 06594-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim p e-r 364.183(1 ). No lead stf. No lead att. Coiiiidential claim f e r 364.183(1), S. 06665-06 l- .S. 92 DESCRIPTION Time Warner Teleconi (Adams) (CONFIDENTIAL) Amended res onse to staffs 2 0 0 l CLEC data reauest LTAO 13). [ScgDNs 6 128-06, 06417-06. 06665-061 and 06872-061 [Document provided in DaDer fonnat and oh CD] Trinsic Bynies (CONF ENTAL) Res oiise to stakfs 2006 CLEC data request on 1oca 1 c o m:x t i t ion (TX223).IDocument grovided in paper oiinat and on L t disicet3 Time arner Teleconi ( Adams) (CONFIDENTIAL) Amended res onse to staft’s 2 0 0 l CLEC data request on local com etition (TA113). [See DNs 06 128-06. 064 17-06. RETAIN */ RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06706-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim z e r 364.183( I), I DESCRIPTION STATUS c .o. 06733-06 No lead stf, No lead att. Confidential claim f; 364.183( 1 ), 06737-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), S. Fr 93 06575-06. and 06872-061 [Document provided in aper fonnat an on diskette] Frontier McCall - (CONF DENT L) Revised res onse to staffs 2086 ILEC data request on local competition; includes diskette ~ $ ~ ; ( ~ ~ J k DN SSee cp f a [Document provided in aper fonnat ancfon diskette] AT&T (Hatch (CONFIDEN IAL) Aniendcd res onse to staff’s 200% CLEC data reauest. (T.4062, TA032) [On paper and CD. {See DN 06217-04 inie Warner Cable -r! (Dunba%(CONF ENTIAL) Amended res onse to staffs 200% CLEC data request. (TX835) Onpa er and CD.] \See D k s 06225-06 and RETAIN J J J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06754-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. DICSCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), fy 07008-06 (CONF 3 d l iENTIAL) renslLevel Supplemental res onse to sta -fs 2005 (sic) CLEC data request on local com etition (TX838). [Document y v i d e d in paper ormat and on CD1 LSee DN 06 193-061 icus Geuder &JNF\D ENTSAL) Res onse to stalfs 2006 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette (TX86l). [CCA note: Dowment rovided in paper Format and on diskette.] Verizon (Christian) (CONFIDENTIAL) 2nd quarter 2006 Schedule 8 (residence and business accqss lincs by Retail, Resale, and UNE-P), required RETAIN J - F 06759-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( I ). S. 0681 1-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( I), {y 94 J - RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive AIarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06829-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. D1:SCRlPTION STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( I), {y by Rule 25-4.0185. PAETEC Mcssenger) - (CONFI ENTIAL) Res onse to staffs 2006 CLEC data request on local competition; includes diskette. (TX234) CCA note: iskette received in damaged condition due to delive process.] Time arner Telcconi (Adams) (CONFIDENTIAL) Amended res onse to staffs 200 CLEC data request; information is provided on CD only (TAO 13). See DNs 06 1?8-OJ, 064 17-06. 06575-06. and 06665-061 XO (Kaufnian (CONFIDEN IAL) Res onse to stags 2006 CLEC data request on local com etition (TX205). fDocument provided in paper h RETAIN _J b 06872-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183( 1 ), S. ib t: 06875-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( 11, fy 95 r’ J - RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06882-06 06885-06 06904-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. DESC RIPT LON STATUS Confidential claim z e r 364.183(1), S. Confidential claim 364.183(l), {g Con f i dentia 1 c I ai m f~364.183( 1)- foimat and on CD. SeeDN 071 -061 hterac tivi Services Network, !l hc. (CONFID NTIAL) Res onse to staffs 2006 CLEC data request on local competition; on paper and diskette. (TX364) Access htegrated Network, lnc. Res onse to staffs 2006 CLEC data request on local competition; on papcr and diskette. (TX326) DeltaCom (Tidniore) - (COXFIOENTIAI) Revised rcs onsc to 2006 CLEC data request on local competition; letter dated 811I06 advises only data tables have been revised; all other information is 96 RETAIN J J - RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 0692 1-06 06989-06 DESCRIPTION STATUS LEAD STFJATT. consistent with 7/14/06 filing; includcs CD containing confidential and redactcd \ crsions. (TXO.56) [ See DN 06 1 88-061 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183(I ) , S. No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183( 1), S. J - 2nd auartcr 2006 Schedule 8 (residence and business access lincs bv Retail. Resale: and ’ Reviscd rcs onse ’ to 2006 ILZC local competition data request (TL7 16). [Document provided in aper fonnat an on CD.] [See DNs 06 183-06, 06347-06. 0865 1-06, and 0882 1-06] [CCA note: Windstream is ncw name for ALLTEL. 1 R 97 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 07008-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Conf identi a 1 c la i m 364.183( 1). fy DICSCRI PT LON RETAIN RETURN Time Warner Cablc Amended res onse to staffs 200): CLEC local comDetition data requkst ; includes pa crandCD. (T5835) [See DNs l:+Q:;k$md 07023-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( I ), 07080-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f; 364.183( l), fy 98 Su x a Jo inson (CbNLDEdL) Res onse to staffs 2006 CLEC data request; includes C‘D. (TX088) comcas’t (McDonald - (COKFIDENTIAL SulJplemental resuonse to staffs 2006 CLEC data reauest on IOCSI cdmpetition (TX576 . [CCA note: Cr3 noi-tion filed 8WC6 (DN 07 1 12-06‘) See DKs 0 6 5 d h 6 and 08085 -06: \ i / J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 07 1 12-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. DESCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim z~164.183(1). RETAIN Comcast (McDonald) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Revised rcsponse to staft’s 2006 CLEC data request on local com etitioii (TXy76). [CCA note: provided on mer 07 1 14-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f~364.183( I ), CD Only;fi e version 8/7/06 LD12 07080- 6 . See DNs065 - 6and 08085-061 XO (Kauflnian (CONFIDEN IAL) Revised res onse to staffs 20t;6 CLEC data request on local com eti tion (TXgO5): [Document rovided in paper oimat and on CD. SeeDX 06s -061 Verizon (Christian) (CONFIDENTIAL) FCC Form 47‘7 pcr staff‘s CLEC data re uest; on CD on y. 12 F 07 150-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( I ’). ~;p.y 4.l 9 99 J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 07 178-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Con Iident ia 1 c I a im f e r 364.153( I ). S. 07 188-06 074 15-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183(1), S. No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( I ) , S. 100 DESCRIPTION b t Embarq Masterton -(COh IDENTIA ) Revised tables 1 and 2 to staff’s 2006 lLEC data request on local competition; includes CD. CONFIDENTIAL) Rcvised] response to staffs 3006 CLEC data request on local competition; includes CD onlv. (TX273) See D h 06 1 6 1-06\ Verizon Christian) CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to sta s follow-up auestions rk arding 2006 C ~ local C competition data request. I 8 RETAIN / - RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT LEAD STF./ATT. 08085-06 No lead stf. No lead att. 08483-06 No lead stf. No lead att. @byL DESCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim 364.183(1), fy fz Confidential claim 364.183( I ), 08567-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f ; 364.183( I ), 08651-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183(1), S. 101 Coincast (McDonald) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Second supplemental response to staffs 2006 CLEC data re uest hTX572). [See DNs 6536-06, 07080-06. and w Res onse to sta s information request re: local service provisioning and maintenance request. Frontier Communications of the South, Inc. (Guinness) (CONFIDENTIAL) FCC Form 477 (TL722). Windstream [F~%?IDENTIAL) Revised rcs onse to 2006 an22005 ILEX local competition data request Table 1 RETAIN RETURN J - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Offce as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 08806-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( l), S. 08821-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( I), S. DI?!XXIPTION (TL7 16). [ Sze DNs 061 83-06, 06347-06. 06989-06. and 0882 1-06, [CCA not e: Winds t ream is new name for ALLTEL.] BellSouth (Sims) (CONFIDENTIAL) Re\ oiises to stags 915’06 cramming request. Windstream ~FA~IDENT~L, Revised rcs onse ’ to staffs 20 6 and 2005 ILEC local competition data re uest table 1. ( T L i~ q [CCA note: Pro\ ided onlv on CD.1 [See Dh‘s 06 183-b& 06347-06. 06989-06. and 0865 1-06] B 102 RETAIN - RETURN J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. DOCUMENT 09988-06 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Order issued DESCRIPTION BellSouth Res onse to 911 E06 staff re uest for copies o each contract signed by developer \vi th accompanying COLR letter used by BellSouth along with all correspondence between BellSouth and each developer that received a 9 10033-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183(1), S. 103 DN 09364-06 [Carrier of last resort.] FZ:Yan) CONFIDENTIAL) Schedule 8, which contains number of residence and business acccss lincs by retail, resale, and LNEP for 3rd quarter 2006. RETAIN - RETURN / Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060000-OT Undocketed filings for 2006. 060 158-TL Investigation of protection of customer proprietary network information by incumbent local exchange companies. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 10136-06 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim z e r 364.183(I ). S. 10458-06 o lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364. I 83(1), No lead att. Coiifidential claim F rS. 364.183( 1)> 005 14-06 Moses Tan pg Confidential claim p r 364.183(1), S. 104 DESCRIPTION YA t % t. Embar Masterton - ( C O h IDENTIA ) 3rd quarter 2006 Schedule 3 (residence and business access lincs bv Retail. Resale: and ' Uh'E-P). Embal- Masterton -(COh IDENTIA ) Res onse letter to CdPIWatts dated 11/14/06.2nd w Res onses to sta s request on cramming. Verizon Christian) CONFIDENTIAL) copy of "safeguarding customer informa tion" methods and procedures; and copy of fraud alert bulletin distributed to all employees. [CCA note: Document moved to Docket r RETAIN RETURN li Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 005 17-06 0052 1-06 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Moses Tan Confidential claim per 364.183(1), F.S. Moses Tan Confidential c I ai m f e r 364.183( I ). S. \ , D1:SCRIPTION 060 158 Der DN 041 55-66,] BellSouthhKyJ (CONFID N AL) Response to Commission’s. inquiry regarding certain data on ;eft activity. CCA note: ocument moved to Docket 060 158 per DN 04155-06.1 Sprint (Masterton - (CONFIDENT L) Attachment to lettcr directed to CMP,’hloses in res onse to sta f s request for information regarding processes and procedures for protecting CPNI IA i! ocument moved to Docket 060158 per DN 041 55-06.] 105 RETAIN RETURN J J - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060 158-TL Investigation of protection of customer proprietary network information by incumbent local exchange companies. DOCUMENT LEAD STF./ATT. STATUS DlCSCRIPTLON 03846-06 Moses Tan Confidential claim r-p."s: 364.183(1). Verizon 15 er (ca"6 EKI~"L) Attachnient No. 1, Safcguard ing Customer Information Methods and Procedures. 03847-06 Moses Tan Confidential claim f~364.183( I), 03881-06 Moses Tan Confidential claim f~364.183(1), Verizon I1 a- (CONFI6&?IAL) Attachnient No. 2, Verizon Employee Bu!letin Fmud Alcrt: Scanimers Attempting to Gain Customer Infomation. TDS TelezoidQuincy (McCabe) (CONFIDENTIAL) S ccific sections o responseto request to review security measures to protect Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI). F 106 RETAIN _J J J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060 158-TL Investigation of protection of customer proprietary network information by incumbent local exchange companies. DOCUMENT 03999-06 LEAD STFJATT. Moses Tan DESCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim 364.183(1), Moses Tan RETURN L ALLTEL Wahlen) (CONFID NTIAL) Res onse to Order ’ PS -06-0258-PAA-TL E 040 18-06 RETAIN J zz Confidential claim 364.183( 1), Response to Commission’s 3/7/06 (sic) ordcr. 04036-06 Moses Tan Confidential claim f e r 364.183(1), S. f a FrGnticr McCall - (CONF DENT L) Summary report of review of security measures for customer pro pri ct ary network information. See DN 04193-0 ] b 107 J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive illarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 060158-TL Investigation of protection of customer proprietary network information by incumbent local exchange companies. 04193-06 06025 1-El 02379-06 Request for confidentiality of electric service quality and reliability audit, by Gulf Power Company. STATUS LEAD STFJATT. Moses Tan Confidential claim f~364.183(1), DESCRIPTION f a Frontier McCall - (CONF DENT L) Summary report; includes hi hlighted and re lined documents in response to Commission Rule 25-22.006(3 (a 1. S e e D N 0 4 3 -061 PC (Ritenour) (CONTIDENTfAL) Responses to document re uests 1.6a, 1.21. 154, 1.30a, 1.33, 1.33a, 2.3c-f, 3.3b, 3.4,1.4a-b, and certain auditor working papers Workload Coiitro No. RR-04-07-00 11. GT Coni (Hoffman) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onses to stai s 1st set of interrogatories (Nos. 2 and 13) and 1st reauest for PODS (No. 2). x-ref. DN 5359-061 [Hearing Exhibit no. 4 contains DNs % Fisher Order issued dd L F 060300-TL Petition for recovery of intrastate costs and expenses relating to repair, restoration and replacement of facilities damaged by Hurricane Dennis, by GTC, Inc. d/b/a GT Com 04686-06 Smith Smith Order issued e 6 1os d' Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STF./ATT. STATUS 05359-06 Smith Smith Order issued 05809-06 Smith Smith Order issued Dl<SCFUPTION 04686-06 and 05359-061 GT Coni (Rule CONFIDENTL4L) Lertain information and documents provided in response to staff's 1st interrogatories (Nos. 2 and 13), and 1st re uest for P O D S ~ N ~2) .. x-ref. DN 64686-061 [Hearing Exhibit ho. 4 contains DNs 04686-06 and No. 4 fFom 6/28/06 hearin . x-ref. DNs 0f6h6-06 and 05359-061 109 RETAIN J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060476-TL Petition to initiate rulemakin to amend Ru es 25-24.630( 1) and 25.24.516( I), F.A.C., by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 08527-06 LEAD STFJATT. Scott Scott Confidential claim 364.183(l), Scott Scott Staff recoin fld; awaiting order Scott Scott Staff recoin fld; awaiting order f 02676-07 0277 1-07 D1:SCRI PTION STATUS BellSouth [?:E% ENT~L) Post-workshop comments on proposed amendnients to Rules 25-24.630(1) and 25-24.5 16(I),' Qf""tgX) FAC. - ONF ENTIAL) nfomiation contained in Attachment A to response to staff data re uest dated 3119/07. Bell South (hleza, Edcnfieldi (CONFIDENTIAL) Portions of res onse to sta f s first data request. r-ref. DA 0338 -071 F 110 RETAI/N /' J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060476-TL Petition to initiate rulemakin to amend Ru es 25-24.630( 1 ) and 25.24.516(1), F.A.C., by BellSouth Telecommunications , hc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION t 02999-07 Scott Scott Confidential claim F r 364.183(1), S. Embar Masterton -(COh IDENTIA ) Res onse to staffs 311 9/07 data request. 03242-07 Scott Scott Confidential claim r r 364.183( I), S. Verizon O'Roark - (CONF DENT1 L) Cost studv associated with res onse to CdP/Salak 3/19/07 data request. 03388-07 Scott Scott Staff recoin fld; awaiting order BellSouth B % \ A (CONFI ENTIAL) (Gurdia% Portions of res onse to sta f s 1st data request. Jx-ref. Dh' 027 1-07] i! 111 J - - iL - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET 060479-TP DOCKET TITLE Petition b Verizon Fylorida Inc. for resolution of dispute with XO Communications Services, Inc. concerning non-UNE transport facilities retained at UNE prices. DOCUMENT STATUS LEAD STF./ATT. Dl<SCFUPTION f L 4 05803-06 W iggins Wiggins Order issued Verizon O'Roark - (CONF DENT L) Certain information in petition for dispute resolution with XO Communications, and in exhibits filed with petition. 06609-06 Wiggins Wiggins Confidential claim 364.183( I). XO Communications fy i*18 ((CONF ENTIAL) Certain hi hlighted in ormation in answer to Verizon's petition for dispute resolution and request for docket consolidation [with docket b60365-TP . See DP\' 06673-bE for amended page 91 !? 112 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET 060479-TP DOCKET TlTLE Petition b Verizon lorida Inc. for resolution of dispute with XO Communications Services, Inc. concerning non-UNE transport facilities retained at UNE 2 06058 -TP % of Alltel !%?on Communications, h c . for desi nation as eligi le telecommunications carrier (ETC) in certain rural tele hone company stu y areas located artially in Allte s licensed area and for redefinition of those study areas. DOCUMENT 06673-06 07960-06 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Wiggins Wiggins Confidential claim ftjr 364.183( I ), Mann Teitzman Order issued a a F 113 DIW.ZRIPTION XO Communications RETAIN i/ [EC~FBJENTIAL) Amendcd page 9 of confidential version of answer [DN 06609-061. Alltel Rowell (CON IDEN IAL) Business information containing projected five year build out plan, Exh D to application . b J RETURN 7 J - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets Sr Enforcement DOCKET 06058 1-TP DOCKET TITLE Petition of Alltel Communications, Inc. for desi nation as eligi le telecommunications carrier (ETC) in certain rural tele hone company stu y areas located artially in Allte s licensed area and for redefinition of those study areas. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 09468-06 Man11 Teitzman Order issued Alltel Rowell (CON+IDEN IAL) Response to staff data request 36; includes rcdacted version. 00084-07 Mann Teitzman Order issued Alltel Rowell (CON IDEN IAL', Response to data request No. 43 (i). % a DESCRIPTION $ 1 ) F 114 k.r' J RETAIN RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DI<SCRlPTlON STATUS RETAIN RETURN /, 060581-TP Petition of Alltel Communications, Lnc. for desi nation as leI eligi? telecommunications carrier (ETC) in certain rural tele hone company stu yareas located artially in Allte s licensed area and for redefinition of those study areas. 00294-07 t 6 Mann Teitzman Staff recoin fld; awaiting order Embarq Masterton -(COh IDENTIA ) Res onse to staf s data request which includes highlighted portions on access line spreadsheet. Mann Teitzman Staff recoin fld; awaiting order Alltel (Rowell (CONFIDEN IAL) Res oiise to stat$s third data rcquest y o . 47), datcd 2t 6/07 B e J - - F 02111-07 115 T’ J - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET 060582-TP DOCKET TITLE Petition of Alltel Communications, Inc. for desi nation as eligi le telecommunications carrier (ETC) in certain rural tele hone company stu yareas. located entirely in Alltel's licensed area. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTlON 07963-06 Mann Teitzman Order issued Alltel Rowell CON IDEN lAL) Lusiness information consistinj of projecte five year build out plan, Exh D to app1icat i on . 09468-06 Mam Teitzman Order issued Alltel I<owell (CON ID EN IAL) Response to staff data rcquest 36; includes redacted version. Mann Teitzman Order issued % B 00084-07 RETAIN $ 4 f . 7 ) J $ J 4 116 2 Alltel Rowel1 (CON IDEN TAL) Response to data request No. 43(i). RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE study areas located entirely in Alltel's licensed area. 060598-TL Petition to recover 2005 tropical system related costs and ex enses, by Be ISouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 08753-06 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS RETAIN RETURN /, Bellak Bellak Order issued Bellak Bellak Order issued BellSouth (CONFI ENTIAL) Response to Commission's 9/18/06 subpoena. f 09282-06 DESCRIPTION BellSouth (Meza, ocuments provided in response to staffs 1st request for production (No. 2) and attachment to staffs 1 st set of interro ratories (N?.34. !-ref. D h 09 5 -061 [CLK note: HeaiinO Exhibit No. 3 contains DNs 09282-06. 09859-06. 10649-06, and 1 1079-06.1 117 !,i - - h, F\. a 1 +. m 2 0 . r e C 1 o \ ? 0 '\ o\ F 0 v1 ul 0 W 00 0 Q tl 0 [A n c CD [A VI +. 1 Q 2 KK mu ez 5757 o\ P 0 0 \o N 00 v: Y P -3 C IS 0 g. 0 4 Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060598-TL Petition to recover 2005 tropical system related costs and ex enses, by Behouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 09859-06 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS Order issued DIISCRI PTION J BellSouth - e Res onses to stat s 1st re uest for PODS 0.2) and attachment to 1st set of intcrrogatories (No. 3). x-rcf. DN092 _ _ 2,061 [CLK note: kleann Exhibit No. contains DNs 09282-06. 09859-06. 10649-06. and 1 1079-06.1 BellSouth (hleza, Edcnfield, (CONFIDENTIAL) Responses to Comp sou th's 1st tre suest . 4 for a n iPODS s). (2 R 10204-06 Bellak Bellak Order issued ? x-ref. IIK 9526-061 CLK note: DNs 9526-06 and 10201-06 are art of Hearin Exhibit No. 1 .] f 119 RETAIN RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060598-TL Petition to recover 2005 tropical system related costs and DOCUMENT 10580-06 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS Staff recoin flcl; awaiting ordei iTelecommunications Tl;EAby D1:SCRIPTION rA BellSouth (hleza (COh'FIDENT L) Surreb u tt a1 testimonies of Kath K. Blake with fixh KKB-1, Ronald L. Hi1 er with Exhs RL -3, RLH-4, and RLH-5, and C.S. Pender rass with Exhs S -3 and SP-5. [Document icludcs 2 CDs See DN 1 107 -061 ellSouth L ,h c . F 10649-06 Bellak Bellak Order issued 2 CONF ENTIAL) (Gurdia;;Z evised rcsponsc to staff's 1st request for production of documents No. 2. [CLK note: Hearing Exhibit no. 7 contains DNs 09282-06. 09859-06. 10649-06. and 11079-06.1 h 120 RETAIN RETURN J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060598-TL Petition to rccover 2005 tropical system related costs and DOCUMENT 10727-06 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak STATUS Staff recoin fld; awaiting order E ES : ;I by Telecommunications DESCRIPTION BellSouth (hleza, Edcnfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) Attachments provided in res onseto sta f s 2nd set of $err0 ori es 0.20 . [CCA note: Includes CD. SeeDN 110 -061 BellSouth F yt Inc. 11072-06 11076-06 Bellak Bellak Bellak Bellak Order issued Order issued 86 (Gurdia%ENTIAL) (CONFI Lat c-F iled Depositio!i Exhibits 3, 4, 6, and 8 of Kathy K. Blake. BellSouth Gurdian w") ui-rebuttal testimony and exhibits of Kathy K. Blake, Ronald L. Hilyer7and C. S. Pcnder(7rass. [See DN rOS80-061 fpwd 12 1 RETAIN RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060598-TL Petition to recover 2005 tropical system related costs and ex enses, by Be lSouth Telecommunications ,h c . DOCUMENT 1 1079-06 LEAD STF./ATT. Bellak Bellak Order issued BellSouth Bellak Bellak Order issued (Gurdia% (CONFI ENTIALj Revised rcsponse to staffs 1st set of intcrrogatories, Item No. 3. [CLK note: Hearin17 Exhibit No. 3 contains DNs 09282-06, 09859-06. 10649-061 and 11079-06.1 Bel lSouth Bellak Bellak Order issued (G"rdia% (CONFI ENTIAL) Revised rcsponse to OPC's 1st set of intcrro atories, Item Ng0. 4, and 1st request for production of documents, Item No. 2. BellSouth P 1 1082-06 11086-06 DKSC RIPTION STATUS [%$l?8I&TIAL) Res oiise to star s 2nd set of intcrrogalories, No. 20 (Attachmcnt ). [See f 122 RETAIN J' RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 0848 1-07 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak DESCRIPTION STATUS NO1 filed; awaiting rcqucst DN 10727-061 AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Re )lacement co q~ of earing Exhi it No. 15 [containing information related to Audit NO. 06-255-1-1 . [Provided in C format; paper version forthcoming] AT&T Hatch CONFDEN IAL) Business information, Exh "C" to response to subpoena duces tecum without deposition. k .t, d 0606 14-TC Compliance investigation of TCG Public Communications, Inc. for apparent violation of Section 364.183(1). F.S.. Access tb company Records, and determination of amount and a propriate method r!f refundin overcharges or collect calls made from inmate pay telephones. 097 19-06 Lewis Tan z; Confidential claim 364.183( 1), f 123 f ? RETAIN RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 0606 14-TC Compliance investigation of TCG Public Communications, Inc. for apparent violation of Section 364.183(1), F.S., Access to ComDanv Records, and determination of amount and a propriate method r!f refimdin overcharges or collect calls made from inmate pay telephones. I DOCUMENT 09787-06 LEAD STFJATT. Lewis Tan STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( 1). fy DI<SCFUPTION TCG (Butler) (CONFIDENTIAL) Ceitain information provided in res onse to sta f s 1st set of interrogatories. f d !? 10244-06 Lewis Tan Confidential claim 364.183(1), S. pr 124 Global (Sclf) (CONF~ENTLAL) Certain information provided in RETURN - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Compctitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION telephones. 1 1 1 1 1-06 Lewis Tan Confidential claim 364.183(1), {F Evcrcom Kaufman) - (cONF:DENT~L) Responses 1-4 to subpoena duces tecum without deposition. ASee DN 11401- 61 11401-06 Lewis Tan Confidential claim f e r 364.183( 1 ), S. Evcrcom (Knufnian) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Supplcmen tal response to staff subuocna reauest. NO.'^. S e e d N ’ 11111- 61 h 125 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE from inmate pay telmhones. I DOCUMENT 11545-06 02095-07 LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Lewis Tan Confidential claim RF 364.183(1), Lewis Tan Confidential claim _per - 364.183(I), P.S. DlCSCRlPTION (ST TCG CONFID NTIAL) L i t ain information provided in supplemental responses to staff's 1st y~;ep;for PODS T-NETIX (Kaufinan) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Kemonse to stail's informal data re uest [dated 216107 See DN 029 9-07] 4 126 RETAIN - RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE collect calls made from inmate pay telephones. DOCUMENT 02979-07 LEAD STFJATT. Lewis Tan STATUS Confidential claim f~364.183( I ), DESCRIPTION T-NETIX Mo le (CONF&.IYAL) Amended response to staffs informal data re uest [dated 2/2/07]. See DN 02095-0 3 5 07893-07 Lewis Tan Confidential claim 364.183(1), fg Evcrcom Mo le) rONF&N&AL) es onses to staffs 8/7/07 data request to TCG. 127 RETAIN - RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE overcharges for collect calls made from inmate pay telephones. 060644-TL Petition to recover 2005 tropical system related costs and expenses, by Embarq Florida, Inc . DOCUMENT 08857-06 LEAD STFJATT. Bellak Bellak DESCRIPTION STATUS Order issued P 10366-06 Bellak Bellak Order issued P 10437-06 Bellak Bellak Order issued 6 Embarq Masterton) - (COh IDENTLAL) 14; rhlightcd in ormation in Exhibits KWD-2 and KWD-3 of affidavit of Kent W. Dickerson. Embarq Masterton) - (COh TDENTLAL) Hi hlightcd in ormation in Exhs KWD-3 through KWD-5 to direct testimony of Kent W. Dickerson. Embarq Masterton) - (COh IDENTLAL) Res onse to staf s request for production of documents, No. 2. [CCA notz: Hearing Exhibit No. 9 consists of confidential DNs 10437-06 and 1 17'99-06.1 e 6 6 RETAIN J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsiblc DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060644-TL Petition to recover 2005 tropical system related costs and expenses, by Embarq Florida, InC. DOCUMENT 1 1799-06 LEAD STFJATT. Bcllak Bellak STATUS Order issued D I S CRlPT t ON Em barq6M astertonL -(COh IDENTIA ) Attachment interrogatory 53, business information. [CCA note: HeaiinO Exhibit No. consists of confidential DNs 10437-06 and 1 1799-06.1 Embar Masterton) q$IDENTIAL) - (COh Highlighted data rovided in Kent . Dickerson's latc-filed deposition Exh No. 2. [CCA note: Docunicni of Hearing Ex ibit No. 5.1 Embarq Masterton -(Con JDENTIA ) Response to Audit Fqucst ho. 17.1. CCA not;: ocunicn! is being filed for purpose of being entered into record as RETAIN J - a 1 1883-06 Bellak Bellak Order issued J - b 00078-07 Bellak Bellak Order issued b Ki%cntial Hearing Exhibit 129 t. J - RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060650-TL Joint petition against BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc., Embarq Florida, Inc., and Verizon Florida Inc. for billing charges unauthorized by Telecommunications Consumer Protection Act and request for refunds, by Citizens of the State of Florida and Attorney General. 060677-TL Joint petition to implement practices and rocedures with Bcpartmcnt of Children and Families to automaticall enroll eligib e customers in Lifeline telephone DOCUMENT 1 1509-06 LEAD STF./ATT. Kennedy Tan STATUS Undefined DESCRIPTION No. Intc 6.1 rete1 (CO~FIDENTIAL) Information provided to CMP staff on 12/ 13/06 b AG's office, on [CCA note: 1s related to DNs 1 1507-06 and 11508-06.1 ZD. 07820-07 Williams Teitzman re: Confidential claim 363.183( I ). Y 8E: :2y Florida and AARP. 130 AT&T Florida (Sirianni) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res oiise to Order PSP-07-04 17-PA*-TL regarding lifeline customer information [provided on CD]. RETAIN J - RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive .\Iarkets & Ihforccment DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060677-TL Joint petition to implement practices and rocedures with 6epartment of Children and Families to automaticall enroll eligib e customers in Lifeline telephone rogram, by itizens of Florida and AARP. 060763-TL Petition for waiver of carrier of last resort obligations for multitenant ro ertyin Eofier County known as Treviso Bay, by Embarq Florida, Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION 0863 1-07 Williams Teitzman Confidential claim 364.183(1), {T AT&T Florida {SirianniJCONFI ENTIAL) Lifeline customer ' information in resuonse to Ordcr PSC-07-0117-PAA-TL . [CLK Note: fovided in paper Format and on CD.] 10660-06 BUYS Wiggins Order issued Embai-q Masterton) - (COh IDENTIAL) Hi hlightcd in onnation on p 5 of Attachment , afiidavit of Michael J. DeChcllis; hi hlighted in ormation on pgs 3,4, and 5 of Attachnient 2, affidavit of Kent W. Dickerson; Exh KWD-1 to affidavit of Kent W. Dickerson; and hi hlighted in ormation on lines 1- 12 of column 2 and lines Y RETAIN RETURN E ts F !? 13 1 6 B i J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 11434-06 BUYS Wiggins DKSCRI PT ION STATUS LEAD STFJATT. Order issued 13-23 of columns 2-21 of Ex11 KWD-2 to affidavit of Kent W. Dickerson. Embar Masterton) - (COh IDENTIAL) Hi hlightcd in ormation on pg 6 of DeChellis testimony; hi hlighted in ormation on pgs 3-5 of Dickerson testimony, Exhibit KWD-1 to Dickerson testimony: hi hlighted in ormation on lincs 1-12 of column 2 and lines 13-23 of CO~UIIUIS 2-2 1 of Exhibit KWD-2 to Dickerson F % f F 11881-06 BUYS W iggins Order issued 132 lestim0p Embarq asterton) - (COA IDENTIAL) CD containin Treviso Bay 8 P V cash flow anal sis with detail. [?CA note: Document 01513-07 (Hearing Exhibit NG. 4) consists of RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTION STATUS of DNs P00ortions 1881-06, 149-07. 00080-07 BUYS Wiggins Order issued 00 I 84-07. 00492-07. 00932-07. and 0 120 1 -07.1 Trcviso Bay Certain portions of documents being furnished per staffs 12/20/06 informal data ti\SCCA 00 149-07 BUYS W iggins Order issued requesD 01514-07 note: (Hcaring Exhibit No. 6) consists of DNs 00050-07 and 00955-07.1 4 L Embarq -(COl\r Masterton lDENTJA ) ResDonse to s t a l h data request No. E l . [See DN 001 84-071 CCA not?: ocumcnt 0 1513-07 (Hcaring Exhibit No. 4) consists of ortions of DNs 1881-06. 00 I 49-07, 00 I 84-07? b P 133 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 00 184-07 LEAD STFJATT. Buys Wiggins DESCRIPTION STATUS Order issued 00492-07. 00932-07, and 0 1201-07.1 Embar Masterton - (cofiLDENTm ) Response to staff data reauest No. E l ; Ma;-kct Share Stud SeeDN 00 I&-h7i [CCA note: Docylment 0 15 13-07 (Hearing Exhibit No. 4) consists of ortions of DNs 188 1-06, 00 149-07. 00 184-07, 00492-07. 00932-07. and 01201-07.1 Embarq Masterton -(COh IDENTIA ) Res oiises to stat s PODS (Nos. 1-7). [CCA note: Documcni 0 1513-07 (Hcaring Exhibit No. 4)consists of portions o f ~ N s 188 1-06. 00 1 49-07. 00 1 84-07. 0049247, 00932-07, and t P 00492-07 BUYS W iggins Order issued -ti 134 L t RETAIN - RETURN -b( Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive JIarkets & Enforcement ~ DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION RETAIN RETURN ~ 00582-07 BUYS Wiggins Order issued 01201-07.1 Embar Masterton -(Con IDENTIA ) Response to Treviso Bay's 1. 76 (Hearing Exhibit No. 1 1) consists of Dortions of DNs 06582-07 and 0062 1-07.] Embarq Masterton -(Con IDENTIA ) Response to Treviso Bay's POD (No. 2). CCA note: DPi 0 15 16-07 (Hcaring Exhibit NO. 1 1) consists of iortions of DNs Od582-07 and 0062 1-07.] Treviso Bay ~ 0062 1-07 BUYS Wiggins Order issued 00773-07 BUYS Wiggins Order issued 6 Portions of Exh DJW-4 of Don J. Wood's testimony, alternate cash flow analysis. 135 t. - / - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. Florida, Inc. 00932-07 BUYS Wiggins Dl<SCRIPTION STATUS Order issued t Embar Masterton -(COh IDENTIA ) Hi rhlightcd in ormation in interro atories, Nos. 2 ,21, and 22; and in request for admissions, No. 4. [CCA note: Document 015 13-07 (Hearing Exhibit No. 4) consists of ortions of DNs 1881-06. 00 149-07. 00 1 84-07: 00492-07. 00932-07: and 0 120 1-07.] Trcviso Bav Wri lit JCOI%T)DEN.I.IAL) Certain documents bein furnished to staff and Enibarq as part of Treviso Bay's responses to staff's discove . [CCA note: D 01514-07 (Hearing Exhibit No. 6) consists of DNs 00080-07 and 00955-07.1 TI$ P RETAIN - RETURN J - 8 P 00955-07 BUYS Wiggins Order issued IY 136 J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060763-TL Petition for waiver of carrier of last resort obligations for multitenant DOCUMENT 0 1201-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Wiggins Dl<SCRIPTION STATUS Order issued 4 FT/E%&mty known as Treviso Bay, by Embarq Florida, Inc. 6 Embarq Masterton -(COh IDENTIA Hi hlighted in ormation.in interrogatories (Nos. 29 and 30); and res onse to staffs (NO. 8). [CCA note: Document 0 1513-07 (Hcaring Exhibit No. 4) coiisists of ortions of DNs 188 1-06. 00 149-07. 00 1 84-07, 00492-07, 00932-07. and 01201 -07.1 Embarq Masterton -(COh IDENTIA ) HiFhlightcd in ormation on pag;$and 9 of SOD P 0 1228-07 BUYS Wiggins Order issued 6 Dickerson’s surrebuttal testimony 137 t RETAIN - RETURN 7 2’ - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060763-TL Petition for waiver of carrier of last resort obligations for multitenant ro erty in o ier County known as Treviso Bay, by Embarq Florida, Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DISC FUPT ION STATUS L 0 1418-07 BUYS Wiggins Order issued Comcast (Kolluch (CONFIDENTIA ) Afiidavit of L a m Schwcber. [CCA note: Document entered as Hearing Exhibit KO. 9; See DN 0 15 15-07.] 0 15 13-07 BUYS Wiggins Order issued (CONFIDENTIAL) Com ositr: Hearing Exhi it No. 4 from c 1 4 / 0 7 hearing. CCA note: ocument consists of portions of DNs 11881-06, 00 149-07. 001 84-07, 00492-07, 00932-07, and BUYS Wiggins Order issued ER 0 1514-07 E 0111 osite Hearing Exhi&itNfi. 6 from 2/1 4/07 hearing. lCCA not<: bocumeni consists of DNs 00080-07 and 00955-07.1 138 RETAIN RETURN / - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive JIarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060763-TL Petition for waiver of carrier of last resort obligations for multitenant ro ertyin Eoiier County known as Treviso Bay, by Embarq Florida, Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTION STATUS 0 1515-07 Buys W iggins Order issued (CONFIDENTIAL) Hearing Exhibit No. 9 from 2/14/07 hearing. [CCA note: Document consists of DN 0 1418-07.] 0 15 16-07 BUYS Wiggins Order issued (CONFIDENTIAL) Hearing Exhibit No. 11 from 2/14/07 hcaring. CCA note: ocumcni consists of ortions of DNs 0&82-07 and 0062 1-07.] RETAIN - RETURN 7 - L 06463-07 BUYS Wiggins Conlidential claim 364.183( 1 ), fy 139 Embarq Masterton) - (COh IDENTIAL) Advance deposit calculation. b J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets Sr Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Dl%XIPTION RETAIN RETURN / 060767-TP Petition of MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services for arbitration of disputes arising from negotiation of interconnection agreement with Embarq Florida, h c. 0 1672-07 Trueblood Tan Confidential claim 364.183( l ) , fy Masterton % t Hi Thlightcd pages Embar - ( C O h IDENTIA ) 6,+, 8, and 13 of direct testimony of Ted Hart. 02487-07 Trueblood Tan fConfidential y 364.183(claim I )- Embara (Masterton) - (COfll?IIlENTIAL) Highlighted intimnation in res2onse to stairs 1st set of interrogalories (Nos. 4, 5. and 6) and 1st request for PODS. 140 J - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060767-TP Petition of MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services for arbitration of disputes arising from negotiation of interconnection agreement with Embarq Florida, Inc. DOCUMENT 025 1 1-07 LEAD STFJATT. Trueblood Tan STATUS Confidential claim 364.183(1), $2 DESCRIPTION .t7 03453-07 Trueblood Tan Order issued 141 L Embarq Masterton -(COP\: IDENTIA ) Res onse to staf s 1st set of interrogarones (Nos. 4-5). b i Embarq Masterton) - (COh IDENTIAL) 13phlightcd in ormation in interrogatories No. 38. [CLK note: Document admitted as Hearing Exhibit No. 4.1 RETAIN J RETURN - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 060802-TL Re uest for con idential classification of portions of response to request for Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) contracts, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. 09988-06 060822-TL Petition for relief from camer-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 364.025(6)(d) for two rivate sub ivisions in Nocatee development, by BellSouth Telecommunications 01382-07 4f LEAD STFJATT. Tan Tan STATUS Order issued DESCRl PT ION J BellSouth - Res onse to 9/1 E06 staff re uest for copies o each contract signed by developer with accompanying COLR letter used by BellSouth along with all correspondence between BellSouth and each developer that received a COLR letter. See D E 09364-062 [Carrier of last resort.] BellSouth d/b/a AT&T Edenfield) (CONF DENTIAL) Res oiises to staf s first data request (Nos. 1, 5 , and 7). x-ref. DNs 01 9 3-07 and 02 I 70-071 [CLK Note: Hearing Exhibit No. 3 consists of confidential DNs 01382-07. P BUYS Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order !I F t J d! 142 RETAIN RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS , Inc. 0 152 1-07 BUYS Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order DESC RI PTLON 05739-07. 05095-07. 0574 1-07. and 05838-07' Nocatce c!klfl- (CONFIBENTIAL) Highlightcd portions of res onses to sta f s data re uest No. NOC-I . ee DN 0 1874-071 CLK Note: earing Exhibit No. 5 consists of confidential DNs 01521-07 and 0 1S74-073 RETAlN J - F ,t" 0 1874-07 BUYS Mann Staffrecom fld; awaiting order Nocatee (Self) CONFIDENTIAL) ei-tain revised, hi hlighted in ormation provided in responses to staff's data re uest No. NOC-I . ee DN 01521-071 CLK Note: earing Exhibit NO. 5 conilsts of confidential DNs 01521-07 and 0 1874-071 t: F I 143 J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET 060822-TL DOCKET TITLE Petition for relief from carrier-o f-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 364.025(6)(d) for two rivate sub ivisions in Nocatee development, by BellSouth Telecommunications ,h c . DOCUMENT 0 1943-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Mann DKSCEUPTION STATUS Staff recoin flci; awaiting order Bel 1South d/b/a AT&T (Meza, rCONFIDENTIAL) cifield) - RETAIN g' es oiises to stat s 1st data request, Itzm Nos. E 2 02 I 70-071 02 170-07 BUVS MiIUl Staff recom fld: awaiting order ' BellSouth d/b/a AT&T Meza, Edcnfie d) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res oiises to stat s 1st set of data requzsts No. BS-1 (Item 3 0 s . 5 , aid 7 ) . x-ref. DISs 1382-07 and 0 1943-07; r 8 i, 144 J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060822-TL Petition for relief fi-om carrier-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 364.025(6)(d) for two rivate sub ivisions in Nocatee development, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Lnc. DOCUMENT 04646-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Mann STATUS Staff recoin fld; awaiting order F 2 DESCRIPTION AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Exhs LB- 10, LB- 12, LB-13, and LB-14 to testimony of Larry Bishop; and nortions of iestimony of Beth Shiroishi. x-ref. DN 0523 -071 [CLK Note: Henrin Exhibit No. 28 consists ot' LB-10; NO. 26, LB-12; No. 27, LB-13; and NO. 28, LB-14 AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onses to sta fFs 1st set of inlerrogatories (NOS.1-23) and 1st request for PODs (Nos. 1-1s); specifically response to intcrro atory No. 18; an attachments responding to PODs Nos. 3 , 4 . 5 , 6 , 7, 13, 14, 16, and 17. [CLK note: RETAIN - 4 05095-07 BUYS Mann Staff recom fld; awaiting order Lp 145 RETURN 4 Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. D1:SCRI PTION STATUS Information provided on1 on CD. x-ref. N 060 -071 [CLK Note: Hearing Exhibit No. 3 consists of confidential DNs 01382-07, 05739-07. 05095-07. 057'4 1-07, and 05838-071 AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Dn'cct testimon of Beth Sliirois i and Exhs LB- 10, LB-12, LE3-13, and LB-14 attached to Larry Bishop's direct testimony. x-ref. DN 4646-071 [CLK Note: Hearing Exhibit No. 24 consists of LB-10; No. 26, LB-12; No. 27, LB-I 3; and NO. 28, LB-14 dl 05233-07 BUYS Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order 4; z 6 146 RETAIN J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT STATUS LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTION RETAIN / 060822-TL Petition for relief from carrier-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 3 64.025( 6)(d) for two rivate sub ivisions in Nocatee development, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. 05238-07 BUYS Mann Staff recoin fld: awaiting order AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Responses to Nocatce's 1st request for PODS, Item Nos. 1, 5, and 7. [CLK Note: Hearing Exhibit No. 9 consists of confidential DNs 05238-07, 05964-07, and 06 156-071 05739-07 BUYS Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Business information contained in amended response to staffs 1st data request BS- 1, No. 7. x-ref. DN 061 2-07] [CLK Note: Hearing Exhibit No. 3 consists of confidential DNs 0 1382-07. 05739-07. 05095-07. 0574 1-07. and 05838-071 F h! 5 147 RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET TITLE DOCKET 060822-TL Petition for relief from camer-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 364.025(6)(d) for two rivate sub ivisions in Nocatee development, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 0574 1-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Mann STATUS Staff rccoin fld; awaiting order F DESCRIPTION AT&T Florida (Meza, Edcnfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Attachment in response to intcrrogatory No. 3 1 to stnfi's 2nd set of RETAIN J b! 05838-07 BUYS Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order Note: Hearing Exhibit No. 3 consists of confidential DNs 0 1382-07. 05739-07. 05095-07. 0574 1 -07, and 05838-071 AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Supplemental response to staffs 2nd re uest for PODS 19 and 23). x-ref. DK b6 54-07: [CLK Notc: Hearing Exhibit N d . 3 consists of confidential DNs 1"9,. 148 J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. , Inc. 05964-07 BUYS Mann Dll SCR1PT I ON STATUS Staff recoin fld; awaiting order 0 1382-07, 05739-07. 05095-07. 0574 1 -07. and 05 838-071 AT&T Florida %e% ENTIAL) Responses to Nocatee’s 1st set of interrogatories (No. 3 ) and 2nd reauest for PODS os. 3-4). x-ref. DK 627 1-07] [CLK Note: Hearing Ex!iibit No. consists of conlidential DNs 0523 8-07. 05964-07. and 06 1 56-071 AT&T Florida (Mkza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onses to staffs 1st set of interro ratones (No. 18$ and 1st request for roductioii (Nos. 4, 5 , 6, 7 , 14, 16, and 17); includes CD. p‘ 06004-07 BUYS Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order 5 9 149 RETAIN J - RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DICSCRIPTION STATUS RETAIN Dhr 6x-ref. 5095-07’1 06 147-07 BUYS Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida Gurdian, dcnfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) Response and supplemental response to staffs 2nd set of interrogatories (No. 3 1). [x-ref. DN 05741-071 06 152-07 BUYS Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida (Gurdian. kdcnfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) kniendcd response to staft’s first data re uest BS-1, No. 7,9,usiness information related to competi tivc intcrests. [x-ref. DN 05739-071 150 L J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060822-TL Petition for relief from carrier-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 364.025(6)(d) for two rivate sub ivisions in Nocatee development, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT 06 154-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Mann DESCRIPTION STATUS Staff recom fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida (Gurdian, Edcnfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res oiises to sta s 2nd re uest for PODs (30s. 19 and 23), business information related to comxti tivc inteiests. [x-ref. DN 05833-071 w F b! 06 156-07 BUYS Mann Staff recom fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida Supplemental response to Nocatee's 2nd reauest for PODs ("0.. 4). [x-ref. ortioii of DN 86243-071 [CLK Note: Hearing Exhibit No. (>" consists of confidential DNs 05238-07. 05964-07, and 06 1 56-07] 15 I RETAIN - RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060822-TL Petition for relief from carrier-o f-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 3 64.025 (6)(d) for two rivate sub ivisions in Nocatee development, by BellSouth Telecommunications ,Inc. DOCUMENT 06243-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Mann STATUS Staff recoin fld; awaiting order DESCRIPTION AT&T Florida Gurdian, ~%%!kNTIALj ocunients produced in supplemental response and second supplemental response to Nocatce's 2nd re uest for PODs $0.4). x-ref. !IN 06 146-071 F 8 06245-07 BUYS Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order Nocatee (Self) CONFIDENTIAL) Lertain information provided in supplemeiital response to AT&T Florida's 2nd re uest for PODs ($2. 10). [CLK Note: Hearin Exhibit No. consists of Confidential DNs 06245-07 and 0636 1-05' x-ref DN 0760667] f 152 RETAIN RETURN / J - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060822-TL Petition for relief fi-om carrier-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 364.025(6)(d) for two rivate sub ivisions in Nocatee development, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS D1)SCRIPTION 0627 1-07 BUYS Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Response to Nocatee's 1st set of interrogatories (No. 3) and 2nd 06359-07 BUYS Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order (CONFIDENTIAL', hearin Exhibit No. 7 (8T[Pr7) cover uagc fi-om 7/24/07 lkaring. lCLK Kote: Document consists of Confidcntial DKs 0624.5-07 and 0636 1-05] I? RETAIN J' - b! 153 ~I J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060822-TL Petition for relief from carrier-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 364.025(6)(d) for two rivate sub ivisions in Nocatee development, by BellSouth Telecommunications ,h c . DOCUMENT 06360-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Mann STATUS Staff rccoin fld; awaiting order D1:SCRIPTION (CONFIDENTIAL) Hearin Exhibit No. 9 &TIP-9) from 7/24/07 hearin . [CLK Note: eating Exhibit No. 9 consists of confidential DNs 05238-07, 05964-07. and 06 156-071 a F 2 06361-07 BUYS Mann Staff rccom fld; awaiting order (CONFIDENTIAL) Hearin Exhibit No. 5 (%TIP-5) from 7/24/07 Exhibit NCI. consists of confidential DNs 01521-07 and 01874-07: Hearing Exhibit No. 7 consists of Confidential DNs 06245-07 and 06361-051 154 RETAIN RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsiblc Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 060822-TL Petition for relief from carrier-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 364.025(6)(d) for two rivate sub ivisions in Nocatee development, by BellSouth Telecommunications ,h c . DOCUMENT 06362-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Mann STATUS Staff recoin fld; awaiting order DESCRIPTION fNo. -CONFIDENTIAL) rearin3 (%TIP-3) Exhibit RETAIN J - RETURN - from 7/24/07 hearin . [CLK Note: earing Exhibit No. 3 consists of confidential DNs 01 382-07. 05739-07, 05095-07. 0574 1-07. and 05838-071 a F z 07604-07 BUYS Mann Staff recom fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida (Hatch, Edenfield) - (COKFIDENTIAL) Nocatee's supplemeiita 1 response to AT&T Florida's 2nd re uest for PODS 10). x-ref. LK 06241-07, d). 155 J - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070000-OT Undocketed filings for 2007. DOCUMENT 00372-07 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. DISC RI PTION STATUS d fy Coiifideiitial claim 364.183( 1). dated 1 1/8/06 re uesting copies of lorida residential local service installation and repair orders for teriod 1 1/05 to /30/06. CCA note: 2 C 1s filed 9: 00935-07 0 1014-07 No lead stf.. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim {er 364.183( 1 ), .s. Confidential claim z e r 364.183( 1 ). S. 156 RETAIN (residence and business access lincs by Retail, Resalc. and UNE-P). Verizon (Christian) (CONFIDENTIAL) Schedule 5, which contains number of residence and business access lincs by retail, resale, and LXEP for 4th quarter 2006. RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competith’e 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070000-OT Undocketed filings for 2007. DOCUMENT 0 1941-07 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. D1:SCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). {y A BellSouth (hleza (CONFIDENT1 L) AT&T Florida’s pole inspection report for 6/06 through 12/06 ursuant to Order SC-06-0 168-PAA-TL . [See DNs 04830-07 and 5 02342-07 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f e r 364.183( 1 ), S. Embar 04833-07i4 asterton - (CO8hDENTIAk) Hi hlighted in ormation in res onse to sta f s request for reviw and identification of any confidential documents included in staffs mork papcrs provided by Embarq for review of special constructim practices for major Florida ILECS. P r! 157 RETAIN \I’ RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets Sr Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070000-OT Undocketed filings for 2007. DOCUMENT 03583-07 STATUS LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. confidential claim 3 64.183 1 ), {F DESCRIPTION Verizon Christian) CONFIDENTIAL) hrst uarter 2007 Schelule 8 as required by Rule 25-4.0 185. CMP/Fisher (CONFIDENTIAL) Volunie 2 of Coinmission staffs work a ers [for Por special construction practices for yJorsF loii da ! ~ 03644-07 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( 1). fy ~~~~ ~ ~~&71; 03645-07 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183(1), fy 158 RETAIN CMP/Fisher (CONFIDENTIAL) Volunie 3 of Coinmission staffs work papers [for Embarq] for special construction practices lor ina'or Floiida DN I L ~ C S[x-ref.. . 05564-06j J' RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Xlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070000-OT Undocketed filings for 2007. DOCUMENT 03647-07 03648-07 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS DESCRIPTION Confidential claim ?64.183( I ), zy TConfidential ! 364.183(claim 1 ), Commission staffs work papers [for Verizon] for special construction nractices for ha’or Florida ILLCS CMP/Fisher (CONFIDENTIAL) CD Rom of Commission staffs work p e r s [for AT&T, mbarq, and Verizon] lor special construction practices ior ma.or Florida I L ~ C SD N ~ 03644- 7. 03645-07, and 03647-07 Embarq($asterton~ 6 03802-07 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r ?63.183(1), S. 159 -(COA IDENTIA ) 1st quarter 2007 Schedule S (residence and business access lincs by Retail, Resale, and Un-E-P). RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070000-OT Undocketed filings for 2007. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 03963-07 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183(1), 03974-07 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183( I ) , S. 0445 2-07 No lead stf. No lead att. Coiifidential claim 36-1.183(1). S. 04830-07 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183(1), gy. rr fz DESCRIPTION Verizon Christian) CONFIDENTIAL) 2007 region emergency preparedness plan - southeast re ion. Af&T Florida Kay -(CONFIDEN IA ) Res onse to stat s 2007 storm preparedness data rec uest. See DNs 04835-05 and 05576-071 Embar khazraee) - (CO&\DENTLAL) 2007 enie;gency res [orationp Ian for Ft. Mlers District. AT&T Florida Kay -(COKFIDEN IA ) Revised pole inspection report for 6/06 through 12/06 pursuant to Order PSC-06-0 168-PAA-TL . SeeDN 0 941-071 e $2 I 160 'rl! RETAIN A J - / RETUP' - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070000-OT Undocketed filings for 2007. DOCUMENT 04833-07 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. DESCRIPTION STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( l ) , f ; RETAIN / - Supplement to pole inspection rcport for 6/06 throu h 12/06, per staf s reauest from 5/23/07 worksho . [See DN 01941- 71 AT&T Florida Kay -(CONFIDEN IA ) Res oiise to staffs 2007 storm prcparedness data re uest SeeDNs 03 74-0 and 05576-071 Verizon O'Roark - (CONF DENT1 L) Contract between Verizon Business and Brifht House Nenvor s AT&T Florida Kay -(CONFlDEN IA ) Updated Exhibit 9 to Item No. 8 of resl)onse to staffs 2007 storm preparedness data recluest , reviousl filed 5 1 1/07 03974-0 [See DNs 03974-07 and RETURN - F 04835-07 No lead stf. No lead att. Co iifidentia 1 c I a i m 364.183(1), l; K $2 B 05185-07 No lead stf. No lead qtt. Confidential claim f ; 364.183(1), 05576-07 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim f ; 364.183( 1 ). 4 \ $2 5"" >. 161 A J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJIITT. DISCRIPTION STATUS 04835-071 05876-07 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183( l ) , S. FWTAlN / - Res onse to stags June 28th re uest for in ormation re arding Embarq's a herencc to recommendations from ATIS storm checklist. BellSouth Telecommunications h c . AT&T i i l o r i J ~ ~ s i -n i ~ (CON EN IAL) Response to 6/5/07 letter from CMP/Harvey regarding Tico Donaire complaint (Case No. 7 8 0591 1-07 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183(1), S. 06141-07 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183( 1 ). S. 162 Current storm preparedness/recov cry plan. J- RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Xlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070000-OT Undocketed filings for 2007. DOCUMENT 06 184-07 06447-07 DESCRIPTION STATUS LEAD STFJATT. r; No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( l), No lcad stf. No lead att. Confidential claim r r 364.183( 1 ). S. fy hternal documentation fertaining to iui-ricane preparation, recover, support, and in onnation pursuant to staffs reauest. Northeasi Florida Hoffman) CONFIDENTIAL) kmcrgenc y preparedness ! ?;;E;” 06525-07 163 dated Verizon (Christian) (CONFIDENTIAL) Second quarter 2007 Schedule 8, which contains nuinbcr of residence and business access lincs by retail, resale, and LNEP. RETAIN/ RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Compctitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070000-OT Undocketed filings for 2007. DOCUMENT 06590-07 07442-07 LEAD STFJATT. DI<SCRIPTION STATUS No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183(1), No lcad stf. No lead att. claim fConfidential y 364.183(1), zy r! t Embarq Masterton -(Cob IDENTLA ) 2nd uarter 2007 Sche d e 8 (residence and business access lines by Retail, Resale, and a customer Ii fel ine ap lication in ormation receivcd from FPSC and Dept of Children and Famil Services; inelu es CD. tSiriann8BellSouth P 07700-07 No lead stf. No lead att. Confidential claim 364.183( 11, p.2 2 CONFI ENTIAL) Status u clatc prepare i n resFonse to 8/14/07 note from CMPNinson re Tico Donaire complaint s 164 RETAIN RETURN 7 J - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070050-TI Compliance invest] ation of N E T E ~ O Mk, c . for ap arent violation o Rules 25-24.470, F.A.C., Registration Required. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS 05951-07 Curry Tan Confidential claim 364.183( 1), 022 15-07 Bloom Mann Order issued Bloom Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order fg P 070 126-TL Petition for relief from carrier-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to ection DESCRIPTION NETECOM Alizadch) - (COSFID 4NTIAL) List of all NETECOM accounts which will be transfcrred to TELENATIONAL DIRECT long distance service. AT&T Florida Ij (Gl'rdiai;3 ENTIAL) (CONF Exh 'B to petition. V", F.S., 64.02 for i lages of Avalon, Phase 11, in Hernando County, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. 02585-07 BellSouth (hleza, Edcnfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onses to star s data reauest No. ATT-1 e 3 1 8 1-07] 165 RETAIN s" RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Offiice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTION STATUS RETAIN 11, in Hernando County, by BellSouth Telecommunications ,Inc.d/b/aAT&T Florida. 03 181-07 Bloom Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida (Gurdia%ENTIAL) (CONFI Res onses to stat s 1st data request No. Att-1, attachment to Item No. 2. x-ref. DN 2585-071 Q 6 03525-07 Bloom Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida [%%%ENTIAL) Res onse to stat. s data request No. ATT-2, Item No. 1. [CLK note: Confidential document erroneously attachcd to and filed with notice of intent to 31 166 J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Compctitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS Telecommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. 040 16-07 Bloom Mann Staff recom fld; awaiting order DlSCRIPTION request specified confidential classification (DN 03187-07 on 4/21/07.[?-ref. DN 040 6-07] AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to stafFs Data Request KO.ATT-2, attachment to Item No. !. x-ref. DN 3525-07: / RETAIN J t, 06538-07 Bloom Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Portions of direct testimonjr of Elizabeth R. A. Shiroishi. x-ref. DN0743 -071 5 167 J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. Dl3CRIPTION STATUS Telecommunications ,Inc.d/b/a AT&T Florida. 06539-07 Bloom Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) ExhS LB-2, LB-3, LB-4, and LB-6 to dircct testimony 0679 1-07 Bloom Mann Staff recoin fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida (Gurdia%ENTIAL) (CONFI Attachments to motion for summary final order [ DN 067'92-071, which are Exhs LB-2, LB-3, LB-4, and LB-6 to Larry Bishop's affidavit, and ortions of lizabeth R.A. Shiroishi's affidavit. [x-ref. E 168 RETAIN J - J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT 06937-07 LEAD STFJATT. Bloom Mann STATUS Re foiwarded to sta f for recom ? DESCRIPTION DN 07693-071 AT&T Florida Hatch) CONFIDENTIAL) es onses to staf s 1st re uest for PODs os. 1 and 5 ) , business information. [x-ref. oition of DN 07p822-07 and DN 085 15-07] h! (3 07027-07 Bloom Mann Re foiwarded to sta f for recom ? 169 AT&T Florida (Hatch) (CONFIDENTIAL) Supplemental response to starfs 1st re uest for PODs ( I? 0. 1). rx-rcf. ' ortio; 6f DN E7822-071 RETAIN J - RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070 126-TL Petition for relief from carrier-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to ect ion 64.025 forVid’, i lages F.S., of Avalon, Phase 11. in Hernando County, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. DOCUMENT 07 158-07 STATUS LEAD STFJATT. Bloom Mann Staff recom fld; awaiting order DESCRIPTlON RETAIN AT&T Florida [%$nI&NTfiL) Res onsc to sta s 2nd set of - w 07439-07 Bloom Mann Staff recoin fld: awaiting order ’ AT&T Florida (CONFIDENTIAL) 6xhs LT3-2. LB-3, ’ LB-4, and LB-6 to testimony of Larry Bishop; and portioiis of testimony of Elizabeth R. A. Shiroishi. rx-ref. DNs 0653k07 and 06539-071 170 RETURN J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070 126-TL Petition for relief from carrier-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations pursuant to Section DOCUMENT 07693-07 LEAD STFJATT. Bloom Mann DESCRl PT ION STATUS Staff recoin fld; awaiting order F.S.. 364.025T4d)7 for i lages of Avalon, PKase 11, in Hernando County, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. AT&T Florida (Gurdian, Edcnfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) Exh NOS. LB-2, LB-3, LB-4, and LB-6 to La] Bishop's affi airit; Jnd ortions of lizabeth R. A. Shi roi shi's affidavit [filcd as attachments to motion for summary x-ref. DN E Bloom Mann Re forwarded to sta f for recom 7 AT&T Florida (Mcza, Edcnfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onses to stat s 1st request for PODS, Nos. 1 and 5 and supplemental response staffs 1st request for PODS. No. 1. x-ref. DKs 6937-07. 07027-07. and 085 15-07] e h 17 1 J - 7 .];;E; 07822-07 RETAIN J RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070 126-TL Petition for relief from carrier-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to Eection DOCUMENT 08030-07 LEAD STFJATT. Bloom Mann STATUS Staff recom fld; awaiting order DESCRIPTION AT&T Florida (Gurdian, Edcnfield) (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to stat s 2nd set of interrotjatories (Nos. 1 -42), specifically resuonse to 33. int6rrogatoxNo. x-refD RETAIN J RETURN - e 364.025T4d)7 F.S., for i lages of Avalon, Phase 11, in Hemando County, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. 5 071 8-07] 085 15-07 Bloom Mann Req statf foiwarded for recom to AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Res onse to sta s 1st request for PODS, No. 5 , filed 8/8/07. [x-ref. ortions of DNs 6937-07 and 07822-071 w 6 172 J - - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070 126-TL Petition for relief from camer-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to Eection DOCUMENT 09063-07 LEAD STFJATT. Bloom Mann STATUS Req forwarded to staff for recom 02121-07 Lee Teitzman ;: Co iifiden ti a1 claim 364.183( 1 ), hC. 070 182-E1 Request for confidential treatment of certain information contained in draft report setting forth a review of 02442-07 AT&T Florida (Gurdian, Xhs LB-2. LB-3, LB-4, and LB-6 to Larry Bishop and ortions of €1 izabeth R.A. Shiroi shi's affidavits as attachcd to amended motion for ;rw;rn;xfinal 364-0259rd), F.S., for i lages of Avalon, Phase 11, in Hemando County, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. 070 127-TX Petition for interconnection with Level 3 Communications and request for expedited resolution, b Neutral TanCYem, DICSCRIPTION Scott Scott Order issued 0906.5-071. Neutral Tmdem %- (CONF (Kcat ENTIAL) Neutral Tanclem's 7/6 '07 contract with Level 3; and 2/2/04 contract with Level 3's subsidiary, Broadwing Communizations. TECO (Bcasle ) - KONFIDEN.KAL.) Cei-tain information contained in draft report repared by staf setting forth a re\-iew of P 173 RETAIN RETURN / - 7 - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS customer deposit rocedures of lorida's five investor-owned utilities, by Tampa Electric Company. DICSCRIPTION customer deposit rocedures of lorida's five investor-owned utilities. F F 02538-07 Scott Scott Order issued TECO Bcasle ) LCONF\DEN&L) ei-tain customer information set forth in staffs workpapers in connect ion with audit of customer deposit practices of invcstor-owned clectric utility companies. 05854-07 Scott Scott Order issued CMP/Harvev (CONFIDE~JTIAL) Staff work papers ' prepared during review of customer deposit rocedures of lorida's five investor-owned utilities (TECO). F 174 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE Tampa Electric Company. 070 190-TP A plication of F Iporida Digital Network, mc. d/b/a FDN Communications, holder of CLEC Certificate No. 5715 and IXC Re istration No. TJf46, and FDN, LLC, d/b/a FDN Communications; for transfer and name change of CLEC Certificate No. 5715 from Florida Di ita1 Network. &c. d/b/a FDN Communications to FDN. LLC d/b/a FDN Communications; acknowledgment of cancellation of IXC Registration No. TJ246; acknowled-went of re istration as an d C and adoption of Florida Digital Network, Inc. d/b/a FDN Communications' DOCUMENT 02935-07 LEAD STFJATT. Watts Tan STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), JJ~. 175 DESCRIPTION L NuVox Rule) CONFI ENTIAL) 004,2005, and 2006 audited financial statements? submitted i n compliancc with Item KO. i 8(c) of CLEC application. 1 RETAIN - RETURN J cncn 0 0 2.2. 4 P z VI W 0 0 4 ? 0 W \o td E 0 td P 0 4 0 c3 2 2m n U 0 IS L Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Xlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET 070244-E1 DOCKET TITLE Re uest for con idential treatment of certain information contained in draft report setting forth a review of customer deposit rocedures of lorida's five investor-owned utilities, by Gulf Power Company. 9f- DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DESCRIPTION s a 02554-07 Scott Scott Order issued GPC Ritenour (CON IDENT L) Certain information provided in connection with staffs audit of !stonier deposits. CLK note: This ocument moved to Docket 070244 per DN 02933-07.1 05852-07 Scott Scott Order issued CMP/Harvey (CONFIDENTIAL) Staff work papers prepared during review of customer deposit xocedures of klorida's fivc investor-owned utilitics (GPC). F 177 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET 070245-E1 DOCKET TITLE Re uest for con9fidential treatment of certain information contained in draft report setting forth a review of customer deposit rocedures of lorida’s five investor-owned utilities, b Progress Jnergy Flonda, Inc. DOCUMENT 02663-07 LEAD STF./ATT. Scott Scott STATUS DESC EUPT ION Order issued - Sampling data obtained by staff during an on-site visit relatcd to audit revicw of customer de osit procedures. YCLK notc: This document moved to Docket 070245 per DK 02933-07.1 F 05850-07 Scott Scott Order issued 178 RETAIN CMPIHarvey (CONFIDENTIAL) Staff work papers prepared during review of customer deposit xocedures of horida’s fivc investor-owned utilitics (Progress). RETURN - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Markets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070329-TX Petition for approval of transfer of CLEC Certificate No. 4722 from Xspedius Management Co. of Jacksonville, LLC d/b/a Xspedius Communications to Time Warner Telecom of Florida, L.P., and request for waiver of carrier selection re uirements of Ru e 25-4.1 18, F.A.C. 070330-TX Petition for approval of transfer of CLEC Certificate No. 5474 from Xspedius Management Co. Switched Services, LLC d/b/a Xspedius Communications to Time Warner Telecom of Florida, L.P., and request for waiver of carrier selection requirements of DOCUMENT 04568-07 LEAD STF./ATT. Watts McKay STATUS fz Confidential claim 364.183(1)> DESCRIPTION Time Warner RETAIN - RETURN / - and infonnation regarding customers being acquired from Xspedius. P 04571-07 Watts McKay Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), ;y 179 Time Warner ji%?E&NTuL) Carrier selections and infonnation regarding customers being acquired from Xspedius. /’ Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET TITLE DOCKET Rule 25-4.118, F.A.C. 07033 1-TI Acknowledgment of registration as intrastate interexchange telecommunications company, cffective May 2 1, 2007, and re uest for waiver o carrier selection re uirements of Ru e 25-4.1 18, FAC, to allow Time Wamer Telecom of Florida, L.P. to acquire assets and customer base of Xspedius Mana ement Co. Switc ed Services, LLC d/b/a Xspedius Communications. 070357-TL Petition for relief from carrier-of-last-re sort (COLR) obligations ursuant to lorida Statutes 364.025 6)(d for Cabana out Beach Apartments, Phase DOCUMENT 04574-07 LEAD STFJATT. Watts McKay STATUS Fr Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), S. DESCRIPTION Time Warner and infonnation regarding customers being acquircd from Xspedius. P 7 i? F 06495-07 BUYS Wiggins Staff recoin fld; awaiting order Lrl 180 AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTLAL) Exhs 1-3 to notice of filing additional documents in support of petition for relief of COLR RETAIN - RETURN J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Jlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 11, in Alachua County, by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida d/b/a AT&T Southeast. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS DISCRIPTION RETAIN obligations. x-ref. DK 7380-071 b 06935-07 BUYS Wiggins Staff recoin fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida IE%YIb ENTIAL) kes oiises to stafFs data re uest Nos. 2(a), 2%), and 10, business ?forma tion. x-ref. DN 78 17-07] 07380-07 BUYS Wiggins Staff recom flci; awaiting order 181 AT&T Florida (Mcza. Etlenfield) - (CONFLDENTIAL) Additiona 1 documents in support of petition, Exh Nos. J RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE County, by BellSouth Telecommunications Inc. d/b/a AT&T horida d/b/a AT&T Southeast. DOCUMENT 078 17-07 LEAD STFJATT. BUYS Wiggins DKSCR1PT ION STATUS Staff recoin fld; awaiting order AT&T Florida (Meza, Edenfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) R'es onses to sta s 1st data re uest Nos. 2(a), 2%). and 10. RETAIN RETURN J f 070374-TX Application for certificate to provide competitive local exchange telecommunications service by Norstar Telecommunications ,LLC. 04786-07 McCoy McKay rr Confidential claim 364.183(1), S. Norstar einhart) CONFIDENTIAL) Balance sheet, statement of income and retained esmings, costof oods sold, an2 general and administrative expenses for ear ended 12i3 1/ 6. IS' ' K 182 / L Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070379-TX Application for certificate to provide competitive local exchange telecommunications service by New Horizons Communications Com. 070390-TL Peti'tion for waiver of Order PSC-96-00 12-FOF-TL and re uest to establia modified price regulation categories by Embarq Florida, InC. 070397-TX Application for certificate to provide competitive local exchange telecommunications service by Touchtone Communications Inc. of Delaware. DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTION STATUS 04949-07 McCoy McKay Confidential claim f~364.183( l), New Horizons Steinhart) CONFIDENTIAL) inancial information for year ended 12/31/06. 05793-07 Bates McKay Confidential claim 364.183( 1 )> fy Embarq Masterton) - (COh IDENTIAL) Non-basic tariff filing summaries. 05603-07 McCoy McKay Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), Touchtonc (Steinhart) (CONFIDENTIAL) income statement and statement of assets, liabilities and equity for 'ear cnded 12/?!1/06. 183 RETAIN 1. - c Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Rlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET 070408-TP DOCKET TITLE Petition by Neutral Tandem, Inc. and Neutral Tandem-Florida, LLC for resolution of interconnection dis Ute with Level 3 Eommunications, LLC, and request for expedited resolution. 07053 1-TX Application for certificate to provide competitive local exchange telecommunications service by Sage Telecom, Inc. 070533-TX Application for certificate to provide competitive local exchange telecommunications service by KG Communications, LLC d/b/a KG Communications. DOCUMENT 02121-07 06406-07 07574-07 STATUS LEAD STFJATT. DESCRIPTION Lee Teitzman Confidential claim fy364.183(1), Neutral Tandem McCoy McKay zConfidential y 364.183(claim I Sa e (Sell) (C~NFIDENTIAL 1 Certain informat ion provided with CLEC application. McCoy McKay Confidential claim z e r 364.183( 1). S. KG Comniunications ). [E%%% ENT~L) Neutral Tandem's 7/6/07 contract with Level 3; and 2/2/04 contract with Level 3's subsidiary, Broadwing Communications. [%E%ENTmL) Personal financial statement of Wayne Rosen. ICLK Note: Information was filed initially with :yj$oat.ion on c onim i Hsion not responsible for availability of information prior 184 RETAIN d RETURN - J Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070547-TL Petition for ex edited review ofkXX-X code denial by Number Pooling Administrator for Jacksonville E:$!%, DOCUMENT LEAD STFJATT. STATUS ;y 06498-07 Polk McKay Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). 06598-07 Polk McKay Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). by Telecommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. 070550-TL Petition for ex edited review of%XX-X code denial by Number Pooling Administrator for Delray Beach exchan e (Kings Poin., p.~ 6g Bell out Telecommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. 185 DESCRIPTION to claim notification.] AT&T Florida (Mcza. Edcnfield) - (CONFIDENTIAL) Certain information contained in Attachnients 1 and 2 to petition for ex edited review of%XX-X code denial. AT&T Florida L CONFI ENTIAL) ertain business information contained in Attachments 1 and 2 to Detition for ex <dited review of%XX-X code denial. RETAIN - RETURN *-/ - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive 3larkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 07055 1-TL Petition for ex edited review of%XX-X code denial by Number Pooling Administrator for St. Johns exchange (Worldgolf), by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. 070555-TX Application - - for approval of transfer of CLEC Certificate No. 8520 from RNK Telecom, Inc. to RNK, Inc. d/b/a RNK Communications. DOCUMENT 0660 1-07 LEAD STFJATT. Polk McKay STATUS Confidential claim 364.183(1), p.~ D1:SCRIPTION AT&T Florida RETAIN RETURN - (Gt'rdia% (CONFI ENTIAL) Certain business information contained in Attachments 1 and 2 to petition for ex edited review of XX-X code denial. K 06749-07 06889-07 McCoy McKay Undefined McCoy McKay Undefined RNK Communications (CON IDENTIAL) Exh 4, financial statements to application for transfer of CLEC certificate. [CLK note: Company nrovided filing on 'CII onl .I [x-Yef. DN Od89-07 in K E E E % n i c ations (CLIrq (CON IDENTIAL) Exh A.?.(C), financial infom a t ion to application for traiisfcr 01' CLEC certificate. [CLK note: Filing 186 J - Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive hlarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070564-TL Petition for ex edited review of%XX-X code denial bv Number Pooling. Administrator for Hollywood exchange (Pembroke Pines), by BellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. 070565-TL Petition for ex edited review of%XX-X code denial bv North Americin Numbering Plan Administrator in Panama City Beach DOCUMENT 07191-07 07 194-07 LEAD STF.IATT. Polk McKay Polk McKay STATUS Confidential claim r r 364.183(1), S. Confidential claim DESCRIPTION consists of hard copy of material originally filed on CD on1 (DN 06719-07)i. AT&T FlGrida J%%%ENTIAL, Cei-tain information contained in Attachments 1 and 2 of petition for ex edited review of%XX-X code denial. AT&T Florida f~364.183(1). [%iiFi%iNTIAL) C ei-tain information contained in Attachnients 1 and 2 to pctitivn for ex edited review of XX-X code denial. p%iE), R by ellSouth Telecommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. 187 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible DivisiodOffice as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competiti1,e llarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE 070574-TL Petition for ex edited review of XX-X code denial by Number Pooling Administrator for Ponte Vedra Beach exchan e (Main), Bell8outh elecommunications , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. 07058 1-TL Petition for ex edited review ofRXX-X code denial by Number Pooling Administrator for Daytona Beach exchan e (Main), b Bell outh elecommunications , Inc.d/b/a AT&T Florida. 07061 3-TL Petition for ex edited review of XX-X code denial by Number Pooling Administrator for Jacksonville exchange DOCUMENT 07862.-07 R LEAD STFJATT. Polk McKay STATUS Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ), ;y AT&T Florida information contained in Attachments 1 and 2 to petition for ex edited review o f , XX-Xcode denial. s\r 08 105-07 Polk McKay Confidential claim 364.183(l), fy AT&T Florida information contaiiicd in Attachments 1 and 2 to petition for cx editcd review o f . XX-X code denial. -? 8 R DESCRIPTlON 5 0868 1-07 Polk McKay Confidential claim 364.183( 1 ). fy AT&T Florida (Gurdia3 CONFI ENTIAL) Lertain - information contained in Attachnients 1 and 2 to petition for ex edited review of XX-X code denial. kE%l by Telecommunications R 188 RETAIN RETURN Inventory of Confidential Documents by Responsible Division/Office as of 10/04/2007 Division of Competitive Alarkets & Enforcement DOCKET DOCKET TITLE , Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. 070637-TL Petition for ex edited review of%XX-X code denial by Number Pooling Administrator for Daytona Beach exchange, by BellSouth Telecommunications ,Inc. d/b/a AT&T Florida. DOCUMENT 09061-07 LEAD STFJATT. No lead stf. No lead att. STATUS Confidential claim 364.183(1), S. pr 189 DESCRIPTION AT&T Florida I%%ikNTmL, Attachments 1 and 2 to petition for cx edited review of&XX-X code denial. RETAIN RETURN