Condes v Evercom First Amended Complaint Phone Suit 2002
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 LAW OFFICES OF EDWARD C. CASEY, JR. EDWARD C. CASEY, JR. (State Bar #123702) 2100 Lakeshore Avenue, Suite A Oakland, CA 94606 Telephone: (510) 208-4422 Facsimile: (510) 272-9999 c_, , LAW OFFICES OF JOHN W. ALLURED JOHN W. ALLURED (State Bar #84770) One Maritime Plaza, Suite 1040 San Francisco, California 94111 Telephone: (415) 675-2960 Facsimile: (415) 675-2961 FARROW, BRAMSON, BASKIN & PLUTZIK ALAN R. PLUTZIK (State Bar #77785) 2125 Oak Grove Blvd., Suite 120 Walnut Creek, California 94598 Telephone: (925) 945-0200 Facsimile: (925) 945-8792 13 14 Attorneys for Plaintiffs, Individually and On Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated 15 16 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 17 18 19 20 21 22 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA - UNLIMITED 23 24 25 EVERCOM SYSTEMS, INC; SBC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.; PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY; and DOES I through 50, inclusive. 26 Defendants. 27 Case No. 2002054255 ELENA CONDES, BRIAN H. GETZ, and ) BICKA BARLOW, on behalf of themselves ) and all others similarly situated, ) ) Plaintiffs, ) vs. ) FIRST AMENDED CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~-------------------------) 28 1 First Amended Class Action Complaint for Damages 1 2 F or their complaint, plaintiffs, by their attorneys, allege on information and belief as to all matters except those concerning the plaintiffs, which are alleged on personal knowledge, 3 4 as follows: JURISDICTION AND VENUE 5 1. 6 7 8 This action arises out of a pattern and practice whereby defendants Evercom Systems, Inc., Pacific Bell Telephone Company, and SBC Communications, Inc. wrongfully charged customers for telephone services which were not authorized or accepted. As 9 hereinafter alleged, the defendants reside, have offices and/or conduct business in this County. 10 2. 11 12 The amount in controversy exceeds the jurisdictional minimum of this Court. 13 PARTIES 14 (A) Plaintiff Elena Condes ("Condes") is a resident of this County. (B) Plaintiff Brian H. Getz ("Getz") is a resident of San Francisco, (C) Plaintiff B icka Barlow ("Barlow") is a resident of Contra Costa 20 (D) Plaintiffs bring this action individually and on behalf of a class of 21 similarly situated persons, as hereinafter defined. 3. 15 16 17 California. 18 19 22 County. 4. Defendant Evercom Systems, Inc. ("Evercom") is a Delaware corporation 23 24 25 26 with its principal offices at 820 I Tristar Drive, Irving, Texas. 5. Defendant SBC Communications, Inc. ("SBC") is a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business at 175 E. Houston, San Antonio, Texas. 27 28 2 First Amended Class Action Complaint for Damages 1 2 6. Defendant Pacific Bell Telephone Company ("Pacific Bell") is a California corporation with its principal offices at 140 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California. 3 4 Pacific Bell is an operating subsidiary of SBC. 7. 5 At all times relevant hereto, defendants have pursued a common course of 6 conduct, and have conspired with, and have aided and abetted one another, including unnamed 7 others, both known and unknown, to accomplish the wrongful acts alleged. Defendants herein 8 acted as agents for their co-defendants and as the agents of each other in committing the acts 9 alleged. 10 11 8. The true names and capacities of defendants sued herein under California 12 Code of Civil Procedure Section 474 as Does 1 through 50, inclusive, are presently not known by 13 plaintiffs, who therefore sue these defendants by such fictitious names. Plaintiffs will seek to 14 amend this Complaint and include these Doe defendants' true names and capacities when they are 15 ascertained. Each of the fictitiously named defendants is responsible in some manner for the 16 17 conduct alleged herein and for the injuries suffered by plaintiffs. CLASS ACTION ALLEGATIONS 18 19 20 21 9. This action is brought as a class action pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 382. Plaintiffs bring this action on behalf of (I) all California residents who were charged by Evercom, Pacific Bell or SBC, directly or through any billing service used 22 23 by them, for collect calls from correctional facilities which such persons did not authorize or 24 accept and (2) all persons who were charged by Evercom, Pacific Bell or SBC, directly or 25 through any billing service used by them, for collect calls from correctional facilities located in 26 California which such persons did not authorize or accept. 27 28 3 First ronended Class Action Complaint for Damages 1 2 10. Although the exact number of class members is unknown to plaintiffs at this time, Evercom serves numerous correctional facilities in California and elsewhere, including 3 4 city, county, state and federal correctional facilities. Each of these facilities has at least several, 5 and as many as hundreds, of inmates. Therefore, the class is so numerous that joinder is 6 impracticable. 7 8 9 II. There is a well-defined community of interest in the questions oflaw and fact affecting the parties to be represented in this action. The questions ofJaw and fact to the class predominate over questions which may affect individual class members. These questions 10 11 oflaw and fact include: (a) 12 whether defendants engaged in a pattern and practice ofbilJing 13 recipients of colJect calls for such caIJs even though such recipients did not authorize or accept 14 such caIJs; 15 (b) whether defendants' conduct violated California statutory or (d) what is the proper measure of damages for any misconduct on the 16 common law; 17 18 19 part of defendants. 20 12. 21 22 Plaintiffs' claims are typical of the claims of the other members of the plaintiff class. Plaintiffs and aIJ members of the class were injured and have sustained damages as a result of the wrongful conduct herein alleged. 23 13. 24 Plaintiffs wiIJ fairly and adequately protect the interests of the members of 25 the plaintiff class and have retained counsel competent and experienced in class and securities 26 litigation. 27 28 4 First Amended Class Action Complaint for Damages 1 2 14. A class action is superior to other available methods for the fair and efficient adjudication of this controversy since joinder of all members of the plaintiff class is 3 impracticable. Furthermore, as the damages suffered by individual class members may be 4 5 relatively small, the expense and burden of individual litigation makes it impossible for the class 6 members to individually address the wrongs done to them. There will be no difficulty in the 7 management of this action as a class action. 8 9 15. Plaintiffs contemplate providing notice to the members of the class by means of a first-class mailing to all class members who can be identified through reasonable 10 11 12 effort. The names and addresses of the members of the class can be determined from defendants' books and records. FACTUAL BACKGROUND 13 14 15 16. Defendant SBC is one of the largest providers of telecommunications services in the United States. Originally formed as a regional holding company which did 16 business primarily in five southwestern states, SBC has expanded its operations through a series 17 18 19 of merger and acquisitions, and its principal wireline subsidiaries provide services in thirteen states, including Galifornia. 20 21 22 17. Defendant Evercom advertises itself as "the largest independent supplier of inmate telecommunications and information services in the United States." According to its own statements, it provides "inmate communications solutions" to more than 2,000 correctional 23 facilities in 45 states - some 75% of all correctional facilities in the United States. Evercom 24 25 provides "sophisticated inmate telephone systems, alternate calling options, dedicated direct 26 billing services, automated information management services and comprehensive customer 27 service. " 28 5 First Amended Class Action Complaint for Damages 1 2 18. In some cases, Evercom contracts directly with correctional facilities to provide these services. In other cases, Evercom "partners" with other, including regional Bell 3 operating companies, to provide its services. 4 5 19. In California, Evercom "partners" with Pacific Bell to provide telephone 6 services at numerous correctional facilities, including, but not limited to, the Santa Rita County 7 laillocated in Dublin, California. In general, under the arrangements between Evercom and 8 Pacific Bell, Evercom provides certain telephone services and Pacific Bell provides others. 9 20. Commencing not later than 2001, defendants began charging for telephone 10 11 services which were not authorized or accepted. In particular, defendants charged the recipients 12 of collect calls from inmates at correctional facilities even though such neither the collect calls 13 nor any charges therefor were authorized or accepted by the recipients of the collect calls. In 14 particular, where a collect call was "received" by a recorded greeting, defendants charged for 15 such call in the amount of one minute even though such call was not authorized or accepted by 16 the recipient of the call. 17 18 21. (A) For example, plaintiff Condes was charged the following amounts 19 for collect calls from correctional facilities on the following dates, even though plaintiff Condes 20 did not authorize or accept the collect calls or any charges therefor: 21 22 Charge 8/3/01 $2.83 8/28/01 $2.83 9111101 $2.83 26 10/25/01 $2.83 27 11112/01 $2.83 23 24 25 28 6 First Amended Class Action Complaint for Damages 1 2 1217101 (B) $2.83 Likewise, plaintiff Getz was charged the following amounts for 3 collect calls from a correctional facility on the following dates, even though plaintiff Getz did not 4 5 authorize or accept the collect calls or any charges therefor: Charge 6 7 4/8/02 $4.84 8 4/8/02 $6.62 4/8/02 $4.84 4/8/02 $5.73 9 10 11 12 (C) Likewise, plaintiff Barlow was charged th~ following amounts for 13 collect calls from a correctional facility on the following dates, even though plaintiff Barlow did 14 not authorize or accept the collect calls or any charges therefor: 15 16 Charge 2/28/02 $2.95 317102 $2.95 19 3/12/02 $3.02 20 3/12/02 $3.02 21 3/12/02 $3.02 3/13/02 $2.95 3114/02 $3.02 3/14/02 $2.95 26 6/10/02 $3.10 27 7/8/02 $3.02 17 18 22 23 24 25 28 7 First Amended Class Action Complaint for Damages 1 7117102 7131/02 2 $3.02 $2.95 3 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 4 (Bus. & Prof. Code §17200) 5 6 7 8 22. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate herein by this reference each of the allegations of paragraphs I through 21. 23. Defendants' conduct as alleged above constituted unfair and deceptive 9 conduct within the meaning of California Business and Professions Code § 17200 et seq .. 10 11 24. As a proximate result of defendants' said wrongful conduct, defendants 12 dishonestly and wrongfully acquired and retained substantial monies at the expense of the 13 members of the plaintiff class and the members of the general public. It would be unjust and 14 inequitable for defendants to be permitted to retain the benefits of their wrongful conduct. 15 Therefore, defendants should be required to disgorge and make restitution of all monies 16 17 18 19 20 21 wrongfully obtained from the members of the plaintiff class or the general public pursuant to the wrongful scheme set forth. 25. In addition, the wrongful conduct of defendants presents a continuing threat of injury to the members of the plaintiff class and the members of the general public in that defendants have charged and continue to charge plaintiff and the members of the plaintiff class 22 for collect calls from correctional facilities which such persons did not authorize or accept and 23 24 25 26 27 has made it likely that members of the public have been and will continue to be wrongfully charged for such calls. 26. The unlawful conduct alleged herein is continuing and, unless restrained, the defendants will continue to engage in such conduct. 28 S First i-.mended Class Action COlnplaint for Damages 1 27. By virtue of the foregoing, plaintiffs and the members of the plaintiff class 2 pray for the relief hereinafter specified. 3 SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION 4 (Unjust Enrichment) 5 6 7 8 28. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate herein by this reference each ofthe allegations of paragraphs 1 through 27. 29. By virtue of their inequitable conduct, defendants have been unjustly 9 emiched at the expense, and to the detriment, of plaintiffs and each member of the plaintiff class. 10 11 Plaintiffs and each member of the plaintiff class are therefore entitled to recover from defendants 12 damages and restitution for unjust emichment all monies charged and collected by Evercom, 13 directly or indirectly through Pacific Bell's billing service, for collect calls which such persons 14 did not authorize or accept. 15 30. By virtue of the foregoing, plaintiffs and the members of the plaintiff 16 17 class pray for the relief hereinafter specified. 18 THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION 19 (Accounting) 20 21 22 31. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate herein by this reference each of the allegations of paragraphs 1 through 28. 32. The amounts owed to plaintiffs and the members of the plaintiff class by 23 24 the defendants, and each of them, can only be ascertained by an accounting. Plaintiffs and the 25 members of the plaintiff class do not have access to, and cannot gain access to, the records 26 necessary to perform the accounting. Rather, such records are in the possession, custody and 27 control of defendants. The amounts owed to plaintiffs and each member of the plaintiff class are 28 9 First pffiended Class ActiOn Complaint for Damages 1 2 owed as a result of defendants' wrongful conduct andlor duties arising from defendants' business transactions with plaintiffs and the members of the plaintiff class, which duties defendants have 3 breached. 4 33. 5 6 By virtue ofthe the foregoing, plaintiffs and the members of the plaintiff class pray for the relief hereinafter specified .. 7 PRAYER FOR RELIEF 8 WHEREFORE, plaintiffs demands judgment against the defendants as follows: 9 I. Declaring this action to be a proper plaintiff class action. 2. Awarding plaintiffs and all members of the plaintiff class damages in an 10 11 12 amount which may be proved at trial, together with pre-judgment interest thereon. 3. 13 14 plaintiff class or members of the general public. 15 16 For restitution of all amounts wrongfully charged to members of the 4. For classwide accounting of all wrongful charges for collect calls from correctional facilities. 17 5. 18 (A) 19 20 refrain from charging persons for collect calls from correctional facilities not accepted or authorized; 21 22 For injunctive relief requiring defendants to: (B) appropriately credit the accounts of all persons wrongfully charged for collect calls from correctional facilities not accepted or authorized; 23 24 25 II II 26 II 27 II 28 10 First Amended Class Action Complaint for Damages 1 2 5. Granting plaintiffs such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper, including an award of attorneys, experts and consultants' fees and costs incurred 3 4 5 in prosecuting this action. DATED: September II, 2002 6 7 8 LAW OFFICES OF EDWARD C. CASEY, JR. EDWARD C. CASEY, JR. (State Bar #123702]) 2100 Lakeshore Avenue, Suite A Oakland, CA 94606 Telephone: (510) 208-4422 Facsimile: (510) 272-9999 9 10 By: ~ 11 {, ~ Edward C. Casey, Jf. :lv, ~~ I LAW OFFICES OF JOHN W. ALLURED John W. Allured (S.B. #84770) One Maritime Plaza, Suite 1040 San Francisco, California 94111 Telephone: (415) 675-2960 12 13 14 15 16 BY:~ hn W. Allured 17 18 FARROW, BRAMSON, BASKIN & PLUTZIK Alan R. Plutzik (S.B. #77785) Robert A. Bramson (S.B. #102006) 2125 Oak Grove Blvd., Suite 120 Walnut Creek, California 94598 Telephone: (510) 945-0200 19 20 21 22 23 Attorneys for Plaintiff, Individually and On Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated 24 25 26 27 28 11 first Amended Class Action Compl.aint for Damages 1 2 3 4 PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL I, Edward C. Casey Jr., declare that I am employed in the City of Oakland, California. My business address is 2100 Lakeshore Avenue, Suite A, Oakland, California 94606. I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and am not a party to the within action. On September 27, 2002, I served the following document: 5 6 7 8 [ENDORSED FILED] FIRST AMENDED CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES A~ameda County Superior Court Case No. 2002054255 on the parties listed below, by placing a true and correct copy thereof addressed as follows: 9 10 11 12 13 Zorah Braithwaite, Esq. BINGHAM McCUTCHEN LLP Three Embarcadero Center San Francisco, California 94111 Walid S. Abdul-Rahim, Esq. PACIFIC TELESIS GROUP LEGAL 140 New Montgomery Street, Room 1019 San Francisco, California 94105 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ( X 1 BY MAIL - I placed each such sealed envelope, with postage thereon fully prepaid for first-class mail, for collection and mailing at Oakland, California, following ordinary business practices, being familiar with the practice of THE LAW OFFICES OF EDWARD C. CASEY JR. for processing correspondence. ( 1 BY FACSIMILE - I caused the said document to be transmitted by Facsimile machine to the number indicated after the address(es) noted above. ( 1 BY PERSONAL SERVICE - I caused each such envelope to be delivered by hand to the addressee(s) noted above. 21 22 23 I declare under penalty of perjupY-9nder the laws of the State of California that the f Dated: September 27, 2002 24 25 26 ) 27 ~/ goi~'is ' true and correct. ~~_ . Edward C. Casey Jr.